Basic English Conversation Practice (Compilation of April. 2021)

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[Music] let's go to the beach alice and jamie are about to celebrate rose's birthday party this weekend watch the video and learn how to prepare to have a happy birthday party good morning jamie what are you doing hey there alice good morning i'm having my breakfast i got some sandwiches with peanut butter do you want some that sounds nice but no thanks yeah i knew it just teasing you girl by the way do you have any plans today actually yeah i'm calling you in order to discuss rose's birthday can you come over right now that's right okay i'm coming hey come in jamie so what are you going to do give me some clues please i heard that she is a sea lover well i intended to take her to nantucket oh my goodness where is that it's a small island in massachusetts state i find it extremely beautiful looks like a wonderland i bet rose is going to love it but i suggest we should invite mott yeah i think so let's call them to come over we will talk about this i'm so excited can't wait to see that yeah i know so am i hello guess who this is i know it's you jamie i saw your id what's up alice and i are going to tell you a secret can you come over to alice's house sounds so mysterious okay when right now oh and mott too we will be waiting for you alright we will be there in 15 minutes cool see you see you hey rose hi girls long time no see how are you sweetie i am super great how are you doing rose i'm cool thanks guys we know this weekend is your 17th birthday therefore we decided to take you to nantucket yeah what do you think it depends on you sweetie don't be shy what nantucket are you serious no it's real nantucket oh my goodness i've never been there before so interesting okay so there are suggestions i completely agree dear good i'm going to book rooms for us tomorrow let's take a car we will go for a drive going there tomorrow cool i will drive so go back and prepare the luggage we will leave early tomorrow morning around 5am okay okay yeah [Music] alice are you done we're waiting for you outside hey i'm coming wait a minute jamie can you help me carry the luggage please [Music] [Applause] sure all right now we're here cool i will drive get in the car guys i feel so inspired don't worry girl we will get there soon when was the last time you went to the beach guys i don't even remember what about you about me almost two years buddy i missed the sea flavor wave sounds seafood etc hey do you have any problems with seafood guys no i don't think so anyone here cannot swim it's me i cannot swim what i thought you were the best of us so what you cannot swim but you love the sea i don't even know i just feel so peaceful when i'm at the beach you know the atmosphere makes me so comfortable so if you love planes can you fly them oh i see oh yes rose i can teach you how to swim if you don't mind sounds very good to me thank you so much sweetie you're welcome girl oh my god i can't wait to see it i love the beach it's one of the best beaches here i hope i will catch some fish but some octopuses would be better i think the best things there are sands and waves oh yeah blue of the sea and the sky and light yellow of sands and sunshine absolutely yes do you ever worry about sharks or jellyfish when you swim at the beach no never you know why because i know there are no sharks there i can even surf swim ride a canoe so what are you going to do when we get there uh and i'm interested in picking up the seashells by the seashore what a romantic sight but why don't you buy it it's sold everywhere out there of course we could buy it in the souvenir shops but i want to do it myself oh and i just want to lie down and sunbathe hey did you buy sun cream what oh i'm sorry dear i forgot okay that's all right we can buy it when we get there but remember to apply sun cream before sunbathing unless you want to be burned yeah i got that [Music] all right we arrived don't forget your luggage and belongings woohoo let's start the party now guys i want to barbecue here give me a hand jaime great good idea alice come on jamie yeah i'm coming ladies rose can you help me check into our room please okay i'm on my way don't forget to take the keys rose after the barbecue we will dive is that okay and i want to play volleyball all right we will play all the sports that we love and what about going fishing let's make some memories tonight agreed [Music] do you guys want ice cream of course awesome what a thoughtful girl i will buy with you okay james oh very comfortable like this and basking in the sun thank you for organizing this trip it's great no problem we all feel happy here you are oh thank you okay i'm going to rent a canoe who wants to go with me i think i will lay here in sunbathe hey i just remembered we forgot something really important what's that don't freak me out we have not texted parents that we arrived safely oh yes you're right i almost forgot okay let's get back to our room take a nap we will wake up to get twilight and build a campfire tonight yeah that's what i want to hear right now lol yeah i'm tired as hell all right sleep tight see you see you [Music] free time activities and hobbies in order to do a survey for her school assignment evelyn came to the park on a weekend morning to interview the people there watch the video and see what the citizens usually do in their free time hello today is such a nice day isn't it yes it's good to see the sun after nearly an entire week of rain can i know your name please my name is albert what about you i'm evelyn nice to meet you i'm doing a survey for my homework do you mind if i ask you some questions of course no problem thank you so much first how old are you i'm currently 64. turning 65 in a few weeks all right you're retired aren't you yes i am what do you usually do in your free time before i retired i was a chef i love cooking so i usually help my wife prepare meals for the day that's the activity that takes up most of my time do you have any other daily activities well once in a while i check around the house to see if there's anything that needs to be fixed maybe a broken light bulb things like that i jog around the park every morning and in the afternoon i take my dog phillip out for a walk so what about the weekends we have a family reunion every saturday where my children and grandchildren spend the entire day at my house we cook together keep an eye out for the children and spend hours talking until it's late and the children are all sleepy that sounds really warm you such a desirable family do you have any particular hobbies it might sound weird for my age but i really like traveling whether it's just a road trip to the suburbs a hike or a long vacation to further destinations i enjoy all of them so much it's not weird at all i think it's very inspiring who do you often go on these trips with with my wife and my family of course but sometimes i go with my friend josh he's our neighbor and he also loves traveling as much as i do so why do you like traveling so much i spent my entire youth working to give my family a comfortable life i didn't retire because i couldn't work anymore but because i want to learn to live to the fullest i choose traveling since it gives me beautiful memory and knowledge along the way i see i might be old but i'm still strong enough to go here and there i don't want to lie on a bed years later and blame myself for living a boring life traveling tightens the bond between me and my children when we all had fun together those are the moments that i will never forget that's amazing all right that's everything i need to ask thank you for your time you're welcome good luck with the homework [Music] evelyn hi oh hello lucy you're here too yes this park is my favorite place to come on the weekends what are you doing here oh i'm just interviewing some people to do a survey for my class assignment really are you finished you can interview me that's great i'm still finding people to ask alright since you volunteered we will start now what do you usually do in your free time well typically i practice dancing or drawing i also go shopping too but not all the time just when i have a reasonable amount of money to spend wow dancing you're on a dance team right yes sometimes i practice for the team's project but i still do it as a hobby i started dancing a long time ago and i love being on stage why do you have these hobbies well of course dancing keeps me stay in shape i'm not that tall already so i need a nice body i just mentioned the other reason why i dance and i draw regularly to practice my skills of course to stay creative too great what about shopping there's actually no particular reason for that i just love going out and looking at things it works as a way to help me learn to look at life from a more optimistic perspective you know the shops are always so colorful and sometimes i get inspiration for my drawings after going shopping too i can see most of your hobbies have something to do with art do you wish to have a career in this field yes i want to be a fashion designer now when i think about it i guess that's also one of the reasons why i like to draw do your parents support you it