"Lifetime" Supply Contest Winners: How Did You Win? | People Stories #57

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redditors who've won a lifetime supply contest how did you win and how is it going i won a lifetime supply of coffee beans for having guessed how many beans were in the tall glass jar during a competition they arrive faster than i can use them but the beans are high quality and make fun gifts for friends who like to grind and brew happy birthday ohhh another vars of coffee beans thanks you shouldn't have and there's more where that came from birthday boy my aunt won a lifetime supply of ryzer ronnie from the price is right she used to get them faster than she can use them but now understandably she is sick of it so she just stockpiles them in her riser ronnie closet and donates hundreds of boxes of them at a time yes she has a full closet of riser ronnie the neighborhood kids love her if we ever have armageddon she'll be set with that closet full of barter ronnie i get to mention my favorite aunt she passed away five years ago now and a lot of her competition wins was still active so technically were for her lifetime but really she was just the luckiest person i knew other than dying at 45 of breast cancer in the time i was aware of her competition entering she won a car a free cruise for two people for life lifetime supply of ice cream dog food and some type of chicken nuggets she won a coke vending machine that would be refilled for free monthly for a year a year supply of spaghetti lifetime supply of dishwasher tablets multiple holidays a free landscaping of a yard plus tons of stuff i can't remember he absolutely loved entering competitions and actually had a dedicated room in her house for it she was actually pretty good with tactics tended to enter comps that required answering a question with more than 25 words because she said these were least likely to have lots of entries i miss her daily she was so full of life and loved talking about her hobby as far as i know the lifetime supply of things she won actually continued after her death the ice cream and dishwater tablets anyway you need to watch the movie the prisoner of defiance ohio it's basically your aunt story with an alcoholic woody harrelson as your uncle not lifetime but my mom won free movie tickets for a year at a church bazaar turns out the donation was from a pr firm not a movie theater so we were put on the press list for screeners invites to pre-releases at the swanky theaters with parties with wine and cheese and gift bags super awesome the best was message in a bottle limo they gave everyone this gift bag with high-end bath accessories all in decorative bottles after the year ended i'm guessing nobody remembered why we were on the list as we kept getting tickets someone must have looked up what my mom does she owns a dog grooming salon and kennel as gradually the tickets started to only come for movies related to animals still it's been 15 years and we continue to receive screener invites to anything animal related so we aren't complaining my high school geometry teaches son won a contest where he was featured on boxes of kraft mac and cheese and also got a lifetime supply of it he had a picture of it a cut out of the box on his desk which was hysterical and all i remember was him complaining about how sick he was of mac and cheese while i have not found my geometry titches son on here i promise my story is legit silly thing to make up when i was a kid i won two free blockbuster rentals a month for life was awesome for a while now it's not going so well you outlive blockbuster that's not a lifetime supply after coming in last with no money after appearing on college jeopardy one of my college buddies got a consolation prize of a lifetime supply of juicy fruit gum he shared it with the whole dorm and it lasted about two months more importantly he also got a pound of silly putty that he would shape into a phallus and hang out the front of his pants i've won a lifetime license for cerebus a thief protector for android smartphones they've stopped my lifetime license after nearly two years because they needed money what a group of suckers hey jim i got a great idea on how to boost our declining revenue let's freak our current customers one thousand dollars a week for life scratch ticket in mma life's okay i just buy pints of milk and play destiny since this is featured on collegiate humor now i can tell you all that i live in heck and want to die still being featured if you people think this is real come on don't do that i won the lottery and i get two thousand dollars each month for the next 30 years not really a lifetime but i'll probably be dead before then i won a year supply of warhead candies not a lifetime but i think it's worth posting we were in walmart when i was about 10 or 11 years old they had a contest for a sour pucker up face for warheads and the winner received a year supply of the candy including experimental candies that weren't sold in stores yet i decided to join and was told to come back in 20 minutes when the contest started i was the only one there i won by default throughout fifth and sixth grade i received boxes