Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. In The Trap! with DC Young Fly & Karlous Miller

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wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i don't think they understand they don't they don't understand bro because just because it ain't black history no more no black history month don't mean we not making some more black history i'm trying to tell you you get what i'm saying dc young flat now we've been calling our studio to trap since we got over here but we didn't brought some legends through legends brought some some ball players some actors some movies some artists some damn serious bruh but today what we got we getting black as hell today hold up put it all up before you do anything make sure if you got something black in your closet go put it off go put it on i'm putting it on this hot black we about to get dc i'm talking about still important vaseline is lotion black i'm talking about hair conditioner that's lotion black i mean i'm talking about the whole summer at your grandma's house you and me i want the blue freeze pop only i'm talking about i'm talking about so black when you have to tell your brother hey you're dead outside that's how black we get i'm talking about so black don't mind them roaches they live here you need me i'm talking about so black what you mean i'm fine get my goddamn chick bruh i'm talking about show black check engine light on what that means it's neil i'm talking about you got some real black but you need some ties black yes sir now today what are we doing we're switching up the whole game plan bro we got a whole son of a revolutionary people with us bro and we comedians i'm gonna cry we be bullshitting all the time but we bringing some real [ __ ] today bro they got this movie out right now that's based on his father's life judas and the black messiah we have none other none other than freehand wait a minute don't hit the music yet no wait wait that's what we know a man uh-huh but the people who know him for real uh-huh call them the chairman they're chairman not his delicious [Applause] [Music] it's brother [Applause] we too proletared and revolutionary intoxicated to be astronomically intimidated and what that means the plain name is terms you know we have the people man it's a phenomenal time you know what i'm saying i mean the type of conversation type of discussion is happening you know it's intense you know just i don't want to go too far here but just even with the release of the trailer the movie you know saying it's it's up the ante on conversations that we've been having for quite some time a lot of people you know fearful to have them or even have them in a sort of coded sort of way so again i'm i'm charged up very tall before we even talk about the movie let's talk about the process you know i know people talk a lot of people have approached the family about buying the rice and telling the story but like what was the atmosphere leading up to this did you feel like this is the right this is right this is how i want this to be seen or like what was the family's overall consensus before the movie was even right on i'm glad you prefaced it that way because you know it's a lot of times you know kids get it twisted because even we say you know the streets make the music music don't make the streets dog wide the tail tailing like the dog so before the movie there has been a consistent you know struggle going on though a lot of times people have been approached and said man i've seen the movie so how can we get you know how do we start the struggle back we say hold on get your late pass it's been going on for quite some time um something sticks in my mind in my heart um i'm probably about 12 years old and we were approached me and my mother and this is one one and i emphasized one one of the times in which uh our gas was cut off you know at the house chicago winner and it was a book proposal however it raised one of the police up as the protagonist is still putting police in a good light in her principal position that she took uh cool and jerry we call him mother mother cool formerly knows deborah johnson and i remember asking about 12 years old i said well if this happens does that translate you know he can turn back on the house and she took a principal position she said it's a no-go even against contested conditions with other people that may have been in the black panther party and i distinguished those that were in the black panther party from those that are black panthers even with family members and said you know you know man go is what johnson's calling out chased the bag she said no go and so this isn't the first time that even before the uh the butler forest whitaker antoine fuqua different people talk about this so i just want to preface it and put in context so fast forward to where we at right now you know we had got word to the grapevine there was some there was some discussion about doing a project on chairman fred so and many you know so i think was okay here we go again they're not gonna get through the vetting process and we studied it so there are various scripts brought to us various you know even if you google you can actually see some of the initial titles there are proposed and the narrative was incorrect so before i even brought it to uh my mother comrade he knows not just in the subjective we know this is this ain't my mother she resides on our advisory board of our organization the black panther party cubs before bringing it to her we wanted to vet it in other words cut the fat cut the fat off the meat see if we go if you're gonna barbecue meal do what it is so we went through the process and you know said back and forth back and forth you know saying that you know we finally sat down at the hampton house that's the house which chairman fred grew grew up in and uh you know we talked to no uh script writers producers you know saying uh shaka king will burst uh ryan coogler um his with his wife uh senzi um uh charles king macro that's worked in conjunction with warner brothers so it was it was like a tug and pull process and and the deal is in not in so many cases the movie industry the music industry and our schools everyone said the the foreign merchants in our community it's like they come through in our communities you know saying whatever the position like this has gone go that's it and deal is going to say when it comes to this legacy you know in fact we said a legacy is more important than our life all right legacy is more important than our life because we have a certain amount of time to physically be here but legacy serves as a template or prototype how are we going to you know move forward so again we back and forth and finally get to the stage where we at right now it was you know it was a lot of struggles principal struggles you know saying owner said i still wake up at nighttime right now jumping up cut stop you know what i'm saying but no regrets you know and i just got worried now about some of the um um up the awards and the nominations and you know acknowledgement but that the deal is something that all parties involved you know saying from the cast daniel columbia uh dominique fishbach you know the algae lake stand for others and even on the soundtrack brother rod kim and others man you know what i'm saying they position us well let's make sure you know um that the family is respected and that's that's that's real big about respect you know what i'm saying i mentioned you know i call it chicago or city structure and in fact chicago was one of the um the last cities that the government was able to bring crack cocaine in they had to you know uh kill floody stokes and lock up chief my league for me you know jeff ford because it's it's checks and balances you know so you just can't you just can move a certain way and i'm healed accountable so even with the initial proposal with the script there were certain other entities other organizations other individuals would that were not respected not people say man why are you tripping about other organizations but like the ecosystem the balance you know saying and i know we deal with a generation a lot of people deal with subjectivity in other words all they see is how they view but i'm real big you know i'm real big about respect and so it was a lot of tug and pull to get to the stage in the game yeah so what's it like having to like you said wake up every day and defend that legacy or try to further it and push it preserve it not only defend it but also bring light to others right because a lot of people like this movie brought a lot of light it's a lot of it's a generation of kids that don't let me go let me go with the latter part of what you just actually don't say about uh and that's something that i don't a lot of people really like some other cats asked me he said why i don't know about chairman fred why i don't know about the black in the process are you really are you really you do you really want to answer to that you know what i'm saying because it's being one it's it's embarrassing being oppressed it's embarrassing that we our community you know so we're so terrorized that we terrified of even acknowledging it you know saying it's not do we try to jive ourselves we try to use euphemisms you know the system gives us using this other communities other people they have the advantage and disadvantage of what we call an acknowledged war and knowledge was like in nazi germany they say terms they acknowledge that they asked the uh on the tenure of the funeral adolf hitler minister of propaganda or global they said that they created the ghettos if the script has been flipped to make us believe that we created together it's not community other communities they use terms like propaganda bombs they acknowledge their political prisoners our community we don't know about the mumiyabu jamal the sundiata coders with shells and kimones you know the sea numbers your brothers such as down the street political prisoners so that's embarrassing and there's a lot next logical question is why we don't know about this here and you know even family members or some of the people who depict in the movie who didn't know about the contributions except in the breaking process that happened to our people the way the chairman fred the way the defense got to mark clark where they were assassinated and i stressed that term assassinated it was strategic the image of chicago police bringing his body out mm-hmm if you don't say around 4 35 in the morning they were chanting champion fred is dead similar to the during the era of childhood slavery a pregnant sister would run away from plantation they just didn't go out there and kill her they went and got him brought her back real talk bro you wouldn't brought her back stood a stomach open in front of the masses of people strong the fetus is death this is still terror to terrify the masses hoard the horde for the mass it broke generations to come it was a time in south korea i forgot who under whose tenure it was but they would say you would they would lock you up you thought you don't get out it's uh we're gonna hold you for your child and your grandchild the weed up out of you the position three separations three generations and people pass down trauma and also if you pass down punkism they'll say you know don't do that don't don't ask that question you don't say it's not even thought about and a lot of our people also we don't even think that we're worthy of being assassinated now even with this the script you know some things you take for granted you see like the term chairman we struggled for that when i was in ireland with the delegation with the uh the free women with minister confrontation pam africa ramon