took some convincing at first my parents used to seem quite upset when i spent too much time drawing but after we had a serious conversation about my future and what i want to pursue they understood and later started to support me that's amazing i'm so happy for you alright that's all the questions i need to ask i have to go now thank you so much and see you later goodbye evelyn good morning good morning sorry to bother you but i'm doing some interviews for my homework can i ask you some questions if you have time um yes you can i'm not busy at the moment thank you so much can i know your name and age first i'm ricky johnson and i'm 35 years old what's your occupation i'm a financial manager seems like very busy work yes you're right usually i have to take care of a lot of things for my company so i don't have much time to rest so can you tell me what you usually do when you have the chance to take a break hmm it's hard to answer since i rarely take breaks if i have any free time i'll just work more [Music] i can't waste a minute the time will come when i'm not wise enough for work anymore i want to live financially comfortably when i get old wow you work all the time with no means of entertainment at all let me think well sometimes i play golf on the weekend cool how long have you been playing since i started working for my company about four years ago i believe most of the games i went to was for business purposes however later i found myself starting to enjoy that very much is there anything else that you do i always try to finish work soon and come home to help my wife prepare for dinner of course with the heavy workload i can't do that every day but i try my best so i guess you can see that whenever i have free time i either stay at home to help with cleaning work or go out to play golf you sound like a real family man mr johnson i guess i can take that as a compliment i work hard not just for myself but for my family too i just want to give them the best that i can that's indeed a compliment okay i finished the interview thank you mr johnson no problem [Music] cleaning up the room situation one joanne asks her children alex and justin to clean and decorate the house for christmas children come in here yes mom we're coming alex justin it's only five days till christmas the shop is busy and i will be working all day i need you to help me clean up the house and decorate it can you guys help me with that yes mom don't worry we can do it can i be in charge mom of course you can alex listen to your brother okay i have to go to work now so see you guys tonight bye love you mom bye mom bye guys be nice [Music] we will clean up first and then we will take the lights and decorations in the basement to hang up okay justin i will go grab the broom to dust the bookshelf and can you take out the trash [Music] [Applause] done where are all the cleaning products for polishing they are in the kitchen under the sink these shelves chairs and furnishings need a once-over to remove any stains for buildup of dust you're right do you remember the nice set of cutlery that only makes an appearance on special occasions i will clean and polish this lovely kitchenware and make the christmas meal even more memorable while you're on a cleaning spree don't forget to give decorations like mirrors and candlesticks a good polish too sure justin [Music] okay we're done cleaning up the living room now let's hang up these lights i will go get the ladder and i will put up the santa claus figure he brings us our gifts and toys so he should absolutely be represented in our living room thanks alex after this we will hang up the ornaments together it's one of the most fun parts of decorating for christmas wait for me alex i will put on a christmas song as we decorate the tree you can choose a theme for the tree ornaments which one do you prefer red or metallics um red and we should hang some of our old family photos to make it more special great idea ah don't forget to hang stockings by the fireplace sure mom will be surprised when she gets home from work situation two sally cleans up her house because she has a guest and karen to helps her hi sally it's karen how are you today do you want to go to the movies tonight hi karen i'm okay but i'm afraid i can't come with you i have so many things to do today [Music] what do you have to do i have to do several loads of laundry vacuum the whole house and clean the kitchen wow that's a lot of stuff to do why don't you do some of that tomorrow my mother-in-law is coming tonight i invited her to my house for dinner and she likes a very neat and tidy house i know what you mean my mom is very clean and organized too i should have started a few days ago but i was so busy at work why doesn't your husband help you he did help me he mowed the lawn cleaned all of the bathrooms and set up the guest room yesterday wow he did a lot too i also have to go grocery shopping what a busy day do you need any help no that's okay i'm not busy today i can help you really could you go grocery shopping for me i already made my shopping list of course you can pay me back when i drop off the groceries thank you so much karen no problem that's what friends are for text me what you need and i will go to the supermarket right away okay [Music] hi karen again thank you so much for helping me with the groceries you're my lifesaver i'm here to help you with the house chores you can go cook dinner and i will finish cleaning up the house just tell me what i have to do okay can you please do the dishes set up the table and take out the trash thank you so much i'm on it thanks and please at least stay for dinner sure sally [Music] situation 3 john wants to sell his house and he asks his friend max for his advice on how to clean the house before selling hi max it's me john oh hi john what's up i have something to ask i want to sell my house in texas my wife has decided to stay in new york uh and you're the real estate agent so i need your advice on how to get my house ready to sell you ask the right man okay here is the list of what you'll have to do write it down okay tell me first and foremost start by researching the local housing market take a look at comparable sales in your neighborhood to figure out the appropriate listing price for your home okay will you help me with that this is my first time i have no idea what to do sure no problem okay do i need to do anything else first impressions mean a lot so before listing your home give your home a deep cool a deep clean but how do i do it like sweeping and dusting there are places and things in your home that are easiest for prospective buyers to spot this means cleaning toilets wiping down surfaces mopping floors cleaning rugs and scrubbing bathrooms okay i'll clean the fridge dishwasher oven and bathtubs sinks toilets inside and out good make sure that your fridge is emptied and that you've cleaned out every shelf and drawer you already know that these are high traffic areas you'll need to spend some serious time scrubbing here removing every stain and bit of stray dirt anything else glass also needs to be dusted good mirrors helped make rooms look larger so use a good glass cleaner and make sure to leave any glass surfaces as clear as possible how about marks that have accumulated over the years on walls and counters a good scrubbing should get rid of most of it more pressing is any damage to the walls or counters which might need to be fixed with either new paint or even putty okay what should i do with the floor your floors are the easiest area to see in your home take the time to clean any carpets and use cleaners that you might have on your hardwork stores and the little things like light fixtures switch plates vents and fan blades and windows this is a multi-task part so be prepared to put in a little work everything needs to be deep cleaned and replaced if necessary i understand thank you so much for your advice i will start preparing my house to make it look its best good luck talking about my country situation one anne is a new student from london and she discusses with her new friend emma about the culture in england and america hi anne welcome to boston high school i'm emma i'm your new classmate let me show you around thanks emma nice to meet you so anne where do you come from i'm from london this is the first time i've traveled to america wow all the way from england i've always wanted to travel there living in a new country is fun and exciting but it's going to be a big change for me so i want to know more about this country you share some common things about the american culture please sure the american culture is very interesting first of all americans often prefer large and luxurious to them large can be practical i think thinking big also applies to american food too most restaurants serve very large portions americans love going out to eat or ordering takeout so if you're going to out to eat and aren't sure of the size it's okay to ask your server what they recommend yes because the u.s is a melting pot of different cultures bringing along a variety of tasty foods that's right even in small american towns you're likely to find pizza chinese japanese or mexican food in larger cities you'll find restaurants devoted