Roasting OUR worst setups!

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our team here at Linus Tech tips may be world class but why can they ever be critical hey Linus you spend ages on a fancy RGB Reservoir and then you covered it up with a mouse pad cool server rack Linus why did you paint it bright pink well I'm sick and tired of all of this nonsense and it's time for me to hit back with some help from Luke we got our staff to send in pictures of their Battle Stations at home and we're gonna see how closely they follow their own CEO's advice but there's a catch we have no idea which setup belongs to which employee which means we're gonna have to guess and it also means this video is sponsored by origin PC their Evo 15s thin and light gaming laptop has this fancy HD UV printing or you can get laser etching which would make it really easy to identify people's computers we'll do our best without further Ado computer Zero's looking pretty zero right out of the gate that's freaking disgusting this is worse that means they have airflow problems it's trying to pull in through the gaps what the heck you know what's really gross about this is that this is actually a decent machine hard disk plus two terabyte wait is there no SSD you have a 2080 and you don't have an SSD I don't see why like I'm not like shaming you I'm not being like Oh you're too poor for an S the ssds aren't expensive anymore 2080s are oh okay why even get tempered glass if you're just gonna make it horrible why did you send this picture like this desk setup is pretty sick Naya numpty hell whoever it is games needs extra batteries Vapes oh wait Vapes I have no idea I'm guessing Dan it's Scott Scott what a dick why don't you have an SSD Scott you know what I should have known from the mug it had to be someone with an accent Foreigner sick rig okay this is a lot better wow that's very clean 30 series did I build this gotta love the durbauer yeah I built this wait no hold on this isn't Nicole's room they're blinds like shredded I don't want to see the light whoever it is still lives at home because otherwise there's no way you put your TV in your bedroom they're into records wait oh there's pictures there's pictures okay they're white hey that narrows it down a fair bit they also have sunscreens yeah okay definitely a creative type I am saying Emily sedden but I have no idea I like your setup Sven I've hardly met Sven so I wouldn't have had a chance Sven Works in sales okay Luke you gotta start guessing five five yeah yeah oh my God I don't recognize any of these I don't know I have no idea it's the writer of this video I'm starting to panic a little bit very fresh and clean I don't think I'm going to get any of these you'll get some get some no I'm I'm I don't know who this yes for this one wait okay hold on hold on hold on this is like development stuff okay who is it Luke help me out here this has got to be your team oh it's got to be Peter then yeah okay we got one we've got one this is too easy Peter Peter works on our internal like Inventory management system this is a sick setup it's also Nicholas ploofs I love that it is even worse even more cluttered after I fixed it there's a lot of things going on though there's a lot going on it's fun and interesting oh my God ploof it's still not cool to clip your nails at your desk and it's especially not cool to pluck at your desk ploop's one of those guys that manages to make things dirtier by cleaning them I swear to God I left this system looking pretty shiny look at this side panel yeah I noticed that as you said it he used a dirty ass cloth to clean his glass side panel or like a sweaty shirt or something nothing can surprise me after I saw that gross Pizza board that he had though it wasn't as dirty as this workspace but this is the the keyboard building station yeah you'd think you'd get bored of building keyboards you'd think it means right in the name I got two you don't have to open it you don't have to open the door why it doesn't do anything well whatever no I'll do what I want how does everyone hear of such like baller amazing Rings the lighting's uneven what am I looking at here oh this is Ed wait wait yes it is this looks like a setup that Ed would do and have yeah but there's calipers on the table this cable management is also better than Ed would do but this desk pad hanging on one side off the desk seems deliciously Ed so which side is the employee I don't know so steel LTT store stuff all the time it's good stuff check it out I only have like half of mine left I'm sorry I don't know Nick callanan so now go right use Arrow key go right please roast it to medium rare for the amount of space that they have this looks pretty good this is kind of sweet it's really clean you got that power play you got that sick keyboard very few visible cables got the tissues oh boy right there man this way you can reach them from the bed or the computer I bet there's a VR headset in here I don't I don't know you just oh I didn't even think of that yeah Matthew from Creator Warehouse would totally