Spiritual Eyes

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spiritual eyes you know your spiritual eyes allow you to see things that are of a spiritual nature our spiritual eyes and ears are what allow us to understand God's Word the ways of the world and the traditions of men are two things that cause spiritual blindness we get so caught up in the ways of the world sometimes not we but people I know you guys stay focused but that's the whole thing about this message today is that I want you to take home with you is to stay keep your eye on the ball stay focused on God's word because it's awfully easy to be distracted these days you mean everyone is so busy in the ways of the world making a living or worse they're in a church that all they ever hear is the traditions of men you know it's hard to understand God's truth if you never hear God's truth if all you hear is the traditions of men that's that's what you know and that's unfortunate but many of you are know have been given eyes and ears to see in here and you're fortunate you're very fortunate don't ever forget to thank your father that you have eyes to see and ears to hear it helps you it helps you get through life I see people who aren't well anchored spiritually who lose a family member to death it devastates them I mean it's devastating enough for one of us that know where that that person has gone but if they don't know God's truth imagine how you they have to deal with that and just the anxiety and the fear of not knowing why are we here what what is all this about and the only way you know that is right here in God's Word so let's begin our study today in the book of John John chapter 9 verse 1 did you know the whole purpose of John is to present Jesus Christ as God think about that chapter one verse one of the book of John what do we learn in the beginning was the word word is logos that's Jesus Christ and that verse continues on in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and if you substitute Christ Jesus Christ in forward in the beginning was Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ was with God and Jesus Christ was God chapter 14 the book of John God's you know Christ said you know I go to my father's house to prepare a mansion for you in my father's house there are many mansions and soon after that the disciples said gee do you think you could arrange to show us God he said if you've seen me you've seen the father so again the book of John introducing Jesus as God that distinguishes it from the other three Gospels the other three Gospels you don't see Christ presented as God I want to to make you aware in Chapter nine if you've got a companion Bible check it out it'll lay all this out for you but this is the sixth sign in the book of John there are a total of eight signs and that's the word that is utilized in the book of John for miracles the other Gospels they're called mighty acts or mighty works but in John they're called signs and this is the sixteen and if you have in a companion Bible appendix 176 is a real interesting side study on the eight signs or eight miracles that we see performed in the book of John so with that let's ask the word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father open eyes open ears this day chapter 9 st. John verse 1 and it reads and as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth this man was physically blind and you know you can be physically blind and still have your spiritual eyes wide open and just don't like that on the other hand a lot of people have perfect physical vision but they're blinded in the back when it comes to spiritual matters verse two and his disciples asked him asking Jesus master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind God seemingly punished this man what was he punished because his parents sinned or because he sinned neither we know from Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 29 that when the father bites into a sour grape it doesn't set the children's teeth on edge children don't pay for the sins of their parents well why was this one blind verse 3 jesus answered jesus answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of God should be made manifest in him this man was blind from birth and the reason was to make known manifest the wonderful works of God Jesus continues verse 4 I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work were all blind at night and we are children of the day 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 tells us as much verse 5 as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world and that's the reason we are all children of the day children of light verse 6 when he had thus spoken he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and he anointed or he spread the clay over the eyes of the blind man with the clay and many people say well why clay well let me ask you when God formed Adam the man Adam f ha Adam of Genesis chapter 2 what did he form him out of clay so that that makes sense right verse 7 and said unto him go wash in the pool of Siloam which is by interpretation sent he went his way therefore and washed and came seeing this word Siloam by interpretation sent this blind man was sent by God to make his wonderful works known this miracle the sign that's the sign that we're reading about here in John chapter 9 Siloam by the way the pool originates at the fountain of the Virgin interesting to note it originates at the fountain of the Virgin what else originated from the Virgin Jesus Christ the living water and this one was sent and Christ was sent as well verse 8 the neighbors therefore and they which before had seen him this is the blind man that he was blind said is not this he this sat and begged look he's walking around as though he can see isn't this the man that we used to see over here just sitting with the help of someone he got over there and was begging some said this is he others said he is like him he looks like him but he said I am he therefore said they unto Him how were thine eyes opened tell us the good news the good news of God's word are how your eyes are opened as well verse 11 he answered and said a man that is called Jesus made clay and anointed mine eyes and said unto me go to the pool of Siloam and wash and I went and washed and I received my sight I received sight do things God's Way did