Speaking English Practice Conversation - Questions and Answers English Conversation

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[Music] good afternoon royal hotel may i help you may i speak to miss rosie please i'm sorry she isn't here right now who's calling please eric eric pando is there any message i can take mr eric no i'll call her back later thank you for calling royal hotel yeah no problem [Music] would you like a drink a cup of coffee please with milk and sugar a little milk but no sugar i never drink coffee at night why not [Music] it keeps me awake and it's not good for our what do you drink with supper tea it helps me relax it's also beneficial for our skin can protect us from headaches especially cancer i don't like there are so many kinds of tea maybe we should shop around and try to find one you like because coffee is bad for you that's a good idea do you want to go with me of course let's go [Music] how about a drink tonight yes i'd love to where can we meet how about the 1900 bar alright what time is half past eight okay yes that's fine i will meet you there i'm really looking forward to it me too okay i'm in a hurry bye now see you there okay bye [Music] you sound terrible what's the matter with you i have a sore throat you should rest your voice i know it hurts when i talk what are you taking for your throat hot water and honey um it can easier hurt are you going to work today no i'm staying home good idea i'll feel better tomorrow i hope so relax bye thanks so much have a nice day okay [Applause] hello look i just bought this new coat how do you feel about it oh it looks terrific nice when you like it how much was it seventy dollars oh that's a good price yeah it was on sale i had to take it among the crowd there terrible but it was worth it where did you get it in may on london street i like to shop there too they always have really nice sales maybe you should go there today they have a big sale on shirts if you're interested great i also need some now let's make them out of stock now go with me of course wow what a beautiful day yes there's not a cloud some wind in the sky what's the temperature i don't know exactly maybe about 22 degrees wonderful i love october me too it's not too hot and not too cold yes fall is my favorite season it's cool in fall and it's comfortable to wear wonderful steps of clothing i like mine too i can do a lot of outdoor activities without thinking of the weather yes the weather is almost perfect look leaves are falling they are so pretty when they change colors it's a splendid scenery i love this so much [Music] is it cold out yes it's cold and windy i'm going to wear my heavy coat [Music] good idea where are you going to the supermarket for what i have to buy some like papers pencils crayons to finish my project about ideal technology to solve the pollution problem in the world wow cool could you buy some bread for me sure how much would you like just one loaf of bread here's the money for the bread okay i'll be back in 30 minutes unless i get blown away be careful baby yes thanks [Music] do you like snow no i hate it most why snow is so pretty yes but it makes driving more difficult you know i don't want to drive in it well it's beginning to snow oh no i have to drive to work how far is it to work six miles are we going to get much snow about 12 inches they say oh no driving will be dangerous please be careful i will by the way can i borrow your car of course here's the keys keep it well please i will don't worry thanks so much [Music] when is your vacation it starts next week i'm really looking forward to those days off where are you going we're renting a house on the shore that's wonderful yes we love the ocean do you know how to swim not really i haven't attended any swimming courses then why do you choose to go to the shore because we all buy new swimsuits what just that really yep we are also interested in enjoying the atmosphere of the sea there oh i'm gonna go play soccer now who are you playing with some friends from work are you a good soccer player yes but i'm not the best player on the team don't worry you're the best in my heart what time does the game begin uh nine o'clock why don't you come with me sorry but today is the busiest day in my week i can't go with you now i apologize okay tomorrow we'll prepare for your vacation so see you later okay i hope your team wins fighting thank you [Music] my son is graduating from high school today oh my second daughter is graduating next year too how old is she she's 16. i remember it when she was a baby she's so intelligent and pretty time goes fast it's been 16 years since then yes we're getting old why do you say that why not it's the truth no it isn't we were young when we got married that's right but we got married 25 years ago and now we turn 50 years old it's over half our life yes it's true in terms of our physical health but when it comes to mental health we have to be still young think positively and now let's go shopping i'll show you some special styles which are designed for you to make your life more colorful stand up please they decide to go shopping to beautify their life [Music] oh it's march 10th which is my cousin's birthday what's your cousin's name thomas i'm going to his house after dinner i wonder whether i know him how old is he he's 26. hmm he is older than me by one year is he handsome yes and especially he's so nice to everyone he has