Basic English Conversation in 2 Hours for Beginner - Easily Improve Your English Skills

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english speaking course what do you do dialog 1 it is still early and there are not many customers so emma the coffee shop's owner decides to make friends with a foreign girl that comes to her coffee shop every morning hello do you enjoy your coffee yes i do i think this is the best coffee in town the smell is always amazing i'm glad that you enjoy my coffee oh let me introduce myself i am emma the owner of this coffee shop nice to meet you nice to meet you emma i am maki so maki if i am not wrong you are japanese right yes i am my name is a dead giveaway what do you do here in the us though oh i am a university student i came to the us to study abroad i major in biological engineering i see it must be very difficult for you to be far away from home it's okay i get used to it now i have been here for around three years i think before entering university i studied english for a year the language is a little bit tricky for me but that is the only problem besides that i really enjoy living and studying here i'm happy to hear that is it difficult to study your major what is it biological engineering right yes to be honest it is pretty difficult but i enjoy studying it i like spending time in the lab that sounds interesting besides studying do you do any part-time jobs yes i do i work part-time at my university's library as an assistant librarian i love this job because i can borrow an unlimited number of books anytime i see glad that you can have fun here well the guests are coming in i think i have to go now see you again sometime [Music] definitely thank you for the talk [Music] dialogue two hannah introduces tim her best friend to her new housemate jessie [Music] long time no see tim it's good that you are here let me introduce you to my new housemate jesse jesse this is tim my best friend from five years hi tim hannah talks about you all the time you can call me jess what an honor to meet you nice to meet you jess it's a handful to share an apartment with hannah i'm happy that you can live with her no no i really enjoy living with hannah she is such an interesting person yeah of course it's fun living with me and jess is an amazing housemate too she sometimes even cooks for me glad to hear that it's rare to have someone that can get along with hannah by the way jess what do you do for a living oh i work as a freelancer i don't have to go to the office at nine in the morning or anything and i can take days off anytime i like the only downside is that my income is not really stable and sometimes there is too much work but i love doing things at my own pace so it's all good that's so cool what exactly do you do though like what kind of fields do you work in oh i help my clients design their company's websites sometimes i do video editing too i see so you are a person with creative talent i think my company might need help with the website as well can i contact you someday yes i'm more than willing to help seems like you guys get along quite well huh well i'm hungry now let's go get something to eat okay let's go because i am a gentleman it's my treat that's my best friend thank you tim [Music] dialogue three charlie meets her boyfriend thomas his parents for the first time and she is asked some questions about herself welcome to the family charlie thomas cannot stop talking about you come on in kids thank you for your warm welcome mr and mrs shelby mom dad you have not said hi to me yet oh thomas don't make a fuss about it we have a special guest today take a seat in the meantime i will go get our dinner ready i was just joking well let me officially introduce my girlfriend charlie charlie this is my dad and my mom just went in the kitchen we are very glad to meet you charlie so charlie tell us a bit about yourself what do you do oh i work in the same company as thomas but in a different department i am in the human resources department oh yeah and i work in the marketing department we met at the company's year-end party last year i've told you about that right dad yeah you've told me about when you two first met is it exhausting to work in that company charlie thomas always complains to us about how much work he has oh not really mr shelby probably the marketing department has more work to do i only need to scan the cvs from our company's candidates and do some side jobs guys dinner's ready okay let's go enjoy my wife's food and we can continue our talk on the dinner table [Music] dialogue four marie and jackson meet each other for the first time for their blind date uh hi you are marie right yes and you must be jackson yes i am jackson nice to meet you did i make you wait no don't worry not at all i'm only earlier than you by like five minutes oh glad to hear that i don't want to leave a bad first impression so jackson is this your first blind date yes it's my first time i'm a bit nervous same i hope we will have fun tonight of course we will so marie tell me a bit about yourself what do you do oh i love fashion can you guess what kind of job i do are you a fashion designer [Music] not really but that's a good guess i am actually a store manager for a clothing line for women that is so cool no wonder you look amazing thanks for your compliment you look nice too jackson what about you what do you do oh i am a software specialist i am currently working for an i.t company from germany do you have to travel a lot i have business trips twice a year not too many i would say i like traveling though me too [Music] do you have free time dialogue one hi mary what are you doing are you preparing for the classes presentation good morning john oh yeah i'm making the slides for it have you finished with your part oh yeah i finished it last night i think my part was quite easy do you think we need a rehearsal before the presentation day yeah definitely because our presentation is on friday let's meet on thursday afternoon at the library to practice roger that by the way do you want to hang out after the presentation is done oh sounds interesting what do you have in mind i don't know what do you want to do am thinking about going to the cinema or shopping mall oh nice i want to go shopping let's go to the shopping mall we can even eat lunch there great so is this weekend okay i think i will be busy on saturday my parents and i will visit my grandparents for the whole day i'm good with sunday though how about you oh i am free both on saturday and sunday so of course i'm fine with that so see you at 9 a.m on this sunday then yes okay perfect i will come and pick you up text me your address tonight okay thank you john also don't forget we will need to practice for our presentation on thursday i won't i'm going to my class now bye bye john see [Music] you dialogue too [Music] tim hi sam what's up andy how was the test it was so difficult i could barely understand it even though i studied last night what about you guys oh i think i did okay it was difficult for me though but i'm not surprised because i'm not good at math anyway well at least our exam is over right now we have more free time do you guys want to go somewhere oh let's go on a picnic i've never gone on a picnic before oh good idea the weather now is perfect for being outside we can go have a picnic at the park near my neighborhood oh yeah i like spending time outdoors too i spent too much time in my house studying for exams now i need fresh air great but now we need to decide on a day though we will have a week break starting next monday i think i will be free for the whole week except for the weekends our family has a two day one night trip when are you guys free let me see i have to babysit my niece every wednesday and friday afternoons we will go on a picnic for the whole day right from late morning to afternoon yeah i think so i see if so then i will be free for the whole week except for wednesday and friday okay so we have monday tuesday and thursday left i think i don't have any plans for next week yet so it depends on you guys let's go with monday then i want to go as soon as possible bye and by me i'm good too great monday it is then where do you want to meet up first my place yeah because the park is near your neighborhood we can go to your house then walk there tim you remember andy's address yeah i do i think it's a good idea to go to andy's house first great so let's meet at 9 30 a.m at my place first got that by the way do you guys want to go shopping to buy some food on sunday oh yeah we need to prepare some food can we go in the afternoon i will be busy sunday morning yeah i'm fine with that let's meet this saturday afternoon to go to the supermarket together okay yay i can't wait me too so excited [Music] dialogue three [Music] hi katie are you busy no not really i was just scrolling through my instagram what's wrong can you help me with my math homework it's so difficult that i don't think i can do it by myself oh of course i will great thank you so much can i go to your house so we can do our homework together yeah i would love that you can come over for dinner then we can study together great which day will be okay for you i will go to my aunt's place on wednesday evening besides that any day is fine oh i see can i come over on thursday then yeah i have no problem with that nice but will your parents be okay with having a friend over for dinner don't be silly my parents are more than happy to welcome you good to hear that okay so we all agreed on thursday evening do you want to walk home together after class is over yes please i don't know your address so i think i need to go with you great see you on tuesday then see you dialog 4. guys is there anyone free on this sunday from around 7pm good morning jackson hey jackson you seem excited what's the event i have two tickets for a rock concert with many artists some of them are my favorite so i really want to go i need another person to go with me though can you go evan sorry i have something else to do on that day it's our family's monthly gathering so i cannot miss it i really want to go though oh man what a shame what about you steve do you want to go oh i think i can go i'm totally free on that day i want to go to a concert too i've never been to one before perfect i guarantee you a good time this sunday do you want me to pick you up yes