Links Hidden Story in Smash Bros.

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[Music] Link in the Smash Brother Series has been the very first swordsman introduced into the series and has consistently remained the same pretty much throughout the whole series the sub minor tweaks here and there he's a pretty slow swordsman compared to the rest since he carries with them many other items and gear from his original series such as a bow a shield a hook shot bombs and even a boomerang which explains why he's so slow however even though his moose set and items have remained pretty much the same throughout the series that doesn't mean that this link is the same link throughout the Smash series because each leg Legend of Zelda game can take place either immediately after the previous one or Generations before/ after each other making talking about links zeldas and ganondorfs a bit more complicated however this desite this I will try to explain the story of Adult Link in the Smash series based on the information that we can gather in throughout the series as well as the some of the games that came out during those times now I will remind you guys that how I make these stories is that I use games and other media that are reference right around the same time as the Smash series that I'm currently explaining at meaning that any origin stories uh do not count until we get to that specific specific point in the Smash series for example since we all know that skywar sword is chronologically the first Zelda game I will not reference it until we get to smash 4 when it officially released also since in Ultimate there are three different Links at this point adult young and tune I'm only going to be focusing on the Adult Link at this moment since that's the one who came from all the way from 64 and I also believe the other two have their own unique stories to tell and deserve their own videos for that all right with the intro out of the way let's get started on the hidden story of Adult Link throughout the Smash series this game wi but before we get too much into that just quickly talk about the uh link being connected to the Mario Universe since he's interacting with Mario and smash 6 4 all right we so we see that the legend of the Zelda series and the Mario Universe are connected pretty directly with each other since in both link to the path acarina and even Awakening we can see pictures of famous Mario characters in all three implying that the land of Hyrule and the Mushu kingdom are closer than we think so link being in Smash Brother series interacting with Mario doesn't have doesn't need some big portal jums or warps for them to to be in the same space which is nice cuz some other characters down the line we might have to get more creative for so now let's get into uh Link's games at this point already by Smash 64 link has gone on five grand Adventures it seems like four of them all linked back to the link in Smash 6 4 in one way or another the games that he went on on this point are the Legend of Zelda one and two link to the pass Awakening and acarina a time now like I said Zelda games don't happen one after another so link could have many different magical abilities weapons ages and even hair color which explains why so many of these links are so vastly different from one another so let to narrow things down let's quickly look at the link in Smash 6 4 to see which link this one most likely takes after which could help us explain the story all right so the link in Smash 4 Dawns the look of Adult Link in urine at time and that makes sense because in the beginning cut scene of smack 4 we can see him playing an acarina over a dark Lane which immediately lets us know that this is taking place during the a up time in his trophy description you can see that this link is also connected back to Zelda 1 as well as the link to the pass however it also good to note that this link also takes after the link Link in Zelda 2 where both his up air and his down air attacks directly match up with the Mose that that link was able to use during his mission of attaining the triers of courage now with that out of the way let's look at the stage that link brings with him the stage says it's hyro Castle however where death Mount Death Mountain is laid out in the background it looks more like the death mountains layout in the length of the pass but once again that's also a problem since there's also a small pond or lake in front of Death Mountain over to the left side of it which hasn't appeared in another Zelda games layout before there's also the matter of fact that Adult Link is shown to be using a boomerang and even though the a at time he does own one he never uses it as an adult since he got too old for it with all these in consideration let's quickly explore the Zelda lore to try to figure out any kind of reasoning for all these happenings in Mass 6 4 H okay so through halfway through acarine at time we open up the entrance to the SEC realm allowing Ganondorf to be able to enter it and obtain the first piece of the Triforce the Triforce of power we then get sealed away in the realm until we are old enough to deal with him wow so things got real pretty fast this is where I believe link story in Smash BOS 64 begins yep I'm saying that link fighting and smack 4 is also him in the sacred realm training and waiting until he gets strong enough SL old enough to defeat Ganondorf let's look at the facts here we said we see that link descends to and from each battle in a blue ray light which we know is how link travels to and from different time periods in uh acarina we know that link in Smash 4 is old enough to use his newly attained sword but not too old to use the boomerang he found as a child we know that in game stage of hyru Castle is not the same hyru castle in any other Zelda game meaning that this one has to be a newly created one we know that ganor went into the second real first and obain the Triforce of power before linoln uh activate the Triforce and finally we also know that in the second round it takes