Practice English Speaking Conversation (Compilation of May. 2021)

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[Music] daily conversations transportations [Music] should we take a taxi or a bus to the mall let's take a bus it's impossible to get a taxi during rush hour isn't that a bus stop over there yes oh there's a bus now we'll have to run to catch it oh no we just missed it no problem there'll be a another one in 10 minutes your english is very good [Music] sorry do you speak english yes what can i help you with yes could you please show me where's the post office it's that way you go straight ahead past three blocks then turn left you will see the post office right there thank you so much i've only been in town a few days so i really don't know my way around yet oh i know how you feel by the way your english is very good thanks for your compliment i've learned english for one year oh good luck to you giving advice thanks for meeting with me during your lunch hour i appreciate it no problem i'm happy to help what's going on oh you know the usual should i take this new job or do i stick with my current one well i think it's time for change don't you they pay you late and you are unhappy do you really think so i know so and i've been listening to you complain for over a year now trust me take the job what do you have to lose shopping trying on clothes [Music] can i help you yes how much is that skirt it's forty dollars can i try it on yes what size are you i don't know okay try a size 10 the changing room is over there [Music] oh it's too small do you have it in a bigger size yes here you are thank you it fits me how was it i'll take it at the flower shop [Applause] i need some flowers for my mom it's her birthday very well we have some fresh red roses how much are the roses 25 per dozen that sounds like a good deal yes they're on sale today i'll take a dozen splendid will there be anything else no the roses will be fine i'm sure your mom will love them buying shoes [Music] pardon me could you help me of course how can i help you i am looking for a sneaker what size do you wear 11 please here how do you like these shoes it's pretty can i try it on of course there is a chair to try there at the pet store dad can we take one of these puppies i would love to have a puppy but we can't take one home we live in an apartment a dog in an apartment is not a good idea but tom my friend has a dog and he lives in an apartment yes i know that many people have a dog in their apartment but i think it's not a good idea for us if we move to a house can we have a dog yes you can have a dog you can also have a cat i love animals too but is there any animal we can take home today i suppose we could take some fish in a bowl okay let's choose some pretty ones from the fish tank over there okay choose one of the small aquarium tanks from the shelf and then we can go and buy you some fish great thanks dad party inviting a friend to the party [Music] [Music] hey jackson what are you doing this weekend i'm going to the beach with my girlfriend but she will have she'll be busy that day we are putting together a birthday party for lisa oh that sounds fun where will it be we thought it would be fun to have a pool party at leon's house oh good can i bring anything we will be providing hot dogs soda pizza and cake but people can bring side dishes i'm assuming that the dress is casual dress casually and bring your bathing suit wonderful just message me the time and date and i'll be there decline an invitation [Applause] hey tom do you have any plans for next tuesday night no i do not what's up i want to invite you to a barbecue with us at jane's house sally linda mark peter lisa and some of jane's friends will join in it was a very crowded party no i'm sorry but i won't participate why are you busy no i'm not it's because i don't like noise oh it's okay tom talking to a friend at the party [Music] hey kelly hey buddy how's it going good thanks and you yeah i'm well what have you been up to i've been really busy working hard what about you i've been busy too i've also been working hard are you having a good time tonight yeah it's good to have some fun what about you yeah i'm enjoying myself what are your plans for tonight not much stay here for a while and have some fun i'll head home later sounds good to me yeah i hope so what about you the same have some fun and head home later good one hope you have a good night cool thanks you too talk to you soon what's your favorite sport [Music] what's your favorite sport my favorite sport is basketball i've been playing basketball since i was 10 years old do you like watching basketball or just playing it i like watching it playing it is also fun do you have any memorable memories when playing basketball yes i do one of the most memorable basketball games was when i was in high school i won the game for my team for shooting a three-pointer at the last second it was so great [Applause] which team is your favorite i don't have a favorite team i just watch all the games but you should have a favorite team right no i like the tigers a little because they won the championship last year but they are not my favorite well we are going to a tigers game next week if you want to come let me know we have an extra ticket i'd love to go that would be fun buying a movie ticket [Applause] hi how can i help you oh hi i'd like to buy two students tickets for the harry potter and the half blood prince okay what time do you want to see it 6 30. sorry all tickets are sold out what about the other time let me check um we have four seats available at 5 30 and 7 o'clock then can i have the two tickets at seven o'clock sure no problem are you a student or an adult a student do you have a student id with you can i see it okay sure here it is that will be fifteen dollars [Music] it's time to get up [Applause] good morning tom it's time to get up is it seven o'clock already i'm still sleepy that's okay dear are you hungry breakfast is ready yes mom i am so hungry what is for breakfast today mom breakfast is eggs milk and bread would you like something else to eat i will prepare for you right now that's enough thanks mom i'm on my way it's a beautiful morning sun yes it's a sunny day greetings hi how are you i'm fine how are you i'm pretty good thanks for asking no problem so how have you been i've been great what about you i've been good i'm working for a financial company oh yes how does your job go although i'm very good i love this job good lucky to you thank you very much what time is it [Music] what time is the meeting it starts at six o'clock when is it over it is over at 7 30. wow so long well it might finish by 7 15. oh really thank you what's for lunch [Music] what do you have for lunch david i have peanut butter and jelly sandwich that sounds good i have tuna pizza your tuna pizza is good too daniel i like jelly do you want to trade sure i like tuna pizza this trade is good for both of us yeah it is thanks daniel let's go to see a movie [Music] let's go to see a movie tom that sounds great lisa what do you want to see let's see something funny do you know of a good one yes but let's pick one we both like all right we can look online that's a great idea lisa ordering a meal hello i'll be your waiter today can i start you off with something to drink yes i'll have an orange juice please and i'll have a lemonade okay are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes i think we're ready i'll have the mushroom soup to start and the roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas how do you want the beef rare medium or well done well done please and i'll just have the fish with potatoes and a salad at the doctor's office hi what's wrong [Music] i feel unwell and keep vomiting all the time how long have you felt like this nearly two days it started just before going to bed the day before yesterday let me examine you i will press on your stomach to see if it hurts and then listen to your heart okay it doesn't hurt when you press my stomach i just feel tired okay did you eat something different from usual before you started to feel this way yes i ate a lot of junk food and drink soft drinks the night before you've got food poisoning it's not very serious and you should be better on another day oh dear what should i do you need to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest okay thank you doctor you're welcome if you are not better in 48 hours come and see me again time for dinner [Music] mary it's time for dinner okay mommy i'm on my way wow that's amazing it's all that i like oh dear then let's eat deliciously yes mommy yummy i love your chicken mom what do you do [Music] hi mark i want to introduce you to my friend lisa hi lisa nice to meet you nice to meet you too so lisa what do you do i'm an english teacher how about you what do you do i work in a hospital i'm a doctor at the library [Music] what can i help you with today when does the library close the library closes at six o'clock does it close at that time every day not always is the library open on saturdays yes what time do you open and close on saturday the hours are from 9am to 6 30pm ok thank you very much do you need anything else no that's all thanks what can i help you with today i need to check out this book do you have your library card i don't have one would you like to apply for one right now that's fine i'm going to need you to fill out this application all right all done right now please sign the back of the card okay i've signed it that's all there is to it great now can i check out this book long time no see [Music] well hello there mary wow it has been a long time no see it is great to see you again linda hello what a coincidence i have not seen you in ages it is great to see you what are you doing in manchester are you just visiting i just got a new job in manchester in finance so i am shopping for some new clothes hey what do you think of this skirt um well you remember how much i love black see i've got the same skirt as you you always had a great tasting clothes well this is a small world we must keep in touch do you still have my mobile number no i lost my phone here is my new number okay i will save your number i have to go back to work give me a ring so we can arrange dinner sometime for sure take care bye have a bad cold honey you don't look so good i think i have a terrible cold oh dear do you know who you got it from a lot of people in my office are sick maybe i picked it up there have you taken any medicine i've taken vitamin c i think i need some rest yes go back to bed now drink