please so 7 p.m right the concert will start at 7 pm so i'll pick you up around 6 pm is that all right oh got it i'm okay with that see you this sunday 6 p.m see you [Music] what did you do yesterday [Music] hi sam you you're early good morning tim i'm not that earlier than you actually just arrived here like 10 minutes ago have you ordered yeah i got my usual black coffee and a slice of banana cake what did you get oh it's a latte great choice thanks by the way have you finished that project in our class which one are you talking about oh the one where we have to do a presentation oh that one nah unfortunately i have not made any progress since the last class really but you have the whole weekend right what did you do actually i had a two day one night trip with my family therefore both my saturday and sunday were occupied i see but that sounds fun though where did you and your family go on the trip we went to my aunt's farm it was such a lovely trip i got to do a lot of things i could also meet my aunt and cute nieces after such a long time probably since last christmas that's great i've never been to a farm before what did you do there a lot of things i saw many kinds of domestic animals obviously you can see cats and dogs every day here in the city right on my aunt's farm i was able to see ducks chickens pigs and cows i even got to feed them myself you know what my aunt even has a horse now she bought him last year i was taught to ride the horse but i could not do it at all the horse was cute though he even let me pet his head that is so cool i've never ridden a horse before i also harvested some strawberries with my aunt as well i bring you some fresh strawberries here take it it's really good and totally different from the ones you buy at supermarkets thank you so much did you eat the strawberries at the farm like right after you picked them from the trees yeah duh it was the most fun part apparently i had to wash them first before eating but it didn't affect the fun at all thank you for the strawberries again i will bring them home and show my mom this she loves fruits and so she's definitely gonna love this by the way what about the meals on the farm were they good they were simple but still good all the vegetables were fresh from the garden my aunt also made some pudding from the milk of her own farm it was such a great experience ah now i'm jealous i think i will tell my mom to find us a farm trip to go you can visit my aunt's farm i think she will be more than happy to have you as a guest she knows that you are my best friend after all really thank you then let's go together uh on summer break sure what about you tim have you finished the project yet not really i still have like 20 of the work left i spent all of my saturday work researching for it what about sunday what did you do on sunday oh on sunday i hung out with my younger brother i had promised to hang out with him oh that sounds like lots of fun what did you guys do we went to the new mall in town you know what the diamond shopping mall oh i know it but i haven't been there before how was it it looked really nice and it was huge there were so many shops the food court has great variety too what did you guys do there we went to a shoe store and i bought my brother a pair of sneakers you're also looking for a new pair of shoes right you can check that store out it's super big and the store has some new collections i think you will like them yeah thanks i think i will go there someday what did you do after buying shoes we went shopping for some new clothes as well after that we had lunch at the food court there was a japanese food stall it was really cheap and good the selection was not a lot though that's cool i have not eaten japanese food for so long oh i forgot to mention there was a game arcade and a cinema inside the mall as well we did not see any movies as i didn't see anything interesting we spent hours in the arcade though it was so much fun my brother loved it too that was sounds awesome hey let's hang out there next weekend i want to visit the game arcade too well i can't say no to that i definitely want to visit that mall again we can go see a movie in the morning eat something and then go to the game arcade there is a vr machine game where you can kill zombies it is really awesome tim i swear you must play with me that one yes i would love that oh it's almost time i have to go to class now do you want to have lunch later together yeah sure i think i have to go too see you later at the cafeteria bye see ya [Music] i have news dialogue one [Music] hey honey i'm home oh dave finally you're here why didn't you answer my calls where have you been i'm sorry i put my phone on silent mode so i was unaware of your calling not a second time babe oh you look like you're ready to drop you should take a shower while i whip something really quick thanks honey i nearly died on my feet [Music] what are we having for dinner honey i smell something really good nothing fancy babe we've got bacon mac and cheese roasted brussels and prawns and some leftover chicken wings oh that looks incredible thank you for making dinner i'm starving let's dig in how was your day babe it was one of the worst days of my life honey first i got stuck in the traffic jams and was late for work then i had to redo a financial report because of several silly calculation errors after that i got into a quarrel with a stranger as he accidentally spilled some coffee on my suit on the street later i had to get home by bus what a tough day for my man wait why did you get home by bus where is your car is it broken oh honey i was about to tell you i have some bad news go ahead please don't be mad at me honey it was seized away while i was trying to fix the coffee stains in a laundry shop what did you park illegally again this is not the first time dave you know how much it does cost to get your car out of the impound honey i'm sorry i didn't know removing the stains would take that long of a time and all available parking lots were busy at the time i had no other choices i don't want to hear any excuses from now on i'm so sorry honey i will take the car back tomorrow by any chance i know where it is located so i'm going there to finish all the paperwork and pay the fees yeah the best way to get it back is to call ahead of time the more time it's in the impound lot the higher the charges we have to pay okay honey promise me that you will never break the law again babe i promise honey dialogue too [Music] mary wake up it's 10 a.m you missed the morning class didn't you oh what's wrong with my alarm i didn't hear it ring it did but you turned it off why didn't you wake me up i was in a hurry that time and thought that you were about to get up why did you stay up so late last night i have good news lucy couldn't tell you as you were asleep last night what is it tell me i can't wait i was chatting with tim as usual and he asked me out oh my god you rock girl you've been having a crush on him for so long yeah no need to say how over the moon i was but right after that i realized i have nothing to wear then i spent all night online finding the outfit for the date have you found it no i haven't do you want to take a look at my wardrobe there are some items that may be useful really sure who want to attract tim with his black satin halter i love the material of this dress where did you get it from i got it from a shop called girl look on amazon but it's a little bit too much you know it's it's just our first date well how about this gorgeous blue pastel dress i think it well matches your tan skin oh this one is wonderful i love the color i hope it's going to fit you as we share the same clothing size hey why don't you put it on okay what do you think lucy i think this dress looks perfect for you tim will definitely fall for you thanks a lot lucy i didn't know what to do if it weren't for your help don't mention it when will be your date tim is going to pick me up at 2 pm this afternoon what it's almost 1 30 mary you better get yourself ready now oh my god taking shower doing hair and makeup i'm gonna be late speed up girl [Music] dialog 3 [Music] good morning son did you sleep well good morning mom and dad yes i did how about you we did too what do you want for pancakes or scrambled eggs pancakes please here you go darling thanks mom we have good news for you son this is a present for your excellent performance at school last semester omg what is it dad guess jimmy it is a thing that you've longed for is it a ps3 nope airpods or a new skateboard you know there are a thousand things on my wish list please tell me okay son we are going to adopt a puppy yes i knew it finally i can have a pet thank you mom and dad you're welcome son i'm gonna train my puppy to sit turn around and teach it some tricks what should i call it bo shasha riley when will we bring it home take it easy son before talking about that you need to know something yes dad raising an animal is not fun and easy you need to take good care of it especially in the first few weeks it's just like your baby sibling you'll have to feed it and do the cleaning for it what's more take it out for a walk on a regular basis can you do it don't worry mom and dad i will take good care of it trust me can i see its picture is the puppy he or she he we don't have his picture here but you're gonna meet him tomorrow anyway oh wait how about his name you will come up with the name right away when you see him jimmy can you go with dad this afternoon to buy some stuff for the puppy sure mom [Music] how can i help you dialogue one [Music] good morning miss welcome to the fit your style here's your shopping basket i'm susan it would be my pleasure if you need any help hello actually i come here to return the jacket that i bought on the store's website i reckon our manager can help you with this he is coming in a minute please wait okay good morning ladies good morning tim here we have a customer who wants to give back her shopping items would you help her please yes i would love to satisfy our customers good morning i'm tim the manager of fit your style how can i help you hi tim i'm linda i wonder whether i can have a refund for this jacket or not first could you show me the bill for this item please oh i didn't bring it with me but i bought it online is it okay if i show you the shopping history on my phone that's wonderful linda that