to ethiopian brazilian or afghani cuisine that's cool and i can see that many americans love and follow sports people say one of the most popular differences between british and american english is how they see the games really americans do not like small scores that's why they do not like football they tend to like games with big scores like basketball and american people and the english people tend to be more patient in playing and this can be seen in many games such as qriket and football oh sports can be a huge uniting and dividing factor among americans during football and basketball season you might see people getting into spirited debates about whose team is better football is fun to watch but can be pretty confusing to follow can you help me out i want to know why over a hundred million americans watch the 2017 super bowl sure no problem what else do you want to know what is the main religion in america back in my hometown people are now getting away from the church and tend to be less religious the united states is remains a predominantly christian nation people in the united states tend to be more religious especially those living in the southern regions oh how about the people in america often americans tend to be friendly they tend to want to be part of someone else's problems as they communicate the english people really appreciate personal privacy and they try to give respect without too entering the private affairs of others this difference is the reason why the english tend to be cooler i guess so and you know that the british tend to be elegant in appearance right this is the opposite of most americans who tend to be casual jeans were created first in the united states and we now know why they were not created in england true the english people tend to be more polite even the level of decency the british people have is often viewed as higher than the average of other europeans this tends to contradict the american way of communicating they tend to bring out jokes which for most english people are quite rough americans also tend to speak many consider the united states and the united kingdom are two nations divided by the same language however while it is true that both nations have historically shared a close relationship they have major differences in culture i agree but it's a fact that both of these cultures are interesting i want to travel to england to learn all about its culture you can come with me when i go back to england to this summer really that's great thanks no problem [Music] situation two linda and david travel to london and their tour guide luke introduces them to all the interesting facts about england and london hi guys welcome to london my name is luke and i'm your tour guide for today let me show you everything about this ancient country england i'm linda and this is my husband david this is our first time visiting england besides the two popular visitor attractions i'll show you these travel experiences that can turn you into a real logo that's great i want true local experiences which are different from the basic places i saw online you can count on me being the capital of england london has a history dating back to roman times a bustling nightlife great shopping and even beautiful views what are people like in the uk brits have a mixed reputation in other countries on the one hand they're quite polite and proper on the other they're known for their loutish drunken behavior while abroad really how well both types of brits are fairly common but two activities that tend to unite all uk citizens queuing and talking about the weather with all this diversity comes all different types of cultures right yes walking down my street there is an english pub a burger place multiple italian indian thai and chinese restaurants most anything to satisfy your taste buds besides the famous english breakfast fish and chips what are the other popular foods in britain the uk's most popular dish is actually chicken tikka masala and the quaint cream tea which derives from devon it's a light meal designed to be eaten in the afternoon combining tea with dainty sandwiches and cakes that sounds so delicious i can't wait to try it out how about uk art the united kingdom has a rich history in the arts london's west end has a reputation akin to new york's broadway what genres of music are popular to the british the west end is home to several theaters showing popular plays and musicals really i want to go to a music festival before i go back to the us many genres of music have a huge following in the uk from the country's super clubs putting on famous djs to wembley stadium and the o2 hosting international stock oh there are the uk's renowned music festivals the likes of glastonbury attract hundreds of thousands of musicians that's right and while you're in london you can see performances of famous shakespeare plays out of recreation of the globe theater on london's south bank i will with no problem with transportation it's easy to get around and see all of the amazing places that london has to offer whether it be the tower of london or the london eye the city is exploding with cool things to see and learn about there are over 100 museums galleries and exhibits to visit that offer insight into the amazing history of london wow can you recommend things that people must try when visiting london here is a list of must-dos take pictures with a red fondant have a pint in a historic pub strolling around nunhead cemetery watch a show wilson's music hall drinking in rooftop bars and stomping around soho i will say cheers as thank you as many times as possible and i will immediately seem like a local right that's right good luck and have the best time exploring this city thank you for your help [Music] wake up [Music] hi georges you look sleepy i didn't sleep enough flora what happened did you get up early this morning not really last night my friends asked me to go out and have beers i was actually quite happy this morning i had no hangover what about you well i actually woke up this morning quite early i couldn't sleep so i was a little annoyed what time did you get up i guess around eight o'clock that's not early i was thinking it would be around five or six am that is really early for me i went to bed at three o'clock i thought you were an early bird you are wrong i am a night owl for sure so i usually don't go to bed until about 3 am i find it difficult to go to sleep early don't you have to go to work i am on my summer holiday now if i have class from the first period every day so i will have to get up about 7 30 or 8 am so i will probably sleep earlier it is really challenging for me you know i try to go to bed early 10 o'clock 11 30 before midnight and i try to get up early 6 30 7 before 8 but it doesn't always work what about you what time do you often go to bed well i usually wake up maybe six or seven in the morning but i don't get up straight away i stay in bed for a while maybe read a book or something check my phone messages and i get up at maybe 7 30 8 o'clock on the weekend i often get up at six o'clock to go to the park with my father we go jogging together you are having a very healthy life what about during the holiday [Music] if it's a day off i get up at 9 or 10 and in the evening i usually go to bed around 10 11 sometimes 12. do you need an alarm clock to wake you up or you just wake up naturally every day i actually have this kind of special mental ability i feel it a bit weird i thought that everybody can do this but i found out it's not the case but i can wake up exactly the minute i want anytime that's amazing even though i wake up kinda easily i can't wake up at a routine time so i usually set the alarm on my phone and about two alarm clocks as well that will usually get me up so like if i have to get up at 6 14 before i go to bed i can say okay get up at 6 14 and i'll wake up at exactly 6 14. how do you do that tell me please yeah i don't know how i guess your brain can just keep time when i tell people this sometimes they think oh come on that's not true but really ever since i was a kid i could just tell myself what time i want to wake up and i'll wake up exactly at that time that's really quite amazing i wish it was that way for me but it's not yeah you know what's weird because i don't use alarm clocks what do you mean i can't like an alarm clock the idea actually i can't have a deep sleep if i know that it's going to ring and wake me up an alarm clock is like somebody pouring cold water on me you know yeah i'm always paranoid about being late so that's why i set three just in case one doesn't go off but i can sleep any time of the day wow that's like you do you like sleep like it really doesn't matter what occasion or type of day it's very easy for me to fall asleep for as long as whenever so that's why i need to have many things to wake me up because i could sleep 12 or 14 hours and not wake up so do you take naps usually an hour i find out if i go over an hour then that's the danger zone because then if you sleep like two or three hours you wake up and you're just groggy for the whole day and if i sleep a lot during noon when i wake up i usually have headaches so now i am trying not to take naps like can you sleep