upon boxes of candy every month it was as if they wanted to give me diabetes because i was getting about 200 worth of candy every month i started giving it out to friends and family like crazy fast forward a couple months into sixth grade and i'm selling it i made a good 20 a day in quarters and dimes 10 cents each three for 25 cents fast forward to high school and i'm a candy kingpin was selling candy bars i bought from sam's club comma how is it going well i took the money i made in high school and bought tons of magic cards at the time the investment has matured nicely card prices have gone way up since then my name is brian i live in ny i am probably not your friend bought tons of magic cards at the time the investment has matured nicely card prices have gone way up since then this is the most surprising thing in this thread during the hunt for the graham and m contest back in the 90s i came in second place and won a year supply of m and ms they sent me vouchers for 365 individual bags of m and ms it was cool peanut m and ms are still my favorite snack i probably gave half of them away to my friends not a life supply but a year's supply was at a college hockey game and they give out a year's supply of sausage every weekend the winning seat was a row in front of me but nobody was there so they asked if i wanted to win turns out the closest store that sells the brand of sausage is a state over but i got a shirt out of it too so it ain't all bad i didn't really win it but through a series of hilarious events a grocery truck flipped over my parents run a tow truck company i became the owner of about 5 000 snack pack puddings it was all cool and fun until i got home and started filling my cupboards i didn't have enough room in my kitchen for all this pudding so i kept some in my bedroom closet and when that filled up my dresser drawers linen closet and laundry room cupboards were now makeshift pudding shelters i finally filled up the kitchen cupboards and pantry top to bottom with pudding cups again great for a bunch of guys smoking weed and doing nothing all day but really strange when you bring a girl back she goes to your kitchen and you can hear her open one cupboard then another and another followed by a whispered what the frick followed by the pantry being opened and her finally yelling hey what's with all this pudding if i was able to talk her into spending the night she would be greeted by a still unfathomable amount of pudding-taking residents in my room if she took a shower in the morning she'd have to ask where towels were because of course another wall of freaking pudding was staring at her when she tried to find them in the closet i finally finished enough of the pudding to make room for dishes i'd been keeping them in the dishwasher dirty ones in the sink and eventually started putting actual nutritious food in kitchen about three months after i ended up giving a ton of pudding away because i couldn't bear to eat any more of the stuff not a lifetime supply but 1996 mcdonald's olympic game i won a year's supply of coke peeled off a ticket on the side of a pop and one instantly they sent 30 coupons good for a 12-pack of coke each came to 360 cokes so they shorted me five assuming they were thinking i would drink a coke a day i was a freshman in high school at the time so this was gold we have a 10 cent deposit in michigan so i was supposed to pay one dollar and 20 cents each but most places just let me take one for free a friend of mine found a bag of all graham and ms in 1997 they gave him a lifetime supply 1 million dollars worth of candy to this day he gets several boxes delivered to his doorstep weekly for those who don't remember a bag of graham and ms was advertised to get you a million bucks but only if it said so on the inside of the bag fine print even then he was sorely disappointed when he learned it was just a million worth of candy pretty sure if i won a millions worth of candy i could turn that into at least 250k selling that crap at the flea market or music festivals or something i won a year supply of chick-fil-a they gave me 52 meal vouchers it was pretty cool and i never had any trouble redeeming them fine print only redeemable on sundays frick i met someone who doesn't pay for their ad cell phone bill their son was driving and saw a bad accident in front of them it was a bad accident where the driver was really banged up the sun pulled the driver from the car and did cpr on him he was an exec for at and after he recovered he said as long as he is alive they will never pay their cell phone bill now to devise my plan with the bell exec i won a lifetime supply of jelly beans in the second grade my teacher had a giant jar of them on the table and tons of students guessed how many beans were in there i remember thinking i'm just gonna write down the biggest number i can that way i'll stand the best odds of winning kid logic so i wrote 999 because zelda games taught me it's the biggest number ever there were 1 000 jelly beans students were amazed teacher thought i was a seventh jelly beans lasted me about six months and i think my mom threw the rest away as a parent i will tell you the truth your mom ate