helps a lot here it is yes i've seen it the jacket was delivered to you three days ago so it's quite new isn't it what's your problem with it i picked it in the wrong size with my body i can hardly move when wearing it what's more it's pink color also darkens my skin i deeply understand that however due to the store policies we can only give you a refund within two days after your purchase yet we would like to offer you a return the jacket and choose any products in the store which has the lower price with it how do you think about this idea that would be great though yes i'm sure that you are not going to have any problems with your chosen product as you're free to put them on before buying by the way susan's talented at styling so she could be your helpful assistant right susan yeah i would love to help you linda that's a great idea thanks a lot it's my pleasure i'll take you to the female clothing section this way please [Music] dialogue too [Music] good afternoon this is garden dental clinic how can i help you hi i'm having a severe toothache i would like to make an appointment with dr smith my dentist please i'm sorry to say that he's on his business trip until the end of next week do you want to wait for him or make an appointment with another dentist i wish that i could wait but my tooth hurts so bad that i need to get rid of that pain as soon as possible what are my choices we have dr white dr williams and dr johnson who are all specialized in dental planting and surgeries doctor's white schedule this week is almost full so i suggest you choose dr william or dr johnson dr johnson please i was once being treated by him i want to make my appointment on tuesday at 10 am his schedule is full on tuesday morning can you make it in the afternoon 2 p.m yes that time works for me too that's great can i have your full name and your patient number please tom miller m-i-l-l-e-r and my patient number is 097 n23 got it i confirm the appointment for tom miller whose patient number is 097n23 at 2pm tuesday afternoon with dr johnson is all the information correct yes it's all right thank you you're welcome see you at the clinic goodbye [Music] dialogue three [Music] i'm home mom where are you hi sweetie i'm in the kitchen oh i'm so thirsty where is my kokomo you shouldn't drink it drink orange juice instead i just freshly made it a few minutes ago how was your day at school sweetie it was not bad i got an a for spanish but didn't do so well in the physics exam i don't think i could get a b it's okay sweetie the next test will be better if you spend more time learning it thanks mom i will try harder what are we having for dinner it smells so good wellington beef in your favorite black forest cake for dessert yay i love it but i'm afraid that i could not finish the dinner by seven o'clock there's so many ingredients that need to be prepared everything must be done when grandma and aunt holly get here i don't want them to have to wait because they have to spend five hours driving from florida oh right i forgot that grandma and aunt holly will come for dinner tonight it's not polite at all if we make them wait what time is it sweetie it's almost 6 pm mom do you need a helping hand i could help with the washing and table setting i will do anything you ask for as long as it's not cooking thanks sweetie that means a lot don't mention it mom i would love to help you make an unforgettable family reunion dinner oh i'm so relieved as dad just texted me that he will come home in 15 minutes to help do you want to help me with the salad it's a simple task i bet you can handle it sure i do but how can i help you you just need to chop up tomatoes lettuce avocados and cucumbers then put them in a big bowl and mix with balsamic vinegar got it don't forget to wash your hands before doing it sweetie okay and be careful with the knife you may cut yourself mom i know what to do you also have to be gentle with the avocados they're easily smashed mom i just said that i know okay easy girl [Music] what was your first job dialogue one [Music] hey uh you are jackson the newcomer right hello you are i'm james i'm from your department too hello james nice to meet you how is everything so far good yes i just read through some documentaries this morning everything is good so far jackson you graduated from university right yes i just graduated last august so is this your first time working no not really i actually have worked before this is my second job oh really what was your first job it was not an office job like this one i worked part-time at mcdonald's when i was in my second year of university that's great what did you do there exactly my job was mainly working as a cashier i took orders for customers collected payments and took care of the cash registers at the end of my shift i always had to balance the cash registers double checking all the payments that sounds a lot more difficult than i expected i've always thought that being a cashier all you've got to do is taking orders and taking the money no it's not as simple as that but i've learned a lot from the job especially the customer service skills i think i got better talking to people thanks to the job for how long did you work there i only worked there for around a year i quit when my study at school started being more hectic i see you are such a hard working person no no i'm not that hard working many students have part-time jobs now what about you did you start working here right after graduating like me oh me this is my second company after graduating what was your first company then i worked for a pharmacutical company wow you know how to make medicines and stuff no it's not like that i worked in the department of sales as well i see why did you leave the company i thought that the salary was not enough to compensate for the amount of work i had to work overtime a lot besides selling medicines was not too enjoyable so i decided to switch things up for how long did you work there i think around two years yeah and now with this company it's the fifth year already i really like working here glad to hear that i felt like i have made the right decision you definitely did well it's time to go back see you bye [Music] dialogue 2. [Music] hey jane what are you doing nothing much there's no customers yet so i'm pretty bored now you are done with the preparation in the kitchen yeah all things are set up i'm pretty bored now too want to talk yeah sure great oh i'm pretty curious have you ever had a part-time job before because i see that even you are new here you didn't need much training as others oh yeah i've worked as a cashier for a restaurant before so i know all the basics oh really was your old job much different from this one yeah i think it was pretty different when i worked as a cashier at a restaurant i only needed to take care of the cash register taking orders was the job of the waiters but at this shop i have to do both so it was a bit difficult for me at first but you have gotten used to it by now right of course that's great why did you leave your old place though actually there was nothing to complain about in my old workplace the payment was good and my old co-workers were super nice as well but suddenly i had to move and the new apartment was a bit too far so i quit oh then you found this job yeah i just want to work at places near my house luckily i found this burger shop working here is pretty nice though it's more tiring to be honest i see but don't worry i will help you whenever i can really you are so kind justin thank you oh a guest right i have to get back to work now talk to you later later jane [Music] dialog three [Music] hello i'm coming for an interview for the part-time barista position here uh you must be tim right have a seat please and can i have your resume thank you here it is i'm jason the owner of this coffee shop and i will be the one to interview you today how are you today tim i'm great thank you excellent can you introduce yourself a little bit my name is tim mclean and i am currently a student at the new tech university thank you tim now i have some questions for you first of all have you had a part-time job before yes i had a part-time job before i used to be a private tutor for about a year okay i see what were your tasks back then i taught a 10 year old kid math and i helped him with his assignments i see then why did you quit though the salary was good i decided to stop as the place was a bit far and my shift always ended pretty late at night it was a bit dangerous i understand why do you want to work with us now first of all this coffee shop is pretty near my place i only need to walk 10 minutes to get here so i have no problems working at any time of the day second of all i really like this coffee shop because of its atmosphere thank you for loving our small coffee shop are you familiar with making coffee i always make myself a cup of coffee in the morning but i don't know much about the coffee machines i understand firstly can you tell me a bit about your schedule when can you work i'm free every evening so i can work the evening shift in the morning because i have class so i can only work during weekends i see okay so that's it from me do you have any questions yes i do when can i know if i am hired i will call you tomorrow so please watch out for any calls coming i got it then i don't have any questions left thank you me too thank you for coming [Music] suggestions dialogue one [Music] finally the exams week has ended yes we can relax from now on we have a week off don't we do you think we should hang out with each other that would be great where should we go shopping again jenny we went shopping last week didn't you remember and we wasted our money on a lot of silly girly stuff you're right maybe we need something new do you want to go climbing you know i'm not really sporty lisa and i don't like sports i'm kidding it's fun anyway you should try it sometime is there anything else on your mind i'm thinking about a new theme park which has just opened last week that sounds great but what can we do with a theme park what about trying some thrilling games there like roller coasters or ghost houses [Music] sorry but i'm not quite keen on those kinds of games oh really that's fine do you have any suggestions i don't know but i'd love to do something with water water why don't we go to the water park that's a good idea i can enjoy