The #1 reason evolution is impossible

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Evolution doesn’t make things “better” life just adapts to an environment. This happens slowly and over millions of years. Entropy isn’t really applicable to this situation. Entropy is demonstrated in life by organisms ageing and when they break down after death. Not by cells mutating and species evolving. There may be more arguments presented but this video is titled “the No: 1 reason evolution is impossible” So... if I’ve missed anything I guess it’s just false advertising. At the end of the day, believe whatever you want. I’m not going to try and change your mind but I am open to further discussion.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/N0VA__D0S 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

We've known about evolution forever now... We can induce it with selective breeding. It's a crucial part of all viral and bacterial studies. Evolution is still a theory in the way that gravity is a theory.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gekokapowco 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm on a tight budget with my data, so how about a too long; didn't watch?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lumidaub 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

It’s because of that damn phone!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mokicooper_1 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Evolution is a proven part of your medicine.

OP you’re a fucking moron. Of course you have a religious username.

Goddamn are you Jesus freaks stupid.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/7448342541 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding about what evolution is.

  1. Every time an organism is produced, it is slightly different from its parents.

  2. The environment puts pressure on all organisms to survive, or die.

  3. Only surviving organisms can reproduce.

These three produce an effect wherein species will gradually adapt to better survive in their environment. Traits that are helpful for survival and reproduction will tend towards being retained by the population, while traits that are unhelpful will tend towards dying out.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Moist_Attitude 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
first a video this is a scrambled egg going back into its shell it's an illustration as to how the universe works no egg ever goes back to being scrambled back into its shell and so it is with the entire universe it is slowly degenerating it's going from order to chaos we can see that everywhere but listen closely as this speaker slips in the words general tendency and the white have separated and now they're going to be poured back into the egg and we all know in our heart of hearts that this is not the way the universe works and we know in our heart of hearts that the universe does not travel from mush to complexity in fact this gut instinct is reflected in one of the most fundamental laws of physics the second law of thermodynamics or the law of entropy what that says basically is that the general tendency of the universe is that the general tendency of the universe is to move from order and structure to lack of order lack of structure in fact to mush it's not a general tendency it's an unbending law everything is turning to disorder it's becoming dust everything without exception and yet look around us what we see around us is staggering complexity so here's a great puzzle in a universe ruled by the second law of thermodynamics how is it possible to generate the sort of complexity i've described the answer is that it's not possible it never happens but listen to his response well the answer seems to be the universe can create complexity but with great difficulty in pockets there appear what my colleague fred spear calls goldilocks conditions not too hot not too cold just right for the creation of complexity this is a perfect analogy he cites a fairy tale he creates pockets where no pockets exist again he's addressing the fact that evolution flies in the face of this unbending law that everything gets worse everything runs down nothing improves but evolution is supposed to be an exception with it things get better they improve that's the dilemma so he uses the childish fairy tale goldilocks and the three bears to suspend entropy so that he can fit in his fantasy listen to cornell university address the same dilemma someone asked the question i probably won't get an answer to this one but entropy says that the universe is breaking down evolution says the universe is getting better please explain this the astronomer points to a poker game the universe dealt us a lucky hand the porridge was just right [Music] back to the magical fairy tale and slightly more complex things appear and where you have slightly more complex things you can get slightly more complex things and in this way complexity builds stage by stage each stage is magical we as extremely complex creatures desperately need to know this story of how the universe creates complexity despite the second law his answer is to do what we encourage children to do with fairy tales to use their imagination imagine the darkest emptiest thing you can and cube it a gazillion times and that's where we are and then suddenly bam a universe appears an entire universe there was nothing then bam the entire universe appears without a fairy godmother it just happened a miracle took place nothing created everything within the first second energy itself shatters into distinct forces including electromagnetism and gravity and energy does something else quite magical what are the goldilocks conditions well first you need energy now where do you find such goldilocks conditions will you find goldilocks conditions nowhere they're non-existent there's no pocket no lucky card and no goldilocks everything is corrupting nothing is getting better science tells us that and it's evident everywhere we look and our early earth was almost perfect but of course life is more than just exotic chemistry now information comes out of nowhere coherent complex information actual instructions on how to create life you'll be familiar with the double helix of dna each run contains information so dna contains information