The Sharp Interview: Soft White Underbelly, Pimping, Simps, Onlyfans & More

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no jumper coolest podcast in the world and today I'm in here with one of the most requested guests in recent memory we got sharp formerly of soft white underbelly I guess currently of the currently some more appearances right early I don't know maybe you're not sure not sure Dan Mark rob you the wrong way no no no no no no man that would be a tragedy just moving fast I mean I just you know just doing other things man just trying to move on you know right keep keep pushing so give the people a little bit of an idea how you ended up on software at underbelly what the introduction was there ah [ __ ] skeptical because if you had never done anything like that on camera necessarily oh no [ __ ] no I never did none of that [ __ ] man [ __ ] I most ever did was [ __ ] record myself for [ __ ] sitting there you know in a car or something I never [ __ ] went and sat amongst some [ __ ] cameras and this man started asking me questions about my life you know and I would standoffish at first like I didn't [ __ ] know him you know what I'm saying like how it all started man was I got a call from my buddy he was like Hey man uh this dude man he's uh he's doing his interviews you know and I did it as a favor to my to my boy you know he it's my guy so I [ __ ] with him so he was like man come down uh come shoot it with me you know give you some money you know you can sit down man just just telling your story man just tell him you know where you came from you know how you came up and I was like all right you know so I went and did some research on him real quick and I started seeing man some real you know some real [ __ ] up people man he was interviewing you know I mean if you look at the channel as most viewed videos or like inbred family you know [ __ ] crazy prostitutes with their whole face falling off like crazy [ __ ] like like if you look at the stuff that's the most viewed you would have a certain perspective but when we were doing that interview I kept kind of like saying like oh you know you run a YouTube channel where you interview homeless people and he wants to jump in and be like not necessarily you know I interview a whole wide array of people those are just some of the interviews that get the most attention I mean listen man when I went and did that [ __ ] I didn't expect any of that man at first when I started seeing all the negative comments and [ __ ] was coming I said Man Mark [ __ ] you man I'll give you your money back check that [ __ ] down down oh really no I swear to you man at first I was like man I don't know I don't think I want to let anybody in that deep you know I was skeptical of man is sitting in front of this white man he's asking me all these questions you know I'm answering them to him as best as I can you know I didn't really know him but as we we carried on the first one did numbers man and I think in a month man we hit a million on it hit a million in a month you know I didn't expect that [ __ ] bro I don't I don't I don't come from that I'm not a social media [ __ ] freak you know at the time like my [ __ ] was Private man I only had [ __ ] 800 followers six months ago five months ago or seven months some [ __ ] right you know what I'm saying so I just getting into it man like we just start developing a friendship man and I came back the second one I opened up a little bit more to him I started saying okay he's opening up with me I come back I do another one with him we open up just a little bit more and we developed a friendship man you know I I he did he don't look at me as you know oh you know he's [ __ ] up he looks at me as an intelligent individual you know what I'm saying like we've had full-blown heart-to-heart conversations man so you know I'm not lacking in that department on him you know and he kind of saw it so he just he just wanted to tap in a little bit more so and that's how we kind of got to it and then [ __ ] just kind of start flourishing from there man I didn't expect that [ __ ] people were talking bad man but then they start talking good you know it's kind of like that right I guess you know it always starts with some [ __ ] but then they don't see it they kind of miss it well people see you having very much like The Gift of Gab and really being able to I think people see you being such a Smooth Operator there that they can then sort of put the pieces of the puzzle together and be like oh this is how he coerces people into doing things that they wouldn't otherwise want to do which I could see it I could see you you know very much like talking somebody out of their last five bucks hey man I wouldn't hey I'd give a person my last five you know I'm not a person listen man I ain't trying to ever talk anybody at anything that's never what I had gotten to the game for man when I was in it you know everything was by choice man nothing was by force you know nobody's [ __ ] with see that's where they get the game [ __ ] up at that's why I tried to talk to Mark about you know that's that's when I get the game [ __ ] up at man real ones ain't [ __ ] with little kids and sending little kids and sex trafficking man that that's that's not what's going on man for people who's really playing it you know what I mean like there's two there's too many you have to think about it man this game it used to be it's like I said a secret society now you got everybody trying to [ __ ] play it you don't really know who's who you know so you get all these mixtures of people and you know I see the people they're just getting [ __ ] pissed they're just like [ __ ] it man we'll just give everybody 30 40 50 years you know they're giving out man for [ __ ] that they slap a [ __ ] on the hand man and send her back out to Jail the next day um you can't even act like you're doing something like that I've interviewed rappers who yeah you know overall in terms of all the rappers I interview I would say that the ones who have a history of Pimpin are so not down to talk about it in comparison to like the dudes who want to talk about shootings who want to talk about selling huge amounts of drugs they're kind of down to talk about that that's not that doesn't seem like as big a deal but the dudes who I I know really have a history in terms of pimping are like no I'm not talking about it because it's like they've all been scared straight of of the law coming down on them or or even I've seen dudes who've been written about In Articles where all of a sudden they flip the switch and it's like oh no they're referring to this dude as a sex trafficker they're talking about him like he's a real piece of [ __ ] and not just a a guy who was making money on the street man listen that's where it's getting more and more [ __ ] up man because see they don't they don't portray what's what's good and it's always what's bad that's what you'll see on the news that's they're gonna put on the news they're always going to put these Batman these are [ __ ] some I think a lot of these dudes use the game man as a crutch man they really do like to to beat a [ __ ] or to you know what I'm saying [ __ ] like I said water border like this [ __ ] Guantanamo Bay I'm saying they use all these like oh I'm doing this to you because I'm pivot no like I said you're [ __ ] sick Bro your trip you're tripping the [ __ ] out you need to go get some some self-help you know that that's not what the game is based on man these these listen to me man these women are doing this all by choice if the if bibbon or the is if it never existed if it never existed man these [ __ ] are still gonna do the same [ __ ] thing tomorrow it's not going to change and if it didn't exist it would be reinvented tomorrow like if it's somehow everything about it was stripped away from society you're always going to have women who are wanting to sell their bodies and you're always going to have women who basically need to enlist guys to help them with this process because there's a lot of risk associated with it that realistically only a guy is going to be able to help cure you know that you know what I think of only fans what I think only fans is for [ __ ] who they want the whole dough but they don't want the they don't want the label they don't want the notoriety of it you know only fans is a very vague way of holding but not I am not you know [ __ ] stop if you're gonna do it [ __ ] go do it the [ __ ] is wrong but then get it on a different level though you could go be an escort and never have your parents back in Kansas ever find out whereas if you become only fans girl realistically somebody's gonna [ __ ] DM your mom somebody's gonna DM and let you know that they were looking at your titties they were you know what I'm saying they tried to get a date to come suck on your nipples you know I mean it it gets raw in there because it's more that shit's not secretive it's just out there like I said only fans what the [ __ ] man only fans Tick Tock these people didn't [ __ ] took this [ __ ] over man these were kids sites these were shits the kids were doing tick tocks and doing [ __ ] like that now you got grown-ass women that have no life or these grown-ass men that have no life man like [ __ ] go do something with yourself but but your previous occupation is basically like the [ __ ] you know the store in the mall selling CDs and now they got Spotify only fans is [ __ ] Spotify and it's very it's a very like a lot of people would suggest that the the business model that you presumably have been involved with in the past was is kind of outdated and might not even have a future in this world what you say to that man I'll be honest with you man uh it's definitely a dying culture because it was a culture man it was it was something as real as this room bro from when I saw it you know what I'm saying when I was in the game bro like it it was exciting to wake up get dressed and don't know what your night's gonna be right you know what I'm saying don't know how your night's gonna come whether it's going to be a dollar or a million you know it was it was uh more in depth it had more meaning now it's just like you just got a whole bunch of people just playing it just to be playing it just to say they they're doing something you know and I think that's anything now you know that people draw it everything's turning into a fad um things turning into a style it's not something you had to do or something that you kind of came up into you know it's just it's more of a joke it's a it's a laughing matter right well you know I was interviewing a battle rapper uh the other day and we were having this conversation and he was talking about how when he was coming up in hip-hop and when whatnot it was really about being outside it was about being on the [ __ ] corner and you were battling different dudes and really just being around that energy and now it's about making content it's about like oh if we're gonna do a battle rap we gotta figure out who's getting paid x amount of dollars and we're gonna figure out what streaming service is going to carry and everything because now if you want to get your message out to a lot of people you kind of gotta like broadcast that information to the internet and I kind of see what you're saying as being similar where you used to like that feeling of going out and spending the night getting into God knows what hustling really like being a part of the city and stuff and now so much stuff is moved online and it's just when you say that Adam like you say uh you know like it was more being outside it was for anything it was Word of Mouth it was Word of Mouth you had to hear about oh damn you know this happened that happened now today man you can get on the line in a click of a button and see whatever the [ __ ] you need to see you know no matter how good or bad right you know it's there's no there's no limits anymore man I think social media didn't [ __ ] it all up man that's why these kids don't know [ __ ] today right so they're [ __ ] up bro don't go outside don't hurt themselves no more they go hop in their mama's [ __ ] medicine cabinet and do dirty I think about that all the time if I were to like if I were to let my kid when she's like of you know once my kid's 12 if I were to let her do all the [ __ ] that I was doing when I was 12 like going off on our bikes riding around town getting into fights hanging out in the woods doing God knows what people would look at me like as a [ __ ] I was a crazy person for letting my kid have that much Freedom that was totally normal when I was a kid right these kids are kept in a [ __ ] box now because everybody's so scared of what could happen and I guess I don't blame them because realistically like with the media and [ __ ] they they keep reminding you of every worst case scenario well let's say this you gotta [ __ ] give the kids a chance to grow man let them bump their [ __ ] heads you know what I'm saying that's the problem everybody always wants to shelter him ooh oh I don't want my kid to see that but your kids seeing everything on the [ __ ] internet anyway let them outside and let him go [ __ ] bump their heads let him go live a little right [ __ ] pop the titty out of their