the form after the person who touches the Triforce first meaning that the whole realm of Smash 64 could be just a reflection of ganador wishes to be a ruler over them all so in conclusion the whole universe of Smash Bro 64 in The Legend of Zelda context I will add can be a reflection of ganon's evil wishes to be the most powerful person rule over everyone and from what we see in A Link to the Past countless battles and Wars have erupted there just like the many battles we experienced in Smash 64 that means that when link gets trapped in the sacret realm he gets the train there as well as wait seven years that pass in order for raru to release him back into the world this could explain Link's ending cut scene where after defeating Master Han in Smash 6 4 he's just up on hyru castle looking like he's just waiting for someone and I believe he's waiting to be released from this place so he can go back to his original time it could also explain how link uh matured rapidly between time periods plus I always thought that just being in an empty space of bright light for seven years it's just a special type of hell and immediately getting older with just the mind of a child and adult body could lead to some major problems down the line which doesn't seem to happen to link in a out time so this just seems like the best explanation so let us quickly explain Link's story up until this point first Zelda game happens link defeats genon takes his Triforce of power and save Zelda from his clutches in Zelda 2 ganon's Minions are still roaming the land trying to revive their dead Leader by killing link and stiming his blood while he's trying to reawaken Zelda from a deep sleep by letting ganon's curse by finding the triers a courage and using the now completed Tru Force to save Zelda possibly making him the Knight of H rules beginning into the link of the past the bloodline of the lights of Hyrule continued on to raise link as well as his uncle even after Generations have passed when Z got kidnapped again linkis Tass go find the master sword which is located in the last woods and us it to defeat Ganon who has entered the second realm and turn it into a Realm of Darkness that spills over into Hyrule however link defeats him thus reuniting the Triforce once again to restore Hu to its former glory as well as Reviving all the the important dead people that happened in this game and finally half of Ocarina time happens which tramps Link in the corrupted sacred realm of ganadors to train until he's ready to come out and face him yep oh boy the story is getting interesting from here boys and we just got started let's continue on onto melee and how link develop in that game as well reveal his true goals [Music] Link in melee doesn't have that many unique changes happen to him but the other people who are with him this time tell a whole new story of revolving link and the hero of time link this time around not only wields a new bow but also has the ters courage alongside both Sheik and Ganondorf what's also interesting is that he also meets the younger version of himself but we'll get more into that when we get into young Link makes time to tell his side of the story now even though there have been more Legend of Zelda games that happened the story of adult linkoln smash doesn't seem to go past AAR a time which makes sense given the other characters design the new stage that is brought with them is the temple stage uh which is just more of a reference to the Legend of Zelda 2 by both the Music Choice as well as the lout of it however that isn't the only new Legend of Zelda stage introduced in here there is also the Legend of Zelda theme dungeon and melee's adventure mode that appears and what's the reward slend goal of that trial something that deeply resembles the Triforce is found at the end of it we also get to face Chic Zelda after completing the trial which definitely feels like a final test of sorts link also faces many other trials in melee such as a vent mode battle against Shadow Link as well as tracking down ganor instead event mode so what does all this tells us about the story well I think it's actually kind of simple this time after waiting the seven years of training in 64 link was old enough as well as ready enough to finally defeat ganador this is where link me Sheik for the first time cuz note that in the Smash roster shik is before Zelda in the roster meaning that Zelda was still in hiding even in the smash Universe at this point this is where the arrested events of acarina of time take place where link travels back and forth Through Time rescuing sages obtaining new equipment as well learning more Melodies From Sheik selda which is shown in melee's introduction however at the end of Ocarina of Time it is shown to us that ganador is not dead he just gets sealed away in the sacred realm however as I was telling you back in Smash 64 and what's in reference to Link to the Past even though Gan was sealed away trapped in the siet RM he still plots and plans to escape one day if the sier r in turn is an image of Smash Brothers then that means link and Zilla has trapped them in the world of Smash Brothers and his trap is pretty good word to describe them because the only way to find him is heading towards the events mode Square this is where I believe that both Link and Zelda at this point realize the danger the world of Smash Brothers is in so they both set out to go find Ganondorf in this new place we know that it's Zelda at this point since her character picture on the roster and it's not she however upon arrival they ended up in a dungeon completely different from the last time link was here this dungeon isn't that big but it is full of familiar creatures enemies that gandor summoned onto the land of Hyrule many times over such as the RADS and the Octo after going through the dungeon they discovered two things one some fake mass of swords that upon touching them traps link into combat with another version of himself possibly in himself from another time period trying to use the Master Sword to travel