about how to make living organisms so the information spreads notice that information has become part of our story scientists call dna the book of life no book of information ever created itself ever it's scientifically impossible without the realm of possibility now here's the scary part this childish stupidity is enthusiastically applauded by people who don't seem to have the ability to think i thank you for your attention [Applause] if you think that was foolish we're about to look at something just as crazy the evolution of the eye the eye really is extraordinary but can something so complex evolve in gradual stages richard the eye is such a complex structure i can understand why some people find it hard to believe is evolved out of nothing even darwin commented on its complexity didn't he yes darwin said that it was impossible to imagine so what would the first step be that could be the first step because if you imagine perhaps if you imagine proper man-made lens bring the bag forward a bit there there perfect that's not what you might call a real lens think of that as just a blob of gunge once you've got that then because it works a bit better than nothing at all you've got the raw material for natural selection to go to work and even serious scientists have sometimes queried whether there's been enough time for the evolution of the eye well suppose we start with an ancestor who didn't really have an eye at all this animal with hardly any eye at all will at least be able to tell the difference between light and dark the next stage in evolution would be to have a shallow cup let's make it bigger still now bryson i've got a question for you professor why are you having bryson help you to put together your contraption you don't need his help let it make itself from nothing the truth is you'd never wait for nothing to make itself into a design structure because you know it could never happen not in a million years and yet you're wanting your heroes to believe that inanimate life rocks and mountains all made themselves and here you want them to believe that biological life which is infinitely more complex made itself from nothing that smudge there is bryson's hand and you can just about see a very dim image of his fingers we can't be sure they have pinhole camera eyes but it seems quite likely how might the lens have evolved let's imagine that it started with just a single transparent sheet so we have a gradual pathway all the way up mount improbable from no eye to an eye so there really was no need for darwin to shudder half an eye is better than no eye half an eye is better than 49 of an eye one percent of an eye is better than no i at all richard the eye is such a complex structure i can understand why some people find it hard to believe is evolved out of nothing even darwin commented on its complexity didn't he yes darwin said that it was impossible to imagine the evolution of the eye is so quick and easy that it must have happened many many times over eyes can evolve at the drop of a hat and even darwin commented on its complexity didn't he each step is a small piece of random luck as such each step is not particularly impressive in fact it better not be impressive because if it was it would be a miracle we'd no longer have a true explanation the whole point of evolution is that it gets us up mount improbable without miracles and energy does something else quite magical each stage is magical his writing his lectures uh argue the case for why god is a delusion and he's got a new one out at the moment which is sort of a children's book uh based on the same ideas and it's called outgrowing god a beginner's guide so do you think we will outgrow god it might take centuries but yes so is that why you do what you do i mean are you an evangelist if you like well i suppose i'm an evangelist for truth for scientific truth [Music] if you look at the number of people who um profess a religion in america and in the rest of the world but it's notable in america it's going down it's not entirely clear whether that that has given over to rationalism or whether instead it's given over to it to um a more vague kind of nonsensical sort of new ageism i don't i'm not sure about that and i think we need to really push science the beauty of science not just because it's true because it's beautiful and that as an as an enemy against as an as an armory against not just religion but superstition generally professor dawkins you've spent your life denying the existence of god and in doing so you and your friends have turned many away from the gospel you have convinced them that they are the results of a random explosion that they are nothing but talking primates who are not made as moral creatures in the image of god you have left them as you have done with yourself with no hope in their death i do believe in evolution why is that well over millions of years it to me it makes sense that people change like physically and biologically over time over like very long periods of time 18 years ago you're just a little baby you've changed physically and it didn't take millions of years so what's the difference between what you're telling me about evolution and the physical change that we have now i mean caterpillars turn into butterflies in a matter of weeks tadpoles turn into frogs in a matter of weeks what's the difference between darwinian evolution and what we see in natural life so braden do you believe in evolution yes i'm convinced evolution is the fact why um overwhelming scientific evidence you think of any uh namely darwin and mostly what they teach you in schools do you believe in evolution yes now when evolution first started how did the eyes evolve what caused them to begin evolving the first eye evolved eye is very intricate it's got 137 million light sensed of cells focusing muscles move an estimated hundred thousand times a day unspeakably complex how did the first eye evolve what happened what caused it i don't i actually don't have an answer to that now tell me about this eye it was just cells and then it decided but wanted a c how long did this take over millions of years probably so was it an animal or was just an eye lying there sort of a pre eye well i would think that a cell right came together to form more cells and that came a little microorganism right then that had an