them friend won a macquarie tournament back in the day got a gold miz flight stick and a lifetime supply of jolt cola i think turns out they gave him like two and one stroke two pallets of the stuff i won a lifetime supply of rolling papers 20 of those big boxes they have at the store quit smoking weed a month later to focus on my career i gave the rest to my local convenience store to sell they gave me 35 pounds display boxes of rolling papers go on ebay for about 15 20 quid depending on brand you got ripped off a bit friend of mine won a chevy beretta in a charming toilet paper key match he died in an accident driving that car so i guess he won a lifetime supply of cars my dad who is a doctor helped deliver this woman's baby turns out she was the owner of a local ice cream shop she offered him free ice cream for life he rarely ever takes us there and when we do go he never brings it up because he's certain the lady forgot about her own offer three years ago the chick-fil-a now mall had a contest where you donated one dollar and got to reach into a box and pull out a ticket i pulled the golden ticket which was free chick-fil-a for a year i was ecstatic i usually don't eat fast food but i will throw down on some chick-fil-a so i use my voucher for my free meal and happily went on my way my voucher was only valid at that particular location and a few days later i was in the mall again so i figured i'd cash in for a free meal i went to the counter ordered my meal and presented my voucher the manager came out and told me part of the guidelines was that i could only use it once a week and it's worth was one combo meal it was awesome to get some free chick-fil-a for a while but as a guy in my mid-twenties i just don't find myself at all 52 times in a year there were some days when i'd go out of my way to go get a free lunch during the week but in reality i used it probably 15 20 times at the most one a year if that counts supply of reese's peanut butter cups from winning a free throw contest during a timeout at message was at a big east tony game and had to pass to the big east for a month to deliver them but they did was in college at the time and had them shipped to my dorm lasted about a week tops got more attention than i thought if anybody cares it was four boxes each containing 45 packs of two 360 cups total i caught a grocery store marking down these cup eggs down to zero dollars and five cents and bought like five boxes of them my wife and i don't really like them anymore we had to write a one-page essay on anything one year in class and my friend wrote about how he loved paprika as a freak you to the teacher she mailed it to some spice company and now they send him a jar a month and he hates it sounds like your teacher won that round i won what could be a lifetime's worth of hair appointments and a salon but i had to use all the gift certificates within two years there was no way i could come up with thousands of dollars worth of crap to do to my hair luckily the salon had a boutique attached that sold hair products boots scarves jewelry so after a few hair appointments i blew a lot of money on that stuff and the rest i sold online to local people a 200 certificate for 150 sold a bunch and that money helped fund my vacation a few months later overall can't complain [Music] little different bid when lord of the rings online was in beta i helped test for them they offered a lifetime subscription for 200 and as i had just graduated high school i had a ton of cash to spare so i bought it i got graduation gifts from friends family and anyone my mom could feasibly contact when you have 8 100 people all giving you 10 to 20 each it adds up quickly a couple years later after the minds of moria and sega of merkwood expansions they went free to play i think the switch to f2p was better financially for them so i was all for it they give me a good size chunk of lot ro points each month which is a type of currency you earn in game and you can use to unlock pretty much anything in the game you get five points for completing the easy deeds in the game 10 for the more advanced ones and i think some might grant 15 probably 95 of the deeds grant only 5 points though i get 500 points per month for free automatically i think 500 points is roughly a 10 or 15 value not sure haven't ever purchased points i've gotten a load of free points i recently got back into it and had several thousand of these lotaro points from the monthly allowance accumulating i calculated it out and the points alone are worth several hundred dollars all of the free content i get as well is also arguably worth several hundred more dollars so not only did my lifetime subscription pay for itself in less than two years i was playing like every day at that point but it's probably paid for itself a good five or six times over turbine has treated its players very well i will pour more money into it once i'm able to spend all my lot ro points since i feel a little bad for how much value i get from something i impulse bought over nine years ago and continue to get more value from as time goes on i won what could be considered a lifetime supply of m m's from a contest some club in