BECOMING IRON MAN IN VIRTUAL REALITY | Marvel's Iron Man VR - Part 1 (PS4 Walkthrough/Gameplay)

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my friends it is finally finally time to play the VR game of all VR games I'm of course talking about Marvel's IRA man on the PlayStation VR and this is going to be such a fantastic journey I can't wait we played the demo that was awesome but now it's time for the real deal that's right now before we are going to step into Tony Stark's a suit though if you are interested in let's say more episodes in in more gameplay than be sure to give this video a big thumbs up lets me know you care and if you want to check out this game yourself then you can there is a link in the description below just keep in mind that this is a psvr exclusive now it's time to jump into the metaphors and have some fun let zaga hi I'm Tony and I'm well you know who I am the guy who has it all well Fame impeccable taste in suits what do you get the man with everything a chance to give something back if you if you own a PlayStation VR then this is a must play finally we are going to dive into the to the full experience I can't wait this is going to be awesome but with that being said let's become ayran man [Music] Wow okay mark three test point starting with maneuvering thrusters hands by my sides palms back good feels good all right it's time to open her up [Music] opening targeting sweet repulsors ready hands up please there we go be aware of the VR headset gable Roger Roger safety first always you may have a problem Tony pepper I have a lot of problems I'm serious you and this armor do I need to stage an intervention only if I start wearing it too bad where are you anyway look out the window oh hi handsome looks like you made some upgrades hello Wow beautiful isn't it well wait until you see the inside two more targets left it's only going to get better [Music] one more got it that's how it's done anyone for tennis no you always win oh come on we can play doubles hello anyone there [Music] and join the view we should have a blonde show I'm not climbing Matt I'll carry it'll be a dark day when I let you carry me wearing that thing what a view [Music] such a pleasure for the eyeballs inspecting the foundations Marshall a secret interesting you know it's not a secret if you tell me about it what's next Tantra mind if I watch you know I work better with an audience [Laughter] [Music] I think if I swapped the DC motor for solar power converter and applied quarter-inch magnetic articulation seems to boot thrusters can reduce my drag coefficient by 10 maybe 10.5% oh okay should I be writing this down no need I've got a mind like a steel trap oh yeah when's my birthday oh I'm sorry pepper you're cutting out it sounds like you need to reduce your BS output warm up the Jets I want to punch something fished Rockets engaged now we'll try to knock it just like that me Hogan Tommy bullseye what it was a close one [Music] no no time to punch act over one minute well done Tony did you get what you needed or are you gonna go again I'm peered I didn't get a little sloppy at the end but I'll correct that later maybe later a dry noodle on it some more sounds good meet me back here when you're ready as you know we have something to celebrate ego trapped in a cave with a gun to your head and a battery hooked to your heart really changes your outlook on things my days of making weapons were over I was proud of that more importantly pepper was proud of me Oh oh that's adorable there we go home sweet home what a mess I should head downstairs and see pepper that's cute oh I'm wearing money a fancy pepper downstairs this is amazing then we can just well get it a sneak peek into Starks mansion laws that me think I'll join pepper in the living room oh talking about fancy mmm-hmm hey pepper can't fault you for staring no please I'm just shocked to see you out of the armor I was afraid of diffuse to your skin I'm working on something like that oh wait that's worth more if I sign it it's worth more if I sign it I forged your signature better than you do Tony I'm capturing the moment as of today Stark Industries no longer makes or sells weapons of any kind sounds official coming from you have you seen my glasses thank you left him in the living room I'm headed up to the Overlook grab your glasses and meet me there we can just catch the sunset see you soon little mellow for my taste but right for the occasion sometimes to win you have to quit wise words so you may have noticed already that this is a front-facing experience so sometimes I will have to turn around to there they are get in position just so you know a better way to see the world hey Tony looks like you found him I'm waiting for you at the Overlook don't start the party without me just one thing I got to do first pack up the past [Music] I need these glasses in real life we're getting there we're getting there [Music] right and man lessons learned but it's time to turn the page you can even see how how to plants and trees are doing welcome to the future ah the sounds of progress new garage new life and a salute import or for making this step it's a it's a big one that always said stick to your guns sorry Howard we did things your way long enough see ya so that's all we can we can do here [Music] head outside I was a changed man pepper was convinced of that and with her help soon the world would be convinced of that the hardest part was convincing myself my former self I love this is this dialogue in between it's also to fill up the the loading times of course but but still I I think they're great tells you a lot about about Tony but what what he's dealing with better me pepper for dinner and yes it's getting very very romantic