Listening English Practice for Beginners with Subtitles| Easily Learn English Listening and Speaking

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english speaking course what do you do for fun [Music] jenny jenny do you wanna build a snowman come on lisa don't you see i'm doing my homework i'm bored jenny you can play with mom i'm really busy mom's going shopping at the moment then you can play alone sometimes i just wonder what you do for fun jenny i'd rather scroll my phone all day long than play toys with you hey that hurt playing with toys makes me happy it doesn't work with me lisa all right hey i'm sorry for having said such things to you that's okay we're sisters can i play with you now sure glad you want to [Music] what else do you do for fun lisa well i ride a bike with my friends in the afternoon how about you i never see you leave your room you can guess oh tell me what do you do for fun there must be something other than scrolling your mobile phone well sometimes i go to the coffee shop to chit chat with my best friends or we can go shopping to buy stuff we want it also relieves stress wow i wish i had money to hang out with friends like you mom will give you some when you grow up a little more are you curious about what mom does for fun i think she will go to the spa with her friends or maybe cooking is her hobby really what makes you think so cause she seems really excited whenever she tries to cook new dishes hmm maybe you're right what about our dad in your opinion what does he do for fun well he likes gardening our garden is full of different flowers because dad waters them every day sometimes i see him playing golf with his colleagues yeah that can be one of his hobbies do you think our family has something similar when talking about hobbies maybe we both enjoyed traveling yeah you're right that's why we always have at least one trip a month i find that quite interesting yeah one of my favorite trips was when we went to vietnam and visited hanoi city you're right what an ancient city i missed the time when we were wandering around hokkien lake which was really romantic totally agree do you know which place we will go next month no idea it depends on our parents decision yeah just wait and see [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi john what are you doing hey um sorry i didn't hear anything i was listening to music is that what you have done all today well you do anything else well i intend to play football with my team wow so that's what you usually do for fun on the weekends not really i have different activities to do each week so what did you do for fun last week i climbed a mountain with my family wow you're so sporty unlike me i just stay at home and read books i also see you reading books at our school library what a book-a-holic yeah you're right is that your grandfather over there well actually he's listening to the radio wow there are still some people using radios today yeah that is one of my grandfather's things to do for fun he often listens to the news on his radio talking about news i usually listen to it with my podcast app on my phone me too but grandfather once said that he hated technology stuff oh that's quite easy to understand yeah i find it interesting that we the youth and our grandparents rarely have anything in common what else do they do for fun [Music] you and i may not like going to the museum but my grands visit it quite regularly they love standing there for hours to observe the art that activity is quite boring to me i'd rather go camping with friends yeah i agree oh i have to go now do you want to watch me play football sure i'll go with you let's go [Music] hey don't forget that i'm going to your house to play video games this weekend oh saturday or sunday saturday bro all right what do you often do for fun on the weekends do you play video games alone no i watch cartoons or play badminton with my dad i only play video games with friends oh i see how about you what do you do for fun me well i just lay on my bed to read comics sometimes i listen to music while sleeping wow you're such a real introvert completely true sports will never be my cup of tea when having free time hey what are you guys talking about we're talking about hobbies rachel by the way what do you do for fun rachel well i just utilize my free time to do as much homework as i can really but homework is not a fun thing to do i don't have anything else to do tom you can try some outdoor activities like going shopping or you can relax by playing board games with friends there are a lot of things to entertain you rachel nah i just don't find them interesting you said that because you've never tried them forget it kim she won't listen to us see you guys later hey we should think about what we do for fun this weekend you mean after we play video games yes i'm gonna stay at your house until 5 pm do you want to go to the cinema staring at screens for too long is a bad idea tom i don't know what else to do and i bet you don't want to play any sports with me yeah you're right how about going for a walk do you really want to yeah i know a beautiful place to watch the sunset wanna join me that's not bad i'll go along with that idea all right oh it it's time to go back to the lessons see ya [Music] do you speak english dialogue one traveling abroad this is tim's first time traveling in paris france he does not know the way to the eiffel tower and he wants to ask someone about it unfortunately tim does not speak french so he has to find someone who can speak english to show him the way uh excuse me do you speak english yeah a little bit what's the problem oh thank god i am so sorry to disturb you but how can i get to the eiffel tower from here oh you're almost there actually you go straight until you see a coffee shop called eiffel then you turn left i'm heading there too by the way do you want me to go with you that would be great thank you so much by the way your english is so good where did you learn it thanks i used to live in the u.s when i was small for about five years so that's why your english sounds so natural no no it's not that good but thank you don't be so humble you are french right if so your pronunciation is pretty impressive yeah i was born and raised here in paris thanks for the compliment living in the u.s did help me a lot with my english pronunciation though i see the best way to learn a language is to live in a country that uses it by the way why did you live in the us when you were small oh my dad had a job there and my family moved with him after the job we moved back to france despite the short time it was really fun and memorable living in the us yeah it is fun living there it has very different attractive points from france oh i can see the tower from here i can go on my own now thank you for spending time with me you are welcome i have to go now it was nice talking to you goodbye [Music] dialogue 2 at a restaurant tim goes to a restaurant in paris but he has difficulty reading the menu he asks a waiter to help him out in english hi sorry do you speak english yes what's the problem sir sorry i have a problem understanding the menu what is this oh that is our coffee shop's special french toast paired with honey and strawberry i see i would like one of that and a black coffee please got that anything