Lincoln Loud's Top Secret Schemes! | 60 Minutes of April Fools’ Pranks | The Loud House | @Nicktoons

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[Music] you may be wondering why I have my David steel squir Blaster loaded full of gravy I'm on guard Duty today's April Fool's Day yes April Fool's Day AKA a living nightmare led by a rampaging lunatic named lanne okay she doesn't look like a rampaging lunatic in her school photo but trust me that changes on April 1st Lan uses the holiday as an excuse to torture our family with prank after prank there was the great mustering of 3 years ago it's spicy Brown the mass hair waxing disaster I can't even show you that flashback but I can play you the audio and who can forget when she floated our house down the kalamazo river it'll be okay it'll be okay it'll be but this year things are going to be different we've taken the most drastic security measures [Music] ever Lisa created a highly secure containment Cube complete with 25 ton blast prooof doors no one in the world is capable of escaping in the past we've tried trapping Luan the night before but it's made made no difference so this year we locked her in a week ago don't worry we gave her a friend to keep her company she's doing fine Lincoln it's okay Lincoln this is what you train for do not let her get in your head could you get me sorry I'm really thirsty can you get me a juice or just let me out already I told you guys I'm done with pranking I'm a mature gu ow I'm way too old for childish pranks you've been saying that all week and we still don't believe you someone else want to go down anybody triple dessert for a week not worth it get down there Lola no [Music] pushing hey Lan I have your breakfast sorry he just makes it so easy Lan's really done a number on the family but this year dad can kiss those worry ulcers goodbye April Fool's Day has been officially neutralized Lan you hard salami me it wasn't me how could I have done that from in here dang it Lan way too old for childish pranks huh Lincoln wait it's not me on it oops watch out [Music] Charles we we I thought we locked that lunatic up we did she's still in the basement I was just down there and how is this [Music] happening do not go in the kitchen Bros or anywhere near the [Music] fireplace your father's right quick everyone to Lisa's [Music] bunker can someone turn on a light hold your horses I'm looking for the switch we can't compromis Retreat For the Love of prister saake yourselves to the [Music] [Music] garage Lan stop this right now I keep telling you I'm retired there's another prankster of foot your father's right she's clearly lying let's get out of here no that's what the prankster wants you to do I know how they think what if Lan's telling the truth are you kidding me think about it those pranks didn't seem like her style what are you talking about we're all covered in Gross goo yeah but Lan hasn't used fresh whipped cream since the Twins were in diapers usually she uses the spoiled stuff to draw on raccoons maybe we should let her help us stop whoever the real prankster is we'll keep your room untouched as a memorial we're off to the mall kids the mall Let Me Clear My schedule for the day delete delete delete delete oh whoops this is your phone Lori sorry sweetie this is just going to be a quick trip Dr shuttleworth of the shuttleworth daycare Academy is coming over today to interview us and Lily and your father needs an appropriate tie but still one that has some personality but mostly one that's appropriate gas but I say honey we have to put our best foot forward this daycare Academy is really really in demand we have been on the waiting list since I was pregnant with Lori well I hope you kids appreciate the sacrifices I make for you the interviews in an hour try not to destroy the house oop sorry Lily got to change the channel it's time for operation dessert [Music] storm D it did Lily just say the DW where the heck would she have learned [Applause] that hey you're less than Pluto not even the planet when you hear my flash Rhymes you going to say it's my S it's not pu gave it to me for our second anniversary [Music] yeah all right what are we going to do Lily's important daycare interview is coming up if she says that word she won't get in the school siblings I have the solution a quick painless removal of the vocal cords well mostly painless no I have an idea if Lily imitates our behavior let's just give her some better Behavior to imitate I'm going to remain scrubbed in just in case okay everybody know their part good we've got 1 hour before the interview operation delete the dword is a go Lana you're up Shing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh cat she didn't see it Lana guess you'll have to do do it again bells on bobtails ring making spirits bright it's working LOL [Applause] go de lis is a really wonderful actor don't you think do Lily didn't see it Lola guess you'll have to do it again Lisa you're on Lily let's bust some Rhymes better suited to your infant ears moo goes the cow oink goes the pig watch me do an Irish K Irish good job Lisa dance dance dance dance you wear a wig H nuclear experiment gone wrong