africa it's the move organization this was the a lot of people think the government the united states just dropped a bomb in libya i can't believe the government dropped the ball not knowing about 1985 failing may 13th come on man may 13 1985 when the u.s government used a negro wilson good to drop a bomb we're not going to own a people on our community on the move family mm-hmm so to put that in context up the ante to call that question they're putting we say the political context you know saying we're told don't talk about that you know i'm saying you acknowledge that and i think with alcoholism they said when the first step in addressing the problem is recognizing that you got a problem you know i'm saying sun tzu says it's an art of war the cardinal principle of warfare know thyself and know that enemy that's the first step he said before you move forward know that seven know thy enemy so back to the heart of the question it's a it's it's a blessing and it's a burden i'm not gonna romanticize this man you know i've been in school suspended for just writing about champion fred you know what i'm saying uh been placed in isolation for having articles about who chamber freddie is you know i'm saying and this is something that you know other entities other organizations other walks of life have a quote unquote luxury to talk about at the funeral services for stanley tickey williams co-founder of the crips when he left when we went down to uh lemur park i had said something to the fact that turkey williams grew up in a climate like i grew up in deprived of an organization such as the black panther party where the only chronical option has given to us is to become a boy scout or a banker right i should never get that on my watch you don't say now that's your cup of tea so be it but this is this is like like i'm i'm a situation one time the sister she just come from uh haiti it's a castle hustling on her porch uh eastern south southeast chicago so she had contacted us we went out there and we had dealt with it you know i'm saying i'm leaving at that you know i'm saying when we dealt with it so she said i can't really figure you out she said you know you read books she knowledgeable but she said but you said what are you like it's a political thug whatever even tupac dog cats cannot con you like like cats can't someone tupac they can't understand a love for the people my mother said my mother said tupac needed organization organization needed two-part you know what i'm saying the black panther party was an organization that turned the communities into the classroom they just engaged in what chamber fred called intellectual masturbation in other words it's a whole bunch of walking talk you know what's in theory a lot of kids told me they want to join our organization the black panther party could say okay did this here you see this ain't no youtube sensation you just ain't gonna talk you're gonna you're gonna go do a certain amount of what we call cub community service you're assertive people you gotta make mistakes you're gonna tie theory into practice because a lot of people engage in what we call uncontested conditions you know in other words they say stuff but it's not like like a shadow boxer right shutterbug said man i'm a champion you ain't got the ring with nobody a lot of cats tell me man i never told them the police now i should probably never ask you nothing with us our membership is contested you know saying and like it's like we don't we're gonna we we're gonna we're going with some vegetation being planted right now with this climate the corona virus you have you won't you you'll say even right now they're talking about a lot of people say there's a uh is a advantage that the big administration is taking these children from medical you know saying and holding these different but it's producing a different type of mexican community you're saying those who know parents you wanna say real talk you know under george bush junior's tenure they say at one time in iraq over 78 of the population was under 17 it was under 17 years old now you get a whole generation that don't know what happened before them a breeding ground for reactionaries and i like those i catch a reaction they don't say they don't know what happened before you know what i'm saying see i'm my match one of our matches for our organization and we're the great grandchildren of garvey the offspring of malcolm and the cubs of panthers we don't think there's no this is no new dynamic about us being oppressed you ain't before this even now it's cast we're in a clown we call reactionary climate prior to this look at the faces a lot of young brothers and sisters the police ride up on them they'd be literally shocked the police don't you getting down the mothers i can't believe the police shot myself with my my my son my daughter's the fifteenth time that's what they do this the birth so you go ahead and get the birth of something on the the slave the the birth of the police with slave patrols that that's what it was created for that's what i'm saying see sellout is one of the most overused terms in our community like himself man such as sold us sold you out through the dough that's what it was about you don't say see you you you you if you go you don't tell you to question yourself what was in you or better what was not in you that you that you went for certain things if you go to the pet store you got you don't saying you go buy goldfish and you bring it back you throw a leash on it and you say i wonder why this [ __ ] dog why they ain't barking that's a goldfish you've all said it you you there's a there's a movie on o.j simpson the kid who grew up with him talked about he but we was children in grammar school he said man the superintendent they take us down we shoot dice in the bathroom they took us down to the office he said the superintendent he's leaving o.j is a child walked out with him he said where are you going so he he left the students the other his his cats his colleagues would then in the office he go with him bob hope speaking i think at ucla he took it showing all the stuff that's going on all the uprisings it's happened all over the country and he showed you oj was at that time this way he's been consistently you want to say it he was never connected to the community you know what i'm saying and this is not that we come in with a reaction i mean about reactionary like you come in uh watching the freddie jason movie part seven in the middle of the movie like man why they beating up jason do you know do you know the history of this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so dearly we come with an objective analysis not y'all saying you never hear me say the police kill my daddy you never hear me say that you do hear me say the united states government assassinated the chairman fred that's object that's the objective reality you know what i'm saying and i tell you we approached when the police kill people in chicago and another colorado community they approach their families and say look stay away from hampton stay away from black panther party cubs here's your organization here's your artist that's going to do a song for you they they give it to them you don't say it and people say chairman how do you know which uncle going to sell out how do you know which mother they're going to put on the tv i said i studied my own family i don't cut no questions you're saying saying chad miles hey tom say combat liberalism that's why we come in so we don't really we don't we don't we don't relate to this term we could refer to as culture nationalism a lot of people say you know we all black people come together get your cheekies and your green juice we all we say we don't relate to that we we use a philosophical tool known as dialectical materialism what that means is we use common sense and logic you wrong i'm saying say man what's the what's the mo with this person you don't say not just regardless what the color is see kimio's osan in in korea north korea he updated he told the united states said no those in south korea they rhyme with you they they they ran with the yankees in vietnam ho chi minh you know saying ho chi minh they said man hold on we're not all vietnamese people there's different interests in the black panther party they up the ante they're hiding their contradictions you know what i'm saying and it's a reason why questioning who chamber freddie is there's a reason why kessler who offered the rainbow coalition it was chairman frank after the rainbow coalition you know what i'm saying there's a soundtrack on on the judas and black messiah well ron kim told me he says this will offer the rainbow cordless a lot of people thought jackson did to reverend jackson mm-hmm not you don't say because the states say they can't stop it co-opt it water down change it make something to be chairman fred in the city of chicago was and remains to be one of the top segregated cities in the country right he dealt with the race and the class contradiction so i think he's gonna do the race question what i'm saying so we don't cut no coins whether it be uncle sam or [ __ ] the green god of negro whoever it is whatever your last name is whatever your religious religion is we don't cut no corners he updated and he did who he took to which meetings he studied that chairman francis revolution is a scientific art that must be perfected it went based on this my homies my friends what i'm saying he took the young patriots a group of poor whites from appalachian mountains they were so reactionary to tonight they were confederate flags and their jackets doctors said man don't talk to them racist white people he was a realist see the organization question is a phenomenon in chicago right minister ue p newton the visionary of the black panther party co-founder of the black panther party along with the champion bobby see you envision that he said power power is the ability to define phenomena and make it act and desire matter power is the ability to define phenomena and make act and desire matter what is phenomenon phenomena is an unusual event that can be scientifically explained casey case in point reverend that turner was a realist he put us into the ground he said what's phenomenal what as a servant of the people he said what is phenomenal with these cats the church i'd be saying oh this is our religion you know so we come from america he said okay in the meantime between time i'm gonna do it the real world you know what i'm saying could we we would like to know the same we say god created africans in america made [ __ ] we say this [ __ ] the marion machine manufactures so reverend that turner said okay dude this is a phenomenon praise the lord pass demonition harriet tubman put her into the ground scene they call it negro spirituals was a phenomenon she defined it say okay i'm gonna work this number when the sun went out i'm even better water use that in chicago chairman fred put his head to the ground he said he said i'm gonna define this this ain't nothing new about us having organizations he defined it and said let me win him certain points of unity he politicized the formerly known devil disciples when they got they came of publicity we now renounce them be known as a black disciples due to the political education we received from chamber afraid blapping the party you've seen the blackstone reigns taking more of a nationalist and standing in a black peace donation he was even able to flip the script as the fbi this is document there's a book called up on madison donald john down up on madison down on 75th street by john l rice where the fbi had told the vice lords they'd get them 16th street if they stopped the black panther probably opened a free medical center 16th