mouth stop babying them man yeah [ __ ] show them we might have some more decent people in the world right for real man they can call me a scumbag they can call for whatever my a [ __ ] you dead ass serious bro I don't give a [ __ ] at least I'm one of the ones that still stand for something I come from the old school game bro I don't I don't do any of this new [ __ ] This New Booty [ __ ] this [ __ ] is funny style to me right like I said it's all it's all a fad it's turned into all it's a style man and it's just turned into something to laugh at it's so interesting to me because you seem like you're somebody who always or let me know if you were always but you were very much obsessed with the culture of it and that was what you know you had a real reverence for that which a lot of people wouldn't think that bro I'm being dead ass serious with you bro I came in this game when I was 14 15. and you know back in the day like and I'm gonna say this man and I'm sure but books can agree with me but on this that that came from from just back then you never really you never really met a bunch of [ __ ] that was just doing a whole bunch of [ __ ] if you were pimping you were pimping if you were selling drugs you were selling drugs if you were gang banging you were gang banging if you were do you were true to what you do now it's so many slashes you know and people want a hunt they they put 10 into this one and 20 into that one and thirty percent of this one but they expect 100 out of each one you're not gonna get that if you would like I say if you want 100 out man you're gonna have to put 100 in that's the only way man you got to put a hundred percent in but don't you feel when you say 100 in don't like a big part of it for you is like an image and like you know presenting yourself in a certain way I think a lot of people have the same reaction where they're like no man wearing crazy outfits and fur coats and [ __ ] is going to get you caught up [ __ ] that doing it even when you don't want to do it the days you don't want to get up man and still mashing that's what makes it meaningful see [ __ ] ain't gonna say that bro they ain't gonna tell the truth on that one that's what the game really stands for is can you get up the days that you don't want to get up not just do it for the weekend but you got to wake up on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday [ __ ] it look forward to next Wednesday [ __ ] [ __ ] that weekend that's already sold up next week you just it's it's you don't it doesn't let you go once you're really in man you know and I think that's anything that you do you can stop tomorrow yeah granted but that's still your mentality um does that make sense you can [ __ ] you know I'm saying [ __ ] be [ __ ] big porn star [ __ ] whatever let's just say allegedly right sure hey man you still know the business you'll still always know the business walking away from it tomorrow right it'll never that that they can never take that Knowledge from you man right that's why I try to say like it's always you it'll always be you but in a way with like the porn stuff you know I I do it and you know we live on oh that's fun but we line up shoots you know sometimes it's me sometimes it's other people without a name for you you know what you you know what you're uh you know I classify you as for that here we go a professional dixman um yeah like that yeah [ __ ] professional you've never thought about getting in that game you got it listen I think you'll be all right at it come on you just got that Mr professional dixman's face right hey I'm Tom you ready for me to but when I look at all the all the other dudes who do porn I'm like bro like they I don't know what the [ __ ] they think of me because I'm so obviously like a YouTube slash podcaster slash whatever the [ __ ] I am who just kind of saw an opening to get money and can slid in there a lot of these people I feel like they're way more perverted than me and I feel like they kind of might look down on me like oh he's just a normie ass dude who's in this to get money yeah I feel it be honest I'm into a lot of [ __ ] I wouldn't say that porn speaks to my soul more than you know I've been riding BMX bikes since I was 12. until you know I stopped really a couple years ago but like you know that [ __ ] that I've been in love with since I was a kid hip hop I've been in love with since I was a kid have I been in love with [ __ ] [ __ ] since I was a kid yes sure but am I like committed to like is that what I wake up in the morning thinking like okay this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make some fire porn no it's like a opening I found in to do some business you know what it is you grow you know somebody can have a problem with you right 10 10 years ago some [ __ ] could have happened 20 years ago some [ __ ] could happen and you don't even run into this person they bring it back up to you they they Harbor this and they say man I remember when you did this and all [ __ ] that Adam's this type of [ __ ] he ain't no real [ __ ] bro you're not the same person you were 20 years ago you're not the same person you were six months ago we grow every day people got to start seeing it like we grow every day man right you know what I'm saying so all you're doing is just growing yeah that's why you kind of left some of them things probably behind the not even saying you don't love it anymore you just surpass that there is that that [ __ ] is true when they say there's levels to this [ __ ] man and there's levels to your life there's levels to your life my man just follow forward man don't look back on anything don't regret [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] what it was bro I don't give a [ __ ] how bad it is I'm getting [ __ ] through your deepest darkest Secrets [ __ ] you've never told nobody bro don't look back bro [ __ ] that [ __ ] keep moving yeah you gotta move forward bro that's the thing about being 37. yeah because I felt like I already like lived a whole life and now I got like a second life yeah like when I think about the girls I went to high school with I wouldn't look twice at any of them probably half of them are dead New Hampshire New Hampshire a lot of fentanyl overdoses it ain't my problem but I mean I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm like if I were to go through my high school yearbook and be able to see an updated photo yeah it would not be looking good yeah I'm still living with a lot of passion and intensity and I feel like you know I was a chunky little kid you were but but you know what bro I had [ __ ] hmm bad [ __ ] why why do you think that was most guys it's like impossible to get like oh like maybe it's because I don't know I was a light-skinned dude man you know never could be too much black never could be too much white you know so once I start seeing I'm getting hated on over here man I'm just gonna get with the [ __ ] um that's what I start doing man I just start having girlfriends and just [ __ ] with girls man that's what I was around so you weren't like black enough to be with the gang bangers and you weren't white enough to be with the solar panel experts or what especially my younger years you know okay like as I got older I mean [ __ ] I was able to speak for myself move for myself [ __ ] knew what it was you know I'm not I wasn't the hardest [ __ ] but I'm not just gonna let nobody [ __ ] with me or roll over me right you know what I'm saying so but like I said as I came up man [ __ ] I have girls in sixth grade [ __ ] remember man I remember in [ __ ] fourth grade this girl her daddy owned a jewelry store man I remember it was Valentine's Day and I was like yeah bring me something she went into her daddy's jewelry store bro that's fine and grabbed a [ __ ] chain up out of that [ __ ] and brought it to me to school bro she wrapped it up and everything wow damn she was crafty damn she's [ __ ] crappy you didn't have to do a whole lot of like finessing to get her to want to do such a thing to betray her father for you no I'm in fourth grade bro the most like the [ __ ] offer is a juice boxer a [ __ ] chocolate milk bro maybe a sticky bun my extra one that I stole already out of the cafeteria there's not really much I can give her I got a dollar uh but I'm going to get some hot Cheetos from the snack stand with that [ __ ] my version of that when I was like 13 14 is that I knew a girl who worked at KFC and me and the homies will get her to sneak food for us out the back door let me tell you something man taking advantage of those natural resources it's important to learn nah bro hey when we was young [ __ ] man we used to have a couple of homegirls we go over there when they daddy and their mama wouldn't go man we eat all their [ __ ] I know this is probably think they're dirty little fat [ __ ] we over there tearing the [ __ ] freezers upstairs I'm gonna snatching them [ __ ] Reckless right straight up and we taking [ __ ] to go barbecue right they got it in there it's gone your mama and them on the way come on we're going over to Richmond called new house man we're gonna go ahead and do it up over there for sure all the way I mean that's how you know that's how you know you're gonna make it in life is if you're crafty enough like I realize young like oh if I cannot spend ten dollars on food today just because I have a couple of relationships with different people who work at these restaurants in my area that's me saving x amount of dollars and I always knew that as a kid like I gotta figure out how to live my life as inexpensively as possible mostly by scamming and stealing and like like it's interesting that you said that you are so drawn to working with women early on because I felt like that about stealing so day one I was taking that means so listen to this right so does that mean that just like they would say about people being born gay because they say I was born like this I think you were born like this you get what I'm saying you have the personality type don't you think is a circle a square square circle I mean really let's look at where does that mean I mean right what's really what in the world this is [ __ ] they classify it as man what the shit's all backwards what we got it all wrong Adam it's possible light something up man get high what are you doing you got a cigarette you need a cigarette I don't want to smoke weed while I'm on camera I'm gonna get a little too I gotta do two more of these after this will last you at least through bro I seen you with a pack of cools you need to come on bro come on man [ __ ] just in my [ __ ] well if I face a blunt right now it's gonna be a whole different type of podcast I'm gonna get a little slow my eyes are gonna slow you know I like to chew you got a seven Grand blunt right I know and I appreciate that very much thank you for this my man hey if y'all thought the sharp was a stingy type of guy you're wrong because he came through with the most dramatic blunt we're gonna smoke this we're gonna smoke this on the podcast tonight at six and see what it's hitting for yeah do it I'm not doing it right now though I'm not for sure man for sure I appreciate that bro for real yeah man like I said I just uh I I'm just trying to move in life man you know I'm a very down to earth individual You know despite anybody's feelings from my backgrounds you know I really don't give a [ __ ] about we might be jumping ahead a little bit here but through doing the stuff with soft white underbelly and stuff are you kind of seeing like the vision of what you could be potentially because people like seeing you talk so much if you thought about like maybe I should have my own show maybe I should have my own series on YouTube Etc uh you know man I do uh I do uh every Sunday I do a church on a Sunday man I'll be looking for no no profits or nothing man you know I just bring people you know people from all over the world come [ __ ] with me man it's crazy it's [ __ ] crazy I'm talking about from [ __ ] Ireland UK Saudi Arabia and India [ __ ] just places you wouldn't even imagine man like they just come through and they just chime in with me man this [ __ ] girl bro she named her baby after me in the Philippines wow you know what the baby's name is she showed me the birth certificate bro show the birth certificate like literally she was on I was on [ __ ] Church on a Sunday I'm doing a show I'm dead ass serious I'm doing a show right and this Filipino girl come on man and I swear to God bro she you know how they are she act like she sees Michael Jackson like oh my God like it's the best thing she's ever like you know what I'm saying like she's [ __ ] tripping out on me like I'm [ __ ] Michael like I'm baby Michael you know what I'm saying I don't know she's tripping and she was like and she told me she calmed I said calm down it's cool and she was like I just want to let you know that I named my son after you and she was like his name is sharp Levi sharp Levi is his name from [ __ ] here from the Philippines man wow and she had sent me a picture of the birth certificate and sure [ __ ] enough her son's sharp right it looks like you or the [ __ ] no [ __ ] have I been to the Philippines I thought it might have been a Twist where maybe it was your kid