Don't Look Up! Gumball and Darwin See Something Staring Back! | Gumball | Cartoon Network

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wait I know if we had Amnesia we could tell him we forgotten his name and it wouldn't be embarrassing great how do you get amnesia we hit each other on the head wait how are we going to remember that we tried this write it on your arm H that explains the headache hey you too that guy on your poster you know his name let's just say he's an old [Music] friend hello har G who told you that was my name we've always known it obviously who told you that name those guys they found me I don't know how but they found me wait what's wrong with calling you Harry gges Harry gges because that's my real name yeah we know it is Harry GES not that mind like we're always saying good morning Harry GES how you doing har GES happy to Harry G stop saying it why Harry GES that's not the name I've been using what do you mean Harry GES I've been living under audm for the last 20 years looks more like aora har GES not my hat a pseudonym is a fake name it was given to me by the witness protecting people when they moved me to Elmore for my own safety why Harry getes I'm testified in court against some very bad people and ever since then I've had to live under the fake name that you know me by which is Mr P no we don't know your name all right tell us what it is wait you don't know my name we've been neighbors since you were born if my life wasn't in immediate danger I'd be really hurt right now it's car Hedges I'm out of here so let me get this straight your real name is Harry gges and your fake name is Gary Hedges that's not very imaginative I didn't choose it okay there's no way those guys could have followed us who those guys do you know this man he lives at 10:24 York Street here's a map this is the house if the front door is locked there is a key under the gome how on Earth did they find out where I live uh lucky guest then I got no choice I'm going to have to skip town and leave behind my new life and beautiful home I think beautiful's overselling it dud not the time yeah sorry ha I got it you don't have to skip town if they think you're I don't think pretending he's a duck is going to help no they'll leave if they think he's already kicked the bucket I know exactly what to [Music] do genius oh no I was just cleaning the windows and now I have lost my balance I hope there is no tragic consequence [Music] [Music] h H it worked throwing that dummy out of the window was a great idea now I get to keep my life in my beautiful home yeah it wasn't supposed to fall out of the window it was meant to look like you were in the house when it this might not be the best time to ask but would you rather we call you Harry gges or Gary Hedges we need to cover us as much of the neighborhood as we can but we can't ask for help and we obviously can't be everywhere at the same time all right dudes this is our Target if you see him just pin him down okay ready steady go what do you even do with your antons did you lose them all again no well there was a bit of an accident I told them to split up to cover more ground so I think they might have taken it to literally it was b side don't beat yourself up these guys are so sweet and obedient that if I told them go jump in a lake they would't even think twice before they stop the mission is aborted we're going back home we're going to need a place to hide on when we go to school tomorrow tomorrow hello hello oh hi oh hi hey hey gotcha you're coming with me Ant too an who I told you he was the Clone what clone [Music] they're trapped they're being held captive they're [Music] close don't worry you're safe now until it's time to make a sandwich my name is anwan I was the first KN before me actually you know what I don't think I can here anymore see you later guyson what you're late for class oh no thanks guys huh since when do we have a mirror here a mirror here oh my gosh this mirror has an echo echo I'll see you guys later thank goodness he's as dumb as the other ones I thought we were busted and he'd find out about the cloning what cloning what the how did you hear me dude just because I'm out of sight doesn't mean I'm out of earshot you made a clone of me how many did you make not that many how many how many uh how many how many enough to have my revenge there can only be one original and it's me quick come with us Anon we'll protect [Applause] you what do we do there's only one way to fight an army of antons we need a bigger Army of antons that's a great idea haven't you learned anything today that you mostly have bad ideas uh yes but more importantly it's bad to play with life this way unless we get out some scientific progress from it I guess and because of us our friend is in danger dude what are you doing go and protect him I'll buy you some time but tell Inon I'm sorry I'm sorry for betraying his friendship and I'm hey sorry dude you were speaking for too long well I might go down but I won't go down alone dude you guys are totally useless in a fight this doesn't feel fair at all I'm going to have to stop no you failed me no I feel a great disturbance in the food chain as if a thousand sandwiches cried out in Terror and were suddenly silenced okay I think we'll be safe here what's your problem man why are you so mean because once I get rid of him I'll become the only Anton maybe then you'll be my friend Father messed up come back father everything will be perfect when it's just you me and mother dude I'm not your dad please don't tell ah he attached $20 to the note how cheap does he think we are now you can't even remember what he doesn't want us to talk about if money isn't enough to stop you revealing I don't have a diploma I duck a little dirt of my own What If This Were to go public look Principal Brown first that was a phase and secondly we felt ashame so many times in life that I think we're now incapable of feeling it as end chemically the doctor says we've run out of sheam oone let me show you as you can see the brain is composed of many sections dedicated to emotion here's anger here is sadness this here we just don't know and finally this is the shame gland as you can see it's pretty dried out dude could you put me back together please sure how's that ah thanks that's much matter and Darwin Waterson please report to the principal's office what does he want now kids I think I'm losing my mind finally well at least you realized it's a problem I looked everywhere I looked in the drawer I looked onto my desk behind the bookshelf wait what are we talking about here my glasses I can't find my glasses uh you're wearing them oh no not these my spare pairs I think they might be in this safe you keep your spear glasses in a safe I can't see them oh no no no they're right at the back just keep going further in you're going to lock Us in the safe aren't you uh would you believe or no look Principal Brown this is ridiculous if you keep wasting your time on us instead of doing your job this place is going to start falling apart oh sorry okay you really want to do something for us anything then you'll leave us alone of course and just take care of the school yes he say of course that's it take care of the school and all my problems will be solved thank you Waterson all I have to do is blow this place up exactly all I can find was these oh well that would explain the s box wait did he say blow up the school we need to raise the alarm you crazy no one can know about this they be complete Panic we just have to stop him before he blows up the school he's going to blow up the school no no we were just saying how the wind blows up help me out [Music] here what did you do that for you said no one could know and he wined at me yeah but I was never mind let's go Roy can I have the keys to the boiler room I'm going to blow up the school sure you'd better run all right it's the little blue one sometimes it sticks so you might need to give it a principal br's going to blow up the school no no no no no it's somebody meant it's it's not with you wait a minute are you trying to knock me on if there's no school then there's nothing to lose excuse me Principal Brown Eyes take the children outside coach I'm going to blow up to school wait blow up what can't the finance I'll take care of her I'm sorry coach what's that I'm trying to pinch a Nerf cluster but it's buried pretty deep now let me try something apparently it works on cows I've got to blow this place up Principal Brown is going to blow up the school Mr small we can explain hold on kids I need to make a symbolic gesture of protest Hal in the Name of Love once his place has gone my reputation will be safe save yourself Lucy oh sorry I thought that was another dry wall so that's three kids me meals a salad and 47 double cheeseburgers 47 Richard relax I asked for Swiss cheese it's healthier what how it's got hols in it let's make that one cheeseburger and some carrot sticks what if you don't feed me properly how do you expect me to keep my six pack your what you'll miss this when it's gone that's 17 bucks 15 I'm sorry the card has been declined it says insufficient funds I don't understand there should be money on that card where's it all gone H I don't want to point the finger but Dad what did you do with the money well I did what all the business sharks do to avoid getting taxed are transferred it to an offshore bank account Richard what exactly have you done with my sorry our no wait actually my money like I said I put it offshore but not before converting it into gold back she's going to severely reprimand him don't worry kids I'll Cal her down with my irresistible [Music] Char we're broke no wait we can't afford the water bills now this is all we got drink up hey there might be a less gross solution we're filming a commercial for joyful Burger in here later so so you guys are the ideal joyful Burger family what do you mean not too attractive not too intelligent totally dis functional you guys have got it all and you'll get paid where do we sign no we're not going to let ourselves be reduced to some cliches for quick corporate Buck we're the water and we don't sell out what's that I symbolically burned it because I'm not allowed to use a real lighter wait are you guys already convinced I haven't even done my gr about how the little fish got together now what the fridge what there's nothing in there exactly where's all the food Gumball you're the one who wanted us to keep our dignity and not sell out this is what happens when you can't buy things you don't have things then why did you all listen to me because no matter how hard it is for me to admit you are you are Darwin you tell him it's Bing me gag what she's trying to say is you're right we shouldn't sell out funny I thought Victory taste sweeter what does it taste of kind of like hunger look we might have run out of food but we've still got each other hey hey let's not panic I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation for this we've just been kidnapped and we're all wearing blindfolds guys stop it's because we haven't paid the electric bill there's no power we may as well just go to bed there you go all tucked up tied good night kids night [Music] Mom Mom what's going on don't worry honey it's just our stuff getting repossessed by these lowlife bottom feeding undereducated unhygienic sliming no neck toxic triple chined oxygen wasting crude gutless foul smelling bucktooth corrupt felonious disgraceful disease Rd bow-legged yellow bellied backstabbing ghoulish vulgar despicable wor headed worthless stains I'm only doing my job why are you so mean mom what are you doing probably going too far that TV is broken is it it is now ma'am what now we need to rebuild the trust that you lost on the plate to your right are the cupcakes on the plate to your left is the bad food like liver and stuff what you need to do is trust the other person to feed you the good food sure no problem dude I thought you tricked me me too I expected a mouthful of rat cake or something I always knew I could trust you buddy but I thought the left plate was and that was for flaking out on me at the supermarket what what' you do the cupcakes are just ingested released with parasitic eggs all they needed to hatch was a moist and warm environment your stomach what's going to happen to us first they'll eat their way into your stomach lining what then they will crawl up your head and lay eggs in your eyeballs it's about I can see them already there's only one way to lure them out uh how long do we have to do this for until they dance their way out there wasn't anything in the cupcakes was there nope but there's something on the Internet Now give me that phone give it here you should take me your buddies again that's true but you're still getting it yes hello sweetie I just wanted to know if your dad felt any better um yeah he's fine can you pass me on to him please uh yeah 1 minute hello Mrs Mom what's for dinner really yep where is he mom must be on her way right now we're going to get our bus kicked yeah I would have thought the anesthetics would have made him a better driver oh my gosh Marvin what is that done please help me up I was trying to do sit-ups but I'm too old hey what about me uh yeah you can do it if you believe in yourself and don't forget to stretch when you [Music] finish well looks like the anesthetics improved his parking too this is not funny we need to find him right now before something terrible happens look dad's pant you have to catch me if you want to hit me oh little teasing fle of fatness no thank you he's delicious just the way he is dude stop it's not funny anymore it's just weird radio El news flash we're receiving reports of a fat pantless pink middle-aged man bunny causing disturbance in the city of Elmore he's reported to have attacked and nibbled several bystanders one extremely come on and now the weather Diane did you see that it was Mrs mom's car right we've got to split up go you sort out the house Darwin you try and delay mom I'll take care of dad go and no fling [Applause] out [Music] [Music] what oh no come on [Music] hey I'd like to report her stolen yellow family wagon I didn't do anything you've got to believe me we'll see about that lady let's just see those papers [Music] first we did the best we could [Music] it's not so bad we found this tube of glue stuck to your up anyway in future you need to be more careful this tube was covered in holes but it wasn't when I led it Dumbo [Music] H oh come on I can understand the glue but why the glitter it's like putting lipstick on a skeleton it doesn't make it any nicer yeah you were right we should