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ladies and gentlemen if you guys leave a like in the next three seconds i will turn into a werewolf you guys did not waste any time [Laughter] i'm so itchy yup definitely a werewolf in today's video i'm going to be showing you guys what it would be like to play as a werewolf and also at the end i'm going to be taming the most overpowered werewolf pet this video is a long one ladies and gentlemen so be sure to find a comfy spot like the middle of a forest and also grab some snacks preferably cookies from thanks and enjoy go follow me follow me we gotta get back here we gotta get back let's go let's go let's go he's right behind us should we kill him or no he's he's he's kind of scary he's pretty scary oh he's kind of got a nice little walk to him i'm not gonna lie yeah he's gone stupid zombie i think that we just brought we just gotta run my house is literally right over here so if we can make it to the house we should be fine okay but it's been a long night dude i just oh my god what time is that i've been scratched i've been scratched i've been scratching and bitten get up oh my god what the heck were those things wait i gotta check you did you were you bit or you scratched anywhere i was bit i checked check my dude no no no no it's on your face it's on your face oh it's on my face too it's so ugly now oh wait but do i have a scar like no it's just it's your normal face but it looks really ugly i don't know what happened wow well you look beautiful so congratulations you are bleeding though from from your toe your toes seems to have gotten taken off it got ripped off that's fine bessie has some bandages back at home we should be able to just sleep this off no big deal whatsoever i've been bit multiple times by a lot of different creatures ah alrighty sounds good i am pretty tired so i'm down for snooze we did pretty good we went out we we mined we did the creeper things where we my armor is almost broken that's how long we've been out here my sword's kind of messed up too that's fine we can go sleep we can have a nice little cookie breakfast tomorrow morning with him some hot chocolate we have a problem no problem i'm not i'm not sleeping in the bed with you no no no no i go first i go first oh no we're sleeping next to each other gross dude come on wait don't you touch me you didn't touch each other in bed so we're good well you see i had my head on this side of the of the bench that's why i was smelling feet that makes sense yeah well i kind of like smelling feet so hey oh hey look bessie dropped something off wait how did bessie get up here i have no idea she must have just been watching us that is very creepy no not creepy at all bessie does experiments to me my sleep all the time oh bye ooh steak wait why is she getting a stinks steak is made from cows maybe she killed some fake bessies that's normally what happens normally she kills pigs though we also have a book called infected oh no wait who's is she infected who's infected you're infected you're infected am i really i don't know you won't have zombies so i think so all right i'm gonna eat up and then i guess we could check out the book i don't know if i want to read it um i don't know if i want to read it i hate reading fine i'll do it readings for nerds so it looks like the book says i heard you were attacked by some werewolves last night i ran some tests on you while you were sleeping discovered that you were both infected with the werewolf virus to transform at will press j on your keyboard uh wait what does that mean there's a weird move there's a werewolf jack wait make it stop make it stop um wait are you infected i've been infected with this virus before trust me it's not fun i'm just terrified get me away i will hit you no i will just give me a hug i'm furry i'm cuddly look i'm so beautiful you're so scary what other abilities don't happen whoa okay okay hold on i need you to read the rest of the book for me because i don't have any hands i don't want to go back inside wait promise me you won't hurt me well currently my head's stuck on here so i can't get through yay this is perfect there you go what the heck bro what is happening i need to transfer back home let me test it out let's see oh it works oh welcome back dude wow someone was hungry yeah you know i when i turned into werewolf i literally lost all of my hunger i don't know how that happened i'm still really hungry too i don't know if there's like a transformation period or something when you were a werewolf did you want to eat cookies or no no i didn't it's weird oh no that's why i hate being a werewolf i don't want to be a werewolf i love cookies way too much now it looks like as a werewolf you also have different abilities i'm able to check out skills i'm able to turn my paw on turn on night vision able to change what type of werewolf i am oh how do you do that so you're a wolf this