Try Not To Get Caught Challenge

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I'm so happy they did another episode of this. The first one is one of my favorite episodes of all time and this one does not disappoint. Hilarious episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DatTomahawk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Absolutely freaking nailed it. Genuine laughter is the perfect way to start my day. Link getting dusted again was hilarious. Now this format during a good mythical evening could be next level !

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrashProfessional679 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I had to jumpstart your wife in the parking lot." WHOA WHOA WHOA NOW!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/handsomejack11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am so glad they brought this back! The crew always looks like they’re having a good time. I’m actually really glad that they seem to be phasing out a lot of the gross games for more fun and cute games like this. While it’s funny to occasionally watch them eat bugs, this is a less guilty laugh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/prismabird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link, once again, falling victim to stuff in his back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pochic1996 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is this the best season of GMM ever? Many people are saying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LucasLee45 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I forgot how good this format is! Anytime the crew is involved i know I’m going to laugh. I just know working for mythical must be a great time. The bond seems so strong.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dancesterx3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does Jordan remind anyone else of Bobby Moynihan? I love how David Hill is always called by his first and last name. I don't know why it's so funny to me, but it just is. I'm so glad they did this game again. The first one was great, and this one was great also. And I was confused at first, but the handprint on Emily was her own. If you go back and watch her turn, she wipes her hands down her back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jonnyboy1189 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link really gave that ass a good (accidental) squeeze.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ruvio00 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Crime never pays, unless you don't get caught. - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) "Gooooood Mythical Morning." - Stealing is wrong. Very, very wrong. - Yes. Do not do it. - Though, there is one exception to that. If you happen to be stealing for internet-tainment purposes via difficult yet stupid physical challenges, then by all means, go ahead and get your klepto on. - Yeah. Then stealing is right. Very, very right. - It's time for, Not So Smooth Criminals: Try Not To Get Caught Part 2. Welcome to the scene of the crime zone. Was that cool? - It was cool. I remember doing this before. Stevie, we doing it again? - [Stevie] You're doing somethin'. Okay, in every round, there will be a crime committed by one of you. But before each crime takes place, one of you will be named the investigator and the other four players will all be potential suspects. Suspects will each receive an envelope that contains either an alibi or if you are the secret criminal, a description of the crime you must commit. The criminal will have 60 seconds to pull off the crime and deposit a stolen item into the safe. Once time is up, the investigator may interrogate everyone to try and determine who the criminal really is. If the criminal is caught, their mugshot, along with the crime they committed will be posted on Instagram so they may be forever shamed. - Oh my. - Whoa. - That's horrible. - I didn't sign up for this. - Yeah. (suspenseful music) - [Stevie] Okay. First up, we find ourselves in a child's playroom where a little schoolboy is settling down for his after lunch nap, and Link, you are the investigator in this round. That's why you're blindfolded. - As you can see, I can't. - [Stevie] Yeah. Okay, when I say so, the rest of you will look inside your envelope and memorize your alibi or read the crime you're about to commit. Link, if you cannot correctly ID the criminal after the theft has gone down, not only will your mugshot go on Instagram accusing you of the crime, so will the mugshot of the person you wrongly