it's also how I got my extra toe Lori and Lenny Europe up you stretched it out D that's okay because now we can share sh a dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh 10 minutes till the interview Lynn go that's okay I'll just get it down da da ly loud is a champion of the [Music] world oh sure now the string won't break it's all right love I was done with that guitar I'd rather play on these drums [Music] mate kids we're home bring Lily down please interview is in 5 minutes do you think it worked got [Music] good you are so handsome in your new tie well I would have preferred the one with the bird playing the saxophone that's her no no Lily that's not for you D it it didn't work she's still saying it now we do this my way oh somebody's in a hurry to get to the bathroom I have an early root canal at work well I have to get to my fish guy before the good stuff's gone I'll just be a minute Lenny what is taking so long something's wrong with this mirror om gosh how embarrassing don't worry about it Lenny this chin hair is like 3 in is long Lynn could we cut in front of you we're running late you know the rules we all got to wait our turn besides I won a hot dog eating contest yesterday and those puppies are barking to be let out why do we have to live like this if you're in a hurry you should do what I do use the second bathroom what second bathroom old slashy oh suit yourself wait wait wait maybe she's on something what if we did put in a second bathroom one that's just for us I mean come on we're adults we deserve it oh no that'll never work the kids will just take it over remember when we got that adjustable bed just for us and lift off I'm okay yeah you're right but what if they didn't know about it we could build it in the basement or or the attic or our closet oh wait we're talking about lying to our own children do we really want to do [Music] that yes we [Music] do Miguel and Todd are literally so annoying I feel an eerie presence time to rev up my ghost containment device oh you guys watching AR fun but how can you even hear it mother that's too loud it's aggravating my t Hey Dad are you okay oh yeah just a little stiff in the joints not getting any younger you just need an adjustment come here no no no no no no no I can uh I can walk it [Music] off [Music] dad it sounds like you're getting worse you've got to let me help you n no no no no I'm just dehydrated see much better hey loons Let's Jam a Lama dingdong PBS I'm trying to catch some z's I got school tomorrow come on which is more important school or rock and roll well when you put it that way have you guys lost your minds mommy daddy I had a nightmare I want to sleep in your bed what do we do I got [Music] this I'm okay let's me in what are you doing in there hey you need to sleep in your own bed honey how did you get out here why are you wearing that weird hat sh it's all a dream okay guys let's go through this one more time Sammy and Whitney you need to finish the plumbing hook up so Kevin can close up the wall Mike you tie into the junction box while Carla primes the ceiling everybody good I call the TV remote no way the kids no I call dibs on the remote kids hey what are you doing home from school so early ask Lisa PE one little nuclear accident and everybody overreacts what's going on here it's our uh uh new book club The Itsy Bitsy Spider what's to discuss about a spider who's washed down a spout and goes back up again shh Lisa spoiler thanks for breakfast honey I should be back around 4 after I finished pulling Flip's wisdom teeth I thought you already did that he grew another set what you know I was thinking the kids have been really good this week haven't they oh they've been great no calls from school no trips to the ER I only had to raise my voice once we should do something special for the kids how about taking them out for ice cream when I get back I love it we could go to atie Pam's parlor and you know what I think someone's ready for her first taste of ice cream oh this is my favorite of all the Milestones what do you think sweetie you want to try some ice cream huh [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] ha so ice cream sounds good darn tootin if today goes okay too let's see if your siblings can behave for just a few more hours cuz if they can it's ice cream time don't touch my [Music] glasses uh Lily is everything okay isn't this cute Lily's calling a sibling meet [Music] good job Lily you drew an upside down tree I think she's trying to tell us something perhaps the infant has some trapped wind you guys are all wrong she's clearly waving at us I guess Lily called this meeting just to say hi hi Lily hi okay well [Music] bye check in the mail skippity Bop what did we get in the latest crop no more ice [Music] cream Maybe card maybe a bill checking the mail is always a f Lincoln I've got a cold denim you're stuck in a pair of skinny jeans I was trying to update my look but now I can't feel my legs muing the floor can wait I'm on my way don't struggle Clyde it'll only make it [Music] worse [Music] I want to watch my pageant show I want to watch my penguin show got [Music] it l loud looks downfield but nobody's