is sick you're like a wolf but a werewolf that is crazy do you have a tail i wonder what your wolf pack is going to think of you i don't know guys if you do want to see another episode where i command the wolf pack we could be like literally the head dogs of the wolf pack and then just destroy everything in minecraft that could be cool but we have to figure out how to cure it first i feel like yeah for sure because this is bad i want to eat cookies i want and i don't want to i want to you know actually decide when i want to be a werewolf and not be werewolf because i feel like once it turns nighttime we're going to be forced into the werewolf stage yeah i mean that is the myth i don't know if that's the truth or not did you read the rest of the book uh no i guess i'll read it to me i'm scared though i don't want to read it dude i don't like reading two it's a scary book no it's fine look i'm just a little tiny wolf i'm just gonna sit here and read just pretend like it's a bedtime story that you're reading to like a long-lost son to change how you look while in werewolf mode press k to access the werewolf menu go to the furthest to the right tab and select your texture and your model [Music] werewolves have balls so you will drop everything that you hold that is not cool yeah i'm not able to use anything every time i like scroll left and right it just automatically drops it for some reason jeez yeah well the reason is that you have paul's now not you don't have thumbs think ups are essential opposable thumbs all right that's that's kind of bad all right every werewolf is different their abilities depend on on the person who is turned into that werewolf to select the abilities that work best for you open the werewolf menu go to the abilities tab click on the skills menu you look so scary i'm literally jacked all right so on the first page you will be able to see all your skills on the second page you can choose up to 40 individual ability traits on the third page you can choose up to seven special abilities choose paw paws and quotes in order to hold items in your hand okay now there is a cure there is a cure for you but you'll have to do exactly what i say there is a camp of werewolf hunters north west of here located around negative 475 75 and 125. did you get that easy yeah definitely okay you will need to collect some wolf spain and werewolf hunters should carry that on so we just have to kill them a lot i don't know i guess yeah we have to kill the werewolf hunters and then collect the wolf spain and then we should be cured wait does that mean we're being hunted now can they find us um i don't know and i don't really want to find out to be honest so we have to kill them before they kill us that's what i'm getting at um yeah that sounds about right should we wait till night time do you think so that we're in like full form or no okay this is my day here follow me outside all righty what i'm thinking is we'll show up i'll bring one of my wolves they'll inspect it they'll obviously realize it's not a part of you know the werewolf gang squad so what we're thinking is we'll go in we'll be like just like casual dog trainers and then we'll turn into werewolves and kill ooh that sounds pretty epic actually i'm so down okay cool we should probably figure out all of our different werewolf abilities though so we'll take a minute to do that so that we're the most powerful werewolves that we can be sounds good okay so that's my way no wait my werewolf looks pretty sick i'm not gonna lie i like wanna just pet me can you piss oh me good boy good boy oh my gosh sorry about that it's no no it's okay we're trading him for the big fight of course so alec i think i have all of my abilities dude what do you run you look like a rat i'm not gonna lie what the heck what do you mean i look like an absolute beast that is also true let's uh let's oh look at your boy though i think we're looking kind of fresh let me just check this out i have the same ability look oh wait where are my boys at where's my gang my boys are here all of my boys oh my gosh no no it's me i was just spamming it holy that sounded awesome so we have like ghost wolves though they seem pretty epic yeah i'm pretty sure they're wolf spirits that we can call upon i also have a mame attack which i'm not sure if it works on you or other mobs oh okay that's pretty cool i with my second ability i went with scent tracking so i think i'm able to like what are you doing i just got locked away i don't know what just happened i don't know i also have a mega leap ability oh that's pretty sweet nice okay i think we're ready to go and find the wolf hunters yeah so if we just use our noses i think i don't know if you can smell them but i smell them i think that they're over here somewhere okay we need to get a good lock on them make sure you don't get too close at the werewolves because we need to infiltrate first as normal people