street now like i said i can't believe that why would the government do this if you believe the government the man of police want to stop crime in your community you believe don king will stop boxing it's it's done by design so he subsequently won the vice lords to work at the free medical center and even by the government's own records that was what they call a record load they call black women black crime and even it's comedy let's talk about comedy a lot of times people have they think politics is just something separate from detachment community it was a communist atmosphere that upped the ante it was a different type of athlete it wasn't a fight about this fight to get us another quarterback on the field it was the the script was flipped the scribbles said well athletes say i'm honored how can i support the movement it won't know if it weren't flipped you only want you want vice versa you fight to give me a job mom and i leave taking those stands with you with the people you know what i'm saying it was an atmosphere with annie was up with the two y'all saying with james brown who had a totally different song playing there first real talk ahref brown you know it's a crown anybody in atlanta particularly know who that is who's kidnapping west the west end who's locked up right now known as emilio jamil alameen who's just they thought the doctor was going blind right as we speak h man you better go back to the studio with that garbage you don't say he came back up on black and i'm proud he couldn't afford that so they pulled it on and the rocky move with raymond who draws them live in america you know what i said it was a climb where marvin gaye was it'll go against barry gordy's i'm gonna put this song on what's going on whether you like it or not it was a climate you know what i'm saying real mommy gate real talk this will make these cats stick out why you think that even in the hip-hop industry you know what what makes nifty hustle in a park unique you're saying this this this ain't no one night stand it's politics it transcends generations what i'm saying when i first met this he helped me backstage around 2011 2012. sacramento i'm i'm a little distant from them i see that i see the chain i sit down damn i see here we go again i'm thinking this is the time the white jesus was a big thing so i get closer whoa whoa hold on this ain't something different it's malcolm x on this chain i said man you familiar with chairman fred hampton he said chairman fred hampton jr what type of man would i be if i know who chamber fred hampton was this is politics does this [ __ ] like this this this this code in the jenny craig commercial you're saying the before and after you know what i'm saying it ups the and that's where he had to assassinate 21-year-old chairman fred that's why that's why i had to come at the black panther party everything including the kitchen scene real talk because he upped the ante see a difference in the war in the revolution a war has two occupying armies they suit up and they boot up and get out to get out a revolution when you gain the mass of participation the masses of the people it was a difference of a prostitute on the whole ho chi minh in jiof vietnam prostitution v it was difficult for bumblebee the vietnamese would take the bumblebees and train them come out of bamboo sticks it with american soldiers you know they were shooting at uh bees or the vietnamese the prostitutes would say yeah i'm taking american soldiers to bed i guarantee he won't get up in the morning it was a different dynamic you know what i'm saying it was a climbing in the 60s where the anime was up were you seeing when the silencer crew was on which is underground to run people they called uh scorched earth spray paint a solid you walk in the come out here it was a climate where william thoreau said in civil disobedience when people said in the unjust society the only place for a just man i'm paraphrasing a just man or just woman was prison we were clear it was it was a climate when you didn't say terms like when someone say man your joke got locked up you you wouldn't have no reaction that responds like what do you do you want to say you was clear you don't say the road to the police ain't no wall george no ain't no wall george in the wrong guns in the wall gangs it's war on us as men as uap news said we don't fight back and we defined nothing less than reactionary suicide it's climbing right now this movie you know i'm saying we this is this this is not a panacea this is not an end all however look at the type of discussions that's happening now right look at our show with this kid another day in the studio he doing what we call a bunch of international masturbation well the movie should have said this movie just said that did he say man it wasn't no cloak and dagger figure they telling you point directly jagged hoover you don't say it look i mean the billy holliday movie last night you know i'm saying the different dynamics is showing you how's it practicing everyday life the cap that turned cointelpro counter intelligence program you got a lot of organizations say just pull yourself out of bootstraps don't we do we do doing it right but nobody else that's bad that's nonsense it's a war being waged on us see you impacted you know what i'm saying you can't have a discussion like that people like the other black organizations other people can't understand what we go through all right you don't say see billy holiday had a different dynamic than ella fitzgerald you know what i'm saying she wanted charlie because no dope she you put in context of dope that was common back then but she was targeted because of her position on stance right you know what i'm saying the black panther people said well the black panther party just faded away because they had issues with gender you told an organization then at a time where people didn't know if pat you know pat nixon was that was richard milhous nix's wife they didn't even know that she could even she was even able to speak i mean literally the black panther party had women in leadership deborah johnson that wasn't just chairman fred's white that was his comrade she's reconfirmed i remember the uh the finance committee on the lieutenant barbara sankey the finance committee uh nipsey hussle excuse me nancy russell excuse me nipsey russell yeah the community russell i told him if i told newton about this here mr russell made a joke about this he said he first when he met my mother i wanted to be said she's about seven months pregnant he kind of added on to something you know tied into say even comedy is political he lifts you this nifty russell say he'll come this late she's seven and a half months pregnant she walked up she come to meet him after the show she got these bullets and bandeliers across her chest he said she told my donating to this money to black panther price i ain't give nobody i ain't got no money for no guns he said i went the next day and put an envelope on the door for the black panther party free breakfast program tell me about that free breakfast program because that's one of the most notable numbers you were actually there as a you know the black man the free breakfast program and and that it was it was one of the most it was one of the genius programs of the black panther party politics is like real estate time like even to hit you in the morning to hit you like you hear different stories about our people like malcolm x would impact him in sixth grade to hit certain like our community like you know first of all we need purpose with this we damage goods all of us our people we damage goods but a lot of people don't understand who damaged them you know i'm saying a lot of people think black men done it black women done it i know who the damage is i know this michael speak players all he comes he's gonna blame the government and we do and we do this everything you tie into you know this is it you got pig hoof prints on it somewhere believe me the breakfast program the time that they put out for the people you come in there it was a program for the people the black panther party scene that our children in particular were going to school and their graves were not up to par they had to call for no colonel commission no study you know what i'm saying and then people say they say man anybody that's going to school that's hungry it's hard to do an addition problem and how they don't send to my announcement you know i'm saying pronouns they just didn't do what oh that's you know man it's wrong with the system doing that they put pro a certain input program and it wasn't programs like engaging they're gonna save you they put the programs out and the people themselves would come on and start supporting and engage in the program channel if you see steven beco on the view stephen biko was in the black conscience movement in fact it was a movie called crowd freedom denzel washington betrays him chairman fred stephen vigo says black people in particular must distinguish intelligence from the ability to articulate big difference hey i'm carlos miller are you tired of not knowing what to cook when you stress for time hellofresh can make it simple you get fresh pre-measured ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your door hellofresh offers 10 to 20 minute meals low prep recipes and quick breakfasts and lunches perfect for your busy schedule go to 85 south one two and use the code 85 south one two for 12 free meals including free shipping you know because when i order my chicken and rice and lambs and raviolis and sesame beef tacos and things of that nature and come right to the crib ready to go hellofresh offers the flexibility you need with customizable orders every week you can easily change your delivery days or food preferences and skip a week whenever you need so if you want to be cool like me go to going slow so you don't mess it up use the code 85 south one two 12 free meals on me it's crazy black people in particular must grasp the ability to distinguish intelligence from the ability to articulate what that means is they give us a whole lot of time they give our community a whole bunch of intellectual monkeys through a bunch of fancy words and terms but they also ain't no common sense to it the people are very intelligent chairman fred say the black panther probably have a free breakfast program the police pull up on them they say hey are you for capitalism so say whoa whoa no no chairman fred says that's not cool police say what about socialism so you know what i really can't debate with those words and terms and then police said what about this free breakfast program let's just say dig this was feeding my babies if you took the message we'll blow your brains out you know what i'm saying the people are very intelligent but after we get intelligence mixed up with our ability to articulate you came to black people breakfast program the only prerequisite the only criteria was that you hungry you might say why your last name different from your damn last name you know what i'm saying none of that was necessary assata shakur taught my number solid to my it was a young brother at the breakfast program he was stuffing some pancakes and hauling in harlem branch in his pocket and she said look brother you can never steal from this this is your program you know what i'm saying see we up the end it's different between rioting and rebelling stealing and liberating see terms are important so it wasn't no charity and for you know what the black the people started running these programs you know what i'm saying we are all liberated a lot of organizations our individuals tell you you're gonna come back and check in with them see mr ue peru said that there's a difference between a revolutionary