accused since they weren't good enough to convince you of their innocence. - Ha ha ha ha! - [Stevie] Okay suspects, you may look at your envelopes now. (papers crinkling) (whimsical music) Okay criminal, ready, set, steal. (upbeat music) (shoes thunk) (tunnel rattles) (plastic crunches) - What the fweking fwick? (upbeat music) - Smell peanut butter. (upbeat music) - [Emily] Oh! (upbeat music) (crew laughs) (Stevie laughs) (shoes thunk) (upbeat music) - [Link] You're panting. (upbeat music ends) - [Stevie] Okay. Link, you may remove your blindfold. - Okay. - [Stevie] As you can see, a lunchbox has been stolen from a little napping schoolboy. - What the frick? Frickin' fwick? - [Stevie] You may go down the line and ask each player for an alibi and size them up for any possible clues. - So with that type of peanut butter happening, I see peanut butter on everybody's pants. I heard shoes going off. Apparently shoes are back on. Nicole. - Yes. - Did you steal that lunchbox? - Of course not. Me? Never. I was eating pancakes with my feet to prove that I could do it. (Emily laughs) - Rhett, you look guilty. - Hmm? - Is that just resting guilt face? What'd you do? - Oh, I did nothing except some somersaults behind the Planet Fitness, because I don't wanna pay for a membership but I like the atmosphere of the parking lot. (Emily laughs) - I had to jumpstart your wife in a Planet Fitness once. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa now. Hold. (Stevie laughs) - She couldn't get ahold of you so I swooped in for the rescue. - You don't jumpstart my wife without my express permission. - [Link] Emily? - What? - You didn't do this, did you? - No, I was busy seeing "Banshees of Insherin" for a second time. - So you've seen it twice. Tell me about it. - Oh, man. Colin Farrell. Hubba hubba. - What about the other guy? - Oh, eh, you know. Not my type, but he could get it with someone. - Yeah. (crew laughs) (Nicole laughs) - David Hill. There's no fences to jump over here. How did you get that lunchbox so easily? - I'm innocent because I was busy getting stung by thousands of bees because I wanted to look swole. You know, give me a little bit more muscle, you know? - Yeah. - Wow, everybody seemed to be pretty busy. I'm not seeing any peanut butter on fingers. Emily, let me see your hands. And the other one? Why are you making that face? (crew laughs) - This is my face, Link. - Sorry. I feel like this was David Hill. There's a little more peanut butter on his right shoulder. There's only peanut butter on everybody else's pants. David Hill, it was you. (dramatic music) - [Stevie] Will the real criminal please identify themselves. - I was making a face. I was totally making a face. - Was some on your hands? - Are those glasses not working? That's just jelly like globs right on her hand. - [Nicole] She's covered! - And then she held up her peanut butter covered hand. You were like, well, I guess there's nothing there. - There's also just peanut butter all over the envelope. - I couldn't see that. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Stevie] Covering her hands. Just covering her hands. - I didn't even notice the jelly. - Yeah, there's just this giant gem of jelly. - [Stevie] Now you've done it, Link. 'Cause now not only your mugshot has to go up, but poor David swole Hill's mugshot has to go. - Aw, man. (crew laughs) (suspenseful music) - [Stevie] Now we're taken to a medieval kingdom where Princess Jade is safely guarded in her castle. David Hill, you are the investigator for this round. The rest of you, please memorize your alibis starting now. (whimsical music) (papers crinkle) - [Stevie] Okay criminal, ready, set, steal. (dramatic music) (sword unsheathes) - Halt! To set the princess free, you must strike me times three. One. (swords clank) Two. Ah! Three! (dramatic music) - Wah! I'm a dragon. I'm a dragon. (crew laughs) Whoa. (crew laughs) - [Stevie] And time. David Hill. You may remove your blindfold. As you can see, Princess Jade has been kidnapped. You may now go down the line and ask each player for an alibi. - Rhett, what's your alibi? And as you're doing your alibi, please do this back and forth as you're giving your alibi. - Okay. Well, there was a sale at the flannel place. I got a bunch of flannel. So much flannel. I got a pair of PJs. - Were the PJs inside the castle? - No, they were at the flannel store. - There's a dragon in that castle. - Hmm? - Who knew? (Nicole laughs) - Oh, she's the best. - All right, Link. As you're giving your alibi, please do the "Macarena." - Dude, I can't do two things at once. - Not the "Macarena." - When I took my dog, I