helped me very much with my assignments and some stuff in life is he single no he's married and has two kids now oh that's too bad he's not born for me not for you [Music] so what are you getting thomas for his birthday i haven't come up with anything yet if you were me what would you buy what about a t-shirt you can go to buy a special t-shirt for him it is comfortable and polite enough to wear for work and travel as well yes it was also my thought but i got him one last year oh alright let me think i want to get something different for him how about a briefcase he can use it to tidy his documents good idea his bag is getting too old and it's something he can use every day i guess of course why didn't i think of that hello hello is jerry there i'm sorry you have the wrong number oh is this 5 six seven eight nine zero no it's not oh i'm sorry that's okay [Music] would you like anything else you haven't eaten very much no thanks i'm already fool oh come on have some more no i really can't i've never been much of an eater have some green tea then that would be nice how do you take it with a little sugar please no cream [Music] here you are thank you [Music] this is a nice flat there's a living room there's a kitchen two bedrooms and two bathrooms and there's a bidet what is a bidet it's like a toilet only better i'll let you figure it out well none of my friends have a bidet and even if i don't know what it is they will be very jealous when i tell them [Music] well here's the kitchen um it's quite small yes it isn't very large but there's a cooker and a fridge there are some cupboards under the sink are there any bowls yes there are good are there any chairs in here no there aren't but there are some in the living room there aren't any glasses yes they are they're in the cupboard nice i want to see the toilet [Music] where is your meeting in carnaby london how are you going by air do you like to fly sure it is fast and comfortable i'm afraid of flying really flying is very safe maybe but i don't feel safe in a plane i understand a lot of people feel that way ah wait wait a few minutes to call the airline company [Music] good afternoon london airline how can i help you i'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation what flight are you taking flight 100 and your name please maria smits yes you're booked on flight 100 please check in at the airport an hour before departure time thank you done hope you have a nice meeting thank you are you free for friday night i might be in town i'm not sure yet a friend suggested i go to chinatown well a few of us are getting together and i thought you might want to come too what are you thinking of doing i'm not sure yet we might go to a restaurant but we'll probably go to the cinema to watch the latest movie oh i haven't seen it yet welcome then sure if i'm in town i'll call you and let you know [Music] oh rosie long time no see oh hello how are you great thank you how's your new job i started working today how does it seem so far it's demanding but i'm happy to be working what's your boss like he appears to be very caring and kind but they all do it first i guess we will have to see well i wish the best of luck to you thanks i have to go now bye and see you later goodbye take care [Music] did you see my car keys they're on top of the cupboards you're right thanks where are you going to the market again [Music] yes we eat a lot do you want me to go with you sure if you can good we need to buy a load of goods there is a new healthy food store right up the road you should try and eat more healthily maybe you're right we all put on a little weight [Music] maria oh hi eric how are you listen i'm in a terrible hurry pink closes in 20 minutes is the bank near here yes it's only three kilometers away on london street okay get in i'll take you are you sure it's not out of your way no not at all that is so nice of you eric thank you you're welcome [Music] hi sorry i'm late i missed the subway oh that's okay i had time to clean up before you came you don't look very good i must be getting a cold i've been sneezing all day those two bless you thank you you must be getting a cold why don't you go lie down i'll bring you some aspirin i don't see any aspirin in the medicine cabinet we must be out of them i'll go to the pharmacy is there anything else we need could you get some i don't know if they sell a chew there but i'll check [Music] when can i see dr smith she won't be free until tomorrow can i make an appointment sure how about tomorrow at 8 o'clock can you make it at nine i'll check to see if she's available i'm sorry but she's tied up at nine o'clock well can't you squeeze me in somehow i'm afraid not how about after lunch that's perfect i'll come at 1 30 pm thank you [Music] excuse me may i see your license i'm afraid i left it at home in that case you'll have to take it to the police station within four days but but what you were speeding but i was only doing 60. there's a 50 kilometer per hour speed limit on this road is there i didn't see the sign well we've been following you so you were doing 62. no we were doing 80 kilometers per hour and we couldn't catch you [Music] waitress could we have the bill please can i put it on one bill no separate it please [Music] here are your bills fifty dollars that seems expensive would you check it again please oh sorry this is your friend's bill here is yours it's twenty dollars excuse me yes can