How Bad Are Smash 4's Low Tiers?

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oh my God he's dead you try to cheese him is he dead I don't know 44 in Smash there's always a group of characters that are either going to be good or bad and smash for the 3DS and Wii U are no different in this game there's actually a much larger amount of low tier characters because the game's roster has increased ins size significantly especially compared to previous Smash games and also the top tiers are extremely d in this game especially if you look at the amount of DLC characters that were introduced in this game for some of these characters it's not their first rodeo in facts there's a quite a bit of low tier alumni that are in this game that have been low tiers from future Smash games as well so be sure to stay tuned and make sure to subscribe this character barely made the tier list and in a nutshell Pac-Man had the largest fallof out of all the Smash four characters he was extremely overrated in the game's early meta now I'm not saying that's a rag on the character it's just sort of the honest truth and the game got really hard for him the more the meta developed Pacman has the worst grab in the game it is the most committ grab in probably the whole series and it doesn't even have the most rewarding inputs either his Pummel deals a lot of damage he even has a lot of distance on his grab but what are you getting off of it sure he sort of gets a KO throw near the ledge with his back throw it's nowhere near as strong as like a nest back throw or a Sonic back throw or even Mario and Luigi and this leads into other aspects of Pacman being really terrible his KO power is awful he has smash attacks but they're really laggy and committal and even his Aerials are mostly best at comboing at low to mid perents his best aerial for killing is his back air his tilt are actually pretty good combo tools many Advanced tech for Pac-Man exists like being able to zrop and foot stool combos he can even use a multitude of projectiles to Zone like his special moves so early on people thought he was actually very very good over time though the negatives definitely started to pile on like the lack of ko power especially the very laggy moves that held this character down because it made him outclass by other projectile users that exist in this game there's also characters that are good at dealing with characters who can Zone like Rosalina and villager more specifically who definitely beat Pacman he's also one of the characters that has the highest amount of learning curve too so why work so hard to learn tech for Pac-Man when you could learn Rosal or something and that's why plenty of Smash 4 players switched off of Pac-Man to other characters especially later on in the meta there's no way Pac bad is going to survive in the Bayon out of meta we all know so him being outclass led to him falling off extremely hard and just becoming a low tier don't worry Pac-Man you'll be good in the next smash game and villager will actually be a low tier that's besides the point Falco unfortunately was heavily nerfed and no I'm not just saying that this is the worst version of the character in the whole series they totally neuter what was so good about Falon in previous games like his laser being one of the best projectiles in previous Smash games even in Brawl you could fill the screen with multiple lasers and spam baby triple lasers on screen in Smash 4 they took away this option and they also barely made laser fill half the screen and his precious down air was heavily toned down move is a lot slower it's a lot laggier and Falon just got severely nerfed in almost every area sure he does have a buffed recovery like Fox does in this game he can side special and then directly input up special his back air also became a very strong KO tool in this game which definitely should be noted and also his down till is similar to the melee version of this move which is actually a cool way to buff it and also they gave him some unique attacks now compared to Fox his Forward Air for example is actually pretty neat change overall his moves are very laggy and they're not really that strong when it comes to KO power it makes him really have to work hard in order to get the kill and these moves are not in their best in this game despite their potential I will give this version of the character some credit a lot of the smash ultimate version is actually in the Smash 4 version of the character so if you like what the character becomes in the next game you kind of have to think how bad he is in this game cuz they did fix a lot of things he actually became a viable character there is that and he can string combos with his Aerials especially more consistently in that game oh boy yes Hest content with the puns you could say he doesn't prefer the air in this game or or maybe he does cuz his recovery buffed but you get the point the highs are definitely not as strong in this game for him Bowser junr in Smash 4 is definitely a depressing version of the character now on paper he looks actually very promising he has multiple tools that are actually pretty decent his smash attacks on paper are strong KO tools however when you look deeper his projectiles more specifically are definitely where his tools start to falter they do a laughable amount of damage and he has probably one of the worst projectiles in the whole game period being his neutral be it looks like a basic charge neutral be