have let that pin stuff slide dude please chill out here have some love this this is for for my homework and this is for the glitter just pop it already he destroyed your deck too so jum on this that's your my desk that I don't really care about that much take that you banana oh look a pin and it's not shwed what else can we do to it attention please cumball and Darwin Waterson please come to Mr Small's office thank you very [Music] much any conflict can be resolved with these three tools the mirror reminds us that an enemy is just ourselves but seen from another angle the water reminds us that we all have something in common and The Hourglass is the time we need to reach an understanding come on you googly eye pug all right we got one minute let's finish this jeez Louise the pen give him the new pen I didn't k your pen honestly but I bought you a new one because I myself have a pen of great sentimental value it's not a fountain pen is it actually yes it is it's the pen that Al diee a banana the founder of our family used to sign the registry when he first came to this country it was a very expensive pen I'm not even going to tell you where he had to hide it to keep it safe I would lose my mind if anyone chewed on that pen anyway please accept this no pen and let's be friends again dude we have to get to his locker before he sees what we've done thank you we got to go now by one minute thank you for a beautiful resolution Banana Joe you can go I just need to fill out your hall pass guys Gall that's a funny name isn't it uh do you spell it with two or three L's two two L's I'm sorry I just put one dude you could have just put another one at the end of course a silly Old Hippie I'll do another one oh wait I'm all out uh I'll have to print one come on huh just print it please yeah sure here it is hold reliable I don't know how it works just let us go okay you seem a little stressed up guys you want to try my herbal infusion it's very good for the nerval welcome to Joy Burger can I take your order yes I'd like a secret burger please uh could you repeat your order sir yes I would like the secret burger please uh excuse me listen little man I'm the customer here and I do want I have to repeat my order I'm sorry sir but that's not an intercom can I take your order please one Burger uh for real was I not clear enough uh have it your way sir [Music] he meant the secret Burger I see and what is the name of the aform mentioned secret Burger ah I got it it's called The Vein thickener the Deep bre thrombosis the meure maker the heartbreaker The Undertaker the commander and beef the battle Buster no more mysterious maybe the Aluma Patty the area beef D1 the bilder bger come on man you know what we're talking about maybe but I can't serve you something you don't even know the name of there's only so many names it could be we need to figure out which one you mean figure out sand which one dude stop with the puns I can't I've fallen down the pun hole I've gone so deep on P ground what a unfortunate turn of events I've under mind any respect you had for me I don't pun understand why I ow dude I know it was annoying but it didn't warrant a punch ow it wasn't even a pun that's just what that word is So the plan is you guys get hired at joyful Burger why don't you get hired I can't why uh because of my medical condition really well I get this allergic reaction to effort the symptoms are dangling arms constant eye rolls and the breathing problem that makes me sigh a lot being lazy is not a disease Dad no it's true I really am oh I can't be bothered to finish that sentence I'll give you 20 bucks if you do it wow you've reached a whole new level of laziness you've invented the reverse job but okay so what we get hired and then we look for the name of the secret Burger they won't just tell anyone they'll need to trust you so first you have to be the best employees ever [Music] huh [Music] oh I don't know what that secret ingredient is but the customers just love your Burgers the secret ingredient is love [Music] great job the board wants you to as managers there's only one problem you need to have our labor costs great job the board wants you as senior members there's only one problem you need to double production [Music] ah great job the board wants you as our new CEOs there's only one problem you still have [Music] hearts and in other news business Moguls Gumball and Darwin Waterson have sold their joyful Burger shares for a whopping $4.6 billion our reporter has an exclusive interview from their lavish new mansion so how do you feel about your success it's cool I mean I like the big house but it's kind of hard to communicate with each other scumble keeping the please see I asked him M last week oh one [Music] moment watch boys you kiss them what hold on don't tell me you don't have boyfriends you do Molly right uh sure I do you don't know him though he's way older and he's in high school wow well my boyfriend's so old that he doesn't have a babysitter wow well mine's so old he stopped wearing braces W oh mine is so old that he doesn't have teeth I wish I had a boyfriend did Penny see my stunt don't tell me you want to impress the those those those perfume sissies you mean those girls over there nah they wouldn't care about a handsome Bachelor 12 years old who likes World Cinema fine dining extreme sports and long romantic walks on the beach By Moonlight let's make a pack right here right now Pals before gals pal before okay wait wait wait let's make a blood pack [Music] so your turn to tell us msami do you have a boyfriend yeah he's it's it's Darwin Darwin yeah he's great because he's got legs and you know aead okay dude stop it already guys guys guys enemy at 12:00 no this way here he is remember Pals before cows hello sweet cheeks what oh come on he's not your boyfriend Masami H he so is look C my book boyfriend uh okay I'll show you how much he likes me at the tree house I can't believe it you you you the the girl lover it's always the quiet ones she's not my girlfriend what am I going to do what am I going to do I know I'll just run away and hide [Music] forever I'll never forget you guys that was dramatic hey Gumball hey Penny want to walk me to the canteen definitely not definitely not now but maybe later okay see you latero I'm scared Darwin I thought you'd run away forever I got got hungry oh no the hair what am I going to do now don't worry buddy if you can't see them they can't see [Music] you okay I think we're [Applause] safe hey yeah hi I was just talking about you boyfriend come and sit by me oh come on don't be shy sugar lamps give me a hug excuse me room for one [Music] more h [Music] hm [Music] h [Music] h h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened you're very lucky Mr Mr Waterson it appears your skull is so thick you were able to survive a half a ton of tiles and a satellite dish falling in your head is he going to be okay Doctor apart from being living proof that we're doomed as a species he's fine I just need a signature from whoever's responsible for him oh that would be me I don't think so that would be his mother granny JoJo what a pleasure I wish I could say the same but it seems I have no other choice but to move in and sort out your family which you are clearly in capable of taking care of uh doctor what's the cheapest object in this room probably that that was still worth about $300 so granny JoJo why are you staying with us because someone has to look after your safety kid I think they're perfectly safe with me now Look left then right before you cross that road Gumball no you look right then left that way you see the nearest car first but while you're looking left something may be coming from the other Direction look right again sweetie no look left look right left right left right left right left right left now run it's better to cross the road as quickly as possible no you might trip and fall just walk oh don't worry Billy it's a really good Hospital dude I think the board is supposed to jump as well see this is exactly the kind of thing I was worried about how would you know you're not even tall enough to look out the window I don't need to I know how dangerous the world is oh come on he's wearing all of the protective gear what's the Worst That Could Happen are you stupid oh my gosh you're right I'm a terrible mother follow me Corner paddings socket covers ster guard a good mother prevents the incident before it happens [Applause] the worst part is that it's working I I always thought I was a good mother but you're not are you maybe it's because of stress or something don't worry about it but they're my family they need me they need me [Music] more excuse me sweetie I forgot to ask your mom to buy some milk before she left for work do you mind running to the store to pick some up sure good boy now you be careful outside right who knows I might get jumped by a garden [Music] gnome a mom darn is being a complete mom no offense to you offense to you I'm sorry but your brother is Right vegetables are full of pesticides meat is full of hormones fish is full of mercury milk is not meant to be digested sugar makes you fat and bread is full of gluten the only solution is to eat pure proteins carbohydrates fat minerals and vitamins it is for our own good it is for our own good can you pass the iron am I the only one here who thinks this is completely crazy is it crazy to keep your loved one safe I don't mind as long as I'm full careful Mr Dad it's dangerous to take too many vitamins [Music] hello hi I'd like to complain about your cartoon I disapprove of the use of dynamite it is imitable and could endanger the life of a child where would a child be able to buy dynamite are you saying your channel and sponsors don't care about our nation's children okay no Dynamite I'm sorry we can't allow that either but a child can't lift an anvil but he might hurt himself trying no running in the road and of course no violence oh no no no no no I I wasn't really going to bite his tail the joke is that he's going to give me my own tail no jokes please the child might laugh and choke can we keep the music no thank you it's the gateway to rock and roll which is the root of all evil repeat after me it's for our own good it's for our own good it's for no no guys wait look I would never imitate what I see on TV guys come back [Applause] you know you can't talk to the characters inside the TV right and birds can carry [Music] diseases huh guys what's going on Darwin tied us up while he went to make sure the rest of Elmore is safe it is for our own good look going this be for our own good don't you realize what is that that's the best way for you to exercise safely that was my idea it is for our own good have you lost your mind how could you give up your freedom okay gbo we don't have much time just do as I say no I love you mother but I Stand For Freedom no Gumball you don't get it sorry I can't hear you over my freedom gumbo we're talking about the oh that's right laugh it up let's all give away our freedom and laugh about it everybody careful I think we're being watched that's what she wanted to say wasn't it of course [Music] [Music] quiet what oh nothing let's get out of here and stop your brother he's at the Town Hall we have to get there and stop him before what he plans to invade the rest of the world to make it safe how do you know all this he told us why didn't you stop him because it's Darwin he's really cute he was all like our resistance is FAL those he straight from the path will be corrected today is safer out more tomorrow is safer world what how could you not see that he was dangerous actually now that I think of it it must have been adorable a all right let's take this cutie patootie down I don't mean to alarm you or damage your eardrums by shouting but under the new regime you're under arrest for treason Please Don't Force us to use our balloon batons wait so that's not real dad did you find a mechanic no I think there's something wrong with the compass Richard show me that it's a watch you've been following it in a circle for 12 hours I'm so dehydrated I can't even cry it's okay the sun's going down it'll be dark soon just in time to get eaten alive long way from home a't oh it's okay he's not Toothless thank you sir but we have roadside assistance I'll just use myself you can calling for help but you won't get none there's no signal here please excuse me for a [Music] second I don't suppose you could help us could you sure but we better go soon we don't want to miss [Music] dinner okay it's toothless now time to [Applause] panic kids stop staring at him Mom it's the guy from the story oh don't be silly thank you again sir this is very kind of you don't worry about me I'm just working up my appetite be push to our Doom really really slowly look just because he matches the story I made up doesn't mean he's a psycho even if he is obviously you know dentally challenged and anyway I'd be very surprised if we ended up in a derit gas St what do you know here we are your final destination really he lives in a gas station come on it's just an assassination of the obliteration of an extermination I mean a coincidence how about you guys just go stretch your legs I don't like this dude me neither we should watch our backs that's much better that one looks like it's angry at both of us at the same time he stuffed all his animals and his mom come on Mom we got to get out here now yes about that apparently the engine is caramelized caramelized he can't fix it we're stuck here but the good news is he says he'll have us for dinner can you guys stop screaming every 5 minutes actually we're doing a Silent Scream we need to save our voices for when he hates us you guys are being ridiculous scaring yourselves with narrow-minded assumptions about country people big brain for such a small thing I like that we got to get out of here now all right that's it I only get five days off a year we already wasted Christmas when you decorated the house with whipped cream instead of fake snow Merry Christmas how much cream did you eat then there was a Fourth of July be careful Richard then your mother's visit after you drop me at the mall go to the grocery store and buy me a melon not too hard not too soft then pick me up a 2:30 don't be late I have a 3:00 p.m. appointment at the beauty parlor and by the looks of you you could do with an appointment yourself then you need to collect my and let's not forget Halloween happy Halloween Richard there's some liquid in my lungs so I am not going to ruin this by listening to your crazy assumptions we said we were going camping so we are going camping and it'll be nice thanks for