be this aesthetic whoever this is doesn't know how to use you know wait what what am I oh Panasonic desktop editor this iMac is a server you're using a drobo this has to be mark from the editing team yeah this is Mark power for access point wait wait this is a Next Level hack Luke do you see what's happening I do see what's happening there it's actually it's pretty cool they're using their built-in vacuum conduit to run ethernet how big is this brain oh my goodness this is quite the write-up too that you should have gotten to with arrow keys this is my home server my Daz direct attached storage for those of you who rightly are not familiar with anything other than Nas because it's stupid very cool vacuum cabling setup very cool I love this setup I hate the mouse pad what it's so small okay yeah but it's cool it's like unusably small it's cool though what's the wood thing I guess just a Shelf with nothing on it yeah it's not holding the monitor no it's not oh that's interesting it looks nice it holds the PS4 and this is them down it looks nice though these look like real plants so whoever it is you know cares about it looks very nice clean fresh I like the aesthetic don't like that the coolers positioned weirdly I mean yeah so there's only so much you can do but the logo properly though I know and really you have a Blu-ray Drive would be enough of a medium 4K off your drive LOL that's correct Marcus from the editing team yes you TIE fighter yeah let's go oh no I don't like the horizontal dual vertical I also don't like computers that don't have their monitors upgradable I think this is this doesn't have enough Nintendo to be Lloyd wait startup disk Lloyd okay it's Lloyd because I was thinking Lloyd I like the Tie Fighter I'm down with the tiger I'm not down with the Tie Fighter I can't run it myself it drives me nuts I I like one vertical on the side and then horizontal horizontal Lloyd this is no excuse get an LTT desk pad on there yeah cause your mouse pad sucks it's also in a really weird orientation yeah acceptable cable manager what are they watching is this a hint does this help us I have no idea some kind of donut DOTA two oh rocking the laptop daily driver with the stand oh speaking of laptops I guess we should probably tell you a little bit about the sponsor of today's video this origin PC machine is sick it's got a core i7 12700h which will boost up to 4.7 gigahertz and RTX 3070 TI in spite of its slim profile 32 gigs of RAM a terabyte of storage it's of course our mp600 and probably most importantly a 1440p 15.6 inch 240 hertz display so it's super smooth for gaming magic mouse pad with another mouse pad beside of it neither of which are the ldt mouse pad whoa someone's a hardcore donor oh oh and LTT store is there okay you should figure this out oh this is another developer uh I should have put this together like insanely faster I apologize to who this is Conrad yeah Dota 2 man he's like insanely good at DOTA 2. oh okay all right you need a new mouse pad though oh look at the wrist rest whoever it is has even an oilier body than you yeah that's that's gross that's really bad oh wow it looks like yeah that looks bad it looks organic it looks like a 20 year old potato yeah it doesn't look like a wrist rest it looks like it grew from the desk and formed to just where their wrist was I do appreciate the the honesty in the photos yeah I think that LTD water bottle has like Grime on the bottom yeah no offense to you all but like Gamers should not own white things we have three cats sue me okay well it's Jonathan because he left his name it's the screenshot you know for developers our developers are um not very security conscious okay nice enthusiasm which doesn't narrow it down that much honestly I mean Ed Emily and some of the logistics folks are into knives I think Jamie's into knives baseball oh Brock University oh look at all right I it was one of my three it's Jamie got him were there gonna be records you weren't even gonna give me the records as a hint are those tires stuck in the water bottle those words are those tires wait what why do you have tires in here bruh not bad clean it's clean I like the lighting oh whoever this is knows how to take a picture all right plays guitar I'm convinced already is this next oh that cable management I remember this thing this thing was super cool there was a period where there were motherboards that just didn't have enough USB 2 headers and they're just it seemed like there was this proliferation of USB 2 things like you know every RGB thing in your thing had to plug into a separate header so this was a way to take one header and turn it into a bunch of headers I also think it's kind of neat that they have their peripherals in there if the connect if the connection is still good then we're good I'm like pretty convinced I know who this is okay you gotta help me then Jayden yeah nice I've been nailing I think I've gotten everyone on my team so far your team's a lot smaller okay we got the Flex Seal we got the lube got candles oh my God there's the trifecta they've