1CES KATE - Afterbirth Easter Egg Seed

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hey what's up everybody this is huts and today we're starting something new there are things called Easter eggs in the game so you see in the bottom right there's a queue button if I hit queue it comes this Easter egg selection list now there are tons of Easter eggs that we can unlock right now so far we have farty sounds unlocked but I want to get all of them we haven't 100% of the game unless we have everything unlocked so I am going to take a detour right now from the challenge videos and I'm going to jump headfirst in unlocking every single one of these Easter eggs I got a know I have to know what they are I don't know like back in the day playing like James Bond and stuff like that double-o seven where you could unlock like paintball bullets and stuff oh I was the best so we're gonna jump in a twosie I think we're how we're gonna do it and the first one we got to do is I skate alright this one sounds actually really really difficult found Easter Egg let's freakin do it and I don't want farty sounds on but it automatically turns on the Easter Egg when you do it so I suppose that all you need to do is really just type in all the seeds and unlocks them all but I would like to win with every single seed let's do it so the trick here with ice-skate is we're gonna have ice like physics so like if I move over here and I let go of everything he slides like he's on ice this is gonna be difficult you guys which is why maybe we'll play Isaac d6 on every single one of them I don't know unless it specifies but this is gonna be yeah no this is gonna be actually really hard it's kind of like challenge videos but it's things that people can't just put into challenges it's things that I can't even program into the game so I think it's going to actually be above and beyond what we've been doing recently not to mention that as soon as I unlock all these Easter eggs and we are familiar with them somebody could make a challenge and say I want you to do with this this item of this item and I want you to have ice physics you throw a whole new loop into the thing and this room was just like literally unwatchable I don't know how I was supposed to do that oh my god I just want an item rum just want an item rum alright we find the bus and potentially some soul hearts but I kind of want the soul arts not to be blocking the door or the boss room because I want to save them perfect perfect now I need one piece so I can go into the shop and buy something you guys it's like it's actually like a lot a lot a lot harder to uh steer Isaac with the ice physics it's just kind of like melting my brain I'm so slow to change directions it's unbelievable I just I just can't move I just literally cannot move I might actually die here because I can't freakin do it oh my goodness I yell right at the bat I'm ready let's not die and a blasting cap I think that's like every single time I drop a bomb I have a chance to get that bomb back curse room that I can't even afford to go into nice Oh full health place that's not full health finally found the item wrong the hot bombs is that good enough you know having five bombs right at the bat doesn't sound too bad and if we can get into some secret rooms that could even give me a key to get into the shop I think the secret room has got to be in a position right now where it's only connected to two rooms and not three it's one of those stupid ones dang it I got it though we got it keys please sir just want a key we looked like super cool by the way with the flames on her head I like that top secret room in the bank damn it I'm gonna take the soul hearts just so we don't die here I really don't want to die we get lash key and that could give me some keys is there anything else that gives me keys the box would give me key trapped nice love that okay health upgrade I suppose I'll just take it and go my goodness ice physics suck you guys suck item roommate no I don't have a key you guys this mom I get so under believably angry when I can't go into an item room give me a key now game you don't like me when I'm angry [ __ ] oh my I'm done I hate this game this is literally the worst game I've ever played secret room I can bomb into the shop maybe buy a key please sir I have a key for sale there is a key for sale and it's half off and it's curse of the blind great you know what maybe I'll just take both the items there in the shop and just Yolo it because we could always do six it I suppose I don't know I probably save my d6 charge for the boss fight at this point in time what is it what does it pop a fly just screw you game first things first we go for the deal of the devil but I probably won't get it because ice physics sucks you know a huge range upgrade is that better than blasting cap it might be I mean I've placed a lot of bombs and I haven't gotten a single one back so oh my geez don't do that to me another soul heart please sir or small rock I suppose is good I'm gonna buy the card Joker card okay yeah should we just use it now because I'm gonna take the air with me anyways use it now I've got my d6 chart I don't know man doesn't even [ __ ] matter my ceremonial robes good oh good I probably know I probably should have taken read hard damage I probably should have taken read heart damage and guaranteed that I would not get a deal with the devil and then use the Joker card to get into the deal with the devil so like guarantee one on this floor and the next oh well it's too late for that so now I'm gonna go into the curse room spiders good good good no no no great demon beggar yes we got for me to a spades I'm just gonna take the keys I think like I'll just take the keys perhaps my money better spent on this guy maybe still not gonna know what it is that comes out though but we might get it for cheaper than fifteen cents and we might get more plays for the demon beggar and more keys all right fanny pack yeah still nothing from that guy with a bad trip pill wow this game is unbelievable right now all right boss fight it is then all and it's a haunt please Tom Cruise save me from this nightmare yeah how to dodge this I don't really know making it up you guys got him got up what do we got safety pin I guess it's a black heart all right let's go to the next floor our tail between our legs another curse of the blind wow game Wow item room me please something good rotten baby that's actually really good I like that a lot had I've been able to see that still would not have reroll