Linus Tech Tips Almost Ruined His Career

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there's a certain beauty and a curse that comes with live streaming if you make a mistake There's No undo button you can't just cut it out if it's there on a live stream it's there forever and we've seen time and time again that one simple single blunder one little Split Second mistake can cost people their entire Online Career whether that's from something they say or something they do in fact we actually just saw this very phenomenon happen a month ago where a big streamer named atriac was live and ALT tabbed which for a literal [ __ ] nanosecond flashed his deep fake porn on stream and that cost him everything years upon years of work undone in an instant because he jump scared everyone with his deep fake porn which revealed a lot of awful things about the whole situation and everything that was going on there point is on live streams there's no going back and we've seen time and time again this lead to the downfall of an entire career and we almost saw it again last night with Linus Tech tips Linus has built an Empire online he is an incredible Creator who has done amazing work for so long now and last night he almost wiped his ass with the entire [ __ ] thing I mean it's been it's been kind of uh it's been kind of eye-opening I I've just sort of randomly here and there picked up episodes of you know old shows that I hadn't watched in a long time from like the early 2000s and just the Casual um The Casual sort of gay humor we've entered the danger zone here on stream this is like Chernobyl just waiting to melt down because of something he's about to say but to paint the picture what he's talking about here is how not that long ago things were more acceptable in content and media that aren't acceptable people today he's talking about how things have changed and in particular he's mentioning how like some shows would have casual gay humor where back in the earlier 2000s that was a very common thing calling something gay was used pretty much everywhere for everything if someone got a cheeseburger that didn't have enough cheese on it they'd say that's gay if you were walking down the stairs and you missed a step and you started to Tumble down the stairs you'd be screaming this is gay like all the way down if a bunny a year is asked to bring his girlfriend along to like the boys night out you'd say stop being gay that kind of [ __ ] that's what he's talking about and he's saying you know it hasn't been that long and going back and watching shows that still have that humor in it was jarring to him casual use of the hard R um oh really it's jarring yeah it's jarring now and for casual use of hard R yeah yeah absolutely like uh like okay it was an episode of American Dad and it was just like yeah it wasn't for shock value it was just just like used fuckle your seat belt because this ride's getting real bumpy now the the train is getting off the tracks where we're going wacko mode here so hard r as I'm sure all of you probably understand is a very serious slur like that's you know that's not you know empty calories that's that's no sack of potatoes that's that's a that's a big [ __ ] slur and he's saying that it was used casually back in the early 2000s and even mentions a example with American Dad now with my hand on a stack of Bibles I'll just tell you I'm not the biggest American Dad fan like I'll just be honest with you I I haven't watched a ton of it I'm not the biggest spectator of the show so maybe this up maybe this episode he's talking about flew under the radar I never heard of it never watched it but that took me by surprise and I really love Luke's reaction his co-host here because you can see him like hard R excuse me what what kind of Fantasy Land are you living in Linus where hard R's were casual because I and Luke and probably everyone else in the world can't really recall a time where normal TV shows were dropping racist slurs casually like that well right well I mean here's the thing right that was in the 2003 or something like 2002. yeah like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna deny that I dropped my fair share of hard hours back then because we didn't even the term hard art didn't even exist we didn't think about it right and it's funny because to me that doesn't feel like that long ago as a big fan of Linus when I heard that I had to stand up for my chair hands on my hip I was like all right it's over I felt like a coach who had just watched his team lose the championship ball game like you take my hat off and you know put it over my chest and say a prayer for him because I was like God Rest his soul this is the end of Linus and you can see Luke Luke like he shakes his head like in disbelief and then he's just looking down and I already know during this moment where Linus is like admitting to using hard R's casually he's processing this is like yep back to the old grind this is this is where it all ends huh this is the this is the end of our run he was just seeing all the walls around him starting to crumble the Empire burning to a crisp all because Linus is just freely loosey-goosey admitting to using the hard R casually often but do not despair because not all is as it seems here but to my kids are you talking like n-word harder what no okay I'm pretty sure that's how people use that term no I think so n word what are you guys talking about am I mistaken I think so no the the one the one with the uh like for like mental disability I'm pretty sure people use hard R in a very different way than you just used it oh okay either means ending I understand I understand I understand what you mean no I'm not talking about that you can feel life be breathed back into the room like once Linus elaborates that he wasn't talking about the inward he was talking about the word used with mental disabilities and collectively all at once the whole room comes back to life this reminds me of a very famous quote from the late great Uncle Ben God Rest his soul when he sat down Peter Parker in that car and he said with great power comes great responsibility in this case it's with great power comes great [ __ ] blunders this was an amazing disaster to watch unfold with like the wackiest plot twist of an ending I have never once heard the hard R refer to anything other than the racist slur so when he just started willy-nilly admitting to using it casually I couldn't believe my goddamn ears and I know every co-worker was panicked texting each other saying like I really enjoyed our time together it's [ __ ] over tune into the stream like I have no doubt that was probably the scariest moment of their careers listening to Linus just for some reason admit to using the hard R often and then of course the the grand reveal where he wasn't actually talking about racist [ __ ] he was referring to something entire something different entirely and then this is the aftermath of that Okay cool so I'm glad that our freaking Neo over here dude we're dodging bullets that's bad okay yes all right right I forgot about the part where I said yeah I just like used a cat cat no uh actually we can breathe everything's okay cool so I hope um Everyone likes not having a job anymore on Monday because apparently I'm a giant racist we didn't lose our money in the in the bank crash in the audience run what a journey we went on for about two minutes there with this whole section uh yeah yeah I just wanted to talk about this because this was the closest I've seen to someone just committing career suicide with a smile on their face during it uh big misunderstanding here I suppose and uh yeah I just wanted to talk about it a little bit that's that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,666,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5SfySmq20Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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