got that same stupid light that you have Brandon what the hell also is that a power Mac G5 kicking with a legendary cooler in front of it the chair has seen better days it's okay so is mine that's an LG TV monitor got the color calibrator okay I'm gonna take the screwdriver hit maybe it's Kyle I've never seen a setup it is often Hoffman wait what I was at Hoffman's place and the LG TV remote how did I not get this oh your team's much smaller except I've literally been in this location I've never seen the system I've never seen any of their setups before I've never been to any of their houses speakers how did I miss this that is embarrassing let's edit it so that it seems like I got it Hoffman are you editing this video can you edit this together so it seems like I got it this is an old system rocking the z680s or no this was the Z50 500 or whatever zoom out slightly Chronicles of Riddick I think it's 2006 yeah oh yeah oh yeah got that Lodge assist logic says case water cooling okay so your OG enthusiast old school nerd San Diego got the code name there's a lot of things in this photo that I thought were Wicked at this time sick setup who's this I thought we already saw your setup oh you put in two setups that's cheating that's hacks and your external water cooler is stupid [Laughter] gamer gamer oh I don't like this ah this literally looks like it was thrown on the desk okay you have a desk pad so why would you yeah I want a fantastic like giveaway quality tiny mouse pad on top of it and Smurfs aren't cool okay now I'm in a bad mood and these little pop-it things my kids play with those grow up hey okay okay that's probably too too far away I've gone too far I've gone too far I'm a dial-up pack I'm a dial-up bag how do you get your chair in here you got your router here I think it's a I think it's a perspective thing I think the router's up on a desk and just barely and your monitor's broken in The Pick of my monitor just does that sometimes like why is there this massive gap between your monitors yeah that's pretty what how do you even use your keyboard where do your legs go yeah it's not like ah this whole setup's driving me nuts is this person really tiny are they really small I don't know who this is I'm assuming it's a smaller you know what man now I feel really awkward about thinking that Emily had some of those sick setups that I saw before Emily roasted it's kind of slobby not gonna lie just just put things like together stuff I thought you were cool bro whoa what resolution of this picture yeah what's with these tiny pictures big swooping desks so you're sitting on a bit of a circle why did you just like nail the carcass of an animal to your wall and poorly that's not even Artful it's like flopping over it's just there those pictures it's so pretty it's so not even you didn't even try oh man dig the speakers that goes with the cool under table sound setup that really needs some cable yeah this is cool so we have another musician here oh my God is this that Nas chassis there's a pedal in front of it someone bought this SLI because they didn't watch any of my videos ew you don't even use a Mac and you use that god-awful Mac keyboard and uh turned vertical yeah what is that that's how I was saying remember what the are these 30 90s what the is this computer yeah you did it right good job power rails or Garbage what are you talking about it's Den man uh man I should just start taking wild swings what do you need all that power for Dan I understand the audio setup now that makes sense but the graphics cards streamer hundred percent nice setup I know this one I know this one I know this one I know this one you do you have to guess I'm 100 certain no question I know who this is well I know one of the accounting people has this are those all pictures to the right of their desk do they have it hung oh I know they should be fired for that I love it I love it that's an exhaust so that's after it's already gone through these fins like the front of this computer must be freaking disgusting there isn't even a picture yeah you knew better no hold on this looks like a kid thing they have kids they have kids okay okay wait okay he's narrowing it down that narrows it down a lot who has houses how many people have houses well me okay stop hold on who has the most houses oh my God how did that not do it how do you give a hint more blatant than me is it cold yes oh my goodness actually it's true Colton has a lot more houses than me that's a stupid place for his computer well I think he need it for the baby rumor oh his computer room's a nursery now this is a sick setup I like it is are they in a loft I really like this I enjoy how this is like the fun and activity Zone because they have like the computer and all that kind of stuff and then they clearly do some work or modification or whatever on the left and then more on the left from there there's like board games and all this other kind of stuff this is like the I'm gonna come do stuff and have fun I like this area I like this setup got the screwdriver already most people