although it just lacks a lot of utility compared to other charge neutral bees like Samus Bowser Jr has to commit to the move no matter what he can't hold the charge he can't roll out of it he just has to shoot it which makes the move super committal not only that it's very easy to beat you can simply just Shield it and then yeah you get it it doesn't even do that much damage or even Shield damage in this game like it does in future Smash games it's not really rewarding even when you connect with it it's not powerful now side B isn't a bad projectile in this game it is actually the best version of this move this move gets nerfed in Smash ultimate fun fact and one last cool little Quirk Bowser J's clown Car Armor makes sense right he has armor on his car that actually is supposed to allow Bowser Jr to sponge certain attacks that hit the clown car it's actually very much the opposite here Bowser Jr takes damage to ways one by hitting the clown C that deals less damage and then one where you hit his body and it will deal more damage than the average character so in a way his body hit box is his weak point if you actually look at the hurt box Bowser Junior's clown car doesn't even cover the entire clown car and in fact its weak point hit boxes actually extends a little lower than it actually should that means certain characters projectiles can actually reach the weak point rather easily because it extends lower than it should it is by far one of the weird quirks that holds back Bowser J because it literally makes them easier to defeat and pick apart from afar especially and if you don't agree with me they literally fix this and smash ultimate it was definitely something that was just very odd some of the other weaknesses he has like an exploitable up special that I'm sure everyone has seen and he actually is just you know he dies he can't really come back when he's hit out of a b despite having a lot of tools his moves can just be out maneuvered his clown cart her boxes not being aligned properly makes him die early especially for a heavyweight however his positives are definitely there he is a technical character with a lot of unique tools that he can use forward smash is actually one of the best KO tools for how strong it is and even his down smash is one of the strongest smash attacks in the game his Aerials can be strong for Edge guarding too for example his side special is also one of his best tools because you can jump cancel the move although it does have a very weak amount of armor which you know kind of holds him down sometimes despite this Bowser junr does have some positives in this game he's just way too risky to use and many people rote him off there was a movement of people trying to use the character in top level play but eventually a lot of them just you know switched to other characters so he's mostly just a jack of all trades and sadly a master of none unlike in melee where Dr Mario was better known as being the better Mario character because of the higher amount of ko power that's not the case in Smash 4 now don't get me wrong Dr Mario is definitely a powerful character still in this game but Mario's aerial combat got extremely good in this game like super buffed this is a huge difference between the two characters as Dr Mario is definitely more grounded in this game and Mario is you know going to be doing aerial Combos and he has a new finisher like his up special Dr Mario although he still has the strong Forward Air that he was known for in melee it's an amazing tool in this game and his pill is a great projectile he can actually pack a punch still on many of his attacks however he sort of has the Little Mac syndrome where if he is off stage his recovery is absolutely terrible especially if you're reliant on his up special only as his cape doesn't stall in the air like at all anymore it has very bad recovery utility and sure down special is more consistent in this game it just doesn't offset the terrible recovery that he just has in general this is easily one of the biggest flaws of the character and even Dr Mario Just speed is severely toned down in this game getting nerfed walk Speed Dash speed and an extra frame of jump squat too like okay sure his jump is higher in this game and Doc can actually wall jump which is a nice little sprinkle of a buff right there they just nerfed his jump squat for no reason in my opinion that is a quick way to make a character really bad and I've made plenty of videos on stuff like this he's slower Mario basically if you want to play a viable version of Mario just play Mario as he is the much better version of the character Dr Mario doesn't have the same level of consistent combos especially in air and it shows that a slower Mario on the ground and the air can definitely just hold you down significantly early on people were speculating that this character was very good this was extremely early on and smash 4's prehistoric meta I guess you could say before the game even came out haryy Box's Kirby made it to the Grand finals of a smash Invitational unfortunately Kirby and Smash 4 did not maintain this success when the game actually came out overall this is a really nerfed version of Kirby especially compared to brawl where Kirby was a mid-tier this isn't the only time the character has been a low tier I'm sure you all can remember in melee as well Kirby's range is extremely stubby in this game and it makes it hard for the character to approach and find openings many