The Government is SUING NVIDIA? - WAN Show December 3, 2021

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oh we're live oh welcome to the wan show ladies and gentlemen we've got a fantastic show lined up for y'all today the ftc is suing to block the 40 billion nvidia and arm merger whoops and the google pixel 6 is apparently refusing to charge with low quality cables it's all like what's the matter you poor well i guess no charge for you what else we got today or new phone uh apple that's screwed with us in a really annoying way and i want to talk about it on lan show because i'm actually just so mad i'm so upset i told you earlier today okay all right yeah we should talk about that i'm so cheesed also uh nvidia rumored to launch rtx 40 series in 2022 just another generation of graphics cards you won't be able to get wow so um get wrecked i guess very cool [Music] whew [Music] and the show is brought to you by id agent team group and msi all right why don't we jump right into our first topic of the day the ftc is suing to block the 40 billion nvidia and arm merger that's right they've stepped in to prevent nvidia from snapping up arm to prevent nvidia from stifling the innovation pipeline for next generation technologies that that is a quote this ftc complaint alleges that the proposed merger would give nvidia the ability and incentive to use its control of this technology to undermine its competitors reducing competition and ultimately resulting in reduced product quality reduced innovation higher prices and less choice that is um that is one way of putting it yeah according to the complaint the acquisition will harm competition in three worldwide markets in which nvidia competes using arm-based products already through the license that they have high-level advanced driver assistance systems for passenger cars so these offer computer assisted driving functions like automated lane changing lane keeping highway entrance and exit collision prevention on that kind of thing dpu smartnics which are advanced networking products that are used to increase the security and efficiency of data center servers and arm-based cpus for cloud computing service providers so these new and emerging products leverage arms technology to meet the performance power efficiency and customizability needs of modern data centers that provide cloud computing services so for example uh amazon is working on not just working on amazon has rolled out arm-based server processors that are reducing their dependence on traditional x86 vendors like amd and intel in fact the arm ecosystem is arguably as vibrant as it has ever been everything from the watch on your wrist to the huge metal servers that are running all the cloud infrastructure that powers the services that you use is basically running on arm probably at this point so the proposed deal would give nvidia control over computing technology and designs that rival firms rely on to develop competing chips see that's the thing nvidia has a huge presence both arm and otherwise in at least two of these markets so through the melanox acquisition they've definitely got something going on in the data center networking space i don't know if they're actually developing dpu smartnics it's a space that i'm just frankly not familiar with but when it comes to driver assistance systems uh acceleration they've definitely got their fingers in that pot and when it comes to cloud computing absolutely they've got their fingers in that pot as well um so this is a pretty cut-and-dried example of a of of a non-competitive behavior buying the company that controls the ip that your rivals rely on however nvidia has has claimed nvidia has claimed that this wouldn't be a problem um but sure we we've seen how nvidia is happy to take advantage of the situation of being on top um i don't know if it's necessarily worse than any other major company that has been in a clearly number one position because that's just always bad for everyone uh so i can't necessarily particularly pick on nvidia here but it's not like they're necessarily playing nice guys when they're in that situation and this would just make them even more so so here's the thing i actually wrote a follow-up video i didn't write the whole thing i i wrote most of it uh let me just see if i'm logged into the the right doc here um i i created a bunch of notes for a video that i was gonna call something along the lines of like nvidia why are you so mad you know um like or like i oh no no i remember i remember what it was going to be called it was going to be called who hurt you and basically most of the most of the thinking that i was doing about it was really along the lines of you know i understand at some point a very very long time ago you were you were a scrappy you know a scrappy desperate competitor and you kind of had to leverage every every possible angle in order to succeed but yeah that was at this point really a very long time ago and at some point don't you think you would like to just be liked you know at some point isn't it time to realize that you're not punching up anymore you're punching down and it's it's time to take a more magnanimous approach to your dealings with the rest of the industry because and it was actually it was inspired partially by nvidia's behavior towards hardware inbox so this was back when that whole thing unfolded but it was also inspired partially by the at the time regulatory resistance and not just regulatory but also industry resistance to nvidia's i think at the time alleged acquisition of arm maybe it wasn't maybe it wasn't alleged um here i've actually okay i've got my i've got my notes up unfortunately this particular computer does not have um oh boy well that's a little uncomfortable this computer doesn't have word on it so that's what that's what opening this document looks like i'm sure someone's going to manage to turn that into oh come on why does wordpad not even show like this is the kind of stuff you know i i've done a lot of complaining about linux in the last few weeks but this is the kind of stuff that windows absolutely needs to do better why is it that by default in windows open with does not bring up wordpad which will open this document here it is okay here it is why would it not just default to this view rather than what we saw before i don't know uh luke do you mind curating a couple of merch messages while i go through this so here is pretty much what i wanted to to say about it um oh man uh yeah no one would talk on record um i i wanted to kind of say like hey you know let's look at your financials let's look at your market share your public company right so this is this is all stuff that we have access to look at current growth and you know i there's a there's a bit that i've kind of written here and i go i get it only the paranoid survive but there's a limit you can't and probably don't even want to win 100 market share so why is your grip so tight you know um let's not pretend this pressure on the media through hardware unboxed was somehow an isolated incident right the difference is just that most of the pressure nvidia applies to partners be they press partners or be the other partners it happens behind the scenes where those partners are far more susceptible to the kind of damage that nvidia can deal than independent media who more and more are getting funded directly by their viewers i have in here massive shout out by the way to my floatplane peeps and of course shoppers so it comes across petty emotional and scared like are you really so insecure that when you're in a position of unassailable power in the industry that you need to put down everyone else who thrives in your ecosystem to reassure yourself you're the top dog you're the top dog i said it so can we put it behind us now right so basically i wrote a video that was kind of a lot of that and i'm reminded of it now as we look at this kind of regulatory pushback because it doesn't come from nowhere it comes from this history of behavior that nvidia has where every time they have an opportunity whatever they might say about how they're going to encourage a vibrant independent armed ecosystem nobody believes them they don't believe them because that's not what nvidia does nvidia creates closed standards they create closed ecosystems they box out competitors at every possible opportunity so i just i get it i understand why the ftc is coming at them on this i also understand why there's been a lot of pushback not just from companies that nvidia has been openly hostile towards like apple but also companies that are just worried that whether it's immediate or whether it's over an extended period of time complete nvidia ownership and control over arm's ip could have lasting and damaging impacts on their business and that's honestly why arm has been so successful that's what's allowed it to proliferate is that they have created this really amazing business model where you can you can license their technology in in almost every way you could possibly imagine literally actually in every way you could possibly imagine from just taking course that they've designed and essentially paying to have them fabbed all the way to taking the the underlying architecture designing your own core and i mean look at what apple's done with that they've they've managed to comp they've managed to out compete the entire rest of the industry with an underlying fundamental ip that anyone can license it's incredible right and so why are we why are we going to risk damaging a good thing i guess is the question i mean really risk five is coming yeah risk five is coming for arms lunch already so dude we've been coming for a long time but do we need to do we need to accelerate that transition because that's what i feel like might happen if nvidia were to acquire arm i feel like a lot of these licensees of arm's technology would just go okay well writing's on the wall now i guess it's time for us to go ahead and someone in flow plane chat said as you were kind of transitioning into that um i think possibly before you mentioned risk they said risk five would get really popular if arm gets sold it's like yeah potentially pretty much but it costs so much and it takes so much time to make these major transitions you guys got to understand hardware is just such a small piece of the puzzle these days it's all about the software and so if amazon had to go you know whether it's amazon or facebook or google or whoever it is if they have to go and switch architectures like this okay we're going risk five now it's not just as simple as okay compile the code for risk five and here we go not by a long shot so much optimization takes place these days and it would i mean it's a years and many many millions of dollars investment to do something like this so honestly i know i know i'm all about progress in general but maybe we could just arms just now you know swinging for the fences why don't we let it just be for a little bit i don't think not wanting some gigantic conglomerate company to gobble up another company i don't think that's anti-progress i think you're all right i'm all right i think you're right all right i'm coming i'm coming away okay on this one yeah yeah yeah so i guess we'll see what happens i guess we'll see what happens um i mean the ftc i don't think is the only ones resisting this this move so why don't