or something but bro honestly it's just [ __ ] like that man people just start to start going live one day bro people couldn't even find me like even after the first interview man I never because that was never my my purpose you know people were like man I'm having a hard time finding this guy's [ __ ] social media he is not there you know and then just I did the second one and I just opened up my Instagram one day bro and from like 900 followers and [ __ ] we sit at almost 40 today after like six months I mean just naturally organically man I'm not buying anything I'm not that's not my forte man that's not the [ __ ] I'm Into You know I'm into real life that's why I told with real people and that's why I tell them every every Sunday man we're gonna get through this [ __ ] together man and sometimes a lot of people man I've had people come on there say man [ __ ] I was thinking about committing suicide and you stopped me really you helped me swear man I'll [ __ ] you're not you can go back and look at some of my church on the Sundays man it's in there yeah record all them joints I drop them every Sunday on my on my page somebody some some people just need to see somebody who's confident and charismatic and not gonna let the world sort of twist their arm you know like a lot of people feel kind of defeated and they they could feed off of that energy of seeing somebody who's not gonna just give up when the world feels against them bro I've been I've been getting tested like that all my life so you know all I do is just try to come hey man rub some of this [ __ ] off a little bit on somebody man if I can stop you listen man I was I'm always a firm believer in you don't always have to learn from your mistakes learn from other people's mistakes man that's the biggest lesson in life in general you learn from other people's mistakes don't just always learn from your own because you're gonna constantly be getting tricked by the same foot you know what I'm saying so just learn especially with somebody try to tell you like hey man you know take it to eat you know I've been there before I'm a person that I've never told anybody anything that I've never been through like I can't tell you to go do something or be about something I've never done how the [ __ ] can I sit there and look at you dead in your face and tell you seriously like hey man jump off this [ __ ] 150 foot cliff and I ain't never even jumped off a 20-foot or a two foot like that right don't even know what it's like you don't say but I'm over here telling you to go [ __ ] jump off all and this is exactly how you do it too right come on bro [ __ ] does that and people do it every day man that's a free day wowed in the past because I've I've had conversations with people where I talk to them about like oh so why why did you uh never get into drugs for example and they'll say I read this book about this rock star and he got into drugs and I realized like real young or sometimes they'll say you know I saw my parents I saw my dad was and I realized how bad drugs were and that [ __ ] kind of amazes me because I'm the kind of person where I had to learn every [ __ ] lesson myself I had to [ __ ] up in so many ways and somehow make it past that that when I see people who are able to learn from other people without going through it themselves I'm impressed well see I was I was already broke so I ain't want to be that no more that already that that hit me first off the dribble in my mouth you know what I'm saying like I wasn't already this spoiled rich kid I didn't know what it's like to lose just yet no man I already here you go young take it you know what I'm saying I didn't want to be that no more and then when it comes to like comes to drugs I'm a very strong man I have a very strong Aura you know like I don't I'm I'm afraid like I said I'm afraid to wake up look in the mirror and not recognize myself I feel like that's losing control so that's why I've never [ __ ] with drugs you know what I'm saying I smoke I drink I don't do nothing man I don't do Coke I don't do Molly I don't I don't do none of that [ __ ] because I I don't want to lose control of myself that's all you have that's the only control that you got Adam you don't got control of [ __ ] else bro in life I'm sorry not at your house not at nothing somebody else it's always a higher up you know this [ __ ] but the only thing that the the genuine thing that you honestly have control of is yourself man it's you and what you do every step that you take bro foot in front of the other a lot of people doing 20 years for some [ __ ] that they barely remember because they were [ __ ] up and they were [ __ ] up get them into a position where they did some crazy [ __ ] I can't even imagine how bad that must feel of being locked up doing all that time and knowing that you didn't even really make the decision to do that you just got yourself into the position of not being able to make an intelligent decision I'm locked up one time right I'm in jail I'm in CCDC I'm locked up Southern Nevada and there was this Asian kid man I'll never forget it bro it's [ __ ] Asian kid I'm talking about he was you could tell he was smart his kid's never been in he don't he's never hurt nobody he's never put his hands on anybody nothing very you know Asians he's very well off you know what I'm saying you could just his whole his whole resume just spoke that just or even and I'm sitting there and I start hearing about his story and this kid was [ __ ] drunk and his bins one night little rich Asian kid man in his bins one night [ __ ] faded I don't know if he fell asleep at the wheel he [ __ ] hit the curb and hit seven eight people at a bus stop and like six seven all of them died bro I think either all of them died or like maybe one might have survived one minus and he hit all of them bro hit all of them just in one night of drinking his kid he's never had nothing else on his record nothing and takes [ __ ] six of them in one [ __ ] sitting damn bro you're beating a lot of [ __ ] serial killers that just get [ __ ] one whop like [ __ ] bro and it's and you know what I think there's a lot of people that have situations like that that uh it was just that night like change their life bro one night change your life man you could be [ __ ] top of the world everything kid could have gone on to have the most boring ordinary normal successful life and now he's got that [ __ ] he's sitting with that [ __ ] so it Life's a [ __ ] bro that that lets you know that every choice is everything man everything I get tired of hearing people always [ __ ] want to blame the next person for their problems let me tell you something man if you don't start blaming yourself you gonna constantly keep going through that even in relationships oh this person didn't work out for me this person now you don't found yourself in five six seven different relationships and you're still having the same problem when do you start to evaluate yourself right fix the things that you can control well let me ask you that how has been how has dating been throughout your life and how many like serious long-term relationships have you had given that your professional let me ask you something let me ask you something let me [ __ ] all that listeners this noise that's noise that's noise that's noise the show how let me tell you something how serious can a relationship get how much more serious does when a person says a serious relationship right and let's just say you had been with somebody for years in that profession whatever how serious do you want the relationship to get that person goes out and does whatever the [ __ ] they do and they still come lay their head next to you [Music] and you accept it genuinely how much more serious do you want honestly I ask yourself that so you're saying that that would that a woman going out and doing God knows what all day and then coming home to you that's more serious and you accepting it how much more serious do you do you get not the average person can accept that right the average per the average man's heart can't accept that I don't give [ __ ] the most manliest man in the world it takes a very special individual man Beyond average I don't know if I could could you take that because you take that she's off selling ass on Figures it's not about Figueroa man come on you know it I just keep hearing you mentioned that [ __ ] no I don't hey I don't [ __ ] with it man I don't know I don't know about you don't like that scene no man okay come on I don't know exactly no [ __ ] that I've been seeing some videos on this videos these girls are like naked out there on the Strip get some friends like me no no where are you gonna take me it's not [ __ ] fig okay we're not going there all right but don't don't worry hey I got you bro okay or downtown bro hey man like I said it's how much more serious do you wanted to get man she does whatever she does she comes home and could you accept it like you said you couldn't accept that no you couldn't accept that no and it's not because it's just because you're heart candid you'd feel uh you just feel challenged all the time I want to know everything that happens you would feel challenged right not me I don't want to know any of that you don't want to know Anna no why for what what does that do for you see that's some porn [ __ ] bro you can go [ __ ] put in the search bar right that that thought that you just had is like a thought you could put in a search bar in a search engine I mean I'm just I'm worried I want to know what that pussy's did I want to know where it's been I want to know who smelt it who dealt it listen before I go before I got involved I don't care but I'm saying like once you're in there I mean I want to know that she's not [ __ ] some dude in the back seat of a car getting AIDS [ __ ] six hours before she came home right why would you uh why would you put your why would you even have any type of situations like that I thought that was 2021 bro okay it's 2021 man this is not [ __ ] nobody's heating up bricks anymore on the side of the street bro for a [ __ ] to stand on to keep warm it's 20 21 bro it's not it's not I mean [ __ ] back in the 70s you heat up a brick I mean back in the 70s bro you know it was it was said back in the 70s that you know in cold places man you know that it snowed you know [ __ ] had to still go work you know they'd have the homeless people heat up bricks you know and set them out there so you know she could stand on top of them keep warm and the heat go up or go up her jacket wow yeah man a lot of tricks I didn't know about real game I mean that's just old school game man I mean that [ __ ] don't go on anymore man that's [ __ ] centuries yeah are you the Last of a Dying Breed uh my mindset yes for sure for sure for sure they're not gonna I think it's over man I think I'm I'm being honest man I think if the the ones that are in it that's locked in or locked in who knows knows and that's it no there's no more there's no more applications going out nobody can apply do you offer any internships or are you trying to like raise anybody else up to understand this game again no man no because you know what man I've seen before that you know a lot of people you you give somebody some some game man you give somebody anything for free they go throw it in the closet and they never [ __ ] use it they never use it man you you you charge them for it they take a second look at that [ __ ] does that make sense if they take a second look at that [ __ ] not a lot not everybody wants to pay so you're not so meaning this you're not going to get it out of me for free right you're not gonna ever get it out of me for free now what I've learned not what I've seen what I've been through Adam I come from some some real [ __ ] loved one right a little deeper than skateboarding and BMXing let me tell you I feel you it's a long way I'm sure a long way from skateboarding and BMX okay I want to know more about your past but I also want to just bring up this random clip because I was I was trying to search a little deeper and see if I could find anything besides just soft white underbelly interviews and I found a clip of you probably 10 plus years ago long ass Mario Brothers chain very different aesthetic style you look a little bit more hip-hop it kind of looked like you could have been like signed a Young Jeezy or something maybe yeah no man take me back to what this area in your life and I had we was doing music back then oh really and I'm just [ __ ] with it a little bit you know and like I said listen when I did music My Musical it was cool it was cool I I did it because I wanted to do it I never did it to sell anything okay I never did music to sell it I feel like that would be cross cross heronage you know what I'm saying doing trying to step here step there I did music just because I liked it it was fun something I like to do you know it's just a hobby right you know everybody like [ __ ] Goldie I'm saying you [ __ ] go to the gym and [ __ ] try to go blow up every [ __ ] day right well you know I go to the studio you know and that's where I could you know release right you know and you know I'm saying and at first it wasn't the best and got a little bit better got a little bit better and