i help you yes i'd like some information about buses where to london and when this sunday morning or afternoon the afternoon was about four o'clock there's one at 4 30. thank you that sounds perfect i'll take it good morning michael law office may i help you yes may i speak to mr michael please i'm sorry he isn't here yet may i take a message yes could you ask him to call maria panda how would you spell your last name p-o-n-d-a what's your phone number mr michael should have it well he doesn't okay it's five six eight four seven nine one zero i'm sorry could you repeat that 568-479-10 i'll give him the message thank you you're welcome [Music] miss rosie i'm dr smith oh doctor how is he well i'm afraid we'll have to operate oh no he's always been afraid of operations don't worry if we operate now he'll be all right oh doctor do you really have to i'm so afraid he's lost a lot of blood if we don't operate he'll die oh please do whatever you have to i'll drive you there thanks i'm going to apply for a loan why do you need a loan i have to buy a new car what's wrong with your car it is getting worse and it's 10 years old how much will a new car cost about 20 thousand dollars wow that's expensive i know that's why i need a loan [Music] what kind of work do you do i'm a receptionist at a hotel do you like your job no it's not very interesting and i can't make much money that's right it pays very little i think i should look for another job you should but it's not easy to find one if i keep looking i'll get one yeah you're right [Music] how are you settling in oh we're still in a bit of a mess but maria seems to like it here that's good is there a garden to plant some plants yes it's not very big but you've got a small swimming pool have you found a job near here yes i'll work for a big company near here it only takes five minutes by car that's good so you like it there do you yes this is a very good place for both of us [Music] is there a souvenir store near here yes you can get there in five minutes that's good i don't have much time why are you going to the souvenir store to buy a birthday present whose birthday is it my nieces she's five that's nice will you get some colored paper for me sure do you want anything else no thanks i'll pay you when you get back [Music] i'm trying to find a birthday present for my mother yes what exactly are you looking for i'm not sure really could you help me right i'll show you some pendants no i bought a pendant for her last birthday maybe in england then these are made of gold yes i like this one what's the stone it's a gem sir it's only fourteen hundred dollars oh well you could show me some bracelets then [Music] hello can you recommend some yes ma'am i'm looking for a toy for my niece oh yes how old is she she'll be eight years old on saturday latin are still very popular i don't want her to hurt herself what about a barbie doll instead i don't think so she has many barbie dolls have you got anything educational she's a very intelligent girl i've got the perfect thing a do-it-yourself kit where you can build your own barbie doll who rides a [Music] skateboard hello can i get some tickets for plays yes is there a specific play that you want to see what plays are on tonight romeo and juliet but it's sold out are there any seats left for tomorrow night yes how many tickets do you want three please where would you like to sit i'm not sure well there are three seating sections front middle and the back how much is it in the middle section fifty dollars fifty dollars that's a little too expensive for us how much is it in the back thirty-five dollars that's fine what time does the place start at seven o'clock what time will the play be over at 9 30. thank you [Music] are you ready mary is still in her room she needs to rush we don't have enough time what time does the movie begin it starts at 7 30. what's the time now about 7 10. there's no hurry it only takes 10 minutes by car to get there i know but there aren't enough parking spaces around the theater well i'd better tell mary to hurry up she can take hours to get ready [Music] i thought the movie was terrific wasn't it i don't know it didn't seem to have any meaning come on it seems that you expect intellectual stimulation from every movie i just think that a good movie should have a central theme at least yes but it doesn't hurt you to watch a comedy once in a while relax and enjoy it you're right i'm too serious sometimes [Applause] hello maria is that you yes uh-huh who's this it's michael michael michael who what do you mean michael who michael dustin of course oh michael i'm sorry yes we had a date last night where were you i waited for an hour oh i'm sorry michael i couldn't come couldn't come why not well i had to pack stuff for my trip why didn't you call me i wanted to call you but uh i uh i couldn't remember your phone number and now i'm going to forget yours do you smoke i've never known that when did you start smoking i started smoking when i was 16. so how long have you been a smoker i've smoked for 10 years how many cigarettes do you smoke a day i smoke two packs of cigarettes a day have you ever tried to quit yes i have quit twice once when i was falling in love with rosie who doesn't like smoking and the other time was when i had a bad sore throat but i had a hard time if you knew what it was doing to your lungs you would think twice about it [Music] did you hear about the dustin