characters can outrange him and outspace him it's not very difficult at all for a character to do this Kirby is also you know one of the lightest characters in the whole game this is the game where they introduce rage and the ceilings are lower than ever so makes it easier to lose stocks in this game that's not going to benefit Kirby's survivability or even his recovery it's all right but it's just overall pretty subar despite having multiple jumps the character is really floating he doesn't have a solid way of dealing with projectile spam in fact range has always been a problem for Kirby however this version of the character has even less range like just why just why Kirby's air acceleration air speed is lower in this game and it makes approaching with him even worse Kirby's damage potential has been toned down in this game many moves losing their ability to autoc cancel like Forward Air some people might not like the changes to hammer flip actually becoming a hard-hitting tool but some people think this move is kind of gimmicky and fun fact there's leftover animations in Brawl proving that they plan to include this charge mechanic back then downthrow also lost its combo potential that it was known for having in previous Smash games and Kirby has a faster Dash and he also has some reliable combo starting tools but overall Kirby just is going to struggle to kill in this game especially compared to pass Smash games a lot of his moves got damag neres in like a majority of his Aerials and sure he has an up smash that can actually KO now which is you know cool I guess I guess that helps him a little bit they tone down random aspects of the character like doing this you Kirby now loses a stock first and this is consistent with other characters that have mobes like this he has no grab armor on his inhal moves just have shorter duration and more lag like forward smash Kirby doesn't have a ladder combo in this game he doesn't have bread and butter KO options so this is just going to Factor on how bad Kirby is in this meta he doesn't have a lot of reward and cheese and those are the type of things you kind of need in Smash 4 wow the first time I'm ever talking about we fit trainer who would have thought we fit trainer has been ranked as a low tier pretty much all the way to the very beginning of Smash fors meta we fit trainer strengths other multiple projectiles their decent KO power and their move set having a buffing system which is their deep breathing that actually is very unique for their character however the we fit trainer is also really really weird probably one of the strangest characters in the whole game they have some very deceptive moves and I think also it's just how uncommon we fit trainer is a lot of people don't know how to play against this character a lot of people just don't have matchup experience to weit trainer their smash attacks don't have a lot of range and this can hurt their ability to get K's their grab range is also terrible their grab inputs are not good either some other moves are even really committal so it makes koing with them difficult to do their recovery you know it isn't that safe and even their buff system the deep breathing tool isn't that good because the Buffs don't even last for a significant period of time and they also have a long recharge period you can try camping with their projectiles that's a solid game plan for refit trainer but they just don't have the consistent combo Tools in this game especially compared to most of the characters higher on the tier list who definitely do is basically similar to Pac-Man having a steep learning curve But ultimately being outclass by many characters higher than them this would be the start of the trend of gdd being a low tier to be real it's kind of expected in a way the Smash 4 version of gdd is a severely nerfed version of brawl DD the character was known for an insane punish game with their ability to Chain Grab and actually kill extremely early like with their uptilt or their down throw being their chain grabbing tool those aspects of the character did not get transferred over to smash 4 I mean no surprise there they were kind of lame and now he has a very unremarkable grab his iconic back air was toned down significantly they made his already slower speed even slower in this game and even his overall attacks are just some of the slowest moves in the whole game they nerfed his projectile and they made it into the gordos which can also be easily reflected back on DDD while these never had this problem in the past I think they were worried about the project how becoming way too strong but they allowed it to easily be countered which just doesn't make any sense but okay and the worst flaw of the character is his Premier KO options are extremely risky in this game his uptil michell of the former version of this move his fastest attacks are not even that strong and ddd's slowest attacks are super punishable forward tail did become a KO tool yes and he even got a new down til and new Forward Air however some of these new tools would be nerfed and balance patches for no reason so they did Nerf DD yes new moves lost their ability to autoc cancel like Forward Air they just made his moves way too Kittle than they used to be they overall made DDD go from a premier character in braws meta to being a very basic bad heavyweight character don't get me wrong I'm not surprised they removed things like chain grabbing or they ton down some of his