then before you know you know that that's just where I found my my release um you know we all have it you get what I'm saying does that make sense right even when I was doing music it was just something to just release man and you know just tell my story just nobody wants to listen I'm listening right so I did music I didn't even know you're doing music at that time the the clip I saw you were just sort of chilling on the Block talking to your homie or something yeah yeah that's where I come from okay but where exactly were you born and where exactly did you spend most of your I was born this in Japan I was born in Detroit Michigan man my mother moved me out of there this [ __ ] always say like oh he moved himself from the from Detroit when he was two no my [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] my mother moved me from Detroit when I was probably about two years old so I don't remember anything from there you know I moved straight to the West Coast you know what I'm saying we moved to Las Vegas to the west side of Las Vegas and since I stayed on the west side you know it was it was [ __ ] it was still it was Apartments but it was still Farm I remember it was still farmland and [ __ ] like that man like desert you know what I'm saying so coming up so uh as I'm coming up man you know I did a little bit of growing up there you know a lot of my people who I started running into like they just kind of took a liking to me you know and uh I started going to San Diego a lot that was where I start touching like I just I start getting raised there not from parents or family like just from all my homies then was my that was my family because I got one of them in the building with me like that that was my family like we from from Young you know so I started learning that game that's what I was taught you know I was taught to move fast you know and really be about something if you want something go get something there's no excuses man they we our little circle kind of treated it like the military there was no gray areas man you either doing it or you're not or you're gonna get knocked you don't get knocked down it's gonna it's gonna toughen you up I got toughened up man coming up and roughened up you know by all my people just mentally not physically mentally and that's what sharpened me see that's what I liked about it could have sharpened my mind in my abilities my gifts not me just out here just trying to punch on people trying to hurt people no sharpen my abilities man my gifts right because I'm I'm always gonna make it brother there's a lot of people who you know their their version of themselves when they're young is that they're just you know they're surrounded by people who are getting into stupid [ __ ] and not thinking about business not thinking about it you know what let me tell you something I was I was blessed I was I was fortunate for that man that you know some some people I got to I got to grow with them when they were starting I got to grow with them so I got to learn with them and [ __ ] man here I am [ __ ] 17 almost 18 years later man and I'm I'm still breathing so the [ __ ] had to have worked I'm still here I'm still healthy I still got all my teeth you know what I'm saying [ __ ] out the work man right it's just starting to change man it's it's evolving into something different man some some [ __ ] that it don't even need to be about bro I watched the hatred man we don't even we don't even spread love and positivity no more you know you got that you got the the do-gooders doing bad and the ones they call bad trying to do good [Music] um that's why I tried to say earlier can you call a square a circle and a circle a square like what is it do we got it backwards because it seems like there's a lot of [ __ ] that's backwards today Adam hmm a lot of [ __ ] Bro a lot of shit's backwards today make it make sense to me face [ __ ] value make it make sense to me man I'm not a person that sits there you know and just they they can't beat me around the bush man I'm not I'm not stupid these these from these kids to even some of these adults man they act like [ __ ] children I don't know if it was the hormones I don't know if McDonald's did this to a lot of people or what I don't know what the [ __ ] happened but I watched the switching people man something happened there was a spark I don't know if you noticed it just like the change in people from when you were coming up from when you were young just to now just the type of people that walk around bro it's got to make you kind of look at it a little bit differently oh it's changed a lot it's changed a lot right am I tripping tell me if I'm wrong honestly no the the world has changed a lot and I I get it I get it changes man but this is we're not talking about old people saying they don't like rap music this shit's a lot deeper you know what I mean it's a lot deeper bro than that there's some problems out here Adam that need to be resolved that need to be fixed internally government ain't going to be able to do it for us bro the president ain't none of that [ __ ] we got to do it together bro we got to come together man look past the skin color look past what anybody's doing man and let's come together man and figure some [ __ ] out you feel like people are more divided now yes along identity issues whether it's like man woman racially gender you know it isn't it isn't I don't really think it's uh about race anymore I think it's just about the Haves and the have-nots who's got money and who don't got money that's what's going to separate you today that's what's gonna make you something not just you being and you can have 50 different crafts and gifts and abilities about yourself that's more than this rich man but they're going to take him because he got the money and they're gonna leave you outside and you could have fixed everything that was in that building right or wrong you could have fixed everything that was in that building but they'd rather take this rich man because he's got money that's what we're taught we're taught to Value the money right not the tools at hand right or wrong but if you got tools that presumably will end with you having money shouldn't you kind of trust the person that has money to think that oh well their tools are probably pretty decent what's our what's what's let me ask you this what's what do you think the world's especially US USA right what do you think our main [ __ ] problem is our man I'm talking about just as people here we have a problem with instant gratification we want now we want now we don't want to wait to work for it next week if we don't want to wait a month we don't know [ __ ] that I want it right now um right or wrong they want it right now instant gratification is a [ __ ] they don't want to wait for [ __ ] [Music] you don't see marriages lasting anymore for 40 years none of that [ __ ] they barely last for 40 minutes people get married men they're married for six months and they divorce come on man you don't even see [ __ ] like because people move fast instant gratification and want to be in love today they want a home today they want kids today but they don't want to build to it to have those things of understanding you understand what I'm saying they don't want to build to that bro at all they don't they just want it right now let me get it right now and then when they start to look at each other like damn what the [ __ ] did we do [ __ ] up officially you don't get the time to even know each other right when you said that your line of work previously kind of feeds into that in the sense that you know you've always been providing instant gratification for people right it's like no I you know what I provide reality bringing the [ __ ] back down to earth see when I was growing up I thought that's when the [ __ ] say you know when they when they tell you the real it's because they care not try to sit there and sugar coat the [ __ ] for you man and try to make a sweet booty for you but really tell you what it is like I'm telling you this because I care about you you know what I'm saying not because uh oh let me just oh yeah no you're doing the right thing but I know you're [ __ ] up though if you're [ __ ] up I'm gonna tell you you're [ __ ] up [Music] don't you want the truth see everybody up man hates the truth but wants to be cradled by a lie but when they find out that it's a lie oh let's be pissed so damn it's a lose-lose situation I guess huh all right I feel it to lose a little situation right yeah everybody always wants to be cradled by a lie but once they find out that it's a lie oh it's a problem you know people hold on to their lives for you know they'll do anything to hold on to the things that are sort of tethering them to the reality that they've created around themselves yeah I had a girl on here the other day who also has been on like a shitload of other popular hip-hop adjacent podcasts and the thing that has kind of caused her to go viral was that she basically was saying that she doesn't want anything to do with a guy who wasn't going to you know buy her a car keep her in a nice apartment Etc and on top of that this is the thing that really went by talking about the girl that was in the blue dress Jasmine she look broke and very thirsty she looked very thirsty somebody needed to get her a bottle of water did you get her bottle of water did you get her one you didn't find her just a little parched I don't think she had anything she's probably dehydrated she had to have been but listen listen I don't like to talk about anybody and I'm gonna keep this one brief on her because we're gonna keep it moving but you know what for somebody to sit there and say I gotta get dragged out like he's got to drag me out like that says a lot about your character and your tax bracket that says a lot about you so you know I couldn't I didn't understand that that was yeah that was the thing that she was saying is basically that like once a guy gives her a house on a car and [ __ ] then if they break up minimum six months they need to continue providing that for her which to a guy like me that really is just not into like tricking off on girls I'm just like are you [ __ ] kidding me you seriously expected dude to do that that's [ __ ] crazy bro she'd wake up talking about hey can you toss me in the house can you toss me a brush downstairs you have to get it yourself I'm out right there no more yeah I'm gone yeah she ain't even gonna be in a situation even you see that's the problem and there's stupid [ __ ] that'll let that [ __ ] in excuse my French but they'll let that [ __ ] in today and let her do all that [ __ ] instant gratification just cause she cute let her through the dough right instead of getting to know what you're [ __ ] with that's the problem with people man it's the and she's gonna get past a lot of people's doors yeah and they're gonna let her knowing that she's gonna [ __ ] it up and burn everything down but still right at the end of it all [ __ ] it don't worry about crying later yeah well I mean that's that's kind of the amazing thing I've seen on on social media through her through other people it's just that half a hoe there's a lot of people who are a lot of guys apparently who get off on the idea of sort of like paying a girl's bills even if they're not really [ __ ] with her like that and just keeping her living a good life I don't get at it personally and people would be like oh these guys are so rich they're making a million dollars a year et cetera et cetera so they they like to do I'm like that doesn't that doesn't change more money you want to just no matter how much I don't think I would take let me tell you something man let me tell you something man some people man you know what's up what's up what's a lot to me and you man is a buffalo nickel to them right you know what I'm saying hey man some people gonna hey man they gonna play with their money right you know and you know a lot of people see businessmen know that you gotta pay to play right they don't want to see a real businessman that's got money that's got some real hard cold cash he doesn't got time to go out and meet and greet the [ __ ] right let's have a drink and let's do this oh but isn't that the fun part not for him he's got time is money right time is money they don't have time to be sitting there playing you think [ __ ] that play on Wall Street [ __ ] that he's sitting there banging the broad while he's on the computer sitting there looking at [ __ ] different scores of this and that and this and that right they don't stop bro they're not stopping through anything that's what keeps them rich but what do you want when you're pursuing a woman do you want to just actually feel your penis inside of a vagina for a couple minutes or do you want to like like actually go through that human process of meeting someone you know sort of convincing them to like you you know getting to know them then choosing to have sex with them maybe there is like a a monetary element to a lot of these relationships I get that the human feeling is not I know and that's the part that she seems to be like wanting to help usher in she wants to make sure that all the girls know out there that you think the human feeling died