family no what happened mrs dustin passed away this morning that's a shame what from stomach bleeding i heard that's a terrible thing she went to the hospital last night by ambulance and died this morning has she been suffering from the stomach disease yeah she had it for five years before she died did they try surgery she had two operations but they weren't effective i feel sorry for her have you heard about the good news in the mary family no i've been out of town mrs mary went to the hospital last night and gave birth to a baby girl seven hours later that's really good but they already have a little girl don't they no they have a five-year-old boy so they wanted a girl this time right yes they've wanted a girl for a long time was it natural childbirth no she had a c-section [Music] maria what a surprise what are you doing here rosie i don't believe it i'm going to see my cousin she will marry this weekend how about you i'm going to visit my parents when is your cousin's wedding saturday wow this saturday is the 40th wedding anniversary of my parents wedding too this is a surprise anyway where is your train leaving from my train leaves from platform 4 over there how long will you now leaving from platform 4 train for london that's my train i have to go sorry we didn't have more time to talk that's okay i'll see you when you get back have a good time and say congratulations to your parents [Music] daniel oh hi grace how have you been good i hear you've been to london for a few days yes i just got back yesterday did you have a nice visit it was wonderful it was very good going around downtown and shopping and i saw the sunswing game at sky tower it seems that london is a very exciting city my brother bruno was there too you've met bruno haven't you sure i met him when he was here in birmingham last year what's he doing these days still teaching art material yes as a matter of fact he just began to teach elementary school how's everything going with the kids have you met my nieces yes they visited you once in the summer didn't they right they're both cute i haven't seen them for a long time they must be really big now well they will come over this christmas let's have a great christmas party there together that's a good idea [Music] hello lisa this is maria i want to return the book i borrowed from you last week will you be home at about seven o'clock uh yes i will i'll be cooking dinner oh well then i won't come over at seven well why not i don't want to disturb you don't worry you won't disturb me okay i will see you at seven [Music] my daughter is going to university that's great but it must cost you a lot of money yes but she has a grant a grant was a grant the government is giving her money to pay for her education that's right does it pay for everything no she has a loan too what's the difference between a loan and a grant you have to pay back the loan a grant is a present would you like to go to the ballad concert well i'd like to but when is it on sunday evening what a pity i'm busy on sunday maybe you could change your plans it's going to be a really great concert maybe i will i wouldn't want to miss it great i'll see you sunday [Music] god bless you thank you do you have a cold yes that's why i'm sneezing so much i hope you feel better soon i get a bad cold every winter are you taking anything for your cold i'm taking aspirins those at work yes but it makes me sleepy you better not drive then [Music] what are you looking for my coat i'm going to the doctor why what's the matter with you i'm not sure but i don't feel well do you have a fever [Music] can you help me officer i'll try what's wrong i can't get into my car where are your keys they're in the car don't worry i can open it how can you do that with a coat hanger it's easy where can we get a coat hanger there's one in the police car wait here thanks a lot you're very kind [Music] hello hi where do you want to go 80 maple street please 80 middle street no maple street maple street let's see is that near st middle street i don't know i've been here only one week where are you from melbourne i hate to get up in the morning me too what time do you get up at five o'clock why do you get up so early i have to go to work by 6. i don't get up until 7 30. you're lucky what do you do i own a small shop what time does your shop open at 8 o'clock [Music] it's too hot to death yes it must be 43 degrees i would like a bottle of coca-cola get you one thanks mmm this tastes so good it does geez this hot weather makes me lazy me too get me another drink i guess if you're lazy no one else is allowed to be thanks for understanding [Music] hey hey what's wrong there's something wrong with the phone i'm getting a strange noise are you i can hear you very clearly hello hello this pay phone might be out of order i'll call you again with another phone hello how about now is there still a strange noise yes perhaps my phone is out of order we should get in touch with the company phone the phone company [Music] hey what's wrong with the phone listen to this peculiar noise it doesn't sound like a dial tone it must be out of order we better notify the phone company how do we do that we can't use the phone let's go next door and use our neighbor's phone he's always complaining about people i don't want to ask any favors of him how about across the street i forgot about mrs lisa i'm sure she'd let us use her phone how long does it take to get