the hospitality sir could you just let us know when dinner's ready oh don't worry you'll be the first to know got a man and if you really didn't know that then maybe you should read a book I don't know dude this book says he's right apparently nachos aren't fruits what the what you mean we've been in a flame War for 7 hours and we can't even win did he make any spelling mistakes no but he did say who instead of whom call it I think you'll find it's whom wh W cyber pych quick black up before he can respond I love Elmore plus it's like real life but with none of the consequences yeah you get to see what everyone does and how happy they are and how much better their lives are compared to ours let's write more sarcastic comments just got my roots done what do you think I think you should realize this is a public form and put your pop back on upset because of a certain someone they know who they are stop posting mysterious status updates and we have no idea who you're talking [Music] about I don't get this there's always people who give the thumb up to everything like Tobias is getting his appendix out today probably going to have a scar thumbs up from Alan what is he liking about that exactly the fact I was in him who was in pain let me handle this you have reached your thumb up limit please walk away from your computer look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself the thumb down let's just block him in fact let's block everyone that annoys us us block done we got a message who from I don't know it's blocked dear Gumball and Darwin what's with the voice it says read in a deep scary voice at the top you have red me for the last time by the end of today I will have my revenge and you will be sorry for the way you treated me signed your sworn enemo sorry typo I meant enemy what did we do and who sent that message it could be anyone it couldn't just be anyone it has to be someone we've upset yeah you're right it could be anyone oh I know let's apologize to everyone yes that's the only way we can be sure how could you forget what you've done to me hey guys I just wanted to say that you seem really cool and well I think we should hang out what do you say wow that was awkward okay so um we're going to go now but you uh you should stay here okay bye your time will come come on there must be something we've done to you that's worth an apology dink yes come on use your pointy brain but Sassy's not angry sassy likes you sassy likes all the things in the world yeah well I got to apologize for something so I'll apologize for this oh my gosh I'm so sorry but he like that too a okay [Music] next darn right I'm angry at you tell us about it have you ever noticed that nothing in this world is set up as it should be like what I should be more important I should be the one with a sidekick and exciting Adventures I'm more handsome richer and more colorful than you guys and yet it's like I'm the supporting character of my own life come on I'm not hugging you we're both in towels come on no get up get up get up get up get up come on just give me a hug leave me alone you weirdos you leave us no choice accept our pishy accept it forgive us look how sorry we are give us a hug okay jeez final level one life left it is time for the combo breaker 3 2 1 go go go go go go combo should probably get that leave it dude Focus if we lose here we'll have to start the whole game again and I can't go through that but what if it's important this is important chill out it'll just take a second Darwin no don't do it man Darwin please don't do this to me just a little second I'm giving a CL [Music] [Music] how do you spell LOL j e r [Music] k ohg OMG U M2 h l p dude text Ling is for phones we use real words when we talk with our mouths it's the phone I was texted in the library and Mr small confiscated it you have to get it back I'm sorry Darwin but maybe it's for the best OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG om dude what do you want me to do I'm a coward I'm not going to break school rules all right Callen closed bracket what's that oh over there up a bit up a bit you know where your phone is you text maniac just chill out for a second come out look out will you be quiet [Music] on oh man what am I going to do [Music] [Music] thanks I've meditated too long I've become one with the universe [Music] Darwin we need to talk uhuh yeah you know I love you man uhhuh but I think you have a problem with that phone yeah so I've have arranged for your butt to be surgically grafted onto your face yeah yeah sure great you're not even listening why don't you text me give me that give me it give me it look at what this thing has done to you your right B is worn down to you stuff from all that texting the left side of your head is burning from all that radiation and worst of all your tail is falling off what seriously no I just added that for a dramatic effect but you get the point this has to stop I'm sorry but Darwin isn't available right now or ever again please get alive stop texting and never call again after the babe babe you're right oo and I are phone addicts please don't tell me that was oo I just spoke to you think was calling me all the time oh come on Adrien roll the dice roll the dice I can't I got no hands fine I'll do it for you six right pick a card I still have no hands a do I have to do everything listen Gumball do you really want to be doing this I mean we've never hung out before and now we're having a sleepover did I ask for your opinion Alfred can I at least phone my mom fine but keep it quick still no hands number this is going to be the most fun you've ever had all for just 10 bucks catch what are you doing no [Music] hands look Gumball what's really going on here oh Arthur who am I kidding I'm not having as much fun as I've been making out all I can think of as Darwin go to him huh your best buddy is about to play computer games with someone who's rich athletic multicolored and a good listener he'll never play dodg or Dare with you again they'll be best friends forever and I'll just be a memory I have to get my best buddy back but it's too late dude it's never too late for friendship yes I'll never forget you Adam Andrew Alice hey kid please let me your bike I'm about to lose my best friend okay 50 bucks 20 bucks [Music] 70 get out of the way I can't get out of the way I'm a brick wall hey Mark what's with all the commotion [Music] Hey kid you can't go that way no time I wish i' listen for that [Music] guy I feel like I'm missing something missing something what ah never mind I already forgot bye the power of brick [Music] ship oh man I got [Applause] started all CA of those stupid ANS and their stupid cookies this is all their fault look at me I'm a [Music] the stupid stupid hands oh made it to the [Music] top woohoo [Music] [Applause] oh I'm coming for you buddy hold on where's that one what did you do with my friend uh he's in the garden I think come ball dude I'm outside [Music] oh don't worry you'll never see me best friends best friendss best friends best friends best friends best friends [Music] best for a very long time I've watch you from afar punched in your closet or strapped beneath your car I treasured all the stories that three of us share wherever you are I'll always be there you were alone I was there too behind the shower girl you never knew I dressed in your clothes and PR in your air I wased your both sleep and nozzled your hair it helps that your bedroom has places to hide and the windows don't lock so I can get inside I've waited so long to be a part of your life and one day one of you will call me his [Music] wife what I think we need to have a reasonable conversation with this young lady where is she we've been looking for 2 hours now oh man not you okay Mr small why are you looking at that painting like that oh thank Mother Earth you can see it too did you see that see what [Music] [Laughter] Sarah wait oh Sarah listen I know what you're going to say I'm sorry about the hair what what what hair is there something wrong with my hair no Sarah this whole thing isn't really working out yeah it's not you it's us by which we mean it's you wait don't you want to see what's inside my locker CU this another one of your tricks why would we want to see inside your locker because this is the part of the story where you realize maybe I do all this because I'm lonely no Sarah this is the part of the story where you realize there is no story and you leave us alone oh yeah sure dude look at this the first people who spoke to me at Elmore Junior High and this the coolest kids in school Gumball and Darwin the only people who really know me are you thinking what I'm thinking I know right I'm definitely taller than you and if my eyes were that close together I'd be a cyclop no she really cares about us and we just pushed her away look at this The Amazing Adventures of Gumball Darwin and Sarah oh man all she ever wanted was to be included this this is today here's us at lunchtime yeah look at that hand it's like a big thumb well hands are difficult to draw here's us watching the video and here's Sarah walking off just a second ago I wonder what happens next well whatever it is I hope she goes to Art School no you say we're her only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy we're only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy right how do we do it all right here Sarah you shall not be alone it's all right guys you don't have to do this yes I do Sarah I have been touched by the beauty of your art and now I think I love you no you cannot love her for I love her more she's beautiful and yellow and runny and funny [Music] no I didn't get a new haircut no I'm not desperately trying to get notice for waxing my mustache no I haven't had my dentures widened and I don't wear dentures and by the way I can plainly see your all miming so just man up and ask what do we do wrong it might be that a certain someone forgot a certain something uh you're being a bit hypocritical here you can't be angry at someone for forgetting something if you can't even remember their name or what they forgot it's fine no need to make a fuss about [Music] it ni got it there must be some secret fuss that I shouldn't know about no there is no fuss no fuss got it no seriously there is no fuss you just said you didn't want to fuss also what is all this fuss about sure you didn't organize any fuss I'm not bluffing there's no fussing oh I wonder who this could be oh a sing a gram uh hello my darling hello my baby this is from the IR you better pay it they're getting serious your home will be repossessed there you go what a party I know it [Music] yay even acupuncture couldn't save [Music] him it's a special day oh get 25% off at Dave skywriting Emporium wait so you really haven't organized anything oh okay it's all right it's quite all right really don't make a fuss okay then something about her body language tells me she doesn't mean that yep pack your bags we're about to go on the round the world guilt trip unless we figure out what we should be making a fuss [Music] about dirty socks and filthy clothes when all I wanted was a sweet red rose and how could anyone forget or fail to see why I'm upset he made me laugh with things he said but now he can't remember the day we combo put out the [Music] fire the song finish the song No a certain someone should know why today is important why did you say we shouldn't be making a fuss if you get all angry about it when we don't no need to make a fuss is a thing people people say but they obviously don't mean it it's all in the subtext like when someone says I'm only 2 minutes away we should stay in touch or it's fine honey uh okay so are you going to tell us what we should be celebrating don't worry about it sweetheart please don't tell me you're the one who arranged this fight oh oh I know we haven't spoken in a long time but I need your advice is it really wrong to create false evidence to frame some criminals who you know for sure are definitely absolutely without a single shadow of a doubt G well I don't care what you say Dad I'm doing it anyway [Music] let's see you get away with this one you little holigans and I know for sure that these two did the graffiti because they were idiotic enough to sign their names at the bottom of it are you sure no one else could have done it absolutely Miss s wrongly accusing the boys is one thing but openly framing them is another one more offense and you are fired and you still all these boys an apology it's fine it's fine I'll apologize when fish start to walk if this really is the kind of person you are then we seriously need to talk about our relationship as well I saw that coming I glued everything to the floor I got to be honest gumbo I'm not entirely comfortable committing a crime look it's not a crime if you intend to get caught unless we actually do something bad simeon's going to blow a fuse and lose her hariry boyfriend do you really want that on your conscience good then give me a Lego now what am I supposed to do give yourself a leg up oh of course [Music] don't this is going to be easier than I [Music] thought why do I have to run every 8 minutes of my life wait in the jungle when a gorilla charges you have to stare up to the ground is it working dude dude I just realized we can't let her catch us until we've done something bad no you could have told me sorry get [Music] here okay you get Brown's attention I'll def face his call Principal Brown Principal Brown Principal Brown Principal Brown Principal Brown dude why is every single window broken except for brown how about you do it yourself if you're such a hot shot I caught them I finally caught them which means I can do this you're coming with me to the principal ey office with pleasure wait we forgot to spray our names what do you mean duh if we don't sign it Principal Brown will think it's you again then you'll get fired and lose the love of your life now where would that leave us are you trying to say that you only did this to save my reputation my job in my relationship of course what do you take us for some kind of criminals well yes and here we are in the natural habitat of the mubis gelatinous spending today as he does every day Sheltering himself from respons responsibility but what's this it seems a nearby kick butus hystericus is returning from a successful hunt the mubis will be Keen to scavenge it is essential kade's Discovery he knows that despite his size he's no match for the physical prowess of the elegant Ki buts he's not here for the small pickings he knows that it may be up to an hour before he's allowed to eat again his timing must be perfect so he waits