i have cookies to sell them so they won't even know what what what i think i see it i think look if you jump if you jump really high you could dude you could see a little enchantment yeah jump so much higher than me but yeah i see yeah i got my jump all the way up i'm not gonna lie that was pretty fun i don't know if i want like a potion to to stop this from happening again you know i want to be kidding it's a werewolf well see we have the option to transform whenever we want that's only one day at night time you're going to be stuck as a werewolf you're not going to be able to sleep in a normal sized bed you're going to have to get a werewolf-sized bed you're going to need werewolf-sized meals all the time wow okay yeah i didn't think about that i think i do want to cure you you're also going to be extremely ugly how are you supposed to get a girlfriend huh wait are you saying that in my normal form i'm not extremely ugly well you know this is a little bit different than this right so you call how best to get here um oh dude wait was she working with them the whole time no way no way oh wait did you get the wolf spain she's a traitor no wait it's probably in here i have dual spain oh okay cool is it only one because i need some food sure let's see oh my gosh it's so beautiful it's a beautiful flower okay let's see what bessie has to say step number two now that you have the will spain head over to the old house located at negative 610 6570 you will need to find gas bottles and netherward i think i see it wait is there more is there more packaging i see something over there i don't know dude just look over there there's like a mansion it's so creepy okay is that where we have to go that's where we have to go should we try and be stealthy um yeah we can try the cookie approach again and see if that works okay i doubt that it will but we can try on ghost back because nobody's gonna attack me on a giant wolf's back that is a good point that is certainly i guess i'll just run yeah you don't have a cool wolf yet maybe next time whoa what is happening what is happening i just got teleported back i have no idea oh there's some beautiful lily pads um okay be a little bit careful there's a giant blaze in there wait is that an optical illusion or is that a ginormous blaze hold on let me look i'm just going with it slowly yeah is that a gatekeeper i i don't know it is very he wants to buy girl scout cookies um probably not i'm gonna go with no on the girl scout cookies okay here's my new plan you go in there sacrifice your body i'll run in sell them the cookies dude i uh okay you know that's that's a good plan i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go for it though i think i'm just gonna wait i see two dry ones yeah i think there's multiple all right i'm summoning my ghost wolves let's do this what's this look ladies and gentlemen we got this three two one george okay let's see i got some blaze powder and i think is there any other books in here or clues um i don't know let's explore i'm gonna head upstairs me too i don't know if splitting up is the best option here but we're the legitimate strongest werewolves in the entire world i think we'll be okay so in the book it said we need to find glass bottles and netherwort any luck okay yeah oh yep i found uh i found the treasure i found the treasure it is the opposite of murray it is literally all the way up top i will try to find you and guide you to your way go back to like the main hall yeah just bring them back downstairs okay well i already came back downstairs so you just got to follow me come here buddy hi come here little guy oh you're so cute aren't you so fast i'm not cute all right so this room has a ton of nether board as you can see and then into this chest there is a ton of glass bottles okay is there any other clues in here we need a book because i have no idea what i'm doing oh i think there's a book in here yeah there's a book in here the final ingredient final ingredient grab some nether words out of here okay yeah just take it all yeah take it all i'm the only one with the wolf that's all that we need really just me i don't even know why you're here all right so the book says you will have to find a golden nugget the fastest way for you to get one is to pause will be to hop through the nether portal in this other room yep i found it yep kill some zombie pigmen and get you nuggets all right ghost i think this is where we have to leave you yeah it says once you get once you get the two gold nuggets make sure to come back and then craft uh and craft something to make the cure okay we'll probably hopefully get another clue there let's leave ghost behind he's done very well but i don't think we need yeah good job buddy we'll catch you later see ya okay here we go i'm going to go in and we'll form i don't know what's going to be in the other side oh wait you don't want to do the cookie strategy is that