we move on to our next topic this one's pretty funny the google pixel 6 refuses to charge with low quality cables so there have been numerous reports from users on google's forums that reveal the latest pixel phones refuse to charge but only under specific circumstances and at the heart of the issue appears to be the quality of the type c cables being used so lower quality type c cables and chargers incapable of power delivery appear to be incapable of pushing any charge to the devices and the really frustrating thing is that while on google's support page it is stated that pixel phones might not work with some cables in order to protect the battery from the damage that out of spec charging might cause there doesn't appear to be any meaningful error message that really gets pushed out to users it doesn't say hey get more money buy a better cable it just doesn't work it doesn't work there's also a note here that i was i was kind of searching for and i strongly agree with on cable labeling is extremely uncommon these days it's not like ethernet back in the day where every single one had the printing across the entire cable they still do ethernet does yeah pretty much all that i've seen yep okay sweet anyways usbc not so much no i don't think i have a single labeled usb c cable um i'm i'm sure people out there do it's very likely i think on the plug itself you might have a little stamp that indicates what it is but like on usbc yeah i've never seen it no yeah no i don't know no i i haven't seen labeling at all so like figuring this out as a layman would be very annoying pretty much the only way that i can tell if it's wired for usb2 or usb 3 is just by the thickness of the of the cable and even that's not a surefire thing because it could just have a really thick sheath on you know five conductors or i guess i don't know i guess it would be nine or whatever whatever it would be for reversibility um and the thing is that in addition to just how many conductors are running down a type c cable there's also the gauge of them right so especially as we get into i think we've got 100 watt now but as we get into 240 watt power delivery over usb type c that is going to be really important and it's actually a really great safety feature that google has that it just prevents the phone from operating correctly with a cable that could damage it it's just that they need to do a better job of documenting what's happening or alerting the user to what's happening so that people don't get confused all right let's go ahead and roll this oh wow that's actually a really good question go ahead and do that okay i think i'm gonna have to just call this out because otherwise we're going to run into trouble here and people aren't going to get a chance to get their hands on it um the swac kit oh that's not it the swacket is back ladies and gentlemen that's right it's somewhere between a sweater and a jacket so it's a heavy heavy sweater and i've got a large on long story it is not going to fit this baggie normally our size medium is my size but this is pretty much the ltt store hoodie for if you don't want the stealth hoodie or the wan hoodie you know you you want something that's a little more flash it's got the reflective tape on the front uh reflective tape on the back it's got the big ltt badge on the shoulder very much inspired by the original swag kit but without some of the uh questionable choices that we made the first time around in terms of materials so there should be a lot better consistency from one garment to the next this time around that is that a larger in excel this is an xl that's an xl yeah that looks about right all right i never had the original one this is cool really you never got one no oh yeah we had a very limited number of the original one and then we never reordered because we had qc issues with them and that that factory just couldn't manage to make them and it turned out it wasn't entirely their fault because we had like stretchy materials and really stiff materials and they were right next to each other and it was just an extremely technical garment so all right let's go ahead and do that i'll go through these if you want to transition to the next one yeah fantastic let's jump into our next topic of the day here what chip shortage hey it's more nvidia news nvidia is rumored to be launching rtx 40 series cards in 2022 i mean the reality of it is nvidia would have started work on 40 series what is this add a lovelace i guess is the code name for these upcoming ones can't remember the point is nvidia would have started planning for these you know probably three three and a half years ago so they would have had absolutely no way of knowing that they were going to have no way of manufacturing enough of their previous generation to the point where they're only competing against nobody like there's literally no gpus that anyone can buy anyway so there's no point putting all this r d into releasing a new generation of that being said and i memed on it a little bit for consumers i'm still happy they're pushing forward at the very least yeah this is one of those situations where i don't want to bash on progress even if they're just instantly selling out you might as well keep marching forward yeah yeah you might as well keep marching forward it's just from a business standpoint if they just didn't have to yeah then i guess that is a thing that they might have i guess i guess i appreciate yeah that they're releasing a new one because they could just not not really in the data center they've still got a lot of competition for like high performance computing okay that's fair and that is like that's where nvidia is pushing they're pushing heavy in ai right now and there are ai specific processors that are coming out now that really look like they're going to take the fight to nvidia so if they're not continuing to push forward on new process nodes new architectures there is the potential that they could fall behind and once they've done that work it is relatively speaking less work to take these new innovations and repackage them into a smaller die and deliver them in a consumer gpu and nvidia is a proud company i think it's fair to say that nvidia is a proud company and they would much rather beat the living stuffing out of their competition then just barely eke out a w so as much as we might fault nvidia from time to time whether it's for you know holding back a release because they don't have a financial incentive to go ahead with it they never hold back for that long even during periods of completely uh of complete dominance in the gpu space they have eventually released more gpus for you to spend your hard-earned money on even if they really you know frame these releases in the context of um nvidia targeting its own former customers who own their one or two generations ago gpus as they as they tended to do towards the i guess the latter years of your tenure reviewing gpus here where they would just say okay yeah this gpu we're going after everyone who owns one of these cards from three years ago or whatever the case may be yeah that was super common i mean a better solution would obviously be for nvidia to just turn gpus into a subscription server oh they did hey why not both right if i'm jensen i i'd i'd love to just i'd love to just take both right oh man all right should i do my little topic uh oh no there's still a little bit more for us to say about this so reportedly these new gpus will be built on the tsmc n5 node and the rtx 4090 will reportedly feature 18 000 cuda cores with clocks as high as 2.3 to 2.5 gigahertz that would put it at nearly double the rtx 3090's 10 496 cores at 1.7 gigahertz boost it is also rumored that we could be looking at power consumption that is quite literally double or nearly double the current generation cards and what this could also mean is that even though we're stepping down to the n5 node these gpus at double the cuda cores or nearly double the cuda cores could be so much larger that pricing could be proportionally that much higher than what we've seen in the past you couple that with the ongoing silicon shortage and we could be looking at quite possibly the most expensive family of gpus that the world has ever seen our only hope our only possible hope as consumers is if intel's arc series comes out and doesn't suck donkey p yeah the last part's actually really important um i don't know what else to say about the intel cards because i feel like we've been waiting for a long time i have a fair bit to say about the intel cards i mean they're rumored to be coming in q1 they are rumored to be able to achieve performance up to about an rtx 3070 which would put them probably in 40 60 sort of territory which is fine that's what most people are buying anyway i was just gonna say like yeah it might not be the sexy halo product that some people are waiting to hear for but that's the like workhorse card that a lot of people need yeah that'd be sweet i have no no real issue with that yep um but the problem is that even if intel decides to flood the market with these sort of performance tier but not top tier so hopefully affordable gpus that's still not going to do anything about the overall shortage because while we might wish that intel was using their own fabs which are which are a separate sort of capacity bucket compared to the rest of the industry which is reliant on mostly tsmc and samsung for the cutting edge nodes i mean tsmc and samsung that's it um unfortunately intel is supposed to be using tsmc for these upcoming gpus so there's a silver lining on the one hand there's only so many wafers that tsmc can process but on the other hand if intel is focusing this production on relatively small dies that can turn a single wafer into relatively more cards then more gamers can at least get a card so that if nvidia and amd for that matter want to focus on larger die gpus that are that obviously can be sold for more margin as as higher end cards i mean it's no coincidence that we haven't seen a desktop 50 series rtx like 3050 or 3050 ti i mean that ain't a coincidence so if in video name do you want to focus on those larger die cards at least people can get something and the more people have a gpu at all the more we can hopefully see supply start to start to loosen up a little bit however the global chip shortage is absolutely a real thing sorry conspiracy theorists and even apple has apparently been slowing iphone production in spite of their careful planning and solid partnerships with chip fabs so um yeah good luck everybody why don't we do a quick shout out for our new mic arms here these are from yellowtech they are uh they're mika mika tv mic arms and that's why we've actually got these all in the middle of the table now which is really great for keeping them clear of our laptop so we can actually type well luke's actually isn't in quite the right position for him but these are not the final tables for this set anyway so we'll get that all sorted out these are a lot better than the ones that we were using and they actually stay put i haven't had to adjust my mic arm at all during the show which is something that i had to do about every 5 10 minutes on the old ones so they're modular so you can mount any number of different things to them they look great and they have sweet locks on all the joints so that they actually stay in