a visa it depends on the season anywhere from three to six weeks what do i need to do fill out an application form and wait will there be a long waiting period not if you don't run into any government [Music] delays [Music] well this woman may be suitable for the job but is she energetic enough yes she certainly seems to have lots of energy um she's got to be ambitious too is she yes she has plenty of dreams to develop herself in this career and we really need a flexible sort of person do you think she is um she seems to be determined enough but she's a little tough well i guess we'll give her a try and see how she [Music] works what are you so happy about you're grinning from ear to ear mary and i are going out this weekend oh yeah that's so fast great which night are you going to see her saturday or sunday on saturday she isn't in town on sunday she's going to visit a friend in melbourne what are you going to do on saturday i don't know yet do you have any ideas how about taking her out to an italian restaurant i've heard that she likes italian food that's a great idea what are you going to wear on your date i'm going to wear my new suit that's too formal wear your jeans in a t-shirt how about your new coat are you going to wear it on saturday night no i haven't decided go ahead and wear [Music] it [Music] can i check in here for air from brazil to canada have you already had your ticket yes here you are thank you can you put your luggage up here please sure i have three suitcases we only allow two pieces you'll have to pay an extra charge oh can i carry this one with me uh no i'm sorry it won't fit under your seat that's fifty dollars here you are thank you you can choose your seat a window seat or aisle seat i'd like a window seat please all right seat 20a here's your ticket and your boarding pass enjoy your flight [Music] good morning can i see your passport certainly here it is yes that's all right have you got anything to declare yes i have i've got some wine and some cigarettes how much wine have you got a liter that's all right and how many cigarettes have you got 200. fine what about perfume uh no i haven't good open your case please pardon open your case please open it now oh dear look at this you've got three bottles of whiskey 400 cigarettes and a lot of perfume does not mean i can't go well hello mr daniel you seem unusually happy today i just became a father congratulations a boy or a girl you never saw such a cute girl eight pounds four ounces and as cute as a button now's your wife she's just fine [Music] where are you going to spain why are you going there i'm going to learn spanish there's a school there that has an excellent program is learning spanish going to be difficult yes i have to study and practice a lot where is your school it's in barcelona i'm jealous i'll bet it's interesting yes but i'm also really nervous [Music] where's david he's behind the house yes he takes good care of his car but he never cleans his room i know it's always dirty and nothing is in order you're right his room is a mess maybe he should move into the car [Music] this is a big menu yeah what are you getting chicken salad and baked potatoes i don't know what to get they have very good turkey i had turkey yesterday how about steak perfect i'll get steak and mashed potatoes what vegetable are you getting i'm not getting any i don't like vegetables i have some good news what is it mary is going to have a baby that's great i'm so happy for her me too do you want a boy or a girl a beautiful princess when's the baby due in the beginning of december i'm going to phone mary tonight that's nice say hello for me james mary do you work around here yes i work in that building across the street really what do you do i work in law office i'm a secretary oh that's interesting what about you what do you do i work at guru restaurant oh are you a cook no i'm a waiter that's a really hard job i don't envy you me neither do you live alone james no i don't i live with my family how about you i'm married now i got married last year really congratulations who did you marry his name's john oh what does he do he's a dentist oh wonderful i'm very happy for you [Music] your garden is really lovely thank you i enjoy working in the garden do you do everything yourself i trim the bushes and weed the flower beds myself who cuts the grass oh it's so big i hired one of the boys in the neighborhood to do it well i must say he does a good job yes his work is more than satisfactory [Music] i'm very angry with my son tony why what's wrong he is not doing well in school that's a surprise tony's a clever boy yes but he never studies did you talk to his teachers yes i did what did they say he's a nice boy but he's very lazy maybe they're right i'm afraid so have you thought about getting him a tutor maybe that's a good idea i really want him to excel [Music] what time is it it's four o'clock oh no i'm late where are you going to the doctors can i drive you there sure that will help what's the matter with you i have pain in my knees i'm sorry to hear that i've had it for weeks and this is the first time that i could get in my doctor is always so busy i guess that's a good thing it means a lot of people believe in him [Music] who is it it's me don't have your key no let me in what's in that box what did you get a new shirt but you have a closet full of shirts i know but i needed a new one what's wrong with all the