moves from braw but they nerfed him pretty hard in a lot of areas fun fact DDD is slower in the air than shul with the shield manado art yeah this definitely affects his recovery and it makes him easier to juggle in the air as if juggling him is not already easy enough but there's that surprise surprise gendorf is a low tier again almost in the same exact spot the character was last time and it won't be the last time he's a low tier either to be real Ganondorf was actually buffed pretty minimally in this game they didn't change him all that much but they did you know sprinkle some stuff towards him he is technically better than the brawl version but he's still you know the trademark slow laggy character who gets comboed and easily camped especially by projectiles or characters who can outrange him the small number of Buffs he would receive his Dash attack was heavily buffed into a combo tool you can immediately follow it up into an aeriel he actually is technically stronger than the brawl version which is a nice plus as yes if you can remember in the brawl version he had like terrible KO power for being a heavyweight that's really ironic because in melee he was like seen as like two strong apparently into the devs so they toned him down so much he just wasn't strong enough and now they like threw him a couple bones he has stronger KO tools like his wizard foot his smash attacks his Aerials they even Stripped Away a lot of the weird stour spots he had on certain Aerials and it makes them more effective like for example nare has much more combo potential now and it's definitely got a speed increase too they even made the Warlock punch and uptilt more powerful Ganondorf no longer gets chain grabbed to death because yeah that's gone he's still a heavyweight character that just can take advantage of rage right these things made him marginally better than the brawl version but in my opinion he's still very much the same character archetype wies and this is why he is still a low tier character sure they did boost the speed of some of his attacks they definitely made him stronger it's like if Ganondorf had like a bunch of cuts and they just like gave it a kiss and then they like sent Ganondorf on his way he's not really fixed at all and especially in this game he's almost got the same exact problems as the previous brawl version of Ganondorf and even you could save in future versions of Ganondorf will too he does have some things going for him sure but they ultimately are the reason why he's still a bottom three character in this game sure gor's air Dodge is fast but genon also has a nerfed air speed and his combo game and Recovery also are slightly affected by this too in Smash 4 this is one of the most consistent games as far as recoveries go and yet Gan just has a very bad recovery sure his down throw has decent combo utility but his graph is still not anything to scoff at at all it's so short his shield size is also pretty small for how big his character model is sure they even slightly buffed his jab speed but they nerfed his roles for some reason most characters in Smash 4 got major Mobility Buffs but gandor still is just doing his thing which you can argue makes him even slower compared to the much faster characters in this game it's just the trials and tribulations of being Ganondorf and smash don't worry he will be a top tier in the next smash game the second brawl low tier alumni returning again in Smash 4 is Zelda Zelda had many opportunities for growth in Smash 4 she was separated from Chik allowing Zelda to have a free slot for her down special and this in turn allowed the two characters to have two separate directions in The Meta Sheik just became obviously a very dominant character in Smash 4 became one of the best characters if not the best character before DLC under of the scene but Zelda just stayed where she was at similar to Ganondorf the character is playing pretty much the same type of game I know there's a lot of Zelda fans out there but she's still pretty bad in this game despite being slightly better in some areas he's still slow laggy and doesn't have a lot of survivability and you could argue that rage mechanic and lower ceiling makes Zelda even worse survivability wise one of the Premier new moves for the character was her down special which is Phantom slash not only is this move very lackluster in this game it feels like a beta version of what the move is supposed to be in Smash ultimate where it it is a much better attack this early version of the move is just way too committal and it's not strong at all it's way too weak for the amount of work you have to set up this tool for there's also plenty of cooldown for the attack so you can't really use it that much it's overall kind of gimmicky in this game she still has a highrisk high reboard move set still having her very strong Forward Air and back air the same thing also applies to her up air and down air she tends to get shut down by characters who just are super aggressive because of how lightweight she is her combo throws are pretty average and Zelda actually has plenty of ko power in the move set her main flaw is the lack of Mobility they did try to buff this here and there but it was really so minimal it just doesn't make a big difference to her viability in fact like previous Smash games her moves are still very committal especially when you play defensively you can just see how glassy the character is there's plenty of problems adding