place you can check them out along with the rest of our podcast gear in the description uh thank you yellowtech for providing these mic arms four months ago took us a little while to get all of them here the whole time yeah it took us a little while to get all the hardware together to get the set set up and yeah okay sorry guys sorry guys sorry guys we we eventually we eventually definitely did um uh install them uh yes we did talk about the swag kit why you're saying you should get it now we only have hundreds now we're gonna have thousands soon oh uh right so i probably should have clarified that yeah nick uh dropped down here uh they've been hard at work uh figuring out how to get any swag kits here before christmas so the ones that you guys have available now are air shipped ones so we're we're eating it how much does it cost us per unit to airship swac it it's got to be at least like 10 bucks 18 okay these are all air shipped because they couldn't fit in the container oh okay okay so they're only air shipped because they couldn't fit in the container anyway the point is we only have a few hundred of these these were actually the last ones off the line and then they didn't fit so they air shipped them so they got here ahead of the ones that are on the sea right now so if you want to get one before the end of the year now is the time to order a swac hit but there will be thousands more coming in the new year so thank you nick okay we've got everything we've got perfect clarity on all that now this is this is why i can never be trusted to uh this is why i can never be trusted to pass along the creator warehouse stuff those guys they're like basically a completely separate company now not basically they're actually on paper a completely separate company speaking of which we've got one of i think our coolest update newsletters from the ltt store team this is super cool uh kyle actually went through and gave us a bit of a lesson on injection molding in the this was a big problem for us newsletter if you guys aren't already subscribed to the newsletter you're going to want to make sure you do that because they're going to be trying to put in all kinds of cool little tidbits um we're giving some details on why the screwdriver was delayed yet again basically one of the vents for our molds got plugged part way through production of the bit clips and so you can see it's causing some cosmetic issues here now some of these parts can actually be re-ground and then mixed in with new plastic so that they can be used for the production of future screwdrivers but some of them can not so we're gonna have to figure out what to do with some of these assemblies that have been completed but rest assured if you guys order a screwdriver you will not be getting one of the one of the mucked up ones but basically he goes through and he gives like a little lesson on how injection molding works and it's super super informative if you don't happen to be a manufacturing engineer so make sure that you are make sure you're signed up for the newsletter over on oh i wanted to do a hiring search update yeah so we have gotten some extremely interesting applicants i'm not in a position to name names no because that would be super awkward if it's someone that we haven't hired but i am expecting an application package from someone who is og tech media like oh gee written media someone that i've i've really enjoyed all of their work over the years someone who went over to the manufacturing side some time ago and i just you know really felt like that was a huge huge loss for independent tech coverage don't even try to guess i won't but i don't want to get anybody into any kind of any kind of awkward awkward position of course not i'm not going to but i think i might know you yeah someone that i you know i don't get to work with nearly as much as as i would like but who i am hoping to have an opportunity to work with all the time i've gotten a slightly less og but also like written media you know personality that has applied we've gotten one applicant who has worked on some pretty amazing software um for for benchmarking and this one i definitely know yeah this one this one you know benchmarking and validation um and i just want to reiterate guys so for everyone who hasn't applied yet don't be afraid to don't be afraid to apply don't be afraid to reach out it's not like we it's not like we don't understand you know what the value of someone with a lot of experience in this industry is it's not like we don't understand that manufacturers have a lot of money to throw around but we also think that the the mission that we're embarking on here is really important and if you believe it's important too then what's the worst that could happen yeah apply and so maybe we don't hire you you know maybe we can't come to an agreement but at least uh don't be afraid to start a conversation right and if you haven't heard from us yet i wouldn't lose hope yet yes there's a lot of applicants there's a lot of things going on in height uh we'll be we'll be trying to get to you as soon as we can but yeah yeah everything's happening it's definitely going to take some time ladies and gentlemen yeah uh we should go through our sponsors for the show today shows brought to you by hey look at this we've got a new sponsor id agent uh oh how does this work uh oh crap did i just change the whole thing again the profile you shouldn't be able to do that from there yeah we should really we should really fix this so that that cannot happen well i'm going to tell you about them thanks to id agent for sponsoring this show did you know that 90 of data breaches start with a phishing email that actually makes sense you can reduce your organization's chance of experiencing a cyber security disaster with a security awareness training program that includes fishing simulation bullfish love the name id by id agent is a fishing simulation platform that transforms your biggest attack surface into your biggest defensive asset you can add every employee to your security team 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team group is also giving you the chance to win a new gaming pc just vote for your favorite products in each category check out their extreme argb pc build video and follow the gleam instructions underneath to get your entries in they're also giving away five to ten percent off coupon codes just for entering your name and email and first price is a brand new gaming pc with second prize being some t-force delta rgb ddr5 ram that stuff is pretty hard to get your hands on so check out team group's holiday sales and enter for your chance to win using the link in the video description the show is also brought to you by msi thank you msi their mpg z690 carbon wifi motherboard supports the latest 12th gen intel processors using the lga 1700 socket ddr5 memory that's overclockable up to 6666 mega transfers per second very funny msi i love that six six six six that's it's like it's so fast it's evil i mean nobody would actually set their ram to exactly that speed but that doesn't matter it's that or more they've got four gen four m.2 connectors the latest pci express 5.0 and enhanced and enhanced design what does that even mean dependable power delivery and cooling there you go check it out at the link in the video description okay thanks luke no prob yeah i don't think you should be able to change scene collection from uh yeah yeah that is that is uh oh no way okay i broke it again what's this okay uh yeah um okay i'm just not going to be able to change anything from now on all right thanks luke no problem yeah this stream deck definitely needs uh some help microsoft tries to wedge more into edge so users are crying bloatware as microsoft has introduced another feature into its edge web browser you want to run us through this one it's pretty um not the best actually i gotta find it first it's 10 out of 10 not the best yeah microsoft tries to wedge more into edge very cool uh you just gotta you know mess with those users that are actually still using your browser yeah yeah the the few the few like chromium edition edge you know enthusiasts out there why don't you just why don't you just tell them ha ha fu [Laughter] users are crying uh the the two remaining users are crying bloatware as microsoft has introduced another feature into the edge web browser the newest update to edge has introduced a payment installment system provided by zip why this system allows you to pay for items through up to four interest-free installments assuming you pay on time oh it has in the notes all 14 edge users have been expressing their concern as services like these are often seen as predatory yeah and exploit consumers worse spending habits yeah encouraging them to spend more mone more money that they don't have wow this is so weird yeah unnecessary there that's the word i was looking for the u word it seems like a very odd move for microsoft to do like if anything if if it was their own product i would have been like that's like not cool but at least it makes sense i at least understand where it's coming from yes this is just really weird super weird ugh users have also accused microsoft for being money grabbing yeah for sure that that's exactly but microsoft hit back okay where is that microsoft said microsoft is not involved in providing the loan and does not collect a fee for connecting users to loan providers cool yeah we understood that part um that still leaves a lot of wiggle room for less direct forms of monetization like say for example receiving payment for integrating the feature into the browser in the first place which is exactly what i expect had happened in the first like what that doesn't mean anything microsoft come on currently there is no clear way to disable this feature actually there is uh you just only ever use edge to download other browsers yeah um yeah you could pick up firefox or brave or chrome or i'm still what are you using i'm still using chrome i use chrome for work so convenient because the the profiles thing is so nice i have i have like four or five different profiles because i use different emails for different things and all this kind of stuff and then for non-work i use firefox these days right yeah anyways uh interestingly merchants are automatically opted in to the payment system and have to uh specifically opt out for the system to not appear on their website this isn't the first time microsoft has implemented a shopping focus feature into their browser and that's that's not the problem uh in november of 2020 microsoft added coupon code and price history display functionality a la honey directly into their browser which i heard about and thought was cool which that that one would have been fine yeah like that's a pro consumer thing yeah figuring out how to help consumers take on more debt is always terrible i mean okay hold on hold on hold on okay some people absolutely do need to finance purchases but you should i can guarantee that the kinds of things that you're buying with the kinds of debt that you're taking on through your web browser are probably not those things yeah probably not most people are not buying say food for example through their browser and some people do some people are and some people need to and some people need to and that's i'm just saying probably not yeah and those people who do