Every Single Loud House Family Fight Ever! | The Loud House

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I want to watch my pageant show I want to watch my penguin show got it l loud looks down field but nobody's open she's going for the quarterback sneak if all goes according into plan my family will glove this prank [Music] no more ice [Music] cream and now back to penguin [Music] pageants W knock it off [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no it's a [Music] bubble wow this is nice to see everybody getting along and Lan's even taking a nap yep they've been perfect all day without a single mess or meltdown no one goes in no one comes out say goodbye to the queen of no and hello to the king of [Applause] yes yes to music yes to Mud seriously yes to phone calls and yes to video games super mega Brawlers turbo fighter 24 round one fight okay have fun just don't get too crazy R sounds maybe not so [Music] [Music] loud what was that it's science you wouldn't understand just keep it on a leash Lily [Music] stop Lana you can't fish in there those are pets [Music] L what are you doing can't ride a dirt bike without dirt give me that [Music] bucket hi exterminator guy spiders e about water [Music] snakes Lucy what are you doing with all those diapers incoming diaper wall breach those who About to [Music] Rock Luna Lincoln in charge ha he couldn't lead Cliff to the litter box really [Music] Cliff No guitar playing no food fights no dirt bikes and no science experiment who do you think you are Lori [Music] no I'm not Lori okay no one goes in no one comes out boss's orders those were my orders let me in I'm going to need you to step back sir sorry about this [Music] Lola no no no I'm sorry anyone else I didn't think so Gio you want a treat boy there in my back pocket come on get him little more yeah too far good boy Lori Lori I knew you wouldn't last 5 minutes it's only been 5 minutes it's a mad house down there you got to help me no uh I'm thinking Lincoln you handle it I can't you're the only one who can keep this house from ending up in a pile of rubble or ashes and I couldn't lead Cliff to the litter box and I'm sorry that's all I needed to hear let's roll I don't know how to get past her she's an animal [Applause] glitter nice see what I mean observe mom and dad are going to be home in 10 minutes brilliant yeah you learn a few tricks as you get older hey guys anyone seen my bus pass did you check your purse thanks I got it did someone take the credit card check your purse oh right wait my shopping list the purse woman coops jeans pom pom sweater going shopping Lenny not just shopping Ry Anders is having a huge 2-day 25% off blowout sale and I made up a dream shopping list for it yay new wardrobe shoot where did I put my purse check your arms I'm back [Music] are you okay Lenny did you wrestle a bear where's your stuff I didn't get any of it what why well you know how Shoppers can be sometimes they're a little grabby and pushy and CLA and shovey uh wait did you let a bunch of greedy bargain hunters take your stuff I don't mind I'll just make new clothes with my old ones yay poor Lenny this always happens she's too nice for her own good it's true her submissive nature makes her easy prey much like the baby wilderbeast of the serengetti she needs to learn how to be a little tougher a little meaner more aggressive more like us Lenny how would you like to go back to that sale tomorrow and get everything you wanted that's okay I'm fine look I turn this night gown into jeans oh wait now I don't have a night gown ooh I can make one out of these other jeans [Music] Lenny you need to learn to stand up for yourself yeah you don't want to be wilted beats in the spaghetti close enough but don't worry we're here to teach you how to become a more assertive decisive person well okay if you guys want I'm just happy when you're happy we have a lot of work to do tomorrow you're going back to that mall as a new Lenny and the new Lenny doesn't let people cut ahead of her in line 10 Hut now you're number one in the bathroom line don't let anyone make you number two get it I don't but don't worry no one's going to cut I'm feeling the surprise part of Dad's Taco surprise oh you got to let me cut Lenny oh you poor thing go right ahead all right step aside and watch a pro do it Lori you're assistance I'm in a hurry Lola let me cut oh how are you so freakishly strong I hope you like the taste of floor tackle pin catchphrase got it second lesson the new Lenny isn't afraid to go after what she wants there's some rocking threads on that clearance table but you got major peeps blocking your way what are you going to do dude I'm going to get those threads so sorry would you mind moving no I can wait until you're