Spoken English Everyday - Practice Listening And Speaking by Short English Dialogues with Subtitles

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english speaking course did you do the laundry jane yes i did did you wash the sheets yeah and i also washed the towels how about pillowcases i did that too i took them off the pillows to wash them did you dry everything in the dryer yeah i did that just this morning what did you do after that i folded all the towels i also put the sheets on the bed and put the pillowcases on the pillows good girl hey your shirt lost a button oh i've just realized that let's find the button where did you lose it dunno it's hard to find like this have you checked your pant cuffs i'll try i found a button in my pant cuffs once is it there oh no do you have any extra buttons maybe my mom has some yeah find one and sew it on [Music] oh my god it's boiling hot today you're right it's not even noon yet do you think it'll get hotter tonight ugh i'm gonna die soon in this weather we just turn on the air conditioner it doesn't work why no idea did you call the repair man yeah i called him this morning when is he gonna come next week [Music] did you hear the weather forecast yesterday nah i never watch it look outside i think it's gonna rain why do you think so look at the gray sky out there it's too dark is it raining right now uh no maybe in about five minutes how do you know the street isn't wet ugh i hate shopping in the rain take the umbrella with you [Music] how about going to the animal shelter now what do you want to do i want to buy a pet for tom for his upcoming birthday yeah i'll get him a little pet personal security precautions the one that won't grow up too big yeah and not eat so much do you know what kind of pets he would like yeah we just passed the shop yesterday and i saw his favorite pet i bet you had to drag him away yeah he wanted to buy one yesterday i wonder what he'll name that pet can you check this form for me sure what's the matter i don't understand some details okay let me see what does mi mean it stands for middle initial how about the m-m-d-d-y-y there month day year you have to use numbers uh okay here's an example your birthday is january 12th 1987. so you have to write 01 12 87. oh i got it always print clearly and fill in the bubbles completely [Music] ugh i don't want to go outside now me too hmm i thought you would love to go outside no i see too many jerks couldn't agree more the city is full of jerks yeah i can't find any polite people around me i hate that we have to live with it we could yell at them but they can yell back at you it doesn't do any good so the only thing we can do is stay home [Music] tom you promised you'd never cheat on me why would i cheat on you you guys the men really like to cheat yeah some people do but not me how can you be so sure about that action will prove everything jane if i catch you cheating you'll die listen jane i'm not that type of man i will poke your eyes out if you do anything wrong i don't like other girls in my eyes there are only you i will chop your toes off one by one please jane you're my only true love i swear from the bottom of my heart i have a lot of friends how many are there my friend list has over 100 people wow that's a lot do you have any best friends yeah i have a lot of best friends how many maybe 25 i only have one best friend that's a pity you should make more friends i only have a few friends you must be lonely not really i just want to share my feelings with the few ones i trust yikes what's that noise uh just a blow to my nose did you have to blow right next to the phone did you hear that yeah bro i thought that a plane had crashed into your house you're just exaggerating i will blow my nose sometime for you you'll see alright alright your blow is just as big as an elephant it wasn't that loud bro would you say if i had gone deaf all right i'm gonna stay away from the phone to blow my nose then do you think that was a nice funeral son yes it was your uncle gave a beautiful speech about his father but it was pretty long about 45 minutes i guess but it went by fast and it was very interesting you're right dad i like it a lot i'll give you a speech like that one day do you think there will be only our family at my funeral do you have a lot of friends dad i'm not sure whether they will be there or not they sure will [Music] what can i do for you bae take me to a luxurious restaurant not to mcdonald's i don't have much money jane activity remember to make a reservation for us at all times that's such a hassle i know you don't love me all right all right let me make a reservation for us tonight okay love you [Music] dad dad can i have a puppy hmm let me think about it but why puppies are cute dad let's buy one but a puppy costs money tom no way puppies are free dad remember that a puppy needs shots my kid why does it need shots dad so that it won't get sick just like you get shots ugh i hate shots and a puppy eats food you know food also costs money no problem i'll give him food off my plate oh no you don't puppies can't eat [Music] vegetables what's the date today friday the 13th bro what a bad day what it's supposed to be unlucky you'd better stay at home all day that's what i will do you know what my friend stayed in a hotel on friday the 13th what that was totally a mistake and he stayed in room 13 on the 13th floor what happened someone knocked on his door and threatened him to give him his laptop oh my god that was a terrible experience i think he has learned his lesson yes he has he's home today [Music] oh my god what's the matter rose a stamp was 40 cents yesterday and today it's 44 cents yeah i know i think stamps used to cost only a penny perhaps before i was born has your letter ever been washed in the mail nope