open she's going for the quarterback sneak if all goes Accord to plan my family will glove this prank no more ice [Music] cream and now back to penguin [Music] pageant wal knock it [Music] [Applause] [Music] off oh no it's a [Music] bubble wow this is nice to see everybody getting along and Lan's even taking a nap watching on as the amazing Lincoln displaces unbelievable yo-yo skills I shall now Rock the dog not you Charles I meant the yo-yo I shall now go around the world sorry still talking about the yo-yo the amazing Lincoln will now take a brief intermission yikes I better go tell Lisa you've completely destroyed my life's work I despise you and you no longer exist to me yeah I'm not telling Lisa oh come on Charles when did you get a conscience I've seen you poop on the couch besides if I just walk away what's the worst thing that could happen I'll just remove the evidence and they'll be none the wiser I don't understand what went wrong science is a Fickle mistress hi Lori have we always had a window in our closet it's not a window Lisa's experiment blew a hole in the wall what's this to my Bodacious babe Lenny why is this picture of Bobby hidden on your side of the closet oh there it is that was a surprise present from Bobby for your 88 day of iary he asked me to hide it for him but I forgot where I put it that anniversary was 8 days ago and Bobby gave me socks I can't believe this you're literally seeing Bobby behind my back you are no longer my sister everything okay after that unexpected and totally random explosion that I know nothing about what happened a shell fell on your head of course everyone knows that an object falling at a velocity of 9.8 m/s squared will result in a temporary loss of consciousness I knew that the question is how did you hey I saw this in a movie Once I bet getting hit on the head altered Lenny's brain and made her smart Lincoln you seem unable to distinguish between scientific fact and Preposterous Hollywood Schock I don't get it see same old Lenny can't even understand simple English no I I don't get why you multiplied your Z pols before solving your non- negative integer exponents now if you'll excuse me I'm off to disprove Newtonian physics bye-bye my world no longer makes sense don't you have a couch to poop on Charles that was a rhetorical question what are you so upset about I just got kicked off all my sports teams because I'm failing school how could you fail doesn't Lisa tutor you she used to until she dropped out and got a job as a gas station attended at flips food and fuel she what without Sports my life is meaningless I present to you your new Miss cute and oh my nose I am a hideous monster it's not that bad Lola my passion career is over oh my tee fine I'll fix it negative it's clean hey guys how's it going terrible Li has been crying for an hour and we can't figure out why yeah we've tried everything to get her to stop she's not hungry gassy or sleepy she has her blanket he and her giraffe well sometimes babies just cry and you don't know the reason oh it's okay sweetie you guys did plenty of crying when you were babies trust me except Lucy she just stared at us yeah that's why we grew her bangs out I can still see you anyway try to have a little patience with Lily kids she'll stop crying when she's ready I guess you're right we'll just learn to live with it speak for yourself yes her cater Walling is unbearable we need a plan I've got it leaving is not a plan no Fenton the feel better Fox my favorite toy when I was a baby he always cheered me up I found him look Lily this is Fenton up baby don't to cry no more tears it's cheer up time laugh with me and we will be happy happy happy Pap yes it worked cheer up baby don't you cry no more tears it's cheer up time laugh with me and we will be happy happy happy the demon toy I thought you got rid of of that I thought you did what's the big whoop we got Lily to stop crying you're welcome you don't understand that horrible Fox drove us so crazy we almost didn't have any more children Well you certainly went the other way with that come on honey we better go soundproof our room dudes overreact much it's just a cute little toy it's cute now but you'll see you'll all see they're just jealous that we're the ones who got Lily to stop crying cheer up baby don't you cry no more is cheer up time laugh with me and we will be happy happy happy cheer up baby don't you cry no more tears it's cheer up time with me and we will be happy happy happy here baby cry no more chears it's cheer up time laugh with me and we will happy happy happy Che up baby don't you cry no more tears it's chear up time laugh with me and we will be happy happy happy cheer a baby don't you cry no more tears it's cheer up time laugh with me and we will be happy happy happy three nights of torture I cannot lose any more beauty sleep I was so tired last night I fell asleep in the middle of cutting Lor's hair what Mom Dad you were right we admit it Fenton is destroying our lives Mom Dad oh when did you kids wake up you guys I hate to say it but we have no choice the fox must go actually I didn't hate saying that okay people we are ready to commence Operation Freedom