swimming and you can try water games there which water games does it have hmm let me see you should enjoy another version of the roller coaster called water slides they also have artificial seas so you'd better try surfing here as well marvelous let me check the time they open and close oh no what's wrong look they are under maintenance at the moment and will not open again until next month oh my god that's okay jenny we can try something else shall we go to the zoo hmm i thought you wanted to do something more exciting than seeing animals well actually there will be a dolphin performance there on the weekend and we can have a chance to feed or do funny activities with those dolphins after their show really fantastic yeah i know and i also want to experience it so should we go to the zoo on saturday or sunday sunday would be better we can go until the afternoon you're right i'm so excited dialogue too [Music] tom tom hey you're getting addicted to mobile phones aren't you it's the weekend mom but you've been continuously staring at the screen for three hours um what else should i do now i'm so bored why don't you go watch the football match just like last week the match is postponed until next sunday mom oh i see but it's not good to scroll on your phone for a long time can you suggest anything to me i just don't want to go outside in this hot weather i've read the newspaper recently and it recommends playing chess or any kind of board game when you're at home moreover you can exercise with yoga it's good for your health tom but we need more than one participant to play those games you've mentioned and yoga is definitely not my cup of tea mom um i think we might go on a picnic in the afternoon tom what do you think where should we go on such a scorching hot day mom well i know a place with a lot of trees i think we could be harmonious with nature once it's not really hot like you think where is that place mom is it in the forest well not really but i bet you will love it all right which clothes should i wear for this afternoon mom i suggest t-shirts and shorts i think it's a good idea mom they're suitable in this weather oh there's also a lake which is safe for swimming would you like to bring your swimsuit as well i think i will mom it would be great to swim on a hot day how about bringing some foods for supper tom i'd go along with that idea can we bring some fruits and cookies mom sure i will prepare for us i feel energetic back mom i will get ready for the trip this afternoon glad you like it dialogue three [Music] i'm so bored what's the matter john i have to deal with more than three documents yeah me too i just feel so exhausted do you have any suggestions to do after work well for me i just go home as quickly as i can all i want is to lay on my bed after a hard working day i see what about you i intend to do something this week do you want to join me wow i'm listening let's take a day off after we have finished this project great idea what should we do on that day are you an introvert or an extrovert why do you need to know well it might help me decide which activities we should enjoy on that day oh i got it but i just don't know what type of person i am maybe i'd prefer not to do something with a lot of people like a party for example how about nature what do you want to enjoy some activities with nature that would be great will we go hunting or something not really would you love to go fishing near the forest with me wow i've never tried it before but it seems like i'm not going to attend a crowd aren't i of course this activity is suitable for people like you and me we prefer something peaceful and alone i guess you got me bro great so after the fishing should we cook every fish that we catch that's okay why not bring a few of them for our families or relatives definitely we can even sell them but i think it'd be better to grill them and eat near the place we go fishing that's exactly what's on my mind fantastic what else should we do after that well how about we camp overnight oh i'm quite scared when i have to live in the dark so that's okay that idea is not really suitable anyway guess we should get back to work shouldn't we yeah talk to you later [Music] chatting in the workplace dialogue one [Music] good morning guys sorry am i late no not really have a seat we will start discussing soon okay guys so as said before we will have to organize a christmas party for our company and it will be on next week's friday so we will have a week to prepare right okay great then it will be all right where should we organize the party at our company's building or should we rent a restaurant how much do we have in our budget i think we have around a thousand dollars but it's best to spend it wisely i see how many people will come to the party i think around 50 people including the directors with our budget i think we should have the party at this building yeah i think renting a place would be a bit expensive as well but how can we have a party at our company do we have enough space oh remember that we have a huge conference room oh yes but there are many furniture and equipment inside what about my place i have an apartment in the suburbs that is pretty large good idea we can do that so the place will be lucy's suburb apartment right yes what about the food because we don't have to spend money on renting a place we have all one thousand dollars for the food so i think we can order something as long as it is under 20 a person wait lucy we have to buy some decorations as well oh right i forgot about that i think we might have to spend around 100 for decorations so the food expense of around 18 per person would be fine we can order pizza everybody loves pizza and it's cheap too perfect yeah let's go with pizza what do you think james i think it's a good idea for 50 people we can buy 10 big pizzas we can also buy some beers and soft drinks as well it will be a fun and casual party yes and we can encourage people to bring their own cooking if they feel like sharing as well yeah that will be fun so our party will be a pizza night at my place i will take care of cleaning up and decorating the room anna will take care of the food and james will invite people is everyone okay with that plan i'm okay me too [Music] too [Music] hey john can i sit with you yeah sure have a set how's the company so far it was as i expected everyone's nice too yeah one thing i love about this company is that everyone's nice the job will get tougher and tougher though are you that busy with your current position yeah sometimes i have to stay at the company after working hours to finish my work occasionally i have to bring work home during the weekends as well luckily i love my job so i don't have any problem with that but if you don't like working that much it will be a bit harsh oh really but you still get paid for all the overtime work right yes of course or else i will never do it oh then it's not too bad i think john can i ask you a question of course how was it when you first came to the company how was your job during that time oh there was little work so little that it was almost boring for me at first all you have to do is to proofread documents do some printing and simply prepare for meetings eventually you will get more important and difficult jobs did you receive a lot of guidance from other seniors of course especially from our manager she's the best boss that you could ever ask for have you met her mrs green yes i met her this morning she's really lovely yes she is i believe you can learn a lot from her that's a relief i really hate working with a terrible boss i'm glad that she's a good mentor yeah you can also ask for help from other people as well everyone's always willing to help what i love about this company is that everyone here is so nice they're more like friends to me glad to hear that well don't worry too much things will be fine i will go take a short nap now see you later thank you for the talk see you later dialogue three [Music] hey jack i saw you headed out this morning a new deal yeah it was and a pretty big one as well how was it it went well actually but the client hasn't signed yet we only discuss different price packages today the response was positive though that's great news this is your second big deal of this month right yeah it is but i don't want to be too confident about this one yet it's only halfway done anyways wow seems like you will lead the sales team this month again you're doing well yourself too how was the deal with mr park from s corporation i'm glad you asked he called me this morning and said that he wanted the most expensive package for his company we will have a meeting this wednesday congratulations that deal is amazing thank you but i am also nervous this is the first time i have such a big client i cannot mess it up don't worry i think you will handle this just fine moreover because this is a big client i think our manager mr hank will help you as well really then that's great yeah just keep doing your best by the way do you want to head out for lunch my treat this time we will celebrate your first big client yay you are the best jack let's go [Music] school activities [Music] good morning everyone good morning teacher sit down please today we are going to learn about marine life open your book to page 56 please alison can you stand up and read out loud for the class and me page 56 please yes teacher thank you sit down please you guys have listened to allison's reading about the life of the fish now look at the questions on the next page and answer the questions on the top of the page please write your own answers next to the questions i'll give you five minutes to prepare okay time's up now can anyone tell me how the fish breathe under the water they breathe with their gills teacher very good but next time please put your hand up if you want to give an answer okay yes sir so does anyone have any questions about the lesson today me me all right any questions tom can fish smell teacher yes tom a fish's nose is made up of two openings on the head i will show you guys the body of a fish in the next lesson wow i'm so excited quiet please don't talk in the middle of class remember to show your respect for every teacher at school okay yes sir all right we will have a small exercise to test your knowledge about this lesson let's work in pairs and discuss the marine