Lil Mo Breaks The Oath Exposes What Really Happens In The Sick Music Industry!

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but not knowing really what's in that inner what's on that inside because there's some pretty people that got some ugly soul there's some handsome men that are demons [Music] i'm gonna um actually about a few years ago you quote a lot of slack from saying something about r kelly i'm not gonna quote you but can you talk about that i'm sorry what did i say i'd be forgetting chad i think he was more so a lot of people kind of thought she was kind of defending not what he did but like that that people coming out against him um how do you feel about r kelly i know you think you know him personally how you feel about you know then and now what's going on with r kelly i never met him a day in my life okay all his albums his songwriting is is hands down probably some of the best we've ever heard in the world in fact but from people that i know that have been around him like everybody knows that he has certain issues and a lot of people knew that he was making a lot of money so i think a lot of his issues were suppressed for the simple fact that you know he was the breadwinner and he was throwing people a bag i don't know personally what happened but i know that there were people around i'm just like well y'all was there too so why nobody say no so when his ship is sinking a lot of people was getting a raft and like well i don't want to do it but to me if you was around it and you accepted it and allowed it i always felt people was in on it so i was i just always felt and what i think i said which i don't remember i was just like well if they gonna call him out there's so many more people that they need to call out but look what's happening like don't just go after him go after all of them if you go if you're gonna pick out don't just use one as as the role as the as the as the okay you're the example it's so much stuff that goes on in the industry behind the scenes like he's not the only one and i don't condone anything that they said he did the sad part is is that he i know for a fact he wasn't the only one over there with the child that's saying yeah so let's we you you hear we hear those stories we hear those hard stories when it comes to especially particularly the youth especially within the game male female whatever you hate that it is a different type of demon that's all we hear stories kind of attributing that to the illuminati and rituals we all can kind of go deep down that rabbit hole and give reasonings asking why those conversations seem like somebody once a week is that kind of true within the industry it's some real kind of other kind of spirits kind of handling that game how real does that get this world all i got to say is that if you ain't got nobody praying for you or you don't pray for yourself do not get into the industry because you know what i've learned they say satan don't have the red horns and the pitchfork like people think he convinced himself honestly if you look back before he was banished but was the most beautiful angel of them all so it always presents itself as beauty i'll leave it there let's talk about broken heart yes broken heart out now i've heard a few times now about ten times i love the song it's called broken heart but it's more about healing and you're talking about writing it for women that are going through things so get a people a little um synopsis on why you wrote the song the process behind it and what they can expect on it well broken heart was actually written by my manager and business partner um wu and he was literally the one that had to pull me out of the hell i was going through because i i know i was strong enough i had my family but for someone to say no like you really have to get yourself together and i want you to detox and i want you to withdraw yourself from society as well as i can see what you're like what you're doing to yourself and i don't want you to die like that so he was like you know you you got to get yourself together and it's time that you start speaking your truth so i was like what should i do write a book that i was like nah now it's time to start singing about that stuff because you can save a whole generation and you can bring these young girls in and you could save them from making the same mistakes that you did i was like well this generation don't listen listen i got an 18 year old and i'd be like where are you going like it is what it is he was like well did you listen and i was like no it was just like but you listen to someone so with that when we were constructing the whole savage heart album we actually recorded broken heart on my birthday of 2020. so the song has been written but i wanted it to be right so i recorded on my birthday because i felt like the only way that i could sing about my pain was once i was past it i don't like those records me trying to think when i'm hurt because i just i never wanted to my voice to project that i always felt my voice was healing as prophesied to me as a child and that i was i always had that voice that made you just feel like i can make it like i always had i thought i had that kind of power and strength so i never wanted a song to sound sad or like you know just like anti so when we did the record and like just the whole things i was thinking that everything that i had went through was so bad and like oh my god what was me but when you think about what you've gone through and somebody's going off worse than you no matter what financial level what spiritual level which status level they're on we can look back at uh when vanessa bryant lost kobe how the whole world was shocked and everybody was hurt but just imagine she got to live with that she lost her husband her daughter the same day and it's just like so i'm thinking i'm going through something just like well god you literally have to go to god be like what did i do to deserve this yeah when we saw lauren blues nipsey her house and her expectations are for him to come back to her and their children he leaves to go handle business he never makes it back home well god what did you do to deserve that recipe's the lyric youngster now one lady who just passed yeah from what was it uh she had a brain cancer right and i i saw something and it just broke my heart well her mom was like i would do anything to have her comb my baby hairs again well god what does she do to do like for her like so the way you change the narrative is like mo it's not just you walking around this broken it's not just you that was an abusive marriage it's not just you that lost it and got it back there people that are losing stuff daily to lose a loved one is worse than losing money to lose a child is worse than losing a car or anything materialistic so when you get to the point where you just like well where can i go to fix this because hurt people hurt people and i don't want to be that hurt and broken anymore you have to find out that the greatest love that you'll ever find literally is within yourself so no matter what you're going through no matter what you're dealing with you have to muster up enough strength like god wouldn't bring you to it if he wasn't gonna bring you through it and i'm not trying to preach it be deep but you literally have to get in your mind the mind is very powerful you really have to push through your pain like half the stuff that happened to me we don't even have the time to discuss like i'll give people what i want them to know but when i have to look at my phone and look look at what i used to deal with like i had one to give up on life suicide thoughts drug addiction everything i accepted that but at the end of the day i love myself enough to know that even though my heart is broken it can be
Channel: Hip Hop News Uncensored
Views: 471,788
Rating: 4.9009547 out of 5
Id: Fq86wmZWKGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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