else sir i think that's all thank you a lot for your help by the way your english is really good where did you learn it thank you sir i am actually studying english at my university now i'm a third year student and english is my major our shop also has many english speaking customers so i get used to it now no wonder your english is so excellent you must be a very hard-working student well once again thank you for your service you are welcome sir we will bring out your order in a moment dialogue three in a job interview hoa is a freshly graduated vietnamese girl she has a job interview at an international company good morning thank you for coming to our interview today first of all please introduce yourself a little bit hello everyone thank you for giving me a chance to participate in the interview today my name is ola i just graduated from foreign trade university thank you ha as you can see because we are an international company speaking english is a prerequisite skill for our staff therefore we would like to ask you a bit more about your english proficiency can you use english in daily conversations have you taken any english proficiency tests before yes i can use english without much difficulty i have studied english since high school at the university i studied some of the subjects in english as well about english proficiency tests i have taken ielts test last year with an overall score of 6.5 i have attached a copy of the test result in my document i see that's good it seems like you will not have any problems communicating with employees from different countries you are qualified for the next round of interviews we will see you later thank you so much dialogue 4 meeting new friends anna joins an international volunteer activity where she helps at an orphanage in vietnam here she meets many people from different countries today is her first day and she meets the members hi i'm anna i am from the us what about you where are you from do you speak english hi i am rio i'm from japan i can speak a little english nice to meet you hello guys my name is edward my home country is from canada so of course i can speak english pretty well nice to meet you all what a relief that we can all communicate in english this is my first time doing volunteer work abroad so i'm pretty nervous if i can make friends with the members yeah me too by the way ryo your english is so good thanks edward it is actually thanks to working in this volunteer organization i can meet many people from different countries to practice english i see great to hear that seems like you have lots of fun here i do besides working hours members usually talk a lot i have joined this activity for almost 20 years now that's great but did you learn english before joining here yes i did i studied english in my high school but i was not so good at it i could not have a proper conversation at the time but you are doing amazing now what an improvement it is so cool of you to be able to speak two languages i want to learn japanese someday can you teach me yes anytime but i have to warn you that japanese is not easy at all i know anna can join me studying right anna yeah i want to learn japanese too the language sounds so cool it is oh it's eight now let's start working talk to you guys later [Music] hi james is that you wow hi julian long time no see it is great to meet you here how do you do i'm well you look more handsome and much stronger yeah i get more exercise since i graduated you also look much prettier oh thank you i just got older i'm waiting for the subway it is much cheaper than taxis now yeah taxi is more expensive than bus but it is more convenient and much faster are you waiting for subway too i also wait for it to here it comes let's go [Music] where are you living now i have moved to a new apartment in grey street it is smaller and less modern than my old one but is much closer to my workplace how nice it is the greatest thing is to live near the company yes the most important thing is to close distance it could save me a lot of time it is nearly 6 p.m now i am a little hungry do you have come back home now can we have a dinner together okay just a little time because i have to go back home soon to take care of my children okay i see what do you think about mario restaurant mario is the best restaurant in town mario is good they've got good food but it's expensive mcdonald's is cheaper but it is really unhealthy i think hackney restaurant is the best it is the cheapest the healthiest and the most delicious okay there is one near here let's go there [Music] what would you like to order hmm chicken salad barbecue beef and spaghetti please i am on a diet i would like some greek salad and mushroom soup please you eat too little why i am less confident because the people around me say i am getting much fatter since i gave birth i have gained more than 10 kilograms i don't see any trouble you are a mother and your body still looks appealing really you are comforting me aren't you no it's real you know the most important thing is to stop caring what other people say just be yourself and satisfy with what you've got thank you james you are right [Music] how is your english going oh it is much better these days it is easier than before and i know more words and i can speak more confidently it is great i remember you used to say you hate english the most ah yes i was ashamed of my pronunciation let me tell you one joke okay please go ahead my friends laughed at me when i said peace on you into his son now your pronunciations is like a native speaker really i'm glad to hear that james because i practiced as much as possible how many languages can you speak now four spanish english chinese and my mother tongue french amazing which language do you think is the hardest spanish is considered to be more difficult than english but chinese is the most difficult language which language took you the longest time to study chinese i think the hardest part is to memorize and write characters you are more patient than i thought it requires much effort now i can communicate well which helped me a lot in my work you see the most important thing to win any challenge is your determination how is your work are you still working as sales manager for asus company no i quit two years ago why it is one of the most famous companies in the city yes it could pay me the highest salary but it is not my happiness now i am a baker a baker i still remember the cake you made yourself on my birthday it is one of the most delicious cakes i have ever eaten yes i have great passion to make different kinds of cakes and i love making cakes for my beloved ones right money is not the most important the most important thing is to do our dream job and be happy what about you how is your work i am now working for zara company as a designer my sister is a big fan of zara its design is very eye-catching at this company i am always able to be as busy as it be but like you i love my current job can you tell me about your family how many kids have you got i have a two-year-old baby girl she is as cute as a button wow i love children do you have her photo yes i have one on my phone here you are let me see oh how cute she is they are is like two peas yes other people also say that since she was born my life became much more meaningful than