much water too i'll call your office to inform them that you can't go to work today okay honey thanks i'll make hot chicken soup it's also a good cure for a cold actually i'm not in the mood to eat right now but i'll try talk about music [Music] what kind of music do you like i like pop music what about country music do you like to listen to country music yes i do what is your favorite country singer i like taylor swift the most do you know her yes of course she's so beautiful and funny yeah i listen to her music every day to relax can you play a musical instrument yes i can i can play piano but just a little bit oh great i love the piano have you ever been to a concert no i haven't oh you should try it's very exciting really i will do you listen to music while doing your homework no i don't but i usually sing while taking a bath well i feel like i'm a real singer when in the bathroom yeah yeah um you also feel like that i feel my voice is more beautiful when i'm in there buying meat [Music] i would like to get some meat today what kind do you need i need about a pound of ground beef the ground beef is 254 a pound that sounds good what else would you like i also need three pounds of chicken breasts the chicken breasts are three dollars and 25 cents a pound how much will the three pounds of chicken cost altogether all together it's going to be 12.29 that will be all right for me all right let me get your meat for you suggestion [Music] i'm bored why don't you read a book no i don't feel like reading i'm hungry let's get something to eat why don't we order pizza that's a good idea let's do something tonight how about seeing a movie sure what movie do you want to see i've got a headache why don't you take an aspirin and rest thanks i will where should we meet how about the coffee shop next door it's too noisy let's go someplace quiet [Music] i need some exercise how about going for a walk with me i'll get my shoes [Music] that was a long day i'm exhausted why don't you go to bed early i can i still have work to do [Music] i'm broke why don't you borrow some money from your brother [Music] i can't he's broke too oceans or mountains why [Music] which do you like better the ocean or the mountains i like the mountains why it's so quiet and fresh that is the perfect place for me to relax i could hear the birds singing the whispers of the wind and the trees oh really i prefer the ocean the mountains is so quiet it makes me feel bored i love diving to watch the corals i like surfing or even lying down and relaxing with a cocktail and listening to the murmuring waves anyway go up to the mountain or into the sea just have fun i totally agree do you have any pets [Applause] hi mike how are you uh hi i'm fine is this your dog yes his name is rocky he looks very big yes he's big but he's very friendly do you want to pet him yes as long as he won't bite me no he won't he likes meeting new people he is lovely and his fur is so soft do you have any pets no my mother has a cat her name is toby your dog is well trained a good if i did not have him on a leash you would chase the ducks how long have you had him had him since he was a puppy and he is four years old now does he eat a lot yes all the time i need to go to the pet shop now and buy more food would you like to come they have lots of animals to see yes that would be interesting let's go let's go to the beach andrew are you going to watch television all day no is there something you want to do it's a beautiful day the sun is shining we should do something outdoors okay what should we do let's go to the beach okay i'll grab the beach chairs and towels and swimsuits great i'll pack some snacks and drinks don't forget the sunscreen where is it it's in the bathroom cabinet is there anything else we need to bring i'll bring the camera i want to take pictures of the sunset good idea the sunset is beautiful at the beach complaint about the noise [Music] may i talk to you of course what's the problem did you have a party saturday yeah i did there was some of my friends came to my apartment it was very loud oops i'm so sorry i didn't realize i was making a lot of noise the noise made it difficult to sleep i am so sorry if my party kept you up it's alright but next time could you try not to be so loud please i'll make sure to do that for you thanks i would appreciate it let me apologize again for the noise talk about the weather good morning morning how are you today not so bad thanks you i am good apart from all this rain it's chucking down again yeah it's awful isn't it and it's very cold the weather forecast said it will brighten up in the afternoon they always say that still i can't complain it's a lot warmer than back home really where are you from i'm from russia what's the weather like in russia now freezing cold and snowing right so this must be like summer for you right but i do like the snow sometimes cooking verbs two friends ally and maxine cook dinner together hey how are you doing today guess you've got everything already hi i'm good thanks and yes we plan to cook dinner together so what's the plan well i have a great idea we will cook a traditional american dinner how do you like this plan wow fantastic let's do this [Music] i have prepared all the ingredients we will make teriyaki beef cream pasta with bacon and roasted salmon for the main course and for side dishes how about the mashed potato garlic bread and chicken nuggets sure that sounds nice how do i make teriyaki beef all it has is rice and teriyaki beef that sounds easy but how do i make it first you need to make some white rice then what do i do then you need to shred some beef and marinate it with teriyaki sauce then you cook it and eat it okay i got it and how do you plan on cooking the cream pasta do you want to make pasta i got this new recipe for basic egg pasta and it's quite easy oh cool but i forgot to buy flour don't worry i brought a flour enough to make pasta for two first whip together the flour and salt with a fork in a mixing bowl crack the eggs into the middle of the bowl okay shall i whisk the eggs yes whisk until it starts forming a very soft dough then gently folding the dough on itself flattening and folding again it will be extremely soft at first then gradually start to firm up okay it is firm enough to knead now begin kneading the dough slice into the dough with a paring knife flatten one piece of dough and feed it through the pasta roller okay i feed it through a couple of times it's smooth enough to cut now okay we will switch to the noodle cutter and run the sheet of pasta through the cutter and we have the fresh egg pasta homemade okay now let's make the sauce i will share my sauce making with you first you heat olive in a medium pan over medium heat chop garlic then add into the pan and stir until fragrant one to two minutes okay shall i add butter yes and stir constantly until melted then pour in chicken broth then add pepper and salt okay it's boiling shall i add the pasta yes and stir heavy cream and parsley into the pasta then grate the parmesan cheese and mix thoroughly okay all done that smells good well done thanks and our last main dish is grilled salmon okay would you mind preheating the oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit please i will season the salmon with salt and pepper [Music] add some cheese and squeeze in a couple of drops of lemon juice okay ready now place salmon skin side down how long do i set the cooking timer grill until salmon is cooked through about 12 to 15 minutes okay the main dishes are ready now let's move to the side dishes can you tell me how to do your famous delicious chicken nuggets oh it's easy i will season the chicken with garlic salt and pepper then coat it with flour then you prepare the bread crumbs i will season it with salt and pepper okay then whisk the egg and water in a bowl then dip the chicken in the egg mixture then bread crumbs gently pressing the crumbs into the chicken ok the chicken is coated well then heat the vegetable oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat add the chicken pieces to the pan and fry until it turns brown on each side okay done great and the big secret is to sprinkle the nuggets with a little bit of salt while it is hot and sir oh that is very nice where did you get the recipe from i have a cookbook please help me with the presentation of the dish here take this plate in tissues lay the tissues on the plate and then put the nuggets on the plate please pass me that tomato sauce bottle it will enhance its taste good idea do you want to know it's recipe of course it's very tasty it's also very cheap easy and fast to cook i'm giving you a cd of this recipe i hope that you will try it well i shall try it on sunday and now we should finish our side dishes before we move to make dessert okay peel those potatoes then place potatoes and water to cover in a large saucepan bring to a boil reduce heat cook until tender okay what's next drain return to pan mash potatoes to to desired consistency stir in add salt and heavy cream if you like it creamy yes can i add a little garlic sure oh it smells nice okay mashed potatoes are ready now for the garlic bread since the bread then diced the garlic into small pieces and mix it with butter and spread it on the bread and place it in the oven and bake for five minutes all done so what should we do for dessert let's make chocolate brownies i'm really good at this but we don't have much time left to make brownies what if i told you that you don't need to melt chocolate or chocolate chips just one bowl in five minutes bringing it all together to make the best brownies you've ever eaten really is that possible yes the best part is they're only 144 calories each wow tell me how to do it every step is the same but the one ingredient i add these brownies that is different from most recipes is a small amount of oil once you have all the ingredients mix them all then bake for 10 minutes [Music] okay the dessert will be ready just in time great i think everything is ready shall we sit yes come on let's eat oh everything looks so good cooking is quite tiring but it is so much fun i learn a lot today let's do it again next week okay we will try asian food next time sure happy mother's day for mother's day sending gifts is one way for you to show your gratitude to your mom watch this video to find out what kinds of gifts would be appropriate dialogue one lara and tim are siblings for this year's mother's day they plan to give their mother a card to thank her for being the best mother they can ask for hey tim mother's day is coming up have you