cookie strategy is out the window it's been out the windows in step one all right sounds good all right my ghost wolves do it do it do it nice okay i don't think oh why do they already hate me i don't know it doesn't seem like my ghost moves when i come to the netherlands so what is that okay see ya see ya all right they're all honest easy money see ya oh wait a second look you dropped the gold nugget nice oh yeah there's two of them let's go here's one ingredient nice dude let's go you're holding that in your mouth that's pretty cool that's sick that's awesome look at this dude it's like you're actually eating the cookie but when you have the wolf spain in your mouth it looks like you're trying to give me a rose no you know how like cool guys do that stop it they like hold it in their mouth you look so weird stop okay stop me you're being mean you're being mean okay so we have the gold we have the wolf spain we have blaze powder we have netherworth you think we mix it all together i believe that is what the book said so i'm gonna go with yes okay let's head back in so ladies and gentlemen we made it back i'm gonna try and put all of the different ingredients in here well then some blaze powder i have the water bottles do you know like the process after that um you you maybe add cookies that can that always helps and uh at least help with the flavor cookie no i'm gonna add in some nether warts normally that makes an awkward potion i think it's been a while oh yeah so that that's a thing okay nice gonna look through the recipes and see if i can find it so i managed to get some awkward potions and then i'm gonna add in no gold nuggets didn't do anything try the wolf spain probably that might work yeah okay let me put in the wolf spain let's see it's looking like nothing so far but it looks like i'm able to use the wolf spain on the awkward potions maybe i need to add in gold i'm not sure i put it in and nothing happens yeah i don't think that putting gold into a potion would really work would it that doesn't sound right blaze powder says it's full the wolf spain is in there with the awkward potions i'm looking at it as well we can get a wolf spain potion by mixing them all together it says there's two steps though oh wait never mind i think i got it to work nice okay i went back in for some reason there was still netherwork but i replaced it with the wolf spain it's looking like it's going well i must say it feels nice to be human once again so i'm pretty excited to drink this potion although i'm a little bit scared because you're making it yes so okay i managed to get out oh three potions nice one for me one for you you sure you want to do this messy um i think you go first okay hopefully this works let's test it out in three two one wish me luck i'm gonna do it too you're no longer waiting nice it feels weird i feel like i need tubs i need pepto-bismol i need to take a nap or something i'm going to drink more i'm going to drink more i made it worse that's a terrible idea oh my gosh but it says i'm now immune to the lycanthropy infection oh so all right let me try to transform and see if that even works oh my god i might die i literally can't even transform anymore that's perfect if you go into your info menu it says status for me it says immune nice dollars to let me down because adam's butt smells like birds okay oh yeah boys i forgot to mention we might be infected with the werewolf virus sorry about that my bad what the heck oh creatures as infected werewolves wait can you guys help i can't really have i don't want to try oh it's not i can fart don't do that it's just the wolf i'm constipated you're standing on the toilet scp creatures bessie has been working in the lab and there are i believe like 12 more we need to investigate so i don't want to say stupid zombies i want to get this key card can we get it and uh oh 3d glasses oh we got some shades boy hey hey guys can we even wear them thank you oh i can't put them on dang it no let's see i can't i can't even transform back we can't even use our 3d glasses i'm switching back i can't can we i don't think you can it's just a full moon bro oh no i'm stuck stupid um that's actually a pretty decent idea i'm trying here i'm trying my shoes are like oh all right that's the exit uh what's inside there oh zombie hello buddy oh i made him sick i think you hold down shift and you can crawl wait there's another werewolf in here wait there's another one wait they had a werewolf captive is it a friend of mine i don't like you get out of here it says i love this black chuck i think this might be one of those scp creatures boys oh oh that's not against the werewolf code well he was attacking you i was just trying to save you what's wrong with you alex that's two kids are there any more scps bessie said this was the scp drop site so there has to be something around here oh that's going to be there's people protecting it hey