ever before what about your husband he is more responsible to the family he shares with me the housework and takes care of the baby well lucky you you have a happy family yes family is the most important thing to me now when will you get married with lucy we intend to at the end of this year she is the most charming woman i have ever met what is she doing now she is working as a journalist she has traveled to many places in the world paris is her most visited city paris is my hometown yes it is the most romantic city in this world i came there in the winter last year and it is one of the most exciting vacations i have ever had yes there are a lot of things that tell about the city paris i love the weather there it is slightly warmer in winter than here in the uk lucy and i will come back there after our marriage yeah you should ah i know that her father is one of the most powerful politicians in this town you're going to be his son-in-law the first time i met him i was a little nervous but he was very much more friendly than i thought he must be kind to you because his daughter is going to belong to you yes you are right i need to take care of her well for the rest of my life great i look forward to your happy wedding [Music] it is getting darker i need to go home to take care of my children and make video call to my parents too they love seeing my baby as well your parents how are they they are getting weaker i keep calling them every night and visit them every weekend wow great habit i don't call my parents very often you should call them more frequently we should show our care as they are getting older and older i often blame for busy work from now on i will do it nothing is more important than family yes caring about others is the most important thing your parents will be very happy to hear from you that's right let's go home and tell them about our interesting stories today thank you for your dinner hope to see you soon let's keep contact bye see you then [Music] i can't wait until the day we go to da lot what should we do there we should make a detailed and careful list couldn't agree more in my opinion we should separate into three sections shopping eating and sightseeing if no one says anything we'd go along with that idea now shall we start with the sightseeing section first which places do you guys think they're worth visiting how about a lot waterfall guys i've never seen a waterfall in my life that's true we should put it on the list how about the other places let's say lavender garden the valley of love and other flower gardens some people said that when going to dalot we should visit a variety of flowers that's a good point don't you think we should not spend so much time visiting flower gardens just write down one garden i'd suggest the lavender one then we can have time going to other attractions you're absolutely right hey you guys may forget the night market oh yes and we can move to the next section of what to eat in the lot the night market would be a perfect place for us to choose what we want to enjoy what should we try here personally the pizza street here is awesome and also the avocado ice cream we'd better try them yeah the soy milk is delicious too wow seems like we have a lot of options okay let's talk about the shopping section what should we buy in dalot i believe that we can buy lots of special souvenirs for our relatives in the lot we have lang farm which is really famous for dalots specialties yeah and winter clothes in the lot is also another good choice for girls i love buying shawls so do i well i think it's enough for today's making list we can discuss the rest tomorrow all right let's start the next lesson then [Music] it's nearly mom's birthday should we do something for her daddy of course i haven't had any ideas yet do you have anything on your mind at the moment i'd say that we should make a birthday cake for her it will be more meaningful than buying one in the cake store won't it yeah i'm not really keen on cooking in fact i'm kind of bad at it also buying ingredients is really expensive oh you're right it is generally accepted that flowers are the best gift for women but that's not the same thing at all daddy i think after the party the flowers won't be fresh like the first day then we have to throw it away after that that's true we should cross out the options cake and flowers i think so too wait ah i know i know [Music] what last week when going to the supermarket with mom i saw she was being impressed by a red dress in a female mall the dress is not expensive but lovely would you like to look at it with me again yes i agree i think it's a brilliant idea maybe your mom will be surprised as we know what she likes at the moment should we buy the birthday cake i think we should buy the small one because i'm not fond of sweet things neither is she okay so let's go [Music] jenny are you there yes what's the matter i need your help i have a date with my boyfriend this afternoon and i'm really bad at preparing things for the first impression oh come on take it easy i'll help you then okay first of all we need an outfit for you that day what do you usually wear when hanging out with friends well let's say jeans and t-shirts are all i have forget it my friend we need a brand new you have you ever worn a dress before yes but only some special occasions with family let me show you my closet then all right this blue checked skirt is really lovely you can wear it with a white crop top well i must take issue with you on that i cannot wear a crop top it would show my fat belly to everyone hmm so how about this dress i love the navy color of the dress well i'm afraid i have to disagree because it's kind of tight to my body i don't prefer sexy types it's hard to choose an item of clothes for you yeah i know okay so let's follow the energetic style then i'd suggest that you wear a polo white shirt with shorts and wear white adidas shoes what do you think i think i'm going to love this style let me try it on [Music] wow you look young and lovely yes thank you for helping me choose this outfit okay so the final step is makeup let me do it for you he would prefer the tender vibe from your face okay done good luck with your first date thank you [Music] welcome home tell me about his feelings when he saw you well he's kind of surprised when i changed my style he said he loved it and i had a really perfect first date with him that's a good thing congrats [Music] what do you think about the japanese food marvelous without a doubt i love sushi but i don't really enjoy the mustard eating with it i don't like it either it's hotter than chili's i suppose yeah how about the vietnamese food i'd say that they are amazing [Music] enjoying vietnamese street foods is like a new experience to me there were a lot of names of dishes that i couldn't remember at all the recent one i ate would be uh do you know it uh yeah i tried once i love the taste of it i'm sorry to disagree with you on that the taste of bonzio to me is kinda awful oh really how about uh bun coat no i would rather enjoy the indian curry then ah i know that dish but once when i went to a restaurant they made the curry so salty that i didn't really enjoy it is that the star restaurant that has just opened exactly yeah the food there also has different tastes from country to