thought of anything that we could buy for our mom oh i totally forgot is it already may yes it is and mother's day is on the second sunday of may which is the ninth this year i see maybe we should buy her flowers i don't know flowers die out too fast i'd rather buy her something that she could keep forever what about a watch she can wear it everywhere a watch is nice but good ones are too expensive we don't have a lot of money to spare tim you're right a blouse then it is cheaper than a watch oh come on mom has so many blouses already i don't think she needs another one [Music] what about a card i saw some beautiful ones at the store earlier a card sounds good but i think we should make it ourselves make it more personalized store-bought cards are too commercialized don't you think that's also a good idea let's go buy the supplies we need this afternoon okay what do you plan to write on it i'm not sure maybe a poem i think that would be really sweet that's so cringy i think she would prefer a short message well we can always write separate cards yes that's also an option [Music] dialogue two carlson and his son henry make plans for this year's mother's day dad what are we doing for this year's mother's day mother's day is it here already it's this sunday dad did you forget um yes i totally did i'm such a bad husband i'm gonna tell mom she's going to be mad at you ha ha you're funny henry let's try to make a plan for it now should we yes i can help alright what do you think mom would like to do go shopping she loves to buy new clothes true that but let's think of something that we can all do together okay what about eating out there's a new restaurant in town which my friends have been talking about a lot really what dishes do they serve there mainly italian dad that's perfect italian cuisine is your mom's favorite do you think we need to make a reservation for it yes dad it's pretty popular okay i'll make one then do you want to buy her something as well i've already made her a card dad do you think she would like it she would love it honey as long as it's from you she will appreciate it okay then i don't think i need to buy other gifts sure do you think i should get her something like flowers the flowers are nice get her roses she loved them the last time you brought them home you're right can you please remind me to pick some up before our dinner on sunday alright dad [Music] dialogue three this year everyone spends mother's day in quarantine myla asks her mom tess if she could call her grandmother christine to give her her best mommy can i call grandma christine of course you can but what for honey it is mother's day soon i want to wish her the very best wishes that's so sweet baby i was about to call her anyway do you want to join me yes mommy hello grandma hello to you too my little baby where is your mother she is right here grandma hi mom hello darling why are you two calling me today mila you want to tell grandma why you wanted to call her yes it's mother's day soon i just wanted to wish you a lot of happiness and health oh you're so sweet have you congratulated your mother as well yes grandma we are having a girl's day together soon that's cute baby well thank you very much for your wishes and i hope we can meet soon me too grandma mom i'm really sorry we cannot visit you this year i will send a gift over there soon oh no need darling i already have everything i need just have a great mother's day okay enjoy yourself okay mom thank you i love you love you too grandma i love you both see you soon [Music] dialogue four jim is a really good cook he wants to give his mother eva some of the new strawberry jam he recently made for mother's day he calls her before coming over to her house hi son are you coming over today of course mom i wouldn't miss it for the world it's mother's day come come i just baked some bread and i think you would love it you shouldn't have mom it's your day you should enjoy it oh you know i love baking well if you made bread i have some strawberry jam that i just made this morning would you like to have some of it that would be amazing i can brew some tea and we can enjoy afternoon tea together sounds good i'm leaving my place right now and i will be there in about an hour sure drive safe honey thank you mom do you need me to pick anything up on my way there hmm let me see maybe some butter would be good i used all of mine for the bread that's fine anything else mom if you want to have a peanut butter jelly sandwich get some peanut butter as well i don't have it if not it's fine just some butter i got it mom which grocery store do you recommend i visit the one two blocks away from my house it is cheap and good quality butter all right i'll head over there now see you soon mom see you son love you lots i love you too [Music] what did you do yesterday dialogue one leo and kate have been dating for over a year their friend carrie just recently found out about it she sits down with leo and kate and asks them to tell her everything oh my god why didn't you guys tell me i had to find out the news through jack we are very sorry carrie we wanted to keep things private but jack saw us together when we were on a date last week i understand well are you going to tell me now of course what do you want to know first of all when did you guys start being in a relationship we started being in a relationship last year last year that's a long time ago yes time flies we never expected to be so in love right kate yes leo came to the cafe i was working at then and the rest is history you guys are so cheesy i can't stand it oh come on weren't you the one wanting us to be together from the start yes and i'm starting to regret it now though just kidding i'm happy for you guys thanks carrie we weren't sure how you would react to this news what would i do stop hanging out with you guys no way we love you [Music] dialogue 2 tim and hank are looking through tim's family photos they come across one where tim is crying hank asked him what he thinks it was about tim why were you crying in this picture by the way you look so young here duh hank i was five years old then and what did you expect me to look like and i was crying because my dad tricked me tricked you how i remember it was a school day my dad woke me up really early uh-huh go on well i wanted to skip school that day and my dad told me i could if i made the bed and got ready as fast as possible i see where this is going i finished everything super fast without any doubt i made the bed ate my breakfast brushed my teeth and washed my face i even put on a beautiful outfit and then and then my dad said april fool's i cried and he took this picture at that moment your dad is such a funny guy no not to me [Music] dialogue 3 johnny has a stomach ache he goes to see his doctor damon damon asks him a few questions to figure out the reason for johnny's pain hey damon can you have a look at my stomach it has been aching since yesterday what did you eat for dinner yesterday was it anything out of the ordinary no not that i know of i just ate a hamburger maybe there was something wrong with that hamburger what about drinks did you drink anything bad i drank some alcohol last night but that's normal for me i always drink a glass of wine every other day that still can upset your stomach though your body may not be able to tolerate alcohol should we do some tests first yes sure the results not allergic to alcohol how was your sleep last night it was not so good i slept really late because i had to work i've been staying up late for a week now i see that is probably why you are feeling unwell you need enough sleep for your organs to work normally i know what should i do then you need to sleep earlier that should help if not come see me again okay thank you damon you're welcome [Music] dialogue four jeremy just came back from italy he tells molly his colleague about his adventures on holiday jeremy long time no see how was your holiday hi molly it was really great thank you for asking i had so much food and went sightseeing a lot really what was your favorite meal my favorite meal was one i had the first night i was there pizza and wine that seems delicious did you take many pictures unfortunately no but i filmed a lot using the video camera i bought before the trip can i see the footage sometime i've never been to italy before of course wait a minute i'll send them to you thank you jeremy by the way you missed out on a few important meetings while you were gone oh no what did i miss one on a new project and one on new employees i see thank you for informing me i will see if i can find some information on them no problem i'm getting back to work now okay talk to you later dialogue five after the weekend hannah goes back to school her desk mate tony asks her about the activities during the weekend good morning hannah how are you today i'm good thanks tony what about you i'm good too my dad brought home a new dog yesterday i'm still very excited what about you what did you do on your weekend hannah congratulations on your new dog tony i also hung out with mine and took it out on a walk yesterday afternoon the rest of the day was nothing crazy though i just helped my mom cook and enjoyed dinner with my family that sounds lovely did you do the homework for today yes i finished it on saturday do you want to compare the results i wasn't sure about question three sure that one took me some time to solve i know right i asked my brother for help but he couldn't solve it either here you go did you get 10 as the answer no what did i do wrong maybe you skipped a step let me see oh yeah you have to redo this part oh i redid that part so many times already and i still got it wrong it's okay i can help you i'm sure the teacher will explain it as well thank you tony you're welcome hannah [Music] what kinds of things do you like to do [Music] oh my gosh look who it is how have you been ken well if it isn't my old buddy lily i'm great thanks and you [Music] so good hey man what have you been up to go to work or not yet i'm still studying photography sure you're studying journalism right can't be any more true my friend [Music] you've been interested in writing like when you were a little girl absolutely true writing is my kind of thing ken besides writing what else are you into surely reading books is my cup of tea people always call me a bookworm oh bookworm girl are you fond of something related to logic let me think a few minutes what about you ken i know you're really interested in photography a hundred percent exactly i've had this passion since i was a child oh let