Linus Tech Tips Linux Challenge Part 3 - Linux Vet REACTS

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part number three part number three of the linus tech tips daily driver challenge for linux and i'm gonna be commentating and giving my feedback on this video i'm wearing headphones i listen to you guys no echoes this time and uh some of you guys are wondering why i played the video at 1.25 speed because i like going fast so let's get into it i'll pause it whenever i want to speak and anything is easy if you know exactly what you're doing but by the same token anything can be difficult or even impossible if you lack the requisite skills resources or knowledge that's the basic premise of this video where linus and i now three weeks into daily driving some form of linux on our personal gaming machines will change the gears and attempt to complete 12 simple tasks simple as long as we've actually been doing our homework to familiarize ourselves with our linux desktop environments i can already tell this is not going to go well for this guy right here here we go thanks to nzxt for sponsoring today's video just computer fast forward you await the linux experience from a gamer's perspective even the most ardent gamer will occasionally want to do other things on their pc like sometimes print out a document or watch a video and those things need to not only be possible but also fast and painless enough that they aren't immediately prompted to run back to windows so with that in mind we've set a time limit for each of our tasks of 15 minutes compared to gaming basic office work is much more mature on linux and for anything that's not straightforward there's a good chance that you can find a web app to fill the gap these days everything from word processing to basic video editing or even creating 3d mockups can all be done in a browser and often for free i was going to say that is that um if there's a app that doesn't work on linux there's probably a browser application that you could just open up a tab and use so we'll see uh see how these guys can screw this one up in preparation for this part of the challenge i practiced using play on linux by installing notepad plus plus and i hope that if i really need some other windows application that's i'm not sure what that is gonna come in handy for me if it doesn't i also have a working windows 10 virtual machine that i set up using kvm but luke and i agreed ahead of time that using a vm that's running paid non-open source software kind of violates the spirit of the challenge here even if it is technically within bounds i agree with that i think that you should definitely try to do this without the vm so there's going to be a half point deduction for using that workaround i didn't install a v fair enough pm or do any other form of special prep but because i'm work from home most days i've been doing a lot of everyday stuff on my machine already and i'm expecting this to be pretty straightforward here are the challenges you must surmount in whatever order you please cut and paste a file from one drive oh man i was expecting them to come up with some stuff that's really challenging so just like in windows control x and i will paste it to my kingston thumb drive it is done 3.9 gigs playing it back yes i do appreciate the irony of trying to play success.mkv and having it just be a black screen i'm going to cut this and i'm going to paste this done okay luke did a text file and linus did a almost four gig video step one complete i mean i really didn't consider that this might take me longer than like a couple of seconds i don't know just like it doesn't take longer than a couple of seconds to go to and check out no it's really annoying mac os does this too there's no refresh button in dolphin so you can't you can't force it to refresh and i i know what the philosophy is the philosophy is you're not supposed to need to refresh well sometimes i do so you need to have the button sorry it's just i'm still angry about this from like seven or eight years ago or whenever i did my mac os daily driver challenge vlc is not even opening anymore now i'm kind of afraid to touch anything nautilus reports a completely different setup okay the file is here and for some reason vlc launches now did it just take that long one thing i'll mention is if a application doesn't immediately launch kill the process because it's probably running in the background it's kind of like a if you um control alt delete on windows there's probably a process that's hung in the background and that's probably what's happening here cancel the move operation it did i am grabbing a smaller file okay trying to install teamviewer.txt i'm cutting and i'm pasting it nine minutes guys nine minutes success challenge two digitally signed this pdf i have not specifically installed any kind of pdf reader so this is the default digitally signed oh this is looking promising i'll draw a rectangle to indicate the signature field okay oop the signatures this size is too small to read no i'm just going to sign it there are no available signing certificates okay man i thought i was gonna be done this in like one minute how to sign i'm assuming i'm not gonna be able to sign it because i'm assuming this is just a a reader uh is there something on here document viewer i know what i use on windows for this is sedge duh okay sejda i'm gonna i'm gonna download sejj just in case this pdf mod thing doesn't work okay this is what i use on windows so let's i use docusign let's give this a shot sign new signature save um let me just verify that that worked let's get out of here i don't need pdf mod pdf to sign signed done nigeria add pkcs signing certificate oh you can get free trusted certificates from the let's encrypt or we can he's not going to make it use the nkcert tool come all right it's clear that this is a thing that you can do and it's something i think the browser app would have been a lot easier for this one um [Music] i use a wacom tablet for some of my signing although i don't know the legalities of the digital signing with that but i could figure out if i had another i'm sure with the metadata and stuff i can tell you when i signed it but half an hour an hour but unfortunately it's not something that is quick or easy i guess i get zero points i should have bailed a couple of minutes ago and switched over