guys i can't figure out how to open these doors if you go into your inventory do you have something called black shucks curse per chance yeah who's black shark who is that i don't know who black shuck is but he does not sound fun he kind of sounds like fun if you think about it just because he cursed it sounds like he likes to party your friendly neighborhood black chuck chuck oh oh thank you thank you uh how did we get through how'd you do that let's see i just ran the scp-023 looks like there's a battery um there's like a thousand scps in here bro okay i just picked up three how many do you guys have there's the old man i'm taking bigfoot the old man and builder bear outtakes swamp woman shy guy the stairwell vermin now adam you can have vermin god what did i jail let's definitely get some likes in the world is this i don't whoa whoa i'm inside of it that's a big building i'm getting contact from betsy this is a predator drone and i'm looking straight into his eyeballs oh sorry calm i'm coming in uh guys it looks like he doesn't really want to kill me it is agita predator drone though do you guys see the drone on my head yeah yeah yeah it's there bro it's there oh i like the building beverages i'm taking it oh steal him evacuate him no now i can't get out guys do we know if it's a living bear i really didn't look i it didn't seem to be moving so i don't know oh let's move okay the the it's just kamikaze it's running i don't know if it's supposed to be alive or not it's back's turned to a zombie does not care at all uh the zombie seems the one to kill me i will pick up z zombie [Music] oh my gosh look at jack stop it's my zombie stay away adam you kind of you kind of look like a polar bear that's got something wrong with it when you're on all fours like that crouch again i'll take that whoa no i fell oh oh no now you're just a little puppy wait he's a puppy now i want to morph yeah why do these zombies have guns what the heck right there don't worry boys i have morphed into wolf form all right who's got the next scp when you do investigate it done today i see the drone i guess i'm up yes okay let's see it what you got all right here we go this one's called with many voices 939. that sounds terrifying oh wait we moved back oh yes wait i morph back too i don't want to be i want to be werewolf okay boys i'm going in person for getting through doorways and then werewolf for fighting things okay yeah i am i am small wolf it's fine are you guys with me out out yes i'm here i'm transferring you know what it is okay good oh no why do there's so much what is this oh these things are crazy i can't get these zombies off my back wait adam's not even in here adam adam where are you bro get in here we need your help zombies yes yeah i don't think he's very happy he's he's definitely not happy boys oh my god i would i would get out of here while you still can um adam don't push him outside the door we cannot lose this guy is one of the mo no no no danger danger danger don't worry he's going we're safe we're good get him out of here okay you know it's getting loud it's getting louder [Applause] did we lock i'm trying to save you bro what the heck yeah wait no it's happening again boys okay i'm gonna i'm gonna leave before we freaked out again i think this guy's the most anticipated dude with all your problems i really hope you find somebody that can help there's obviously a reason he was locked in solitary confinement boys i think this guy just needs some friends to be honest uh yeah adam i am leaving he looks like he's really got a poop he's like already squatted down and everything yeah he's not really doing much okay okay that's terrifying that one was amazing adam i believe you're next or was it alec i'm up go around here this one is the vermin gad check this out oh this one looks weird there's not even a lock on the door you might be friendly uh i just had something i hit a lever what did it do hello oh here he is oh neighborhood sherman oh for german sherman his name's sherman german sherman he seems okay look he's got his own toilet pretty cool pretty cool he looks he seems to really enjoy reading he likes music he's got a huge box you stole him i love steve oh my god hey buddy what's going on he's got really beautiful eyes actually it's really beautiful oh hey okay well this one was obviously safe we don't need to worry about him unless he starts you know summoning in vermin such as rats why is he locked away that's the only thing i'm concerned don't ask questions with the scps you just lock them away or annihilate all right see you next year buddy what oh my gosh this one's massive it's called um wait is he locked in his own little confinement i think i found the entrance yeah yeah it's never good when they're locked up these walls look super enforced what's happening oh he's out he's out where'd he go he's smacking me he doesn't do a lot of damage and just like that