yeah so before we get to to pepper just going to to see what we can do here hands out palms forward nice this game is so so immersive that I can even feel the heat candlelit dinner Tony you're full of surprises if you only knew no silverware we'll use our hands whoa tapas see you're ready for the for the surprise there we go to start palma de fuego so we're not having dinner um not exactly what right on cue Stark Industries drones combat drones last of them the dregs I figured they deserve a worthy center [Music] if you're gonna blow stuff up at least move away from the fine china let's put the past in its place 12 versus repulsor start versus stark like I always say Tony you're your own worst enemy so what's on the other plate codpiece no no dessert something sweet bittersweet here goes the gunsmith AI it's time the old Tony hung up his furs [Music] hey boss miss pants where's the party wherever you go not a fan of my neutrons huh well she'll decide for me it's a rector fury put in a full word I cancel that order what you're shutting me down early retirement and you've earned it Oh better better tell him what's up boss um it's not your fault I made you to make weapons created you in my own image and now you want to change that image I want to change the world so do I go to the trophy case or the trash you're top shelf I'll keep you around suspended animation but with full internet privileges yes I'll take up surfing be cool [Music] gunsmith me of course up I'm him well let's get to it boss a life of leisure awaits see on the other side see you that wasn't easy I'll take him he was good at what he did but what he did wasn't good [Music] the world doesn't need another cruise missile or smart bomb the world needs you Tony the world needs iron man that's right it does what is starred who I'm excited strange very missing munitions open the suitcase sure stunning this is so cool morning sir may I get you something Friday you seen pepper I believe she's putting out a fire a fire literal or figurative she's been on the phone with the press all morning something about your surprise announcement caused quite a stir well don't you watch the news Tony Stark no stranger to stunning revelations shut the business world today when he named Pepper Potts the new CEO of Stark Industries during a press conference mr. stark admitted he had not informed miss Potts of his decision prior to the announcement perhaps you jumped the gun sir it's the opportunity of a lifetime she's gonna thank me I'm gonna kill you I assisted Tony you need to warn me before you do stuff like this you know my assistant you're the CEO of Stark Industries or don't you watch the news Savage I should I'm gonna buy pepper I'm not always right I mean I'm usually right Tony here's the thing I wasn't put on earth to sit behind a desk and you weren't put here to handle my unpaid parking tickets I was gonna ask if there any more offenders there glove boxes full of them that's not the point the company turned a corner years ago we're a force for good in this world Frank I want you to get that message out there don't people always try to shoot the messenger huh thank you Oh you okay Friday fly you did sir unfortunately I'm not in control right now someone has taken us over remotely out there it's a stock drone come back drop we don't make combat drones anymore the drone is encasing itself in some sense of hardlight shield hello Stark do I know you I'm just a ghost from your past a ghost from my past no time to die whoa no no no not my suitcase override my safety belt just come back in one piece I'll try I'll try [Music] I'm feeling a bit naked here are we are we seriously going through it suit up in [Music] May they're sick joins in belt usual backgrounds getting awfully close [Music] bring it on that was epic that just that just never gets old that just never gets old okay all systems online that's the time I got a plane to catch we'll see about that can you hear me little windy but yeah I hear you [Music] so we have a massive breach in the hull old news Friday tell me about something I didn't just jump out it scanning come on little on fire that needs your attention a secondary explosion on the right engine sir gun [Music] by a suppression system online oh brain freeze that's one less burning issue deal with good joke set so the autopilot is no longer responding and the jet is projected to crash into a populated area [Music] stay put it's too dangerous play anymore from our mystery guest they're giving us the silent treatment but their hounds are clawing at the door showing it [Music] that's how we do it right what's going on in there scanning for mr. Potts our new friends messing with my HUD they've also knocked me out to the Jets Diagnostics I have no read on miss Potts pepper do you copy or are you are you serious [Music] [Music] you okay in there [Music] and control of the jet keep the good news coming said well what's that some beats Friday what did I just say system pepper how's the check please whoa steer so the aileron on the left side is being damaged is that fixable I'll have to wing it that looks better kind of located an airstrip for emergency landing thanks Friday pepper you think you can land this bird here where's Riggs it's all yours pepper gears down three great well done faith in you no one has any further objections I say we call it I'm detecting a new energy signature for enemies good trigger fingers getting itchy oh that's a big one all threats neutralized but I'm sensing our hacker friend has returned Oh what's what's happening Friday all systems are down the big ones back [Music] I'll shoot hurry up three down get it Becca line yes I believe the jet is officially a lost cause Oh the panel beneath your