to my vm i failed challenge number two export a chart from the excel right-click save as picture an excel file this has got to be the chart we're trying to right click export as image did that work i've never done this before i wasn't even fully aware that was a thing uh looks like it worked it has a transparent background but uh it doesn't matter i don't think so this black background is not the color of the cells the black background is luke got that done in 45 seconds so let's see what happens here just an image oh yes yes yes yes here we go here we go here we go okay you just have to find exactly the right spot export as image hey why is the name system volume information okay why did it default to some volume okay yes okay i needed a w here and i i got it it's not quite right you can see it's actually missing the borders on the right and bottom but everything else here looks fine call them out of w add a new font i probably would just screenshot it i don't know if that's how they're allowing the challenge or not but you could probably just draw a screenshot box around it and do that um i'm assuming this is just dragging it into the fonts folder so just do this nope i thought it was going to be as easy uh i think fonts you have to be a pseudoer to move things over to i was just drawing it into this folder to be honest that may be why this isn't working or use your share fonts true type there we go i'm gonna put a font in here mission denied okay so yes so open as root done my guy now if i load this again i don't see it i'm just gonna copy it to my downloads folder um what just happened did that just copy to the why would it do that i dragged this onto a folder but because arc is some completely separate application that doesn't integrate properly with dolphin it just goes it just dumps it into the folder instead of specifically on the folder i'm dragging it to so i have to open this folder then copy it i can open night zone with sorry what is this k font view oh install do you want to install the fonts for personal use systemwide systemwide yes i'm going to change my user interface to it all right it's pretty easy to just install a font package directly from a repository when you're doing it that way just as an alternative don't uh don't shoot me guys i'm just telling you how i would do it i did not think this one was gonna be difficult i don't know how much time i have actually i wasn't even paying attention because i thought i was just gonna blow through it so it can just go directly into fonts so it could go directly into there i don't know i'm just gonna put things everywhere is it actually called a font is it called night zone have i been done this whole time okay yeah not a friend i just didn't realize it was called night zone thanks james oh my god okay sweet sick print the word doc okay here's my word document file print yeah theoretically i i haven't done any setup for a printer um but this looks like a printer so let's do it okay our word document is printing um i'll be back that's in my girlfriend's office we'll see what's gonna happen this is this challenge is gonna depend completely on what printer they have because i know that printers are a sore spot for linux and brother is very compatible canon not so much uh other brands hp's pretty compatible as well but let's see what happens here that was probably the easiest and best printing experience i've uh pretty much ever had i didn't i didn't detect that printer i didn't install that printer i didn't do anything i know from previously using mint i've seen the pop-up in the top right-hand corner come up being like this printer has connected um but i never did anything for it and yeah if you're buying a printer you should buy that one if you're using linux printers okay hold on hold on what was that printer hp device manager what is this do i even have an hp printer it's a samsung that's going to be i have no idea about samsung oh are you kidding me there it is samsung clp 310 series okay that was fleet oh it found a driver this printer is actually a pain in the ass to get working on windows because i think the last time it got a driver was either vista or windows 7. i actually have it saved to a folder on my server because there's no other place that i can find it or i can but it's a real chore you have to like extract it from some other thing like it's a very giant pain in the butt um this just worked as far as i can tell but until i actually see the page i'm not ready print the file to believe it right connecting printer waiting for perfect let's go andy let's go andy the light's flashing it's flashing come on clp yeah i was gonna say i've never been so happy to see uh a page printed out of a printer but actually getting something to print is one of those things that pretty much every time you need to do it it's like kind of urgent and kind of a pain in the ass so no no i've been through this a lot success ah challenge number six compress and send all the files on this drive get that printer too because it must be compatible there is a website i'll even post it in the in a link in the um in the show notes of this episode of the compatible printers go check that link before you buy one if you're gonna use it on linux okay um compress here as dot zip why is it.uqjqfu well that brings up nothing why would it put that there goodbye failed to open archive not a zip archive it's a uqj qfu nope it just is broken perfect we're going to compress to a zip right here create let's uh let's check top i'm going to make sure things are happening luke's a little bit more advanced than linus 7zip is attempting to use 100 of my cpu so things are happening holy crap andy you know what i think i just fell for the same thing that i said i wouldn't fall for again press here as dot zip it was doing it down here and i didn't notice so i guess the the six characters or whatever here is just random gibberish while it's a temporary file i should change this font back says i like it let's do it oh dscu comic there we go are these files going to compress at some point dolphin you're embarrassing yourself okay let's try and do it in i forget what this one is called it doesn't matter archive name at least it prompts me for what i want to call it but i don't see any kind of progress indicator are you kidding me am i going to fail to zip a file this is not