country that's different i think their menu isn't very various in terms of global cuisine all right how about the food in the usa well they are famous for fast food right kfc mcdonald's and so on i don't really agree they also serve other dishes and apple pies is a must try do you know it well that is an interesting fact yeah the cuisine around the world is really amazing and different people have different taste you're right [Music] as far as i'm concerned the main cause for water pollution is the amount of waste water which is dumped yearly from factories near local lakes and rivers thus resulting in the ocean pollution what do you guys think i agree with you entirely and i'd like to point out that the factory in our area also dumps a large quantity of chemical wastes into the local lake which leads to the stinky smell and affects the whole neighborhood including my house you guys are right it is considered that the local authority is seriously dealing with this problem i'm not so sure about that ms kim however as a student personally i think we can improve this situation by some practical actions that's just what i was thinking in my experience we should raise awareness of local residents to reduce the amount of trash thrown into the local lakes and rivers on the contrary nobody will know about the current issue that directly harms their environment it is thought that we can even make some posters about protecting the environment and hang them in public places well i must they say that hanging posters in public places is not entirely true the local authority won't let us hang anything publicly we have to think another way hey guys how about making a small documentary film about this problem it's unjustifiable to say that we can have enough budget to make a film sarah what i mean is all we need is just a phone and set up some scenes to show everyone which is considered to be bad behaviors toward the local area it is said that people usually watch a video rather than listening to some speech about the environmental issues so speaking for myself i completely agree with that idea yeah we should discuss more about the film project after this lesson ms kim will you join us of course i'd love to support you guys okay thank you for your listening end your discussion with my presentation about water pollution [Music] long time no see hey guys i'm home mom dad sally anyone home i'm home now hey son hi dad i'm back how are you doing buddy i'm doing great how are your legs were they acting up again the last time i called they were but i've got the pain under control now that's great how about mom and sally your mom's super fine and sally's got into her school spelling bee club wow how can i say excellence runs in our blood well said son let's sit down on the sofa can i give you anything son i think a beer will help like old times like old times it's been a while since the last time we drank with each other son [Music] cheers to father and son bond yeah i couldn't come back home because of the snow storm last year but i'm so glad i i can make it home for this christmas you college boys had so much fun celebrating the holiday in the dorm didn't you yeah we did dad i ate too much pizza and junk food that i couldn't stand smelling them now lord son you're such a fast food kid but look how much you've changed into a grown-up man now i don't dare dream of the day you will walk down the aisle and be a great husband stop it dad you're making me blush by the way i have something to tell you go ahead son you know abby is my best friend right we've been together for some months lord troy you and abby are meant to be your mom and i always knew that it was gonna happen i'm gonna break the news for her at christmas nice move your mom will drown in happiness with that piece of good news actually i'm thinking of asking abby to come over for christmas dinner what do you think dad brilliant son we'd love to meet her with a new role as your girlfriend hey honey i'm home oh my gosh troy why didn't you say anything hi mom i wanted to surprise you ah long time no see troy come give me a hug hey little sally what's up my girl so far so good as usual son we're doing all good but we just missed you so much oh let me take you two cups so we can all cherish this moment awesome cheers wow guys you totally got me i had no idea of course you didn't that's why we called this surprise welcome back party for mike oh you guys have melted my heart buddy don't be cheesy like that don't tease him anymore tom hey mike how do you do yeah no long time no see mike you need to tell us everything about your business trip not so fast guys let's bottom up for our friend mike first come on mike how's new jersey oh the weather there's so mild people are so kind i've worked with one of the most friendly people there cool how's that mike uh the first week settling down in new jersey i got food poisoning because of the street food oh poor you and my apartment was refurbished with a new air system at that time so i couldn't cook that was when my desk mate dylan suggested that i should stay at his house instead he's such an angel my neighbors there were so helpful too new jersey's people deserve every medal for their hospitality and kindness i'm so happy that you had a great time there mike agreed how about your project there we heard that that project has brought a great deal of profits for our company so far yeah i learned a lot from it that's why our boss has decided to give you a promotion mike wow what another surprise for me thank you so much everyone congrats on your new position mike welcome back [Music] kyle i can't wait to see my calm down shaylee you're gonna freak her out by the way what time does her plane land again it said her plane already landed [Music] hey shaylee i'll meet you in less than five minutes oh look it's my she told me that she was going out here real quick yeah that's cool how do i look hey mai is my friend and she's gonna be my friend too come on do i look decent enough okay fine you look handsome enough mr handsome hello long time no see shaylee oh my god my i missed you yeah long time no see let me look at you mai it's two years since we haven't seen each other already you look even prettier with long hair oh thanks that's very sweet of you you must be kyle right hi kyle nice to meet you yeah you got me so happy to meet you mai oh our car is here we should head home i'm feeling like we have a lot to talk about yeah it'll be a long long catch-up for sure indeed mr handsome we need you to take good care of mai's luggage can you do it yes madam that's my pleasure here it is thank you [Music] by the way my how is your family doing they're doing great my parents are in their happy phase of retirement right now and my little sister is doing quite excellently with her study oh that's nice mai how do you feel about the next semester your major is marketing and communication isn't it slow down young man mai's gonna stay with us you'll have plenty of time for chit chatting give my some slack for now it's fine you're such a party pooper shaylee i am not guess who's mad because he can't be impressive enough mean spirited my i'm sorry for my sister's bad manners no worries let's go home guys home sweet home how are you today conversation one morning sun morning pop how are you today you don't