ready yo LJ show her how it's done with pleasure take a h oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh hey Bobby gave me that sweater run block do a dance got [Music] it rise and shine Lily we've got a lot to do today now batting number two Lily loud huh Lynn what are you doing dude you're not the only one in this family who doesn't have someone to do stuff with Lily is going to be my sports buddy hey this was my idea and I want her back you don't own her she wants to hang with me introducing L and loud and her amazing dummy Lil say Lily who's your favorite singer lady what's your favorite lion platter Hey That's No dummy that's my cleanup hitter no she's mine I'm going to notice this is Grandma Harriet and this is Abraham Lincoln uh Lucy what are you doing I'm introducing Lily to my ghost friends she already has a friend named Lincoln sorry black is not your color oranges dang it now Dylan can only pick one girl to spend the rest of his life with and it better be Marisol yeah you're right maybe he will be happier with Tiffany give her back Lori why should you get her I've literally been waiting 17 years for someone in this family who likes the things I like [Music] help oh thank goodness I got in here to show Lily My Fashion Magazine but now I can't get out of this baby prison o see Daisy you go Lenny a g hold it are you nuts come on Lincoln no one in this family ever willingly lets me do experiments on them Lisa she's a baby I was going to give her a sucker afterward look everyone just stay away from Lily she's my little little Lincoln uh what Dang [Music] It [Applause] St where's L more tea lady Lillington she doesn't want to have a dumb tea party she wants to play with Izzy no she doesn't yes she does no she doesn't yes she does dudes give her back we were in the middle of a jam SES she was my specimen we were talking to Great Grandma Harriet we were playing ball we were getting ready to take our show on the road we were going to look at my magazines we were watching Dylan's date BT dubs Lori Great Grandma Harriet knows you regifted her brooch and she is not happy about it give us back Lily you're going I'll take that oh no you don't whoops sorry link sorry [Music] dummy invisible Bo [Music] dang it look we all want Lily to be our mini meat right well there's only one way to settle this we'll let Lily choose now whoever Lily crawls to is the one she wants to be with agreed come on it's a wouldn't you like to be my friend inside be Izzy look at the marol extra Su Walk This Way a blink I have more suers Lin you want to hang out with babies then let's hang hey look Lily's coming to me nuh-uh to me to me to me she CH I have something to say to you little Miss friend stealer you you are absolutely adorable no wonder Lincoln wants to hang with you Clyde why are you wearing a diaper you replaced me with Lily so I thought this was the only way to win you back I never replace you you're my best friend blankie her blankie of course now I get it you guys we can't mold Lily no matter what we do she's always going to want the things she wants besides I forgot I already have someone who likes everything I like what do you say Clyde want to hang sorry Lincoln Lily and I have plans hey Lily what has four thumps and loves milk these guys money in the loud house there just isn't a lot of it to go around GR which is why when you happen to find some even the smallest amount you've got to keep it to yourself jackpot we heard money a dime no a quarter that's impossible money doesn't make a sound haven't you ever heard the expression money talks and that quarter is saying hand me over bro it's mine guys let's just split it 4040 no none of you are getting it I found it in the couch fair and square wait a second if there was one quarter down there then maybe there's more what are they fighting over this time a nickel under the ottoman nope a quarter down the sofa we better stop them before they start fighting whoa too late all right everybody get upstairs and clean the attic it's punishment for fighting over money so bad that punishment makes no sense upstairs but that was a good one and I want that whole attic sparkling even the back corner but the back corner was my secret dark place it's Lincoln's fault we're up here so he can do it and watch out for that loose floorboard what loose floorboard stupid loose floorboard hey what's this dear future residents of 121 6 Franklin Avenue my family always fought over money so I decided to leave my fortune for you in the hope that you will share it for a clue on where the money is hidden reflect upon what I've said here signed Mrs Sharon Deon the original owner hey guys check it out I found this letter from the original owner she said she's hidden money in the house yeah