environment in your area i'll give you guys 10 minutes start now all right so that is your homework today okay discuss with the person next to you and give me the answers on wednesday goodbye teacher thank you see you later goodbye class [Music] it's time you worked on the computer children please turn on your computer screen now i want you guys to work in a group of four people let's create a presentation on the program called google slides before that you guys can create a group on messenger to communicate with each other through messages cooperate with the partners of your team to discover the function of the google slides and try to make a demo presentation what's wrong i don't know where to start all right you can go to the website called youtube and type google slides for beginners for more information thank you teacher you're welcome [Music] all right class today we are going to learn how to draw an animal first let me teach you about the body proportions of an animal teacher can i paint this tiger pink well it's up to you you can color your painting in with different colors but remember to make it harmonious yes teacher all right after finishing painting please cut your paper into a smaller size then use the glue to stick your result on the wall okay yes teacher yes teacher don't forget to wash your hands before entering the next class yes teacher [Music] [Music] line up children today we are going to discover yoga exercises for the beginners now i need four boys to prepare the mats for me sit on the mats please now sit in a big circle and each of you do a different yoga pose well done although some of you are still weak overall you guys have tried your best [Music] all right it's recess time goodbye class goodbye teacher do you want to go to the canteen with me sure do you know what time the break time ends well we can take a rest in about 15 minutes does your mom usually make lunch for you or do you often buy at the canteen let's see both when my mom has more free time she will make for me or else i have to buy it myself luckily the food here is delicious yeah i agree what do you think i should eat for today i've heard that burgers here is the best seller great i'll choose a burger then me too and should we buy any drinks i think coffee and orange juice can boost our energy i'll go with orange juice i'll choose coffee i just drink orange juice yesterday i'll buy some snacks as well can you share with me of course [Music] all right it's time to pack away your books anyone who is assigned to tidy up the class today please finish your task before going home now goodbye class goodbye teacher goodbye teacher what should we do first sarah alright you clean the board and i will clean the floor is that okay okay will you help me arrange the desks in our class sure let's do it together we finished yay let's go home now [Music] you guys can have free time now goodbye class goodbye teacher i want to go to the toilet now i have to practice singing with my club sorry i'm late that's okay everyone's just started we have to work together to win the music competition next weekend all right let's practice well done you guys we've just tried our best i believe we can win this competition [Music] fighting quiet please we are here today for your biology report about different creatures that appear in our school garden now i want you to gather in a group of three people you guys should use teamwork in order to work on your report remember that this report is used for three people do not separate it into three reports okay all right we should delegate each task specifically yeah i think i can do the photographing i'm really fond of pictures and about trees and animals that's great how about note-taking and presenting the report in front of the class i think i'm really good at public speaking let me handle the presentation task all right i will write the report then let's get started wow look at this creature whenever i touch it it's shy yeah we called it the shame plant aka mimosa paducah so interesting hey guys i've just collected different colors of leaves from trees here we have green red yellow and brown should we write in our report about the timeline of a leaf based on these leaves wow that's a great idea totally agree [Music] family dialogue one tim is at his friend peter's house he is looking at the family portrait of peter's family tim gets curious and he asks some questions wow is this your family's portrait yes it is can you find me in the photo this is you right much cuter than you now ah yes but i am much more handsome now still not as handsome as me anyways who is this kid standing next to you your younger brother no that is my younger sister actually she used to have short hair like boys how old is your sister now she is 13 years old now i see then the one on your right must be your older brother yes he is four years older than me oh then he has already graduated hasn't he yeah he has what does he do for a living though now he works as an engineer that is so cool what about your mother how old is she now she is 51. she used to be an accountant she is retired now is your father also retired oh no he is still working he is a high school teacher that's great what does he teach he is an english teacher that's great can he help me with my english homework well i i guess i was joking your family seems very nice everyone has such a kind face yes i love them so much [Music] dialogue 2 sarah is talking to her friend marie when suddenly her brother shows up marie takes interest in him and then asks more about sarah's family as well hey when will you go home i'll be back by five okay i'll tell mom bye is that your older brother he is kind of cute hey don't fall for my sibling please he only acts normal in public he always bothers me at home it was just a harmless compliment by the way how old is he he's only two years older than me he actually goes to the same high school as us oh really i have never seen him at school before wait now i realize i don't know much about your family how many people are there in your family well there are four people in life there are my parents me and my brother oh how old are your parents my mom is 45 and my dad is 48. what do they do my mother and father are both university lecturers they teach in the same university too wow that's amazing so they met each other for the first time at their workplace no they actually have known each other since university years then they studied abroad together for their master's degrees in france after getting the degrees both went back to their university and started teaching there your parents must be so smart no wonder you always have higher grades than me don't be silly it was only a few times [Music] dialogue three may is invited to christine's family gathering but she doesn't know much about her friend's family so christine tells her more about them hey mae you cannot go home for this winter break right do you want to join our family at our christmas night gathering oh i would love to thank you for the invitation christine but i don't know anyone in your family besides you is that okay of course it's okay there will only be my mother and my older sister my mother is the nicest person you can meet and my older sister is super friendly so you don't have to worry much oh such a relief then please count me in i'm a bit nervous is your older sister much older than you no not really she's only five years older than me oh that's cool then you must be very close to her what does she do she works as a lawyer that's great what about your mother how old is she she is 54. is she still working yeah she is a teacher she teaches at the primary school that is near our house it's good to hear that your mom is still healthy and working why won't your father join the gathering though oh actually our parents are divorced i'm sorry about that it was such a careless question oh no no no no don't worry i don't mind at all our parents don't either they're on very good terms despite breaking up this christmas my father will spend time with his family he's married to another woman i see will you visit your dad in the winter break yes i will i will visit them after christmas your family seems nice i can't wait to meet them i think my mom and sister are excited to meet you too [Music] dialogue four chris has a new roommate from china called easy both meet each other for the first time and they talk about their family hi nice to meet you i'm missing and i'm coming from china hi great to see you zing i am chris and i'm from boston how long have you been in the u.s you sing oh i have only been to the u.s once for a summer camp program when i was 15 years old i actually have just got here so you only came here for college right yeah you are right so i believe your family is also in china now right yeah they are all in china now how many people are there in your family well i live with my grandparents so there are seven people in my family seven that's a lot yeah there are both my grandparents my parents me and my younger twin brothers wow that's crazy your family must be really fun right yeah not because there are many people but my family members are hilarious as well we always joke around you must miss your family so much when you live far away from them yeah i am already homesick now but i think i will get used to it soon what about you chris is your family big oh no my family is pretty small i don't have any siblings so there are only three people mom dad and me what about your grandparents do they live on their own yeah they live in their own house in the suburbs we visit them every weekend though during christmas and new year my family also spends the whole time together at my grandparents house i see our families are so different yeah i think it is because of the difference in our culture yeah i think so too [Music] what is your hobby tim and john just met each other as roommates at their university dorm and now they get to know more about each other for the first time thomas john's friend also pays a visit hello is this room 203 yes and you must be tim right hello yes how did you know my name oh i was notified that someone would move in and share this room with me i'm john by the way nice to meet you nice to meet you john [Music] so is this your first day at university yes this is my first time in this town as well there are still many things to learn don't