you see any lack of faith on this did he say well gosh why should I go down to the pool of Siloam and wash no Jesus said it he did it he received his sight that's something we all can learn do things God's Way receive His blessings verse 12 then said they unto Him where is he referring to Christ he said I know not let me ask you if if he had seen Christ right then what are you recognized him no he was blind when Christ walked up to him Christ made some spittle in the clay put him over his eyes he couldn't see him then he hadn't received his sight yet he went down to the pool of Siloam and wash that's when he received his sight so if Jesus was standing there if there were ten men standing there he wouldn't know which one of them was Jesus because he hadn't had his sight then verse 13 they brought to the Pharisees him that a 4-time was blind this should be good and it was the Sabbath Oh day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes the Pharisees would not like this do you think Jesus really cared then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight he said unto them he referring to Jesus put clay upon mine eyes and I washed and do see that's that's all that happened that's that's how I gained my sight therefore said some of the Pharisees this man is not of God or from God because he keepeth not the Sabbath that shows how much they knew the only begotten Son of God is in their midst and their eyes cannot see him their spiritual eyes others said how can a man that is a sinner do such miracles this is the sign and there was a division among them nothing new Jesus had caused a division among the Pharisees and Sadducees back in John chapter 7 verse 43 division and a religious group it happens beloved you know what though and Satan loves it a house divided falls but if you keep your eye on the ball if you stay focused on God's Word no one not even Satan can cause division in your church verse 17 they say unto the blind man again what sayest thou of him referring to Christ that he have opened nine eyes he said he's a prophet a couple of thoughts on that this could go all the way back to Genesis chapter 49 verse 10 where Jacob is blessing the the patriarchs and in verse 10 of Genesis 49 he's blessing Judah and he said a scepter shall always be and that's what the capital S that will always be in the tribe of Judah until Shiloh come who Shiloh the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ so I'm thinking that the man if he knew God's Word that's what he could have meant he could have man it just as simply as you know I was blind he said okay I'm putting this clay on your eyes now you go down to the pool of Siloam and wash and that was his prophecy and when I did I gave my sight I think he's a prophet verse 18 but the Jews means the Pharisees some Kenites mixed in no doubt did not believe concerning him that he had been blind he thinks they think Jesus is a God and received his sight until or so they called the parents of him that had received his sight here we see doubt would they believe the parents and they asked them saying is this your son who ye say was born blind we don't believe it but that's what he says how then does he now see trying to intimidate the parents his parents answered them and said we know that this is our son and that he was born blind that much we know for a fact but by what means he now cioth we know not or who hath opened his eyes we know not he's of age ask him he shall speak for himself he's a grown man ask him they already had once they didn't believe him these words spake his parents because they feared the Jews again the Pharisees as mentioned in verse 15 for the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was Christ he should be put out of the synagogue we're going to excommunicate you you know this is the kind of church today that probably wouldn't want Jesus Christ to come into their building 23 therefore said his parents he's of age ask him again then again called they the man that was blind and said unto him give God the praise not Jesus give God the praise we know that this man is a sinner we know that Christ is a sinner he's already proven it what did he do that was a sin he healed this man on the Sabbath he gave him sight he answered and said this is the man who was blind whether he be a sinner or no I know not one thing I know that whereas I was blind now I see his spiritual his physical eyes didn't work he was blind but now he sees and you know what he sees spiritually as well his spiritual eyes are wide open what about these Pharisees are their spiritual eyes open then said they to him again what did he to thee how open he denies maybe some of them are a little envious boy just think we could pack them in we'd have to get a bigger tent if we could learn how to do that to give the blind sight you know what we do it you help do it you who support this ministry we do it every day we give the blind sight I'm not talking physically I'm talking spiritually we help give people their spiritual eyes no brag just and and you know who we give all the credit and all the glory to that's our Heavenly Father he answered them I have told you already and you did not hear you heard but you didn't believe where for would you hear it again will ye also be his disciples a little sarcasm in that this this is gonna light their wick then they reviled him this means they stormed him and said thou art his disciple but we are Moses's disciple but Jesus is a fraud and you you came in here making a circus sideshow you're just pretending to be blind you've been pretending to be blind oh gosh for 32 years that doesn't add up that'd be kind of hard to pretend to be blind for 32 years 29 we know that God spake unto Moses as for this fellow referring to Christ we know not from whence he is he that was sent would now give them quite a Bible lesson the man who was blind the man answered and said unto them why herein is a marvelous thing a wonderful thing that ye know not from whence he is and yet he hath opened mine eyes you can't see but I can you can't see the sign that God wanted you to see here because your eyes are spiritually closed you're spiritually blind 31 now we know that God heareth not sinners this is the man who was blind from youth is from birth but if any man be a worshipper of God and doeth his will him he heareth pretty good Bible