right Lincoln quit stalling you're not getting out of cleaning the attic yeah fine I'll just do it by myself and when I do it'll be all my mine where'd everybody go Lisa what are you doing uh just calibrating my dumb human detector calibrated Lucy see anything Lynn what are you doing who me NOP NOP just putting laundry down the shoot laundry doesn't scream and go thud no but nosy Brothers do do okay okay sorry loose that's okay I found a new secret dark place looking for something Lola uh no I'm just practicing for the uh Little Miss Chimney Sweep pageant there's nothing up there there's got to be now keep looking hand me the flashlight quick hide what are you up to just um practicing my [Applause] drums can someone answer the ringing in my head gross what is that get off my pumps I'm going to pump your face if you don't move faster let's just get this over with why didn't Mrs Deon just tell us where the money is I don't know let's ask her wait that's just a leftover Halloween decoration hey what are you two doing uh we're just dusting wait I thought we were looking for the money I knew it okay admit it you're all looking for the money aren't you obviously yes we are where did you find your first clue Sherlock you guys didn't even believe the money existed I'm the one who should get it forget that I'm finding it for myself not if I find it first yeah dream on it's mine obviously you haven't learned your lesson back to the attic the answer must be in here somewhere I know it reflect upon what I've said here what could that [Music] mean reflect duh I'm just going to be over here cleaning the uh the dirty thing what's that nothing Lincoln found another letter okay okay calm down well done you found the next clue the judges have voted and the champion is Lana's been driving me crazy her animals stink up our room and look what she did to my dolly mama why would she do that woohoo I got pit hair and the champion is Lucy won't keep her bats off my side of the room now one of them bitman got the taste for my blood aren't you being a little paranoid I'm sure the bat doesn't uh you might want to run and the champ Lori is the worst roommate ever her huge hair broke my favorite clip that's uh ooh you're watching operation dessert storm isn't it awesome that Linda won Lincoln did you see who won the finale no but I heard about it I'm so glad it was Linda Tony's cream puffs look so dry didn't they are you okay is there earthquake there no it's just my sister's having another roommate Rumble sh too bad they don't get along as well as we do right Mr 98% compatible you know it if not for our condiment preferences we would have been match 100% wait you just gave me an idea you're going to give up mustard and come over to the good life on the maale side I'm going to fix my sister's problems it's no secret you guys are having some roommate trouble well I think I can help Clyde and I took this amazingly accurate compatibility test if you guys take it maybe we can find out which sister you're best matched with and then you can change roommates I'm willing to try anything this is my last Dolly with hair relax it grows back no it doesn't [Music] I'm let's take that test great I'll read the questions then write down your answers number one what's your favorite color oh dang it I got that one wrong [Music] guys I've got the results the new roommates are Lana and Lynn whose rugged personalities were a 90% match Luna and Lisa whose explosive personalities were an equally strong match Lola and Lucy cuz they both have a flare for the dramatic us matching is the craziest thing that's ever happened ever I am so shocked I could die Lan and Lenny due to their shared love of laughter chuckle up Lenny there's no giggling out of this that was so funny and lastly Lori and Lily what could we possibly have in common oh well if it isn't my look alike still got snow on the roof eh sure do p pup we're all doing our spring clean so the sisters nominated me to say hello I tell you spring always puts me in the mood for a song why don't you bring Luna down SOS come home now how I wonder what you are stage dive Bravo tough act to follow but I'd love to see some comedy from LAN [Music] what does a nosy pepper do gets jalapeno business get it hilarious now go get those twins I want to talk to PO pup first no me first girls girls there's plenty of Pop Pop for everyone you can make fun of me later right now I've got pop pop in video chat and he wants to see all of us I'll go say hi right now hello I already was you and I was you too I need alen and alenny [Music] Stat and I got a new outfit for half off which was weird because none of it was missing pop wants to talk to Lisa Lisa's not home yet she is now go but I knew I was missing one key component