hero a hero does something say wow that's that's that's crazy i can't do that because you know what i'm saying but the revolutionary say man i can relate to that i can pick it up and that that that assists with our security because they say hey we knock him off it's going on and on you know what i'm saying right so let me ask you about the movie a little bit what are some before we even you know get into it what are some of the things that you saw them do right with this with the movie what were some of the parts that you were impressed by you know we had a lot of struggles let me let me say this there was some like even something there were certain things that could not be said because we had a time and space a lot of people say couldn't this movie tell us all what the black panther party was i said you can't put no shark you know fish tank you know this is a movie and also with the in the movie industry they call it a period peaks period pieces you know saying everything i'd be on point from what coca-cola can you have around you know i'm saying it should be a period of time also this is what we call a relevant piece in other words we still are dealing with these issues we still have jerry odinga done again prison number c-018859 still locked up directly impacted by william o'neill we still have brother greg griggs who's electric shot by william o'neill with danger my [ __ ] tour still the verdict is not out and also william o'neill was not the only provocateur so we gotta be real careful and how we bring out some certain contradictions you know what i'm saying so it was certain let's go to the meeting we had to put the uh certain things to say hold on that organization actual organization could not be depicted because the movie would be incapable of expressing the details of that meeting and as you know and i recall saying you know like at the particular meeting that someone you got to keep in mind that we impacted by this system and with a sister going in at that meeting you know saying with the party can be like a front to this other organization so you know um nine just knives and others your child's nothing right we we sit down chaka we have bursts we back and forth and subsequently that that part played out and i'm glad about that i'm glad that that that stayed with it because i something i ain't told my mother one time i said you know what maybe we me and you are kind of subjective things i take for granted people know or have examples of they don't know a lot of you have never seen the gender contradiction men and women work together without having a relationship i mean it's mind-blowing to me you know you don't say it see revolution you might have to be in a foxhole with a sister you you know what i'm saying and like you can see it with the state you see like you watch movies called blue blood tv shows or blue blood you don't you see the police say okay you're on you riding in the patrol car with that person nothing your mind doesn't automatically go to oh they fooling around when they come to our people so i'm saying we cannot even phantom and organize a structured organization dealing with each other you know say structurally you know what i'm saying with a principle so that was a good that was one of the good points you're saying also um like when i was the sister was shooting out this window with the police that was with that scene we actually get back and forth about because initially he had us shooting first you know what i'm saying we say hold on it can't because the first name for the black panther party was the black panther party for self-defense right that's important to put in context because see when the police beat you they trained to say stop resisting even they you'd be confused until you're like damn he beat me down right you don't say it yeah but that's illegal uh but with the politics of it they saying stop resisting when they just on the door says servant with tech you know i know i just seen them with a knee on the necklace george floyd i i know i've seen derrick shoving killing this man but that that the servant protect kind of kind of confuses me you know what i'm saying see everything is political you know not just it's the schools and the you if you google if you google say police kill somebody you'll be you can't find it you would say you can find um george floyd passed away as a result of so y'all you find that you don't say so it impacts you how you even view the police you know i'm saying so even the imagery of showing that the police were attacking the party you had three major three major shooting attacks on the black panther party headquarters in 1969 that scene was depicted in july 31st 1969 champion fred was locked up at that time and the chicago police was attacking the black panther party headquarters they they would come in they would burn the breakfast program supplies you name it but that attack they were it's important to put out that they were attacked and people said well it doesn't make a difference big difference it does make a big difference you know what i'm saying they were defending themselves spurgeon jake winners that's what champion fred wanted to be named after defending himself so we think we just reaction there you don't say and corrected by this whole discussion anything that we do even if we think it's reactionary we that people say man i know you tripping man police kid your daddy no they this system they drew first blood they put a gun in my mother's stomach that's the prenatal care i get one no doctor stethoscope placed on the prenatal care i get was chicago police department revolved a place for her stomach this [ __ ] first of all all black people should get a uh uh uh uh what would you call it a weapon no no no um they call it war um they say um nobel peace prize all black people nobel peace prize right you know what i'm saying so to put in a historical context but also this is an organization they get up in the morning i figure how we gonna shoot out the police think in the morning probably gonna feed at least 3500 children a week in chicago how minister doc sanchez worked in the free medical center how are you going to do the second cell anemia testing that was the motivation right for the program y'all said they were attacked and they defended themselves and the death midst of hell ronald doc satchel said yeah we are we are our propaganda unit and see a lot of bogus counterfeit individuals they jump off they just they romanticize revolution right see leather jackson but raise whatever y'all say see minutes uh p news said that we must even politicize the gun what makes our gun different napoleon's gone we had a situation in uh flint michigan once a week on the people with the water the chemical biological warfare in the water we designated our troops to go down the black panther party cub caravan that's what it was called before they went down there we had a political education in fact deputy field boston that's what the delegation down there we got down there we had the water now the national guard they have more water than us what made our water different the national guard like we said we don't make a difference we get water now the politics so national guard doesn't get your name let's get this here and later on you've seen the warrants coming down from people to my what's your immigration status if you hadn't warned you're going to say see everything is political mm-hmm we gave the water then you know it's attached no strings attached right it's political the breakfast program see a lot to see that's what we say i don't hear that political stuff see under i got a second of saying in the 60s [ __ ] needed nixon nixon there forced cats to come to grips with the politics see the decline of richard uh john f kennedy saint john f kennedy the same president john f kennedy that was at the end of that movie that billy holliday movie giving an award to angst lincoln the fbi agent that they didn't attack billy holliday the same john f kennedy that had was responsible uh army tanks going through south side of chicago detroit michigan saying john f kennedy on his tenure there was assassination at the assassination team on commodity fidel castro saint john kenny there was wrong for the peace corps but it was a class piece the same telekinesis told his brother robert f kennedy robert you authorized the wide tap on dr king nixon pulled the covers off said man did this hit man campaign for long or it's going down you don't say so that's lots of we're in a clown we call reactionary climate now well cats at least acknowledge it like you on the trump administration now you know i ain't pushing for no trump thing but it was acknowledgment police pull you over you know i think you uh because i don't have a degree i'm a virgo no trust you're not black you're black mm-hmm we need puerto rico he threw the tortoise he said i don't all y'all saying to me mm-hmm so these contradictions like that people can come to them on the reactionary terms you don't say and the vanguard party got to be consistent we had a chapter down here in atlanta about 20 years ago blackman's body cubs for different reasons he had to be you know he had to be pulled back timing you know what i'm saying like it's just like a relationship he's like man that was a good sister i wish i could i would never mature we could have worked it out so the climb see i organization blackman's party cubs we we like the last call for alcohol people they'll hear us later on when this they they they go drink sharks and champagne but it's at the end when the pulling of their foot and they back to the point say man who is that it's husband cat's been serving y'all all the time but it's not popular it's not a festival mm-hmm tell me about the hampton house the hampton house that's a childhood on was chairman well before he was chairman the house he grew up in that's the house you know saying which uh we just found his coat there that's the house in which um across the street is the elementary school irving elementary school he went to we you know said we had to go do damage control before we fought to take the hampton house on i was in west oakland ironically the brother just walked in you said oakland you see he said from oakland he said he said he said he said west oakland that was significant he said that that was that was the the area where minnesota you know the heart of the first level headquarters that that's where the government salted the earth that's where they push the drugs at that's what i'm saying the west side chicago they put they flushed it there you know what i'm saying in the hampton house they tried it without trying to put certain cats in the hustle we had to go clean house you said man that on my watch the children that went to the school at irving a lot of children didn't even know who chamber fred was and one time the principal was related to some it was the black panther party you kids like that i don't know we hiding the consciences of them cats it was jokes made about the choice they said they got to get different shirt sizes they just started being they said man we go they was debating each other is that the desk that he sat in it changed the atmosphere we had to park in the chairman fred hampton park down the street you'll see our programs the triple c's children community clubs you're coming to free the food right there you'll say we correlated to the black panther party free breakfast program the freedom on radio we have every wednesday this holds by by me chairman framjoon and uh lady rage some of y'all probably know it's uh baby d on friday every wednesday every wednesday i'm already out what about say it again freedom all radio calls back chairman fred after junior native rage baby d robin