it with my d6 so good so for those of you don't remember flies do two times my damage so it's real tasty and rotten baby keeps one fly on the screen at all times as long as I'm firing fight me the fall oh no this is not going to go well we have a lot of damage though that's pretty good got them would we get dead cat nah you just ripped my red health you literally just ripped the [ __ ] out of my red health right now oh my god I'm not gonna go to the shop you guys I'm going to the next floor cuz curse the blind is not worth it when you go in the shop Wow Wow another curse that what am I supposed somebody needs to be responsible for this somebody needs to cry chop to the neck right [ __ ] now that really Oh My Jesus three times in a row let's it's the worst it's not even a big deal but I had the d6 which makes it the worst thing that could have possibly have happened to me it's a little the worst thing and now I'm going to think deals with devil that I can't see oh my god oh dear I'm not even to get a deal with the devil because we're gonna get hit and we're gonna lose our chance to get a deal with the devil so I'm getting slaughtered right now doesn't knock deals of the devil I'm gonna take him til I die I don't even give a [ __ ] don't give a [ __ ] with a nine live it screwed me out of it anyways oh just no no no no no deal with the devil good that's what I wanted that's what I was hoping for that even at 70% chance two-thirds chance still wouldn't get one thanks game thanks game mmm feel just I feel the love this game is literally taking years off my life just chipping away at my mortality alright item room please something x-ray vision yeah okay Wow with the ice physics when he sucks me in I can't run away I can't I was back felling an entire time Oh My Jesus this is the worst you guys this is literally the worst next floor I suppose jeez alright 100% chance to go deal with the devil let's see if you can't mess this one up and no curse the blind oh my jeepers I think we have one red heart and two soul hearts are good that's what I need enemies to that charge at me I'm slipping and sliding perfect and our first shop that we can see oh I'm excited what do we got um more options it's only gonna help me two more times but it's not like we can do much I mean we could reroll it I guess and there is a battery there's a charge oh yeah the charge baby absolutely okay we reroll it then no see what the card is it's a joker card will be able 100% chance anyways shoot man that always happens just use it Krampus fight of course of course of course got um reeling that copy one more gut piece and we're golden you know what if I take a reroll into the boss room and have a hundred percent chance to get in there I could reroll that item that could be our guppy chance item Rob I'm excited to be able to see it yeah headless boobies um we'll be two-thirds conjoined but I don't even know if I want conjoined I think we can do better probably teeth shot I like that I like that the tough loves the teeth do so much damage let's do it the adversary oh my goodness the enemies that were fighting this is ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous God I'm got a tears upgrade I like it and then go into our deal the devil weary roll the gut piece into uh betrayal now let me take damage will charm everybody in the room double kirim hit me up girl this is interesting oh another curse of the blind ha ha that's the fourth one I think raw liver HP up you are unbelievable game you're such a douche you're such a douche hole right now oh good good drop me a troll bomb I didn't want to use that machine anyways thank you good nice I'm gonna drop me a soul heart across the the gap very nice game good jokes good jokes we're all laughing what do we got mini mush the higher the speed probably the harder it'll be to steer so shop I'll just say it's our last shops let's buy everything I'm pretty sure this is the second greed flight we've had on this floor is that even supposed to happen we got the greed in the double no no no no no no no no no no and then you give me Steam sale oh my god are you kidding me that's probably the biggest [ __ ] you right to my face that could have been first of all we already fought green in this floor so it should not have come up again second of all gives me Steam sale for on the last shop instead of anything else what the hell I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't that room is impossible that room is not doable okay then okay well we'll just have to hope and pray that that's not where the boss fight is because if that's where the boss fight is the game is literally over because nobody paid attention to how you can't get by some rooms with it with the ice effect nice nice and to think I was actually feeling good about this to think I was actually feeling good what is this Incubus okay well that's double damage so it's a start but it still won't let me get by that one room nope boström has passed the impossible room so I'm pretty sure that this is just over right now yeah I'm pretty sure this is not doable pretty sure about that I I don't have to tell you guys no play this Lois I'm just completely [ __ ] no it's not possible good job Oh My Jesus oh my Jesus I freaking did it are you kidding me Wow Wow we we still don't have a chance to beat it though took all my red hearts all my dreams what hit me there oh my goodness Polaroid I think oh my god I need like 13 tinted rocks oh my goodness good good good good I like that perfect tiny room with that hand is uh just that's just deaf a quarter that I can reroll into a health upgrade unfilled health upgrade though with that I can't take that until I know the red heart in the ground all right guys we got to literally work ourself up for the bottom oh my god a dip hit us I'm talking about working myself up in the bottom trying to have some sort of confidence here and a freaking dip hits us in the vagina at least that poop gave us a soul hard goodness gracious everybody I'm literally getting gray beard hairs right now this has been an extremely stressful episode all right boss fight I guess there's like 75 batteries in the ground but there's not a single item to reroll of course what I wouldn't give her some flight - that would really help you're done Fred you're frickin done you jerk if we just make it to the chest with this era I have confidence we'll get something good not this room fudge this room fudge this room so hard I'm dead we're dead we're done shielded tears I suppose that could be a good thing