me guess some other activities you like is that okay you're welcome traveling right yes i'm an avid traveler that is my second favorite activity after photography do you like traveling i do i often travel when i need to boost my mood to bite [Music] lily i have one question for you do you think i'm mad about playing logical games i don't think so in my mind you're known for being down to earth because you love photography i knew your answer in advance everyone said that but actually i really like playing logical games really that's unbelievable ken as for me i wasn't gifted with a sense of calculating most people are surprised when i say that besides photography i have a special liking for math so i often play that game to relax sounds irrational right a little to cheer me up i usually listen to music that is my kind of thing i'm a big fan of k-pop so do you love collecting cards or albums i always like that also i'm fancy collecting stamps really we have adorable activities in common you like it collecting stamps it's been a long time since i just knew a person who has the same hobby as me lily are you free now [Music] yes no hectic schedule today what's up ken i wanna go out to take some photos with you to save the date we met each other cool let's have some mutual memories okay let's go [Music] so uh hi are you jenny yes i'm jenny hi do i know you i'm dylan i'm your brother's friend nice to meet you oh you are that guy from work that steve told me about nice to finally meet you come in steve will be home in 20 minutes thank you your house is so lovely thanks would you like some tea yes please thank you so much no problem [Music] so dylan do you play any sports i love football and golf i go to the golf course every weekend to practice oh i play golf too can i come with you next week i need to improve my golf game great it's a date you're funny steve told me that you liked horse riding right that's so cool yes my family owns a farm so i had to learn how to ride a horse at a very young age what about you i'm pretty keen on reading i'm not really an extrovert kind of girl i just want to stay inside reading my novels oh i'm definitely an extrovert i like going out with friends and meeting new people i go to clubs almost every night and i also go to cooking class and dance class on the weekend oh interesting i prefer staying at home to going out but i'm in a volunteer organization at my school we organize events for children in our town once a month that's great oh i see a beautiful piano do you play the piano yes both me and steve know how to play i also like writing music but i'm just starting to learn it [Music] wow you are so talented i would like to see one of your songs on the music chart one day thanks and i think steve is home oh hi steve i was just talking to your sister about how amazing she is your friend dylan here is such a good guy too okay but we have an appointment for a haircut at 4pm so we have to go now okay bye guys and it was nice meeting you dylan see you later jenny bye john [Music] where are you from leila and katie meet tim on the way to the library leila shares her homesickness with tim and katie what's up tim hi where are you going i'm going to the library i need to borrow some books a new semester is coming you're right i'm so excited to meet my classmates again and this must be your new roommate you've told me about oh yes this is this is leila layla this is tim he's one of my close friends hello nice to meet you i'm leila layla where are you from i'm from oklahoma oh really my brother loves the oklahoma city hunters so much that he played truant twice to meet them and then my mom had to meet his teacher at school to talk about it this team must be happy if they know they have a big fan like your brother but no one encourages their fans to skip school to watch them i know this was totally my brother's fault now he's much better and how about you my house is here in new york at least you don't have to experience homesickness do you yes it's so bad i miss my parents so much my mom is in the hospital right now but i can't go home to take care of her don't worry laila you need to calm down and focus on studying you tried so hard to pass the exam at this university don't forget the reason why you're here thank you for reminding me i've been affected too much by homesickness that somehow i forgot my initial purpose actually many people have experienced this feeling i totally understand when i was in high school my studying results were low one time i saw my mom so sad because i got just 25 for the final exam of biology at that moment i changed my mind and studied so hard to please my parents and my mom broke into tears when she heard the news i passed to the exam for the top 10 universities of the usa wow you're so amazing you all know that our family members just wish the best for us hopefully you can get used to the lifestyle in new york soon and keep getting good marks if you need to know anything i'm willing to help kim introduces her husband to her friends at a party kim's friends seem to be happy for her because kim's husband is so nice hi guys long time no see hello my girl i miss you so much how long have i not seen you four years no five years that's right i used to be a naughty girl when i was in university you were your parents worried for you so much but i can't believe that you changed completely after your brother's [Music] it was time i realized i needed to grow up and take responsibilities for my family then you got a scholarship and went to england i even got married angela mia this is paul my husband he's from manchester and we've been married for two years hello paul i'm mia kim's ex-roommate i'm sure you would have never loved her if you saw her old self i know i even hate myself during i studied in texas i was so selfish that i couldn't breathe properly any time i woke up don't be sad now you're different you are beautiful and thoughtful you deserve all of the best things in the world how which part do you live in manchester my uncle used to live there for a year i live in the mountainous area in the north of manchester it takes me four hours to go by train to sheffield oh my uncle lived in the southern part i visited him once before he moved is there any cuisine in your city lancashire hot pot i guess i'm so proud of it and paw cooks it so well what i've been addicted to it recently i didn't know it comes from manchester it does kim you're so lucky your husband knows how to cook my boyfriend nearly ferned my house down last time when he was trying to boil eggs what are you serious i intended to say goodbye but he promised to not let it happen again and he's registered for a cooking course for beginners i will see how he makes progress paul have you visited many places in texas i haven't we intend to visit some museums tomorrow you should go to alamo the most significant historical monument here and you should also try texan barbecues it's more than delicious thank you i still remember when i was homesick four years ago he gave me a bunch of bluebonnet flowers although he wrapped them so ugly i was attached and agreed to be his girlfriend i envy you kim i don't know whether my boyfriend can boil eggs after that course [Music] sakura and kate share a studio apartment but they have never met each other before they talk to each other a lot on the first day they meet hello you must be kate i am and you are sakura right yes nice to meet you are you tired after a long flight from japan to america not really i slept most of the time i was on the plane i brought some chips for you oh thank you where are you from i live on the outskirts of michigan the chips are made from my grandmom she loves cooking really my mom never asks me to go into the kitchen she knows i will burn everything inside but you'd better cook at home instead of eating outside it is quite expensive in washington oh i'm afraid of it instant noodles are my first choice come on i'll help you don't worry so tell me more about your hometown i was born in kyoto it used to be the capital of japan my accent is quite heavy so even if you're a master of japanese you need a lot of time to get used to it don't worry i don't intend to learn japanese and we are well known for sushi i'm addicted to that dish i don't know whether i can eat it when i live here ah i know a restaurant on island street the chef is japanese how about having our dinner tonight there bill on me wow amazing thank you [Music] borrowing money situation one hooray finally it's lunch time the canteen has cheesecake today really that's my favorite dessert any of you bring extra money i only have enough to buy lunch for myself why i think i left my wallet at home oh no researching your backpack again [Music] what about your walker the lock of it was broken yesterday yes so i cleared all my stuff and got that's bad i don't have enough extra money either doesn't your twin brother have class today charlie usually yes but he caught a cold yesterday he's at home now have you asked monica yes she brought her own lunch so she doesn't have any money either i got my bank card but there's no money left in my account can we buy a little more food than usual for her to eat i'm afraid the money is not enough besides ellie has gym class this afternoon she needs a full proper meal wait a minute i have my card here there's still some money left in my account oh my god thank you it's okay let's go i'll withdraw some money from you i'll pay you back tomorrow oh i actually won't go to school tomorrow it's my uncle's wedding remember right so is monday okay okay situation two jackson hello hi mark uh why did you want to meet me uh this is a little awkward but can you lend me some money well why so sudden well do you remember the concert that i talked about last week yes wait was it yesterday you're correct did you have fun yes and no it was amazing until i tried to catch a taxi to go home and realize that i lost my wallet oh no that's horrible so now i ran out of money and i don't even have my credit card i came back to the venue to find it but there were too many people [Music] i see it was a huge concert i was just having too much fun it must have fallen out of my bag really yes i dropped it once and several things came out of it i guess i forgot to pick up my wallet you have to be more careful next time i know have you reported this to the police yes however they said that it's going to take quite a long time to find it i understand but what about your salary i won't get paid until next thursday well then in that case i can't say no thank you so much