lesson since the world began this is the only place this phrase appears in the New Testament was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind no one's ever been able to do that before if this man were not of God he could do nothing he wouldn't be able to perform this sign this miracle if he wasn't of God if he wasn't God I'll say verse 33 now we got that 34 they answered and said unto Him thou wast altogether born in sins and does thou teach us who do you think you are were the were the high mucky ducks in the church and you think you're going to give us the Bible lesson and they cast him out they excommunicated him probably one of the better things that ever happened to him in his life 35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out and when he had found him no Christ sought him out he said unto Him dost thou believe on the Son of God he answered and said who is he Lord that I might believe on him and Jesus said unto Him thou has both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee 38 and he said Lord I believe and he worshiped him recognizing Jesus as his master and Jesus said for judgment I am come referring to the effect of his coming as what this talking about into this world that they would see not might see and that they which see might be made blind you catch the grief - that he came to give sight physical sight to this man but also we were he saying these the Pharisees supposedly the leaders of the church are spiritually blind and some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words and said unto him are we blind also jesus said unto them if he were blind you should have no sin but now you say we see therefore your sin remaineth now note that this the fact that if you were blind here followed by the indicative mood if you got a companion Bible it will back me up on this the hypothesis is assumed as an actual fact in other words the hypothesis if you were blind is an actual fact what Christ is saying is you are blind you are spiritually blind let's go to the Old Testament book of Isaiah God can open eyes God can shut eyes Isaiah 29 we're gonna pick it up at verse seven the first six verses of this chapter are talking about Arielle Arielle can be translated either the hearth or altar of God or the Lion of Judah and of course who is the Lion of Judah none other than Jesus Christ Isaiah 29 verse 7 and the multitude of all the nations that fight against Arielle the Lion of Judah even all that fight against her and her munition or her tower and that de-stresser shall be as a dream of a night vision fight against Christ it's a nightmare more like it verse 8 it shall even be as when an hungry man dream ahthe and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty or as when a thirsty man dream ahthe and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint and his soul hath appetite so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against mount zion this reminded me you know people are said earlier people are spiritually hungry and this makes me think about that like the man who was asleep and in his dream he was hungry and he woke up and he was still hungry it's kind of like someone who goes to a church that focuses on the traditions of men and that's all they hear trying to remember what did that preacher say last Sunday it wasn't the Word of God it was the traditions of men no meat the people are hungry but they come up empty verse 9 stay yourselves or stop and Wonder what you're doing is what he's saying cry out and cry they are drunken but not with wine they staggered but not with strong drink they're in a stupor it's called in Romans chapter 11 verse 8 for the Lord have poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep and have closed your eyes the prophets the false prophets and your rulers leaders the seers which is another word for prophets a different type of prophet hath he covered God covered their eyes and you know I think God did this for a reason and that is many are going to be deceived by the Antichrist if they had heard the truth and then they refused the holy spirit that would be the unforgivable sin so no eyes that God has closed he can open sharpen up for me verse 11 and the vision I want you to take your Strong's and look up this word vision do you know what it is revelation the revelation of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed it's closed which men deliver one that is learned to one that is learned supposedly learn saying read this I pray thee and he saith I cannot for it is sealed how many of you have been to a church where you were told that the book of Revelation is sealed when the very word means to reveal if someone tells you you don't need to understand any part of God's Word run don't walk get out of there because of what you are in is somebody that teaches traditions of men and and doesn't understand anything about what he's doing not telling you what church to go to or which church not to go to but if they tell you you don't have to understand the book of Revelation there's a problem verse 12 and the book is delivered the revelation is delivered to him that is not learned saying read this I pray thee I'm hungry and he saith I am not learned I haven't been to cemetery I mean seminary Freudian slip I'm sorry I haven't been to seminary I I can't understand this book I can't read it to you people are starving 13 wherefore the Lord said for as much as this people draw near me with their mouths with their words and with their lips to honor me but have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward men their reverence is taught by the precept of men the traditions of men not the Word of God therefore behold I God speaking will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people even a marvelous work and a wonder a miracle for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid as it's written in second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 11 I'm gonna send strong delusion among them that if they want to believe a lie believe the lie if that's what you know it's your choice you have a choice God's Word or the lives of those who teach the traditions of men verse 15 woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord and their works are in the dark and they say who see us and who knoweth us those who send in the ancient times those who