neither have i so the mail service has done their job well all right maybe i shouldn't complain have you fed the cat yet wait for a second the cat is meowing he must be hungry all right i'll feed him right now you shouldn't have made him wait oh come on i was so busy didn't you see that don't say that to me say it to the cat cats never care about anything but that's what cats are why don't we just get rid of him no way he's our family [Music] look jenny my kittens oh they're all so adorable yes but i can't keep them [Music] you're right there are so many of them yeah six in total what are you gonna do with them maybe i will give them away can i have one tom sure which one that one the yellow and black wow he's my favorite cat but that's okay i'll call him b [Music] excuse me is this newspaper yours no sir help yourself i asked because the paper is on another chair next to you maybe someone forgot it that's very nice of you to ask yeah just in case someone else will pick it up you're right some people are just rude everyone should be more polite totally agree the world needs some people like us glad to hear someone on the same page with me my parents go to church every sunday why do they have to do that because they believe in god and they do good things to go to heaven they probably will but no one knows for sure you're right no one knows what happens after we die people going to the church believe that god will let us go with him to heaven if we do good things if we are bad people will we be unhappy forever in hell it can be oh no i don't want to go to hell you should go to church with your parents every sunday [Music] i hate shaving so do i bro look i just cut myself again did you use a new blade no the blade i'm using is still good maybe you should use an electric shaver no way it's too noisy and it doesn't give the close shave ugh why don't you just stop shaving you mean i should grow a beard exactly that will be terrible imagine food and other stuff sticks in my beard ugh alright here's an idea put cream on your face and have the cat lick it off [Music] wait what no i didn't what but i saw a lifeguard dive into the water maybe he wanted to cool off but he swam right up to you and he turned right around after that hmm maybe i was wrong never mind let's get ready for the trip can you lend me five dollars again why i didn't bring money to buy lunch today why do you always forget your wallet uh no i bring my wallet but your wallet is empty isn't it you can say that come on i don't see anything fun to be broke all the time like you but i have you the one who will let me borrow your money remember to pay me tomorrow good afternoon sarah hi john where are you going just going for a walk with my dog oh i see what kind of dog is it this one is the poodle people say the poodles bark a lot exactly this dog barks at anything that annoys him seems like your dog likes me it doesn't bark this dog belongs to my mom she's not at home today oh i see she likes poodles doesn't she yes she says they're good watch dogs when will you find your true love i'm not going to find one until i graduate what about you me either why not you're so smart maybe i'm not rich enough to buy stuff for girls yeah girls just hang out with rich boys exactly they like guys who drive them with an expensive car i don't have money or a car neither do i but girls like funny guys yeah maybe we should learn some good jokes [Music] do you have any cars um yes i have a honda when did you buy it in 2003 if my memory serves me right so it must be pretty old now yeah but it still works well wow so you must have taken good care of it yeah i wash it once a week do you usually change the oil my mechanic changes the oil twice a year oh i see you can buy one for yourself [Music] i like living here i agree pasadena is a beautiful city it's not too crowded but it's also not too quiet the weather here is excellent all year long yeah and it has the rose parade some beautiful houses some wonderful restaurants there are also many great schools here the people are friendly as well jesus i'm not ever going to leave what is on tv now honey nothing interesting why did you turn it off i couldn't find anything to watch what about the new game show which one deal or no deal come on tell me you're joking but i love that show i watched it last week and i hope that it was my last time it's on right now let's watch it together no way my laptop is so slow you should buy a new one wish i had enough money so why is it slow that's a good question hey i'm trying to help you did you go to any computer shops i would if i had the money well guess you have to live with it sometimes i want to throw it out the window no bro please don't do that why not you might hit someone in the [Music] head jesus what's wrong babe i really really need a new mattress what's the matter with this one it's not comfortable i toss and turn all night maybe you've been drinking too much coffee that's not the problem honey look at these marks on my arms what are they they are bites the cat bit you didn't it no the bed bugs in this mattress did that okay let's get a new mattress [Music] tom i'm kind of nervous about your wedding yeah you should be happy james yeah but there will be a lot of responsibilities yeah you have to be the breadwinner you're right i have to take care of my family how many children do you want we want to have a little boy and a little girl wonderful as long as we can afford it no wonder you're worried [Music] tom don't wipe your nose on your sleeve i don't have any tissues mom go find one in the bathroom i have to finish this online assignment but your sleeves are not tissues all my friends use their sleeves mom it doesn't make sense to me and i saw dad wipe his nose on his sleeve yesterday i'm gonna tell him to stop doing that