jackson how much do you need just a small amount to buy food and other basic necessities it won't be too much all right i can handle that you're my lifesaver i promise i'll pay you back right when i get my paycheck don't worry about it you can do that whenever it's convenient for you thanks again problem mark when do you need the money as soon as possible then i'll send some into your bank account by tonight is that fine perfect [Music] situation three [Music] hello uncle ryan it's great to meet you again hi jax long time no see how have you been i'm great work has been amazing lately i just got promoted really i'm so happy for you thank you well i've been waiting for this family reunion to ask you something since i don't want to talk on the phone what is it i'm thinking of buying a car what kind the newest edition of volkswagen do you know that ah yes i heard the price was quite reasonable good choice it was but i still need to borrow some money because i don't have enough can you lend me some money why i think you can afford it not to mention your promotion yes but i'm planning to invest in a project next month so now there's only twenty five thousand dollars left in my budget how much is the car anyway about thirty five thousand dollars so i need ten thousand dollars to be able to buy it wow that's a huge amount of money i know at first i wanted to wait but the new model wasn't blue and i like it a lot i'm afraid that it might be sold out soon i understand right now i don't have that much money in my account but i think i'll ask my friend if you can lend me some so you agree of course but under one condition just tell me because i also have to borrow someone else's money i need to know when exactly you will pay me back oh you don't need to worry about that you'll get the money back in exactly three months i promise well in that case i hope you'll keep that promise i definitely will alright so we have a deal i'll try to contact my friend as fast as possible thank you so much i'm very grateful for this no problem your money will probably be transferred the day after tomorrow that's great situation four hey john are you staying for football practice today oh i'm sorry i can't i have to go home early to prepare for my mom's birthday oh tell her i said happy birthday oh thank you have you talked to the coach yet yes don't worry he's fine with it wait i got a message oh no are you okay who texted my brother um i might need to borrow some money i don't have a lot is it urgent yes it is something came up at work and he won't be able to buy a birthday cake on time so he asked me to do it instead why didn't you ask your friend he gets off work pretty weird too check your wallet you might still have enough money i would be happy to lend you some but i don't think i have enough to afford an entire cake let's see actually i have enough like only for a regular pig if you want to buy a different type yes the premium one we all agreed on that i want it to be special um i only have 20 dollars would that be enough more than enough actually i only need to borrow 10. great there you are thank you ryder you're the best i'll pay you back tomorrow okay now you should go and already won't prepare myself sure goodbye writer bye john see you tomorrow in bio situation 5. [Music] hey maria hi tom what's up i'm really hard up did you lend me a few dollars my wallet is empty me too i'm dead broke not a nickel to my name there is an emptiness in my soul and also in my vein [Music] situation six [Music] good morning welcome to the city bank how can i help you good morning i would like to open a bank account sure thing what kind of account would you like to open a savings account or a checking account what's the difference a checking account is designed to use for everyday transactions yet the money in a savings account is meant to stay in the account and earn interest over time i see actually i want to apply for a credit card that's why i need an account okay then you probably want a checking account well thank you i'd like that sure we will have you fill out an application form please no problem how much of a credit limit were you looking for i would like a ten thousand dollar spending limit all right we will see what we can do we might be able to get you one of our gold cards with a ten thousand dollar spending limit wonderful will i also collect points when i use the card sure with our gold card you will get 10 reward points for every dollar spent perfect i have filled out the form do you need anything else you just need to deposit a minimum of 250 into your new checking account very well here you are thank you your account is set up now and your credit card will be mailed to your address within 5 to 10 business days thank you for your help have a good day thank you you too makeup leah helps kate to wear makeup for the first date and supports her for not being confident hi leah i'm glad you're on time oh my goodness i went from my home so early to avoid a traffic jam but i couldn't luckily i'm not late please help me leah my face has too many pores and dark spots i'm so scared jack will leave me because of them oh come on my girl i'm a professional for over four years your face is not that terrible hurry hurry i'm so excited now oh my god this is the first time i've seen you loving someone like this okay this lady will help you love you leah we need primer and foundation to cover all of your pores and dark spots i choose a20 of mac for primer and g02 for foundation of too cool for school i need a concealer for big dark spots on your face oh there are more than i think do we break up because of them oh no kate don't cry i'm sure jack doesn't care about your appearance what he really loves is your personality you know we can't be young forever we will be old looking uglier what can't change even time goes by is our personality you are so lovely kate i wish i were able to be gentle and quiet as you oh you don't know how being introverted's impeded me don't worry your first date would be so romantic in london trust me you deserve the best things in the world [Music] thanks wow it's nearly impossible to see my pores in dark spots it's so magical this is my job to help people getting prettier now i apply powder to have a natural finish perfect for eyes we need mascara eye primers and eye shadow i feel like i'm the main character of transformers you are a smoky tone is perfect for a square shaped face i will do my best to help your eyes look deeper and deeper oh you're scaring me haha coward and brown tone for your cheeks my girl looks so different does jack realize me let's see if he loves you from bottom of his heart he will leah my lips are so dry i can't help licking my lips oops stop stop they are bleeding i will take care of them from now you need to moisturize your lips immediately how i give you a lip balm as a gift just take it this is dior glossy one of the best sellers of this brand thank you i realize i haven't taken care of myself properly for a long time don't worry sweetheart it's not too late and now i will mix ruby woo and glacier to have a suitable color tone for this concept it's nearly done [Music] surprised unbelievable you are indeed a magician i wish i could help you more okay let me help you trim your hair a bit [Music] tracy meets rachel and heidi at the entrance of a shopping mall rachel is disappointed because the color tone new lipstick collection was not as good as her expectation rachel heidi long time no see hi what are you doing i'm collecting some stuff for my mom her birthday is coming up hello are you all right rachel of course not what happened i don't want to talk about it anymore come on girl just tell me maybe i can help you nothing serious she was so eager to buy the new lipstick collection of dior in this season but the texture and the color tone didn't meet her demands it's not as easy as you say heidi i was cheated what i've watched thousands of swatch videos of well-known beauty bloggers and their reviews were so good but when i tried on my lips they were totally different in the orange red tone i couldn't see orange just red besides the texture is too dry while this brand introduces that moisturizing is the strength of the collection that's it i thought your boyfriend went to the hotel with another girl i thought you nearly dropped your chin on the floor when you heard i was cheating don't be upset rachel maybe this collection doesn't suit you it may suit others if i were you i would send them feedback hopefully they'll read and improve their next products you know i showed my bare face a whole day to wait for it oh it must be a nightmare for a makeup lover like you but everything sometimes isn't what we hope let's eat pizza bill's on me kathy asked liz to fix her makeup after having an argument with her boyfriend liz open the door for me please wait for me a few seconds liz help me please of course i will help you you need to calm down first come in caddy [Laughter] [Music] i can't believe this matter is happening to me what's your matter i saw alex kissing someone in a coffee shop i went to their table and slapped that girl then the story began i need to go to my grandmother's house in 20 minutes but my makeup is faded from tears can you fix it i don't dare to return to the beauty salon to fix it it's expensive yes i can i will add some powder and concealer basically your makeup is so nice that it's not affected much even though you cried so hard but i need to apply blush again it's gone i thought he was so reliable [Music] i know you're shocked now just see how your mascara smudged i can't imagine how hard you cried can you do it quickly i need to go to her house soon it's nearly done wait for me a few minutes i don't have the brown red tone you are applying for on your lips is that okay to use cherry one whatever liz as long as my grandmother doesn't realize i cried before i visited her i'm not sure it also depends on your behavior you know the old are sensitive [Music] job interview john just graduated college he is looking for a job julia a recruiter from xyz company invites him for an interview hello you must be john right thank you for coming to our company today my name is julia and i will be interviewing you for the position of software developer at our company nice to meet you julia thank you for giving me this opportunity of course did you have any trouble finding the office nope the directions on the website were great good would you like some coffee or whatever before we begin i'm okay thank you should we start now of course first of all can you tell me a little bit