incentive to live so it developed things to help it live over millions and millions of years i didn't see yet uh no how does it eight um by absorbing every like little other things have a brain no how did it think i think it just did whatever it did you know the brain evolved over years along with the eye that's evolving i wouldn't think the brain evolved until it actually evolved over millions of years kind of into this animal well it takes like eons at this point now did it see it probably not because you need the whole eye to be fully evolved to see don't you half an eye doesn't really work right in the sense that maybe could it smell the food maybe it just senses it like uh where did the food come from food come from when did the eye begin to see um probably millions and millions of years later no it was just there on top of an antenna as time went on we needed eyes to see two eyes or one two two eyes i'm guessing huh maybe one eye one works fine why would it have one and then decide it need two uh probably death perception i think it was more like sense it was like a sensor organ or something did that come from uh from a bunch of cells thinking uh yeah this sensory organ is pretty cool might want to pass that down where did they come from i want to know that's uh that's a big mystery huh it did we were fish um i think so i think we came from the sea do we have lungs or gills under the water oh no like you would get lungs later on have you heard of entropy i have not would have heard of the second law of thermodynamics i have not the universe tends itself towards chaos it happens everywhere in a trillion years all these rocks here will be turned to dust will be turned to dust the dog will be turned to dust the flowers the birds the trees even the mountains and the planets will be turned to dust everything is corrupting does that make sense i think it definitely makes sense you can see it everywhere exactly except with evolution evolution does the exact opposite it gets better how do you fit evolution with that because evolution says the opposite it says things get better they don't corrupt can you reconcile the two actually i believe evolution is chaos but sometimes they mess up in a way that helps them it's like flipping a coin basically with your genetics you mean luck yeah and that way that helps them makes them thrive even more so they improve yes that's the opposite of entropy how come evolution isn't subject to that because that creates and improves and things get better through evolution i'm honestly not sure about that instead of running down evolution improves how could that happen oh no eventually certain cells became alive as you may know it life came from non-life how could life come from non-life it's totally impossible you said it yourself you can't just bring a rock to life and you're saying there were cells lying around that developed eyes under the water and caught up on the land and evolved lungs and it took millions of years see if you can spot an ongoing problem here i'll address it in a few moments when it becomes more evident just energy where did that come from sun where did the sun come from probably like dust can be uncompressed and stuff for like a bunch of hydrogen yeah where did the hydrogen come from it's the universe basically where did the universe come from big bang most likely you gotta have materials for a big bang where did that come from um not sure that's all like theoretical at this point no no and when did the brain evolve the brain evolved because you need a brain for eyes to work otherwise you're not thinking about what you're seeing predators and food and things like that it was probably very minuscule around the time eyes have um came into existence probably a little before then in order to control metabolic functions such as like or to control how the organism would react to its environment so i'm taste sometime before eyes and men have evolved from pigs because if they ever give you a skin graft they may use pigskin did you know that no i know that no yeah you're very close to a pig pigs have got hearts and kidneys and lungs and livers and they've got eyes and nose and mouth i've got friends that eat like pigs and i sound like a pig when i sleep according to my wife sometimes pigs bodies and organs are almost identical in form and function to humans the heart specifically is roughly the same size and shape because of this we already use pig valves in some heart repair so could man have evolved from pigs [Music] the problem is that evolution is as big as the human imagination someone who embraces it can believe anything he wants as long as he qualifies it with the word probably probably i have no idea it's probably probably a little probably probably probably after probably like you probably probably would probably be uh probably probably uh probably it probably was by accident probably millions of millions years later you've got to say probably every few sentences because nothing is for sure is that right yeah probably so if i continue to address the subject of darwinian evolution i'm going to end up going down a million rabbit trails let me tell you a secret i only bring up evolution if i want to and that's not too often this is because we've been commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature for a reason it's the gospel that the lost need to hear because it's the gospel that's the power of god to salvation you don't believe man and primates have a common ancestor i think we we come from from something deeper than that you know then god created us god created us definitely you know we come from the root of adam and eve you know are you a christian no let me just share with you how you know god exists every building is proof of a builder you know a builder existed because there's a building every painting is proof of a painter no paintings painted themselves is that right that is true so the painting is absolute scientific proof there was a painter and the building is absolute scientific proof there was a builder because buildings don't build themselves and paintings don't paint themselves and creation is absolute proof of the creator you can see the genius of god's creative hand and flowers and birds and trees and puppies and kittens and donkeys and horses camels all these things that surround us man can't