and he strikes the buts will give Chase Richard things are looking bad for the Movis however nature gave him a silent but deadly defense mechanism that triggers itself when he feels threatened no Richard the Movis seizes his chance and Retreats to his den come back here the kick butus defends her territory but in doing so commits another mistake in this ruthless ecosystem an unguarded kill is quickly claimed by the vultures okay prepare yourself 3D without glasses what I want you to do is just focus on my eyes until your vision adjusts now it takes a little time and you might need to get a little closer to the screen the best distance is normally about 3 in now keep watching until the 3d effect kicks in keep looking almost there almost there we why are we hiding shh just look at him what is he doing looks like he's got worms a what the what wait up I'm going to get some too you may now start your tests zoom in zoom in I need to see how he does this dude he's using cheat codes in real life I need to learn that code man look he's doing it again B A all right dude film this up up down down left right left right b a what is this cheat for it's for call it UL ambul [Applause] hi I'm Tobias Wilson and a lot of people ask me can you teach me to be as cool as you and I say no you'll never be as cool as me but I can teach you to be cooler than you and just maybe you'll be a hit with the ladies like me what up sunshine ohyah if you want to get dates you got to pump weights cuz girls can't deny a guy who's this fly so let's get some muscles and score some girls from like Brussels or something let's do this yeah that's what I'm talking about if there's one thing girls love it's cash so you got to make it rain that's right CH my too now I've got the look and the fliff all I need is the lady hey beautiful do you have a quarter cuz I told my mom I'd call her when I fell in love uh no I'm sorry I don't but you can use my cell dude things never go this right for us something terrible is going to happen isn't it someone's going to ruin my chance to get a good photo I can feel it who would want to do that you will pay for this humiliation cumbo [Music] Waton yes uh paper goes in the recycling bin uh recycle [Music] this well I don't know who'd want to ruin my photo but that's the problem if I can't think of anybody it could be everybody I'm scared too aren't you terrified but my face can't express [Music] it okay I think we're safe ah watch out there's some kind of hob godlin freak right next you what where I wouldn't worry about it dude run it's hideous what they talking about where is it trust me man you're fine wait a minute he thinks you're the Hobgoblin sure I'm the [Laughter] [Music] Hobgoblin why am I feeling so tense it's that noise what noise the one they use in horror films to show something Terri tr's coming your way like that quick it's Dina what's going on with the light I don't know just keep running where is she [Music] come on Tina you have to be more flexible than that if you want to join the team H that was a anticlimactic yeah what's going on with the lights though night day night day night day oh I'm starting to think there's nothing to ruin my photo after [Music] all I really don't know what we were worried about it's just a photo h [Music] here we go this is it look at him come and get us oh Smiles hiding kiss Fury yeah he definitely want to get even because I whooped his butt earlier he's going to do something what what how do you defend yourself from the unknown with a preemptive strike hi I am so sorry we completely overreacted there I just thought you were going to stop me from it's okay I understand it was an accident well not really I kind of went for it could you please flip over that bit of rubber next to your foot uh sure why because I'm turning the other cheek dude you're so nice it's actually sickening well now we know that no one is after us and we're 20 minutes early for your photo nothing can stop us now come wat where are you come and F me like a man a I know right for the first time in my life I'm actually early okay let's do this right and you're sure you're happy with your weird face because this is the last photo I'm taking of you ready when you are okay then on three one [Music] two you want a copy huh well copy this I just made you eat Cowboy Caviar dude he's standing next to the L chees wait so stop it it makes me want to r with other people so we were in the exotic food aisle and they were copying everything we did exotic food they were like us but fake like margarine to our butter Mar in and butter seriously it was like looking at a mirror made of meat mirror are you even listening to what we're saying no honey everyone has a doppelganger remember that sunburnt guy's belly that looked like anaise you don't understand they were literally cing everything we there they are what the what the look at this click translate oh here's my doppelganger Chi-Chi this goat is attention of the center he is serious don't you trust him a heavy party love hero with powerful personality defectives that makes no sense look at mine Ribbit this frog is a frog but why he's so green and mighty you would trust him with lunch what's that yes he is determined but bar I'm a tired lazy belly male lurking inside sofa watch him obnoxious laugh and spoil yourself I think I just spoiled myself a little look at mine wowe what a mother who cares if she's annoying you what's My Doppelganger like deleted what why because women no right to celebrate in Republic of people it's funny cuz I don't understand wait this isn't funny at all exactly I'm not part of it because I'm a girl no I mean these guys have their own TV show and they're ripping us off look at this the kids you decided to have these guys are making money out of our Lives while we're broke come on we're not that broke mom we're so broke that we give you me to charity H yeah you're right we should sue them guys a lawyer would cost way too much dough how much dough like thousands of dollars I mean how much in cookie dough millions of tons h [Music] wait a minute how could they copy that it literally just happened it literally just happened what the what what the what a all [Music] right let's settle this in a civilized manner hi my name is Gumball hi my name is CH stop repeating everything I say but when someone says hi you say hi do fight me you coward sorry [Music] are we done here yeah I think she is you know what I don't think I'm going to wear this anymore why I thought it brought you good luck yeah it does but nothing's fun anymore see watch this wo taada whoopy boring what are you talking about that was F fastic yeah a week ago maybe but now it's just lame I think I'm going to throw it out don't throw it out I could really use some luck right now I've been trying to get on win or don't win for 5 months but they're not returning my calls you're never going to get on that show hat or no hat there's a show called hat or no hat look you want it you have it hello would I tomorrow oh thank you win or don't win wow this head is amazing okay guys as impressive as all this is let's not get carried away there's no way a tinfoil hat is responsible for Richard what are you hello interview tomorrow for a promotion and a pay [Music] rise what was that that was the sound of Doom for the Waton do you ever miss your helmet no why well everyone seems to be using it for really cool stuff like Dad with the TV show or Mom with her job all you ever did was lame party tricks it doesn't matter Darwin I'm happy to see the back of it succeeding at everything really took the joy out of life besides sometimes in life you make your own luck it's so good to fail again you see you take a pinch of success a a dash a failure you mix it together and that's what makes life see that wasn't so bad you just blew up the am Farm it's okay life is great darwi so you're saying you're happy when you fail absolutely it's a struggle that makes a victory site besides I still got it butter side down just like poor Uncle Eddie what do you know my lunch is on the floor hey who's the funny guy who did that and you know what the best thing about failure is Darwin no is that it builds your sense of humor am I kidding I'm nothing without my helmet I want it I need it but I need it more cuz I need to win the show well I need it to get the promotion which is more important than a game show but if I win the show I'll get a speedboat think about how great it would be for me Richard you'll never use it Nicole if I win a speedboat I'm going to use it you have to understand I'm doing this for the greater good winning the speedboat will be good for you but not for the rest of the family uh uh you're right I'm sorry Nicole I don't know what came over me it's okay just where did you hide the helmet it's in this bag oh no wait actually it's in it's in this one I was going to trick you I'm sorry I guess that helmet's got more power over me than I thought thanks for being honest honey 1 2 3 4 5 we are El more Junior High 6 7 9 that's my girl start again right next to my heart baby dude what are you doing what's the problem can the guy celebrate when his cheerleader girlfriend lands an amazing flip on a beautiful sunny day okay I don't know what kind of reality you're living in first of all this isn't a sunny day secondly that move went wrong and you cheer are you okay my face planted so hard I've got grass on my tonsils well someone found it entertaining and finally she's not your girlfriend what well then how come she blew me this kiss that's ketchup you just smeared it all over yourself what the what's going on what's going on is you've dragged me here to eat my lunch in the rain so you can cocket Penny like you do every day even though you guys aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend oh yeah well you look like a swollen traffic con I'm sorry dude I didn't mean to offend you not saying it won't happen but right now you've got some competition come on now let's get you back inside who Leslie no they're just friends oh Leslie what would I do without you that's how it starts soon he'll be your boyfriend and you'll be history no it's not like that he's a nice guy no he's not and I'm going to put an end to this right now wow [Music] [Music] Stitch you see there's nothing going on they just is eating lunch and chatting what do you think they're saying show how they like my stupid pink petals and my fat yellow face oh I'm so pleased you like it I use it to steal girls from people who are you talking about combo's jealous of Leslie Leslie why because he's trying to steal my girl you know you should seriously consider becoming a carnivore why because before it ends up on your plate this is what they do to vegetables uhhuh yeah I'm not sure balone is such a good option though at least I'm not eating my own kind you is that as a peanut you are part of the vegetable family and you know some of these parents are grown in such appalling conditions all right they're washed in cold water curse this Lio bodyy you should work out more gumbo what is wrong with you wrong with you hanging out with this loser instead of me come on Leslie let's get out of here Benny I'm so sorry no I'm not shut up you're pathetic you're pathetic you insecure weirdo [Music] oh looks like I'm going to have to take care of this myself wow I know I've never seen him like this before when the case is solved commissioner Brown arrest this man what are you talking about about the case of the stolen trophy which I have just found in his conveniently open blocker Principal Brown I think it's pretty obvious what's happened here he did it um see you later huh what what's going on uh what's going on is that we're about to open your locker and find a crowbar uh okay dude I wouldn't do that if I were you why what have you made me do now [Music] that's better see happy baby hey an what's that you're drawing oh very good is that Mommy and Mr Daddy and where are we oh we the flowers m- oh right uh let's play a game you want to play game okay this one is called hide and seek we close our eyes and count and you hide ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 ready or not here we [Music] come hey where are you going that was terrifying yeah well at least your soul was going upwards [Music] all right I've had enough of you you're going right back to where you came from hey what's that no one loves you signed Gumball and dar I would never write something like that no one loves you well yeah that's more like it what is going on here- [Music] mhm it's a tra listen I'm not jealous it's just you know how adopting Darwin really brightened everyone's lives well don't you think it's time we gave that gift of Happiness to another family and by that gift of happiness I mean anise and by another family I mean a pack of Scavenging hyenas look I understand you're no longer the babies of the house and that's a big adjustment it was difficult for your father as well but just because there's a new baby in the house doesn't mean I'll love you any less so you mean love multiplies no it divides but I'll take the difference from your dad's portion and hope our marriage survives until you go to college mhm wait what now let's hug [Music] [Music] [Laughter] maybe Mrs mom is Right n isn't the problem we are come on let's play with her peekaboo H let's try with funnier faces pekao do come on [Music] Pik boom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm going to go for a drive stop it now what is she done to our cereal it looks okay why is she doing the face then there's enough sugar in here to clog your arteries in a couple of spoonfuls I can't take this anymore I'm getting anxiety attacks oh thank you freeze you hams what for jay walking oh give us a break man we just wanted an ice cream I don't care you're getting a ticket man really I'm sorry but that's law kid crime is a slippery slope if I turn a blind eye on the smallest misdemeanor before you know it the whole society falls apart especially in this heat well I understand you're cop I mean it's obviously not your job to be cool what do you mean not cool all kids think cops are cool m not really yeah we're more into privileged rap stars to pretend to be hardcore that is ridiculous cops are cold that's what I wanted to be when I was a kid okay get in the car I'll show you hold on what are you doing we're just pretending to be handcuffed sorry I just don't want anyone I think we're friends with you I want my phone call do you mind pushing my hand down there's no jail that can hold me just get [Music] in mother think it's you the heat that drove those two poor RS to climb no dear it's public school dude