with the light on yes i can sleep in any situation light noise standing sitting up never matters to me i can still sleep so you're definitely a deep sleeper i'm so jealous of that like just a tiny bit of noise or a little bit of light and i can't sleep and actually i probably only get an average of five hours a night but i do sometimes take naps yeah not for two i mean i can't sleep forever but like seven o'clock eight o'clock then my body naturally wakes up the flat i lived at before was incredibly crazy because there was a rooster outside and it didn't do what it was supposed to do like normal when the sun comes up the rooster is supposed to go or whatever this thing did it at like one and two in the morning it used to drive me nuts so i used to always wake up at two because i'd hear this rooster and i just wanted to kill that bird did you go back to sleep after that yeah of course i went back to sleep but the bird would wake me up regularly yeah no roosters here likes and favorites camilla and emily are two 17 year old girls they are chatting about their interests to plan for their winter holiday hi camilla are you alright yeah i am quite all right today how about you i am so so i'm considering what i should do during the christmas holiday have you had any ideas yet not really but i probably would like to travel abroad which country do you like best my dream is only to go to england i think it is such a beautiful country why do you like it well i want to visit buckingham palace and have dinner on the thames river i've been there once i especially recommend you to come to camden market does it sell souvenirs no no it is a food market what kind of food did they sell every kind it's amazing really i'm so excited to hear that yeah you know you can find a lot of asian food there caribbean food as well oh wow i always dreamed of having a food tour yeah what is your favorite food i'm crazy about chinese food to be honest i think there is a chinese restaurant near our school isn't there no it is japanese i can only try it when i go to new york that's why you must go to camden you can meet many chinese korean thai and vietnamese and so on i will try to write it on my list is there anything you want to suggest to me have you heard about breakfast tea of course english tea i've seen it many times on social media it would help if you tried that it must be really delicious yeah you should have a cup of tea on the two-floor bus and go around london oh that sounds so romantic that is my favorite thing to do every time i go to england what about you camila what is your favorite thing to do during the holiday well i haven't planned it yet but i do like to go skiing wow i didn't think that you liked winter sports i'm just fascinated by snow so i like everywhere that has a lot of snow or ice what is your go-to place to go skiing last year my dad took me to france but actually my favorite country is always switzerland man you've gone to europe so many times it is because my family has business there so do you like french or italian food well not really i am a big fan of fast food i mean it is unhealthy but i still like it wow are you hungry now yeah kind of what about going to burger king great idea emily [Music] harry and emma have known each other for 10 years they met at high school but now they do not see each other often this is the first time they've seen each other after graduation oh who do i see here are you emma yeah are you hairy exactly long time no see has it been seven years since graduation true i totally can't find you at all as you went to asia to study yep i just moved back to england for a year how was your life now it is so so i feel like you still like hip-hop well i think i will forever so what is your favorite type of music you know i like pop and especially korean songs right that's why you left me and went to korea emma yeah and i think my taste hasn't changed but now i'm interested in country music is that why you moved back no my friend i think when i get older i'll have different interests so i decided to go back home what do you do now in london you can guess are you a psychologist why do you think so i remember you were really good at psychology when we were in high school i took psychology as my major but after two years i realized that i prefer marketing so you changed your major yes but it was a fantastic experience for me so then i just started working at a cosmetic brand as an advertisement analyst that's cool finally you came back to england hopefully it is a good decision so are you now a chemist do i look like a chemist when i have a hip hop style like this i guess not but perhaps now chemists changed their uniforms after one year of graduation from university i dropped my job and became a photographer really that's such a significant change harry [Music] many people disagreed with me but i think it is the right choice ah are you going to the football match this weekend in caulfield emma do you also like football yes why are you so surprised because what i remember about you is a girl with a pink backpack that didn't like sports at all i'm changing now my favorite color is not pink anymore i prefer blue currently i like blue too it seems like we are still similar to each other after a long time let's see what is your favorite movie titanic you know that right we watched it together harry and we were crying together as well it is still the best movie for me now that's true we should watch it again every winter do you like winter as well yes what about you of course we loved snowboarding i still enjoy snowboarding did you change your favorite sport never snowboarding is still the first thing that comes to my mind every winter we should go together one day oh the sky is darker are you going to have dinner i guess so uh what about going to have some beef steaks do you remember my favorite food it is not your favorite food it is ours well my friend long time no see have some beef steaks and then try some cocktails later absolutely okay and are we going to the restaurant by bike yes definitely we still know each other's tastes emma true let's go talk about being sick a sick classmate what's up guys nothing much have you done the homework mr watson gave us it's due tomorrow so i haven't done anything oh really what a relief but i'm afraid i got bad news chris is sick so he won't come to class today he is sick with what exactly nobody told us i hope he is still doing fine well i only knew about this minutes ago i heard his mother talking with our teacher in the hall she mentioned him catching a cold last night or something is he okay his mother sounds not so worried about his condition so i assume he is fine if it's really just a common cold he will be fine in a few days should we call him to check up on him i guess he could use some encouragement but it's only seven in the morning i think he is still asleep let him have his rest people desperately need sleep to recover we can text him though he can read it whenever he wakes up good idea what should we tell him just simply explain how we know he is ill and ask him for his condition first then tell him we got him covered on schoolwork and other news also tell him to take his medication seriously there was one time that he was sick but delayed taking medication so it continued for like two weeks he got ill more severe than a comet cold i can't remember its name though i recalled anything else should we visit him after school okay but let's buy him some fruits along the way an apple a day keeps the doctor away and some oranges would help out a lot i agree then i'll tell him in advance what else can we do to help him mr watson homework knowing his nature i doubt he has given it a single thought well then to help him is to help ourselves too [Music] hey guys chris is replying to me what did he say he thanked us for caring and he got the best person around to look after him does he mean his mom yeah i also assume he was talking about his mom too anyway chris told me that he is going well and he had enough fruits to last a week he would appreciate a visit from us though then we will go straight to his house after school i guess so tell him that and also mention that tomorrow is the due date for mr watson's homework and i'll tell him that we will come over to finish that thing too it's for the best okay i'll tell him exactly that well then we will talk later [Music] okay calling in sick dad can you please call mr ronan and tell him i need two days off sure son you should use my phone to talk to him i saved him as mr ronin on my phone okay give me a sec what should i say to your boss just introduce yourself and be brief about my current condition hello peter what's up hello mr ronan i'm peter's father morgan i'm calling you to address that my son is sick today [Music] he got a pretty serious flu yesterday and is currently unable to go to work for the next two days i see i know your son peter personally so it's okay do you have something that can prove your son's current condition a piece of paper like a doctor's note hospital bill or something i'm sorry if this demand is offending but it's not me who required the confirmation company's policies you see i understand uh we do have a doctor's note if you