about yourself just a few sentences should be fine yeah so my full name is john smith i recently graduated from abc university with a bachelor's degree in computer science while i was studying i successfully built software to track deliveries from abroad i did it with the help of two of my professors it is my biggest achievement yet you can have a look at it through the link i included in my resume right now i'm looking for a job that can provide me with the necessary tools to develop even more complicated applications that is really impressive may i ask how did you find out about our company as well i was referred to your company by an acquaintance but i had already known about you before that your online presence is very strong thank you can you tell me why you are interested in working for us i believe that your company has one of the strongest technical departments in our field of work there are many predecessors that i can learn from if given the opportunity furthermore the company culture of peers being supportive of each other is very appealing you seem to have done a lot of research on our company what can you do that differentiates you from other applicants i noticed from your job description that you are looking for someone with a unique perspective given my background of multiple years living abroad i believe i would be suitable for this job very interesting is there anything you dislike about this job or our company not much but i do have to say the lack of an efficient communication channel is worrying but i can definitely help with that too i agree that can be very useful tell me how do you define success as a software developer i think of software development as a lengthy process a successful developer should not only be able to create useful applications but also should be open to criticism and be able to adapt accordingly i see that's enough about the job should we start talking about your plans sure how long do you think you will be able to work for us as long as possible if allowed maybe even 10 years i can be very committed if i feel like i am rewarded accordingly to my contribution okay based on your resume i think you are more than qualified for this position what do you think about this i personally don't think so i agree that i have done harder tasks before but i have never worked in a company setting with a scope such as yours i still think i can earn a lot of knowledge from it right i see that you interned for another tech company for a very long time why did you not continue working for this company i actually really loved my previous job but i do feel like i have outgrown it my daily tasks were getting repetitive therefore i could not grow my expertise much how did it feel to leave do you regret it no not really i do miss my old colleagues very much but i enjoy a good challenge and this one is definitely fitting furthermore i believe that every opportunity is a valuable experience that i can learn from good mindset what do you think about your old boss oh daniel he is actually one of the best people i have ever worked with i say with and not four because he never treated me as a subordinate he always treats every employee the same way and listens to their wants and needs that is very valuable i'm happy to inform you that our boss here is pretty much the same that's really good to hear is there anything else that you want to know about me let me see oh yes i am missing some personal information what high school did you attend i don't see it here on your resume oh i didn't include it because i studied high school abroad it is located in mexico named x i understand by the way are you married i am asking this because you might have to move around a lot if you work for us not yet i am very flexible with my schedule that's great one last question what do you usually do in your free time i would describe myself as a very active person i play all kinds of sports for example i like swimming a lot i go swimming at least once every week i also really enjoy playing basketball and golf really do you watch sports as well of course as often as i can okay i think i have all the information i need from you do you have any questions for us actually yes may i ask about salary i don't think we have covered that well we will have time to talk about it in detail if you get accepted for now however i would say you can expect anywhere between a thousand to two thousand dollars a month i see thank you very much you're welcome thank you again for coming today we will inform you of the result through email by the latest friday amazing thank you i hope we will be able to work together in the future goodbye bye bye [Music] summer activities dialogue one lisa meets her friend from high school john in a coffee shop and they share with each other their plans for the upcoming summer before they go to college hey lisa long time no see oh hi john what a surprise seeing you here this coffee shop is near my house so i like coming here to study my friend recommended this cafe to me so how have you been doing i'm fine do you have any plans this summer yes i'm planning to take a trip to indonesia by myself that's amazing indonesia is a beautiful country with so many islands i want to join a voluntary group to teach english to children in jakarta that's great it's so much fun exploring a new country and when i come back i will look for a part-time job to pay for my university fees oh great or you can apply to be an office assistant in your department what is the job answering phones scheduling appointments and maintaining files thank you i will consider it and how about you do you have any plans before college i'm thinking about taking a gap year to go to africa that's cool what do you plan to do in africa african animals have had a rough go of it lately and i want to volunteer to protect animals and help local communities wow good luck thank you i'm so excited [Music] dialogue two two friends ann and sophia talk to each other about their upcoming summer holiday at the beach with their families oh it's getting so hot lately it's june summer is here do you go to the beach this summer yes my family goes to miami every year how about you me too this year we will go to hawaii really besides swimming at the beach what else do you do in hawaii i can pet a sea lion learn to surf and see massive humpback whales on mount that's so cool how about other sites i can learn to dance the hula and watch the planetarium shows or go to the park and gardens wow there are so many things to do with miami too do you go to the beach of course miami has so many great and gentle beaches and parks i can learn how to surf play with the sand toys rental bike sunbathe and kayak what do you bring on your trip i always bring sunscreen sunglasses a bathing suit sandals a hat and other personal items i plan to go sightseeing and hike so i bring walking shoes hiking pants and other fun things to play at the beach like what like toys to play in the sand goggles snuffle towel and umbrella that's a good idea i will bring those with me this summer dialogue three two friends miley and nick plan to go on a picnic hey nick oh hi miley what's up the weather is nice do you want to go on a picnic with me tomorrow a picnic sure it's good getting fresh air where is it by the lake it's not far from here and it's quiet and relaxing great what should we bring to the picnic first of all a blanket so we don't have to sit on the ground a basket with plates and reusable plastic cups to reduce trash will bring a cooler we should bring food that travels well like sandwiches and sausages can you bring some lightweight serving bowls and baking dishes sure anything else some napkins tea towels to lay down as placements salt and pepper shakers and serving utensils okay we can go fishing swimming and kayaking and make fire camps to roast marshmallows great i'm so excited [Music] dialogue 4 lilly and joanne talk about their last summer hi lily long time no see hi joanne it's good being back to school how was your summer it was good i went to florida to visit my grandmother that's so cool what did you do in florida i went to the blue springs state park to swim kayak and paddle in its pale blue waters and collected unique seashells on sanibel island i didn't get to go on a vacation this summer so i decided to take some classes what classes did you take i signed up for karate class cooking class and swimming class that's great how was it karate class helped me be stronger and learn to respect other people i learned to cook italian dishes and bake cakes in the cooking class i took a piano class too i can play piano and sing a few songs that's amazing i can teach you how to swim and can you teach me to play a song sure [Music] dialogue five two friends mike and susan talk about their favorite season it's so hot today i agree it's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk i prefer summer over winter i can't stand the cold weather i think cold weather is more comfortable than this boiling hot weather but in the summer you can do so many fun activities like what you can go to the beach sunbathing swimming boating water ski go to the water parks hiking camping barbecuing eating ice cream playing sports outside gardening bicycling go on a picnic that's right there are so many activities to do at the beach yes you can surf dive windsurf playing beach volleyball snorkel go on a canoe well maybe summer is more fun i will try to do it this summer dialogue 6 talk about summer weather what is the weather like how it affects my life it's boiling hot today i think this summer will be uncomfortable i love to tan on holiday and come back looking sun-kissed how about you do you like summer actually no we've predicted that summer temperatures will be hotter than normal that's bad i want to be enjoying the outdoors and i just want to stay in my room with the ac on try and stay out of the sun at midday when it's the strongest the hot weather makes me sweat a lot and exhausted you can take a short break to go on a trip to avoid the heat luckily august will be good weather for outdoor activities although are temperatures near or above normal that's good you can go to the beach in relax or do some activities outside like camping or swimming i will try to go out this summer [Music] hometown [Music] so john where are you from i guess my hometown is not too big it's a little town in the countryside in northampton there are only 10 000 people there so it is very quiet in my hometown i do not really like it wow there aren't very many people no it's very small is there anywhere to go in