make we can't begin to make an eye the eye is so complex so how could it happen from a random explosion in space and then it made itself over millions of years you know the bible says god made man male and female with eyes ears nose mouth heart liver lungs kidneys all these things and the ability to reproduce after their own kind and so we can see in creation exactly what the bible says there's different types of evolution there's what's called speciation and adaptation adaptation is when birds beaks change and there's speciation uh there's varieties between dogs it's the chihuahua and the great dane that's not darwinian evolution darwinian evolution says that we have a common ancestor with primates which i don't believe you know why i don't believe it why because jesus didn't believe it jesus said in the beginning god created them male and female he didn't make them primates he made them male and female moral creatures with fully formed eyes you made them with two eyes a mouth a nose a brain skin blood bones heart liver kidneys lungs everything working didn't take millions of years and he wasn't a primate and he brought forth after his own kind what do you think of that fascinating it makes sense incredible yeah it does it could reproduce after his own kind with a female that god created didn't have to run up on the land taking big breaths waiting for his lungs to evolve that really is crazy talk if you think about it do you believe there's an afterlife um i hope so that's what i'm hoping yeah why it's kind of scary like just black nothingness afraid of death no i'm okay with it now but no one's okay with that it's horrific it's like jumping out of a plane at night without a parachute are you afraid of death um kind of you know what death is called death the grim reaper and there is something you can do about it have you ever looked into what you can do about death uh no not really do you think god could be the answer to death i think god puts death as a kind of uh inspiration for you to do something with your life now watch the dynamic change as we do what jesus did and address the conscience using the moral law that is the ten commandments do you think god is happy with you or angry at you i think he's pretty indifferent i haven't done really anything you haven't done anything i haven't done anything bad what's going to happen to you when you die um you go to hell you have to repent and trust in christ and you're not doing that no let's get that fixed up do you think you're a good person if we go based on what the scripture says now we'll hear what the scriptures say have you lied and stolen oh yeah you're a lying thief yeah what's the difference between man and animals do you know the difference is that we believe in justice that's one of the big differences we set up court systems we try murderers and rapists for doing wrong animals don't do that they have no sense of righteousness and that's because you and i are created in god's image with a sense of right and wrong and a conscience a god-given society-shaped conscience i'm going to ask you a question and change the dynamics slightly if that's okay do you think god is happy with you or angry at you i believe he's happy with me you're not doing anything that could displease god how many lies have you told in your life lies like ten are you lying and stealing not really right now you use god's name in vain oh yes god's name is holy why would you why would you use it as a cuss word i don't i feel bad right now now that you're mentioning it you know you should it's evil to use god's name as a cuss word you wouldn't do that with your mother's name have you been looking at pornography pornography um when someone repeats a question they're abiding time to try and think of a lie have you been looking at pornography last week maybe yeah jesus said if you look at a woman and lust for her you commit adultery whether in your heart have you ever looked at a woman with lust no you homosexual no have you looked at pornography have you ever looked at a woman with lust no sir you had sex before marriage yeah oh yes had sex before marriage yes i have so katie i'm not judging you and i appreciate your honesty you've just told me you're a lying thief and a fornicator it's hard to go around not wanting that stuff you know when you're out here and we need more people like you you know well let's just get back to you you know the bible says hang on the bible says we drink iniquity like water we love the darkness we hate the light that's the problem you love sin and the wages of sin is death you don't want it to take you to hell where's your conscience blaspheming in the name of the god that gave you life fornicating when you know it's wrong looking at pornography your conscience should be doing its duty it's god-given it's like a smoke detector and you've taken the batteries out of the smoke detector it's meant to alarm you so this is deadly serious if you were to die today god would justly damn you and we don't want that to happen you know what's going to cause you to depart from the sin you love it's the fear of the lord if you fear god if you value your soul you'll repent and trust christ every idle word you've spoken and everything you've done in darkness has been seen by god and the bible says his wrath abides on you and i'll hate you to end up in hell now tell me why did jesus die on the cross um for the forgiveness of our sins he sacrificed himself for us yeah we broke the law the ten commandments jesus paid the fine do you know what god did for guilty sinners so we wouldn't have to go to hell um if i remember ate the cross yeah jesus suffered and died you and i broke god's law jesus paid the fine it's as simple as that if god judges you by the ten commandments on judgement day you have looked at four are you going to be innocent or guilty uh based on that then probably guilty heaven or hell probably hell based on that does that concern you it does concern me it horrifies me do you know what death is according to the bible according to the bible not according to the bible it's wages the bible says the wages of sin is death romans 6 23 and its wages in the same way a criminal be given wages by a judge if a criminal was murdered three young girls after we raped them the judge says you've earned the death sentence this is what's