want confirmation it's here somewhere but we can confirm it thank you for your help mr morgan and fortunately for your son i still have time to call in your son's absence uh i'm looking forward to seeing him soon in the office no problem mr ronan you don't have to worry i will take care of him myself by the way can i talk to peter please let me ask him first please give me a sec he wants to talk to you peter i guess i can talk for a bit my throat still hurts so bad though can you get me a cup of water please dad here i will go get you one hi ronan you wanna talk to me yeah dude get well soon okay if you need to extend the deadline just let me know okay boss i will get back to work soon make sure to send me the doctor's note i still need the confirmation i talked to your dad about that i will send that to you as soon as possible nice make sure to get the rest you need and think positive don't push yourself too much and just relax we got you covered i don't want you to go around spreading the flu in this place anyway i know ronin i appreciate your understanding thank you so much boss you are the best okay okay point noted goodbye then yes sir i how's it going son where set dad uh he talked about the doctor's note and something about it being a confirmation yeah i have it here dad i will send him now all done now i can rest [Music] conversation with mom situation one this is the first time her 15 year old daughter has had a holiday in vietnam so if she is really excited to want to know the preparations and to-do list for the lunar new year mom we can't go back to england this month can we that's right my daughter just a few flights to england due to covet 19. this time is close to the lunar new year in vietnam this year we will experience the tet atmosphere in vietnam awesome it's my first time but i also miss my paternal grandparents so much i know but we have to protect ourselves first this also means you are protecting people right you can make a video call with them and tell them the reason why you're staying in vietnam your grandparents will understand yes i'll do it that's good alice are you excited about lunar new year a hundred percent this is the first time i've been in vietnam on the tet holiday even i don't know more about this important event so do you want me to talk about something outstanding before and during the tet holiday in vietnam absolutely first i want to know what we need to prepare for this event okay i'll tell you about kitchen guardians first have that day is that day which we lead worship some people protecting our kitchen during the year basically it's like that according to the lunar calendar the day is the 23rd of december in every vietnamese household besides the ancestral altar and fatherland altar there is also the existence of another one called the god of kitchen altar in vietnamese's opinion the god of kitchen is one who knows every nook and cranny of a place knows every nook and cranny really but i haven't seen them before oh my alice you're 15 years old why do you think they exist in reality it's just spiritual daughter we cannot see we just believe in it in other words they are like ancestors i thought i could see them and ask them for help when i'm punished by you i really need to learn much more about the vietnamese rituals i'm considering myself a silly person what a shame unfortunately they don't exist so you'll be punished without any help if your naughty little daughter mom i just remembered someone told me that alter joss papering burning we will release golden carp into lakes which symbolizes that kitchen guardians ride carp to heaven to deliver an annual report on the household's activities to the i don't remember who receives the report from them jade emperor yeah it's him jade emperor do you know what we do after the kitchen guardian day i i don't why do you ask me such a difficult question like that this is the first time i've celebrated tet in vietnam that's why i want you to guess if right you'll be rewarded mom you don't tell a lie certainly i'll give you a close rule that's so easy related to worship with the clue the question is a piece of cake cleaning the altar is my answer correct so what do we do next mom you told me you just asked one question and if i answer correctly i'll be rewarded that's not fair alice i'll still reward you i don't challenge you with the second question oh let me think we go shopping to buy some adornment right yes that's true but we adorn after few days not suddenly often around three or four days so exciting i love this part most i'm addicted to decorating if so i assign you this mission okay believe in me i'll decorate our house like a palace it's up to you lots of things to do and i'm so looking forward to celebrating tet these are all your favorite parts and now i'll tell you the part of work you hate don't tell me this is cleanup mom it's my nightmare you are right we have to clean up before tet oh no why mom i just clean up a little bit each day as long as you have to finish this work before tet please give me a reason mom according to vietnamese opinion we shouldn't sweep the house or empty out rubbish on the first day of the year to avoid luck and benefits going with it so that's why you must clean up before tet moreover you'll feel relaxed when entering a spotless and beautiful house during tet right rational i'll try my best to welcome my first tet in vietnam [Music] happy to hear that well you can go to the flower market people often choose gladulus lily or tulip besides peach blossoms and apricot flower will you go with me to the flower market i don't know how to choose fresh flowers i will one more important thing we must do is cooking new year eve meal i know that i'll cook with you i love the feeling of catering for our beloved family members and during the tet holiday we are gonna cook new year's meal and then we visit relatives and friends to exchange new year wishes you'll receive lucky money from them wow probably i'll have lots of money for this special event in addition a lot of people gather at the temple of literature to watch calligraphy masters writing calligraphy scrolls i've seen it before when will we go there mom [Music] situation 2 mother and daughter are talking about daughter's boyfriend on the third or fourth day of january in the lunar calendar well you can ask your boyfriend out to go to the temple of literature with our family and then we'll have dinner together mom why do you say that i don't have a boyfriend what did you say you don't have a boyfriend no i don't really are you sure mom why would you do that to your little daughter i've had a boyfriend i didn't say wrong but how did you know i tried to hide it i saw you smiling when you were chatting with someone i guess it's your lover because you always laugh out loud when texting with friends but at that time you just smiled how observant you are and you don't need to hide that from me you can confide in me i'm really open-minded about that now tell me how he is i want to know that my little daughter is happy in love he's so handsome and gets a tan this makes him look more manly and strong probably he is really hard working in going to the fitness center vice versa you're a couch potato mom i'm much harder than ever before okay i recognize it how about his personality i was impressed by his cold face first i did think that he was unpleasant and willful person even i find him a little stubborn as a mule but now by myself i realized that i was wrong you don't have an eye for anything my alice i know that so mom don't rub salt in my wound like that well surely your boyfriend is careful as for you careless he is very careful he often reminds me how to do this how to do that in addition he's also talkative this is totally different from my first impression i'm happy to hear that so what else oh a lot i can't tell everything about him in one day mom my boyfriend is clever and cautious he does almost everything in a careful way what about a sense of humor because my daughter likes someone who has this character certainly exciting outgoing funny he has it all he's really serious to explain to me when we have in trouble or i do something wrong as well according to what you've said i think he can be a reliable person it's good for both of you is he ambitious absolutely but not too much [Music] he wants to be independent in every aspect so he wants to move up the career ladder as soon as possible i like his point i can take some comfort when hearing that but alice you must remember one thing for me it is said that love makes blind so don't be too blind yes i'll remember it i love you mom i love you too oh my god now it's 3 p.m i'm late i have to go to the office now see you tonight bye mom drive carefully okay bye daughter a health problem abdul and sally are talking about their illness experience and their ways to keep themselves healthy so what is the most serious illness you have ever experienced in your life i would like to talk about a car accident that happened to me a few years ago and resulted in serious injury injuries oh really how was it it was a horrible experience that i would not want to relive oh dear tell me what happened please my family was driving home when a big truck crashed