uploading i was kind of hoping that i was going to be able to do every single task in under 15 minutes um the fonts task really slowed me down because i didn't realize the font wasn't called a font and then this one is slowing me down because it just took a long time to compress and now it's taking a long time to upload um but other than that he's all been very easy that's not linux's fault that's google drive so far and this one is clearly stalled hold on maybe pzip's got me still hold on so this is this is all the stuff okay copy then i can go into downloads zip folder yes this is the workaround oh my god 10 minutes remaining to copy these files this is another thing that i definitely can do it just had some issues wait wait no i'm good i'm good the the first one i did in dolphin it's done i think nice wait no i didn't get the point i'm supposed to send them maybe i can weasel my way out of this a little yellow what do you mean by compress and send is that an email or something well i mean there's a three gigabyte file in it so emailing it's not really practical oh well i mean i already zipped the whole thing including the video because like okay i'm giving myself the points i could i could have emailed this to someone i think that's fine okay all right okay well it's not difficult to zip a file so i think it's just the amount of data that they were zipping and luke is uploading it to google drive and it's going to depend on how big the file is so that could take 20 plus minutes depending on how big the file is i don't know how big the file is but how i would probably do this is and i'm gonna get hit oh don't hit me command line uh i would just type in zip and then the files i want to zip and then what the folder name is that i want to zip them to and it would do that pretty quickly but i understand people aren't going to use the command line so the way that they were doing it perfect should it should work uh no problems well i can i can do other tasks while i'm waiting yeah let's do that okay so take a screenshot screenshot i can do whole screen i can do current window i can do area to grab i'm going to do area to grab and i'm going to screenshot this bang it just shows up right here i'm gonna throw in the linux challenge folder and there it is there's a screenshot there's like a million programs that will screen that can perform screenshoting um so mint probably has one built in it depends on probably more so the um display environment that you're using rather than the distribution but most of them if not all of them display environments not window managers come with a uh inability to take screen screenshots rather i'm gonna wait for make a shortcut i didn't read this line before i started this i don't have a network share set up discord app to open on startup uh there's probably startup applications add one choose application discord that application done just works on startup now watch 4k content i'm assuming that's this the uh video google unveiled the pixel six and six pro today but we already knew everything about it to be good with everything okay well i guess i did that this is done that just got finished insert files using drive linux challenge okay one person view sent got it this is really cool that totally depends on how big the file is to google drive so that's not a linux like that's a google drive thing if i search for a snipping tool it actually is like haha we don't have that but we do have spectacle which is a pretty cool little screen shotting tool so you just spectacle's actually unreal click take a new screenshot and then you can do do do drag a little thing press enter cool i did it nice you can do like full-on screen recordings with spectacle i i believe there's also plugins you can add to it you can it's extensible it's pretty cool i have to make a shortcut oh man i got this too no you can't right click it to where you want it and make a shortcut so no i will find another way to do that link to file or directory yes this is a much better way of doing this haha name for new link okay can i copy the location yes i can people actually use shortcuts on the desktop i've not used a shortcut on a desktop for probably almost a decade i i know that there's lots of people that do i know people have like hundreds of shortcuts on their desktops but it's so that's something that i would not even think about doing haha done i've like never made shortcuts exactly i don't make shortcuts in windows either exactly i can hold the shift and control keys highlighting and dragging a file or folder okay seems a little weird but let's make a shortcut of a video that i was gonna say can't you just drag and drop it to the desktop looks like it's there's also a desktop folder in his if you look right here desktop i think if you drag files onto that i could be wrong that will show up on your desktop too shortcut yeah it's a link it's a shortcut nice connect to a network share this is actually crazy easy because while i am using samba on my linux nas it's a linux nas so yeah so network shared folders smb ladder server oh that's impressive because i use i think i use an nfs share and it's a little bit more difficult to a little bit more involved than that to set up so that's impressive i'm impressed i want me to like map a network share i mean that's not really necessary i can just add a shortcut to this right here see i'm going to call that good enough so now every time i open up dolphin i just click linus and it will go to my share just like that i actually i may do a video on this i don't use there's no files whatsoever on the computer that i'm recording this all of my files live on a server and i mount that server as if it was a local drive on my computer reason being is that i have all my files in one place i can back up very easily from that one place and i can access that server from anywhere in the world based on how i've set up my vpns and such if you guys want a video on how to do that i will do that because i love it i think it's so useful and let me know i have received confirmation from james i don't have any network attached storage devices at my home right now so he said it is okay if i set up a folder for sharing i'm going to go into property oh sharing options let's try that samba needs to be installed appropriate firewalls let's do this this is the first one where i haven't done