when these [ __ ] start doing molds of their vaginas and selling them my girl has one of those yeah and I met a girl yesterday I'm just being honest another girl yesterday who was like oh I know your girl from from the mold of her vagina I saw the sex story earlier I'm like awesome you should have copped it shouldn't it hey don't you agree that's when he died kind of like what you just said you just said that you like the human feel like don't you enjoy the human the human feeling of it the overall I know you like that because I see the way that you [ __ ] love you're a communicator [ __ ] love that's what you excel at [ __ ] love it you could talk a girl about her panties [ __ ] talk him into it man backwards man talk her into putting them back on backwards you you have the thing that these these billionaires that are paying for ass yeah wouldn't be paying for ass if they could talk to a girl like the way that you do right well I didn't have all the resources all I had was the time so what I did was made my time useful simple as that I don't think there's anything illegal to that I don't think there's anything wrong with that you know people can hate that you know I say this for [ __ ] to sit there and hate the game you only [ __ ] hate it because you can't do it and I understand it I'm a man there's because you know how I know it's because there's things that I know that I can't do that I see people excel at that I wish I could do but I'm not gonna sit there and be like [ __ ] them or downplay that I'm not gonna be mad at you bro because you can ride a bike without training wheels and I can't like no get off there he's not you know I'm saying I hate you no if I can't do it I can't do it respect that man go Excel [Music] that's the problem man that's where the hate comes from people that hate on it simply can't do it period go and teach yoga go and do something like for real go do something like Excel whatever it is I don't give a [ __ ] write a children's book do something have you ever heard of the term a reality Distortion field I've heard this uh prior to uh his passing about Steve Jobs where he was so driven so motivated had such big ideas but he was also like really manipulative so if he wanted you to believe in an idea that he was putting forth he was so like manipulative and strong-willed that he could kind of like convince you that things were however the [ __ ] he wanted to to put it and then like a lot of people would kind of like later on end up sort of realizing like oh I was sucked into his reality for a period of time then they would kind of you know separate themselves by the time they figured that out it's too late by the time you figure out who you're dealing with it's too late instant gratification my man it's poison well anyway I was just saying that to say that I feel like you're kind of like in the same boat as Steve Jobs there where there's there's something about like like the the reality that you're CR that it's like it's it's hard to pick at it like and I see it I see it with Mark Mark seems like he like no offense to him but he seems like he's kind of in love with you yeah no like he's kind of got like a real man crush type thing going where it's like he's he loves getting sucked into this reality that you sort of put him into once you sit down in that chair I mean we just we sit down and we talk listen man this is how me and you would kick it over a drink and a joint [ __ ] the cameras yeah this is what you were gonna get regardless that's best case scenario for these interviews is that people sort of like forget that they're even on camera you you were gonna get this regardless you know I want to ask you man what the [ __ ] is up with the boy besos giving up what do you give him 100 million Van van what was the dude's name Vance I'm from CNN oh van Jones is that he gave him a hundred million dollars bro right and told him you can do whatever it is you want to do with it must be nice van you haven't done enough I don't know what the Black Folk needs you we need you man 100 million this man told you you could do whatever you want to do with it right we need you I'm trying to yeah I want to know what he what he's doing or what he's doing I'm not working at CNN I think that's probably part of the deal if you just [ __ ] off and go hang out right I'm hopping on the desk man I doubt he just wired 100 million to his account I bet he has to like come up with some ideas to make happen no he told [ __ ] written in stone he can do whatever he wants to do with the money wow 100 million I wouldn't want to put a hundred million in one guy's hands like that give 10 million to 10 smart people and then whoever seems to be performing The Bets you give them 100 million to this one man what do you like for real man why could he come give it to you he probably knows that I don't have any big ideas I don't know I don't I don't want 100 million if I have to figure out listen listen listen he told the man listen Adam he told the man literally set in stone you could do whatever you want to do with the money here's 100 million bucks [ __ ] the owner of Amazon like bro that's that's who owns that right 100 million dollars who the [ __ ] like who just like bro you have nothing else to do bro like what are you doing but he has too much money that's the whole thing with Jeff Bezos he has like all the money in the world he's not [ __ ] like to take a whole bunch of Big Macs from McDonald's and build a mansion out of them because they get stale right you know like they don't ever mold or nothing yeah yeah hey y'all ever know hey that's what you do you create a big mac Apple I tried to if I had 100 million at least once I mean wouldn't you get put in the [ __ ] Guinness books of World Records for that like hey this man built a [ __ ] he built a [ __ ] skyscraper a [ __ ] Big Macs they don't mold bro they don't change you could leave that [ __ ] hey try it I swear to God there's no way I want you to do it by yourself though on your spare time one time I checked into a hotel room and we opened up the couch like the couch reclined or whatever you could they had a bed inside it and there was a Papa John's Pizza inside it and the whole thing was mold it must have been sitting there for two [ __ ] months so all I'm saying is that the ingredients in the Papa John's Pizza are not so different from the Big Mac there's got to be some mold and we got a room for free let me tell you something let me tell you something right you hear and y'all gonna be hey don't even I don't want to hear nobody laughing you hear all these like hey you hear all these [ __ ] rappers right talking about how many bricks how many birds they done moved right who's got more traps than McDonald's hmm I don't give a [ __ ] what city you hit I don't give a [ __ ] what Hicktown [ __ ] smallest Speck of dust I guarantee you they got a McDonald's bro nobody's out trapping McDonald's McDonald's been trapping for a very long time remember me and you came up when they started at just one million served now it's billions right billions literally you still hit McDonald's from time to time [ __ ] no no it hurts my stomach bro I stopped drinking soda I stopped [ __ ] eating all that [ __ ] man like and I love that [ __ ] like I like to go eating me a [ __ ] Five Guys burger I like to I like I like [ __ ] like that but like I just noticed man I feel better uh keeping that [ __ ] in the back Lane keep that [ __ ] about you man yeah you'll feel better you'll be able to be long I'm 37. You're Not Gonna Keep Feeling Good by accident you're gonna have to sort of like take some of the bags yeah yeah you get a dad belly a little bit but I'm working on it you work out no a little a little you're pretty good shape a little bit yeah I mean just a little bit I ain't gonna [ __ ] lie to you bro I just started really you know why I gotta [ __ ] I got a movie coming up man I got to do a movie really I got to do a movie in October wow I gotta go to Minnesota how did this happen is it because of the interviews [ __ ] they found me from the interviews bro oh I swear to God like it's [ __ ] crazy like I'm [ __ ] I got a business email my my look my boy Banks sets me me up a business email and from there like I start getting these emails you know so they these these people hit me up and they're like we saw your we saw your interviews on soft white underbelly they led us to your Instagram and your Instagram lettuce to your business email so I'm like okay you know I start getting into it or whatever you know and it's I'm not going to say anything because you know it hasn't dropped or nothing yeah I don't want to put myself in any of some under contract for it or whatever you know what I'm saying so uh I I get these emails from them I'm like okay they send me these they say okay you're gonna be playing this character or whatever okay I'm cool so they send me a money they send me a monologue I do the monologue I send it back they do a call back I do that one boom I get the roll um you know so I've been trying to have to get BM saying they want me to be a certain way for whatever you know what I'm saying so I just been working on it bro you know this [ __ ] new to me oh so that's part of why you've been trying to get in shape yeah a little bit yeah I've been having to cut all the [ __ ] out you know just trying to stay focused man so I can I can get moving right trying to transition just a little bit man I just ordered Postmates while we were talking to someone distracted for a moment just got a salad just reminded me I don't want to be like I don't want to get to the point where I have to go get McDonald's down the street instead of eating something healthy you know no go get you one bro so see you can see what it does and just leave it sitting I've eaten it you're just fascinated by the idea of what's gonna happen to fast food if you leave it around I can leave it bro your body's been baked bro got a few Big Macs here you got a [ __ ] few cheeseburgers here [ __ ] it how do you feel about this comment this is a comment I read on one of your interviews that I figured you'd have a pretty good uh response to come on I'm gonna have my daughter watch this video to teach them what a predator sounds like I mean I guess because at least I'm a good looking one what are you making your daughter how to avoid a good looking one what do you make of that how do you feel about somebody who watches your content and come to the response like that I'll be honest with you because you know what I I really feel I feel like she knows she's [ __ ] raising a weak daughter she's already weak there's nothing that you've taught her so you look like so you look at a man like me that's just gonna walk in and just all I have to do is [ __ ] look at her like [ __ ] Fabio or [ __ ] like Prince on the bike and [ __ ] Lake Minnetonka and tell her come on I can get on the bike like no like you should have taught your daughter something just a little bit better than that obviously I don't know I'm not [ __ ] get your kid get your [ __ ] kid something but that's kind of the the fear though is that you raise a daughter who ends up wanting a guy that sort of embodies what their dad their their dad's worst impulses because obviously there's good and bad in all of us but do you think do you ever think about that like you worry that maybe your kid is gonna walk like any girl listen to me I feel like any girl who genuinely has had their father in their life will not pan out like that and I'm talking about even like on us on a separate but like they don't have to be in the same house daddy could be raising her up over here mama could be raising up over here as long as the daddy stays fully involved Daddy's listen to me little girls or Daddy's Girls you got a daughter um you got a daughter yeah you do she's connected to you ain't she [ __ ] loves you right only eight months but yeah she's getting there but she just she loves you she knows your voice man she's she's touched you she's been with you you know what I'm saying best feeling in the world when you walk in the door and they go bro you are her best [ __ ] friend you are her light you are a light for everything she don't know nothing about no [ __ ] no jumper she don't know nothing about anything that you've done all she knows is she's connected to you right treated as such like today you know I had all these interviews booked obviously I'm just going to do it but then my girl is like I'm taking the kid to go to the [ __ ] animal farm with my family members and I did kind of like strike me as like you know I'm I'm gonna make x amount of dollars today that I wouldn't have otherwise and I gotta miss out on a little chunk of my kids uh childhood because you love her bro genuinely let me tell you something man I'm gonna be honest that's gonna be your best [ __ ] friend there's nobody I'm talking about not your girl not the me not anybody that you're ever going to meet bro that's going to be your best friend into your dying day watch because there's a bomb that y'all have and people have to understand that like man connect with your child man when you're there for him from Young be there for them but if you just work all the time then you're missing out on a lot of that bonding