and that was sodium uh sofa cushion have I seen Lori yet bring me the the funny one [Music] again I I forgot to tell Lily something no it was Lenny or was it Lisa who are you supposed to be uh [Music] L so asavi was like H and then when I jack was all pop pop white hair new hip traction shoes never slip pop pop OMG pop pop Bobby looked so cute I literally forgot we were all hurdling toward imminent Oblivion I think that's it we're done uh nope pop wants to say bye to all of us together now well you kids really made my day talk to you soon bye Papa oh boy that was great next time I must use my glasses guys we got to figure out something the family fun fair is tonight and we got nothing for the talent show oh I know how about a family trapes act just because you fractured every bone from your Maxa to your metatarsals it doesn't mean we want to I know how about about a family beauty pageant never mind that would take years to prepare for I say we wrestle alligators Lana that's a terrible idea you're right C roping is much better we need something we can all do then let's do my idea no my idea no mine no way I've got the answer let's start a family band but we literally have no musical Talent yeah I couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle as my idol mixw Swagger says rock and roll isn't about being the best it's about having fun now who wants to have fun uh guys little help oh sorry Lincoln ah what is that hor sound is the cat fighting the posum again no Dad it's us we're starting a family band oh oh you know your old man used to be in a band although you know it ended on a on a sour note dude dude dude you're out of the band well you can be in our band well if you all insist kapow I sincerely hope that's not contagious all right dudes let's try busting out this Jam it's called plastic bag blowing through the gutter of Life lyrics by Lucy music by Yours Truly one 2 1 2 3 [Applause] 4 Charles wants to sing lead [Applause] yo chunk what's that I I can't hear you hold on a sec hey guys keep practicing and don't forget it's not about being the best it's all about having fun oi have you heard mate Mick Swagger's in town he's going to be scouting for local talent at the family fun fair Nick in town this could be my big break man and now I'd like to introduce the greatest musical discovery of my 40-year career Luna loud L Lun Lun Luna thanks for the call bra I've got work to do a lot of work okay people from the top this time let's try to step it up a notch um I I don't have an instrument what should I play H why to youing backup all right louds one two three back up back up back up no no no no no Lenny you don't actually sing the words back up you sing what's on the page oh got it what's on the page what's on the page what's on the page uh rocking dad um can you just dial it back a bit can't get this Tu a [Music] work she oh nice tooting sis guys can we focus please we need Dad Dad that's it bro you got it Dad [Music] oops dudes this is the worst rehearsal I've ever seen But you said it didn't matter if we were good forget about what I said bro mix Swagger's going to be at the show Mi Swagger sweet no it's not sweet this is my chance to be discovered and you guys are messing it up Dad Dad Dad I can't believe you got us kicked out of here can I just get my cereal no but my zombie brand yes and now to get out before we're kicked out come on people let's go move it check it out babe oh boo boo bear you're such an amazing artist no babe you're just an amazing Muse let's go why you fing us because I'm this close to getting my cereal and I don't want you guys to ruin it whoa whoa whoa what do you mean your cereal I made a deal with Mom if I had enough money left after after getting all the groceries I could get my zombie brand well if you get a treat I want a treat yeah I want little princess pies I want blood pudding I could reup on my sodium bicarbonate I want dog biscuits they're for Charles I swear even though they are great for my teeth and my coat no way there's no money left well there will be if we put this back give me that I worked my butt off to get it [Applause] I thought I already got rid of you hooligan now I want you out of my store and take your sisters with you I'll take that but but my zombie bran Bo push [Music] boom well isn't this wonderful I guess I'll be shopping in the next town over for a while I'm sorry Mom but it's not all my fault I don't want to hear about it you told me you could handle the grocery shopping but clearly you cannot but zombie brand you can forget about that cereal Lincoln end of discussion bored of the same old breakfast then try zombie brand the cereal that turns you into the walking fed now a new raisin the dead flavor very funny guys I'm not in the mood