feet a compartment it leads to the nose landing gear you wonder the jet almost there yeah I can see you Tony gotcha [Music] next time I want my own suit let's make it happen ah points over a a dozen usually I see the danger before it hits even from 20,000 feet but someone got the drop on us it was 3:00 a.m. when I left pepper at the hospital I had a plan and I knew she wouldn't like it I went home and I woke up the guy who knows my old weapons better than anyone I have a bad feeling about this we all know what's gonna happen next but can we blame him I don't think so just once just just this once hello old friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey boss hey pal where's the party the party's over [Music] great I smell like feet whoa blast from the past it's a Power Core from an old drone you recognize it of course I recognize that I built it that's odd there's no serial number where is it from hoping you can tell me Oh miss Potts has been moved to a secure location but sorry I didn't realize we had company I'm more like family Friday this is the gun smash bring up speed here dumb ok not a touchscreen gunsmith show some respect no miss Potts she's she's in hospital and the cowards that put her there still at large help me find them no we'll find them boss and when we do war war never changes [Music] what is that a little early in the morning for power cords there must be the gunsmith it's going to be a beautiful day is this game is jam-packed with with Easter eggs references and so much more it's in it's insane the man in the iron mask delicious [Music] it's funny that when you eat something in virtual reality you can you can taste it in real I them I'm not joking you're tricking your brain this is one of the most badass bad rooms I've ever seen it even has a bar I mean that's sweet so let's see what my AI is up to did gunsmith drag this thing out of storage for sure for sure he's on a path of destruction something I wanted to step away from but well looks like plans have changed no more piano [Music] [Music] it's official ah the palm tree is doing way better it's so loud virtual success boom a roasted become your own you leadership marketing and the market of leaders time to head to the garage yes could that be one of the developers [Music] everything is cleaned up so that's that's that's a good thing sorry about my dance pose Wow this is gorgeous this is Tony's garage this workshop morning sad enemy's whereabouts afraid not it's that hard light sir our enemy quote your old drones in a type of energy we've not encountered before allowing them to appear out of nowhere [Music] turn that down will ya meet me over at your suit when you have a sec I got a surprise for ya he's passionate I'll give him that wow you have really gone all in on the whole superhero thing haven't you did you find out where those drones came from yet so serious and yes I mean no I mean I will but I've been thinking you've built a pretty great suit but I think I can make it even better standing on the shoulders of giants of course pal I brought you back to figure brought me back cuz we're in a street fight and you know I don't pull any punches just take a look show me all right give me the sales pitch so I've analyzed your armor and found places where we could make potential upgrades you can view and customize the equipment in each of these slots by activating their corresponding UI widget go ahead boss select one of the auxilary weapon slots dude this virtual workstation is where you can choose equipment to build and integrate in your suit you can put together all kinds of gunpowder base goodies here boss let's start with smart missiles if you want to arm yourself with knowledge as well as hardware the specs on each weapon appear above halted for now let's go ahead and do these Wow kreft when it comes to this stuff boss I always say the more the merrier you put those smart missiles to your other arm - interesting oh good thinking pal now let's go see what these beauties can do it'd be a tragedy not to boss but feel free to mess around with your suit some more if you want and when you're ready I'll still have you test the smart missiles first cuz well that's how I designed module do we want to buy some more stuff power thrusters now let's go a little bit deeper down to rabbit hole accelerator hit up speed faster than ever hell yeah supercharger I'm going to spend all of my points but I do want to see what the options are there's so much to to upgrade this is going to keep me hooked or quickly well I said I didn't want it to I don't have to really save up because everything is quite cheap that's that's my excuse extra ammo because I'm a noob and besides dad where's the power that is also very useful disguise that as dance yeah Oh even more on this side uh Tony you have taste there's one of these electric because then definitely want to want to ride it so let's head outside and start training support yeah let's make some dogs I was hoping he was going to play the music again boy yeah no the gunsmith ai's brand of help came with a warning label but I was concerned about the night off not the morning after I felt like stumbling back into an old haunt after years away there's no judgment no where have you been just what'll you have poor guy okay go on go on what's on the menu today sir gunsmith suggested I brush up on the fundamentals oh did he that's a surprise coming from him but encouraging I suppose what would you like to do first let's start with ground pound oh I love this one let me find a good place to test this out [Music] I gotta say so far this game is is great from this story to to the gameplay and the visuals to the audio it's top-notch the only thing that is annoying are the