due to you this is your wages and we think sin is trivial we say i just told little white lies but god says sin is so serious in his eyes because he's holy and perfect that it demands the death sentence that's how serious it is now do you know what god did for guilty sinners so he wouldn't have to go to hell do you know what you need uh no what what do i need to need god's mercy right if you're in court and all the evidence is in and you're guilty you fling yourself on the mercy of the court and the bible says god is rich in mercy to all that call upon him he provided a way for you to be forgiven and clean in his sight jesus suffered and died on the cross to take the punishment for the sin of the world he said this no man takes my life from me i have power to lay it down and i have power to raise it up bible says god commanded us love to water snow while we're still sinners christ died for us katie are you afraid of death i don't know honestly everybody else yeah we talked about the second law of thermodynamics the bible actually calls it another law it causes the law of sin and death it's in the book of romans and it says the whole of creation is subject to corruption it's groaning in travail but the bible says the law of sin and death was overcome by the law of life in christ jesus if you repent and put your trust in jesus god says you'll remit every sin you've ever committed and you'll grant the everlasting life as a free gift upon your repentance and faith in jesus do you know what repentance is um it's something we always hear that's more than confession it's when you turn from sin and you say i'm going to be a christian and i'm not going to lie and steal and lust and fornicate because if i do i'm playing the hypocrite and i don't want to deceive myself so repentance must be sincere and to be genuine and then trust in jesus like you trust a parachute you know the night i was confronted with the words of jesus whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has committed adultery already whether in his heart my heart sunk not because i felt sorry for my sins but because he was putting his finger on what was giving me great pleasure in life and i was saying no i love it i love it but when i saw the cross the cost of my redemption the christ had to die so i could be forgiven that broke my heart you know if i step between you and a bullet gave my life for you it should break your heart and you should say man that's a wonderful thing you did and when you look to the cross you just say christ died for me while he's still a sinner he's prepared to forgive me and change me and grant me everlasting life as a free gift guilty though i am that resurrection was god destroying the power of the grave for you death has lost its sting but you must repent of all sin and trust in christ and the miracle of conversion is that god will give you a new heart when you desire so you love that which is pure and good and right and just it's a miracle born again new heart new desires and when you have temptations to sin you'll know that god's made a way of escape so you may be able to bear it that's what the bible says so you're going to think about what we talked about definitely most definitely when you're going to ask god to forgive you and create a clean heart in you when's that going to happen um probably find the church this week and no you might die between now and then get right with god today now walk away from here and say god forgive me i've been a wicked person i need your forgiveness and he'll change your heart give you new desires so you love that which is right and good and just make sense yes sir i'll leave you with the words of jesus watching a prophet a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul think of that okay i will think of that it's so simple a child can understand it does that make sense yeah you're going to think about this yeah seriously think about it yes sir do you have a bible at home yes i do my grandma has only two of them is she a christian she she is no doubt she's praying for you though who is this outside well you're listening today because of her prayers and god's faithfulness and you know nicholas evolution is a non-issue it doesn't matter just put it aside think about your eternity what happens if death comes upon you and where you're going to spend eternity and if you want to be a christian and believe in evolution it won't last very long you'll realize it's baseless it's unscientific and that god created man in his own image and he wants him to live forever that's the gospel so don't let that hold you back don't let it be a stumbling block that makes sense you're going to think about what we talked about yeah we're gonna think about it more now you're gonna die everything dies everything winds down so entropy the scientific principle of the second law of thermodynamics flies in the face of evolution things don't get better they don't improve they don't evolve they get worse and you'll see it happen in the mirror as you get older god says your crimes against his law are so serious he's given you the death sentence you're on death row waiting to die we've got a nice blue roof normally not today it's raining we have good air conditioning wind and good lighting the sun but this life is a holding cell so does it concern you that if you died today and death seized upon you the grim reaper took you today that you'd end up in hell uh yeah if i believed in i really really believed in that yeah i would be concerned but i don't i really see that humans are very what do you call it this inherently bad but we can't get good so you're agreeing with the bible it says humans are inherently bad we've inherited a sinful nature cell you may not be concerned you're going to hell but it horrifies me i love you i care about you i'm telling you the truth because i care about you you don't make friends by saying things like this but i'm deeply concerned look you're going to die we agree on that you've sinned we know that to be true you know sin is wrong because you've got a conscience after death the judgment and god brings out those secret sins those sexual imaginations all the things you've done in darkness god says he's going to bring out into pure light on judgment day that's a fearful thing better to fall on the face of the sun than to fall at the