worry i will show you around for sure thank you wow is that an electric guitar yeah kind of it's actually a bass guitar that is so cool you can play bass and i'm sorry for mistaking a bass guitar for a normal electric guitar it's okay many people don't know the difference you can know it by looking at the number of the strings though bass guitars usually have four strings whereas electric guitars usually have six oh and yeah i like playing bass that's so cool do you play in a band as well yeah i am in a small band with my friends do you guys perform yeah sometimes in our schools festivals or events we just do it for fun though we're all amateurs is playing bass your hobby yeah i always practice when i have time i learned to play other instruments as well such as electric guitars or drums but i don't see any guitars or drums around here yeah that's the problem because i don't have them around it's a bit difficult for me to learn i have to go to my friend's house to borrow their guitar on the weekends for the drum set i can go to school and borrow it twice a week wow so you can play bass guitar and drums you are mad talented john oh you are flattering me tim but still thank you so much for your compliment what about you what is your hobby oh i play chess i even bring a board with me i can play chess too but i'm not too good it's been quite a while since i last played it like a few years ago i see i used to participate in lots of competitions when i was in high school i was in the chess club as well so you must be able to play it very well can you teach me someday i want to know some cool moves sure it takes two to play chess anyways i need someone to play chess with oh then you must like our school chess club have you heard of it no i didn't know that we have a chess club here that's great news thanks for letting me know hey john you there what's up thomas what brings you here i heard that you had a new roommate so i want to visit this must be the roommate right hi i'm thomas john's friend nice to meet you hi i'm tim i am a freshman and i just moved in here sorry tim thomas must have scared you he is always overly friendly like that no no no i don't mind it at all in fact i love people like thomas i tend to be shy when i meet new people but people like thomas would definitely help me a lot see john you always talk bad about me you're such an interesting guy thomas are you one of john's bandmates oh yes how did you know i am the drummer in the band i just told him about our band oh so that's why do you play instruments as well as him oh no i can't play any instruments i play chess though then you must be very smart can you help me with my homework thomas i was just joking i don't mind even if you ask me for real though so what are your interests thomas do you like anything other than music oh yes i have other hobbies too playing drums is just one of them i actually enjoy martial arts too i'm a member of the karate club i have just acquired my black belt [Music] oh when did you start practicing karate i think i was in grade 10. i have practiced karate for quite a few years now karate helps me keep fit and it also helps me reduce stress i see i always find martial arts mesmerizing it requires many different skills to master karate from what i've heard yeah indeed i've learned many good things such as patience and self-defense do you still practice it frequently now yeah i have a karate club activity three times a week the activities can be skill practicing or combat they're really fun oh can i go and watch the club practice i am pretty curious hey no problem at all you can even join the practice actually we opened free karate workshops for students that are not the club members john participates as well yeah i do you can join me tim it probably will be more fun than you imagine really then i want to join the workshop too what time is the workshop i usually join the one at 6 pm on wednesday they have two others one is on monday and another one is at 9am sunday i think i will join the one on wednesday with you john hey that's great i guarantee you a good time tim by the way it's time for dinner now do you guys want to head out and find something to eat yeah i am a bit hungry me too great let's go then i will drive where to let's go to our usual place the burger got it tim we will take you to the place with the best burgers you will ever taste are you ready i was born ready thank you for being so nice with me guys you are welcome it's always nice to know a new friend yeah you don't have to thank us tim you are my roommate then you are my friend as well [Music] pets please mom i promise to take care of my pet mom can you give me a chance mom i said no i won't change my mind but why pets can turn our house into a mess but i can teach them mom everything takes time if we had a pet i might lose sleep tom imagine a dog barking all night long or a bird singing at midnight oh my god if you don't like pets that make noise at night i can train them to be friendlier with our family i still don't like having a pet at home tom a pet can make my day happier as you can see i just stay at home all day and have no friends to play with if i had a pet i could do a lot of things with it please mom alright stop pestering like that what have you said mom go get dressed we're going to the pet shop now wait what oh my god hooray hooray thank you so much mom remember what you've promised me yes mom [Music] wow there are so many pets around here look mom the rabbit's sleeping it's so cute look at the yellow kitten over there tom he's so adorable what would you do if you had a kitten i think i would brush its fur every day but cats are not friendly at all i think what about a hamster tom i cannot spend much time with a hamster mom my friend had one and it died after a year what a sad story hi how can i help you oh hi we are looking for a new member of our family well which pets does your son like i haven't decided yet do you want to look around first yes please go with her tom i will sit here waiting for you alright mom right there is the home of different fish do you like fish young boy not really i don't know which activities i can do with fish rather than feeding them yeah i agree that it's quite boring having fish as pets how about parrots i think you can train them to talk with humans that's funny but they are so talkative my mom will be very upset if we have a parrot or any bird singing in our house do you have any other pets follow me if you love puppies this is the area for you we have various types of dogs wow why is the chihuahua barking a lot maybe he likes you what's the name of this dog miss he's a sheba dog a japanese dog he's so cute is he a sheba dog too no he's an alaska dog he's smiling with me wow maybe he wants to be with you have you picked your pet yet tom i think i want to make friends with this puppy mom remember what i've told you about his food and his toys tom thanks mix layla thanks mom i will take care of him do you think he needs a name tom i will call him tony stay here and wait for me tony i'm going to buy some stuff for you [Music] now i have to find a bowl for him first here it is oh we must have a collar and a leash and a name tag as well excuse me where can i find a dog litter and a litter box follow me here you are thank you you are having a new puppy do you need any help well i only got these things what else should i buy well you better have shampoos for dogs oh yes where can i find them here they are and you should buy a brush for grooming as well good idea do you have a small house for him yes i have one at home so i guess you can go to the pet's food stall now follow me oh i was advised to buy go puppy dried food oh yes it's the best seller here all right please pack everything for me what a considerate boy your puppy will be very happy thank you goodbye have a nice day tony what are you doing get out of my room get out oh no my new shoes what should i do now tony i won't allow you to eat or touch anything in our house you're not allowed to stay indoors what's wrong tom tony bit my favorite shoes i spent all my savings to buy it and he destroyed everything oh don't say that he's just a dog you have to teach him what's right and wrong he's not used to the new environment yet um you're right no go and check what tony is doing now [Music] he's playing with the ball alone hey tony oh what a good boy i'm sorry for having said such things to you can you forgive me tony do you want to go for a walk with me you agree i guess let's go let's play frisbee tony calm down tony don't run too fast where are you going tony is that your dog's frisbee yes it's ours thank you let's go tony come on tony seems like your dog really likes me his name is tony yes you can call him so can i go with you guys oh your name is oh call me tom and you are sarah nice to meet you sarah i also have a kitten at home she doesn't want to go out like dogs what do you usually do with her well she loves playing with the cardboard boxes and sometimes we play hide and seek together [Music] hide and seek wow sounds interesting i will try to do it with tony yeah do you want to come to my house next time wow it's our pleasure we can play with our pets exactly i think we can make a funny video when our pets are doing silly things together great idea i have to go home thanks for walking with me tom and tony goodbye we'd better go home too tony tony it's dinner time you must be really hungry tony let me feed you here's your reward after a tiring day do you want to watch movies with me tony come here tony let's sleep together home cleanup day mr park's family is having a big cleanup day this saturday they will tidy up every corner of their apartment after tidying up to reward themselves the family is planning to go to a restaurant for a big dinner gene anna have you guys finished your breakfast yes dad i've just finished it mom's toast was so good that it took me a while to savor it me too dad i've just finished it as well what's the matter right so you guys remember i mentioned cleanup day the day before during our dinner i've decided that we will do it today no dad i just want to sleep and play all day today it's a weekend yeah dad does it have to be today we just cleaned our house last month oh don't be lazy guys it is best to do up our house once a month it's always better to live in a clean and neat house isn't it besides i