and a special room of some sort okay we need the soul hearts not the spiders okay the troll bombs really excellent thank you appreciate it oh no no no no good good good good good good good good I didn't want to radars no no no no I want one render one replace what only one sir I don't I don't need multiple red hearts I like it I like playing like the loss without the only mantle that's that's what makes the game fun for me so if you could also I'm gonna use some bombs but I don't really want the chest so don't actually bump it out for me if you could if you wouldn't mind doing that for me okay teleported the deal with the devil Oh with the awesome stuff amazing items in here you know Abaddon would have been good but this is even better oh good good good good good good good good good soul hearts please or that health upgrade followed by a full health pill oh you you slimy dog alright we're back in it we're back in it with shielded tears so that's pretty good because we have a good fire rate and we also have Incubus that's helping out shielding tears we could uh could make this work like a couple of soul hearts though you know maybe piercing tears boss fight okay then okay you made it past the laser bros with the shielded tears it shouldn't be too bad getting through this part every once in a while we spit out a up here so you know no no no no no no piercings here that goes right through all the tears oh my goodness we were already in here with red chests yeah yeah we just go we just go we get out of here never found a top secret rule much I suppose could have been like super helpful should we go for it we go off into this room to the right here which sounds like a pretty good place where the top secret room could be geez I don't even know how to do this with the ice Oh like a man like a master and we did find it and it was awesome it was the best thing ever this marks the beginning of the end what are the odds of seeing this room without a tinted rock strength card I think the air is better although we should use the strength card in the boss room and then come back for the air since we're not using the air in the boss fight strength will give me one extra red heart and a little bit of damage actually a lot of damage pretty good amount of damage let's go let's do it yeah plus four point three damage I'm just going to sit here and let my Shield of Tears take care of everything until I absolutely need to move like with light beams where are they I'm going to be slipping and sliding around these uh light beams that's going to be a [ __ ] show Oh got this we got this let's go let's do it finish him oh my goodness now do not do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in oh the era do not miss the era let's go baby let's go baby let's go baby we did it we did it mom we did it plus we got the v6 oh my god we're gonna get so many good things I can just tell I just tell it's like Christmas it's like [ __ ] Christmas I'm so happy that I made this far after the game tried to screw me over that hard oh yes what do we got nope nope nope nope oh we probably should probably [ __ ] with the Incubus yeah yeah yeah it's just tears everywhere that's a no that's a yes three soul hearts actually a good thing I'll open up this chest first though okay well that's a lot of hot garbage but we've been getting batteries up the wazoo so if we still don't get good things we can always come back with batteries touch the books touch the poopy loving this app which is piss and then the poop which is yeah pretty much sums up the run all right let's go with this new vigor I'm feeling it now is gonna be tougher to get to hit enemies with dunce cap it's so it's very possible that it will be more difficult to hit the enemies but there's going to be tears everywhere with the shielded tears and everything like that maybe getting rid of the tears that we're directly in front of my face the shield of tears is a mistake because I'm like when I'm lining up at an enemy and they just fire at me I can't really block it as effectively but I can still block on a diagonal I guess there's just so many more tears coming out and there's always like a tiny room with multiple enemies here so if I can hit two two enemies at once do double duty here I think we'll be in good shape or I could just die you could just die right away you want to do that how about that well we found the boss fight so um we go for the d6 rerolls or do we just go Yolo it into the boss fight like I want to get more better items you know but we could probably just fight the boss right now I think we'll do one more reroll I think we'll do one more reroll and this room by the way is fantastic this is fantastic what do you got for me mom's knife I think shielded tears is probably better without the knife even though the knife will probably kill enemies faster what do you guys think what do you guys think oh geez you know what screw it screw it we're gonna go knife bring a knife here it's gonna be really weird ah Incubus shoots one knife forward in one knife to the side that doesn't make any sense whatsoever we're gonna go for one more reroll as well we do have sad boobs so we can go ahead and use some of those but with the knife not as good that is good ya see I think we were better off with just regular old tears honestly especially just because of the blocking factor but oh well one last reroll you guys we got toxic shock sprit e good I mean my own bomb damage I'll take some of the guillotines and I'll also go ahead and take a little Gertie and let's take these into the boss fight and finish this I'm so ready to be done let's go let's go baby now that was a host head being really weird there so the knife does block tears but not as effectively with at because we had such a high fire rate and that's really what does it with the shields here's what we finished them off no problem I cannot believe that we won this I cannot believe that we came out victorious I thought we were dead like three times over holy crap you guys let me know what you think about these Easter Egg seeds I would like to keep going until I unlock every single last one of them because 100 percent in a game is my kind of thing and with that I will see you guys next episode see you guys
Channel: Hutts
Views: 84,721
Rating: 4.9264369 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, easter eggs, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Fb6qUI24524
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2016
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