up for Zelda sure her down special was an opportunity to buff her move set but once you manage to get around this Zelda and her survivability is still very terrible fun fact a lot of her Aerials were even given Nerfs like to their startup or plenty of attacks have gained more end lag like Forward Air or back air why I have no idea Zelda was already bad enough in Brawl show they didn't really do her too many favors she did get a down throw that she can use as a combo throw in this game but the new addition doesn't really save the just Mega amounts of problems that are adding up for the character the character even received a slew of Buffs in Smash 4's updates unfortunately this didn't save the character from where Zelda ended up being as her weaknesses have always seemed to hold the character down and smash it's really unfortunate to see but that's why Zelda is where she is the one and only the worst character in Smash 4 was previously one of melee's best this character was a low tier alumni and brawl now they technically are even lower on the tier list being the worst character in the game Jigglypuff first off in this engine puff was just not given too many favors many characters in this game are moving faster in the ground while puff ever since brawl especially her grounded options were severely toned down this version of Jigglypuff has to deal with characters that have higher amounts of ko power and speed and they especially are just going to outclass Puff on the ground her survivability has also just been a main issue for the character even in melee but how she offsetted this was her insane amount of aerial mobility and KO power and offensive potential to outweigh her terrible survivability but in Brawl they obviously nerfed her offensive capabilities so hard to where she ended up becoming a low tier but in Smash 4 she can die even easier because of rage and the top blast zone is made lower which again this hurts puff survivability just like a lot of other characters who are lightweight also smash for's Edge mechanics Nerf puff because this was how she could edgeguard characters in previous Smash games was to try to wall of pain them and also characters have buffed recoveries in this game so it's even harder to do this you can no longer do like cheeky little gimps like you could in melee and with Puff's bad survivability it means means when she's off stage she's even more in a disadvantaged state because her recovery options are actually nerfed in this game like side special getting it distance nerfed and I sure it can break Shields now that's actually kind of cool however Puff's jumps are much lower and sure jiggly puff still has the rest which has been buffed to KO power in this game and has a longer duration making it easier to kill with and even has less end lag and a larger hit box sing was also massively buffed in Rain people saw this stuff early on and they were like wow Puff must be good in this game yay her Aerials or Mobility are still a big part of why this character is so difficult to play although n has been made into a combo tool back air is no longer a wall of pain tool now becoming a stronger KO tool which I know some people could see as a positive and a negative many of her Aerials have increased lag some of them getting nerfed in Ko power like Forward Air which was one of her few KO tools that she had in Brawl many of jiggly puff smash attacks to deal less damage and have smaller hit boxes like forward Smash and down Smash and sure Puffs grabs have less lag but they traded it for Less range even roll out for some reason has its recovery utility slightly Nerf as they gave it a slew of Nerfs losing its damage and knockback and Recovery utility if you hit somebody even during the balance patches they didn't buff puff like you know people wanted them to in fact it became a meme to be real puff in this game is very similar to the heavily nerfed brawl version sure there is some nice changes here and there but it didn't improve the character that heavily in fact many things were nerfed too which pretty much hits the nail on the coffin for puff in this game fun fact people early on thought this character was going to be at least a mid-tier character but then as The Meta develops it quickly just went South for Jigglypuff which is kind of sad to see as you know this did definitely affect puff in Smash 4's lifespan that's the video smash 4's low tier characters they exist thank you guys for watching the video there's a patreon down below if you guys want to support the channel it seriously means a lot to me hopefully you guys are doing well stream Sapphire by Zach honest take care you guys have a good one there's more load TI here videos check them out right here
Views: 60,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super, Smash, Bros, Fox, Falco, Captain, Falcon, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Link, Zelda, Wavedash, Wario, Yoshi, Pikachu, Marth, Charizard, Donkey Kong, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, Samus, Kirby, Sonic, Breakdown, Honest Content, Video, Games, Brawl, Melee, Ultimate, low tiers, retrospective, Trash, Fighting Game Trash, Garbage, How Bad are?, Low, Fighting Game, Super Smash Bros, Bad Fighters, Bad Characters, Low Tier, Smash 4, Wii Fit Trainer, Pac Man, Bowser Jr., Dr. Mario, King Dedede, Wii-U, 3DS, Wii-U and 3DS
Id: RKoZjdAOm7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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