hands of the living god so you may not be fearful but i'm fearful for you like a kid holding a stick of dynamite you know entropy or the second law of thermodynamics is all around us and the bible actually speaks of it in romans chapter eight written two thousand years ago speaks of the law of sin and death the soul that sins shall die it says the whole whole of creation is subject to corruption that means it's it's crumbling it's dying the whole of creation everything but it says this the law of life in christ jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death god says i'll give you my holy spirit which is life itself and the life in you will conquer death because where there's life death can't stay and that's what happens when you're born again when you trust in christ god gives you his holy spirit which is eternal and puts his invisible life in you and seals you you become his for eternity and death loses its sting sal you've been such a good sport listening to me and i know you didn't agree with quite a lot of it but you've been very gracious um do you still believe in evolution uh yeah well that doesn't matter just put it aside if you're going to eat fish you don't eat the bones you put them aside so get right with god listen to the voice of your conscience think about christ dying on the cross god's made provision for you to live forever and be free from the power of death and the fear of death through simple repentance and faith in the savior you've been real patient with me what do you think about what we talked about um if any of it's true i'll deal with it when i die no you don't want to do that because that means you'll end up in hell it's too late your fate will be sealed so deal with it before you die you know have this good sense to put on a parachute before you jump not think about it after you jump probably talk to my uh religious friend about it you got a friend who's a christian yeah well you're listening today because of his prayers did you know that he'll be praying for your salvation and when we look back on how we became christians we see god's hand come upon us and prepare our hearts and soften us and open us in fact the bible says you cannot come to christ unless god draws you to himself and i'm trusting that today god's drawing it to himself and we're going to see you in heaven and not hear of you being damned in hell that would horrify me so you're gonna think about this yes have a bible at home yes okay just after the camera's turned off sal confided in me that he had suicidal thoughts so he gave him a little booklet um you're not alone and on the way back uh we got caught in a rainstorm didn't we stand we got soaked but it was sure worth it does this make sense yes you're gonna think about this yes think seriously about it yes when are you going to get right with god when are you going to repent and trust in christ now now may i pray with you yes father i pray for india that this day she'll truly repent because of your kindness in jesus name we pray amen amen well there are two things you must do to be saved you must repent and trust in jesus when are you going to do that whenever this is the sooner i can write so possibly right now right now yeah know what you're doing you're giving up all sin you're going to say i'm going to turn from sin perpetually and i'm going to trust christ as my savior is that what you want to do yes sir may i pray with you father i pray for roger i thank you for his open heart and his honesty before you and acknowledging your sins does this make sense it does make sense so you're going to think about this i will think about this think seriously about it yes i will at the moment katie you're like a man on the edge of a plane ten thousand feet up he knows he has to jump and this is his plan he's gonna flap his arms to try and save himself i'd say that man don't do that trust the parachute so don't try and save yourself on judgement day by relying on your goodness transfer your trust from yourself to the savior the second you do that you've got god's promise and he cannot lie because he's without sin that he'll forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life as a free gift does this make sense i think it definitely makes sense [Music] katie do you hear me sigh because this is so important yeah this is your life um katie if you were to die today you'd end up in hell there are two things you must do to be saved you must repent and trust alone in jesus when are you gonna do that as soon as i can you like today if i can today then yes you can yeah the bible says whoever calls upon the name of the lord shall be saved and then it's and then it says today if you hear his voice don't harden your hearts today is the day of salvation so can i pray for you oh sorry i've got to father i pray for katie thank you for her open heart today that she'll understand the issues we've spoken about today and listen to the voice of her conscience and understand that you see your sins and know you've made provision for them and this day repent and put our faith entirely in jesus and pass from death to life in his name we pray amen i'm gonna give you some literature do you ever get suicidal thoughts i do actually okay um i'm going to give you a little booklet that'll help you you get depressed i do yes life is very depressing so you're not you don't have a mental disease you're normal you're sane to be depressed with life and the fact we're all going to die and i'm going to give you a little booklet called you're not alone principles to help you lift yourself out of depression and fight those horrible suicidal thoughts okay okay [Music] now here's something that'll help you grow in your faith read the word daily using this amazing one-year devotional jesus in red for more than 48 years i've read the bible every day without fail i thought every christian did that but sadly many don't so get into a habit you'll never regret by reading the word daily using this beautiful little devotional 365 readings based solely on the words of jesus there's nothing like it get it through amazon or at your bookstore [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Living Waters
Views: 339,916
Rating: 4.6301379 out of 5
Id: db2DzHLUfwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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