anything with this at all yet i've that surprises me that luke doesn't have shared storage at home used samba very surprising to me but it was 10 years ago sure this folder is on allow others to create and delete files in this folder challange sure and let's do guest access challange yes as well add the permissions automatically cool it is now a network share you can see a little thingamajig there i think that's it so in the end that took me less than 40 minutes in total uh the majority of that time was waiting for a file to compress waiting for a file to upload waiting for a response from the task master himself etc not doing the actual tasks i think that would have taken me a very similar amount of time in windows actually the print of file portion probably went better than it would have on windows to be completely honest so yeah overall no problem really easy compressing files failed copying failed yeah thanks a lot dolphin you suck set up dolphin does suck discord app to open on startup i think it might just do that by default the first thing i'm going to do then is just test that i'm feeling good andy i got this hey that's cheating okay apparently i had already configured this so another point for linus on katie i think it's i think he's using kde it's very easy to go into the settings and then there's a startup applications that's where you can decide on what applications open up on startup watch 4k content avio.mp4 how is that even a challenge hello wait it goes black and full screen that's a nice feature why i grabbed mpv media player the official repository community version because that seemed like the most credible one and then i was able to immediately open the video in mpv player and boom full screen mpva is actually very very good would highly recommend using mpv on even your android phones solved look at that gorgeous guy challenge number 12 watch hdr content as far as i can tell this is basically just james rubbing in that i have not been able to consume any hdr content this month here's an article from a month ago red hat has announced that wants to hire an engineer well that's a fail but um everyone's going to fail so i feel pretty good other than digitally signing my pdf i managed to complete all of my possible challenges but that doesn't mean that the road to get here was as painless as what you just saw i've had a very frustrating issue where any amount of windows movement especially if i dare to have an even low performance game like fdl running will be very laggy i've had a few fixes suggested to me that maybe helped a little bit i can't really tell none of them have fully solved the problem i could distro-op and try something else but i'm hesitant to do that even if it would solve the problem as that means a lot of additional work just to get caught up to where i am now and it's possible other things will break anyways me not really ever had that issue even when my cpu is like at 100 i don't really have too much of that i honestly i don't really have that while on manjaro kde i've had a relatively smooth experience i do have little complaints like that the show desktop button doesn't actually minimize anything and as soon as you grab a focus application everything comes ripping back onto the screen or that the application labels are underneath the window previews when you cycle through with alt tap making them harder to read but overall if all i needed to do was run a web browser do some basic word processing i wouldn't have anything to complain about installing and managing applications on the other hand has made me wish that my popos experience hadn't been so discouraging manjaro has a graphical package manager called pamac that allows applications to be installed in a couple of clicks but by default it contains only some of the things i need it can be unlocked to search for flat pack snap and aur packages which dramatically increases its usefulness but if this manjaro developer is to be believed these non-official sources can result in downtime and if they do everything is working as intended fortunately they don't maintain it i haven't really encountered that yet though i have only been at it for a few weeks but it's this kind of hit or miss functionality that is turned using my computer from something that i do for fun into something that feels more like work okay here's one miraculously the browser source plug-in that i needed for obs was available in pamac through the arch user repository but the thing is i ended up only stumbling upon that by finding a post referring to it as i was fighting my way through attempting to manually copy the plugin files into the appropriate system folders which in fairness to me was based on a guide i found and actually got me really close i was able to launch obs but as soon as i tried to actually use that source it would crash now i understand that this is totally a power user thing to do but it's also absolutely something that a gamer particularly a game streamer might need i wasn't able to install the browser source plugin as easily as linus was i did figure out how to get it to work eventually but in the hardest way possible because using my windows brain i installed obs by following the commands on their website rather than using my distro's package manager if i had actually started with that the main obs install would have just included the browser source plugin to begin with how did you install obs in the first place then if you used it in my opinion it's an unintuitive user experience to not include the browser source plugin by default for all the main ways of acquiring obs people i could be wrong about this but using arch how i do i i would probably install the obs package through the aur and then there is probably the package that they're talking about on top of that that you would also install through the aur i could be wrong i'm not super familiar with this so i won't comment too much more on this i've been using this thing for years it's in there by default on windows it is buried under the build instructions tab but come on honestly some of my dumbest problems have been caused by my default file manager dolphin among other things true i actually i use thunar as my graphical file manager dolphin i hate dolphin does not allow the user to copy anything into a folder that requires administrative privileges with no