to in another time period but got interrupted since the arena they fight in is kind of a corrupted blue Shining Light similar to the initial one that shines when first pulled and two they discover the pedestal of the master sword with the emblem of the Triforce floating above it now we know this can't be the real Triforce since link Zelda and ganador are all shown to be already having a piece of it in their hands but what I do believe this could be is another warp point to bring them to a place to test link now after a long journey of Trials of fighting link ends up at Final Destination against Bowser the king of the Koopas after a victory something unexpected happens though Bowser rose up again but this time he gets struck by the familiar looking lightning bolt that then transforms him into a great Beast similar to how when Ganondorf uh gets defeated he gets transformed into into Canon after a grueling fight Link knew that his journey was not yet over he knew that this transformation was too much of a coincidence to happen because of what happened to gandor at the end of uring the times fight so he ran off to set up to find the source of that transformation but must face another trial before finding his answer after some light boat training with Kirby he returns back to the temple only to find a new opponent to fight himself yep Shadow Link has popped up again but this time he not only knew Link's fighting moves but he also copied all of his items making this one way more powerful than the last time after a close battle the cause of all these events finally shows himself yep right after link defeats Dark Link ganador shows up himself ready to finally defeat link and after his exhausting battle with Dark Link Link was at a disadvantage since he knew G can revive himself one time during battle however link was not alone anymore Z Zelda shows up to lend a hand and together they were able to defeat Ganondorf and steal him away once again this ends the story of link and melee since from this point on link has finally defeated ganador and spent the rest of his time sparring with his new swordsman buddy arrival Mark now let's quickly take a look at link during brawl and the Subspace Emissary the winner is link now Lincoln brawl has more changes but also has many link and braw may have may have no move changes but has many design changes link now Don his look to the Lincoln Twilight Princess which makes sense that that was the latest console Zelda title release but there have been other links that have shown them faes such as the links from the four Swords games Wind Waker Minish camp and even Soul Calibur too what's also interesting is that apart from Soulcalibur all these links are original that have outlived the previous Lincoln occuring at time meaning we have brand new stories to tell however despite this the Lincoln braw suspect doesn't seem to match any of them even though this dawn looks a lot like the hero of Twilight the link seems to have a fairy companion which a link hasn't had since acarina as well as finding a m sword in a load Force which has happened which hasn't happened since the link to the pass not only that but there is something really important design wise that is sprinkled and brawl to help us piece the story together first it seems that ganador this time around is also from Twilight but is missing a very important detail the scar light from his execution second in Twilight there are mentions of a hero that happened in the past that befriended the gorons and lastly it seems the link hasn't awakened as the hero before sspace since he doesn't show up to much later in The Campaign which could explain why Kirby was Zelda's champion in the friendly match in the beginning since link has not awakened as the hero yet now with all this evidence let's compile a story after aaring at time time the tri Force has been split up and only the blood relatives of Link Ganon and Zelda inherit them Hyrule now in an age of peace and prosperity tries to expand their land and territory to new places one of the new places created from this was a farming Community known as Ordon where Link's ancestors had settled into another tree there years went by at minimum 100 years link is now no longer bounded to the kingdom of Hyrule but instead to just a small village and the villagers even though the triers of Courage still shines in his hand however as we all know the peace cannot last once again the hero is called onto action when another Guardian fairy most likely the last of its kind shows up to link telling him that a big ship is coming and spreading Darkness all over the land link knowing he must protect his village sets up with the one family heirloom he has a bow and arrows after scouring the lands and obtaining new items and weapons the fairy tells him that in order to put an end to all this evil he needs a sword that seals the darkness the master sword link following the fery finds his way to the Lost Woods that resemble the woods that are Link in a pass with his Triforce glowing in hand he was able to pull the massive sword and was ready to confront the darkness this is where Link's story and smash bro's brawl begins since it seems that link at this point didn't have any any sword till the master sword at this point and also since he didn't start with Zelda we have to assume that his ancestor ties with the royal family have been cut at this point as he walks out of the forest link is suddenly ambushed by the big ship and spreads its Darkness all around the land uh transforming uh the creatures of the forge into Ador creatures link with his new sword in hand is ready to fart into darkness and even gets joined up by a new ally yo after escaping the Ambush both link and Yoshi gave pursuit to the ship leading them towards a lake however on their travels link SP a supicious person taking aim at two people and knowing the danger they were in decides to intervene defeating the person but also getting the Wrath of the two who seem to know the person and after defeating those two a strange man