need these services can probably find them and so they probably have reducing friction right that's like that's an industry term for helping people spend their money more easily that's what it means essentially and that's what this move is this is a friction reduction move not a providing a valuable service to people who desperately need it move hopefully this reduces friction for users switching off of edge yeah that's that's pretty much the best outcome that we can hope for here speaking of friction it's not in the dock but i want to complain about it i'm actually very adamant that i complain about this on the show today okay what do you need to complain about apple okay all right yeah okay so we we've been focusing on the web front end of the website for quite a while now um we decided to divert and focus some efforts on the app sorry for people who recently had issues with the android version it's already fixed please check the store if you have still having problems [Music] but that included releasing an update for apple we have talked about mobile app development for apple on this show a lot because we've had an extremely problematic path the entire time it's been very very rough to deal with them we talked not even all that recently but somewhat recently definitely recent in in regards to the whole timeline of how long wan show has been going on for we talked about how uh apple is apparently becoming more friendly with app creators because of epic and that battle that semi concluded and all that kind of stuff sure so we were like okay we're gonna update the apps and we're gonna try again with apple because the last thing that we did with apple was we cut out almost every single feature we had in the app other than the ability to like play a video yeah and just call it out there and there's no comments you weren't able to know what was going on when you couldn't view anything in the app because we weren't allowed to tell users what the problem was like the the most recent update for the ios app for floatplane is terrible it is yeah that's fair because there was nothing else we could do apple basically told us that it had to be terrible we weren't allowed to make it good it was very frustrating so we just kind of left it there because there was nothing we could really do anyways and moved on now we're trying to update it we're trying to make it better because theoretically we can do that we post an update to the ios store in an attempt to improve it and it gets rejected and i'm so mad immediately because like we've been rejected and if you've watched the show we've been rejected a very large amount of times at one point time we were rejected for more like months literally trying to make it better trying to make it more acceptable every time just to get a response back that they just sort of screwed up i guess and it's been fine for like a long time and then they finally got it through this time the problem apparently was that they couldn't log in which is weird because when i originally set up the account specifically for them i set it up i logged out of it and i never touched it again and i can pretty much guarantee you no one else on the floatplane ever touched it again because why would they why would they it's been the same this whole time they signed they tried to sign into the wrong app they sent us a picture of the app that they tried to sign into i have no idea what app that is me neither but it's not ours genius come on so now we have to like reapply to be able to put our update out because when we try to push something to the google store we just upload it and then it takes usually a couple or a few days and it propagates and then people can download it with apple you have to get approved first so it has to go through the approval process again so like apple people out there that are using ios devices i'm sorry i don't know when it's going to be available apparently they can't log in to the right freaking app so we'll have to wait until they figure that out i don't even know how they managed to find the wrong app like surely they have an internal worker how is it not automated that it like tells we only have one app so it's not like surely they can see what developer they're interacting with and they would just check the like apps that they make yeah so it's not like they could have found another one i honestly would have assumed it was like contained environments i would have thought it was super automated yeah like whatever whatever credentials we've provided them which obviously we have to so they can log into our app i would assume that it would just autofill it and that they would just click on which app it is from this developer like how how is it not like what are they on like zendesk i don't know no offense to zendesk did we use zendesk at some point zendesk i believe is being used for creator warehouse do we still use it uh i believe it is okay is it all right we use freshdesk they're both fine they're both fine okay so yeah not not hating on zendesk or anything i just mean you know they're a trillion dollar company i'm sure they probably have their own internal tools for those sorts of things so it just surprises me we have literally i'm not joking had more than half of our applications to release an app on the ios store be grievously mishandled than we have be properly handled and that's crazy it's insane just it's so frustrating it's so difficult to release an ios update just because it is so difficult to deal with apple there's the rest of it's fine it's ah anyways back to back to normal topics uh what were we gonna talk about next i actually had something oh yeah someone in flow plane chats said they wanted you to talk about halo infinite yeah i saw this highlighted i don't i don't know why why do you want to talk about halo infinite i don't oh you don't i tried it for the first time today what do you think like post release really fun right yeah yeah it's just just like it's just like it feels like fun halo again yeah it's totally fine yeah yeah jake jake made me try it because he's been like you should try halo infinite you should try and play halo infinite i've been like oh i don't have time don't have time and i haven't i haven't had time um but we were shooting a video at my at the new house today oh man oh it's going permits are in oh they're not in they're back yeah so everything's going like like they they cut a hole in the floor luke the stairs the stairs okay like wow like it's getting real like we were there today and from the morning when we started shooting to the end of the day when we left and we're done shooting there was like noticeable progress like i'm actually going to eventually move into this house that i have now owned for many moons um so i'm really excited but yeah we were there shooting a video uh trialing running my gaming rig in the basement and then running an optical cable up through the floor to what will be the office where my rig is eventually going to end up and it worked great and the game that jake wanted me to try out was halo infinite so that gave us an opportunity to check and make sure that the internet there is running at full tilt turns out she is we were able to download it extremely quickly and we wanted to check make sure the system was running properly it's got an rtx 3090 in it now so that was a little upgrade for me happy birthday to myself um it's running great and yeah the game looks great yeah runs super smooth it just feels good right yeah that was the main thing for me i get i get a lot of pleasure out of that not that kind you're able to jump right into the action get a couple of kills as long as you're not stupid and totally over committing what did you think like it's because i made a pretty big deal about this and i knew people were going to laugh me for it and they did this guy i don't want to talk about halo infinite won't shut up about halo anthony go ahead i didn't have anything to say i didn't know you played it um what do you think of just the the the screen that comes up when you launch the game i found it kind of confusing the basic minute did you okay yeah i don't understand that part i just don't you're not the first person who said that so like i that's fine yeah i don't know i also don't play a lot of modern shooters so maybe i mean there's a multiplayer button right yeah did what so i clicked it but then like the settings was like like way a little tiny thing in the bottom right corner okay like that's the first button i'm looking for when i launch a game i want to like make sure it didn't totally go her dur mode when it was trying to figure out what the settings should be because usually they do and it had v-sync on by default who plays a competitive shooter with v-sync on yeah that's weird i mean the game has awful tearing oh yeah if you don't have v-sync on so that's a thing and g-sync wasn't working because i was over thunderbolt to hdmi long story my normal dock and my normal type c to dp cable weren't there um we're gonna we're gonna get that fixed for sure but i'm happy you liked it oh okay i think i know i never cared about this but i guess they made the like the progression system more friendly or something oh progression i'm not playing halo infinite for the cosmetics i don't care i couldn't give two hoots about that my dude looks vaguely like master chief that's pretty cool yeah i don't want him to look like a samurai i mean if i could have like a chef hat i'd be super into that that'd be funny master chef that's true that's the only thing that i gotta do that at some point are they they have to that's a matter of time i just uh people are so mad like if you go on the halo subreddit and stuff and i'm probably gonna piss a few of them off right now people are so mad because the progression system is like bad or something oh okay i just could not care i the game is fun yeah that's i mean imagine that's kind of where the buck stops from maybe this is just maybe this is just me being full boomer here but i just i can't imagine caring that much about like cosmetics in a game i care about cosmetics in some games um for sure and i've talked you were super enjoying how chat i was in uh that tarkov yeah you guys like gave me all the gear and then i just like stupidly put it all on you're like wow you look like not a level two or whatever whatever level i was yeah and then i immediately proceeded to lose all of it multiple times multiple times they would just deck me out give me like all the best stuff and i'm like standing there like and then i just immediately get knocked i i care about cosmetics sometimes because they can be used as like uh as a accomplishment rewards does that make sense so it can show off that you have done something achieved something etc and i know for a fact that content that could be based around that has been cut from games in order to take those cosmetics and put it in the store this is a free game this is also arguable because the campaign is going to cost money and the campaign now no longer comes with a multiplayer because the multiplayer is just free i'm assuming by buying things of the campaign or accomplishment you'll get co-op you're probably going to unlock co-op multiplayer that's coming with the campaign though yes so and it's i think that's coming like way late along with forge so i'm going to have to buy that i guess i