he's gone guys you guys got to get me out of here kill him okay we don't know where you are bro you're literally if you kill him i will be released from his inner soul yeah yeah he just disappeared my entire i'm like glitching out like crazy i don't know what he did to our world i can't leave bro why can't i leave he look yeah wait what is this like piggy v2 wait are we okay i thought we were trapped inside of a giant maze is he why can't we leave did he fall through the floor he just like went out on the wall ultimate werewolves okay well i think we've seen this swamp woman before she swims legit like a naga it's so weird yeah she's creepy i want to get out of here i don't even want to look at her remember she spit on you she was very pretty hey my friend alex really likes you i am single but i don't know if i like you say something don't be shy oh my gosh i yeah i don't i don't know if i'm into her because last time that we saw her she was just spitting on us so i'm not sure i'm into that i am single i am single and looking guys but i don't think that i will settle are you telling me and adam this what do you want no who are you telling me i'm just saying in general i'm looking forward alec or adam are up we're looking for alex girl she has to be in one of these scp documents the next scp will be alex girlfriend okay cool i don't know if i can agree no no no no no no no ladies you have to kill him without looking at it we we should do like the bastard but scp edition okay okay alex um eyeball is bachelor number one i'm sorry alex i think eyeball might win this no i'm sorry this could be no no no no no no no get me out of here nope not doing this again you can't you didn't even give it a chance no i think do you guys remember that thing eyeball i have what the heck eyeball you are now going to marry haunter in the dark congratulations everybody give it up for i found it boys i found it don't worry alex this is perfect for you no i got crushed again yep you just got wrecked by the whole oh no no no no no no i got spotted by the decks yeah i don't like it oh no oh it's back it's back okay let's see yeah it's if we open it no no no no i ain't not dead i'll see you all right all right so hello uh hello in the dark um my friend alec is he's really old okay oh my god i don't i don't think it likes me i don't think it likes me oh my gosh where'd it go well now we're trapped don't let it spot you don't let it go go go go whoa i got some sort of weird scp creature um one more left i just spawned in an scp and i now have depression [Music] bro why do you think that that is like my future partner in life it's beautiful everything's disgusting it's not beautifuler than yeah beauty's on the inside okay i only have one more i'm spawning it in let's see not when you look like that i found oh what did i just spawn in that wrecked what did i just want in what are there are so many stars killing me in half a second what is it there's nobody stopping this world is so we gotta get rid of these zombies this entire place is infected it's going all the way down to the zombies that is creepy that is creepy what is that i don't know ladies and gentlemen if you guys want to see another episode where we are vampires and investigate more scps there is indeed an scp lab where bessie has been working on these yeah that is scp madness three two one activate oh my gosh that was crazy wait did you guys hear that hold on if we check inside it worked it worked look at this we have a little tiny baby rabbit werewolf best of your experiment worked let's go um wait messi messi i i think hey hey bass we might be locked in here i can't hit the waiver yo jeff jeff let us out i'll give you cookies oh wait a second the wolf just broke down the door always attacking scientists this is bad bessie you have created another monster don't worry ladies and gentlemen i managed to get our little tiny baby werewolf up to the ground level of my house and it looks so happy look at him he has ginormous teeth he has huge paws and a huge tail too now at the moment our baby little tiny werewolf only has 10 health but just like wolfy the cookie god from a few episodes ago i think we can evolve our baby werewolf now you just wait right here buddy no no no no no no i said you got you got to wait right here do not attack anything do not eat anybody you can bite rodney that's about it i'm sure this little guy is super hungry so let's go ahead and feed them just a little chicken do you like to eat chicken whoa whoa what are those particle effects hold on wait a second he just tore through that chicken let's try a fake peshi so little tiny baby werewolf you eat these these are very bad other than the real bessie don't eat bessie because she'll probably turn you into werewolf dust for whatever reason our baby werewolf doesn't want to kill the cow what about a pig do you like to eat bacon oh oh i feel bad for bacon bacon just got