other shirts they're not this one [Music] let's go for a picnic that's a great idea where shall we go let's go to the high hill how far is it about a mile is it a nice place sure it has picnic tables and a beautiful lake good i'll make some sandwiches i'll bring some soft drinks and cookies the kids will love it we've got 10 inches of snow wow that's terrific what's so terrific about it i'm going skiing skiing are you sure yes it's a lot of fun maybe but it's also risky you need to live on the edge [Music] mary you can't park here it's a bus stop oh we'll be back in a few minutes it's okay oh no it isn't you'll get a parking ticket if you leave it here no i won't it's half past seven all the traffic guards have gone home mary yes is this your car [Music] well i'm really tired now i have to go home and cook do you make dinner every evening yes i usually make dinner and my husband washes the dishes i even live alone so i have to do everything sometimes i eat out though there are some good restaurants in my neighborhood where do you live i live in the town center that's good there aren't any good restaurants near my house does your husband help you do housework much um yes he sets the table almost every night and he makes our bed every morning but i usually make all the meals how about cleaning oh we clean the house together every weekend i tidy the rooms and he does the yard work your husband helps you so much does he help do the laundry too well he's never helped me do the lunch [Music] hey maria have you finished the exam yes i have was it hard well yes it was so difficult did you pass i don't know mrs lisa didn't tell me what questions did she ask [Music] first she asked me what my name was that was easy wasn't it yes except i lost my mind then she asked me where i came from and how long it took me to get here from my country and what else did she ask she asked how long i'd been studying english here in finland and she asked how i would use english in the future yes yes go on then she asked me to tell her the difference between my country and finland anything else i'm trying to remember oh yes she asked if i spoke any other languages is that all oh there were a lot of other questions she asked me what my hobbies were when i finished when i visited finland then i was asked to read a passage what did she say at the end hmm let's see oh yes she asked me to tell you to go in right away well see you tomorrow i better go too oh would you do me a favor sure would you call me tomorrow around five o'clock in the morning tomorrow is my sister's birthday i want to give her a teddy bear i have to pick it up the dry cleaning and pick up the cake from the bakery anyway i have lots of things to do but i'm not sure i can get up early so you need a hand oh can you that would be great can you go to the mall and buy her a teddy bear pick up the dry cleaning and get the cake from the bakery what will you be doing sleeping of [Music] course are you going out with tony tonight uh-huh he's supposed to pick me up at six o'clock what time is it now quarter to 5 30 you'd better get going you're kidding i haven't even taken a bath where are you going we haven't made up our mind yet maybe to a restaurant maybe to a cinema go and watch godzilla it's supposed to be interesting oh maybe we will i have heard king kong is good too well i personally prefer godzilla i really should be going do you want to go shopping tomorrow i'd like to go but it depends i might have to go to the store tomorrow and do some things can i let you know first thing in the morning okay that would be all right oh there's the phone it must be tony well i'll be going call me tomorrow i will have a good evening you too where is lucy she is in the bedroom what is she doing she is doing homework where is the car it is in the garage where is the cat the cat is in the kitchen what is the cat doing the cat is sleeping [Music] where are you i am in the living room what are you doing i'm cleaning the house where are tom and anna they are in the living room what are they doing they are playing with toys and cars where is the dog she is in front of the door what is the dog doing the dog is eating [Music] who is she she is my sister what's her name her name is anna where is she in this photograph she's in london what is that building behind her she's standing in front of the big ben tower [Music] what can i do for you yes please i'm looking for a bag what's your favorite color it's brown sorry we have no brown right now here is an ice bag but this bag is orange that's okay orange bags are very popular this year okay i take this one [Music] excuse me is this your bag no it isn't are you sure yes i am sure that bag is brown and my bag is orange you
Channel: English Speaking Course
Views: 248,363
Rating: 4.9136434 out of 5
Keywords: English, Learning, english speaking course, speaking english, speaking english practice, speaking english conversation, english practice, english practice conversation, english conversation, english, conversation, speaking, speak english, english speaking, Questions and answers, Questions and answers english, Questions and answers english conversation, english speaking lessons, english subtitle, english lessons, questions and answers practice, speaking lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 21sec (4101 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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