can definitely understand why the progression system and cosmetics can annoy people sure but personally for and i know this is against the grain whatever it's a multiplayer shooter that is fun that honestly has been pretty infrequent yeah let's take it when we can get it yeah yeah it's been a while like tarkov is really fun but it also has like it's a horrible punishingly difficult it has a horrifying learning curve yeah it's really really difficult it's hard to just play once or twice pick up games with your friends it's it's all that kind of stuff so it's cool but it has problems and outside of that like battlefield is rough right now battlefield is very rough cod is trying as hard as it possibly can to not be caught anymore uh like things are just kind of weird and then halo came out and it was just like a good game so i'm just happy about that yeah i don't i get maybe the progression system is better i honestly i heard that and never even looked into it i don't care i don't care if it's better i don't care if it's worse i don't care if it doesn't exist i doesn't matter to me the game's fun sounds good we should do some merch messages because we've got quite a few curated ones here so i'm gonna start at the bottom oh my goodness there's a lot you've been curating a lot more than i was i skipped probably like half there's been a lot today all right uh matthew h i do you think the 4000 series cards will have any better of a launch or will nvidia just give up since people got mad last time anyway there's no way it's going to be any better it's just going to be what it is uh autumn b might have been the first to order the swacket leaked been waiting so long to get one good to see finally work things out to get this legendary bit of gear back in the store heck yeah i hope you enjoy the new one zachary asks any updates on your experience with the chevy volt from a fellow 2017 volt owner actually we had a really interesting conversation about the chevy volt luke and i uh back when one of his acquaintances was looking for a new car and honestly my my best recommendation for their use which was about 45 kilometers each way to and from work commuting pretty much all they were going to do with the car was go try to find a used is it second or third gen whatever the the la go try to find a used last gen volt because there's almost nothing else like it a full electric car was not in their budget unless we were talking like one of those super super low range ones like the leaf and the clarity is basically like trying to find unobtainium at least here in canada and the prius prime just doesn't have the range you would have to charge at your destination in to have any hope of making it back on battery so you're going to end up spending a bunch of money on gas i've been thrilled with it i mean it's not the you know most peppy thing in the world but one interesting update yeah that person that went with the prime as you know uh-huh one tank of gas so far really mind you i didn't know that they were going to be able to charge at the other side yes so they have been charging on the other side they have also been um bundling up quite heavily and not turning the heat on but which they would have been able to do in a volt yeah just saying but one tank of gas so far and uh that was because of like a miscalculation probably or something or just i i don't fully even remember but it like had to go somewhere far and i don't even think it was like a full tank i think they were just kind of topping it out i really still i really still think that plug-in hybrid is a great middle ground depending on your use case it depends on your use case there are problems it does add complexity to have two full freaking drive trains in a vehicle that's not okay not quite two full drive trains but i think you guys understand what i mean two methods of propulsion it adds complexity but it dramatically reduces the amount of lithium and other rare earth metals that are required to produce the vehicle and it dramatically reduces the amount of emissions like yeah if you're the kind of person who buys a plug-in hybrid and then just drives it around on gas all the time anyway then okay yeah obviously you're not doing it right and there's no benefit to it and i think that's what a lot of the arguments against plug-in hybrid have been based on but for my part i burn like six tanks of gas a year they're also and they're like 30 liters i think and we've talked about this before but i think a lot of people just five don't get it i think it's almost a wii u type of problem you think so sort of because there's a bunch of plug-in hybrids that are like i mean they get they get bundled with those cars that are not even they should not be in the same category as the volt uh low you mean like regular hybrids yeah um no well okay yeah the fact that they're using the word hybrid i think consumer understanding is bundling those things together right and they're just so drastically different yeah it's very it's very frustrating for me because it really does feel like we missed out on this fantastic middle ground i do between 80 and 90 of my driving on battery which is great and obviously in a perfect world i wouldn't burn any gas but the reality of it is burning a little bit of gas might not be worse than the kinds of things that are being done to get access to more lithium right now like it's not a simple cut and dried answer so at some point yeah i'll i'll end up going full ev or i'll end up going and who knows hydrogen i don't know whatever whatever the answer ends up being but for now i'm extremely happy with the volt and for my use case which is commuting to and from work and pretty much doing nothing else with that vehicle it is awesome it's just just outstanding uh ian long time listener first time caller any chance of a collab with level one or craft computing doing enterprise virtualization stuff unraid's neat but i think it'd be interesting to see something like vmware hyper-v or proxmox uh focusing on clustering so for us you know a big part of what we try to do is make things relatable to our viewers many of whom are gamers or uh consumer technology users and so if we had any reason to use those technologies we would we haven't really come across it yet so that's the reason why you haven't seen us covering it that much uh hg69 serving e serving i don't know how to pronounce that but basically bought one of pretty much everything on the store and said awesome merch screwdriver and backpack when screwdriver won't be until next year and backpack won't be until next year i am absolutely stoked on this backpack though yeah i came back from my trip so this is my first trip like really daily driving it i'm like okay we need to make some tweaks to the curvature of the foam here we need to do this we need to do that hey that change i wanted to make before totally changed my mind scrap that we're going to leave it the way it is but it is going to be flipping off did you have more thoughts on the the like shoulder thing that i was talking about uh what was the shoulder thing again uh needing to loosen the straps in order to get it on uh yes i think there's not a ton that we're going to be able to do about that that's a pretty normal thing with bags yeah so we're gonna have it'll be a metal clip that should have some pretty good like digging um so you shouldn't it shouldn't like loosen too much when you're when you are loosening it that's it to get it off that's actually really nice um so yeah they're going to be metal but in terms of like the the elastic on there i i just had durability concerns about that and my bag has wear there yeah so like so the way that it's built is just like three stitches anywhere there should be one yeah and i i don't want to do anything that's going to compromise that that's cool yeah bags get beat on so like yep it's good to have it be and that's you know honestly we had someone internally bring up um some concerns about the the high the high carbon nature of some of the businesses that we're expanding into like merch so flying these products all around the world and you know basically what i what i said to them is look um you know there's nothing we can really do about the the the reality of transporting goods around the planet but what we can do is we can try to make things that last we could try to make things that are designed so that you won't have to buy the next one that's big for me too and that's actually one of the reasons why legitimately like outside of the necessities of the job that i have i've supported and been behind ltt store the whole time is because i think you and i both have a problem with i don't even know what it's called right now um fast fashion yeah fast fashion is like terrible which is why nothing we do is particularly fashionable yeah because we don't pay attention to trends at all i don't care and it will always look good it'll always look like what it is yeah which is ltt store and like this is one of the examples like this sorry for moving away from the mic the swac is one of the examples of like i can't think of a single point in time in my life where i thought this wouldn't have been at least pretty cool it's it's fine yeah it's not it's not exactly on trend for this season of this year nope but like who care i have never been on trend for any season of any year the swag the swag it was already kind of a weird out there thing when we first launched it like four or five years ago or whenever it came out and this is just pretty much that but we fixed some of the qa issues so it's certainly not any trendier today yeah so if you like it that's cool and hopefully it'll last a long time i don't have anything from ltt store and i have some old school stuff that's like trashed oh for sure it's all still good yeah which i i that makes me believe in it a lot personally samuel says hey any etr timeline on the build your own pc for kids our son is four months old it would be awesome if it comes out in time for him to have it at the prime age it's meant for um there is no eta on that project not only are we having some well actually we've solved most of the difficulties with the magnets so we were really concerned about embedding magnets in wood because if a kid eats a magnet oh boy and glue loses i forget it's like something like 20 of its strength every year for until basically it fails and so eventually those magnets were gonna get pulled out and some kid was gonna eat it so i pretty much told the team i was like look if we can't screw the magnets into the wood we're not making this so we had to figure out a way to to screw magnets into wood which has been challenging i think we're there uh i'm pretty excited but that project has been sort of sidelined by something also magnet related that is a little bit more mainstream um so instead of being something that could be like a six figure project it's been sidelined that engineer has been moved on to something that's probably a seven figure project for us that i'm gonna be really excited to tell you guys about when we're a little bit closer but i think nick would murder me if i told you anything about it today yeah because we're just not that close we're doing a ton of work it's been it's been really interesting um getting the perspective of our engineers who are like i was talking to one of them he's like yeah i'm not