your town there aren't very many businesses there isn't a shopping mall there are a lot of grocery stores and there are a lot of gas stations but there isn't much to do there oh really are there any movie theaters well there is one movie theater so that's a nice thing to do is the movie theater good or bad in fact there are many screens in this video there are eight different movies showing how about at night what do you want to ask about what's fun to do how about at night is there very much nightlife yeah there is not so much but there is a bowling alley there is a bowling alley and a movie theater anything more to do there is one restaurant where you can go for tacos and burritos and there's one more restaurant for pizza and spaghetti um that must be boring but during the day time you can go to the park what's inside the park there's a river that goes through the town so in the middle of town there's a river and there's a park that goes along both sides of the river and at the park there is a tennis court and a disc golf course disco golf yeah i like to play disc golf with my friends it's really fun and after we finish playing disc golf we usually go to the pizza restaurant oh i see how about schools are there very many schools let's see no there aren't very many there's only one elementary school one junior high school and one high school that's it interesting yeah there aren't very many schools but the town doesn't need more schools because there aren't very many people there i see are there any mountains no the whole area is a very flat there are no mountains but there are a lot of trees in fact there are trees on my town's sign because my town is famous for all the trees on every street oh wow sounds like a great city so harley as i understand you live in croatia where are you from what do you like and dislike about your place yes i live in croatia in a city named fula where is the city actually it is situated in the israelian peninsula and it's the biggest city in istria it counts a population of around 60 000 and do you like it what i like about hula is the fact that it's perfectly sized it's not too big nor too small and it has all of the civilization benefits as any western european city that's good though for example in the area of education and culture there is a university a theater a cinema a great number of galleries museums libraries there are some historical sites and so on then for example in the health area there is a hospital a number of private clinics dentist offices ambulances and pharmacies and so on what about places for entertainment there are places to go such as restaurants bars exhibitions concerts especially in the summer during various festivals sports gastronomics musicals dances and theatrical events wow that sounds interesting also pula is surrounded by the adriatic sea so you can always go to the beach or to one of the many beaches to sunbathe or go fishing or sailing really i really like living near the sea if you prefer the land you can take a field trip to the surrounding places and discover their natural and other attractions all together i really love living there okay you only told me about your positive sides of living in pula what about your dislikes well like any other place there is no perfection the downside is that we have a huge traffic problem i would say especially lately due to some construction projects that sounds uncomfortable so i recommend using public transportation whenever possible or simply going on foot some people might say that pula doesn't exactly have a wild nightlife but i don't consider it a downside rather a peaceful alternative to some other tourist destinations so that's it would you prefer to live somewhere else to be honest i'm not kind of a city person and i am quite fed up with the traffic jam in the city so if i were to live somewhere else it would have to be somewhere off the beaten track to escape the hustle and bustle of city life that way i can be closer to nature and soak up fresh air every morning most people in this world do not live in their home towns why well i guess the majority of people feel that there could be more opportunities outside of their hometowns and consequently comfort zones therefore many believe that living in such a comfortable place with relatives and friends can be distracting and too relaxing on the way of pursuing goals they might go abroad as well right yes people not only youth strive to explore other places and experience different cultures across the globe which affects a person's personality more the hometown of the current city why hometown defines how a person behaves and the current city defines how a person wants to change i think that the hometown has a much greater impact on a person than the current city okay thanks harley thank you the passive voice jaden is being interviewed by jessica for the new post on the school website oh hi nice to meet you pleased to meet you here how are you doing today i'm great what about you i'm good too okay jaden let's start our talk today can you introduce a little bit about yourself yeah of course my name is jaden thomas i'm a student at brookhill high school i was born in 2004 in birmingham in birmingham so why did you move to this city just because my house was built near our school and it is also said to be one of the best schools in england so yeah i moved here when i was six years old what made you decide to choose this school firstly i think i'm taken care of by all the college staff when i study here that's great who is your best teacher in this school it's hard to choose the best but i would say it is mrs johnstone is she a chemistry teacher yeah i have been learning a lot from her and she is friendly as well last winter i was invited to her christmas party with her family wow has she been told that you got the first prize not yet i phoned her but she didn't answer i'm going to meet her tomorrow at school probably she will be so proud of you i hope so i think she expected a lot and i didn't want to disappoint her as well okay so let's talk about your study how did you prepare for this competition i'm lucky that i was given many useful books from teachers and students who already joined to the test so you were revising a lot for the preparation weren't you yes and i was tested every week by my teachers so i knew what i needed to improve you are hard-working though do you have any special suggestions to prepare for the exam i think when i had to memorize something i usually wrote songs about that wow can you sing or play musical instruments i can play piano a little bit the songs are kind of silly but it made me feel less stressed when i studied [Music] you must perform one day at school i will try to practice more one day thank you so how did your parents feel when you won you might think that they would be very excited yes of course you did it so well yeah but they only told me that i was just luckier than other students oh really that sounds strange yeah they said that because my parents didn't want me to be overconfident did your family do anything to celebrate your win yeah we are planning but i guess we will do it on the weekend what will you do for the celebration perhaps we will have a lovely dinner at a restaurant wow so what about you how did you feel i'm really surprised i just wanted to get the prize because it can be used when i apply to university what are you going to study at university i'm considering between material science and chemistry do you have any dream universities everyone wants to go to cambridge so do i but it is really difficult but you are also excellent our school is so lucky to have you no i am so normal i still need to try my best to get my dream university well good luck to you i hope i can have a talk again with you when you are accepted by cambridge university i wish that too thank you so much [Music] winship and lewis just went back home after work and saw all the doors and windows of their house opened what's that what's going on did you forget to lock the door no you locked it i even checked it twice [Music] the windows on the second floor are opened as well did you see if anything disappeared not really let me check again it's so strange the flowers on the balcony were watered are you sure no way the robber watered you can come here to check they're all wet and some chairs were moved did you check your working space has your computer been stolen no i don't think there was a robber so someone came inside and just opened the doors and went out that's ridiculous what about the kitchen it's so strange all the dishes are cleaned the chicken was baked and actually smells really good did we hire any housekeepers today and then you forgot i never call them on weekdays and they told me they can't come this month as well maybe they changed the plan but you forgot let me check the phone i haven't been told anything i'm a bit scared now what exactly happened here me too let's go around and check the house one more time okay [Music] have you found anything i saw a suitcase here whose is it where did you see that in the garage it looks quite familiar is that the one our daughter received on her birthday last year is it i don't remember i think so what why are you here at the moment aren't you supposed to be at university no mom i was told by my tutor that i can go home early for this winter break why did you do something wrong nope i just finished all the credits earlier why are you guys so surprised we thought that there was a robber at the house oh dear it's just me why didn't you tell us i was so scared i wanted to surprise you guys it's too much for me dear have you eaten anything nope have you seen the chicken baked i was so hungry okay let's go inside baby i'll make something for you sure mom [Music] roommates situation one ted and marshall are new roommates and this is the first day they move in they want to know each other to prepare to live in university life together hi i'm marshall i guess i'm your new roommate hi i'm ted nice to meet you i just unpacked my stuff this is my side of the room and that will be yours great nice to meet you too what is your major i major in physics how about you i study law i want to be an environmental lawyer where do you come from i'm from texas that's pretty far from here i'm from new jersey cool and anyway i'll bring a tv so if it's possible can you bring a mini refrigerator okay do you have an idea of the kind of dorm decor you want what is your style i'm in the funky retro style i want to hang up posters of rock bands and some famous artists i like rock music too