will treat our family today we will eat out tonight after finishing cleaning really dad of course have i ever lied to you okay great then i will join in tidying up our house so we can go out faster me too that's the spirit by the way what do you like to eat so mama reserve a table for us i'm thinking about typical american food like pizza or burgers that sounds like a good idea gene are you okay with your sister's choice yes i'm fine with anything perfect then we all agree on that right i think there is a new casual dining restaurant near here i will tell mom to help us reserve a table later honey where are you i'm here have you guys decided where to go yet yes we are thinking about a casual dining restaurant at the corner of the street what do you think good idea and i know the restaurant too but at what time should we go to the restaurant i think maybe 7pm so we can have some extra time to relax and prepare okay i understand i will reserve a table for four at seven pm thank you darling so back to our main business which is cleaning up the house i think it is best to divide up the jobs between everyone let's see we have three bedrooms a living room and a kitchen to do let's clean our own bedrooms first dad and i will clean our bedroom anna you clean up yours and jean you clean up yours too oh good idea honey i think we can clean our rooms until lunch honey when you need to prepare for lunch just go i will finish the rest thanks honey dad what about the kitchen in the living room what should we do with them okay we will deal with them in the afternoon i think we can divide into two smaller teams mom and anna can clean up the living room gene and i will take care of the kitchen is everyone okay with this plan oh good idea i agree with it dad me too great i think we can start now any questions though oh yeah dad i have one what exactly should we do when we clean our bedrooms i'm not sure what to do exactly to be honest oh don't worry let me see um i think first you might want to start with picking up things you left around in your room and then put them away after that you should make your bed and fold your clothes as well i saw that you never made your bed in the morning yeah your dad is right you should make your bed every day oh also please vacuum your room got it mom oh anna after tidying up your room can you help me collect clothes and load them into the washing machine okay mom okay then we are all clear let's start see everyone again at lunch [Music] [Music] so gene anna i was tidying up your room was it fun not really but at least it was satisfying to see my room became very clean what about you anna my room is already pretty neat so there was not much work it was okay great work guys i'm so proud of you now we will move on to the next part of our cleanup day which will be the kitchen and the living room honey what is your plan for the living room i think there is not much to do as there are not many things in the room i will clean the windows and vacuum the floor for anna she will help dust the sofa and the table is that okay anna yes mom i will help you with that sounds like a good plan what about you and jean what will you guys do i think gene will help clean the table and arrange the spices shelf for me i will wipe the stove clean the sink and then mop the floor oh yeah i think that's enough oh by the way gene can you help wash the dishes later no problem mom it's an easy job okay then i think we are all clear of what we should do let's do our best so we can rest and go out tonight yay i can't wait for tonight it's been so long since i last ate out me too hurry up mom and dad okay okay give me a minute to finish my lunch then we will get started soon okay dad hi guys so after such a productive day let's review what have we done firstly everyone cleaned their own bedrooms then we had lunch and took a rest in the afternoon my wife and anna cleaned up the living room while jean and i took good care of the kitchen in the next episode i will treat my family to a meal at our favorite restaurant stay tuned at the restaurant mr park's family has arrived at the restaurant after cleaning up their whole house [Music] welcome to dennis dining do you have a reserved table yes i called this morning what is your name i'm mrs park i see mrs park a table for fork right yes that's right sorry for letting your family wait please follow me here is your table here is your menu please take a look can i get another menu oh yes no problem here it is thank you so are you ready to order yes for appetizer can i get french fries please do you guys want anything else gene anna i want a salad we have many kinds of salads you can see it on this page of the menu anna there are caesar salad fruit salad and green salad what do you want caesar salad sounds good okay then can we have one caesar salad please one caesar salad and one fry so that's all for appetizers yes what do you like for your main dishes hmm there are so many things what are your recommendations our today's special menu is grilled salmon served with orange sauce our most famous dish is the special beef burger which is ordered and loved by many of our customers oh then i'll get one grilled salmon please honey what's your choice i think i would like to try the special beef burger great choice you always love beef after all kids what do you like i want to eat spaghetti tonight so one meatball spaghetti please i think i will have a special beef burger like dad okay i will confirm your family's order one grilled salmon two special beef burgers and one meatball spaghetti is that all yes i think that's all would you like some desserts is it okay if we order it later yes i will take it later then do you want anything to drink i will have a cup of water please a beer for my husband and two cokes for my children thank you very much i will get the drinks first for the food please wait for a moment please thank you here are all of your drinks can i get some more ice please yes i will go get it now here is the ice you asked for and the starters one french fry and one caesar salad i'll bring all of the main dishes a bit later enjoy your meal thank you very much first of all i would like to toast to our family for having such a hard working day cleaning up our house cheers cheers cheers it wasn't that bad right gene yeah i guess cleaning was actually more enjoyable than i thought glad to hear that i hope you will start paying more attention to your room next time it always looks so messy when i walk by yeah i agree with you dad i think i will try to tidy up more from now on thank you for your hard work today though you did help me so much what about our princess here was today fun it was a bit tiring to be honest especially when i cleaned up the living room with mom there was a stain on the sofa and it took me a while to deal with it however i still had fun i always enjoy cleaning after all yeah you do i'm so lucky to have such a neat daughter like you sorry to disturb you here comes your order one grilled salmon one spaghetti and two special beef burgers when you are ready for dessert please tell me enjoy your meal thank you very much okay let's dig in everyone does anyone want to try my grilled salmon me me can i have a bite mom yes of course baby here open your mouth how was it it's super good i think you will enjoy a lot do you want to try my spaghetti i'm fine anna you can finish it all gene do you want to try my salmon i'm fine mom i don't like fish this burger is so good i don't know what they put in the sauce but it tastes amazing i agree dad i think this is one of the best burgers i've ever eaten it sounds so good can i try here honey anna do you want a bite yes dad it's really good even though i don't really like burgers myself yeah it is indeed good i want to go here next time so i can eat this burger no problem baby we have plenty of opportunities to visit here is everyone ready for dessert should i call the waiter yeah i think we can order some dessert now okay excuse me can i get the menu yes here it is what would you like to order what do you feel like eating kids i want ice cream i want a brownie okay okay they have brownies here great and anna what ice cream flavor do you like from the menu i can see they have strawberry chocolate vanilla and coffee flavor can i have chocolate ice cream sure what about you darling do you like anything i think i will have one vanilla ice cream okay and i will have one vanilla ice cream as well so can i have one brownie one chocolate ice cream and two vanilla ice creams for the ice cream would you like to enjoy it with cones yes please and that's for all of us okay i will bring out the desserts soon thank you here is your final order oh can i get the check i would like to pay now okay your total is 92 dollars and here's the check here you can keep the change our family really enjoyed the dinner tonight thank you so much we are glad that you and your family enjoyed the time with us here at davis dining we hope to serve you again soon dream house [Music] hi guys what are you two doing nothing much we are just talking and waiting for our next class what are you doing here jim i just finished my class now i'm here to have lunch cool come sit with us nice thanks what are you guys talking about oh we are talking about how our lives would be like after graduation i want to work for a big corporation and make a lot of money and i want to start a business what about you jim hmm i think i'm like liz i want to work for a big consulting company that's nice for me after making a lot of money i want to live by myself and my two cats in a big house what kind of big house are you talking about i would say a two-story house in the suburbs it would be really spacious with a small garden in the front so my cats can sunbathe and sometimes i can enjoy my breakfast outdoors doesn't it sound lovely yes it sounds really nice but why the suburbs i thought you liked the city not really i like the convenience here but there are too many people and the air is too polluted the suburb would be a perfect choice it's not that far away it's quiet and it has fresh air what about the interior of your house how many rooms will you have i want to have two bedrooms one for me and one for guests there will be a reading room so i can concentrate to read and also for me to put my many books the kitchen is also really important oh there must be a living room