like the world's best engineer or anything like that but i have to say that you know i'm a good engineer and because i was i was telling him i was like wow this is amazing that you've like done this you know um and it was a bunch of work he'd done on like magnetic pull strength and he was like yeah well it's because i'm like a competent person who was actually given a reasonable amount of time to work on something and i was like oh well yeah keep doing what you're doing then like i it just it kind of blew me away that these people who are coming in with experience from outside of blindness media group are like yeah i just have never really i've never really had time to do my best work i'm like oh well that sucks that's stupid we see that in the software game development industry all the time right that blows man yeah um all right oh this is interesting john z asks you've done how does ltt make money i'd be really interested in how ltt spends money in the same format with all the additional things like creator warehouse and now ltt labs it would be really interesting to see that breakdown oh man how do i how do i do that without saying too much um i'm not sure because to me how we make money is something that i'll reveal far more freely because you know i see ics as having kind of a responsibility to the rest of the creator community to disclose you know what these sources of revenue are and um put it out there so that others can use it as a benchmark like hey okay hold on a second linus and his team are doing you know 25 of their revenue through merch mine's at 2 have i missed something here have i missed the boat and so they can so they can course correct right whereas how we spend money is sort of like a step farther ahead it's like it's what we haven't done yet whereas how we're making money is showing what we've done so there's the risk that i'm going to say something and i could end up actually misleading someone maybe they see how we're investing and they go oh i need to invest like that and it ends up not being a success for us and then not a success for them i um yeah i don't i don't know how i feel about that one nothing's impossible but right now that is not on my radar uh victor any updates on making past and future newsletters available as a blog or something similar uh hopefully nick will do that at some point um uh nick people asking for news letter [Music] archive in blog form okay yep i'll see what i can do about that what else we got here cole hey i've heard you make a couple of taylor swift references in the past month i'm dying to know if you're a swifty and if so what's your favorite album so i've talked about this before i'm not really a fan of anyone um i i just don't really i don't really what what's the thing about never meet your heroes or whatever it is like like i just people are human they're they're full of you know warts and flaws and and mistakes and and i'm no different and i just uh i don't believe in the word fan has such a has such a terrible connotation for me it's short for fanatic right like it's not it's not rational it's not reasoned it's just um it's rabid you know it's it's crazed it's not i i don't think people should be fans of of people and they especially shouldn't be fans of organizations that want to make money off of them yeah you can respect someone you can enjoy you can appreciate their work but no i wouldn't say that i'm a a swifty and i would not join a fandom of any sort like that i absolutely respect everything that she ha i shouldn't say respect everything she's done i respect the uh career that she has built for herself um i enjoy her music um what else can i what else can i really say what else needs to be said i mean is that not enough you know i don't have a favorite album i've never bought an album i've never i've never gone that far like streaming baby yeah streaming is kind of a thing yeah streaming streaming is pretty cool like who buys an album like i i'll listen to i'll listen to all of her new music but i absolutely don't need to own it the day that she releases an album i'll wait for whenever it shows up on my streaming server i'm not going to switch streaming services like there was at some point i was on google play music and like her most recent couple of albums were not on it i was like okay i guess i'm not listening to those ones then like it's just very straightforward for me i'll listen to it i'll enjoy it but i don't i don't i don't need to listen to anything i can kind of enjoy pretty much any kind of music um one exception i i immediately you know was on to the new alba abba album which i did quite enjoy but then i like forgot about it and i just listened to whatever again so i don't know there's a decent amount of stuff these days that i like to listen to that's that's pretty much only in youtube video form so youtube music is is big for me because then i can at least listen to it in the background yeah that's fair yeah um minky uh will the channel review more e-scooters and such uh maybe on short circuit but i wouldn't expect a ton of it on ltt uh kyle asks are there any companies that a merger with arm would lead to innovation in the whole industry um wow not that i can really think of i mean that's the whole thing with companies right like they exist for one purpose to make money right so um you know taking arms approach which is obviously to make money through licensing is ip and tying that to [Music] anyone else who presumably anyone who would buy arm for what it's worth right like they would have to be a beneficiary of that ip would create a clear conflict of interest so no no i really can't think of anyone who should own arm at least within the the it industry um whoops i might have just accidentally nuked the wrong merge message i had my sincere apologies if i missed yours pierce watched last week's when my wife has a long torso she's super excited you're planning on a long line women's cut shirt yes we are um she says llama fit and alpaca fit for women's sizes that's why i created that one i don't know but i thought you might be interested is it like uh is it like a pc way of saying like you know pear-shaped or whatever i'm not like i don't i've never made a comparison between these two animals that specifically yeah but i leave i believe llamas have longer skinnier necks so would that be like a tall and alpacas are like fluffier i don't know i'm not sure i give up i'd have to look at it i think we're just we're probably just gonna go for non-pc lanky girl thick girl like i i think we're just gonna i whatever we use for guys i just want to use for girls as well and we'll just be like nope those are just the words that we use are you saying it's bad we ain't saying it's good you cannot like those words and that's fine cool you don't have to buy it nice battlefield said that battlefield went like this yeah well hopefully we don't hopefully we don't uh suffer the same fate oh man um okay hey cool uh what else we got we just got a few more we got a few more to get through here watch the lan show last week says oh man that's pierce ryan hey guys been watching since the langley house era now close to graduating college hey awesome just accepted a job last week with a particular gpu designer wanted to share my gratitude hey thanks ryan g appreciate you maximilian i'm looking to build a nas with a lot of storage and pcie lanes for plex other do you have any affordable cpu recommendations that would work and have windows 11 support well you're probably going to want to go with like uh oh man ryzen 2000 does if i recall correctly ryzen 2000 uh tpm 2.0 hold on let's check that blah blah blah yeah yeah if you pick up like a multi-core ryzen 2000 or something like that that would be pretty sweet or like a 2000 series threadripper i'm not sure what ebay prices are like on those but if you need a lot of pcie lanes uh old um decommissioned threadripper systems are a good way to go about that that's what i did for the badminton streaming system at the at the badminton court that i equipped with all those cameras and stuff i went for like a i was going to be using windows 10 so i didn't care so i went with a 1000 series threadripper 16 core it's freaking awesome got all them pcie lanes like there's nothing really comparable to it for the price yeah uh what else we got here i need the shoe fan slash battery pack currently using a ski boot dryer for my work boots and it doesn't even work that well oh dalton dalton it's been delayed it's been delayed i honestly this is not just an excuse silicon shortage oh really yeah we can't make chance we can't even get just like randomly even digikey like the prices are up five 10x what they were if we can get certain stuff and when you're trying to prototype things you know you break there's some breakage you you you break one thing you're like okay well this is stalled until i wait 32 days for a new thing to come like just it's making everything take so much longer that's brutal we will make it eventually but it's just it's been very very difficult uh would you ever consider making an ltt blanket or pin set okay those are both very different things we are working on pins but they'll be like free items um as for an ltt blanket believe it or not yes we are working on it because we have a ton of alpacable and i kind of want to do just like a really nice duvet and then just a techie but not in-cell duvet cover you know what i mean like yeah like you'd need the partner to be okay with it the the the partner approval factor the path yeah needs to be pretty strong needs to be high yeah yeah yeah yeah uh anonymous how viable would it be to estimate to how viable would you estimate the ltc backpack for a mobile twin monitor setup i use a g-chic monitor would it be possible for floatplane to have a platform-wide playlist for all content uh uploaded chronologically okay there's no way they're gonna develop that feature sorry it's just the home page no but it would be reverse chronology so they would want it just autoplay the like next video from that uploader actually i guess that would be pretty possible my playlist for all up content uploaded chronological yeah if you just that's the home page yeah but it won't auto play the next thing oh it can could we auto play the next video uh we have i should we do that i'm staying away from those types of features because we have a player that's like genuinely really close that's coming out that is like the theater player and it has a whole bunch of other it's it's just like way cooler and way nicer once those once that is out got it willing to entertain those types of things yeah as for the dual monitor thing it's a pretty big backpack but i don't know if i would guarantee depending on like what system is powering your dual monitor setup uh a g chic monitor isn't isn't that one of those usb ones yeah they're pretty small i mean i would think it would work but it really depends on the diagonal size um i guess we can't like guarantee it but yeah i'd wager it work yeah tarl we cannot bring back luke's birds uh they were really bothering some people who have like ear conditions that make them really sensitive to those noises so it's not happening not happening it's a good suggestion doing a build with a youtube singer i don't know what like a singer specific build would look like blue wolf oh this one i i curated because