time hey man so you know what you do you make sure let me tell you something so you know what you do for that you make sure the minutes that you do spend with them you cherish and you make sure that they're [ __ ] everything bro yeah they're everything you're right you can't be there you can't be there nobody can just be there if you're working if you're busy but be there man the times that you can make them everything um make them legendary bro that's real and your daughter listen man no matter what your wife says no matter what any type of [ __ ] you'll ever deal with in your life says man going on through life no matter what your daughter will know what it really means to [ __ ] with you she'll know who her daddy is man can nobody take that from you I'm a black man bro for real even though my skin light man they try to take that from us it'd be like that so I'm just telling you man you you got some just just stick strong you ain't got no [ __ ] problems just be there for but the weird part about it is that your kid if you do a good enough job at making money and creating a safe comfortable home environment for your kid you're inevitably creating a reality where they're going to kind of take that [ __ ] for granted and not understand that you weren't there because you put in all these hours to afford them that if I can bring her to work bro yeah they're gonna [ __ ] work tell her baby at least you know you was here because I wanted you here I could add you to [ __ ] babysitters bring her to [ __ ] work you ain't doing [ __ ] smoking weed what are you doing I'm doing [ __ ] bringing the [ __ ] work my girl's so paranoid about my kid even [ __ ] inhaling air that has had weed okay we get a humidifier what the [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] is this your first kid yeah see I got a few so old we've been at the points where I like I know how to fix this [ __ ] at first I was scared but then I'd start figuring out like man these little [ __ ] are gonna have to figure this [ __ ] out right come on we're rolling with the punches yeah I need your advice because you've done this we're rolling with the punches you ever saw that [ __ ] uh think it's a Huggies commercial I don't know what it was but where the little kid the first they show the first kid and how she babies them second kid she just [ __ ] let's go like come on man you grow through it bro it was like that honestly bro I've been there listen to me man I've been there for my kids man right I'm saying as much as I can bro I'm talking about really spent time with them days with them right you know nobody else nothing else just with them you know and just trying to like I've had my my little girl and my son I've had them with me [ __ ] days old just by myself like having to take care of them [ __ ] remember [ __ ] his mom went out of town or whatever and [ __ ] it was just me and him for a week for a man for a week man I'm in the shower with him I'm [ __ ] making sure that he's good because I love my kids man like ain't nothing I would I wouldn't do for him definitely how much uh time did you do locked up and uh for what [ __ ] man in and out man if you wanna that's a long one bro you know we can give a ride I never told no listen bro I never uh because even Mark he like he never really asked me like where I went or how it all happened bro like I was uh he just let you go off yeah uh he lets me making my show he does he's well I mean that is like he stated that that's kind of his interview Styles he likes to just sort of get the person going and ideally for him he just sort of gets out of the way and just lets him talk you know man [ __ ] um I went to uh I don't even remember what [ __ ] year this was George honestly like it's it's it was to me like I I win a I don't know you can pull me up I'll let you pull me up later on but I went to jail man in Tennessee went to jail in Tennessee what the [ __ ] is that kendama what I just remember that because I'm trying to keep it on the table because it just came out and then I just remember that I didn't have it on the table so I'm like I brought it back like this was a bit like just ah what the [ __ ] was this like it's just like a game changer yeah different vibe Easter egg feel listen man I [ __ ] I went to Tennessee man I got in some trouble uh Williamson County shout out to Williamson County he [ __ ] shout out to them man uh [ __ ] it was it was it was hell man I ended up going to jail man I was in there like they even put me on the news I don't really want to talk about it like they they put me on the news it wasn't for no [ __ ] kids it wasn't for no [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I'm in a [ __ ] pod when the Pod saw my [ __ ] face on the camera like they got the [ __ ] ooh and like we're in third grade I'm like this is a bunch of [ __ ] grown men you know what I'm saying but I'm but I'm down south man and I'm locked up and I never did like the policeman they took everything from me bro like that was this is one of my first that that's that was my first felony I ever caught man was in Tennessee down south I'm from the West Coast I've caught my first felony down south bro and died uh I'd got caught up whatever and uh I'm in jail and I bunker down thinking that you know I'm saying I'm about to be up here for the Long Haul bro and I had money already to get bailed out my bill was 50 000 60 50 60 000. I already had the money put up man I [ __ ] couldn't get us I couldn't get one more signature bro one more signature you know what I'm thinking that like all right well [ __ ] it I can't get it so I'm about to have to sit up in here man like if you don't bond out around there you blend in they don't let you out okay you got to go through all the court cases it's down south bro you know the people on the jail not not the government or the state you know I'm saying the people people own this jail like man this the jail I was in this man's wife would come in and cook for the whole jail wow like for real bro in Williamson County like I'm saying that was always the story like and it was kind of good bro be honest this [ __ ] was no [ __ ] you know so but I'd uh I went to jail uh I got out my home girl one of my homegirls bro who used to sell me weed back in the day she found out that I was in jail because it was passing around on social media I'm in jail I'm in jail you know so she got my paperwork and signed it for me she's like all he needs is a signature yeah all he needs signature man she signed that [ __ ] [ __ ] they sent it up it's a Saturday night bro they they call me to roll it up it's like 7 30. I get out wrong got no cell phone I don't got no money I don't got nothing I don't got nothing bro nothing you know what I'm saying so I get out and the bail bondsman lady gives me a ride I'm saying I have one of my homegirls wire me like 250 bucks bro that's all I could grab at the time I don't got no money I don't got no cell phone they took everything from me everything bro I got no car nothing so I go in uh I get the 250 from the uh from the uh MoneyGram or whatever Western Union whatever Walmart I pick it up I have the bail bondsman lady dropped me off this little bar all I want is a drink at this point homie I'm been in jail for 14 days down south with these [ __ ] they not even really [ __ ] they you know I'm saying we we two totally different type of people you know what I'm saying we two totally different type of people bro so I uh I go and I'm having a drink whatever there's a little in town suites up the street I'm thinking I can go get a little room or whatever you know what I'm saying I have to have me a drink I go up the street bro it's the country they closed already it's the middle of the night it's about probably about 12 o'clock it's the middle of the night and I go and I say [ __ ] this man I'm gonna go over to this [ __ ] uh I think it was a what's that [ __ ] a Waffle House waffle house over there man I go call a cab bro cause I'm trying to find me a room now bro it's getting laid so I call a cab from this from this girl's phone and I go get in the cab I'm looking for a room over there in [ __ ] uh I think it's off of Bell Road all this [ __ ] sold up because it's in Nashville is where I'm at now at this point and the Tennessee Titans games the next day I get out on a Saturday night so all the rooms are sold up so I can't find no room the only [ __ ] place I know where to go bro is the weed man's house that nigga's watching this [ __ ] Church you know I'm telling the truth I slept outside this boy's door and covered up with a floor mat I put that on my kids homie and I was banging on the door the whole [ __ ] time bro I'm banging on the door bro I'm just like let me in that's the only place I knew where to go was the week cause I smoked Dro that's where I was getting my weed from and so he wakes up in the morning and never woke up bro I swear to God he never woke up I gotta hold him the next night he said he was in the room knocked out off a Xanax oh that'll be asleep yeah I'm I'm banging at the door bro even the neighbors wake up and open up the door like [ __ ] he ain't answering right but get your ass on you're lucky he didn't get arrested again so listen bro I swear to God brother where this is going I snob but listen man by the grace is a God and I gotta tell this story homie I listen man it's cold as [ __ ] I got a little flimsy ass [ __ ] Hanes t-shirt on I've been asked some [ __ ] uh True Religion corduroy jeans on and some Vans this back when true religion was was in stuff that's how you know it was still hard if yes man I'm getting cold bro because by now it's it's getting a little cold outside so I'm like [ __ ] this bro I got a little bit of money in my pocket I'm like man I gotta find some I gotta go find a pay phone I gotta call a cab and try to like find a room again like that's just my mentality so I go down the stairs because he's upstairs I go down the stairs there's a [ __ ] a trash can being or whatever something told me to look in that [ __ ] bro and I found a list Claiborne sage green trench coat and a roll pillow to a couch and a roll pillow to a couch bro and it was untouched it wasn't dirty or nothing I grabbed that [ __ ] I put the jacket on I grabbed the [ __ ] pillow I went back upstairs and I went to sleep I laid back down and I went to sleep in front of his door okay I woke up in the morning the little kids across the hallway was playing it looked like they was about probably about to go to church they woke me up I rolled that [ __ ] back up I lit up a cigarette homie rolled it up went and put that [ __ ] back to where I found it because I felt like it was a blessing man I knocked again he didn't answer I started walking through the apartments found this little uh I found this little [ __ ] Ethiopian man that was about to do his little because they doing cab driver you know they ride calves out there a lot there's a lot of cab drivers on me so at this time so he's about to start his ship I said hey bro did you give me a ride over to Sprint so I can get a phone bro he said yeah come on let's go all right we go I say here man you're gonna go like 10 20 bucks or whatever you know for for taking me he was like no because he could tell I had uh I had court paperwork on me and [ __ ] he was like nah I ain't gonna take you he'll say I ain't gonna take you for your money you know I'm saying just God bless you brother I appreciate you man I went over to Sprint and I waited this Sunday I waited for like three hours to find out they couldn't give me no loner phone I'm trying to get a [ __ ] loaner phone bro so I at least call some of my people anything bro he says no we ain't got none for you you got to go back to where you got your phone at because I had an iPhone 5 at the time this is when all this [ __ ] happened to me bro I swear man I've been [ __ ] up I've been in the game to where I've had to go through trials and tribulations man and I'ma be honest with you this story is very true because the man that I got some money from that day them years ago sitting in the room right now so he know when I was I had to make a phone call like bro just send me some money send me 250 bro I start walking to Walmart trying to go get it like uh man bro I haven't really been in this game man I don't really stuck in this game it never strayed me away I never got shook or rattled by the moment and I'd have been [ __ ] up bro police running all in my rooms all that [ __ ] brought him down and did all that [ __ ] man [ __ ] ain't tell me [ __ ] not a [ __ ] thing so you had to stay in Tennessee uh to catch the until July court date until my court date was done because I got out I went got my court date I had to be to court because I kept they kept putting it off so it took me about a year to go back but I went back and got my sentence with four other co-defendants all the code all the code Fitness that I had man was females nobody told really nobody told me so you're good you beat the phone nobody told that was the first person they called up to get the whooping yeah no I got the felony oh you did but you know what I'm saying just that I had to go stand up I had to go take my licking you know they wouldn't let nobody go from that wow you had to get something