W [Music] hey you got me my cereal it's the least we could do the only reason you didn't get this was because of us I only have one thing to say to you all [Music] BR football come on Mom you know Sports aren't my [Music] thing oh I know honey but you left me no choice one way or another you have to get some exercise mom wait look I'm exercising right now ow ow charlie horse clearly I cannot play football fortunately in a big family there's always someone who can help you out of a jam an injury to get out of sports that can be arranged just not the face we'll see go easy okay we'll see [Music] you want an injury I'll give you one oh ow charlie horse we're wrestling me Lola that's unnecessary roughness well he deserves it I was trying to help him get out of playing football and he made me total my car and I just put in the cupcake air freshener wait get out of playing football why would you want to do that football rules maybe for you I don't even know how to play plus I'm going to get my butt kicked you got that right that's enough hit the showers you forget that you've got a secret weapon me I'll teach you everything you need to know about football um good now drop and give me 20 I've only got a five [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] heke if your clowns are done we need the field we got to practice for Junior Football League you guys are playing junior football too what team are you on the Hazel Tucky Hawkers what team are you on the Royal Woods roosters nice cheer when we play you you're a doodle doomed yeah I'm going to pluck me a few feathers you Chumps are lucky I'm not playing cuz I'd whoop all your butts sure you would ponytail Lynn that's a brilliant idea you could pretend to be me and play in my place yeah right how the test go bro you a it no I got an F oh and a frowny face that's cold I know just who to call get it I'm calling you I'm calling you I don't get it I thought I knew all the answers Miss D Martino is definitely going to flunk me now wait Miss de Martino yeah she's been our substitute teacher since Mrs Johnson broke her leg riding a mechanical bull dude no wonder you're failing Miss D is so smoking guys go completely Bonkers around yeah even Bobby nearly flunked because of her of course that was BL before Lori or he never would have noticed her but that couldn't happen to me could it remember guys this is about more than just tonight's dinner these grilled cheeses really have to change hearts and Minds grilled cheese I want to make a cake I can't eat cake for dinner I'll literally break out let's make shepherd's pie it's m Swagger's favorite dudes you guys I got it let's make goulash we did all this so we wouldn't have to eat goulash and now I miss it might I suggest something more sophisticated perhaps a viy swas we need body fuel I'll blend us up some protein shakes your brain's been Blended if you think I'm drinking that barf wait we can drink barf grilled cheese beats off guys guys stop we'll do a potluck everyone make your own dish great idea then we'll have nothing to fight about it's mine I need it for my scampy egg well I need it for my deviled egg mind if I poach that get it [Music] literally myish [Music] my [Music] cake guys everything okay in there like awesome good your mom and I are getting hungry for dinner hope you're almost ready to Fork it over you guys we've got nothing failure is not an option we have to serve something or we'll be eating the same seven dinners forever these will put a road dent in the burglar's plans get it they're mouse traps really dude ow hey Bobby my roller derby team is going to help you Patrol H do they have any policing experience no but they can do this you're hired good evening parental units we are going to need to conduct a routine body search what in the world is going on Mr grous got robbed we had to beef up security we used your credit card kids I'm glad you're taking this seriously but you may have gone a little overboard a little we don't need all this security if we just lock the doors and windows we'll be fine now everyone to bed I'm still going to need those stool samples thanks for pretending to be robbed I think my kids really learned their lesson I would have scared them for free but I'll gladly take your [Music] muffins lock dad would be so proud Battle Stations guys we've got a burglar on the premises oh my gosh what do we do it's going to take all our stuff get it together woman thanks I needed that but I'll get you back don't trouble yourself or anything Charles ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow eat hot bacon [Music] grease make that congealed bacon grease keep a tie formation ladies this is what we trained for wait wait I recognize those dancing shoes off off Dad I was just