there's this okay i have never been a notable fan of just freestylists because i find it always comes off a little rough and i'd rather listen to like something that's planned yeah there's this dude on youtube called harry mack he's incredibly good and i think it could actually be like really entertaining to have you build the computer for him and he freestyles the build huh i think it could genuinely be really cool it also might just end up being one of those things that is more cringe than not like the asmr build that people the people who liked it they liked it but it was the worst performing video that we uploaded this year i think oh wow other than just fully sponsored like some product no one cares about and people didn't want to watch like in something like that yeah it was it was real it yeah it's got 820 000 views man i've never heard anyone freestyle at a level that i would say is 75 of what he can do and let me tell you let me tell you this this is one video where i'm grateful the dislike buttons go [Laughter] to be clear i'm not more transparency is absolutely what i believe in that was a joke for those of you who are not 100 picking up on the verbal irony there speaking of which i have not vetted this so look into it first but there's an there's an extension you can download for chrome yeah it won't work once they pulled the api yeah yeah it works now though and it's it's grabbing historical stuff so you can yeah they're pulling api access in like two weeks it's a very temporary solution no i for for instructional things like if you're trying to do uh handiwork at home sure you might watch a video that's from six years ago i'd have to still have the info from then oh it will it's grabbing historical data right now oh that's pretty smart yeah they're gonna be limited to how many api calls they can do though i think they are and they're like trying to work around it and stuff i was reading about it i haven't vetted it but i was reading about it and everything is so stupid it is it's extremely it's it's already made viewing things on youtube more difficult to me for me to the point where i have just closed youtube out of frustration and try to find another way yeah which i'm hoping will reflect in some form of watch time registration i don't think it will i don't think so so much of watch time is just like cute cat videos or whatever i mean even those can be really frustrating like you'll see like uh cheetah takes down a gazelle or whatever and it's this four minute video and like the cheetah doesn't you know like it's just yeah or it's just like a bunch of someone else's footage that was just cut together and has nothing to do with like it just oh man it's oh yeah i don't know what to tell you guys other than frustrating other than to write your congressman that won't help youtube doesn't listen to them um yeah benjamin borrowing a neighbor's vr gear for a month love it any recommended games other than alex and beat saber i mean i spend almost all of my vr time in beat saber i i used to really enjoy uh hollow point be ready to sweat though hollow point's amazing yeah i was actually going to specifically say hollow point check out the lab i mean it's old it's an oldie but a goodie the archery game in it is really outstanding uh space pirate trainer is a classic i played through um trover saves the universe in vr it was fine um i haven't i just haven't tried that many vr experiences other than beat saber i'm just i just love beat saber so much uh horse shoes and hand grenades or sorry hot dogs horseshoes and hand grenades yeah yeah i haven't tried that one hot dogs horseshoes and hand grenades excuse me uh all right let's go ahead and hit our next merge message here hey i'm applying in q1ish next year got some contracts and stuff till then was wondering if i could possibly do correspondence work on crypto news until then any interest tech skill wise i'm pretty set on par with most of the boys currently very deep in crypto though i can tell you now that um crypto is going to be a bit of a sensitive area for the gaming audience which is really our bread and butter so while we do report on crypto stuff from time to time i mean we did a full series about it a couple of years ago it's the sort of thing where there's a lot of friction there and it's a funny thing because you know i believe that a lot of gamers are mining crypto on their gpus when they're not gaming um personally i don't have a huge problem with that particularly during the colder months when quite frankly you could either be heating your house with some other a lot of the time like electric baseboards or you could be heating your house by mining crypto and making some money off of it not all areas are the same too like some some places yes especially in canada are very heavily powered by renewable energy yes so like yeah why not so so i think there are ways that crypto can be used the way it was intended um but i also see why there's a lot of friction between the community of people that are not using it i think as the as the creators envisioned and the people who just want access to hardware and to power that is you know cheaper and you know well affordable right so yeah i can't say that that's something that we're likely to focus on but i do think that it's something that there is the potential for us to cover because it is an area of tech that like it or not is becoming larger and more important um nd1 club yo this merch is sick it's perfect for the pnw climate oh pacific pacific northwest climate okay that might have been one that didn't need to be currently meant to push that one right when i read it i was like oh oops uh alex 73 630. thanks for all the work you've been doing been a sub for years and a floatplane og member hey heck yeah still enjoy the content can't wait to see all the surprises y'all preparing for the next year and beyond hey thanks joshua ltt got me into computers and tech when i was 10 8 years later i'm going to pursue computer science in college love to hear it enjoy your gift card ashley thanks and thanks to anthony for recommending papa west wife and i love it bill also any plans to make bras ashley i gotta say as someone who is not a breasts expert um i'm just i'm not not not a not a you know no i'm not an fbi member right remember those horrible shirts those were those were they were cringe very trained trash yeah as not a as not a breast expert um i would feel like i don't have a lot to contribute to [Music] um the bra space like when it comes okay so we've got a garment coming that i think is going to be really cool it's called the workshop jacket and basic or workshop coat i don't remember but it's like it's designed for like an engineer or maker so it's like got lots of pockets but it's made out of like this super super robust material that would be very unlikely to ever get snag or get caught in anything and it's like got like a leather patch ltt logo on it's like super cool um i had nothing to do with it i basically didn't touch it other than to be a size model for the medium size and there's a reason for that that's because folks like colin and tynan and kyle and alex who are actual engineers and actual makers were the ones who expect it because they were the ones who looked at the other options that they've had experience using or that they see out on the market and went yeah but it doesn't fit my needs in this this this and this way that's why we made that garment because we found something that didn't address our needs and felt we could do it better with a bra pockets what yeah i mean there are bras with pockets i don't know yeah i mean i'm also not an expert i have nothing i can add in this realm i yeah i don't know so it's one of those things where you know if i had you know breasts and i really felt like wow what if they what if they didn't need to separate what if they were what if all they did was support and lift you know or whatever right i i don't know i yeah i just i just have nothing i just have nothing to contribute uh or at least i feel like i have nothing i mean okay quick release quick release bro there that's my doctor's already exist oh probably i don't know and they have all kinds of different bras ashley i i wish you luck finding a bra it's such a it's such a specialized garment i just don't see us getting into it i know that i know that the ladies in creator warehouse are definitely hard at work on underwear and ladies fitted garments but bras i think are just not in the cards anytime soon oh okay that was very long-winded no um what else we got here part-time remote data scientist probably not probably not a lot of work that needs to be done yeah more than part-time uh michael i am supposed to be working on the numbers book counting computers obviously there's going to be a what's a computer reference in there i'm supposed to be doing that sarah keeps writing me about it like yeah i know nick keeps writing me about it i i will do it at some point and then i definitely want to do colors and shapes and all that kind of stuff i just i haven't gotten around to it i'm sorry i've just been really busy uh anonymous says hey thanks for the content i know scrap yard wars is out of the question but do you have plans for in-house large-scale competition style videos with lmg staff or guests yeah i'd love to revisit the cardboard case challenge we're always down to do challenge type videos the problem though is that a lot of the time we they're a lot they're a ton of work they tie up a ton of people's time and they don't necessarily outperform us just logging individually so it's it's tough to justify anonymous would love to see a shirt length in the sizing guide my arm length often doesn't play well with clothes that match my shoulder and chest width we're going to be working on making more detailed sizing guides as we go forward especially as we bring out the thick and lanky sizing uh or like size options so you guys will have to just um you'll have to bear with us here uh michael h yes more colors of shirts are coming they are coming we actually have colored shirts upstairs now should i bring them down why don't you do a few more while i bring them down i'm gonna bring them down someone mentioned a bra that could work as a controller and i thought that was funny [Laughter] i mean you could do it with a makey makey yeah you could anonymous said thank you for the swacket it looks very useful and i was looking for a new jacket anyways for a video series question have you considered doing this is going to be probably difficult for me to answer have you considered doing tutorial style videos for how to use things on windows mac for different topics uh there there's a thing that we did way back in the day i didn't do that many episodes of it because there honestly wasn't that many things to cover um but we it was called luke software discover discoveries i believe i don't know if we called all of them that but we did it we've done a video on nine night we've done a video on uh the thing that i can't remember right now that makes you can use your mouse on multiple computers um we've done some of that content in the past software stuff is pretty specific um it's gonna have to be like really interesting and no one's gonna care if we make a video on how to use word so you have you have to like consider all of those things at the same time so it it