comes by and Link spits the princess of Hyrule in the back after the get resurrected by the new Ally all five of them decide to give chase after the strange man this is unfortunately is where Link's importance in Subspace comes to an end since at this point on it just seems exploring places to realize they were too late than reuniting with everybody for a big showcase however one more important thing that does happen near the end is that both link and the princess of Hyrule Zelda both agreed to let loose the the king of Darkness to try to stop taboo since they knew that they probably needed the Triforce in order to stop them however this is where tragedy on their downfall because even though they didn't need the Triforce at the ending of Subspace they did release gon back into the world and immediately after Subspace Gan confronts both Link and Zelda again that try to steal their Triforce pieces however they he gets stopped really quickly thanks to the new Ally that they joined up with in Subspace pit the general of Pena's Army yep after defeating Ganondorf link and zela decided to bring Ganondorf to Justice and brings him back to his homeland to be executed by their highest Authority the seven sages link now ready to explore more lands other than hyru gets an intriging offer from his new buddy pit where he takes him and where he takes him will blow his mind thus ends the story of link and brawl I know there's a lot of story elements that I didn't get into since the story of Link isn't just about him but also with Zelda and Ganondorf as well but those guys could get their own videos soon and I could die deeper on those guys roles and lore when I get to them however if you think the story of raw was interesting wait till we see Smash 4 the winner is link all righty Lincoln Smash 4 has a very interesting case since the only game that came out for don't link was Skyward Sword and this game both in the lore commercials and even the books that came out all state that this Legend of Zelda is the very first one in the timeline so that this link cannot be the same Link in Smash 4 this is further supported by the fact that link uses all the same it items in Twilight Princess plus Zelda and genon still use their old Twilight Princess designs also backx this up however genon does have an important update in this game he now Dawns the scar of light that only appears on Ganon after his execution in Twilight Princess now with Link's background now settled let's take a look at the trailers for Smash 4 see what link was doing before the game it seems that link returned turns back to high road triumphantly implying an important Journey has happened he was in the fry when Mega Man first appeared he was doing yoga with Mario and Kirby during we Fitz trainer he was there when Charizard went on a rampage with his Gil boomerang in hand I would add he was sparring one-on-one with pit at Pit's Temple where the strength impresses the goddess of light herself he was there to try to Ambush shul for some reason he was there when Bowser Jr first appeared with his copings and finally he was also there to track down duck hunt as we can see link has always been an important character during Smash 4 he was always there to try to improve his skills he's always ready to spar with anybody anywhere ready to lend a helping hand to anyone and always there for his friends however as we always know the main goal for link during this Series has been trying to put a stop to Ganondorf however Ganondorf is currently sealed away but it seems someone is trying to revive him once again to prepare for this link has attained more weapons and found new ways to tap into the hidden magical powers of old thanks to the help of the goddess of light herself Pena since Pena was one of the first characters to canonically have more special moves at base release as well as link interacting with her directly in the trailers it seems highly likely that link was able to attain his electric great spin however that's not all link was able to attain he started to become a bit more of a scavenger now having bigger and smaller bonds that can meteor you having high speed and heavier arrows and even having his fairy friend leave his boomerang at times and enter his sword to give his recovery more distance at the cost of no damage however even with all these new items and abilities at his hand he still felt a bit underprepared so with the guidance of pit and Pena they led him to a hidden city of the in the sky called skyo they say this is where the first hero of the tunic has appeared and should explore to see what Treasures are lost inside the time spent in skylo was fruitful since link was able to find ancient items of the past such as the wind Bellows as well as the mechanical beetle with these new items at hand link is finally ready to go face that being that is trying to resurrect genon Master Hand since you unlock Ganondorf by beating class Mo with either link or Zelda at five difficulty however in a surprised event Master Han not only had the aid of Crazy Hand but once defeated Crazy Hand bursts into a creature of pure Darkness after it transforms into different shapes it turns into a lath which link was easily able to navigate thanks to all the dungeons he's gone through at the end of the trial lies the heart of the Beast and after a few slashes gets away in a brilliant Ray of Darkness that is when link made a crucial mistake after the light clears he has to go face off against gandor once again meaning that masac cor was sealing away gandor and all the dark shapes and sizes were just the secretion of ganon's dark Powers after Ganon escapes his prison he immediately flees and tries to go to a place place to try to recover more of his strength as well as some more followers however link was too quick for genon resulting in him to never make it there and with the help of Zelda pit and even Pena ganador wish to chase off again most likely for good this time thus ends the story of link and Smash 4 and the storyline of this link in particular since in