island it's every win 6 30 p.m you can get google pull it up ask siri about it you know what i'm saying so this is every wednesday like clockwork these are programs coming right up at the hampton house this is significant this is the see locations are significant it was strategic when napoleon came through egypt he said man 21 girls through not that nose of their sphinx you know what i'm saying the house that was just the house of which he grew up in so it's it's it's it's it's it's a morale bill you'll see me there i said this to this day sometimes we brainstorm you know i'm saying and we didn't get all we need like there's a cat these guys are uh twf the world's finest there's some young they was in tour with each other out there they want to do a video shoot i said all right come on we're trying to build a studio out there right now let's come on to the hampton house they came they called it a vortex one of the coldest days in chicago history i said now we're going to the cook county jail ain't going to say we're going to meet these cats up you'll say they met the cats coming out of jail that's their video the wood's fine it's called free them all you know what i'm saying you know i'll make sure i bring i acknowledge i get some forces here with me today too because we do it for from all walks of life right you know what i'm saying even with the uh uh some videos that's something they're gonna free them all too my nephew don p you know so we got a video we do a video shoot right there the hampton house you know saying get this brother uh rob money chairman love movement because see a lot of cats be like man the revolution everybody get the suits they suited and booted and just everybody what they call the quote-unquote conscience community oh we did the people you're saying like michael flocka came in chicago one time so i walked up to him he said he said whoa whoa because i heard you'll be here he said i heard you coming he said one second so the brother behind me say man this is this one years back he says the brother right here so brother came some big deep man you know you say they told me you'll be approaching because this thing we can't call them the code of culture the life of the party cult we all catch accountable we say too many of us the same thing for catching those bling bling you know so we you on day spell block part that's us on the stage i ain't selling my homie i'm talking about political prisoners you know go check it out you know i'm saying we owe every every no nothing move we get the education ethic make a school make it a class project if you talk about me abu jamal to what they're saying uh a toxic waste in a san francisco you know what i'm saying we say we harriet tubman code what does that mean you get out of jail reach back for others who here are captive so then big d we talking he said man there's a joint called adrenaline in chicago so we joined that night he said man how you be uh going backstage and dealing with these different artists you know i said i just can't drink no aquafina water man i gotta do the good the bad and ugly you know what i'm saying a lot of people deal with this with set conditions they deal with robber rules or orders that's how you have a meeting a lot of people if you know they can't say chairman because they have been state trained state made you know say i'm locked up and joined just always just ask me is your organization sanctioned i said no i'm proud about it you know what i'm saying stop you just upset me because i won't run for office in chicago i said they can't make me they can't break me you know what i'm saying i'm chairman fred hampton see that's it's empowering bernie burned that definitely irish republican army she said i remember this i don't know she's bad for the united states she's the ira she said i mean she was a baby she said i remember you was a baby you had a necklace on your neck with a bullet around it she said i remember minister of health dark side you see he was the minister of health not because the cdc said it mm-hmm black people he was chairman of black and the part number because mayor david said the people said deborah johnson was his wife this comrade see a lot of people came on to oliver stone said man uh you think the government killed kennedy yeah i think so malcolm told you when it first went down who did it but we can't believe it you know before this movie came out my plan was give me a white puppet and go on tour and just start saying listen man because man you know what that puppy said dude this movie has helped the conversation man right yeah so i was telling you guys okay bro i don't want to cut you off but that's what i was saying i want to get something cubs i just wanted to get some more your reactions just the actual film yeah before we bring something i got you something no you brought the family yeah man can i can i have some sleep i ain't seen the movie listen man listen listen once this what we did is we put some panther cup political pills in the alpha sauce okay there's certain things that we put in there you know what i'm saying see at the wherever that turtle was going on the tour the lady on the plantation her brother said man hold on man dude stop what did you letting dude go speak around [ __ ] right she said he just pre-preaching a good word he said no there's a different dynamics going on here right you know what i'm saying right this so you look at the after effect you don't say this this this is it's a guy this is a guy named maurice teniso to my mother how's we staying during my life he stayed there this guy knew me since i was three years old he would it'd be issues with him and his lady at the house they stayed next door they're getting into it police come over there but all you hear the police when they walk in talkies you better hampton house you don't even be afraid afterwards yet and i would tell you i said man listen man don't this is not about you why do you think 15 police cars publicly domesticate with you oh man he know i don't play you don't see flooding himself it really the target was this here it took this movie from finally said man i see why you were banned me from the block you're gonna say i said man you're a security rich jack you don't say like see a lot of times you don't even this client a lot of people don't even know the dangers they do you know what i'm saying see it's an arrogance i have no problem with ignorance we have an issue with arrogance and ignorance you've almost said a lot of people do with subjectivity the world revolves around them we deal with dialectical materialism your actions impact other people's actions once this movie is a man man catches certain things that's in there this cat will tell them wow i didn't like this and that one brother called me say why was the movie to talk about chairman fred's international impact i said man i see let's be let's have an honest discussion bro you're the same one you do independent movies in chicago on your own volition you did a whole movie about president obama when i actually do a snippet about chairman freeze man ain't touching that let's be upfront about this here what you don't say this ain't no safe subject man there's a reason we know what we don't we talk we know what to talk about in school mm-hmm well let's just be infertile we know what to say about our rap songs you [ __ ] saying so there's certain things we're going to put in now you know i'm saying i can't see it coming you know what i'm saying and i got to deal with all the last time i was up here a few months back just kidding if you're a black youngster he come through these you go downstairs so like i'm in the gas studio he said chad fred you you you're going down there you ain't no doubt about it cuz the smoke and the air thing mm-hmm you know what i'm saying i'm i'm studying the people i'm not serving the people it ain't about me you know what i'm saying that you asked a woman what [ __ ] do what you do for a child you should get a different answer when i would do what i do for the people you always have a different dynamic so we get down now you see that that's all 20 21. put the political appeal in there like i catch a man you talk you dealing with this guy this is it man before i get back to chicago that night them youngsters say man call man chairman we heard that because ministry we produce our people do not read as much we like for them to read so we gotta be innovative with our tactics you know what i'm saying see a lot of cats get stuff laid out there tom here you go bam this is your organization that's your funding that's this this you nine to five you get in you cluck out not us not us do whatever surprise you when like the the newer rappers or the younger generation the rappers reach out to you to get some game on an album or give you a slide on the tape or whatever like that i'm encouraged by it because the deal is it's a climate because the deal is that fear has been passed down but it's a climate where now even let's go what they're fixing the scenario i just laid out to you the movement has been given a white eye it's been given it's just been told it's like an elitism like you can't if you do this you can't evolve and destroy black youngster the situation i was sitting down on me about five minutes he said you know what man i don't even smoke around you at first he said man but you you you you you want us you with the people man this is what he said and so we had pulled a piece of what i did with fakes forming those coffees ghetto boys pulled it up this piece called neville remix he said man so hard you seen you seen the rematch yeah yeah you said that off the uh the last scarface album did you see the rematch i ain't seen that one you're talking about the remix [ __ ] with it so black y'all say he say oh what you doing you you speaking on it i said i said no no no i'm spitting this [ __ ] he's all right we'll do it with me then so i see you're sitting over the word get the penis tied in you're saying season the time because the deal is not people who look for a gift wrap revolution perfect allies you know what i'm saying but we we say we like a gardener we study the ground you know saying the term seize the time i mean okay lock and load go it's moves we have planned to down here initially i went through the process like they thought they knew the black panther party was you can't you can't tell the smart cat nothing so can all i know i know on a week out before we pull in town oh man they counseled this event so i know i know i'm used to it i'll take it personal so on a pivot sticky move that's how we move a lot of cats used to be in the caesar's palace referees rules and regulations this is like they don't know rules regulation us they coming in 4 30 in the morning blasted they put sicken on knock out drones inside the kool-aid you know what i'm saying they put asian vodka tools a lot of cats are in other arenas it's okay we just have to go it's legal we're going to do this we're going to lock you up you'll see you have a bell button then they ain't dealing like that with us man that's that's that's the reality so i pivot i still move i hit that i hit my office what's my office the streets i touch down my brother's name scapegoat you wanna play for me and him to meet shout out escape girls shut up phony i touch down with him i'll tell you all these justices at morris brown college he's gonna do an event there a lot of kids like man hold on where you at man this evening damn damn we get out i want to fight for the luxury to have that space in the arena we can move on all turns but me a lot of people ask me how many members do you have in your organization a lot of time depending how many people police are murdered people get involved in