really depends um i wouldn't i would definitely say it's not out of the picture but i don't think it's like a main thing that they're driving for we are covering linux we have some videos on the channel right now on on how to use linux how to set up for different things and obviously lance and i are i mean we've been done for a while now but the videos are coming out for the linux challenge that linus and i did so uh yeah someone in florida playing chat said the most thing is called synergy um isaac s said hi luke and linus love the show you talk a lot of smack about website tech media especially i don't think we do that much especially when it comes to the linux stuff okay sure with how fast lmg is growing why don't you put your money where your mouth is i don't think making a text based website for linux stuff is in our future necessarily those are some pretty cool colors are they on camera yet no there we go i like this so these are our own label uh shirts so you can see we do have black we are attempting to reduce our reliance on american apparel with their terrible terrible supply chain management that's the reason that we've only been able to have black so these are not the only colors that we're planning in the future but this is our first order we've got like i think it's only a couple thousand of each color so we're coming up with some cool designs for them and this is something i learned recently again uh an innovation from the ladies in the creator warehouse uh team scrunchies oh so i learned that hair scrunchies like this are usually or not usually okay i don't know if usually but are often made of the the scraps that would have otherwise just been thrown away from t-shirt production that makes sense so our scrunchies are going to perfectly match our t-shirts which maybe is not as relevant right now while we only have unisex cuts but once we have fitted shirts and stuff like that you could totally have like a scrunchie that totally matches your shirt which is totally cool sweet uh yeah so these are cool so this is this is sort of um sample sample packaging of what this might look like but ltt logo and then we've got a little thing these scrunchies are made from repurposed waste fabric from our t-shirts so it's pretty neat sweet nice yeah um i kyra p thanks for the awesome stuff guys luke uh what would you say apple could improve the most about their development process would it be a policy change and what's allowed uh or a change to the sub submittal process it's yeah uh p.s miss you on more i think there's supposed to be more of that message but i appreciate it um there's a few things that kind of drive me nuts here one is you have to pay i believe it's yearly to be allowed to put things on the apple platform which is like cool in some ways yeah because it keeps the the apple store clean yeah but it's also annoying in other ways i have to pay for a horrible experience that is the problem that sucks if the validation of apps happened significantly faster and if they were significantly better at it we have had so many false negatives it's extremely extremely difficult to deal with the fact that that costs a very not insignificant amount of money this terrible service costs a not insignificant amount of money is just despicable and it needs to die uh we're not doing any more merch messages other than what's been sent already so don't bother sending more i don't know about chemical engineer applicants for creator warehouse you'd have to reach out to them about it um but i should mention guys half of the swackets are gone for the air shipment you'll still get a chance to get more once the sea shipment arrives later but half of the air shipment is gone so if you wanted to get one right away then make sure that you get it right away will there be a winter coat for canadian northerners okay um we do have a soft shell coming we have a rain shell coming but i don't think we have anything like really hardcore in the pipeline right now we want to try these um these sort of slightly simpler technical garments first make sure we get the water resistance right make sure we get the the fit right and then we can we can tackle stuff like that in the future i mean that team is growing so fast right now um so it's it's very expensive to run also every new project costs six deep into six figures to develop and then place an initial order for before you ever get any kind of return on it so there's just a limit to how many garments that we can have in the pipeline at a time uh samuel long time viewer first ever youtuber merch would you ever switch lmg to using linux with windows servers to remote into to edit and to perform other windows necessities that's honestly one of the things that luke and i talked about a lot during the linux challenge is if you need like if you're using linux to what browse the web like browse files and then to do things you need to do you need windows then why yeah like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna it sounds like using windows with extra steps if you if you kind of catch my catch my drift so no i don't think i would ever have my editors like run linux on their machine just so that they can remote into a windows machine with all of windows quirks anyway because then you're just you're piling quirks and bugs on top of quirks and bugs because neither of them is perfect why are you doing that you might as well just have one set of quirks and bugs if that makes sense yeah you can have some regardless yeah you feel the same way yeah i just don't think that's happening and finally nathan w have you ever thought about doing something on amateur radio no um interesting hobby and there's more to it than a bunch of old white guys talking over the air really okay i have to admit that was sort of my perception i have heard of ham radio this many times yeah i don't know enough about it because i think i have the same ideas of it that you do um so because they included that part i was like huh and curated it okay fair enough oh yeah i don't know uh okay actually there's a few more anonymous for the lab you should get a pick and place machine so you can mid-scale manufacture your own electronics yeah maybe you know kyle's been bugging me uh we'll see we'll see aha peter says saving up gift cards for when the peg and screwdriver come up next year i'm hoping i can apply multiple gift cards in one order i have no idea i would think so trevor enjoyed the air conditioning pc video i'm in my senior year of studying to be a mac engineer i love the engineering application they'd love to see more videos like that expect it we've got some pretty cool ideas for how we can turn that system into something daily driver practical yeah i mean not from like a power efficiency standpoint no sub-ambient is never going to be power efficient but definitely from a um not going to break standpoint which would be really neat and i think that's it david r we're working on the problems with the floatplane app on android it's already been pushed hopefully it hits your store soon check the app store directly because sometimes when updates come through they might just be sitting there and you might not have it yet okay oh i have a a quick funny story yeah hit me um the slackets are going away i got a thing um we had the ltd christmas party and there was a thing that i received i can't tell you what it was it's it's very cool oh do you remember what the exact phrase was on it um it was about the rule that people have pants our dress code is pants our dress code is pants so the funny part about there's multiple reasons why that's funny an additional funny part that you didn't know uh was so the team that i was on our color was pink yes and we decided to slightly alter the colored scheme and go with lambo we had team colors at our christmas party this year um the theme of the party was teamwork and getting to know each other because we haven't had a cr we haven't had an all hands event in two years yeah and our team has doubled in size since then a lot of people are working remote for a certain amount of time and you're supposed to space out and not interact as much of the office yada yada so which has blown yes it has um our team was pink uh we merged it with some green went with lambo i thought it was really cool i was i was pretty happy with our our team's overall look um but part of the thing was at one point in time i said what should we wear for bottoms because we had this shirt we had all that kind of stuff figured out and nick was like oh just wear blue jeans i didn't really think about it until pretty much the day of the event i didn't own pants these are brand new i didn't want to like talk about it when you gave me the thing because i knew we were running short on time so everyone who got a five-year service award which included everyone who had previously crossed that milestone because we changed how we're doing our five-year service awards got a little a little phrase written on their five year service award and the reason that luke's was our dress code is pants was because his inability to manage to put pants on in the morning was the reason that we had to implement a dress code and our dress code is super reasonable i mean i'm not exactly you know the most formal dresser myself but all i ask is you put on pants because he used to live in the basement of the langley house office and he would just roll out of bed i don't i'm not even convinced he brushed his teeth sometimes he would roll out of bed walk upstairs to his desk plunk himself in whatever he happened to be wearing to bed and it's like luke put on pants so yeah i wear i wear shorts a lot these days but yeah i didn't have any uh i didn't have any pants i went and bought some pants neat yeah um first piece of clothing i've bought in like years good for you jesus all right last merch message justin h says do you have any notable updates on your experience with the framework laptop no it's been great i what what can i say about it i mean when it breaks i'm sure i'll have a notable update because hopefully it'll be super easy to fix i'm kind of tempted to like break it on purpose and then see how easy it is to actually get replacement parts because just because they in theory are replaceable doesn't mean you can actually doesn't mean they're available and in stock yeah that's kind of interesting actually i kind of like that idea i mean you could theoretically break it yeah and just replace the piece anyways and see how that goes instead of actually breaking it that's true i could do that and just like order enough parts to make myself another one yeah um all right that's it for today thank you for tuning in to the wan chill we will see you again next week same bad to time same bad channel okay i don't think i can roll the um animation oh don't want me to get it yeah do you want to do you want to roll the animation wait wait bye there it is bye jared's tech [Music] aj's like oh monger my five year is in two months time flies when you're having fun [Music] hold on hold on i gotta end the youtube one first
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 776,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: 1d5ExMitBKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 47sec (5987 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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