do you want to coordinate dorm decor great decorate the room together will be so much fun and what are your thoughts on chores we will split the chores equally according to our study schedule most of my classes are in the morning so i will do the chores at noon great and when i get back at night i'll do the rest how do you feel about guests and socializing in the dorm i have a girlfriend if you're okay with it you'll hang out in our room occasionally sure i'm cool with that just tell me before she gets here thank you for understanding are you taking any extracurriculars or playing sports on campus i'm currently in the environmental club i'm planning on joining the soccer team do you play soccer i like watching football but i don't play what do you do in your spare time do you watch tv shows together sure i want to apply for a part-time job in my spare time it'd be fun to go together it's a good idea it's a good opportunity to have more experiences are you planning on going home a lot i only trot back to my parents house for the holidays i want to go home every weekend so you can invite your friends over on the weekend great and how do you like to study i like listening to music when i study do you mind i like studying in silence but it's okay we can schedule our study time differently or i can go to the university library okay and what are you planning to do over summer break i don't have any plan yet how about you i will go to the beach to my friend's party you can come with me if you want that sounds fun we need to relax after this semester that's right we'll have so much fun living together i'm so excited to start our university life together [Music] situation two lucas comes back home from college and his little brother mike wants his advice on living with roommates hi lucas welcome home i missed you hey mike i missed you too have you been good to mom and dad yes i have and i'm so excited for you to come home for this summer holiday tell me everything about your college life is it fun do you have a roommate it's fun but also tough i have a roommate but i don't like him have so much trouble living together really why he is slobby and unorganized we just can't get along we have nothing in common and his annoying behaviors are driving me crazy how bad is he for example it's one thing to leave his shoes and socks on his bedroom floor that is his own private space after all but don't be a slob in shared spaces like the kitchen or living room that's so rude did you guys agree to share the house chores yes but we agreed to pick up after yourself and he still lives dishes in the sink leaves dirty pots and pans on the stove doesn't put away leftovers do you guys share the bathroom yes and he leaves his dirty clothes or towels in the bathroom toothpaste splatter in the sink or on the bathroom mirror all the time i guess you guys fight a lot right yes he doesn't respect my schedule i have an 8 am class every day but sometimes he comes home at 2 a.m banging the door or sets up the alarm at 7am but never gets up to turn it off i see what are his personalities he is needy he depends on me for a social life and even all his emotional support if he doesn't have other people he can count on or any other ways to help himself that can be exhausting and overwhelming for me you can set up some limits to when you talk to him and how long you will be around him trust me you feel so much better he is also an attention seeker he will do anything for attention including talking about me behind my back sharing my personal information with others you should let him know his behavior is causing a rift hopefully he'll hear you out and reevaluate his actions i hope so roommates can be lifelong friends but they can be a nightmare so what will you do when you go back to your dorm people usually think moving rooms or changing roommates will be the magic solution to all their problems but learning how to deal with situations you have with your roommate can benefit you your entire life i think roommate problems are caused by miscommunications and the problem can be solved just by sitting down with a neutral friend and talking things out you are going to college next year remember don't let yourself be a bad roommate and notice bad signs from your roomie soon should i share the dorm room with anyone or live alone it's nice to have someone who can wake you when you sleep through your alarm or bring you soup when you're sick they might introduce you to a different culture or new point of view i may have a roommate who likes to do the same things as i do but you may not have the privacy you're used to and may have to seek out places like the library to get it if your roommate's habits personality or schedule are very different from yours it can be hard to adjust to living together that's true so what should i do to live harmoniously with my roommate communicating often and openly is essential for any successful relationship make rules and respect them for example you guys agree that if one of them is trying to study the other won't blare music or will record tv shows to watch later what if we don't agree on something you'll both have to make some compromises if you behave politely to your roommate your roommate is likely to follow your lead thanks for your advice and good luck with your roommate thanks i hope i can work it out greetings leila moved to the dormitory of her university in her room there are anna amanda and kim living there before her hello i'm leila hello laila my name is amanda this is anna and kim hello nice to meet you which school year are you studying i'm in the second year how about you we are the same what is your major leila i'm studying law wow law is hard did you have any difficulties in the learning process there are a few difficulties but just hard work and careful research will overcome it how about you guys i study biology anna studies english and amanda studies science do you love studying here of course i love english but i'm not sure about these girls at first i regretted studying biology but my teacher changed my mind i also worried for you when i first met you you nearly quit you failed two subjects in the first semester but you got three a-plus this semester this is a tough experience luckily i didn't give up thank god you studying well now layla do you have a boyfriend i don't i just don't care about it i just want to get a scholarship from our university each semester to share the financial burden for my family wow you must be diligent i have to i have no choice i want to save up for my parents to bring up my brother i intended to have a gap year to work so i could help them somehow but my parents didn't agree so i continued studying do you have any part-time jobs if you need one just tell me i know some with high rates thank you now i work from home for a company based in california the rate isn't bad i'm quite independent with my parents you are such a good girl laila it's so lucky for any to marry you in the future oh don't say that i'm not perfect i'm bad at cooking you didn't care about it our dorm doesn't allow us to cook yeah i know now let us help you put clothes into your wardrobe and arrange your bed you don't have many things so it doesn't take time thank you you're so nice to me linda accidentally meets christian a hot tick-tocker on the street they talk to each other and exchange numbers hello are you are you chris crist on tick-tock i am just call me christian wow i can't believe to meet you here on the street come on i also have to move right ah i mean you're so famous that i didn't think i could meet you easily oh i'm not famous i just do it for fun you have nearly 15 million followers on this platform and you say you are not famous indeed i'm not i'm a banker and it's easy to feel stressed therefore i just want to relax and i choose to make a video on tiktok which bank are you working at marine bank are you serious i also work in this bank why haven't i seen you our company has many branches which branch do you work for i work in the office on santa street and i work for the branch on capital city street actually i intend to move to that office because where i work is too far away from my house i have to wake up so early each morning to prepare but sometimes i'm still late i get it our bosses are punctual they hate working late and personal calls you're right but the allowance of this company is excellent and i have no intention to work for other companies can i have your phone number if you move to our branch feel free to call me i can't believe that my idol is asking for my phone number come on i'm not a celebrity and i won't just call me whenever you need me now i need to go bye luna introduces her boyfriend to her family her parents are quite happy when they meet matthew mom dad this is matthew my boyfriends hello i'm rachel luna's mom this is paul her dad nice to meet you my name is paul i have a small gift for you hopefully you like it you're so thoughtful thank you matthew just call me matt okay matt you must be hungry this is the menu feel free to order what you like i'm okay let luna order i'll follow her darling just order you seem to be thin recently i have worked overtime for three weeks and i can't have dinner at home i know you love your job but you need to care about your health too every time you go home you look exhausted thank you papa i will care more about myself i will try my best to take care of her you are so nice matt luna somehow is like a child she needs someone mature to care for her i know it may bother you oh no i love taking care of her and she also cares for me one time i forgot to bring lunch to the company she ordered it for me wow a baby girl grows up a bit mom i'm 23 years old i'm an adult now but not your character you need to grow more i'll help her she needs more time i will also try my best mom dad now let's order thanks for watching don't forget to like share comment on my video please subscribe to learn english with jessica channel to watch more helpful videos goodbye
Channel: Learn English with Jessica
Views: 218,454
Rating: 4.8844566 out of 5
Keywords: daily english, daily english speaking, daily english speaking practice, english speaking practice, english speaking, daily english conversation, daily english conversation practice, english conversation, english conversation practice, Practice English Speaking Conversation, Compilation of May. 2021, english jessica
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 55sec (8455 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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