into our passenger side after the accident i blacked out and was transported to the hospital when i regained consciousness i discovered that i had five broken bones several ruptures and many cuts and bruises did you have any treatments after that to restore the collarbone and leg bone i had to go through operations during which metal rods were put onto these bones to fix them not surprisingly i was in severe pain so physicians prescribed me to take painkillers and other medicines for a couple of weeks how long did it take you to recover during my recovery i wasn't able to walk properly and my life then was very difficult but after several months of proper treatment and physical therapy i fully recovered does your life change a lot after i even took up karate soon after although the illness was definitely not a pleasant experience i'm very happy and grateful that now i am healthy probably i learned to value health and become stronger wow luckily you are healthy now yes i think so as well what about you did you experience a lot of illness well i guess i will tell you about one memorable experience it happened a few months ago when i had of the flu coupled with a sore throat what happened a week before it happened i was so stressed with work i had stayed up late in the night in the office to meet several deadlines a lack of sleep and i couldn't also eat on time oh you must have been really tired my body started to feel weak i started to have slight fever and colds i knew it was going to be bad because i was having headaches and severe muscle and body aches i also started to have a dry cough and my throat hurt did you go see the doctor it lasted for about a week i went to see a doctor so i could get the right prescription i was advised to have bed rest for a few days i was not able to report to work for a week luckily i have already finished all of my deadlines before it happened but it had still affected my life because i had failed to do my daily routine i also asked my mom to take care of me since i lived alone when i went back to work there was a huge pile of paperwork waiting on my desk how was the health care system in your country costa rica is actually a pretty healthy country we have one of the only five blue zones in the world which are these areas where because of their lifestyle population frequently reaches a hundred years or more is that one good signal about your country unsurprisingly one of the major health problems that we face is obesity because our modern lives are so frequently making us sedentary and working in office spaces and imposed rooms especially under the current conditions we tend to become overweight that's true keeping a healthy lifestyle is not a priority for a lot of people especially because they have very busy routines you know that being said it is important to keep a healthy lifestyle and it's one of those problems that the entire world seems to be facing at the moment i don't belong to a gym but i go jogging usually i go jogging four times a week and i also go in the morning because for me it's the best time to exercise because it keeps me awake all day but at the moment i don't do any other exercise wow just the running just the running so what do you do to keep fit many things but i think discipline is one of the most important things you need to be a disciplined person is it hard to become a disciplined person a little bit disciplined person but saying that it's not hard to be disciplined because you do things that you like to do for example i do yoga and i enjoy yoga so every day i get up in the morning and i do an hour of yoga and this is very good for your body well so basically one of the pillars of your way of staying healthy is to have the discipline to exercise regularly but it doesn't have to be strenuous just little things a little bit of exercise every day something simple something easy something you like to do whether it's walking or whether it's riding your bicycle to work instead of taking the subway or yeah doing some yoga i guess you are a sporty person is that right not really just a little bit of exercise a few days a week and it will help you stay fit and healthy do you have a healthy diet reasonably healthy i'm semi-vegetarian so i don't eat meat i only eat fish and i eat lots of fruits and vegetables have you ever eaten fast food well i also like my junk food and usually once a day i eat either potato chips or cake so yeah i have a balanced diet what kind of fruits do you like to eat well i like all fruits i love all fruits except pineapple i hate pineapple i don't know why i just don't like pineapple i don't like the taste i don't like to chew it it just feels funny but i love apples i love bananas i love oranges i usually have an apple every morning for breakfast it's very easy to eat and i just love apples because you can take them to school you can eat them quickly they're very easy to eat me too i also like oranges and i love orange juice so sometimes i make fresh orange juice in my kitchen and i love to eat bananas and strawberries together so my favorite snack is to cut up some bananas and then cut up some strawberries and mix them together and then eat them well it sounds like you really do like a lot of fruits oh yeah i do [Music] in the restaurant max is going to propose marriage to sophie in a luxury restaurant watch the video and learn how to book a table in advance and communicate with the waitress morning this is max is this the telephone number of obliques restaurant good morning oblak's restaurant speaking how can i help you i'm wondering if i can reserve a table for tomorrow night let me check mr max i'm so sorry the restaurant is full would you like to make a reservation some other time what about friday night that's great on that day the restaurant opens until 12 pm so you can book any time you fit would you like to sit by the window or near the doorway a table for two at 20 o'clock please i would like to book a private corner or a quiet table because i have a plan to propose marriage to my girlfriend i'll note right here your booking is confirmed at 20 o'clock with two people a quiet table is this correct yes anything special do you want us to prepare for you please prepare a bunch of red roses and jumbo balloons for me anything else hmm can i have you stick letters in the balloons definitely sure which letters do you want marry me please that's all for the reservation thanks i noted max i have to fill in full personal information so please leave me your full name and phone number to contact you more easily okay johnsonmax my number is 020385 thanks i'll read your information again to confirm johnsonmax020385947 you booked a quiet table in advance on friday night at 20 pm that's right many thanks you're welcome welcome to obliques restaurant sir have you booked in advance i did what name is the reservation under sir johnson max please wait for me a few minutes to check it your table is ready i'll bring your server for tonight this way please your table here would you like me to take your coat for you thanks for being wholehearted you are welcome can i take your order sir sophie what would you like to eat i'll take the time for you to decide may i have chicken caesar salad for my starter i'm so sorry we're all out of this salad you can try the salmon salad it's also our specialty of appetizers it's okay one of this salad one set of french fries one lobster and scallop ceviche what else would you like to eat two beef steaks for me how would you like your steak one rare and one medium what would you like to drink we have white wine red done tequila orange juice and so on um two shots of tequila please miss sophie do you want to try spicy chicken it's our special dish today sounds good we'll take that and pasta too i'll order dessert later thank you ok please wait for just a moment sophie do you enjoy the romantic atmosphere absolutely i say yes max i really love it thank you my man i'm very happy to hear it a surprise awaited us at this dinner really i'm looking forward to it sorry for the disruption but would you like to taste the tequila while waiting for the main dish allow me to pour wine yes thanks sir your main dish is ready shall i serve it now or after a while please bring it now [Music] i wish you have a delicious meal can you bring me the ketchup please ketchup here sir hope you enjoy the meal if necessary please call me to serve i will thank you excuse me can i change the order because max is allergic to orange in the salmon salad and could you pass me the salt please of course what would you like instead a seafood salad please and one beef steak isn't my order i ordered one rare and one medium but this is well done oh it must be a mistake let me check and change for you i'm so sorry no problem everyone makes mistakes thanks for your sympathy [Music] max do you find that this tastes a bit off a little but it's okay yeah same to you excuse me would you mind heating this up i'll change it for you straight away anything else you want to request sir that's all thanks can you take a bunch of red rose and jumbo balloons that i requested now sure sir keep enjoying the meal i'll prepare now sophie close your eyes i have a big gift for you [Music] okay now open your eyes honey