from fent in the feel better Fox here's a rundown of Lily's daily schedule coloring feeding bathing napping chewing on books as you can see she always has Fenton with her but there is one exception diaper change time during this approximately 47 second window Lily will be separated from the demon toy that's when we strike it's a tough mission and some of you might not come back but rest assured that your sacrifice will hey I did not say fall out we will be okay Lily you know what time it is don't C okay ly go cheer up baby don't you cry no more chears it's cheer up time laugh with me and we will be happy happy happy baby can you take me to the dump all the good trash gets dropped off today flips the hospital the Hazardous weight plant oh sorry Lans I can't I have to uh stay home and do homework a okay guess I'll just dig through Lynn's trash sometimes there's good stuff in there elder sister where are you going the mall there's a clearance sale that is literally calling my name but you just told Lana you had homework well yeah I didn't want to take her to the dump so I told a little white lie no big H interesting development Lori has blatantly lied to Lana and seems to have no remorse over it hey you guys what do you think of my new look oh uh love it rocking it softens your jawline thanks isn't it great what was she thinking literally no clue yuck her hair looks like the old carpeting in vanzilla h more lies do you guys smell something nasty hey hope you're hungry gang I finally perfected my new cabbage casserole wow daddy smells great some of your best work honey wait I forgot the fish sauce it really brings out the sulfur notes quick dit you before we have to eat the fish sauce the lies continue I fear for my family's well-being truth is the foundation of any functioning Society whereas lying can only lead to chaos and ruin I must Rectify this problem just tell me where it is bro well I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about H what seems to be the problem here L's always baring my gong to punctuate comedic moments and now it's missing I know she took it no I didn't Luna you're right Lan is lying no I'm not oh yes you are behold my latest invention lie detecting glasses they allow me to track micro Expressions pulse pupil dilation and perspiration to determine untruths this family is is guilty of excessive lying and I must correct the problem before it's too late all right which one of you water buffalos destroyed the bathroom wasn't me dad that's a lie so what' you think of the new chapter um I really liked it biib oh it's beautiful Lily I love it untruth [Music] Lenny there's no hot water left did you take another 40-minute shower no I was in there like 5 minutes Brazen [Music] falsehood greetings family can I help you you sure can you can stop using your terrible glasses they're literally driving us crazy look I'm simply doing what's best for this family every l drags us closer to chaos and ruin sweetie I agree but sometimes a little white lie helps smooth things over I firmly disagree there's no such thing as a good lie okay it's clear what we have to do tell the truth no destroy those ding- ding [Music] glasses [Music] sorry Lincoln but my tutoring schedule is completely booked I've got math with Lucy on Mondays geology with Lynn on Tuesdays finger painting with Lily on Wednesdays etc etc oh being the resident genius is both a blessing and a curse though I believe in neither but Lisa You're My Last Hope piss POS try the Community College I've heard through the tutor in Grapevine that students there tutor for extra credit great idea leas Lori you're 3 minutes late for preal move it or lose it um beg a pardon is this the loud residence yep you must be my tutor I'm Lincoln I'm Hugh quite chuff to meet you uh the chuff is all mine come on in I really appreciate this Hugh I have a big multi-ub test coming up and I need to Ace it so I'm like if you literally don't know the difference between dance team and color guard Lori you okay um yes I was just going going to get a hunk of meat I mean a dish of cereal or a tall drink of water miss you dropped your mobile I heard a goose I call [Music] dibs I heard a sheep my face ba ba hey guys oh Lincoln I didn't know you were entertaining hi I'm but um hello I'm Hugh Lincoln's tutor it's lovely to meet you all could you guys please get out of here we're trying to study it's a free country Lincoln we can stand where we want to I'm standing here the heck you are you're blocking my view you're blocking my H my oh my word there's quite a few of you friendly lot oh hello bit cheeky aren't we come on H let's go somewhere a little less crowded sorry about my sisters they're not usually like this oh it's no bother they seem like very spirited young ladies out of the way as I was saying sorry about [Music] my my eye again sorry about my sisters maybe we should study in my room brilliant Cheerio pip pip and all that rut L loud senior I did a College semester in Merry Old England so many memories bangers in mats riding the tube ah yes cheers oh Hugh my window is literally stuck and I need someone really strong to open it fish and chips there you are love right as