seem fine i'm feeling quite under the weather recently but don't worry son i can still work normally i think you should go see a doctor dad your symptoms are quite suspicious you know we're dealing with the virus pandemic right i know you think i meet hundreds of clients every day and one of them can possibly carry the virus but that's impossible because i always wear a face mask nothing's impossible i still think that seeing a doctor is very necessary you've coughed for several days and i'll go to the hospital with you okay son taking care of our health is a [Music] must [Music] tom edison and trevor edison right how are you today i'm feeling a bit better now doctor i'm doing okay and i hope there is nothing too serious going on with my dad oh about his coughs and your concern about virus infection i got the test results for both of you here just tell me doctor tom unfortunately you've got positive with oh no let me finish mr edison you're positive with chickenpox but somehow your immune system prevented the appearance of red spots on your skin that's strange yeah i know and i also prescribed your dad with pills for his coughs you two are safe from the pandemic virus for now but don't forget to keep good hygiene and wear a mask thank you doctor i'll take better care of my health for the sake of community health too stay home and stay strong you two conversation 2. [Music] morning girls how are you today jane you look so sad you are an early bird and never go to work late what happened to you girl i hate this morning so much this morning i just walked my dog to the park as usual but he got panicked by a bee and i had to chase after him for half an hour that's so exhausting poor you jane and i could have made it on time without a car collision on road five yeah i have just read about it on the news no one's got badly injured right that's what i heard there too people are all fine but the collision made it so difficult to move how long did it take you to be out of the traffic jam around 40 minutes i'm feeling this like this day is just not for me why smile jane at least you always have us in your corner so that makes you a lucky duck already second thank you so much girls thanks for asking how i am today so i can tell you to everything i think you girls have just made my day a little bit brighter you're so welcome jane as an old saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed hi laura ted i'm so glad you came of course i don't want to miss your big day you look gorgeous laura thank you ted what's wrong how are you today are you not feeling well is it because you couldn't sleep last night no ted i just don't know what i want anymore laura tell me your concerns andrew is having an affair behind my back i thought he was my significant one but it seems like i'm just a fool no laura you're not you're the most brilliant affectionate girl i've met in my entire life doesn't deserve you at all i'm feeling so empty now ted am i gonna tie the knot with someone who doesn't love me with all of his heart you don't need him laura you know that i'm always loving you laura ted i'm so sorry i can't make up my mind now can you please just leave me alone i'll be outside [Music] do you laura take andrew to be your husband to cherish in friendship and love today tomorrow and for as long as the two of you live i i'm sorry i can't what laura stop kidding babe i'm not andrew i can't marry someone like you we're too different i want to send the sincerest apology to everyone and andrew i wish you the best she's out of her mind now four [Music] did you have any news on ben he was supposed to be here at nine o'clock i didn't it's ten minutes past nine now he must be stuck somewhere why don't we kick the ball rolling now by reviewing what we should do today hey guys i'm so sorry i overslept but i tried the best i could to be here oh thanks you're finally here ben things aren't easy like that ben well how about me buying you two drinks today okay agreed deal all right the drinks are on me then so ben alex and i we're about to talk about how we can have our discussion today any ideas guys our topic is how americans start the conversations i think we can list all the sayings expressions that we often use to say hi to each other yeah i can do it first normally i'll say hi hello or how are you doing for my part how do you do is a common saying to ask others about their current situation i think so too but i guess i can add some more for example i often greet friends by asking what's up or what's shaken bacon pardon you call your friends bacon a kind of meat alex stop being funny it's just an expression yeah when i ask you what's shaken bacon it means how are you today i get it now young people like us are very creative with ways to break the ice sometimes i use how's life or how's life treating you too i agree with you that now we have so many sayings to start a talk oh i think people also ask about weather time or give compliments to others as well you're so right alex i think starting a talk needs efforts flexibility and creativity it depends on who you are talking to and how close you are to them totally on point okay i wrote everything down here i think we're done for our first meeting now good teamwork guys [Music] excuse me is that you rosa you are jessica is that right yes i am jessica i am so surprised to meet you here it has been seven years since we last saw each other yes since we graduated from university i lost your phone number are you free now rosa would you like a cup of coffee that is a great idea i know a very nice cafe it is not far from here do you want to go there okay let's go there [Music] how have you been rosa you have not changed much you are still very young i am quite good i still cannot believe we have not seen each other for seven years time flies so fast what are you doing now i am the sales manager of a fashion company what about you i am a chef accountant i have a five-year-old son are you married yes i have a daughter she is three years you look so sad when you're talking about your family what is the problem rosa it's hard to say jessica i have a lot of troubles with my husband we have arguments every day do you know why well i do not know exactly the reason he often comes home late forgets my birthday even our wedding anniversary do you spend much time talking together not much both of us are busy with work hmm if you don't talk seriously how can you resolve the conflict you should let him know your feelings rosa is it useful jessica no one can be sure but you should give it a try do you think we should go on a trip to warm up our love why not that is a good idea okay jessica i think i will come home and book tickets right now one month later how is everything rosa everything is good jessica our relationship has improved a lot thanks a bunch for your help never mind it i just gave you some advice we have come home after a trip and i have a special gift for you are you free this weekend let me see we can meet on sunday morning are you okay okay see you then jessica goodbye rosa what is the matter with you daisy you always fall asleep even at the lecture i am sleepy all the time emily i do not sleep well at night do you know the reason i do not know emily do you have any health problems i think you should make an appointment with a doctor to