struggle one three ways inspiration aspiration and desperation see your field marshall george jackson field marshal george jackson born in west side chicago or phenomenal it was mandatory you get locked up you own where you were you gotta know who this was field master for the black panther party san quentin field monster joy it's a book called solid dab brother i recommend y'all check out and also blood of mine check it out he organized how to join minister ue heard about him when he's locked up they don't only sanction him to be filled marshall black panther party he politicized his younger brother john and jackson through the letters jonathan jackson came up in the courtroom marion county courtroom that's what that non song was to want them in the courtroom get down that's we reference it i'm sure you heard angela davis jonathan jackson that's the case the case that she has they said the weapons that he had was in her name jonathan jackson was in the marion county courtroom rachelles and cuban guinea up in the courtroom marion county he uh judged he duct taped the shotgun to his neck and said man gentlemen i'll be taking over from here so we going to the radio station 16 17 years old 16 17 years old said jim i'll be taking over him we're going to the radio station to broadcast to the world what's happening up inside these concentration camps i said again 16 17 years old came out the courtroom they gunned down man rachel and q mcgee is still locked up right now as we speak one longer political prisons you're willing christmas john mcclane helicopter they gunned they gunned jonathan jackson down they referred to him as a young man child it was going to say it was a different definition it's august 7 1970. august 21st 1971 field monsters george jackson and san quentin was assassinating the second in the prison yard go poo proof the funeral service and fulfillment's georgia minnesota came up and then he said man him if the champion bobby seal missouri people say man female georgia don't bring no flowers bring shotguns at my funeral this man they still talk about him in the prison the prison records right now this this was the the have you referred to the stomping ground sand queen this should be mandatory that's see i told you just one time so y'all got all these luciano and al capone i could go for it if you had nothing else until i'm real models i know role models real people that come from our community man you know so they can relate to us man he was given a sentence from one to life actually they say this other man this cat was doing ten thousand push-ups doing man solid this cat hit man man they target this cat check them out man yeah they change and sell this little stuff sells itself man you don't say exactly what man you get to talk and i i can't cut him off welcome back today man hey got another goddamn [ __ ] okay well look check this out man we're gonna leave that as part one and we're gonna bring part two and bring some of the uh some of the conversations show you right so um can i ask a question so i know you said you could you could so like how is it broken down because i know you you probably third-party generation of the whole situation because i know me lately i've been getting into my spiritual journey and uh i've been getting into my books and i've been being directed to uh some of you guys you know i'm saying stances and i'm kind of more so for the people as well so when i'm hearing you speak i'm also like [ __ ] right hell yeah you dig what i'm saying so it's like when was that moment when you realized this is what i gotta do throughout my life i felt this right you know and i was talking so earlier even youngster when i speak i recall when i speak i was trying to like hold my hands down because like in second nature move my hands and i seen footage of him chairman fred speaking moving his hands oh man it's the business and you know and um but i was deprived it was a that's had been suspended from school just talking about them you know what i'm saying and um i had a i was proud of the political assessment analysis what happened to the black power movement i would say well the movement just died away no no it was military defeated ideologically it won that means that to this day people have a little emergency party and we have to fight we still got to fight for that legacy you know you're real careful with this legacy man it's a man a lot of attempts to co-opted watered down you know i'll say the black the cubs don't mean to be some young cats man we're the ideological offspring of the black panther party you know saying this this this is it man you're saying i don't know how long we're going to be around but we we attempt to walk in their not their footsteps but they're panther post steps our programs can be correlated to that you know saying a lot of kids don't say i'll be doing interviews with people right and see a lot of times you don't need questions to be commentaries but that's really nice you know this is no slight nobody black lives matter what part did i say that i said black panther party cubs see the narrative see the narrative is like um uh you know the words giving you you it was this you know slight you know that's your cup of tea so be it but man park needed this here man this this this this this cloth the black panther party could y'all say that that's our local right there man that's it that's it that's our logo man y'all saying we have ideology it's where we walk it's where we talk you'll see it's our it's a term and they say church what's your call it's our calling y'all saying and see it's a structure checks and balances you know i'm saying that see contradictions minister ue peter said contradictions are the ruling principle of the universe they get us scared they acknowledge contributions oh man we're not all the same we excuse me we all the same this man no no community is like that with the american revolution they tell you everybody was talking patrick henry said give me liberty give me death that's no thomas jefferson told you what was going on with the american revolution one third was four one third was against it and one third one whichever the wind blew so i'm saying we are realists you know what i'm saying these there's some forces some support for something to bring online which you know i'm saying that we to every nook and cranny community people say well i can't be nobody wishing some sort of support you know what i'm saying catch me like man how you deal with this cat they don't send this cat man they you know they're in this and this that we deal with the people we we are trying to draw a line of demarcation who are you with the state of the people not your virgo or scorpio not your christian or muslim a crippled blood disciple stone who you with the people of the state that's what i'm saying hey i'm carlos miller we all shop online and we've all seen that promo code boxed by the total thanks to honey manually searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past honey is the free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one it finds to your cart if you don't already have honey you could straight up be missing out on free savings it's literally free and installs in a few seconds by getting it you'll be doing yourself a favor in supporting this podcast when you check out the honey button drops down and all you have to do is click apply coupon wait a few seconds it's honey searches for coupons that they can find for that site you want to know something i bought using honey for real bro i bought some of the hard drives that i used to record this commercial and saving them so they usually would like you know in a price range that's okay but after the coupon i was like i probably should get 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see i even with the movie those struggles we got early on so whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on say no ragtag group of cats this is my homie it's structure checks and balances well let's bring some of the let's bring some structure around here teddy who we got with us today got a few get a few fourths of bad girls family we got my nephew this is about this man don p it's a piece he just releases what we call the code of culture right piece of freedom all right just you know saying we've been man we did this video y'all checked it was shot not only in the hampton house but also oakland california oakland scott was considered uh sister cities also also on deck you know what i'm saying his brother hit man they they um they get this upcoming event again april we have every annually man drink y'all saying once again robert money he he he yeah he's championing a love movie you know what i'm saying and i'm going to say like the love movement yeah i've been here these are different forces in the community that we work with you know i'm saying so we have support different four-year-old this online so you can't limit us up say man just them knock them off you'll be doing it it's a climate right you don't say it's an atmosphere right there wherever you go like damn i thought you can't say what's up g don't catch it cup man come support us and commute community community see we say the people that's our best security you know what i'm saying right and people come in all walks of life man you know what i'm saying and you know we don't come with you like the bible will say something like you know bring your will your weary attack we being that bring us all see as long as you need to the state we can deal with whatever contradiction when we come through the we got contradictions but at some point you do the struggle man that's what we deal with man we have the code of culture you were saying can we ever look at credit success to see me though i'm gone right i got a tactic for him all right i hit him from him from the rank from left nephew oh man i'm gone all right uh rob money you're saying man what do you think that you're saying bring us all state you're gonna hear the term free them all and your barber shop your pool haul at your clubs y'all say they last night at the joint or the joint last night you know what i'm saying man uh king and dad's restaurant talked a count everybody told me what i'm saying oh my brother i guess someone but a slab about another catch wherever you go you can't dunk it down you wanna finally say listen man i ain't with it i'm gonna do you gonna see you with the state people or the people that's it right right i'm with your [ __ ] pink so you're right okay you know i'm in chicago and i got a big event to uh 4 20. lee day my birthday party an award for the chairman of the day mm-hmm in chicago 420. yeah so i got to stay safe and get back so no disrespect you two guys i mean you're funny as hell but i love you bro yeah this spirits i know in this in this day at times it ain't what you say is how you saying it so with you when you try to be conscious or give them a history or something you got to say it a certain way or they're going to shun it so i try to put it in a way where i can explain the history i can explain exactly what happened with the chair on december 4 69 and explain george jackson the field martial george jackson jonathan jackson um the minister who he knew mentioning all these names marcus garvey all these names that i mentioned in in this home but put it in a way where they can understand and that's what i said on like i said that she ever said we need to show the visual tool now the vision when you see what i'm saying and it's flashing on the screen you can see the people i'm talking about it sink in a little different you can't understand how it works like you said ain't nobody really know what's happening so i know him i got to use my voice to reach the youth for the reasons