rain wow I bet you work out a lot huh well I did do a spot of crew in fifth form I like all your forms I need to borrow you for a second I'm tutoring Lola what glad to help what's the subject this is called erectus abdominis otherwise known as a six pack oh I say now if you'll turn around I'll point out the glutitis Maximus really but this is most all right all right class dismissed sorry about this it's the only place we'll get any privacy it's a bit dark but there's a lamp right here you I wrote a poem about you H wavy hair mysterious eyes pretty cool for a living guy you hello Governor pick this up at the Old Buckingham Palace gift shop everybody El we'll just hide the frogs in the garage easy peasy not so easy [Music] peasy hops how'd the frogs get out 10 down 40 to go open up loud frog inspection good afternoon children well I don't see any frogs here I guess I'll just be on my way [Music] not let me take your coat yes just put that down anywhere why don't you [Music] I didn't want the glare to hurt your eyeballs sir what was that you two seem a bit nervous not at all [Music] protein [Music] sorry sir you had some schuts on you here let me get you a towel stop it h maybe I'll go check upstairs what Willie uh just trying to lighten the mood what's this room that's Lucy and Lynn's bedroom but I wouldn't go in there Lucy's kind of spooky if you think I'm afraid of a little that room looks clear what's this room that's lauran Lenny's bedroom but I wouldn't go in there they have a pretty intense security system I'll take my chances well upstairs looks clear I need to use your restroom I usually do this alone oh right sure uh I'm just going to check the toilet got to make sure I didn't leave anything in there you're good to go go well it appears your house is frog free so I'll be on my way good luck sir keep fighting the good fight I'll just grab your coat I'll grab my own coat what is wrong with you two nothing drive safe what the you are the Frog [Music] hero anyone seen my bus pass did you check your purse thanks I got it did someone take the credit card check your purse oh right wait my shopping list the purse woman cools jeans pom pom sweater going shopping Lenny not just shopping Ryan gers is having a huge 2-day 25% off blowout sale and I made up a dream shopping list for it yay new wardrobe shoot where did I put my Pur check your arms I'm back are you okay Lenny did you wrestle a bear where's your stuff I didn't get any of it what why well you know how Shoppers can be sometimes they're a little grabby and pushy and CLA and shovey uh wait did you let a bunch of greedy bargain hunters take your stuff I don't mind I'll just make new clothes with my old ones yay poor Lenny this always happens she's too nice for her own good it's true her submissive nature makes her easy prey much like the baby wilderbeast of the serengetti she needs to learn how to be a little tougher a little meaner more aggressive more like us Lenny how would you like to go back to that sale tomorrow and get everything you wanted that's okay I'm fine look I turned this night gown into jeans oh wait now I don't have a night gown ooh I can make one out of these other jeans Lenny you need to learn to stand up for yourself yeah you don't want to be wilted beats in the spaghetti me close enough but don't worry we're here to teach you how to become a more assertive decisive person well okay if you guys want I'm just happy when you're happy we have a lot of work to do tomorrow you're going back to that mall as a new Lenny in the new Lenny doesn't let people cut ahead of her in line 10 Hut now you're number one in the bathroom line don't let anyone make you number two get it I don't but don't worry no one's going to cut I'm feeling the surprise part of Dad's Taco surprise oh you got to let me cut Lenny oh you poor thing go right ahead all right step aside and watch a pro do it Lori your assistant I'm in a hurry Lola let me cut how are you so freakishly strong I hope you like the taste of floor tackle pin catchphrase got it second lesson the new Lenny isn't afraid to go after what she wants there's some rocking threads on that clearance table but you got major peeps blocking your way what are you going to do dude I'm going to get those threads so sorry would you mind moving no I can wait until you're ready yo LJ show her how it's done with pleasure take a h oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah hey Bobby gave me that sweater run block do a dance got it third lesson protecting your property the new Lenny doesn't let greedy Shoppers steal her stuff that phone charger is the only working one in the house your goal is to hold on to it no matter what oh it's okay I can use the landline let me know put yourself first I'll show you how it's done I've been protecting my junk from you guys for 17 years the key is to use a good firm armpit grip all right come at me armpit tuck fall on floor protect vital organs you got it yet lny no R I'm going to need you to all silence your phones Lana oh sorry Ls I'm just trying to get organized for the town recycling challenge first place gets free ice cream at Auntie Pam's parlor but no more noise I promise