my high school held it was a contest where you had to guess the number of m ms in this massive jar so being the nerd i um borrowed a friend's calculator and mathematically calculated the number in the jar i was off by like 30 in a jar with over 16 000 m ms in it i had m m's for years and could not put a dent at that supply eventually i had to throw them out because m m's do get funky after a few years to this day some 20 years later i still do not care for plain m and m's in college i won a year of free chick-fil-a a new store was opening and the first 100 people got the free year of meals being broke college students my buddies and i decided that we had to do this we got there two days in advance and there were a ton of people we waited though as they did random name calls and if you didn't check and you got removed from the list and someone else got bumped up at the end when they were announcing people's names we were getting worried as it was in the 80s and we still didn't hear our names thankfully the three of us got called at 98.99 100 we ended up going so much we made a game out of it at each cheek fillet the employees must say my pleasure if you specifically say thank you so we tried to see how many times we could get the cashier to say my pleasure very super troopers ask the winner was my roommate at seven my pleasures in one conversation snippet of the conversation cashier welcome to chic filet how is your day going roommate great thank you very much cashier my pleasure how can i help you run mate does your chicken sandwich come breaded or grilled cashier you can do either sir run mate oh perfect thank you very much cashier my pleasure so on and so forth till chic fillet employees derive pleasure from politeness i found a bank deposit envelope from a barber shop when i was about 10 years old i returned it with all the cash and the hundreds of checks and was rewarded with a lifetime of free haircuts just what every kid wants i know i used them until i graduated from high school and then when i visited my family when i came home from college then maybe once or twice until you guessed it i started losing my hair now i shave my head so the reward is pretty much worthless it's not lifetime but i won free beer for a year from a brewery in texas for a new year's party this didn't help me at all due to living in wisconsin but my sister lives in texas proceeded to drink all of my free beer for a year i got a hot dogs tattoo because they advertised that they would give you lifetime free hot dogs if you did so they closed before the tattoo healed okay i'm cheating it wasn't a lifetime supply it was a year's supply i won a big league chew contest which gave like a couple hundred gum packages which was great when i was playing baseball and a sports illustrated signed by cal ripken jr comma singed well that's not very nice of him i have a friend who won one year worth of chipotle he gained about 30 pounds never got pee from it and his colon is probably now a semi-colon to clarify it was three free meals per day for one year they even gave him a stainless steel card that he showed them it was dope there was this one time when chipotle distributed coupons for a free burrito in my local newspaper my older brother worked as a newspaper delivery driver over the time and ended up with a couple hundred coupons we had chipotle almost twice a day for a month it was great not lifetime but we once won a rental a week from hollywood video there was some glitch with their system early on and to compensate for the pain in the butt in those first few weeks they opted to two rentals per week it included video games so that year we played a lot of games and saw almost every major movie we were in our early 20s working low-wage job and going to college at the time so it was pretty cool i've been responsible for giving away a lot of lifetime supply prizes i work in advertising and as account manager it often falls to me to pick the person who will win most unlimited supplies are based on how much you would normally consume in a year so not truly unlimited the best one i gave away was a lifetime supply of camping gear the company went all out on sending a guy hundreds of pounds worth of merchandise every month including coats tents knives etc a pro tip for winning social media competitions the winner is never truly randomly selected there are literally thousands of stay-at-home moms that spend all day every day entering these sorts of competitions i actively avoid letting them win and would rather give the prize to someone that would really use it so if you're entering one for a camping related prize appear like a camping guy have your profile picture of you hiking or in a tent etc make it easy for me to see that you're the real deal as 99 of entries are bored housewives if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 299,201
Rating: 4.9355297 out of 5
Keywords: lifetime supply winners, lifetime supply, lifetime supply of chocolate, lifetime supply of kfc, lifetime supply reddit, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: BklE5dUZXeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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