would in secret go back and try and make an alliance with Egypt save us God wanted disabled but they said Pharaoh save us this is the same to when Moses was up on Sian I receiving the the very Commandments from God what happened he came back and they said you know that's a point of captain to lead us back to Egypt fountain out rebellion against God but who see if this who knows I'll tell you he knows God knows verse 16 surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay oh do we see that today beloved turning things upside down what's the evening news they take what is right and they make it wrong they turn it upside down they take what is perversion turn it upside down and say that's what's right and they do it in in the name of political correctness you know they can take their political correctness as far as I'm concerned and I better stop right there there are several terms and phrases I could use but none of them are suitable right at the moment but again they turn things upside down as the potters clay for shall the work say unto Him that made it he made me not or shall the thing frame say of him that framed it he had no understanding in other words they attribute their own creation even to their own cleverness not not giving credit to God this I couldn't help but think - how would you like to be an evolutionist standing before the great white throne judgment and saying you know there was this amoeba and it grew and and and then it this and and then it became a monkey and then that monkey became a man that's like saying to the Potter you didn't make me or the thing that's framed you didn't frame me Jesus quoted this scripture in Matthew chapter 15 turn there with me Matthew 15 Matthew chapter 15 verse 1 then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem saying oh here we got the boys from downtown Kenites mixed in with them their question why do they deciphered ish ins of the elders for they wash not their hands when they eat bread now whose tradition are they asking about God's tradition the commandments No why do they transgress the traditions of the elders and we're not talking about washing their hands before they partake of a meal we're talking about ceremonial washings you've got to have this special water in the special container and you throw a little over the shoulder and a little over that shoulder and a little under your leg and that's what they're talking about here ok don't don't be confused we're not talking about washing your hands before you eat verse 3 and he this being jesus answered and said unto them why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition I just love the way he they asked him a question and then he turned around and he answers it with a question I just loved that and he's telling them like it is here he's gone yeah verse 4 for God commanded saying honour thy father and mother and he that curseth father or mother let him die the death sure enough Exodus chapter 20 verse 12 that's the Ten Commandments the fifth one honor your mother and father Leviticus chapter 20 verse 9 he who curses his mother and father let him die the death verse 5 Christ continues but ye say whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me now this word gift is not a birthday present it's Corbin in the Greek that's a gift to the church Jesus is calling to their attention Moses and the LORD commanded honor your mother and father but you say to heck with your mother and father let them starve to death as long as it's a gift to the church that's what they're saying verse 6 and or ye say honor not his father or his mother he shall be free thus have you made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition invalidating the Word of God through your traditions verse 7 Christ isn't finished ye hypocrites and the Greek language hypocrites means stage actors you're playing Church is what he's telling them well did he say us that's isaiah where we just came from and Isaiah 29 well did Isaiah prophesy of you saying this people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth with their words and honoureth me with their lips but their heart is far from me but in vain or for no purpose or no prophet they do worship Me teaching for doctrines religion in other words the commandments of men never get around to teaching the commandments of God they're teaching the commandments the traditions of the elders the men and he called the multitude and said unto them hear and understand I want you to all to understand what these elders are doing and what God says not bat what's going into the mouth defileth at the man we're referring back to the washing of the hands but that which cometh out of the mouth this defileth a man it says in one of the other Gospels that if you eat a little bit of dirt no big deal it just passes on through and into the trough that goes it's what comes out of the mouth in other words your words that defile a man such as begging for money when the parents are in need it's a gift to the church so it's alright verse 12 then came his disciples and said unto Him knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended after they heard this saying I think those guys from Jerusalem are upset do you think Christ really cared and he answered and said every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up let's see what does that mean well in this same book chapter 13 we had some things that were planted by God seemed like there was somebody else that planted oh the devil planted the tares was it and they're gonna be what and what did he say he said leave him alone they said should we go and pull those tears out from the wheat looks just like the wheat is the problem and you're gonna hurt the God's children if you go out there What did he say he said leave them alone the angels are gonna gather them and cast them into the fire verse 14 let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch the abyss of deception and you know if you're gonna follow somebody make sure you know where they're going I mean seriously you know and who should you follow any man really know we should follow Jesus Christ but he's saying these are blind leaders of the blind let them just you know and it's their choice is what he's saying he's not wishing any ill-will upon them what they're doing is self-inflicted turn over to chapter 23 with me as