thank you I have a lot to prepare for kidss dinner's ready make a dash dishing out leftover has oh yeah wonder what's in at this time let's see we had liver and onions Monday squid with sauerkraut Tuesday he lima bean whoops sorry Lans all this glitter and now I look like you you do look like me which you know bonus for you wait a minute Lana that gives me a brilliant idea okay leftover has let's see A+ for presentation A+ for smell and A++ texture delicate yet chunky wow thanks kiddo gee I can't imagine what's keeping Lola let me go [Music] check how was your day sweetie oh um you know uh pageants and uh glitter and um crowns probably just another day in the life of Lola there you go wow A Clean Plate and an A+ for texture last time I served leftover hash you ate the rating card and told me it tasted better you feeling okay oh um I meant yeah that's my Lola LS that worked awesome no one suspected anything well if I can never return the favor just let me Lola Lana it's bath night I'll be inspecting fingernails and ears it's favor time nail inspection Lola come on out mhm good job as always sweetie go tell Lana it's her turn please of course mommy sorry got to make it believable sup mom ready for my bath hola I mean do I got to I like all this mud and filth and grime B wow Lana you're sparkling you know it I mean uh don't get used to it I got plans to hang out with some worms later this plan was genius LS I'd say it's nothing but we both know modesty doesn't suit me I was thinking Why Stop Now we could switch places whenever we want we never have to do the things we don't like ever again if you are once again lost allow me to point out that your bed chamber is right over there I know that I'm just afraid to cross because ah I see Lola's still at it now that pageant season is over all the energy she put into walking and waving has nowhere to go yesterday she glammed grous just go for it we have a lot of rehearsing to do it's too dangerous Mr coconuts I'm not getting any younger kid just count the Rings in my neck okay here goes that was a close one Mr coconuts Mr coconuts is that you Uncle Woody your boy coconuts is coming home oh stay with me Mr coconuts please somebody call Pine one won sorry I couldn't resist no that was good Mom Dad I need a ride to the wood shop it's an emergency it wasn't my fault Lisa you saw it right he came out of nowhere this hallway is full of blind [Music] spots how is Mr coconuts he's out of surgery Dr Ted soldered his leg back on and said he'd be as good as new with a little sanding and some primer oh thank goodness I'm sorry sorry for hitting him with my car allegedly there's just one problem Mr coconut is going to be at the shop for a few days but we booked a party they're expecting a ventriloquist act and I don't know what to do me talking like this just seems a little weird well you've done weirder anyway wish I could help but I've got another Glam SSH with Mr grous at 4:30 bye you can help me you can be my new dummy sweetie Lola loud is no one's dummy see you made a joke already you know I wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't splintered Mr C's femur all over the hallway allegedly look how about I cover his medical bills up to $100 huh guess I'll just find someone else to perform with me to a packed house a packed house you mean people really come to your shows yep and this time it would be your show just like your pageants you'd be the star you'd be the star is my favorite sentence ever you got yourself a [Music] dummy you ready stinking it's go time woo tonight's game night in the loud house sounds fun right not when you have a sister like Lynn yo twins hope you read the menu cuz you're about to get served it's not that the rest of us don't like playing games heck we don't even care that Lyn wins every time it's just she's not exactly a good winner oh yeah baby I win lard lard chicken dinner I thought we were having salmon yes I win losers clean up and if you think that's bad last week she waited till everyone fell asleep and then wrote Loser on their foreheads fortunately I got out of that one hey I was just wondering do you guys know any good therapists well Clyde recommends to help you deal with your lost tonight burn okay guys what'll it be tonight Go Go Fish it good choice Lily Go Fish it is Lynn do you possess any sevens hope you've got gas in your boat pardon I have no aquatic Vehicles cuz you're going fishing Lori you seemed pretty interested in Deuces last round got any boom welcome to Loser Town [Music] population well now that that's over with wait wa wait hold up tonight's special it's my 300th win in a row I am unbeaten by you [Music] Chumps dudes this conf fet's made from our homework bogus I can't take this anymore she is so OB noxious if only we could beat her just once maybe she'd stop gloating how are we going to do that when she's better at every game on the Shelf maybe we need to try a game that isn't on the Shelf something that Lynn doesn't know something that one of us is really good at I think I might have just the game pretty pretty pageant Queen I don't even know how to play this oh okay if you're afraid of losing I'm no loser it is