taking a walk and I got locked out [Music] dinner there they are Lori Bobby we saved you a spot no we saved you a spot um how about we sit in the middle here try my turkey skin infused stuffing you're going to love it but first try my tamales I added an extra cake an extra kick that's cute they don't want heat they want sweet here kids taste my marshmallow covered potatoes how do you know what they want they're clearly craving my homemade shredded turkey Mo I'd like to make a toast Bobby Lori I just want to say how much it means to have you here with us I don't know if I can get through this oh Mom y excuse me if I might I'm sure it means a lot to you Rita but uh with all respect it means more to us well Hector that seems really unlikely because nothing means more to us okay oh really yeah is that so yeah that's right forget the toast I can say it so much better with music we love Bobby and Lori more than anyone in the world family oopsie how dare you control your children it is not safe to have Thanksgiving in this house well if you don't like it you're welcome to leave not you Bobby you can stay that's what you want isn't it to steal our precious Roberto away from us oh oh oh like you haven't been trying to steal Lori from us well guess what bucko it's not going to happen guys guys please stop stay out of this why would anybody want to spend Thanksgiving here knowing on your dry bird the turo on is delicious maybe the problem is you're lumpy gravy did someone say gravy they don't deserve it [Music] malfunction my painting that's enough I know a way to settle this yeah arm wrestle let's go no let's just ask Lori and Bobby where they would rather spend Thanksgiving huh where'd they go fairy well young Maiden we are setting forth for the Renaissance Fair know that we are proud of thy Newfound responsibility I don't know what that means but thank you I think what your dad means is you're going to do great please don't don't let the House burn down I got this just one night oldest sibling what's going on guys Lola's trying to take my money it's my money I spotted it I was the one who fished it out of the sewer come on stop fighting please ew yep that's me I just got sprayed by a skunk he wasn't down for it at first but uh I talked him into it Lenny could you help me make room for this sure is that lime jelly no it's a spleen Lenny hello give me yep she has officially in over her head I mean Lori would have handled all this in two seconds flat poor thing huh Lori that's [Music] it Lori help Mom and Dad are gone and I'm in charge and I don't know how to do like anything sorry Lenny but I'm at practice can I call you back no please Lori just help me out this one time and I'll never call you ever again I promise well that's a little extreme just tell me what's going on me okay guys you're going to split the money and that's final is not how money works now to get a little shedi hey guys what's up what are you up to Lincoln me I'm not up to anything just you know catching some z's in the car like guys do oh yeah then what's this you went in my room that's not the hot issue right now what's The Sweet Spot and why are you in it oh it's uh it's the worst seat in the whole car I put myself in it so none of you would have to suffer then why is it called The Sweet Spot because I'm being sweet according to my calculations The Sweet Spot is actually the best seat in the car for various reasons including air circulation proximity to parental units and the lack of chewable adhesive on the cushion it took me 8 months to figure that out shocker well if that's the best seat then I should get it I'm the oldest you just B all over it dude I should have it Beauty before age yeah so I should get it that seat belongs to me no I want it you can yell all you want but I'm already in the seat and possession is 9/10 of the law you're going to possess a bruise in a minute get him dang it I forgot about the broken lock go [Music] [Music] me that is enough everyone back to their rooms this minute I don't want to see anyone in that car until 7 a.m. good luck getting the sweet spot now this is bad I can't lose that seat don't even think about it Lincoln I'm watching you well I'm watching you and I'm watching you and I'm watching you okay I just have to be the first one out the door [Music] tomorrow only 30 minutes still operation Save The Sweet Spot come on man stay with me [Music] [Music] might [Music] e no that was my first car and my dad's first car and his dad's first car all right everyone back inside the road trip is off you're going to spend this weekend sitting together in the living room until you learn to get along I'm sorry you had to see that well I operation Sweet Spot went sour I guess I should have known that in a family