Ultimate he has a whole new we have a whole new link to explore as as well as many timelines colliding into to one another [Music] wins Lincoln ultimate has gone through many visual changes as well as some item changes as well which does make sense since the game he's based off is the most different Zelda game in the whole bunch link now has remote bombs as well as no longer having a claw shot SL hook shot for a grab also a fairy is no longer seen with them this means that the the story this link has to tell is way different from the ones in the past Smash games but before we get into that let's take a look at the games that happened before ultimate to get a sense of the link lore that happened we see a spin-off game called hyro Warriors that gives us the most interest interesting crossover of Zelda timelines as well as some interesting explanations on some loose threads as well such as an explanation of the multiple timelines colliding with each other as well as the origins of shadow link and their true [Music] intentions we also get a brand new Zelda game called breath of the wild that has the most Easter eggs and interesting mechanics of any other Zelda game and that's about it in terms of games for Adult Link and even though there's only really two of them the stories between them is pretty interesting all right so right off the bat let's quickly look at Link in Smash ultimate so we can get a sense of what this link has to go off so right off the bat before you even get to see his face we can see that this link has gone through the line of Hyrule during breath of the wild since it's the only Link in the entry series to have that kind of hairstyle we also see that later on that this link not only has the Champions tunic but also the tunic of the wild meaning that this link has gone through every Shrine in Hyrule however we also see that in the stage he brings with him a cameo shot of an old man with a hand glider now this is important because as we know from the game that this old man isn't actually a real old man he's just a dead Spirit of a man he's just been there waiting for link to reawaken now this can only mean that the link in Ultimate hasn't gone through the story of breath of the wild yet now you may be thinking well what about the shik Slate that link has since he's being given that item very early in the game to that I say true but also states that link finds it very very familiar when he first picks it up meaning he must have used it in the past so so him having the shik slate in Smash Brothers doesn't really condescend the story of breath of the wild we also get to see the spirits of other breath of the wild characters in their regular in their regular forms before they eventually die in their game so from every angle we could we could say for sure that the events of breath of wild have not happened yet yet this link is just in the freid because he saw the smash signal get lit up and wanted to go see the cause of it when it gets there it was because it was a signal to call in the strongest Fighters they can since a new threat was coming that endered the whole universe gim link ready to help save the Hyrule as well as the universe was on the front lines when gim attacked however even with his highing shield he was he wasn't able to fight back against galim attack this is where Link's story in Ultimate begins he hasn't had much use in the CGI trailers from The Game's initial release but does make some interesting appearances in the DLC trailers so after getting rescued and the world alike link was ready to help put a stop to galim and after exploring this new land they eventually toen down all the bosses who prict gim Shields as well meet another version of itself in a weird art style after defeating gim the truth that Darkon shows up and he opens up the path to the Dark Realm now this is where Link's story takes an unexpected turn cuz Link in the Dark Realm gets quickly overwhelmed by the dark vergins of mar and metanite Link fighting with everything he's got was about to perish when a mysterious man jumps into to save him from the double gainers and from there on that man became Link's hero link badly wounded was forced to retreat out of the Dark World and must go on a different quest in trying to find more recruits to help them in their cause of saving the universe link bitter at first agrees and meets up with zss as well as darkpit the test ofite of a new person who has shown up seemingly out of nowhere pyro mythra link thinking too little of this character was about to pin down this woman and was about to deliver the final blow and all of a sudden she starts glowing and changes from was short redhead to a long blond woman to the point where she cuts up Link's sponds and sits her back to with him in mere moments after the recruitment of pyate Mithra link was finally able to meet back with the others and finally put an end to both Darkon and galine saving their Universe however even though the universe has been saved link still felt a bit of remorse being forced to retreat not help everybody in the Dark World link knowing he needs to get stronger continued to fight on after a certain someone showed up and respark the fire in everyone's Hearts to continue fighting thus ends the story of Link in Ultimate man what a trip this is no doubt one of the more complex stories I told but man might happy with the results thanks for watching and I hope to see you on the next video but before then be sure to check out some of my other Lord videos which no doubt will definitely entertain you as well as Intrigue you and since you made it to the end why not leave a like And subscribe to my channel I'm having a lot of fun with these L videos and creating these videos and I hope to see you on the next one
Channel: Firebull Z
Views: 1,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash bros., Ultimate, Melee, Smash 64, Brawl, Smash 4, Link, Legend of Zelda, Lore, Story
Id: 2JrbbfFwO3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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