i bet dad did it all the time when he was young no he was a good boy not like you but you were not dad's mommy [Music] come on james we need to help the police look at the tv it's reporting a bank robbery what does the robber look like he's six feet tall 200 pounds black hair and about 30 years old did they mention his race why doesn't tv news tell us about race anymore because that would be racist oh i'm sorry it's gonna be harder to catch someone if you don't know their race tom you're right if they don't tell us about race they should mention the gender of the robber as well that would be sexist [Music] people are so funny why do you suddenly say so babe did you hear about the pilot no the one who stole a small plane remember oh yeah i heard about it once he landed on a highway after being followed by two u.s fighter jets titty crash no he didn't he even walked to a restaurant and the cops found out about him didn't they they did he said that he was hoping that fighter jet would shoot him down poor guy [Music] ready lisa ready for what for a big switch what are you talking about the nation is switching to digital tv don't you know that oh i see did you buy it i don't need it i bought a digital tv already how much did it cost 120 for a 13 inch screen quite cheap right and it can pick up any digital channels not really i got six korean channels but nothing in english [Music] you didn't dump the garbage into the trash bin on the street right oh i forgot it out now what time does the recycling truck come by usually at 12 a.m on tuesday do you mean tomorrow so i will take it out the next morning no you won't what do you mean you get up too late to do anything i won't forget please trust me you may remember but you won't have time to do it okay okay let me do it right now [Music] where are you going to the bank why do you need to go there just to withdraw some money sis how can you do that i will have to use the atm what's that it's the automatic teller machine can we have the next contestant and it will give you money yeah you can make money by inserting a debit card into the machine wow that means you are stealing no it will give me my own money oh i thought it would give you free [Music] money [Music] winter's coming i can feel it you seem to really love winter yeah cause i love the snow agree making a snowman is fun remember last year we made a big snowman yeah it was seven feet tall i will never forget that it took us all day to finish wait did we give him a nose yes i brought my big carrot for the nose shall we make another big one this year definitely let's prepare some materials [Music] beer is a powerful drug yeah it gets us high and relieves stress cigarettes too which one would you pick i don't get your point when you die someone in heaven will offer you beer and cigarettes and iona can only pick one of them yeah don't be greedy that's tough i would take cigarettes but you have to admit that cigarettes take much better with a cold beer nothing's perfect my friend seems like heaven isn't a place for me [Music] i don't understand art yeah artists and art are just in a different world i saw a painting of a jar that was full of pencils let me guess the meaning of that painting is sorrow and emptiness right exactly but it was full of pencils how can it be empty maybe artists don't see things literally have you ever seen anything that picasso painted i've seen a lot of his paintings to be honest his art is just like a third grade student but his paintings are worth millions i don't understand and i don't want to understand you will one day [Music] so what will you give your mom today i don't know what you're talking about today is mother's day oh really yeah it's all over the news oh i didn't check the calendar well you'd better make something for her i'll make her a nice card is that all yes i will draw a nicer card than the last one she brings you up and you just give her a card it's all right she knows i love her more than that [Music] are you married no i'm divorced when did you get divorced about three years ago can i ask the reasons why my wife left me she said she didn't love me anymore you must have been really sad yes i was why didn't she love you anymore she fell in love with my best friend god that must be much more terrible [Music] you've been yawning three times bae i'm sleepy let's go to bed honey no i have to finish this show why don't we record it the tape recorder is broken we can watch the re-run no i'm watching the original bet you will fall asleep in one two three okay i'll tell you how the show ends [Music] thanks we have to save money from now on but why we need to buy a house i think the price of a house is increasing that's why we need to save money all right how much money do we need we need to save enough money for a down payment can you be more specific that's about thirty thousand dollars thirty thousand dollars that will take forever we can buy one if we save every penny okay here's seven pennies what do we have for dinner don't know how about pizza you already ate one at lunch can i have one more pizza tonight nah why because you need a variety what's variety we have to eat different things for each meal you mean pepperoni pizza instead of a cheese pizza no i mean salad instead of pizza [Music] ugh look at our house yes it's very dirty you should clean it you'd better help me why do i have to because you helped make it dirty all right what should i do clean the bathroom oh that's easy clean the sink the tub the counter and the toilet hey that's a lot of work tell me when you finish no way you're gonna give me more work [Music] have you finished writing a letter to our grandma yes i have did you tell her about school yeah i wrote about my friends at school and what i have learned have you put the letter in an