was giving my other dog a melted Popsicle because he's been having stomach troubles. - Okay. Okay. Good "Macarena." Nicole. - Hi. - What's your alibi? And then just move like this as you give your alibi. Oh wow. - I was in a Buffalo Wild Wings bathroom. Got locked there. It smelled like blue cheese. - Ew. (crew laughs) - Emily. - Yeah. - What's your alibi? And move your shoulders like this. - I was on a wine safari and this giraffe got into the grapes, and it was like a whole thing. - Now on that wine safari, was there a goblin? - Not to my knowledge, no. - [Stevie] Okay David Hill, who do you think committed the crime? - Link. (dramatic music) - Why? - Because of the silly string on your nose, on your hand, on your shoes. It's everywhere. - [Stevie] Will the criminal please identify themselves. (buzzer rings) - Ah! - You don't get that from flannel. - Turn around. You got some string all the way there. Should've been spin. - I mean, that was a quick string. - I can't believe you got rid of all of us. - Yeah, put it on y'all. - You killed Jenna. She okay? - [Stevie] All right David Hill, that means you and Link once again- - Us again. - [Stevie] Get your mugshots on Instagram. - Oh man. (Rhett laughs) - Oh man! (suspenseful music) - [Stevie] This round brings us to Vi's Italian Restaurant, where the Mythical Kitchen's secret recipe is locked up tightly in the back. Nicole. - Hey! - [Stevie] You're looking great in the trench, and you are the investigator this round. So the rest of y'alls look in those envelopes now. (papers crinkle) (whimsical music) - It's lunchtime! I hope no one touches my meatballs and finds the hidden clue inside. - [Stevie] Okay, criminal. Ready, set, steal. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) (chain rattles) (upbeat music) 10 seconds. (upbeat music) Three, two, one, time. Nicole, you may remove your blindfold. As you can see, the Mythical Kitchen's secret recipe has been stolen. You may go down the line and ask each player for an alibi. - Rhett, where were you the day the secret recipe was stolen? - I was dealing with a cramp. - Where? - You know, that calf? - Mm, yeah. Can you do a 360 for me, please? Faster. Nice. Okay, thank you so much. Link! - Hey. - Where were you the day that the Mythical Kitchen's secret recipe was stolen from our hands? - Well, I was definitely nowhere near that pasta and meatball shop because I'm flirting with veganism. (crew laughs) - Okay. Would you like to expand on that, what that means? - Yeah, it's a person named Veganism. First name Vegan, last name Ism. - Very 2023 of you. Let me get a 360 of you. (Link clears throat) Ooh, I like that. Ooh, right. I got two of those. Emily! - Yeah! - Where were you the day the secret formula recipe was stolen from the clutches of the Mythical Kitchen? - Well, speaking of names, I was busy brainstorming a name for Rihanna's baby. - Okay, what did you come up with? - So far, I've got Jeff. (crew laughs) - I'm kinda getting on the edge of like, is it a PH? - Or a G-E-O-F-F? - Oh, no, we're not doing that. - [Nicole] Oh, sorry. Okay. - J-E-P-H? - Let me get a 360 from you, please. A nice little twirl. Nice. Thank you. David Hill. Where were you the day, the time, the moment the Mythical Kitchen's secret recipe was ripped from our clutches. - So actually, I was committing a crime, but not this crime. - [Nicole] Oh. - Because I was getting my hot air balloon for my trip to Bali. - Nice. - Spring break's coming. - I've heard the waterfalls are great. Can you do a little 360 for me first? - I'm going back to Bali. - Going back to Bali. - [Nicole] Bally's Total Fitness. Love it. - This is my Bali dance. - [Nicole] Wow. Nice. Hm-hmm. Nice. All right. Well, I know who it is. Should I say? Should I say who it is? - [Stevie] Please. - Don't. - Okay. It's Link! (dramatic music) I could tell by you're scurrying before I saw the damage, but yeah. - Also, the noodle is just right in front. - [Nicole] Oh yeah. - It's like pointing to him. - It's like an arrow. - Right there. - But there's nothing on my back. - [Nicole] No, you are clear as day. - Okay good. I didn't fall for that one. - [Stevie] This means Link, for the third time this game, your mugshot's going on Instagram. - Yeah. Yeah. - I was right? - Yes. - Yeah! - Oh, good. Okay. Nice. (Stevie laughs) - Oh man. (suspenseful music) - [Stevie] And now of course, the apocalypse is upon us and the cure to the zombie virus lies just inside the research lab. Rhett, you're the investigator of this round, but before we begin, is there anything that you've really been itching to say? - Oh well, you know what I've really