this big you just can't control every little thing that said there's a sweet spot in the living room too it's at the end of the couch close to the bathroom with a great view of the TV and it's going to be [Music] mine the dining room [Music] the living room Lily's room we've literally searched the whole house and nothing hello my floral pump is not nothing maybe we missed something in the [Music] letter you're the one who WI dude how are we going to find the money now we're not why what are you talking about cuz all we did was fight over it and this is exactly what Sheron Deon warned us about how about this from now on anytime we find money whether it's a hidden fortune or even this quarter we all share it equally sounds good I kind of I'll even share the dollar I got back from Charles let's not a we're sorry Lily did your noisy sisters and brother wake you hey what's that stuck to Lily's bottom it's a map if you're reading this it means you came together and got to the bottom of the matter congratulations you're almost there but wait how could she have known the map would be on Lily's bottom who cares let's find the money x marks the spot I love solving for x dig dig dig dig I've got some experience digging holes dig dig dig digging is fun for the whole [Music] family get it D D D D okay everyone stand back Luna a little digging music you got it Sis [Music] it's locked I got this what there's more to my head than just air you [Music] [Applause] [Music] know [Music] $500 so if we shared equally that means we each get a 45.45 45455 each it was really nice of you to give up your work bonus are you ever going to tell them that you're Sharon Deon nah I have to admit it's nice to see them sharing money and not fighting over it yep all part of Sharon's plan was destroying the house part of Sharon's plan no no it was not well now she can Sharon to clean up welcome to the Little Miss Prim and perfect pageant I'm your host Donnie duin let's meet America's Junior sweethearts hailing from Royal Woods Miss Lola [Music] loud what is going on I'd like to thank my coach and brother Lincoln link I should have known and I just want to say it is great to be here sorry you were downwind to that Donnie they're ruining me and they [Music] will Sports channel here I come Lana what were you thinking remember what Gil says if you Bouch on stage the judges will rage Gil actually has a rhyme for that that's why he's a pageant Powerhouse now the evening gown competition is next if we want to win those tickets we cannot afford any more slip [Music] UPS hang on everybody loose floorboard that'll hold [Applause] carryon L what was that we talked about the tools I couldn't help it fixing stuff is what I do you're supposed to be Prim and perfect now do you want to go to terand and get hit in the face with your own bar for not I know you can do this the interview is next go out there and nail it not with that Lola what can six-year-olds do to eliminate the national debt um no no no no no no no no no no plenty Donnie just because we're six doesn't mean we can't make a difference no hops Lana what is the problem we went over everything in Gil's book and the companion DVD and the podcast how are you still not getting it I'm sorry Lincoln no matter what I do I can't be Prim and perfect like these girls maybe there's something wrong with me Luna wait there's nothing wrong with you I'm the one who messed up I got so caught up in winning those tickets I turned into gild the Lily who when you stopped to think about it probably needs to get a life yeah but still why can't I be like them because you're you you're messy and muddy and keep a lot of reptiles in your pants but that's what makes you awesome and I was crazy to try and change you a thanks Lincoln ladies and gentlemen Miss Lola loud and her fabulous ribbon dance well that's me I'll do my best forget the ribbon dance why don't you go do your own Talent really okay but we can kiss those Dairyland tickets goodbye I don't care about them anymore go be yourself yo hops give me a [Music] baseline woohoo that's my sister and this is your other sister wait it's my fault not Lana's it was all my idea I have worked for years to build my pent reputation and you just ruined it Lola listen and the winner is Lola loud woohoo Lola I'm so sorry I pretended to be you please don't be mad at me I don't like what you did but you did win and I respect a winner I think this belongs to you no you earned it you both did and the Dairyland tickets huuah where going to ter land
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 399,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life
Id: SwNxI9h0TXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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