that's all they did they really wanted they just really wanted because they were fascinated I think it [ __ ] them up that they were fascinated that I was as old as I was and I had no F's they wanted to give me one um they wouldn't really give a [ __ ] about the jail time they just wanted to give me one just let's just Mark him let's be the first ones to mark his ass right because then you can't carry a gun so you're basically they took it off from me man you know if if you get a felony then you can't have a gun on you so then you're basically a Sitting Duck where somebody can come and do whatever or they can run up in your crib and catch you and boom you got another felony you're going away they took it all from me bro all from me man but I'm still moving and I'm still here today so that was the biggest situation yeah they came back and they extradited me too dropped another charge on me wow came back and got me bro I got into a [ __ ] car accident bro in Vegas for the first time in my life I call the police to get a [ __ ] uh statement bro for the for the for the accident you know what I'm saying it's just a normal accident bro the [ __ ] walks up to me and tells me like this she runs my name she says hey she says can I search you for any weapons I'm like damn this is a [ __ ] traffic stop like we just gotta do I just need to get the insurance because I had a rental car at the time it was a but it was a foreign rental car you know what I'm saying so I just wanted to get the him saying get the [ __ ] for it so you know I could be cool and they don't charge me man she walked up on me and she was like can you turn around for me for just a second so I can just feel it I'm like man what's this about man she put my hands right behind my back she's like you got any embezzlement charges embezzlement charges straight up and what Tennessee did was they came back as they saw the first charge wasn't going to stick they came back reindited me for a money laundering charge category B wow they sent me up bro I sat in jail for 15 days and then they shipped me up on a bus for seven days [ __ ] yeah I got out three days later on the same Bond [ __ ] retards bro on the same Bond they took me all the way up there the [ __ ] detective says oh well I didn't know they was going to bring you up here yeah you did yeah you did you [ __ ] Mark mm-hmm yeah he did he knew it he knew it that's why he did it but he was mad because when he arrested me I was talking [ __ ] so you know it just kind of just upped the Annie because he saw it down south it's like they're playing at different games they play a whole different ball game bro yeah whole different ball games at least at least in La you know that the cops are like kind of overworked and like that they it's hard for them to really pay attention to Small Things it feels like sometimes because they got so much to deal with but if you break the law in like a small town down south I mean they're gonna [ __ ] with you well the people you have to think about this man down south and I never knew this right the people on the jail it's the people it's not the state it's not none of that no a specific person owns this jail they fund this jail private uh private debate yeah private jails man they're all through the South they're all the South man just making money making money making money you have to think about it man for to house an inmate today man it's 300 bucks a day it's a cash cow man it's a it's a business yeah it's a business that's just big business you know why you think them Southern States may they be so rich I say man you go check their jail cells man the [ __ ] full up right full up imagine 300 a pop a day yeah [ __ ] have been there serving years some people serving life it's pretty crazy too it feels like now when you hear about somebody getting a long ass sentence that there's like a better chance that they're going to do a very small percentage of that sentence like they're just kind of letting people out a lot more freely at this point right I think that uh I think it's still racial a little bit with that man um don't do like I'm asking do you do you think that I'm gonna ask you because I I like talking to you and be honest I like I like talking to you do you do you think that it is a white like do you think it's still racial when they go to sentence a man like say a white man and a black man they did the same crime do you think they're going to get the same time honestly it really depends on the judge I would I would think I'm sure there's some judges that have a real Prejudice I don't know do you think a white man if they a white man and a black man does the same crime the same time the same judge same judge do you think that they would get the same fair shot I mean it's just hard to say like not I mean I don't know enough about how this typically plays out I don't know I'm not [ __ ] I haven't been involved in the court system that much but you know what you feel he know what he feel cause he come on he know what he feel it's my partner he know what he feels we're gonna bring that [ __ ] out I've heard about it bring that [ __ ] out I've heard about a lot of racial disparities in sentencing so I mean I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that therefore some difference I just don't want to I don't want to like indict the system on that specific thing without really knowing that much about how that usually goes down to be honest yeah it I mean if you've been in court you've seen it I've been very very lucky in that regard Barry yeah when I think about all the laws I've broken and the fact that I never got caught and I think about people who like you know break the law a couple times when they get caught and they end up doing eight years or whatever it's pretty you know there's just so much luck everything it's so much it's a gamble there's no there's no future and I want people I want people to this I'm mark my words this this is me take this there's no future in being a horrible Criminal remember I said that there's no future in being a horrible Criminal do what you do because you're good at it don't ever do it like I'm saying I'm not saying I'm doing anything not saying you're doing anything but just to people out there like don't be a [ __ ] horrible criminal you're gonna do something be good at it be be smart at it don't be a [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] don't be a [ __ ] person and that's just [ __ ] Dibble dabbling you you don't even really know what's going on or happening nothing not just stay away and if you're a criminal you should be making a very deliberate effort to not get famous which is the thing that a lot of people seem like they're dealing with because you hear about people all the time who get caught up because they got a million followers on Instagram and they were basically airing out [ __ ] that helped the cops and put the case together well it's very easy when you sit in there man and you flashing guns and money and [ __ ] like that that's unaccounted for you can't do that man you think they're not watching they're watching it all times bro you gotta you gotta be humble man be humble no but but you know what there were people that jumped off the porch just a little too soon start having money and don't know what to do with it man all the time be honest how many listen there's so many people that you'll watch sit there and blow the bag and you'd be like why are you blowing all this money bro they never had it before they don't know what to do with it a person that's why you got to be able to go through it where you have it lost it and have it again you'll respect it have you ever throughout your life have you ever been at a point where you had a shitload of money and then you [ __ ] it up a [ __ ] course a [ __ ] course I'm talking about bro hey just but it's it's learning curves man see I was I was more fortunate to do all my [ __ ] off young that's what I'm glad at like okay I got in the game young I start seeing because I never had [ __ ] Adam hell yeah I wanted shoes hell yeah I wanted to close hell yeah I wanted cars hell yeah I wanted jewelry hell y'all wanted some [ __ ] never had that I'm seeing [ __ ] having that I want that I gotta have that hmm you know what I'm saying I don't want to and that's no hate nothing like where I want to take it from no but I have to go get that um that's what I see when I was coming up that's what it looked it to me it looked like that's what made you the man so I made you something it looks like that's what made your life easier or made it look like you were having it easier you know what I'm saying so I indulged on that I'm glad I never really got too caught up in that you never [ __ ] did no you never I still don't get it I still am I kind of confused about all the the flexing [ __ ] it's a little foreign to me hey bro you know I've noticed now you know I was taught back then but I never really noticed man uh less is more right I always wanted to make money so that I didn't have to have a job and that was kind of the whole thing for me I just wanted my freedom because I had so many things that creatively I was interested in that I wanted to pursue that I always figured you know if I can just not have a job then I can pursue these things and I know that one of these things is going to turn into something eventually the game that I came from we were artiste you know we were artists right you know what I'm saying man I I [ __ ] this [ __ ] was an art after a while man because you start to see everybody trying to play it bro and it's not it's not even being played even one percent the right way man you [ __ ] see all these dudes on because you know you'd be sitting there with your family you guys turn on the [ __ ] local news that night like hey cause you just turned on the TV and then you see some [ __ ] dudes [ __ ] face pop up and it says [ __ ] sex trafficking and what he did to all these girls and this and that that [ __ ] don't got nothing to do with the game man um if it ain't by choice it ain't about [ __ ] it ain't about [ __ ] but you know what I noticed and men that sit there and go deal with little girls and [ __ ] like that you know what that is man I'm gonna be honest with you know what that is No Game No game it's easier to move a little girl because you know what all she wants is a cell phone or hair done maybe her nails done she don't want [ __ ] a grown woman when you're dealing with her she's gonna want some things um yo [ __ ] what situation you put her in I've interviewed so many girls on here who basically ended up just getting sex trafficked by some [ __ ] manipulating dude that's weird and they were like 14. weird to me bro because it's because let me tell you something it's lazy it's easier to a grown man it's easier to do that than go out and go get your ass a grown ass woman because see she's gonna have questions for you yeah and you gotta have answers they don't want to have answers it's easier a little girl ain't gonna question you she only wants a little bit she don't want much she's never seen much she's young so it's easier for them to go in and and be pursue that versus going and getting a grown woman and you got to really do some talking for it do a little bit of walking for it you got to make some [ __ ] happen it strikes me as you seem like a person who has a bunch of integrity and a vision in an arena where there's not a lot of that it's just you know it's it's a it's a field that probably I would think largely attracts scum and you're just not you know at least basically when you say you're just not really that kind of guy no bro it's very out of the ordinary listen to me man when I was coming up we were supposed to be clean clean gentlemen you're a gentleman first don't let nothing sweat you you don't let nothing make you have to come out your character man and if it did it was never saw just like a lady being a lady right I'm saying certain things if they did they did behind closed doors they never did that [ __ ] out in the streets I'm accustomed to that certain [ __ ] you don't do out on the street but see these [ __ ] think that that's just what everything's about so they can world star the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh let's put everything that we want to put on here put on there no man that ain't the [ __ ] way that's how you get your ass caught up dummy dum-dum you said that you uh you've competed in and won the Players Ball what what is the actual criteria that they sort of end up judging people based on for that not being the strongest man not sitting there trying to have listen man you can come up in there with a million dollars you can come up here with this come up and whatever but who knows you got to be around you ever had to been down that's all I could really say about that one you got to really be down man everything is it's almost everything about you got to check out everything not just your bread not just your money and not just your honey that you came with everything about you gotta really check out um and if it don't don't worry about it so you can't just appear out of thin air and just [ __ ] some cool clothes and a whole lot of job talking [ __ ] no they're not gonna allow it [ __ ] no well I can't say Jive talking dick well that's why I would say you're you're a job talker am I hell yeah can I be a real talker though you could be that too for sure can I honestly don't [ __ ] me bro Jive is a weird don't [ __ ] me I'm looking at you in your face honestly okay I'll be the Jive talker I'll take that part I'm a gentleman I can take things I could take an addition right but can I be a real talker as well for sure maybe a little bit earlier than you um all right yeah all right I love you Adam you're a good dude I appreciate it man this [ __ ] is hey it's cool listen to me man I before anything before we go before anything I just want you to know man I uh I appreciate you for opening your platform to me for sure you know what I'm saying because you didn't have to but you did it's love from open mind to you and uh I hope we got more Endeavors in the future we should talk we should yeah we [ __ ] sure I could see It'll be I I could see the people really [ __ ] with you on the line maybe you just need a little bit of infrastructure to help put you in front of them I think you can you think you can help me of course can you give me some game oh yeah can I give you some listen yeah there it goes you can I give you something you in the streets can I give you some on the internet all right then let's put them together and see if they can be butt buddies we'll send them on along and let them go be bug buddy I could just hear A.D screaming Paws in my ears as you said that yeah [ __ ] that man let the [ __ ] go be butt buddies um talk about me and you let's make something real that's good I like it it's good level one for sure I appreciate you for everything can I still get that cigarette you want one honestly do you really need one bro [ __ ] bro it's like candy bro it's like candy yeah I don't eat candy like that anymore but I'll smoke a cigarette here bro oh my God cool yeah my girl there's nowhere you know where I got these from you know when I start smoking Cool Blues honestly no Cool Blues I start smoking Cool Blues when I was [ __ ] Maybe 14 15. how long you see me with a pack of Cool Blues been a minute huh so I was a young kid man I remember a dude in my grandmother's Apartments bro he was a I called him porch man because he always sit on the porch and he was so cool yeah porch man what up porch man he used to [ __ ] sit up there on the porch and he would walk with a cane and he would sit up on the porch man he smoked cool blue 100s and the way this dude used to pull on a man because I smoke cigarettes man I ain't gonna lie bro I used to [ __ ] go steal him and he always he I was so young Bros probably like 12 man he knew I smoked and he used to throw him down to me man and I got accustomed to him you want to hear a cigarette story talk to me I worked at the the grocery store Market Basket where I grew up um I was about 15 I think is when I started working there and I started to realize that my best bet for stealing [ __ ] that was actually worth something out of the grocery store because I would take you know the little microwave pizzas and the little microwave hamburgers shove those in my pants on the way out of there so I'd have something to eat when I got home I started to realize that the girl who worked in the booth where they had the lottery tickets and the cigarettes yeah that that was where I could actually get something that would turn into money you know yeah so I started to figure out that when the girl turned around this is like [ __ ] 1997 they didn't even have cameras in this [ __ ] area where all this [ __ ] you were bootlegging cigarettes well I was reaching in when she wasn't looking in a bunch of [ __ ] lottery tickets out so I had that going and that was turned into money I was feeling myself about that you but then I started it's a mini soft white underbelly we're doing right this is my criminal history this is a mini this is a mini soft white underbelly hey I'm Mark I'm interviewing you okay and then I started to figure out that I could actually Jack the cartons of cigarettes too yeah my dumb ass starts stealing cigarettes that don't even have a [ __ ] filter on them so then I bring him to school trying to sell them to kids humps they're like I don't want to [ __ ] pack of camels with notes see I knew humps I said I knew what them was because we were still in all them [ __ ] I didn't know nothing about cigarettes bro nobody wanted it I'm gonna be honest bro me and my cousin We Were Young bro we used to go up hey I don't give a [ __ ] but we were young I don't care this is we would go up into 7-Eleven and I think this [ __ ] [ __ ] knew she would turn her back and you know all the cigarettes and be up there at the top and him just start [ __ ] grabbing we [ __ ] young but she let us [ __ ] do it bro we're [ __ ] 13 years old like she knows we're just trying to make some money like she this is lady used to [ __ ] with us man but 7-Eleven man shout out to her I ain't gonna give no location man but her family owned that [ __ ] and shout out to her because she let us [ __ ] get them shits and we was [ __ ] man whatever we needed to do bro hell yeah we was moving man young bro anybody enabling petty crime for to help a young man get his [ __ ] operation you stole a [ __ ] steak some hot links you trying to throw a barbecue one day I know you did bruh I could tell dawg he done did it before okay Mark Mark you're encouraging me to tell more bad stories about myself can I tell you about humiliating experience with the police when I was a kid um I had just gone vegetarian I'm 16. and so I go out vegetarian at 16. I know I know a lot of bad influences in my life I'm gonna be honest you probably have to be prehistoric like of the of the vegans yeah like for real like just to kind of like just wait 90. who was who was that bro that was a tough [ __ ] time for you that was a tough [ __ ] time for him it's a lot of bands who influenced me though in the early 90s who was that late late 90s even late 90s who was a [ __ ] what vegan vegetarian I was vegetarian at the time anyway still the same [ __ ] so me and my friends go out and I get a salad because I'm a new vegetarian I'm like oh I guess I gotta start eating salads I get a salad I can't finish the whole salad I still have the salad in my backpack right and but we're riding bikes around the cops pull us over and they start searching my bag and they find the salad and this [ __ ] cop is going through the whole set because he assumes that the salad has to be a front for me hiding weed which is and why I don't know there would be salad dressing on the wheat you don't want that because who was a vegetarian back then that's why he was searching I don't doubt the cops logic he was right to doubt why I had a salad in my back who the [ __ ] has a salad in their bag probably hey what if they would have like charged you would like using a salad as a weapon I mean or like it's some like type of malicious play there's a lot of food the police are crazy like they would like use that salad against me like I was gonna use it in a malicious way like I was gonna like I was defacing a salad yeah you ever yeah I don't know who does this like for real like I was defacing a salad it depends how creative the cop is he could come up with something like that bro they do it bro I like I was defacing a salad and I just no he he picks [ __ ] off that he could have told them that he didn't want um you like that [ __ ] I can tell like you the way you're looking at it like I said not bad honestly my girl's mom smokes these and I never even think about chicken guy smokes a green pack maybe I don't know but she got the cool she but she switches it up she'll have different menthol cigarettes Newports she'll have some Marlboros oh she don't give a [ __ ] around she's how are you this old and you're just switching up this [ __ ] foreign the roller coaster they're just in it for the ride anymore bro they don't they don't care what gives it to him yeah well I refuse to buy cigarettes so I'll take whatever they give me so I've tried them all I've been around the block you won't buy them no so what do you think about like that maybe that's where she came from who the person you said that like she doesn't remember she tried enough Brands but she wants to switch it up it's like she didn't buy smoke when I go to the 7-Eleven if I'm in a candy mood which will only occur very late at night when I'm very very high but if I was in the candy mood I'm not gonna get the same candy every time switch it up so I get it you wanna switch up candy you like candy I mean I do you don't get no pimples or nothing on your face do you not from the face doesn't get oily no well I mean my face gets oily if I don't like shower and wash it yeah yeah no [ __ ] that [ __ ] that man y'all should be sitting there dry you gotta leave that candy alone bro hey let me tell you something I'll tell you this I guarantee you you'll be able to tap into your third eye more if you kind of leave just more of the sugars alone just [ __ ] like that alone bro you can still live right yeah you don't need it man me and candy is like most people with like drugs you know I'm trying to I have to keep it out of my head every day stop having an addictive personality yeah yeah that's real stop the [ __ ] those soft ass cookies what did we talk about earlier right we was talking about like self-control right yeah don't lose control of yourself bro I'm trying you're gonna let you're gonna let candy dictate to you what you do leave it around in there you don't you don't [ __ ] with sweets sometimes okay but when I want to that's right but listen to me I know how to cut them off when I want to I control that I don't let it control me because I just like it right you can't do that [ __ ] bro see that's the problem with this is instant gratification you want what you want you don't care how bad it is for you do you no you don't give [ __ ] how much you even though you know a big a big Mac's gonna go stale in your stomach you'll still eat that [ __ ] because you win ate it last week out of my mind you [ __ ] ate it last week so you know that you need to get that [ __ ] gone um I'm glad that you got a can I be honest with you sure I'm gonna be real bro real as [ __ ] I'm glad you got rid of that cage oh yeah I don't yeah I didn't like that the cage and the [ __ ] locks and [ __ ] like that like I didn't yeah grab that post made for us yeah [Laughter] I didn't like the cage and [ __ ] like that man like we don't know we didn't need to I see all these people making their podcast Studios look so professional and I kind of like the idea of I was looking ratty ratty but still classy yeah this is like on the side of the construction site you see all the posters up on the wall say this man we're uh we got jumpers with no jumper that's why I like when you named it no you know what no jumper means to me what it's people who probably ain't never shot a three in their [ __ ] life but we balling that's exactly what it means yeah I like with no jumper stand like for real bro like I took the concept but I ain't never talked to nobody but I was like man no jumper what does no jumper really mean that's a [ __ ] that's really shooting out the [ __ ] gym because it comes from the Gucci Mane lyric where he says 95 Air Max because I'm a dope Runner they're all in like an athlete but got no jumper yeah that's what we took it from yeah I like that my man you you somewhere for real yeah we're gonna take it somewhere yeah give your your shout outs what your last words to the audience before we uh wrap this I say this uh I hope to be able to just come back I just want to come [ __ ] with you no doubt bring a couple more bottles few more things for us to smoke and and have a few laughs tacos listen I just want to do uh tacos and a couple laughs with you I like that bro I like you I like that I like what you're doing you know I'm saying I like what you're trying to promote because if it's if it's [ __ ] I notice that you get on it I like that about you and that's why I came if you felt like it was some [ __ ] Church please get on me and if you feel like there's another time that you need to get on me I mean bring me back I'm here I'm always here to answer your questions well you got my number hey man you got mine sharp I appreciate you man hey man I [ __ ] with you church it's love sharp no jumper check us out on YouTube and patreon we're really trapping out the patreon Bro shaking ass all kinds of wild mate let me tell you something man on this no jumper we're shooting out the gym that's real no jumper check us out on YouTube SoundCloud patreon iTunes all that [ __ ] like comment subscribe if you want to support appreciate all y'all and we're gonna have sharp back church church
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 2,330,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharp interview, sharp soft white underbelly, soft white underbelly, sharp no jumper, sharp adam22, sharp pimp, sharp church, sharp church on sunday, sharp ig live, sharp motivation speaker
Id: 8m_kW3sl60E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 17sec (5837 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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