because everybody ain't talking about that sometimes it ain't cool because right ain't cool sometimes so forgot about being cool at this age of time and what's going on right now this is that's why i went on when i was behind the wall and the chairman told me i already know what he's been through and what he go through how many hours of sleep he lose and what type of fight he's doing every day so i ain't got no choice but to get it in the ring with them the worst thing to do is go to war with some souls that don't know what we're fighting for so i'm trying to give them the knowledge and and i don't know what what the fight is what we fighting for how you gonna go to war with an individual they don't even know what we fighting for you just get on the front line with me and just going you know what the aim is what a target here you ain't got no knowledge so i try to give them knowledge and implemented that in my song so they're like sit down okay now again because a lot of the shorts have been walking up on me like man bro i didn't know who i looked up i didn't know he did this i didn't know he did that but you can't get mad at him if you never brought it to him or taught them that how they supposed to know it so i made sure when i was behind the wall i took enough time as i can to give knowledge to myself so i can give it to the youth or give it to somebody and prevent them running the same brick walls i did you know right you did right like you found a way to to to to to relay the message in a way that they would get it exactly you said the wrong way they don't get it they don't want to hear it right it's constant rap so i gave it to him where it's conscious but it's still gangster it's like gangsta but whoa oh he's saying this but i'm sliding in so i don't lose i got to keep him running right because you know people going different look what he just said when they back what do you just say they put that panther club political pill in the apple sauce mm-hmm like i was already putting that in me with the story encouraged me out once once a day once nobody fell in nobody but i think that that's the way everybody's just keeping structure we need structure see we got to combat liberalism man see structure that was we hate structure you know it's ideal i'll turn on this commercial of the day i see a commercial right it's a lady say she told her children eat the broccoli he said oh my god the children y'all gotta stay here and y'all eat the broccoli and the next thing you know she put some cheese on it i said where does compromise it come from you know what i'm saying man dude we come from the club man checks and balances you know what i'm saying i can't just say i'm the chairman oh my son don't hold accountable you know what i'm saying we need structure you don't send checks and balance our community because the deal is this system and they cut no coins with us man i'm saying and you gotta see like a criminal psychologist said behavior is affected by consequences behavior is affected by consequences it's not what you it's certain cats that believe that if i you know i'm not i'm gonna do this because i mean we'll make it repercussions and comfort our community is so disrespected because people feel that the slum laws are told when they come for merchants come in the country do what you want to them sell them what you want to sell them talk to when you want to talk to them grab your sisters and put them in behind the glass at 15 years old and run amok you know i'm saying sell the garbage to him the music industry go turn on go turn on the white radio stations and try singing that garbage to him the annie is up you say hold on man see we all cats like listen man we don't care what man listen we man they had this thing called vote or die some years back ask them catch where they come across the car illinois state lines we we didn't play that she didn't [ __ ] man no other community says the night vote for less than two evil you know what i'm saying you're or a vote of that oh you have to up if you told some sister like so just say i'm gonna go out with somebody i don't care who you're gonna say i'm gonna guarantee catch me like man we ain't gonna take no showering every no flowers you'll see she going out it's guaranteed you know i'm saying our people deserve better up the ending when it comes to dealing with us you know what i'm saying there's a certain thing you got to say in the 60s it was a climb you come you'll say hold on man how we can we get knocked up out of here police killing what you're saying about that hold on the draft they had a draft you don't say we muhammad muhammad ali we like what you're saying hold on what's your position on this not vice versa you're saying the party they want women were in position not for no affirmative actions so you can say oh yeah we got some women no they put it in work you know what i'm saying you had to you guessed the annie was up even your relationships champion ferguson the best dressed brother one leather jacket in the 45 you don't say you something when you talk to you someone yo what you would do with the movie i ain't up with that was what out of here man we did a protest one time out west man chicago avenue man polish just just kissed this guy one of the most beautiful scenes i've seen this camera trying hard this so she said man she said you ain't over here with us protesting [ __ ] you didn't get my ear and you got to be up man your music it creates a different type of dynamic a different type of athlete a different type of church difficult no one could say i'm neutral in that difficult richard pryor committee james richard parker was impacted by the black panther party he talks about with pride new year's eve he know chairman fred he talks about how chairman fred talked to him about the party program he talks about pride he gave him a thousand lives for the breakfast program taking me on set took him out nipsey nissi russell talking with pride you got cats bragging bubbles on their ears but ain't no contribution to the struggle getting over these old gmos the government-made organization i support it hold on man you mean you shout to my city you claim this you ain't connected polish just kept fifteen us we died and shut right left and right you read some of these conditions [ __ ] no not watch i'm standing man other community you command listen man other whole people are accountable man you gave me some connection you just can't come through some people black when it's beneficial play a panther when it's profitable and connect with cubs and it's comfortable see he turns more than me black he turns more than me black what that means is michael jackson tell you i ain't ain't no i'm not up with all that that blaster when that case comes down this tool will change they all care about us so i'm saying see the heat and the deal is the steak gotta bring the steak on bring it or we gonna bring the heat you know what i'm saying you you should catch they feel you like this can grab you and i want to oh yeah we all oh now we together huh you don't do that in your household so i come to you we're in front of you and say man are you with us no man you know they're probably attacking hey family right hold on man i thought we went together so our people y'all they don't respect you who is she obviously i'll be giving them a tax time no it's a good man didn't see the black panther party cuz he we with this man when it's not fashionable right right right we catching case for this here y'all saying when they got pictures in good they got me and champion fred pitching every gun tower with my now penetration right now to this date i'm 15 16 years old see the first racing seven digital police station they put on pitches fresh pictures of chairman fred put his office this show this is his song right here this thing he did see i met this cat about 14 years old the sisters come to say it's a dude say uh he chaired me fred's son i said what k scott you probably probably gonna see this too i'm saying shout out shout them out i track them down i said man you telling catch you chairman's son he said brother i'm i'm honorably muhammad son i'm chief my least son i'm chairman who was i said no no no no i mean like who your mother had a relationship with you yeah yeah yeah he said i said listen man i was hoping i was hoping i had a sibling right so you can catch hands for this heat that come with this here see y'all romanticized it's heat that come with this here man you know what i'm saying and that's the deal to say we gotta up the ending you took when cats can come we'll be artists whether it be different arenas oh man oh yeah i'm with this here cats pop up like even the black panther party it was gonna show reality with the movie it was name and catch quality hold on who was this oh there was no no they might be at the tailgate party outside i'm sorry i'm telling you these cats here get dirty under their cleats they got scars and a football in the huddle um put some work in with this here man my family my nephew man three situations two three times i'm in the hole at the time i'll write him a letter but at the time you know i had to send a letter across the hall because i couldn't get no stamps i was going straight so i said right across the hall forget about man i sent a lot of my people they get inside about it for me they come grab me they give me six more months at home they said i'm exciting to ride because i want them trying to write a chairman the only way i get out of it when the war against him with me i saw him my mother is i saw my whole contact list okay kimberly you have to show that i'm like that's my family so y'all telling me i can't interact with my friend i'm exciting to ride for interactive with my family in a letter when they listen to your phone call they gonna snap it take me to hole again so i know it's still gonna come with it i know it's a fight even when i fight i'm fighting people watching everything that's going on all right you mean tell me i'm in here and i'm writing a letter to my uncle about the situation and y'all come take me to the hole and say i'm exciting to ride and i'm starting to talk on a political predator i'm trying to start a political on right in the jail so i did six months from writing a letter to the chairman you know the games they play this reality that's why it's important imperative that we have you know sales or click um shout out to y'all you know i mean that real talk man because i had these avenues venues kick it out y'all saying the event call of duty brother birthday man you know saying we're gonna party have a good time at the same time their politics if you got a bad conception of a struggle you know something like that all of that stuff man then we when hashtags don't say we everyday people we party we kick him chop it up everything your music it's the people man do you talk and champion fred said you feel you're afraid of socialism you're afraid of yourself it's the people's thing man real talk so i heard you break it down when you were like you got the black panther party you got the black panther part of the cubs yes sir so what is the difference between the first ones you know uvp noon and then now to this generation what's up minister uep minister you're right yes sir that was the groundbreakers man that's a visionary it's a visionary you know i'm saying you know so we humble ourselves with that legacy man you know saying that's where the ground the 10-point platform you know what i'm saying and we nothing stays exactly the same two minutes ago was history respected for that it was ever developing you know i'm saying like even with the united states they studied west point they're different they study general pattern maybe they those before