too what colors will you decorate your house with it will be creamy white and silver those will be the two main colors of my house hey i just realized now you are not planning to get married your dream house does not have a room for kids well that will be another time story for now i just want to live with my cats peacefully what about you guys i think i would like to live in a suburb like liz but instead of a two-story house it will be a two-story villa i want a pool as well so i can have a pool party every week as expected from you you party animal what about the inside of the villa though i bet you want a movie room or something like that for sure you know me so well nothing can go wrong with a movie room i can invite you guys over for our horror friday to watch horror movies let me see my house's main colors will be black white and yellow yellow would be a nice touch to a monochrome themed house oh i also like natural light so there must be many windows as well big ones your dream house seems to be very chick what about a garage would there be any garage of course there would be a big garage so i can park my shiny sports car you dream a dream too big now jim hey no one taxes your dream at least it can be a goal for me to work hard for what about you anna have you ever thought about your dream house would be like oh yes of course i have unlike you two i want to live in the city so you want a luxurious penthouse in a tall apartment building no actually i prefer staying on the ground so a small flat would be the best for me i don't like anything flashy either an average cozy flat would be nice tell us more about it how do you like your flat to be i think it can be a two-story flat with three bedrooms i want to marry my boyfriend and our small family would stay there the house let me think um i think i will paint it yellow and white i like those two colors the most they can also brighten up the house as well oh i want my house to have spacious balconies so we can enjoy the fresh air that sounds very lovely but do you want to live in the center of the city if so i don't think it's possible though there are only tall apartment buildings in the center of the city yeah i know about that so i'm thinking about a residential area that would be a bit further away from the center of the city there will be enough convenience like shopping malls but there will be fewer people and it will be quieter that's nice thank you i think you guys's dream houses are very nice too it's just that our lifestyles are different right yeah you are right i enjoy an active lively life you're more family oriented and liz loves focusing on herself i wonder when can we achieve our dream it cannot be too soon we still have a long way to go but i think eventually we will be able to achieve our goals yeah guys let's all work hard together thank you guys for the talk it was really fun i'm getting back to my class now gotta work hard for that dream house right okay see you jim bye [Music] hi guys so after our conversation what would our dream houses be like liz loves to live in a suburb house with her cats and she won't get married anytime soon about anna she is family oriented and wants to build a truly home as for me i love flashy things such as a villa pool movie room and shiny sports cars what about you guys what would your dream house be like don't forget to leave a comment to let me know in the next video we will have a reunion at liz's house and talk about what we want to be in the future i know we talked about this several times anna you always want to start a business but the question is what kind of business my friend alright one question at a time liz you look like an eager beaver now i'm getting things off my chest but promise me you two won't judge we promise stay tuned dream job [Music] jim anna and liz are in the last semester of university life the stresses are skyrocketing for them today they have a meet-up at liz's house for their group thesis oh my back it hurts poor you by the way are you about to finish your part soon jim i guess i can make it by this evening bravo jim i'm having a block in explaining the charts of career trends in the us in the next decade i see that's one of the hardest parts of our thesis for my part i've almost done it but speaking of careers what do you want to do after graduation guys why did you ask that all of a sudden don't you get nervous thinking about the days ahead you guys knew me i wanted to work for big corporations like walmart ikea and sorts of firms like that did you mean working for retail companies yeah isn't it awesome selling necessities for people i choose those companies because every time walking into supermarkets i always know that i can get what i want to purchase it gives me a sense of happiness so i assume everyone feels the same customers get what they need companies get profits what an amazing process awesome possum liz what about you guys tell me more about your dream jobs i know we talked about this several times anna you always want to start a business but the question is what kind of business my friend all right one question at a time liz you look like an eager beaver now i'm getting things off my chest but promise me you two won't judge we promise my business will be a tech startup company let's look at us right now we are typing down our thoughts it takes a lot of time my idea is to create a machine or software so we don't have to use keyboards anymore all you need to do is focus on your thinking and the machine will take care of the rest jim your back will thank me for this invention um sounds clever anna i think you are very creative and you love technology if people don't call it a perfect combo i don't know what is wait not so fast ladies i promised that i would not judge but first what i'm saying next is not judgment just some arguments i get it jim spill the beans i can handle it my take is that guys it's dinner time it's my mom let's tuck in guys [Music] we hope you enjoyed the main dish we did mystery we did mr missus thank you thank you wait until you eat mrs hellman's dessert it will certainly blow you up right guys my mom's desserts are the best on an unrelated note how's your studying are things good yes we are working on the group assignment in the last subject so you guys will be graduates class of 2021 you are on point what is your dream job i'd love to hear oh funny you should ask dad we were in the middle of that talk now you were fill me in kiddos i want to have my own business it'll be a technology startup sounds fascinating anna what is the name of the superstar tech firms again did you mean apple yes i read somewhere that the company was just a small startup at first i think the world of steve jobs and apple is such a great empire did awana anyway it is just a figment of my imagination no biggie don't minimize yourself kids as they say no dream is ever too small or too big how about you jim my dream job is to work for big consulting companies such as deloitte or mckinsey it's nice it's nice very specific jim the clearer your vision is the easier you can achieve your dream job thank you mr hammond i have a best friend he works for deloitte big brain but when we were younger he wanted to be an astronaut how interesting yeah people change their dream jobs when they grow older as experiences and knowledge gained what was your childhood dream job dad you never told me and mom about it i wanted to become a doctor so that i could earn a lot of money by helping people treating their sicknesses and now you are an accountant [Applause] yes i realized i work best with numbers not blood and syringes he would pass out seeing blood strawberry panna cotta is on the house by the way hey don't destroy my image in front of our daughter's friends you always got our respect who's coming in this hour oh jesus to what do i owe this lovely surprise visit i'm in the neighborhood so i'm swinging by to give you the gift thank you david [Music] guys this is my best friend who i've just told you about please be seated mr david we are talking about dream jobs what words of wisdom do you have for them old friends yes yes tell us in terms of picking dream careers you should know why you want to do the job it might be money learning benefits experience something that motivates you before applying for a company you should make sure you understand the workplace thoroughly because you won't want to be got off your high horse being defeated by your lack of knowledge what are their core values what is their working style will choosing that job or career paved the way to your long-term goals in life when i was small i used to see myself as an astronaut to be when reaching adulthood however my elementary teacher once told me that i had it in me to be a master in data and figures mathematics is my favorite subject of all time so i thought my teacher got the point plus who wants to float around in the spaceship with a heavy astronaut hat it must be tiring boring and suffocating you were wearing that hat all the way through middle school and i didn't see you complain a word it should be a secret between us kelvin i meant when it comes to career orientation finding yourself a mentor is beneficial then you also need to know how much money you will earn believe me money is not everything at the end of the day remember kids money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you houses fancy houses and cars clothes food experiences says yes you got it right liz money can buy you a lot of rewarding time and experiences like your dinner with your beloved ones tonight and your delicious panna cotta [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Course
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Keywords: english speaking course, learn english, listening english, learn english listening, english listening practice, learning english listening, learn english by listening, english conversation, learn listening english, listening english practice, listening skills, listening practice, learn english for beginner, listening comprehension, listening beginner, daily english conversation, improve english listening, learn english conversation, english conversation practice
Id: xor8h9cGtc0
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Length: 142min 51sec (8571 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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