obvious way to override it in the gui and i've run into this twice so far you know what i'm going to say command light but command line if you copy a file it's a lot easier to do sudo copy and usually just prompts you for a password and you're good to go i'm gonna get so much hate for this adding insult to injury the community responses to this user who shared my concern that not everyone wants to copy files using the terminal and that linux should allow the user to do what they want to do with their computer were some of the most painfully condescending and stubborn things that i've had the displeasure of reading throughout this challenge fair enough now i lost my link to the tweet unfortunately but i saw an interesting criticism of this series that basically accused me and luke of intentionally smearing linux and its developers because we were going to come into this with a basic windows gamer perspective and try to do things the way that they do things well newsflash guys that's most people and if you legitimately like in your heart of hearts want linux desktop to grow you need to accommodate those people so you can sit there and go am i out of no normies no i'm just kidding he's making a very valid point here we're gonna continue touch no it's the users who are wrong but you are you're literally a meme at that point the only question is whether you're self-aware and hot well that depends i strongly believe that enthusiast distros for advanced users should stay advanced there is immense raw potential in an unfettered experience it is important for new users wishing to eventually achieve mastery of a system and for current masters of that system to be afforded full control and responsibility in order to maximize their ability to learn grow and realize potential very valid point in that there are advanced distributions but there should be you know like super super simplistic beginner friendly distributions to get people into the ecosystem i agree with 100 what they're saying here uh that being as much as i say use command line it is true very valid points that they're making instead not everything fits under that umbrella there are distros out there more for gamers or inexperienced users so for those systems we really hope that there's a lot of good that can come from us doing this we also don't want to paint everyone in the linux community with the same brush because it's a diverse bunch of people with a wide range of experience with linux people like wendell from level1tx jason evangelo from linux for everyone and gardner bryant from gardner bryant have been inviting and supportive not just to us but to fans of the channel following in our footsteps which is super cool but something that the good egg where's my shadow where's my shadow is in the linux community you need to understand though is that you guys are great and there's lots of you it's just that it only takes a couple of toxic gatekeepers to turn people off like you got to remember it's not always easy for people to reach out and ask for help and if a literal developer of their distro goes out of their way to type extra unnecessary words to be condescending when they could have just pointed the user to the resources that they needed it is extremely damaging to the good work that the majority is trying to do and there has been so much of that good work on display throughout this project i mean getting my windows vm which i've only ended up needing to ingest some audio using rode's weird unnecessary utility and to configure my audio interface was kind of a nightmare between incomplete guides meaningless error messages accidentally installing a version of virtualbox that was made for the wrong version of the linux kernel and needing to enable an additional bios option that tell me i needed it took me literally hours but i got there and it's worth noting that it can be a real hassle to set up a vm on windows 2 especially for an inexperienced user and hey at least on linux it's incredibly powerful and it's free one of the very first ways that i bricked my system was installing a virtual machine using virtualbox and i used the wrong linux kernel version so my my machine was was bricked so virtual machines are not easy regardless of what operating system he's making a valid point here now there's a lot more that i could say right now but i feel like most of it is better suited for the upcoming parts where we focus on game compatibility and performance and our overall conclusions so i will see you there thanks to nzxt another good video and actually both of them were very like they were able to do pretty much everything except for the digital signing of things and i probably personally would have used a browser application for that so um good on these guys i'm gonna add this challenge is bringing so much publicity and so much so many more people into the at least even thinking about using linux so i you have to give take your hats off to these guys and what they're doing so i'll give them a round of applause and and such but thanks guys for watching if you if you guys want me to do that video about the server let me know in the comments and i will definitely do it because i think it's very very cool and very helpful to be able to access your files from pretty much anywhere in the world this is good this is a good episode so i'm glad that they were able to do most of this stuff with office applications and such i don't think you you wouldn't even know that you're using linux in a lot of cases libreoffice for example is so polished that you would think you're using microsoft word or um the only application i actually usually use in libreoffice is calc which is the excel excel version but it's so polished and so good that you wouldn't have to worry about any of the normal tasks that you're doing on a daily basis with this stuff so give it a shot guys and let me know how you guys like this video in the comments and we will catch you in part four coming up thanks so much for watching
Channel: Joshua Blais
Views: 12,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, linus tech tips, ltt, linux challenge, linux daily driver challenge, Linus tech tips, reaction, linux gaming, arch, manjaro, ubuntu, mint, LTT, Linux Challenge
Id: onnKwkIAxtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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