on oh just earned my sash just two spaces from being the pretty pretty pant Queen hold up it says in the rule book that if you can roll three tens at once you get three tens from the judges and an automatic win good luck the odds of such An Occurrence would be one in 1,720 did l l chicken dinner we will never beat her at anything I know a game I can beat her at Plumbing thr you have to remove all the objects from the plumbing without touching the sides this looks easy I'll start by removing the hair ball from the shower drain uh-oh you touch the side one more buzz and you lose excuse me a second you want to lose Lynn huh you want to be the mayor of loser town then get your head in the game she's coming back in let's do this yes another win for Lyn guys I don't know why I didn't think of this ear earlier the AY trivia game there's no way she can beat me okay guys whoever answers this last question right wins Lincoln what the heck you haven't gotten a single answer right it's not my fault Lynn keeps getting in my head who is Ace savvy's sidekick oh that's so easy oh is it are you sure it could be a trick question I'm just saying games riding on this would sure be a shame if you C Massachusetts even I know this one it's onee Jack correct boom I win better get out of here before I breathe in too many loser fumes sorry guys I totally choked it's okay Lincoln none of us is good enough to beat her but what about all of us behold the settlers of Catland the objective is to build as many cat structures as possible but here's the kicker one cannot do so without forming alliances air go if we freeze out Lynn she is bound to go down in proverbial Flames I present to you Luan loud's April Fool's highlight reel I'd say this pranks a little over your head seems to be your clucky [Music] day I guess that's a wrap a look at the loud family getting jiggly with it I shave the bus for [Music] last see what I mean nobody's safe from that evil pranking genius but this year is going to be different Lan is not going to prank me because I've got an April foolproof plan you're not the only one who can make a punt LAN bubble WRA me next I need more armor where's my helmet Bobby we have to cancel all our plans in April because Luan might shave my eyebrows off again and it takes a month for them to grow back come on Lisa let me Hunker in your bunker you should have been more prepared we've known this storm was coming for 364 days please give me shelter arms up Lincoln your turn for bubble wrap not this year Lola I'm not getting pranked it's never been done ladies ladies I've got a plan I'm simply going to lock myself in my room until the day is over I've got snacks video games and a hose to pee in which I call the tinkle tube patent pending e it goes out the window the point is I'll never have to leave my room so Lan will never get me oo it's Chistmas Eve and I'm just bubbling with excitement I'm going to need more bubble wrap and a fresh pair of undies thanks for the lumber Lana I'll return it on April 2nd mahogany was a good choice that'll hold nicely Clyde you want to hang out tomorrow I built us a fortress with snacks games and a tinkle tube patent pending on pranks giving no way not after what happened last year [Music] but nothing's going to happen this year I've got an April foolproof plan hang on Clyde Ronnie Anne just texted me she says she's coming over tomorrow with a present for me she can't come over tomorrow she'll get nailed by Lan's pranks and then pulverize me just tell her to come over another day I can't do that that that would definitely get me pulverized then you got to get Luen to call off prank aooa appeal to her Humanity beg if you have to good idea just as soon as I get the mahogany off my [Music] door Len you got to call off prank again please Ronnie Anne is coming over tomorrow and I can't let her get pranked okay really wow that was easier than I April Fool's practice Lincoln you know the April Fool rules anyone who sets foot on our property is fair game speaking of which is Clyde coming over cuz I'd love to just say hey Clyde pleading with Len did not work she's an animal what was that oh that's Cleopatra she's been feisty lately so we put her in the timeout crate timeout crate that's it why did I choose mahogany okay we're all here good so about Lan shh she's got ears everywhere I saw this in a mob movie once she won't hear us over the noise we all know tomorrow is going to be awful but it doesn't have to be if we combine forces we can prevent Lan from setting up any pranks in the first place uh how exactly are we going to do that let me tell you my plan better make it snappy we're almost done with the spin [Music] cycle let me out of here okay really wow that was easier than I April fools we aren't letting you out until April 2nd got it guys that was a great plan Lincoln I've been cating for this moment all my life well better crate than never you're in a crate
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 6,559,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_lh, april fools, prank
Id: 7Mmt1L4QYdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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