see what is happening no i am fine but i often have a cup of coffee in the evening drinking too much coffee is not a good habit daisy recently you have not concentrated on your studies we are in the final year it is very important i know emily but i have to spend time to earn money do you have a part-time job yes i do it in the evening that is why you do not have time to do your homework is that correct yes emily i do not know how to manage time efficiently i'm so worried about my study but i have to earn money too i understand daisy you want to support your family but do you want to fail the final exam of course not what should i do now emily let me see why don't you find another part-time job you can do it in the afternoon i have never thought about that but i have not found a suitable yuan yet well i will help you thank you emily you are my best friend never mind have you found a new part-time job daisy no i have not i think i should quit this job in order to focus on my study i do not want to fail the upcoming exam you are doing great daisy however i have good news for you what is it emily i cannot wait hm i have found a quite interesting part-time job for you you can do it in your free time are you kidding no i'm not kidding at all you can become a coordinator of a fashion magazine what do you think great when is the deadline to apply for the job one more day only what i have to apply now okay i will send information to you right now thanks so much emily never mind it daisy [Music] hey david what are you doing here you look like you're in a hurry hi thomas my phone is broken i brought it here for check what about you i have bought a new mobile phone for my girlfriend today is her birthday it's always so difficult to choose a gift for a girl that is right what is the matter with your mobile phone well i left my phone in the washing machine when i took it out it was broken did you reset it yes but i failed hmm you must have left it in the washing machine for too long i regret that a lot i understand david i have been in the same situation is that so it was sunday i decided to cook breakfast for my girlfriend i thought she would be very surprised but life is not a dream can you tell me what happened i was making an omelette but i came into the living room and watched television then my girlfriend smelled something burning the omelet was ruined what was her reaction she laughed at me i cannot tell you how ashamed i was that is so funny oh it is so late i must go now my girlfriend is waiting for me okay see you later thomas bye david [Music] hi helen and christina hi irene long time no see i have been so busy recently let's sit down and have a talk how have you been irene good but today is an awful day for me what is the matter with you well there were a lot of troubles i set the alarm for 6am but when the clock rang i shut it off when i woke up it was eight o'clock am that means you overslept for two hours i jumped out of my bed and changed my clothes as quickly as possible i did not have time for breakfast i sometimes oversleep too last month i was late for an important meeting can you tell us what happened next i rushed to the meeting and when i came in everyone looked at me i was so embarrassed i guess you look so silly at the time yes i do not want to remember that moment it seems that everyone has bad memories for the alarm when i was at university i missed the midterm exam because my alarm clock did not ring did you have to retake it of course i was so angry that i threw the clock into the waste basket for you my bad things did not end there when i was going to leave my house i could not find my car keys anywhere oh so what did you do i had to take a taxi to my office and when i paid the bill i realized i had forgotten my wallet at home how did you handle that situation hmm i had to call my colleague he helped me make the payment such a bad day for you irene why don't we go out to eat something before coming back home great idea let's change our clothes and go [Music] it's a nice day what are you going to do this morning peter i'm going to the tennis club with some of my friends we have not seen each other for a long time i bet you will stay at home and watch movies it is so boring oh no you are totally wrong i am going to the supermarket to get some food sarah do you want to go with me it will be very interesting yes mom i would love it so let's finish your breakfast first we don't have much time yes mom can we go to the supermarket every weekend mom of course sarah we will have more time together i will help you push the cart [Music] okay you are a good girl sarah [Music] what kind of fruits do you like sarah i like apples they are so sweet i can eat 10 apples a day i like apples too what do you think if we make apple pie this afternoon your dad will like it yes i will eat a lot can i invite a few friends to our house and enjoy apple pie with us i guess they will be very surprised no problem you can invite as many friends as you want why do you buy so many fruits fruits are good for our health because they contain a lot of vitamins today i think i will get some oranges and bananas why do you choose that mommy there are many other fruits on the shelf oranges contain vitamin c which makes us healthier orange juice can make our skin better too oh i see that is why you drink orange juice every morning you want to be more and more beautiful is that true you are right sarah i should have this habit too what about bananas i do not like eating bananas at all do they have anything special bananas are good for your digestive system and your heart that means your body can process food better and your heart is stronger oh i will try some but i am not sure if you do not like bananas we can make banana ice cream or banana cakes i hope you will change your thinking i hope so too besides fruits vegetables are also good for your health but i see that you do not eat much mommy what vegetables are good for our health you should eat various kinds of vegetables for example cabbage cauliflower cucumber tomato pumpkin oh i see we can make cabbage salad it is very delicious great idea it is also healthy do you want to make it by yourself i will show you how to do it really i'm very excited about that you should learn how to cook sarah you will be a mom in the future a super mom like you are you kidding it is the truth i am not kidding at all you are admirable mommy why don't we buy some carrots to make carrot juice i like it very much that is a good idea carrots are good for your eyes because they contain vitamin a but do not drink too much carrot juice your skin may turn yellow i'm sure you do not like that i know mom i am imagining someday i will turn into a huge carrot it is so funny do you know the benefits of cucumbers let me think um cucumbers also help us have better skin i have never seen you put slices of cucumbers on your face that is only one benefit of cucumbers cucumbers contain many important vitamins and minerals including protein and vitamin c especially there is plenty of water inside cucumbers you know water is crucial to your body oh it is so wonderful mom yes baby and when eating cucumbers you should not peel them in order to maximize the amount of nutrients so convenient mom from now on i think i can eat cucumbers every day to soak them in salt