can you scratch my nose you're not handcuffed and he doesn't have a nose oh yeah right uh so what's so cool about being a cop well I file a lot of reports I write parking tickets I stop for lunch I give some people directions I file some more reports I write some parking tickets I make a report on all the reports I filed sorry you were so boring and we thought the car was moving and uh didn't expect to have to explain it uh uh please continue help me out here guys what do I have to do to prove to you that cops are [Applause] [Music] cool see it's not that hard to have a good time all you have to do is a shoot they're coming back down let's bail oh wait you forgot to drive through the boxes oh yeah I always wanted to do that so what other cool stuff can you do I can Commander any vehicle I want any vehicle anything I guess I can't complain it is a spaceship I can make it more interesting [Music] how hurt it [Music] hurts wishes wow I forgot you guys had those what else can you do with them [Music] wow ha ha [Music] [Music] look Billy elmore's finest risking their lives to protect our freedom that's a of law enforcement that's the of law enforcement oh man I take it all back cops are cool yeah that was really fun was what do you mean was we're just getting started did you say that dude look at your car what are we going to do oh that's not a problem for a cop stop I come and dare this vehicle and that sir is exactly why you need to wear a seat belt come on guys get in the car uh this doesn't feel right the G me get in the car help please false alarm [Music] get her get the remote looking for these [Music] a thank [Applause] you no she's gaining on [Applause] us that remote is mine then come and get it [Music] let's take the stairs she's getting away if you leave without paying you're setting a bad example for your children I can't find the right change come on thank you for being a responsible [Music] citizen come on dude bet starts in 5 minutes oh no it doesn't win or don't win does wait a minute this isn't a TV [Music] remote my car it it's for a garage door what did you buy this for what it's the one Naes told me to get what why would anise tell you to buy the wrong remote she planned this whole thing from the start first she gave Mom the idea to buy a new remote I wish I had enough money to buy my own remote so when I called she must have given me the name of her garage door opener fine let me have a look it's a logic car 2000 thanks honey she overheard my riddle I know there was waited till you guys were butt belly and cut a hole in the sofa so she could take the rear remote and the remote she smashed upstairs must have been a decoy which means the real one must still be in the [Music] house I had it in my hands thanks for the tip baby oh yeah all I need is my [Music] Daisy I wish I had enough money toy here's the sugar [Music] it probably just needs more [Music] sugar this tastes terrible it tastes like salt that's because I swapped the sugar for the salt it was the greatest prank ever okay you got me but that's not the greatest prank this is hey Dad does this Ketchup look funny to you I'll check but afterwards don't forget to show me that prank you were talking about looks okay to me what' you do that for you got C all over me that was the prank yeah we did it because it's funny no it isn't it's only funny when it happens to someone else how could you do this to your own [Laughter] father that wasn't very nice you two should know better what you didn't tell him off for pranking us you know it's too late for your father I want you two to Apologize by the time I get back do you think think Mr dad would be okay nah he probably forgot about it already hello children hey Dad why don't you try on these lovely new shoes this is a prank isn't it what prank what me prank you no [Music] Noh I would like to return these shoes please unfortunately sir you seem to have filled them with baked beans I did nothing of the sort sir well I'm sure you wouldn't mind putting them on and taking a walk to prove it huh and I'm sure I wouldn't mind either on second thoughts I think I shall keep them I happen to have grown quite attached to [Music] them welcome to pranks for beginners over the next 30 minutes 30 minutes that's two subs a muffin and a tub of ice cream oh and I better get a sausage for the last 19 seconds mental note next time take food for the journey back as well step one go out onto the roof of the house step two take off all of your clothes step three pretend that you are a ballerina while repeatedly slapping yourself in the face dude this cannot be real I'm a Bina I'm a Bina I'm a ballerina I'm a ballerina step five realize you've just been pranked step six try and fit down the chimney head first [Music] oh look he's been up all night trying to find a way to get back at us yep he's definitely out [Applause] cold I can't wait to see the look on his face when he wakes up Bill overdue Final Notice noise complaint traffic file ation cease and assist restraining order dad what are we supposed to do with all this well paper can be used in many creative ways and turned into a lot of interesting things like a duck or fashion inventions and other things come on there's got to be at least one good letter actually yeah we've got an invitation huh we never had one of those before that's not true I've been invited to court several times no it's from the mayor he wants us to go to the town hall hle for a surprise maybe they'll reveal a statue of me why would they be making a statue of you I've said a lot which makes me a pretty reliable life model and I'm a great example to people they're more likely to make some kind of example of you maybe they cleared up that legal gr area about whether I'm a feral animal or your child oh honey you're the same as all my kids a combination of both I guess we'll just have to go and find out go I don't want to say I told you so because I wouldn't be heard over all this cheing so I'll sh it instead I told you so welcome our social services have decided to offer you a new house impossible what's the catch there's always a catch there's only a few compulsory additional terms conditions an uations or couches for short what do you mean well the people of Elmore thought you deserved a brand new house in a brand new state with brand new neighbors who can put up with you a brand new police force to deal with you and a brand new court system to prosecute you that sounds more like a punishment than a reward no one said it was a reward they said it's what you deserve but that's like banishing us think of it more like witness protection we're just protecting people from witnessing you ever again go go go kind of feels less encouraging when you can see their faces they want us to move to Ohio the home state of eight people who became present just so they didn't have to stay living there I never realized our neighbors hated us so much a few Rotten Tomatoes in the face sure a few no dogs or Waton signs in store windows fair enough the occasional light-hearted arson attack harsh but fair but get rid of us let's be honest we're the only family in town to have somehow committed a crime in every category of misdemeanor go wers it's not a good thing Dad if you're going to do something wrong do it right just look at this crime map all of this is us public nudity [Music] wasting 911 resources 911 dispatch how can I help I've got a pain in my chest it's my heart a for the last time kid being heartbroken because elephants can't jump is not a medical emergency parking [Applause] [Music] violations vandalism [Music] h a bit obvious don't you think the handcrafted effortful creation of each individual porcelain seed queries the modern phenomena of mass production and replication am I right you're right if only people would get to know the real us take that sence I don't think Mom meant the real real us obviously more like the ELR super filtered Avatar that requires 45 takes to get it as flattering as possible so our fake selves then yes if people could only get to know the fake real us let's show our neighbors how nice we are when we're not being ourselves thank you for your help but please be careful if I get a good price for this cabinet it's hello two week luxury Cruise a Manifesto on how I will gain the power I need to purge Elmore junor High greatest problem what is this for real you better read it to become School president I might need to work a little on my appearance the more serious leer looks the more seriously he will be taken the next step is to alter my voice lowering it to give it a little more gravitas maybe not that low and then just a hint of an accent for approachability then I'll need to develop my strategic mind a leader must be thinking at least two steps ahead check made you see people are a lot like Pawns in a chess game and you need to know how to influence them hey you're right it's a great idea you should apply it what little old me but I'm just a simple country boy from the sticks now what would I know about them their politics n you'd make a great school president the best way to achieve your goal is to make people think it was their idea uh who are you talking to that is not something you need to worry about okay well all I was saying is that you would make a great school president Alan that's a good idea it is now my idea so all I'm saying is that Alan would make a great school president you see people just love to take credit for other people's ideas Alan would make a grade school [Music] president Alan would make a great School president Allan would make a great school president H surely once you're done shaking it it should be called a milk shook but sadly not every Pawn on the chessboard can be used the next step is to motivate people to react nothing brings about change more quickly than a [Music] crisis great tax your grades will be taxed to provide better grades for the less acad mically gifted what the what dude you would totally benefit from that system tax is like shared food at a picnic I'm not bringing the ham if everyone else is bringing the salad no you're more likely to bring the Wasps I am not going to stand for it so you've got a legal imp plausible alternative no I'm just going to fire this is terrible I'm unhappy with something but I don't know what it is so I'm just going to smash everything up their argument is sound bow but we weren't even going to tax their grades oh yeah counter Riot you do realize we're just reading his journal and none of this is real yeah but this is exactly how it would happen if it was happening okay the next step is to stand as a candidate myself and offer a solution the people have awoken we must all stand together let me be your voice and tell those in charge that we have had enough let us think for one moment and realize it is time for change we must March forward look to the Future and see that the time for celebration is now and if I don't deliver that for you you may strike me down vote for me the next step is a subtle advertising campaign that will help me stand out for my competitors don't let Elmore slip up boycut Banana Joe what the don't let the evil take root protect the youth what the once he has finished eating everything in the cafeteria who will be next Alan if we can imagine him into life we can imagine anything yeah we could imagine money and give it to the poor we could imagine an extinct species and bring it back to life we could imagine I never got caught by Mom using your ha removal cream on my butt or we could imagine I never said that okay hi nice to meet you high [Music] five right well and I E look like we found someone as socially awkward as you why don't you guys try and be friends go on come on guys make an effort make eye contact come on come on I said eye contact with [Music] him I don't have to do now let's try a smile like this more teeth we need more teeth uh good you don't want to make friends with a straight jacket let's move on to making small talk demonstration oh hi oh I love your hair what's your secret no padn hair lost with the sprinkle dress so who do you know here oh I'm anas's brother really me too she's so weird looking right yeah she's like a garden who got her head transplanted from an Easter Island statue we both like to have fun at the detriment of others we should totally be friends all right your turn uh come on say something uh I like hair uh here have some oh uh you have some hair too oh here I'm pretty sure that's not how you make friends put it back on okay you weirdos just say hi and Shake Hands hello oh man I'm so sorry no no wait don't worry it's okay stop it tickles it's hard to know how to feel about this on the one hand it's a but on the other hand it's it doesn't matter I made a friend which means it's time to party Elmore residents are reporting a series of break-ins across the neighborhood with hey kids you all right yeah we're just playing with our imaginary bre bu he better leave me some cupcakes don't worry he only eats hair but he better leave me some of that too I've been saving space in my stomach right here I mean right here I mean oh you know what I mean sh this looks important who is said to be over 7 ft tall now just hold still good okay and [Music] go sorry it's okay no harm d [Applause] come on let's go inside and make another pinata I'm sure the last one made some kins in the South Pole very happy and now an update on the terrifying Intruder who is breaking into Elmore holes here is a police sketch based on eyewitness reports guys I think it would be better if you played inside today there's [Music] [Applause] a oh my gosh there's a criminal in my house stay away from my kids Richard call the police H hello police I don't know why I'm screaming but we really break all run out of the house with our arms filing I'm sure if we give them a minute everything will calm down let me in there let me in there sorry ma'am but this is a police matter we're professionals you can trust us okay let me see where's the index police negotiation police is that one word or two you know how some people say [Laughter] police I think we need to do something drastic [Music] where are we H smells like a dumpster it's locked H play me what kind of musical instrument is this it's a video camera good evening gentlemen this Feud started with a trash can and that's where it's going to end in front of you is a cake oo inside the cake is a key by sharing in the cake you'll find the key and learn that sharing is the key to getting out of there you have 15 minutes before the police arrive I'm pretty sure it'll be more than 15 minutes before we see that key again you Jelly Belly fool what were