we conclude now you all are familiar in verse chapter 5 of the book of Matthew we have what are known as the eight Beatitudes blessed are that blessed are okay what we're going to have here are the eight woes which are the negative part of those Beatitudes so chapter 23 let's pick it up with verse 13 but woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer or neither allow you them that are entering to go in by teaching the traditions of men you you're preventing people from going into the sanctuary to develop their relationship with God if you have a companion Bible you've got an appendix 126 that compares the eight Beatitudes with the eight woes it's a good work might make a side study of it Christ continues whoa unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye devour widows houses you take from the needy and for a pretence or an outward showing make long prayer therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation or abundant damnation and remember the disciples asked Christ how we should pray back in chapter 6 of Matthew was it that you're to make long prayers out a public place on pretence so that others would see no he said go into a private place when you pray these Pharisees and Sadducees glance over at verse five in the same chapter Jesus tells them flat-out but all their works they do for to be seen of men they make broad their phylacteries and enlarge the borders of their garments and if you aren't familiar phylacteries there were four sets of Scripture out of the Torah that they were to keep close to their mind and keep close to their hand if you've ever seen some members of another religion that wear these little square boxes around their forehead that's a phylactery that has Scripture in it and the whole idea is symbology that they're keeping that scripture close to their mind there's also another set that's kept in a box that they put in their hand and then they take a leather strap and roll roll it around their arm up to the elbow and that's to symbolize that they're doing the works of God but in other words you're doing this to impress other people you're doing this to be seen and impress other people verse 15 woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites stage actors for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte you go all the way around the world to make one convert and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of Hell than yourselves he would have been better off if he'd never seen you woe unto you ye blind guides which say whosoever shall swear by the temple it is nothing in other words if you swear by the temple of God it's not binding it doesn't mean anything but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple he is a debtor he's bound to fill his oath he fools and blind for whether is greater the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold and of course the temple is what's important not the gold that's all too many get caught up in the ways of the world I need more wealth I need more riches but they take their eye off the ball they lose their focus that's what I want you to take home from this today is stay focused keep your spiritual eyes open that's what's important I mean yeah it's good to be able to see you know and I really feel sorry for for people who don't have physical sight I don't know how they do it I admire the heck out of them but another story for another time let me ask you this though who's the temple in the future Christ Almighty God and the lamb or the light thereof they are the temple thereof so that's what's important not the gold and whosoever shall swear by the altar it is nothing again it's not binding if you swear by the altar of God doesn't mean a thing but so who but whosoever sweareth by the gift here we go we got the gift to the church again who else who ever swear by the gift that is upon it he is guilty in other words he's bound he's a debtor he has to go by what he what he swore he fools and blind for whether is greater the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift the altar of course verse 20 whoso therefore shall swear by the altar sweareth by it and by all things thereon and whoso shall swear by the temple sweareth by it and by him that dwelleth therein our heavenly father and he that shall swear by heaven sweareth by the throne of God and by him that sitteth thereon woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you pay tithes of mint and anise that's dill and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy and faith these ought you to have done and not to leave the others undone this is saying you count every leaf of the tithe to make sure it's all coming in to the Treasuries of the temple but you don't have time to teach the commandments of God verse 24 to complete you blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel in other words they when they're straining the wine to get the impurities out of it if a little gnat gets in there they have to strain than that but in doing so they lose focus they lose sight and they swallow the whole camel and the gnat probably wouldn't even have noticed that but a camel they're gonna notice so again what I want you to take from this today for beloved is stay focused on his word your spiritual eyes are so important and but it is easy to get distracted and though in the ways of the world so keep your eye on the ball stay focused it becomes very very important as we near the time of Jacob's trouble let's go to his throne Yahweh Heavenly Father we thank you for your word father thank you for being our father again let everything that we do this day be the honor and glory of thy name father there are members of the congregation who are ill we ask you to reach down touch them with those healing arms as we know you can father we're always careful to give you the praise we also remember our military troops who are in harm's way around the world father we lift them up in prayer to you watch over God direct we're always careful to give you the praise and issuer Jesus precious name Amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan for blood sacrifice and it's impossible as you know I'm sure Herald that we would have blood sacrifice why there won't be any blood there's not gonna be any flesh in the Millennium we all step into our spiritual bodies again you're right on target