them but they put it in context there's things that what may have been i'm going to system uh brother slab his son today he tweaked each other's updated terms things are constantly ever developed i'm having a flashback when i told some justice from this years back and i was talking about myspace and y'all started laughing at me you know saying you gotta so things are ever developing so we you know we gotta be constantly moving but keep the core of it you know i'm saying so the black panther party cubs that's the organ there's an organization that's still saying this can't let's wrap in the party we won't set the ground they'll say to cultivate the soil you know for those who pick appeal to retire after we get three gone bad man j win man play me something what this [ __ ] beautiful this [ __ ] so deep man i ain't gonna cat chairman man don't let this be the last time you stop doing the trap hey man this i'm honored and humbled to be here before we look forward to coming back coming black with y'all man y'all ain't got one night i want to teach you move man i see what i want to do what i can do it's like it's like i'm i'm fighting instead of you know saying like like i'm a visionary man you know i'm fighting to get things in place man you know i said look it's like time and all that so i'm saying so we got some guys a lot of forces on deck you know what i'm saying so i'm working on the man you know what i'm saying it's like malcolm x to the collective conscience of the people take slowly but it erupts the volcanic force they make mouse say him like nothing you know what i'm saying so um the guys playing basketball who's up there on a ruckus court watching oh man dude be on some draft notices man he become he ain't just watching the basketball game he's looking mm-hmm you're saying it's it's natural to me when i come through i see colors but i say okay like blue and black i see that's on one that's for i'm i'm hooked on this i'm looking for this struggle man so oh for you hey we all in it popping man real talk hey we said the cubs are coming the club's coming the black panther party clubs are here what's up man this is exactly why we built this platform it's to have black people i love black voices come and speak on everything from entertainment to social economic statuses and revolutions and everything involving black people so don't ever hesitate to use our platform to get the information you got another media out there and they can't cancel this real talk i'm on it man get the real uncut true that's right and yeah there's so much more [ __ ] we can sit here yeah and chop it up and talk about it bro i'm just telling you guys [Laughter] [Laughter] what's up i know a lot of people look at me right i'm a street person right and um why you messing with some other stuff you got your stuff you know and i said to myself i say yeah i'm financially cool i do what i do but it's one thing i learned about him by watching him all the years i've known this man a lot of times he didn't have a dollar in his pocket man people don't even know that and people won't even help him he'll call me i'll step up if people knew what that man went through man and so serious about his legacy they would understand his struggle i believe right now he would eat out a garbage can before he damaged his father's legacy i believe he eat out of the garbage can seriously probably seen it struggling hard times like he said lights gas off and all the people had a lot of money wouldn't even help him this is god man it's helping this man right now this is time and it's going to shine he like being around me because i'm the love movement i never faked you off i told you something that's what it was you like anybody in the country if i said we're going to the moon i'm getting a space shuttle keep your word keep your promise man do that no matter what you do keep your word and your promise that's why i hang with him i know why we're from chicago to begin thousands of thousands of dollars but the money prize is not important because i know his legacy is going to be something he probably get a lot of heat from being me man you the panther party why you got players all in your party you probably get heat i'm born in the heat see what that heat he get keeps that guy right there you'll feel martial this man kicked those in man and then he get ready to kick the dough and he told me so you know what i do money i see your face and i said love movement no movement yeah same with him right but i'm glad that what i got can we never help him man yeah because he's my brother for real man uh was her brother's name last night virgil yeah shout him out with a slab this is you know saying just um these enforcers do like i guess you can't you can't plan all these moves man and i tell you i love the people man straight up man i mean i i was locked up one time this can't say how you be seen what you seeing people say man listen man the politics man i see man the potential of our people man real talk consciousness we all get flaws we all damage you i'll do an interview with that so say well i'm not damned that's a [ __ ] oh you come frost you can't this government can't transfer a tv without damaging it they'll say you know transfer you ain't that message what world you want you know what i'm saying but the deal is man we all got scars and bars man but this i know understand we can do man you're saying like our brothers say like events they be doing so we come in if they try to keep us subjected like these different clicks and you know i'm saying i'll search out for points of unity right you know i'm saying okay what can we agree on you know what i'm saying maybe go to the events man the awards and all that type of stuff you'll send my nephew different the council's with the music is not the case they have blockers up right and vice versa you know it's in different arenas man the people it's the san diego southern nieces and they fight in latin america he had a saying that the will of the people is greater than the mass technology you know what i'm saying we can't afford the luxury man you don't seem to be tripping about you know saying why on my own you know all food to virgo that's the capricorns of the castle one of the players i don't know what they don't say to catch the rap industry i'm saying or even gender or generational contradiction you know i'm saying old cash young cats man it was a climate like you know saying like at the hampton house this cat he painted he do painting so that debbie field marshall got him to come through he needed to paint the house you don't see this that's his job he didn't charge his mother seen him on live during the painting at that time he put our cousin the light blue and black she said you know where he was at they never had the conversation before and that's that opened the door for the conversation you know what i'm saying if he catch this party man the party impacts us in so many ways it's are we scared to talk about it once it's a floodgate once it open man listen linden can they live in with revolution right so it takes people 20 years in an ordinary time they don't have two years revolutionary times man real talk you want you you to call us that's how i slogan free them all you hear through all the joints all accounts the music the studios the player the barber shop it's like it's up you know i'm saying and you could still be like that's the channel over the disciples there was sometimes with the blackness they were the free breakfast program they're still disciples right there's some little black disciples stalls black people nation the vice of the free medical center so the different athletes is a different dynamic look at that look at the cast on the movie man this is dominique fishbach did she talk about she said man the impact of playing you know deborah johnson daniel lloyd young david i mean the the conversation we had the keith stanfield this just i mean he was going man he asked me he was you know he was dressed because he was doing breakfast little charlotte man and then it was crazy at the meeting we had at the table until you know johnny said man what's changing in these dudes you're saying man it's politics man sweetie says it's in between 20 million [ __ ] between [ __ ] all these politics man real talk hey man thank you for coming through here and blessing us and putting us up on some games i'm honored we honored him he said dawg my fault he's still he's still about your nephew here you know keep on keeping kevin right right [Applause] family [Applause] mean the southerners got chopped out of it they want to move the guys they say oh hey hold on we're sad birds it's a man it's a man this is a chairman fredericksev it's a politician this hit man and you know when the movie said daniel the brother playing the cherry come out i'll say hold on man for cyber and there's only man listen man the whole aura to a man a a i i i can appoint me like chad professor there's a child i grew up looking forward to not be here in cyber the receding headliner i can't do that yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh oh what i'm doing i'm just lurking on the new merch i know you've been lurking on the site trying to figure out what you want all this this is coming these shirts these hats by the time you see this guess what they'll be on the site just do it you know you want to buy it i don't care how much you bought this is new to me so it's new to you do you want the hook up use the promo code not telling you how much the promo code is for because you have to do some work too [Music] now for real go to the website and get you some of this bread it's made out that good soft t-shirt material we got t-shirts made out of t-shirt material and we got jockey pants made out of jogger pants material look at this this is crazy that is so dope plus you need to switch it up a little bit you i'm telling you step your t-shirt and your hand game up you already got all the design in the world but this is black owned and if you buy it it'll still be black on cause you black right well if you not buy something black on white people haven't been supporting black owned businesses that's why we started this one but now that we're here you can buy something too just wear it around the house if you're not comfortable enough whatever it's just stupid stupid hello everybody my name is carlos miller and i just came to spread a little black love because i hope you having a good day because this is a good day scent that's black love since i love you so much i want to give you my discount code my personal discount code and gonna get 25 off l-o-u-s kind of look like love if you write it fast but if you use my code you'll get an additional 25 off if you go to the good day sense website and buy you some of these dope ass candles man that [ __ ] really do smell like black love though like after black people been holding hands with some cocoa butter that's love use my personal discount code so you can get you some of these nice ass candles and have a good day with a good day scent 25 off l-o-u-s black love one of my favorites because i love you and you're black even if you're not black the cold still works that's the beautiful part about it it's crazy i'll see you next time
Channel: The 85 South Comedy Show
Views: 504,232
Rating: 4.9400849 out of 5
Keywords: nigerian, comedy, dcyoungfly, karlousmiller, mtv2, wildnout, podcast, chicobean, kevinhart, dc young fly podcast, 85 south show new, 85 south show time, karlous miller podcast, chico bean podcast, 85 south podcast, funny comedy show, black
Id: Ca9qQAG0KUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 16sec (5476 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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