you thinking if you to share that cake we'd be out of here by now if You' have shared that trash can we wouldn't have been here in the first place don't you think they should have figured it out by now I'll go and [Music] check oh man that was the worst idea you've ever had oh come on it was pretty good the mysterious riddle the positive message the fact they got to eat a cake Mr small watch out don't worry I'll use my rollerblading skills to avoid [Music] it we're never going to catch them I've got an idea but it's really uncool come on faster faster faster faster why are you always trying to motivate me with cruelty when you know I respond better to emotional rewards sorry man that's better okay don't move okay okay I got [Music] this okay maybe a little closer this time ha what do we do now I don't know Jam the wheel or something no please I'm too old I can't walk without my K oh hello hold on guys I'm going to get you out of there a there's nothing we can do anymore you're going to have to jump cat me [Music] Darwin uh I'm sure they're still [Music] okay oh wait these are all dad's nacho cheese wrappers this is our trash can we've been chasing the wrong one which means there's stilling Mr Robinson's trash can at home there's still time to get them back in the house before the cops come H I agree wearing a tie every day despite neither of us having a job is perfectly appropriate it gives you a sense of purpose when you have absolutely nothing to do you know Waton maybe you and I aren't so different after all and all it took was my children locking Us in the dumpster to realize it we should have just done this in the first place boys finally a the worst part about this job is you give people a second chance and you still end up having to tase them wait that was all his fault don't listen to him officer he's nothing but a good for nothing oh come on we're supposed to be studying dude stop distracting me all right come on let's get some work [Laughter] done it's not working I'm not absorbing any of the knowledge be still yuk and by that parchment swiftly on on we Face our trial bye my by Elizabeth and poetry F and fire again we've been chewing the wrong boooks oh we're going to flunk the test we'll get caught in a downward spiral of failure we'll get held back a year and before you know it will be the only kids in seventh grade with beards unless what we could what you know we could you know we could what you mean cheating did you really think you could get away with this to be honest yeah I thought we could I have no idea what went wrong well maybe you'll figure it out during spring break what you're spending in detention I'm putting you in the Long Detention block so from now on you don't eat you don't go to the bathroom you don't speak you don't even blink unless I say so do you understand what can I blink please no silence you animals these are the new inmates make sure they feel welcome can I blink now you're not going to last 2 minutes in here little [Music] fish GP can you hear me yeah what do we do these ugly thugs look like they were raised by hyenas in a post-apocalyptic future especially the cupcake she looks like she was made out of rotten eggs and fot fungus I'm a boy dork bag even her voice is gross well hang on how come she can hear her secret thoughts cuz you're talking out loud homie yeah that makes more sense oh man even my bruises have bruises don't worry buddy I've got just what you need a kiss to make it better no we need to look older if we want them to respect us let's get some tattoos home boy what do you think I don't know I think we look a bit too old for young offenders maybe [Music] perfect what are you looking at Punk his eyes are touching each other please let him go enough thanks man I owe you one you owe me more than that if you want my protection Dy what's a Dy detention slang for a dumb baby oh I see who protect us from he means who are you going to protect us from [Applause] me why does that kid want us to steal the school plants anyway that's the least of our worries the guy's a walking Time Bomb okay let's do this here found it now let's get out of what dude you have to see [Laughter] this that guy is such a gluteous Maximus hey bobber what you doing I'm on the internet the largest source of knowledge in the world why don't you get connected uh hi hello is that the internet you need to click the icon you need to click the icon which one is the icon dude it's the only thing on the screen I knew that wa it's beautiful I can feel it I'm totally learning something [Music] what happened your memory could not cope you crashed I had to reboot you oh come on there's got to be something in his Library making people smart this is such a great book I'd like to borrow this book please book book book book that's it they're all watching books hey sh hey sh hey sh I think my book is broken I've been watching it for ages and I'm still not smart you don't watch books you read them sh people are trying to work okay brain let's get reading once a a Time I'm out of here I've had enough I'm off to watch TV hey where do you think you're going I didn't sign up for this I quit you can't quit there's no way I'm going to pass a test without a brain please I need you we'll never pass I'm stupid then then I going to make you smart like Darwin um sir you appear to have a bit of Ink on your face are you sure there's nothing else you want want honey ask for anything well uh can I have two cans of soda quick Richard the fridge oh and some jelly beans but only the yellow ones okay uh are you sure there's nothing else to wear Mrs Waterson please honey you can call us mom and [Music] dad again it's so difficult don't make me aren't you tired of being so useless years and years of insults and abuse remember I never asked for you pe [Music] bra okay I'm ready then prove [Music] it this may take a while I was a feemed guy I slip on ice and wonder why so many obstacles would thrown my way on a downward slide each and every day but something popped inside my brain I got up to fight that fight again and I knew what to do I went through a mental pain you got to think big think deep pretty soon you'll make that quum leap think big think small make your brain your finest body part the greatest mind from yesterday will the crush the D cuz I'm on my way got oh Mom stop embarrassing me oh it burns my eyes what was that H I don't know paint my hair what was that chlorine from the pool what was that a fertilizer oh I guess it's all right then but that's still 2 hours of detention for potentially damaging my beautiful face really Principal Brown you need to be firmer than that oh okay 4 hours detention 8 hours good see you in detention Waton mom you're not helping [Music] the Nerds think you look like a do deodor with your mom at school what does that mean it's a 12-sided door honey mom you're not helping Mom you're not helping come on honey open the tunnel for the choo choo train you're not helping enough the Tina thing was kind of helpful but this has gone too far wait a minute I thanks now seriously I need you to stop meddling with my life I'm not meddling I'm helping helping by meddling you're just a big meddler I'm not a meddler I'm your mother and a meddler hey isn't that the girl you like Mom no excuse me Penny have you got a second sure but you guys will need to be quick the cheerleader try outs are about to start mom if you love me please don't do this oh come on Gummy puss don't be shy my baby has something to say to you no I don't he'd like to take you out on a date that's not true he loves you really no I don't I don't love penny and I never will Gumball well thanks for being honest with me no wait I meant I'll Never Love peanut no ponies see what you did you upset Penny how I I supposed to get her back well you know I could help you with that that's enough okay that's enough I'm My Own man now I make my own decisions and I Don't Need You Bing me any milk any mil thanks now just go home okay oh come on we all had a great time didn't we Darwin to be honest I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life why are you smiling then well at first I was trying not to hurt your feelings but now I'm just stuck I beg of you just get out of my life okay I guess I'll just go home then Mom you've got to come back I made my own decision it was a bad one a really really bad one oh thank goodness she's gone I'll Never Smell again Darwin mom you're back yay do you know where your brother is in the changing room thanks Gumball it's me open the door no no I won't what happened oh it's awful I made a decision of my own and it was bad listen whatever it is you've done you need to come out and face it all right all right I'm coming out oh oh you were going to try and get closer to Penny by joining her chair team but now you feel embarrassed because you have to wear a skirt what no I'm going to beat Penny out her own game so she'll realize how awesome and manly I am then she'll definitely want to date me right so what's the problem the problem is me what if I'm not as good as the other girls what if they laugh at me and this Lear makes me look fat so I put this skirt on to hide my butt quick clayon turn into a bird okay no not a nerd a bird you know like an eagle got it no not a Beagle a bird oh a bird how is this going to help well at least he made it safe for us to cross the road that was awesome this was such a good idea W no clay let me in let me in hey guys I locked myself out we don't have time man no I mean I've been locked out by myself right you've been locked out and you're on your own we still don't have time no I mean I have been locked out of my house by an individual who has exactly the same physical appearance as I do oh why didn't you say so happy birthday to you happy birthday to you it's my birthday my cake is there my candles okay I promise never to be selfish again please Spirit show me no more CL is gone there one child's ticket please really sir oh I mean one child ticket please unless senior tickets are cheaper just go right on in excuse me did you see a guy or a woman old or young tall or short they all went in there okay this will be easy the fearer will be empty at this time of let's split up the Pats out of the bed oh my goodness you're right Martin Martin where are you I know who you really are Hall I smell a rat sorry kid that was me game over busted it's no good we've asked everybody and this is no time for vent trulo quism typical salted dumball then that's Clayton sorry then that's Clayton that was close Okay well as you're already down there you can kind of sort it out and stop I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you to be someone else I was wrong but other people's lives are so much more exciting Especially Yours yes that is true but You' got to be yourself and live your own life why thanks Goble only you could have solved this terrible situation that's just what we do we run around for a while and then we save the day there's usually a bit hard than that you're right sometimes we sing I believe yeah I think we're all good for this the song thanks we're done yeah yeah I guess so [Music] cool what are we going to do quick grab those ropes that was don't worry I got this [Music] [Music] clay clay are you all right yeah I'm fine thanks what about [Music] Gumball oh yeah sorry I made a deal with Gumball in the movie theater he let me do all the running round saving the de bit as long as I promise to be myself from now on stop being yourself turning into something useful uhuh I'm staying true to myself from now on as per your advice oh never mind it's all right I found an alligator to hold on to [Music] I thought you fought an alligator before yeah look maybe if you Tire him out a little bit how well I was feeding a squirrel some nuts to see where he hides all his nuts okay and it worked a little too well okay don't move okay I've got to run now why to compete why cuz I have to fight why because I have to be the best why so people will like me but lots of people already like you really like who it's 2:00 already I'm too late I've got to go home empty-handed not quite empty-handed you have a nut H happy nut what would you do if you were me if I had done everything you've done sleep till I'm 40 I mean what should I do with my life maybe start living it [Music] for [Music] [Music] actually you know what I wouldn't change a thing [Laughter] food fight oh no little man this is a food War what I thought you were going to teach us how to become tough fighter guys but if you rearrange the letters of tough fighter guy you get tighter of hug guy coincidence yes but a useful one come let's get started [Music] I'm uh sorry to interrupt whatever that is but I'm afraid I have some bad news there have been some budget cuts and the school board has agreed to rent out half the school to another institution so I'm afraid you have to leave surely there was a better solution this is our last resort we've already cut everything we can from the budget look those aren't even real fire extinguishers they're just canisters of dippy string if a fire starts in this school things are going to get very dippy also pretty tragic so you're just going to privatize the school like some kind of prison funny you should say [Music] that don't worry just means one of your new classmates has escaped we'll know if anything really bad happens because the big siren will [Music] go what's happened to our school is a disaster the forced exercise the communal showers the canteen slob the unpaid work the abuse of power and if that wasn't enough now what the prisoners is going to be overcrowded too there must be a solution wait maybe that post's fate hitting us right in the face with the answer to our problem Hair Force Gone full body waxing tell us when to stop we won't listen no I meant that one an mmma Challenger fight I'm sorry but I don't fight for money violence is never the best solution what about the nurse she wouldn't even have a job if people didn't get hurt my alibi is watertight unlike that boat the previous nurse was in I mean Mr coret surely you'll fight if it means saving the school but to go back into the cage I'm going to need a whole support team even a medic I'll bat you up I meant someone qualified someone who knows how to use a scalp and no that doesn't mean you either Frank the butcher so what do you say Miss mark Please Mr coret Let's Lose the formalities my name is Joan mine is moonchild I'll stick with coret fair enough so you'll fight then absolutely time for the weigh-in on my RO we have the reigning Champion Joel the Great Digger and on my left we have the Challenger what's his name kid