water before that of course i am not a child anymore more importantly when buying any kinds of fruits or vegetables you should choose the fresh ones rotten ones are not good for our health i think we bought enough fruits and vegetables what do you like for lunch sarah i like fish mommy great idea fish is very good for your health and i will be more intelligent when eating fish is that right that's right i will make baked fish okay you are number one mom that is daddy's favorite food okay let's go to the seafood section [Music] there are so many kinds of fish here i do not know what to choose i will help you wow such huge crabs can we get some mommy we can have steamed crabs for dinner crabs will provide our bodies with candy which is good for our bones means i will be taller that is true but do not forget to do exercise in the morning you will be taller and stronger do you want to buy canned fish mom oh no canned goods are convenient but they may contain dangerous bacteria and harm our health it is better to buy frozen fish or fresh fish [Music] we will buy chicken and pork mom of course i nearly forgot we will have chicken soup for lunch both chicken and pork are good for our health they provide our bodies with protein we can make fried chicken too okay girl but you should not eat fried foods frequently they contain so much fat i think no girl wants to gain weight yes mom just sometimes [Music] what about drinks mom can i get coca-colas why don't you drink fruit juice instead of coca-colas gas drinks is not good because you may get fat and have diabetes oh getting fat is terrible i will get orange juice instead what about beer for daddy okay daughter your father sometimes drinks a glass of beer at the weekend he does not use it much because it is unhealthy sarah there is not any milk in our fridge we will pick some at a milk section okay mom i like drinking milk in the morning [Music] mommy why do you take so much milk is it discounted oh no darling milk is nutritious and we should drink it every day even your father and i drink a glass of milk per day but you should drink no sugar added milk instead of sweetened milk why mommy no sugar added milk is so pale you know sugar is not good for your health okay i will not drink sweetened milk anymore can i buy chocolate i've not eaten it for a long time okay baby chocolate is good for your brain but eating it too much can make you gain weight do you know that i know mom i will come to the candy section to get just a little a few minutes later sarah comes back with a small box of chocolate [Music] mommy do you like instant noodles it is so delicious every kid likes instant noodles including you however eating much instant noodles is not good you may get some diseases related to hearts or kidneys your body may get hot inside too but i like it mom i will eat instant noodles only once a week i promise let me see sarah do you want me to buy some new clothes you are getting bigger and bigger okay mom we will buy something for daddy i will buy him a new t-shirt i guess he will like it his birthday is next saturday i have tried on so many dresses mommy i am so tired and hungry do you want to eat anything what about fast food i do not recommend you to eat fast food it is oily and contains high calories don't we come home and cook lunch with fresh vegetables and meat they are safer and healthier i will help you mom is there anything to eat emma i am hungry i cannot wait anymore a meal is ready my darling take a rest for a while and we will have lunch together dad do you know who made the salad of course your mom it is me daddy although with mommy's help i'm very surprised and i'm happy to hear that sarah you did a good job [Music] wake up now sarah what time is it it's almost eight o'clock don't you forget that you have an organ rehearsal at 8 30 this morning oh my god i have to be on time hurry up or you will miss the slot to rehearse your performance i have to go now mom when will your performance begin it starts at 3 30 pm mom goodbye [Music] am i late not really your rehearsal will start in about 10 minutes be prepared all right i'm ready okay sarah let's go beautiful sarah i think you will perform very well this afternoon really thank you i feel a little bit worried come on relax everything will be all right do you think i should rehearse one more time sure practice makes perfect i think it's enough for practicing anyway what's the time it's approximately 10 o'clock what should we do now i think we should not go home because the performance starts at 3 30 in the afternoon but it would be better to be here before 3 30 pm in order to make up and change our clothes all right so we better go to the canteen for lunch now sure will tom see your performance this afternoon i'm not so sure about that let me call him hello tom are you free this afternoon hi sarah your performance starts at 3 30 pm right let me see i can't tell you exactly what time i will arrive but i think i can go hope to see you soon i have to go now goodbye sarah if i come i think he will come to see it that's good and do you know what time the hall opens the visitors well the school hall will open 30 minutes before showtime so don't worry good to hear that do you think i'm going to make a mistake lucy no no no you can do it trust me okay okay [Applause] next is the organ performance named river flows in you from sarah harrington [Applause] hello everyone today i will perform with my organ the song named river flows in you i hope you guys enjoy it i'm so proud of you my daughter she's really amazing this hair ethan i believe she can finish this performance smooth me too i didn't think it was so late how long have you been waiting actually she's just started her performance don't worry we have plenty of time all right hello miss harrington hello tom hey my watch is slow can you tell me the time lucy [Music] sure it's 4 30 pm now wow time went by so fast she's just finished i appreciate that you guys have spent time for this event thank you again [Applause] jesus it's time i have to leave i have to pick my baby at 4 30 pm see you again ms harrington see you again ms harrington good job sarah your performance was awesome i think i made a small mistake but that's okay now what should we do to kill time it's so early and i'm free this afternoon me too how about you sarah well my extra math class starts at 7 pm this evening so maybe i still have time to go with you guys should we go to karaoke now for relaxing well the karaoke opens quite late at night around 8 p.m but i have the math class so i think i can't join any suggestions talk ah i remember there will be a 50 discount at kfc in rush hour which means that around 5 p.m 6 p.m today do you guys fancy eating kfc now that would be great yeah i totally agree anyway it takes us 15 minutes to go to kfc we have to go now yes i think it's gonna take more time because five to six is rush hour let's go let's go i can't believe my eyes there are so many people at kfc today yeah because it has a 50 discount event right uh do you know what time it is it's 4 50 p.m now okay thank you very much i think it's late he seems to be in a hurry let's get and enjoy the meal guy it's almost time to go home all right at least we had fun today you're right goodbye mom i have to go to the extra math class now oh i forgot to