been itching to say? I've really been wanting to talk about Mythical Kitchen's new series, "Aprons Off," where they just get to be their wonderful selves, you know? It's just they've got the best personalities and I just love just seeing 'em interact with one another and just talking about things. We learn more about who they are as people and we really get to know their heart. "Aprons Off," new episodes every Friday on Mythical Kitchen. - [Stevie] Okay, open your envelopes. (papers crinkle) (whimsical music) - The zombie apocalypse is here! Just like I wrote about in my manifesto slash erotic "Frasier" fan fiction! - [Stevie] Okay criminal, ready, set, steal. (zombies groan) - Quick! Get over here. I also need to fight off the Babadukes, which are another problem we're having. (zombies groan) All right, I'll hold them off while you look for the cure. And remember, the real cure is delicious, so make sure to give your mouth a squirt of all three. The most delicious one is the cure. I do not know why the scientists set it up like that. (zombies groan) Hurry! Hurry, get the cure so I can get back to my day job. Feminine hygiene blogger for Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP. - [Stevie] 10 seconds. (dramatic music) And time. Rhett, you may remove your blindfold. You can see that the zombie apocalypse has taken place and the cure has been stolen by the criminal with the help of Mr. Malachi. You may go down the line and ask each player for their alibi. - Wow. Wow. Wow. Looks like quite a mess was made. Hmm. Hmm. Emily, you look like you got something to say. - I definitely, were you asking me if I did this? - Yeah. - Okay. I was on a cruise, so I couldn't have done this. - [Rhett] Right. - I go on wine safaris, I go on cruises, I go everywhere. - You're living the life. - And I was playing chess with Satan, but I had to let him win, 'cause it's like- - Can I see your hands? Wow. Wow. Okay. Nicole, were you also on the cruise? - No, I was at home fluffing my pillow so I could get an extra luxurious night's sleep. - Now, fluffing a pillow is nothing like fluffing a panda, right? - I'm sorry, panda? - If you know, you know. - Oh, Emily just explained it to me. Gross! Can I see your hands? - Sure. - Link. - Yep. - Are you responsible for this? - Heck to the no, man. 'Cause I saw an old friend, I recognized her but I couldn't remember if her name was Lauren, Laurel, or Lou, and I took a long time to figure it out. - Did you end up having a conversation with her? - Yeah, her name was Nancy. (Emily laughs) - Okay. That leaves David Hill, who I can't help but notice has some green on his sweatshirt, which I would like an explanation of. - Oh, I went to the slime zone with Baby Secrets last week. - The slime zone last week. - Last week. I like to wear everything repeatedly. (Nicole laughs) - Economical. Economical. Can I see your hands? Okay, so it's not really about the hands, but I'm assuming that it's about the zombie hands, which it was a long time since I did any actual schoolwork, but I do remember that when green hands touch black clothes, it makes green marks. So using my powerful powers of deduction, I'm going to say that the criminal is David Hill. (dramatic music) - [Stevie] Will the real criminal please step forward. - You did it. Look at you, all green. (Emily laughs) - Aw, man. - He took off his shoes and everything. That didn't really help. - [Stevie] Well somehow, I mean, David Hill, your mugshot's going up again, so I guess it's only Link and David Hill's mugshot is going up. - Yeah. We got away with it, girls. - I'm just glad to not be in one of the mugshots. - All right. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. Now y'all say you know what time it is. - [All] You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Simon from Haverhill, Massachusetts. I just turned 16 and got my driver's permit, so I drove to Mythical Street wearing my Mythical shirt. And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - What? Is it even real? - I don't know. Mythical Street. Wow, that's cool. - Well, we gotta go there. Click the top link to watch us answer anonymous questions from our very own Mythical crew in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Check out Mythical Kitchen's latest episode of their new series, "Aprons Off," the show where they just stop cooking and hang out. New episodes out every Friday.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,012,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 40tP8BjErWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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