quick we need a name oh oh I got it the Frog Prince sounds like he's going to get kissed by a fist the Croaker that's like all he does is croak the Frog Spa that's just gross Colonel JZ hint theate crawler the birthday boy the summertime man wait I've got it look out it's Christmas person are you having a brain Crown why don't you do better better than the amphib Barbarian the amphib Barbarian yeah that's better where's the of he looks like one of those before and after ads but before the gym and after a disease you w't have to take that this man is a joke you want a joke when I finish with you they'll have to send your teeth to you in the mail because the teeth will have led far away and the postal service is the most practical way for you to retrieve them and avoid the necessity of going there on foot oh oh trash talking time oh yeah well I heard you train 24/7 which I guess you have the freedom to do and you don't have any meaning for relationships so that's one large fries I mean I don't have any real beef with my dad sure he's made mistakes but now there's too much time to ketchup and all this has left me in a bit of a Pick Off well he's going on to make up of his life it's so hard when a parent deserts you and now I know what to do every night inside I just feel so awful I have to tell them how I feel but I guess I'm too much of a boneless chicken and comfort eating is not going to make me any happier this doesn't look good to me I don't think anyone would enjoy the sight of a grown man smearing burger meat into his face in a kid's ball pit yep even in Japan that's pretty niche isn't all this eating dangerous man this is Richard Waton he can take it yeah I was more worried about the staff it was like shoveling french fries down An Elevator Shaft well now my brain and my stomach are sad I've got an idea this is what I do when I feel blue I look at the clouds and see that even the darkest ones eventually drift away and it's fun cuz they make shapes like that one it looks like a a hat a hat like my father's uh sure how about that one it's like a horseshoe shoes over a walking like he walked out on me well how about that one it looks like a oh looks like a popsicle oh uh I guess popsicles are cold like the Arctic Ocean and that's cold because it's got lots of icebergs in it that's why it's dangerous for ships because icebergs sink ships and what's the first thing to leave a sinking ship a rat a and rats are covered in fleas just like my father fleed from me yeah we got it he could have stopped it rat I just I I don't know what else to do dad you just got to talk to grandpa Frankie about it there's no point he's just a con man the best I can hope for is that the next time I see him he doesn't hustle me out of $700 with that ball and cups trick again these cups and this ball are worth $2,000 but as you're my son I'll let you have them for 700 I don't know what to say to him I can't put it into words would it help to sing it you know what I think maybe it [Music] [Applause] would was that clear but that doesn't mean you can't fix whatever that was between you I would need to make a time machine why because if I invented a time machine my dad would be really proud of me it's too late anyway I'll never get those years back no not true you can't travel back in time and experience the things you guys missed but you can travel forward in time and fix the things that are yet to come because the future starts now huh that was really good wasn't it kind of surprised myself there I was like the future St starts now bam nailed it the future starts now now now we yeah sorry let's just get on with it oh there there you are so here's the plan you guys go through everything a father and son should have shared but like really fast 3 21 go so uh where do we start how about a piggy back ride okay okay that's as good a [Music] place working come on Gary you know there are easier ways to hurt your eyes you could pour salt in them while you stare at the Sun for example I'm sorry Carrie it's just I promised Anna used we do something she wanted today we didn't realize him un barable it it be we haven't even watched it yet come on we're already late oh man we're we're going to get the face when we get home what this one no that's silent Fury what we're going to get is I know you let me down oh that's it but don't forget the slow headshake I can handle that as long as we don't get the human mean nothing to me back turn don't worry as long as nothing gets in our way we'll be fine what uh don't you think you should help that guy you clearly took the cover off so you guys are wake closer that means it's your problem can I get a little help here listen man we'd love to help but we're kind of in a hurry well I'm kind of in a manhole but you wouldn't be stuck in if you weren't quite so what fat no what I meant was uptu us flesh riched horizontally tall distracted I was going to say distracted I think you're a beautiful man still what kind of boo runs around not looking where he's going blindly texting on his phone I wasn't texting I was updating my status so everyone knows I'm jogging why to get those little thumbs up on help more plus all right let's get you out of here you attention [Music] hog hey you're doing the face aren't you why are you late well funny story uh we are helping the guy out of a manhole and no need to lie it's obvious you guys don't want to watch the movie with me oh no that's not true I can't wait to watch some princess trying to tame a stupid pony just to impress some fler Sprints from luxenburg sorry I didn't mean to say that that it's just my brain refuses to let me lie about this film just hurry up [Applause] okay are you sure this is a good idea there whose problem is it now dude we need to get home she's already hit a force five on the guil trip scale gbo Darwin what's up guys hey Rich did you just call me Rich like it was a question did I say Rich I'm I'm sorry dude I meant your name which is which is Rob my name is Rob Rob of course man I'm sorry Hey listen we're in a massive hurry but we should totally hang out soon I'll I'll call you bro you don't have my number you don't remember me at all do you and this this is just some Holo promise dude it's not that we've just been distracted because uh the funniest thing happened see that hole Darwin I can't believe you just did that did what I don't remember dad am I boring of course not sweetie pie so why don't Gumball and dar hang out with me think Rich you think your little girl girl is feeling insecure this is a real parenting situation what you say now could affect her for the rest of her life so say the right thing say the right thing the right thing what speak to your mother I got to stop man I can't keep running like this come on you can do it it's all in the M you don't understand my legs have given up I even have a cramp in my bones your legs haven't given up you have you think you should try walking in my shoes for once is that a challenge help we can't get out please help we're locked in please let us out it's no use Darwin we're going to be stuck in here forever it's the last time I come in here to whistle for you but if you don't whistle I can't go I never thought it would end like this stuck in a bathroom Forever at least we've had some pretty good times and some crummy ones too look Darwin if we don't get out of here there's something I need to tell you remember that time they found a creepy picture in your school book and you said you didn't do [Music] it well that was me what had to go to counseling for that I lost my whole summer I'm sorry dude Mr small put me in an isolation tank well let's not dwell on the past Gumball there's something I haven't told you too and it's probably going to shock you what is it really bad or something it's pretty bad yeah last week oh man I'm so glad it's you I thought this place was haunted by a couple of screaming girls we're saved how long have we been here about 3 minutes oh uh wait what were you going to say back there by the way huh you were going to say something remember oh don't worry about that now we're [Music] free I love this game that's so much fun yep hey you know what else was fun when we were stuck in the bathroom and you were going to tell me that secret yeah that was fun just out of curiosity what was that little secret it's better you don't know sure but I told you mine therefore I think it's better you tell me yours nah let's just play dead yeah let's just play look at him standing there knowing a secret I'll get it out of him if it's the last thing I do wow you're pretty good at this end it thumball wins there you go old pal what's the occasion can't the guy just make a meal for his best buddy this hasn't got anything to do with the secret has it secret no what secret H you're giving me this food so I'll tell you the secret aren't you am I aren't [Music] you did you do something to this food I don't know did I sorry excuse me tap a little tight hey looks like we're all out of drinks oh wait what's this you want it what's the secret oh oh [Music] well oh man thanks Gumball you're welcome [Music] uh hello I think this thing is broken hey stop help okay you win this one next up Show's mom in the reflex challenge I think you should give her a warning this feels kind of unfair heads up okay what you probably want to try is shouting before you throw the can good idea heads up dude you should have called from where the can is coming let's just give her a point for surviving this next up Tobi his mom strength [Music] [Music] that's one to me what where' you think I got my muscles from go on kiss it okay I'll kiss you all right Mom they've gone now you can put it [Laughter] [Music] down ah cheating round four agility ring up like the queen of the Empire nothing's ever going to bring it down leave the rest in a Mess by she's never going to be pushed around kind ofy round 32 tolerance she the best best Bring It On she could take foury round 143 [Music] intelligence round 100 dude what's up with the leg stunning I'm just putting the show on The Showdown am I wrong yeah this is how you leg Str round 199 resilience compassion bre [Applause] theity she's the best your best diplomacy raing skills accountancy okay this is the deire the hot sauce challenge Mrs Wilson's up first can she stomach a spoonful oh and it's a refusal what the and Mrs Wilson wins wait a minute did you just win at your mom Tobias no what did you just cheat and swap the hot sauce with ketchup no have you guys seriously been cheating all this time no do you still think it's necessary to deny it no oh hot saucee chill out it's only a game you don't understand man I've never got this far before look how much I'm sweating stop it you electrocute yourself round complete I can't beat the final boss man I'm weak you're not weak you just lack upper body strength lower body strength and mental strength slap me harder ow softer okay maybe somewhere in between that was exactly right come on you can win this by the power of Buton [Music] Ma you win dude what's the point in learning all these combos if all you need is button mashing who cares top score a man it's only three letters in the top score what do I go with gum or ball maybe go with the least stum sounding you're right let's go with ball no wait why don't you use your real name instead of your nickname great idea wait what is it what do you mean what is it what kind of guy doesn't know his own name you don't know it either do you then this shall be my quest I will find out that name I will stop at nothing I will leave no stone unturned I will climb the highest mountain explod every island search every cave I will question every man woman and animal fight a bear if I have to I'll wear shorts I'll milk a fish I'll shave a baby I'm a rainbow knew that would be ridiculous but I will like an owl I will wrestle a Senor Citizen and cello I'll kick a crab in the face I'll steal a watch from a ghost I'll eat a beard I'll marinate a plumber and when they write about me in history books they will say he did what had to be done to find out his real name you real name it's Zach Zach Zach z z z [Music] z z z Oh Zack I am oh gum's called Zach now so yeah good point this go hey Coach G game last night you're not in the team water C go out more [Applause] Ducks hey Carrie I think we really nailed that song last night we're totally going to win the battle the bands man you're not in a band I'm not in a band I bet you could even give me the name of a band yeah like [Music] Germany hey that's my cousin [Music] a touch down Watch Out World there's a new cat in town and he's called school's over already yeah and you spent the whole day with one eyebrow rais behaving like a horrible Jack are you all right oh Zach is fine are you sure cuz Zach is kind and I just part of an apple kid's face right now that's cuz Zach does what he wants sorry but who exactly is this Zach I thought it'd be like Gumball but with the shorter name no Gumball's a loser Zach is the man Zach doesn't ask he takes dude what are you doing Zach doesn't have to explain himself because he smells so good Zach listen to me Zach doesn't listen he hears that's the same thing wait what was that I'm afraid I can't listen you what oh walk with me see Zach doesn't wait for doors to open he punches right through them metaphorically of course see here's another example Zach doesn't waste his time he goes straight to the point Make Way losers I'm more important than you remind me again exactly why we're at school on a Saturday are you kidding me it's Club day it's the only day of the week when I get to hang out with people I really like what got to go okay see you all back here at 5: but wait I don't have a club to go to well mom looks like it's your lucky day I'm coming with you to your anger management club oh that's sweet gumball but behind this door I'm a very different person trust me you don't want to see this hello Nicole Welcome Back could you guys keep it down a little you keep it down hey annaise what club are you in physics Club well today's your lucky day because I'm let me stop you right there you know there are different types of intelligence yeah I don't think you have any of them I don't get it exactly oh come on oh let me in don't be a club hog h fine dad can I join your fantasy club who be there it's me gumball be you work no be you dwarf no I'm your son be you better or Savory snacks for the elders what no then be gone what's up man there's got to be a club for me somewhere you could always join my club what is it synchronized [Music] swimming H you're good but I can do better here comes the SW dive of Eternal Beauty [Music] [Music] so how