ah oh wow it really touches me sophie will you marry me besides the word yes i can't say anything else congratulations wish you the best of luck in your future together i'm so happy sophie let's take a sit and continue having the romantic dinner excuse me can we have a look at the menu to decide dessert are you ready to order two panna cotta please i'll be right back with your dessert [Music] oh my god this dessert is so great sophie i bought two cinema tickets for tonight shall we go to the cinema after this meal where'd please get me the bill here is your bill there is a 10 tax and service charge both are included in your bill you can check it again can i pay by card what kind of card have you got we accept visa card and mastercard only it's bad luck i don't have it with me now do you take credit cards we each charge two percent extra for paying by credit card it's okay i'll get this and round the money up the change you'll keep it thank you for your tips many thanks for the warm welcome such great customer service is to be commended we did have a delicious meal thank you very much for your compliments sir wish you and mrs sophie many happy years together hope that we'll see you soon goodbye i'm sure i'll be back to your restaurant to savor other dishes bye see you soon [Music] talking about university life situation one nick tells his father joe about his first day of university [Music] hi son how was your first day of university it's good dad but i have to admit that it was quite different from when i had expected really how was it different well i had some strange experiences i was baffled to see students playing outdoor and indoor games and enjoying radio programs during class hours wow that's awesome students are free in their movements these days yes dad there is no restriction on uniforms people can register their own class schedule they can do things according to their choice so how is the campus i was very much delighted to see that the grand library of the university where i could find all the books on every subject and the laboratory is fully equipped i can't wait to perform experiments there wow that's great you kids these days are so lucky with the infrastructure like that you can study so much more effectively so did you make any new friends not yet but i found all the newly admitted students in the high spirits they were all happy to make friends i will attend a meeting for new students and hopefully i will have some new friends and what about your new teachers my new teachers are quite different from my high school teachers too they treat us like adults because you're all 18 and over you have full responsibilities for your actions from now on i know dad i'm so excited to start my university life good luck son i remember my first day at stanford it was a sunny and bright day i woke up early and i spent a lot of time choosing what i wanted to wear i felt excited and at the same time i was very nervous because i don't know anybody and i was lost so what did you do i didn't know how to get to my classroom i had to ask one person about the building where i was going to take classes and luckily he was going to the same class as i was this person was very nice and told me the right direction was that the day you met uncle ted yes he is my first and best friend from university he sat next to me in that class and we had to do a group project together then we became best friends i think that it is natural that on the first day we feel nervous but things always have a happy ending i'm always going to remember that day because i had the opportunity to meet more people and most importantly i met the best friends that i have ever had don't worry son you will meet the best friends at university thanks dad [Music] situation 2 mike is a freshman he meets jacob a junior and asks for his advice about university life [Music] hey are you new here i'm mike i'm a freshman no i'm a junior i'm jacob nice to meet you oh i'm sorry i didn't know where do you come from jacob i'm from miami how about you i'm from la what is your major i'm studying computer science wow that's cool my major is english literature one of the biggest reasons why i chose that is that i want to be a writer oh wow i hope i can work as a computer engineer after i graduate i'm so nervous about the next semester i'm afraid of failing i have test anxiety how about you believe me i still have concerns too but don't worry do you want some advice sure thank you what was your biggest fear before you began your freshman year of university i worried that schoolwork would be too hard i wouldn't be able to keep up or i wouldn't know the correct answer when called on in class but everyone makes mistakes don't worry but what should i do if i fall behind in my classes if deadlines are fast approaching and you're behind on your work you should structure your time take notes do extra homework ask your friends things that you don't understand thanks you make me feel so much better but how do i make the most effective notes before you even think about heading to class make sure that you've read all the pre-assigned reading from your professor go to class with a positive attitude and pay attention experiment with different taking notes techniques to find one that's right for you [Music] should i take part in a club or student organization personally i think taking part in one can be a rich and rewarding experience you can find new friends that likely share the same interests are you a member of any student organization and what clubs should i participate in i'm the english book club and i think there are many student clubs and organizations for different majors and departments such clubs can be a lot of fun as well as a great academic resource for you great can i ask you a personal question what's your biggest motivation for your university life because i know that on average a student with a university education will make more money throughout his or her lifetime than a student without one but it's not easy to stay motivated in school what should i do if i lose interest in studying you should design a life plan and commit to your dreams think about it if your life was as good as it could be what would it look like design a road map keep this map in mind thank you one final question what's the best advice you would tell a friend who is now entering university set high personal and academic standards for yourself believe in yourself realize that school is work it's not playtime settle for nothing less than your very best thank you for your advice i think i'm ready to start my university life wishing you lots of success as you begin your new journey you can always talk to me text me if you need help sure see you later bye [Music] talking about your pet becky was walking her dog in the park when she ran into her old high school friend james they both love dogs and have small talk hi james hi do you recognize me it's becky we went to the same high school remember how have you been oh right i'm okay hi how about you i haven't seen you since high school i'm fine how long have you been here is your place near here i just moved here last week i lived right down the street and you my apartment is across the street i'm taking my dog here every day your dog is so cute thank you my dog and i want to hang out in this park too it's so beautiful wide and has so many dogs to play with what breed is your dog he is so handsome he's a semoyah he is three years old so he's about 35 pounds wow his white fur coat is stunning such a big beautiful boy what's his name it's sam he's a loving dog and highly energetic breed so needs vigorous exercises so i have to walk him two times a day is so big is he dangerous no samoyads are not at all dangerous or aggressive in fact he is a natural-born cuddle bug but he can be stubborn sometimes so what about your little guy here oh his name is pom-pom he is a pomeranian he's only one-year-old oh interesting palms are known for being smart curious and energetic yes but pomeranians tend to be suspicious around strangers and their small size makes large people and animals especially intimidating to them and they can be aggressive so may not be the best choice for families with small kids really i didn't know these small guys can cause such problems yeah but i had him since he was a newborn and playing with him helps me relax so he is like family to me i know that feeling dogs are a great company and very loyal we should go to the park together tomorrow yeah sure maybe 5 pm our dogs can play together ok see you then bye see ya [Music] john and chuck go to a pet shop to buy a puppy for john's daughter thank you chuck for coming here with me my daughter loves puppies so i really want to buy her one for her birthday no problem john i'm glad i can help hi guys what can i help you with hi i'm looking for a puppy for my little daughter great do you have anything you want in particular [Music] um not yet but i think i want one that is friendly and not aggressive suitable for small kids we have these golden retriever puppies they are confident smart kind and loyal dogs they are extremely patient which makes them a perfect match for kids [Music] yes and they love to play meaning your kid will fall in love