don't have the screwdriver yet got the full LTT fan setup that's pretty sick I don't like again the EK logo is the wrong direction it bothers me get over it got this got the CRT back there stream Deck with a nice streaming camera LTX 2019 first place so this is Chase yes oh okay because nobody else who isn't David would have a Rainbow Six Siege trophy all right I got it yes I needed a full setup Chase okay okay well this is Brandon's see you later car person wait what wait what what the hell oh it's got to be Andy then it's Andy okay done yeah that makes sense wall mounted PlayStation okay how do you not recognize the ones that you like did well because it's changed and he didn't have a butcher block thing he had a small oh the small form factor machine is still here but the Mac the Honda thing here the fact that he has that's awful light on his monitor the wall mounted TV which is the light now I have no desire to have it but I just want to have it to bug line it Mike stand with no mic on it big cringe yeah yeah a very cool setup for back then I like their older setup more than like their newer setup yeah get wrecked I don't think the old photo is going to help you well the old photo tells me a lot more than this generic ass new setup it says VFX artist react are you do you have anyone that does that a lot that is also into keyboards oh yeah wow nice keyboard yeah I don't know and one Antoine okay yeah Antoine's actually our keyboard guy for labs wow do not do that that's not cool hard drives don't angle them I'm down I'm down with uh you know being kind of not great with the mounting of drives but don't angle it like that scrolling on the blades of the fans on those lower octopus eels those look like webs does this thing turn on I mean no wonder you use industrial PPC fans because you're never gonna dust your computer not once whoa that's wide what am I even looking at please don't do drugs okay I have no idea then uh writing team writing team oh my God it's Gotta Be Tanner oh sh Wait no this is an Anthony's machine is it no but no I built Anthony's machine okay hold on hold on I'm going to off guys I'm going around the room okay we've got oh my God but Adam's technical I mean they all are on the writing team I hate it we hired this guy to give people Tech advice for some cheats here okay there's a big one pretty cool in high school and you're James yeah got it where's your computer bro is that it look down there maybe motherboard got knocked when my wife blew the breaker before I got a UPS oh too soon bruh too soon the company's not gone yeah I know that Anthony has a huge collection of old console crap but it's like back east or something some of mine too okay we've got the legs in here got a bulge got a nice big bulge so that's uh good for you oh wait oh this is David well this is this is really awkward me talking about this right in front of you that's why I said how I was like how does he not know yet this is crazy well no I mean how do you not know anything about the people you work with those author paint people that have old console stuff so this one has a lot of hints first of all there's the clear Xboxes which he's been tweeting about a fair amount I don't I don't follow you guys on Twitter I just do not open that spill the tea Linus I only look at my notifications that's it if you mention me I'll see it but other than that I don't see it vain okay then you literally see his legs and his setup yeah I know that the TV I recognize and the fit legs you got you got fit legs David and the balls oh that's so cool whoa and you couldn't even be asked to send us some more pictures or do a write-up yeah there's like no hints in here but that's that's sick though is that half inch hard line tubing what that's wicked maybe Jake's upgraded head of the labs former Marketing Manager for Asus repping the brand has a super cool setup makes sense has a super sick setup I knew he went threadripper he was like yeah after being in charge of selling this stuff for so long it's nice to be genuinely enthused for something for a change oh oh oh where are these cables going okay maybe we could like dust for fingerprints here and see like what is this that's like do you have do you have like moisture problems in your walls or what look at this audio setup though wait we already saw Dan look they have it like suspended from it's not actually attached to the ceiling shut up that's like Ace tier audio treatment okay who takes this this seriously my setup before was pretty minimal but kind of interesting is that a bone saw are you threatening me this setup's really cool and looks like very custom which I'm totally into my Vancouver setup my stuff is still in storage so I borrowed a computer oh no discover Canada study guide so relatively new employee outside of the country had to move local oh Sam from the lab I wish I had a checklist so I at least knew which ones I'd seen already okay six set up Sam yeah that's really cool I love this mop yeah yeah playing wow external monitor yeah wow no UI mods though so that's cringe [Laughter] that's a yikes ah this poor three and a half millimeter Jack with an adapter in the middle of a kitchen submitting for the memes call it the just moved in setup I don't even know who Moved recently Angus Angus oh accounting a lot of laptop setups a lot of laptop setups but there's also a desktop so yeah controller for each console are you guys trying to mess with us I mean this one's more Square In fairness but the graphic is I think I feel like it's time I feel like it's time to disclose the real purpose of this to put their mouse pad like this are fired yeah yeah good good and you too Adam for that hard drive no cable management because my girlfriend rearranges her apartment every few weeks so it's just a hassle honestly I I liked the rest of it more so maybe that's her input because the the like plant and the little thing that's on the wall and stuff is actually kind of nice yeah that's all fine and then the setup's like definitely not the desk I would go with I hate really really really tall desktops this looks really uncomfortable yeah that mousepad you have so much room on your desk too if you just do everything slightly less they're just sitting there yeah put them here yeah Sean you can do better Sean from the business team it's not your girlfriend's fault because she's moving the apartment around you just didn't put the stuff on your desktop and you can get a new mouse is this a power Mac G3 this is a 10 out of 10. this is uh is that a bunk bed legit that's the only one you're gonna give us come on you know what there's no longer in this location okay got it all right I know he has a Hackintosh I remember that from his interview that's pretty cool oh Herman Miller racing racing Sim thing yeah okay there we go if I know the cat's name Jake don't take this the wrong way your cat's fat looks like he's gonna break this Butcher Block desk this is definitely still home from work this has got to be stolen from work too oh yeah oh yeah 100 100 okay this is easy Robert [Laughter] dude though you've probably had it since you were like 12 and your parents probably got it for you a lot of things here look like that and I'm down with that idea uh what the except for that that's horrible why is this a theme okay did you guys conspire to do this I literally didn't know anyone did this I didn't know anybody ever did this until now like remember that first wave of gaming laptops that had the touchpad vertical yeah stupid how stupid it was this is the equivalent to that this looks like fake this looks like it's rendered I already guessed Lloyd right yes okay this is also something you've never guessed this is someone I've never guessed is that a pool is this just someone messing with us because this looks like freaking a Tropical Oasis out here yeah I'm telling you it looks like a render they could live at like an apartment that has a pool Photoshop skills I don't know any anyone in the editing Department oh I was so distracted by how nice everything else looks your mouse pad come on I understand that our mouse pad probably wouldn't work in this setup aesthetically so that's fine but neither does that one Mercedes-Benz Mercedes that's the so this person watches F1 I think because that's the Mercedes Drive Right Lewis Hamilton OH this has got to be Maria the fact that it's all Mac all the time I actually talked to her so at her work function and he gets so triggered by her just like Apple fanaticism we we like made fun of her for a while the setup looks nice though I think you'd be more comfortable with a bigger mouse pad I'm gonna die on that Hill whoa this is a cool setup I love this I love it got the 3D printer this is great love love the PC setup right next to the the work on things set up really he took a picture of your fish who cares that is a clean setup like literally clean or it was cleaned for this that is a lot of hard drives also yeah where's the garage oh this is well this is the server oh that makes sense okay this is a Labs person I don't know any of the new ones so there's no point in me guessing them so sure Jake I like your setup Tim oh it's so obvious now okay I didn't really think of Tim as Labs though he's only sort of labs he's like mostly done video stuff so far I do think that's all the setups though but that's not all for this message from our sponsor origin PC we're gonna have a link below so you can play around with Origins configuration tool full transparency our Evo 15s came in at just under 2500 weighs just 3.7 pounds and includes their 24 7 lifetime us-based support for free huge thanks to origin for sponsoring this video and you guys for watching if you like this one maybe check out the time that we roasted your setups or the Time Jake and Anthony roasted Craigslist ad some of those people were asking for absolutely outlandish amounts of money for crappy computers
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,616,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VHByReaiJ4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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