graceful was that dude you can't swim Fair Point uh has anyone seen my trunks yeah touchdown run SL yeah uh Hey guys is this the football Club yeah well uh did I miss the game no it's going on right up there why aren't you playing cuz we're at the reserve team cool so can I join I don't know are you man enough me I'm at least 50% man well in that case here's your towel thanks so do you guys ever get to play nah we just hang out here and act kind of sporty you guys just take showers hang around in towels and high- five each other there's a little bit more to it than that okay okay okay [Music] okay hey Hector is the game over yeah we lost oh what [Music] oh why doesn't anyone want me in their Club it can have anything to do with me my talent my intelligence or my general awesomeness you know what too bad for you jealous people cuz I'm starting my own club and you are not invited okay I'd like to welcome everyone to Gumball's Club of Gumball first order of business attendance hm pretty good now it seems like recently we've been let down by certain family members so I propose a little extra exercise and Trust okay don't worry Gumball Just Close Your Eyes let yourself fall back and someone will catch you I'm a bit scared Gumball well that's why it's called a trust exercise come on dude okay she thinks she's so dumb well I'll show her who is the dumbest in the whole town then Dad will be mine again yes can you tell us why we're here now you're here to race as you can see I gather the stupidest people in town word everyone has to wear a blindfold and run as fast as they can the person who gets the furthest is officially the dumbest dad you'll be the referee okay guys I want a good clean race anyone opening their eyes is disqualified AR you mark get set wait for it go I can't resist the call of dumbness you might have won dad sis but I'm not going to let you win this what do you mean one Dad I'm winning I'm winning I'm not winning who's the D who's the [Music] d [Music] [Laughter] Mama I'm a banana split it hurts [Laughter] who's the dumbest who's the dumbest who's the dumbest I'm okay oh Karen this is just a perfect day I was wondering yes laen will you marry me this is happening so fast um oh I'm not saying no definitely not saying no but I need to think about this [Music] you've taken my place at home and I'm taking it back are you kidding Gumball I just want to be dump for day no one could be dumber than you wow that's a really nice thing to say I kind of feel awkward now should we just hug a yeah okay [Music] a wa that was close I think we've out dumped ourselves let's go home ow ow ow oh the eyes I blew [Music] it hello I'm Dr butt and I'm going to take your temperature Dad I can't play butt puppet right now I was only trying to help this is all your fault Richard well as referee I took every precaution I could and six kids ended up in the hospital four rocky andir grown-ups word and you Gumball Waton that was a very dumb thing to do aw thanks and as for you young lady I expected more I know Mom I don't think I want to be dumb anymore because it hurts so bad and all this because you guys wanted to be my favorite when we all know in fact that Darwin is my [Music] favorite fish my favorite fish wait a minute where is darwi did I win yet did I win yet did I win yet see he's got legs of Steel I not sure that's what he meant oh so what gives you the right to the side oh okay so heating the copper should oxidize the you know what your problem is Carmen you're not even doing an experiment you're just following orders where's the Innovation how can we be expected to discover new elements if you're so concerned with playing by the rules uh I'm pretty sure there are no more elements left to be discovered Gumball you're forgetting the element of surprise wait what did you put in your Beaker a dash of the unexpected a drop of the unforeseen and a pinch of the UN un predictable come on I take back everything I said you're a genius thank you giant melted poodle meatball thing you're right my disgusting friend this warrant's A celebratory [Music] Boogie uh what's going on here uh he asked me to plug him into Rambler Rambler what what is that a website it's more like a bare neckel fight to he's the most tolerant person on the internet why isn't tolerance about being philanthropic what just thinking about Wier dogs but yeah know Tolerance on the internet these days is more about destroying people in an argument I know Tung Fu show me have you ever tried whole grain bread it's far better for you not everyone can afford organic stor Carmen maybe you should check your privilege I just meant that eating too much processed food is a big factor in weight gain and and what big people shouldn't be proud of who they are no of course not I mean ask your doctor and he will tell you he why would you assume the doctor is a he is it because you assume a woman can't be a doctor what is this I have studied the martial ways of the social justice Warrior fights me in an argument if you dare perish under the sword of my self-righteousness a gumbal exploiting those powers to Wi some petty argument will just hurt the cause of the people who really need our help wait no my Powers instead of fighting why don't we just hug it out wait stop what are you doing I forgive you no the shame my C it's all coming back at me and I can't even be angry about it [Music] [Music] [Music] ninja why are you even doing this I owe it to our classmates to expose Carmen as a hypocrite she is and humiliate her in front of everyone at school then we'll see who's the best person okay first you're the only person who's exposed right now oh yeah sorry I'm an exposed as the bad person in this scenario and secondly you're wasting your time you won't find any dirt on her I thought you came here to help me yeah to help you realize you're wrong you need to stop hearing only what you want to hear you're right Victory is near no way what Carmen used to lead quite the thug life look at this truancy fights cheating oh no Mr D will be surprised to see us yeah we might interrupt his third breakfast hey hi guys what's up school was canceled what's that on your lips oh I uh I was just eating some uh what's that awful stuff that's like fruit that people decorate plates with you mean the vegetable uh yes that's what stay in my lips a Virg tool what kind a a red one okay stop lying we saw her who is she uh what's the name of those people that you pay to make your skin cry until you're thin a personal trainer that's it she was reminding me I have to go to that place where the bicycle go nowhere you mean the gym yes the gym and I'm late okay bye I don't think he's going to the gym cuz the only gym he goes to his gym the cashier at the donut store no I mean yes but also because that gym bag he grabbed was a woman's purse I'm going to the gym liar he's buying perfume for that woman maybe it's just for him yeah sure to hide the scent of his shame that was close he nearly saw a huh I guess 4K is how far you have to stand away from the camera so you don't look like a photo from a Dermatology textbook where did he [Music] [Music] go look it's the lady we saw at home well hello girl let's East drop ah Samantha finally we've been waiting so long Angela's clothes are back in fashion better Lan ugly Maria a girl needs to make some effort for her man Samantha darling the last time you were a girl men still had gills so when do we get to meet this elusive boyfriend of yours oh he's not elusive Angela he just doesn't like to answer questions straightforwardly and prefers changing the subject to avoid them Samantha are you nervous because we might judge your new boyfriend no Violet she's worried about how mes Place their orders at the drive-thru ah you younger women are so demanding so what if Samantha's boyfriend isn't around that much as long as a man has a pulse and a smile who cares I'd be so happy to get a man with either of those things and at my age I don't care which do you think he might have a friend for me yes Violet the Easter Bunny Now you listen here my man does exist as a matter of fact I'm meeting him in the park later what the W this is taking forever I've not got a lot of time skin and regrets yes but time no do you think maybe he's running a little late no Violet he arrived on time he just set our watches early for a prank oh there he is hello sugar hey honey how's your day been M oh it makes my heart skip a beat to know that love can still Blossom at our age wait that's two beats three somebody do something oh oh yeah there it is I can't believe it dad always said mom was out of his league but I never thought he'd want to get back down into his own League what's that the bombshell that just got dropped on us huh always thought that was a metaphor why is everyone so uncool on the school bus is it really that bad to move so we can sit together that's animal Instinct man everyone's protecting their territory oh come on people aren't animals dude hey Tobi do you mind moving so we can heyy G carry Carri Carri Carri Carri Carri Carri car car car I could do this forever I don't have bones you can have have my seat here's a lesson to you selfish seat Hogs never judge a book by its cover no matter how weird and bald and a bit scary it might be thank you sussy you're a gentleman and a lady oh what is that the leather makes sussy sweaty well on second thoughts what kind of gentleman could Rob such a fine lady of her seat please take it back I insist FL flush I've got such a craving for some Anchovies and peanut butter oh uh hurry up please I'm sitting for [Music] two they grw up so fast he hey Banana Joe how you doing buddy do you mind moving up the seats so we can I move for anyone except you two backstabbing three muffins why are you so angry buddy is it because we didn't defend you when Tobias said your mom is so overripe she's got fruit flies is it because we left you at that gas station on the way to Daisy land on your birthday because we were almost there we decided to just pick you up on the way home is it because we forgot about you on that camping trip and you had to sleep under a tint of your own skin and eat a bit of yourself to survive and you waited for 3 Days in the woods but then decided to walk home and got lost and winter came and you tried to light that fire with a lighter fluid we said you left you but it wasn't lighter fluid it was shampoo and you got frostbite and that's kind of why you have no feet I swear to you my banana Friend by the end of the weekend we shall discover the source of your anger and appease your wrath ah no dude we shall not it's our special weekend and nothing's going to ruin it don't worry we'll work it out no peanut butter the more time spreading the stuff the less time playing the game I can't believe you'd go and get tangled up with some menial banana problems and forget about our weekend I like Banana Joe he's like my favorite fruit but I'm not going to ruin the gaming weekend of the century for a weekday friend do you remember how excited we were about this game dude there's a new zelmore coming out this is going to be so good dud good so much game can't word say dude the game the game dude the game when it comes out you and me buddy we're going to buy this game and play it till we're purple let's check if there's any more info there's nothing it refresh St is it again St is it again St is it again I know but what about Joe he was so angry he looked like he was going to get a nose ble I'm sorry can you repeat that cuz all I heard was and something about bailing on the best weekend ever yeah you're right I'm really sorry to have forgotten about your weakness it's definitely more important than a friend who's hurt possibly scarred forever because of something we or let's be honest more likely you have done what is that that's the weight of the guilt give in to the nice side help the less fortunate and make the guilt go away my friend it stop surrender to your kindness goball it's nice to be nice you should be happy to be young before you know it your overweight unattractive balding middleaged get go for breakfast I don't want you to see me like this what's his problem H you never know with that guy come on let's have breakfast man what a pile of beans dude watch your language you'll get us in trouble well I'm sorry Darwin but it is it's a big steaming pile of beans goball look shooting star this is our chance make a wish I wish I was a grownup me [Music] too that didn't work at all Baker oh darn kids what do y'all think you're doing today's lesson will be about the transformations of the human body as you get older hormones begin to change your apparel here it's me as an adult talking to my secretary over the intervie it's me voting awesome passing notes are we no Miss siman well then what's this uh that's us as adults I guess you're on topic then anyway pimples actually it's pretty gross you may continue pimples or AC can't pop up at every time dude what's that on your face what what that what it looks like a greasy yellow egg no no actually it's more like a small volcano with a sweaty golf ball do something do something okay okay hold on let me just [Music] um I think we're going to need more little hats just relax dude that's easy for you to say why don't you have any just lucky I guess a Oh e I think that's all of them what's happening to us I think we've got the plate do you have any other symptoms my tablet feels a little silky next comes the appearance of hair on the body and face dude you look like an undercover cup stop laughing do something okay I see Mom do this all the time and that on want occasion that feels so much better don't worry dude I'm not worried about me I'm worried about you you look like a baby werewolf no not me it was better when it was just you oh guys I don't mean to interrupt but this is a girl's toilet uh yeah sorry we got to sort this out start chewing okay settle down everyone get into your team for Dodgeball oh no not dodgeball you're going down you get the idea please not above the should the ear a bowling B [Laughter] [Music] enough oh
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 1,186,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast gumball machine, gumball factory tycoon, gumball machine, baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, gumball cartoon network, gumball the night, gumball copycats, gumball movie, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, the amazing world of gumball movie, Gumball reboot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 44sec (11144 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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