envelope yes i also sealed the envelope have you put a stamp on the envelope oh i couldn't find any stamps mom puts them in the kitchen drawer let me find them again okay here it is i'm gonna stick it to the envelope now give me the envelope i'll mail it for you when will grandma learn about email [Music] you've been watching tv for three hours so don't you see you're wasting your life i'm having fun you're just a waiter upon providence who cares i do get up and do something now i've just done something what i turned up the volume that's not what i meant by do something well did you do something stay away from me okay today's sunday what does that mean stop pretending that you don't know anything i forgot we have to go to the church oh right put on a coat and tie why do i have to to show respect to god and others glad that sunday is only once a week i hope god didn't hear that you'll forgive me [Music] do you think animals talk to each other of course what do you think they talk about about other animals what else is on their minds maybe food and the weather do they talk about us yes they do what do they say they say that we are funny looking no we're not only animals are funny looking animals don't wear clothes but we do so we are funny looking [Music] i was upset with my mom hmm why i warned her about her new boyfriend she just ignored me what happened i gave her a lot of money to spend on herself you're such a good child but she gave it all to her boyfriend why did she do that he said he would buy her a nice ring wow did he really do that nope he lost it all gambling why does your mom still not realize that look at the ocean it's too big to see the end of it it's beep too i think it's five miles deep are there any fish at the bottom of the sea yes there are are there any people there no people cannot breathe underwater great i love fish i will go to the bottom one day [Music] can i have your email address please it's bluedog123 is that all sir yeah well that's not enough uh i don't know what you mean what's your mailing address 456 cherry drive pasadena california 91170 that's correct so what's the problem bluedog123 is just the street you have to give me the city state and zip code oh i get it my email address is bluedog122 at yahoo.com jane get out why are you so hurrying i have to use the bathroom now that's the result of drinking too much coffee tom you cannot say that to a person who loves coffee like me well it's up to you don't you think you eat too much chocolate nah have you looked in the mirror are you trying to say that i'm fat i didn't say that what did you say i said i had to use the bathroom i knew that you would say so [Music] is there anything to eat no idea let's check the fridge we have bread tomatoes eggs and ham oh we can make a sandwich yeah ham sandwich we need mustard as well mom puts it in the cabinet can you get it for us yeah here it is let me make sandwiches for us do you want some potato chips i'd love to okay let me buy some [Music] i'm hungry mom check the fridge sarah i'm looking and there's nothing to eat are you sure yeah it's almost empty but i went to the market yesterday mom i truly don't see anything there are lots of oranges and apples in the fridge i don't want to eat fruit mom it's not tasty it's good for your health let me go to the market with you next time no thanks stop eating or buying any hot dogs and candy bars [Music] have you taken the shower sarah i don't want to do that mom you need a bath every day girl why mom you don't want to smell bad young lady but i'm not dirty it's only your opinion i don't smell anything on my body mom i can smell you sarah i can smell you too mom that's perfume it's different girl when can i wear perfume my computer doesn't work [Music] the screen is black whenever i turn on my computer have you ever experienced this before oh maybe the hard drive crashed that's too bad i'm not really sure about it you should go to any computer shop to check yeah i'm gonna call hp first have you backed up the files yeah i always do that how smart you are have you gone to any shops to check your computer yeah i called hp what did they say my computer needs a new hard drive how much do you need to buy a new one not much about 85 plus installation no my hard drive is quite easy to operate wow really yeah just a couple screws great it's a lot better than paying someone more money to fix it for you i'll call you if my hard drive crashes [Music] i love listening to the radio wow how often every day what do you listen to i listen to talk radio what's that people will discuss current events what was the latest news you heard well people said they wanted tax cuts why tax cuts will save them more money oh i see [Music] i'm tired you'd better take a nap i would do and unplug your phone oh sure do you want me to wake you up in an hour no thanks i will set a timer alright remember dinner will start at six o'clock okay i've just set a timer for an hour if not your nose will wake you up what does that mean that means you might smell the food while sleeping i'm not going to dream about anything i'm really tired have a nice nap [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Course
Views: 82,358
Rating: 4.9326096 out of 5
Keywords: english speaking course, spoken english, learn english, listening english, learn english listening, english listening practice, learn english by listening, english conversation, learn listening english, listening english practice, listening skills, listening practice, learn english for beginner, listening comprehension, english, listening beginner, english speaking, daily english conversation, improve english listening, english conversation practice
Id: 4bPCfKIgyTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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