instantly that's good do they need any special care well yes they need proper care for their glorious golden coats which require twice weekly brushing um my wife and i are very busy i don't think we have time for that what about these little guys here [Music] these are poodles they are great for kids with allergies as they shed very little but their coat requires scheduled grooming okay how about these oh these newfoundlands are considered to be one of the most intelligent breeds in the world and these dogs just happen to love children and are very protective of them yes i heard this breed is gentle kind and patient almost like the mother teresa of dogs yes that's true but they best suit a family with large open spaces and they are known to drool and shed excessively so their long coats will also require regular grooming and upkeep um we live in an apartment so we don't have enough space for large dogs oh how about a beagle these are small in size and have a calm temperament if your kids love the outdoors this breed will fit right in oh they're so cute and bright i think your daughter will love it yeah i think so too smart friendly and happy the beagle usually gets along with other pets too i think this is a perfect choice for my kid in my house i would take this chocolate tree puppy is it a female or a male wonderful this is a male puppy so he can grow up to 22 and a half pounds to 24 and a quarter pounds good do you have any tips for raising him this guy is not picky he eats a lot and you should bring him outside for a walk frequently thank you i will take good care of it great thank you so much if you have any problems or questions just ask me thank you i will bring him home to show him to my daughter right away she would be so happy great bye have a good day you too [Music] taylor invites jason to come to her house after a date they talk about their pets for a while thank you for everything jason tonight was perfect i'm glad you feel that way taylor do you want to come in and have a cup of tea yes sure thanks here come on in wow your house is very lovely thanks oh hi lulu jason this is my dog lulu oh wow a corgi is it a male or a female it's a female she is a rescue dog she is old and scared when i got her but now she is doing a lot better and loves being around people oh what a good girl she is lucky to have you thanks but i can say that i'm lucky to have her too her loving personality helps me through some really tough times i know pets are amazing they are man's best friend do you have a pet yes i have a cat at home oh really cats are so cute and cuddly too i had a cat too when i was young yeah i got her when she was a newborn and now it's been nine years wow she must be so close to you what's her name it's mimi she is my friend she follows me everywhere at home that's cute what color is she she is a tri color oh wow dry colored cats are especially smart beautiful and rare yes she is the only tri-color in her litter you can bring your cat over sometimes because my dog is very friendly with other animals great she loves meeting new friends maybe next weekend sure we can bring them to the park okay anyways it's getting late i better be going home to mimi thank you for the cup of tea you're welcome bye see you later i'm so excited to see your cat bye see you next week life then now samuel and thomas they are discussing the changes in their life i suppose one of the biggest turning points in my life was when i moved from our hometown to the capital city what happened at that time i was 14 years old when i migrated i had to leave my school friends relatives known places and start living in a place where i had no friends no one to visit and no known place for playing or outing that should be a frustrating experience for you but i made new friends very quickly and my teachers were very helpful as well but one problem is that i could not secure even a top 10 position in my new school while i was a top scorer in my previous school i know that you used to be a smart kid yes so i started studying harder visit the library more and read a reference book more than once do you think it was good for you now i think it was really good i shrink my time playing games and took part in football well those changes helped you study more learn more and remain healthy yeah i found that some of the health related problems that i used to have are no longer bothering me also i'm so glad that i started reading books as it gave a certain kind of confidence boost by teaching me a lot of unknown and amazing things about this world for me i think i am not healthier than i was about 10 years ago why do you think so lately i have been so busy that i have not been taking enough time to exercise or cook healthy food do you think you will have a healthy diet soon i am having a plan for it i'm going to clean out my fridge all of my favorite unhealthy foods and begin cooking homemade meals i think i will also drink two liters of water a day instead of soft drinks [Music] to lose weight i registered at my local gym and started to work out at least three times a week i felt stronger and happier than ever before i rarely got sick and my skin also looked brighter i can see that on your face i think i regained my self-confidence i am now much more comfortable being photographed when i was a teenager i mainly subsisted on fast foods such as fried chicken hamburgers or crisps i put on weight rapidly so i think now is the time to start my weight loss journey or i will become overweight that's true we are older we should be healthier right okay what about stress are you more stressed now than you were three years ago that's a hard question i'm probably about the same so i wouldn't say that i'm more stressed now but three years ago i was finishing my bachelor's degree so that was also a stressful time and lately i've been quite busy with my work so i'm probably at the same stress level as three years ago i think i'm now not as stressed as i was in the past actually because i worry less so before i was more stressed because i worried about everything and now i've learned to let it go let things go i don't let them bother me so how do you usually reduce stress actually there are many things that can make me happy hanging out with friends and having some coffee or being given a small gift helps me let off some steam or just the feeling of trying a good dish brings me happiness to me participating in an outdoor of sport such as basketball is a great way to cope with stress it refreshes my mind and cheers me up a lot besides cooking delicious dishes for the family also helps me feel relaxed after stressful hours at my workplace perhaps now we have more stress because of the heavy workload and related responsibilities at the workplace some people may have to face problems related to the financial burdens in which they may not have enough money to pay for their increasing house rent there's a lot more to think about in the future we are older now so we are more worried about money but maybe in the next 10 years job security things like that so sadly i'm a little more worried about that right everything will be fine how about you are you more worried about your future these days i'm quite sure i have a good job and i like the place i live so i don't feel too worried about what i will be doing next year or even seven years but we should probably plan ahead a bit more but anyway what comes will come well this is a healthy attitude to have are there any changes in our town i think it developed significantly in the last 10 years did it become industrialized yes it did i think industrialization is beneficial to our residents and to the local economy since jobs have been generated but it also brings so much pollution think we are paying the price now for converting our agricultural lands to industrial the living cost is now undeniably high too noise pollution is incredible you know now i am getting used to the crowd in the wisdom city so basically our city has progressed but there are still underlying issues that need to be improved anyway i think we are happier now than we were previously definitely we don't have to think about studying at school anymore yes and we are happy with our jobs families and friends and i have more free time now so i can spend more time on entertainment too congratulations you must help with the stress level as well yes i think i'm having a balanced life [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to like share comment on my video please subscribe to learn english with jessica channel to watch more helpful videos goodbye you
Channel: Learn English with Jessica
Views: 221,965
Rating: 4.9196568 out of 5
Keywords: basic english speaking, english conversation, english conversation practice, english natural, english listening, english listening practice, english listening conversation, english listening conversation practice, Listening Practice, english practice listening, english for conversation, learn english listening, learn english listening practice, english practice, Compilation of April 2021
Id: H_gzaf1Qtpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 52sec (7252 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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