remind you your teacher has just called me the class will take a day off today as she is sick at the moment oh really all right by the way your performance was amazing today sarah i'm so proud of you thank you mom i just tried my best and your homeroom teacher also texted me a message about your school trip next weekend would you please open the file she's just sent me and read out loud for me the date and the time sure mom let me take the phone all right the school trip to abc zoo will start early in the morning on sunday every student needs to be at school before half past 8 am all right i will prepare the lunch for you to take away thanks mom do you want me to read the whole schedule for you yes please read out loud the school bus will stop at the zoo entrance at 9 30 a.m we can visit the school in a group of four people we will be provided a map to go to each specific area of the animals and there will be a dolphin performance around 10 a.m moreover we will have to prepare the lunch ourselves but we have to gather at the cafeteria at quarter past eleven in the afternoon you can watch the circus performance organized by the zoo when over the performance start this file says it will open for visitors between 2 pm and 3 pm so when will the trip end well we will go back to school at 4 30 in the afternoon can you go to school and pick me up at that time sure no problem thanks mom [Music] i didn't really like the movie did you like it i tried to understand it but i could not yes they used too many slang words the actor's achievements were really great but his accent was terrible you're right [Music] have you ever seen avatar not yet i heard that it is very good it seems that every colleague of mine has seen it but i haven't had time perhaps we should go together every time my colleagues talked about it i can't say anything at all i just keep silent and stand back it's quite embarrassing do you know where it is on the diamond theater may still have it do you have to book in advance yes i think so would you call for a booking sure i will hi jenny what's up andy long time no see how's it going i'm doing well what about you so so let's go somewhere together heard that there's a new theater in the center of town do you want to watch a movie sounds interesting where is it what do you want to watch what's on today hmm let's see titanic what do you think whatever i'm easy okay so we'll watch this what time shall we meet i'll be busy until 4 pm so as long as it's after that is ok the film will be on at 6 00 p.m so let's meet at half past five so you'll have time to go from your class oh i almost forgot i don't know where the theater is can you text me the address sure i'll text you later okay thanks where do you want to meet there's a cafeteria in front of that theater so let's be there before we go and buy tickets okay sure see you then i got to go now okay see you what is the most interesting movie now grown-ups a good choice for fun how much is the ticket a dollar fifty per seat that's alright five tickets please [Music] where are you i'm right in front of the customer services i can't see you there are lots of people here what are you wearing white shirt and black pants oh i think i saw you i'm coming hey ben hi bro still good i'm good how are you fine too it's good that we have a day off so we have time to watch a movie together that's right we haven't watched any since three months ago yeah so what are we gonna watch today i watched the trailer of avatar it seems good what do you think i heard lots of good reviews too let's watch it okay sure so i'll go and buy the tickets i'll wait here do you want some coke and popcorn cup of coke and a pack of popcorn for me please okay how can i help you two tickets for avatar please do you want a coke or a popcorn i'll take two cups of coke and two packs of popcorn anything else sir no thanks that's all twenty dollars in total please here you are thank you here's your bill and tickets please wait a minute and give the bill to the staff there to take your coat and popcorn please okay thanks a lot thank you for choosing our theater hope that you'll enjoy the film see you again let's go the film will be on in a few minutes okay hey sophia ariana oh hi do you have free time now yes i'm doing nothing what's wrong i'm feeling bored so i called you have you finished your homework we have tons of things to do finished that's why i'm free now hey do you want to watch a movie it has been a long time since the last time we watched one okay good idea i also need to release stress i was up to ears with homework last week so what do you want to watch wait a minute i'll check some new movies these days um marvel all of my friends discussed this movie i haven't watched it so i can't join them i want to watch it too it's really famous so i'll call and book in advance in case it runs out of tickets two right can i take my younger sister with me she wants to watch it too she keeps watching the trailer all day with enthusiasm sure the more the merrier so i'll book three tickets for us okay do you want the first row that's good i'll call them and text you the time okay see you then [Music] hello hi how can i help you i would like to book three tickets for marvel please first of all can i have your name please ariana by the way what time does the film start today wait a minute i'll check at seven o'clock is there any other choices the film is also on at eight o'clock but we ran out of tickets at that time four hours ago oh okay i see so i'll take that time seven o'clock i'll note down your information ariana three tickets marvel seven o'clock how long does the film last an hour and a half okay good which row would you like front row please i'm so sorry there are no tickets left in the front row oh really hmm it's okay just pick randomly three standard seats for me please okay sure can i buy a coke and popcorn now we just accept booking tickets through the phone if you want to buy coke and popcorn please come to the theater and order there just before the film starts okay i know how much do those cost fifteen dollars for three tickets please how can i pay for that can you give me your phone number i'll text you the bill along with instructions and you just have to follow those steps sure it's eight four seven seven five nine two eight okay when you come to the theater show the confirmation messages to take your tickets i see i'll remember that that's all thank you for choosing our theater see you soon thank you have a good day don't forget to give us a like thank you and see you again
Channel: English Speaking Course
Views: 116,258
Rating: 4.9094391 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, listening english, learn english listening, english listening practice, learning english listening, learn english by listening, english conversation, learn listening english, listening, listening english practice, listening skills, listening practice, learn english for beginner, listening comprehension, english, listening beginner, english speaking, daily english conversation, improve english listening, learn english conversation, english conversation practice
Id: eP0q0-xGAzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 58sec (6298 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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