the sacrifice that he once is is your love our love no more does he want burnt offering in fact Hosea 6:6 which states and he wants your mercy or your love not your burnt offering and he goes on to say and knowledge of me more than burnt offerings that's what he wants he wants you to take time to have knowledge of him and understand him how do we do that through his word Laura in Ohio my fiance has watched your program for a long time can you tell me what denomination you are affiliated with we would very much like to attend a church that teaches like you we have found none please tell us what church we can attend that would teach like you well number one Laura we're not affiliated with any denominational Church we are Christian nondenominational we hope that you find a church where you can fellowship in that teaches God's Word you're welcome to study with us until such time as you do Kenny and Galen and Texas we've studied with you for so long I'm almost embarrassed to ask this I feel I should know they don't don't no need to be embarrassed when a husband and wife talked to each other about business because we are one we're one flesh in other words can Satan not hear us I feel really strongly that this is true but thought I'd double check and if he can't hear us when we speak to each other can he hear us if we pray out loud and we are alone because I think probably yes he can also what if you write something in a letter can Satan see that and understand it I also feel like if you are lying you invite him to hear or if you are bragging you're inviting him to hear please share your thoughts and any Bible reference as well Satan cannot read your thoughts but your heavenly father can he's he's a your heart cardio no we're in the Greek he knows your heart in your mind David said as much to Solomon when he was getting ready to hand the reins of the kingdom over to Solomon and first chronicles chapter 28 verse 9 but I'm not sure I understand all of your question the point is if you speak out loud or if you put it in written format Satan can hear and understand what you're saying he cannot understand your thoughts Greg in California thank you so much for your ministry you're welcome Ephesians 2 verses 8 through 10 says that we are saved by God's grace and not by works lest any man should boast but in Matthew it says we will be judged according to our works this confuses me are we saved through grace or by our works on God's behalf please shed some light on this if you would okay Gregg I will I'd be happy to and you know being saved though and judged are not the same thing you might think that they're associated and I guess I can see some association but the saved and we are saved by grace in other words none of us really deserves the unmerited favor that God showed us when he sacrificed his son on the cross for our sins and we are saved by grace but I tell you this after you're saved you know you hear people asking about once saved always saved you're judged on your works and and you can sin to the point that you're gonna be judged on it and you mentioned the book of Matthew also regulate Revelation chapter 20 verse 12 that's the great white throne judgment there in Revelation 20 and what does it say there the books were opened and they were judged by their grace by their their their grace no it says they were judged by their works and and some people you know seem to think that that's all bad it's not all bad it's payday for those who love and serve God because it's rewards for them then some others it's not going to be such a great day surely in South Carolina and Ecclesiastes 9:5 it says the dead know nothing please explain for me and I appreciate you so much thank you oh you're welcome and in verse 4 of Ecclesiastes 9 it says that a living dog is better than a dead lion and the Lions the the king of the animal kingdom but if it's dead it's dead that's the whole point of Ecclesiastes 9 and 12 that's when the flesh dies it goes back to dust in the earth from she came and includes ds-12 six and seven though we learned that when the flesh goes back to dust the spirit returns to the Father from whence it came but the dead flesh does know nothing and but the dead are not out here in a hole in the ground either their their spirit has returned to the Father the intellect along with it Danny in Georgia what does the word Maskull mean well we've been covering that heavy with the four songs we've got 52 53 54 and 55 all Maskull Psalms Maskull means instruction or understanding and of 150 Psalms only 13 of them are Maskull Psalms Barbara and Michigan where does it say in the Bible that Noah took two of every flesh I can find it that he took two of all the animals but I cannot find it where God had him take two of all the humans well you're over-reading it I think Genesis chapter 6 verse 19 doesn't distinguish between humans and animals Noah's instructed and of every living thing of all flesh two of every sort shall thou bring into the ark doesn't say two elephants two alligators two flies two mosquitoes it says two of all flesh that includes the the races Larry in Georgia I just started watching and I heard pastor Arnall keeps mentioning the companion Bible I would like to know who wrote the companion Bible what Bible is he talking about the only one I know is the King James and a few other versions the companion Bible that we recommend for a Study Bible is a King James Version Bible but on each page about half the pay is an extra-wide right margin and it serves as a companion to the text and you find a wealth it's not a commentary but scholarly notes is what you'll find there I am out of time I love you all a great deal because you enjoy studying your father's word in depth and you know what it does make his day when as we read today in that lecture that when you seek Him he wonders is anybody down there seeking knowledge of me and when he sees you seeking it it makes his day blessings are going to follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you won't you do that and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness most important this beloved you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,862
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: tznK8P0VcYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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