loading screens but besides that I'm having a blast this looks good I recommend you manually engage thrusters to focus on ground pound give me a targeted how do you aim it so I think a spot make a fist okay another target right right I admire your handiwork sir that's nothing friday give me nine targets nine sir well someone's feeling trash I didn't hit them all if I do this right oh I need to aim for the middle smashing sir what's next smart missiles Oh something gunsmith made no sir I was under the impression you brought him back to locate the source of your own drones he's a skilled multitask just like me indeed sir it's just well I thought we were brushing up on the fundamentals oh that's right right and these wrist-mounted beauties put the fun and fundamentals so give me a new target please certainly sir move to position okay these are auxilary weapons so hands up palms down god charlie aiming with your left gauntlet paint the target and fire Oh pack-a-punch try aiming with your right gauntlet sir paint all of the targets this time boom gunsmith is not messing around instead why don't we review your repulses sir sure I know these hands up palms I mean I am iron Butte let's test weapons switching palms up hilary's palms death certainly can infer the pulses read for auxiliaries excellent alright Friday time to take this show on the road challenge acceptance [Music] gunsmith got the formula just right how you switch between weapons is so so satisfying what would you like to do now well we've got a lot of fine ingredients that's a cooking class sir excellent idea I'll set up the flight course all right time to rock and roll bring it on I'll try a three punch come left right and alternate hands pull off the cop [Music] halfway there sir [Music] enemies don't stand a chance [Music] excellent shot that gives a bonus to your performance [Music] whoa whoa still wanna race if multitasking is real [Music] oh you've exceeded even my lofty expectations Bravo sir oh you don't you be enjoying yourself that was a good workout no no I'm full we call it a day that a last part was tricky really tricky welcome back boss thanks pal Friday what you working on over there I've put together an early warning system to track our friend from the jet have a look when you can we got some more points that's fast oh well at least we we survived podcast stark-raving the financial advice podcast the pros finance Bros and CEOs never miss I'm your host Morgan Stark the man with the money Jean yes for those of you only just now checking us out because of my robo call ad campaign Tony Stark's cousin and Tony isn't the only stock who knows how to make money so we can even step into Tony's gym let me yeah let me show you what you what you can do in here I'm going to start in the corner on this side the armor would make a good ankle weight gotta be sore tomorrow this is way way easier in the NVR I tell you okay that's enough let's check this out could have used a spotter oh it's a lot easier with the suit sure okay I'm not Thor that's funny a shake from the future oh we're gonna buy this stuff these capsules are are awesome what about the fridge sandwiches mmm 10 out of 10 would eat again can we make them pop or at least pull the no you can't there's so much to interact with I love when games do that and Oh already whatever Tony whatever press button to start bullseye not that heavy [Applause] we go [Applause] I should get a trophy for this 13 hmm I'll uh I'll practice some more more later let's go to Friday sir I've established a visual of our enemy's mo using their recent attacks on your buildings in London and Dubai unfortunately I'm not seeing a pattern that could tell us where their next i got boss oh sure just walk right in you're more important using an unclassified wargames simulator i cross-referenced the Genet act with military strategy dating back to 17 43 then I ran the results through a chess program developed in the 1980s by a Russian agent known only as Victor the fly now Victor was almost certainly insane however well he was a bloody point Shanghai that's where our enemy will strike next so that just happened do you think he's right sir when it comes to stuff like this he usually is right in that case let me explain the globe it's an early warning system that displays current threats and can even anticipate new ones grab the rotation ring and swipe it left or right to spin the globe to a mission location got it so anyone interested in a trip to Shanghai I've been there before as you can see it's currently highlighted select it to proceed going forward when choosing a location you can review the data I've prepared for an upcoming mission when you're ready press the deploy button to depart for Shanghai and there you go that's Marvel's IRA man VR on the channel for now if you want to see more of this game then you know what to do just simply slap a like on this video or drop a comment that's fine too if you want to get this game then you can there is a link in the description below do keep in mind that it's a psvr exclusive so you will not be able to play it on your quest valve index rift etc that's not gonna happen so yeah you might have to buy PlayStation that's all I'm saying and now it's time for me to will sign up and as I always say and I see you all next time see you in developers bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Nathie
Views: 4,190,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iron Man VR Gameplay PS4, Iron Man VR Game, Iron Man PSVR, Iron Man PSVR Full Gameplay, Marvel, VR Superhero Game, Tony Stark, Virtual Reality, Playstation VR, Nathie VR
Id: uBGfdioSXQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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