bit in the butt run bacon no bacon is going to be baby werewolf food today well bessie told me as we keep feeding our baby werewolf stronger and stronger mobs it should eventually grow into a full-size werewolf and then might even gain new abilities it seems like your favorite out of all those were little chickens so let's keep feeding you tiny tiny tiny chickens he loves it look at him go he's definitely super slow but i think as he gets bigger he'll get extremely fast let's go see if bessie has any other mobs that she wants to train on the baby werewolf it looks like we have some zombie pigmen to feed to our now juvenile werewolf are you guys seeing this right just after eating what was that five full-size chickens this guy became massive i think he just absorbed the chickens okay you're getting super big you are now up to 25 health and you are massive it's even bigger than a normal wolf let's see what happens if i spawn in a chicken now that is a one bite chomp right down its stomach what about a pig can you one bite a pig let's see uh oh no okay so he only does four attack damage which is enough to kill a chicken but it still takes a little bit to kill a pig i'm starting to get worried that this dude is becoming too big and powerful let's see how he does against a zombie pigman this guy can actually fight back oh no oh no he's actually getting hit oh wait a second come on one more hit yo he is extremely powerful already now he only is a juvenile werewolf which leads me to believe that he has so much more groom to grow into an adult and maybe even further now just to play it safe ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna go ahead and take our juvenile werewolf over to my battle training arena just so we can see how powerful it becomes welcome ladies and gentlemen to the battle training arena we have our juvenile werewolf in the center and i had bessie set up a bunch of different rounds the first round is called baby noob we have creepers skeletons zombies and shulkers let's just start out nice and simple with one choker oh oh he's already biting no no no you're gonna get flung up into outer space buddy no dude come on come back down come back down shulker stop it this is terrible this is terrible he's gaining a lot of his health back every single hit but i think as soon as he falls down as long as i catch him he might be okay yo why are you shooting me now you crazy die die dude dude you make really weird sounds maybe i could take the attention off of our little tiny baby werewolf yes i think it's working come on last hit boom he got him oh no now he's gonna get flung up in outer space again somehow he survived okay he's back down we need to get rid of these things next up let's do a normal baby zombo oh why do you look so funky hey hey we're off what are you doing over here are you wait how are you killing mobs through the wall is that one of his powers i honestly don't know but he is tearing through this zombie right now we might as well just go ahead and spawn in all of the zombies he'll help me baby little werewolf oh wait never mind i think i'm okay i'm way faster than these plebs i'm seriously gonna need some assistance so get your head out of the lava what are you looking at no you're gonna get hit to the level are you crazy somehow he survived the lava i honestly think he might have fire resistance but he is moving in he's tearing through the zombies we have so many more over here buddy buddy hey hey buddy buddy we we're getting overrun here by a zombie apocalypse and you're over here staring at a wall there's only a few more left so i think you should be able to take them all out chop his face get him bite to spleen there's only two more left let's go go for the toes they do not like it when you bite their toes trust me i know from first hand experience next up little wolfy we have a creeper let's see how you do are you going to attack the creeper i might need you to attack the creeper no no no don't let it explode how about a skeleton do you attack skeletons yes he definitely does are you running away from the skeleton do not run into the lava he's definitely extremely powerful already but our werewolf still needs a ton of work oh there we go he's finally attacking and he hit him straight into the lava creepers on the other hand are a no-go our werewolf attacks a lot of things but not creepers let's go ahead and spawn in the last of the skeletons and i also want to spawn in the shulkers i'm spawning them in way over here though yes it looks like the shulkers are actually hitting the skeletons with their levitation potions which is perfect our little tiny baby werewolf can get in there and you can attack all the skeletons without having to worry about getting levitated i think the last of the skeletons yup just got eated down nice no he's getting levitated buddy come back down oh no he's growling that is very rude to you little time baby shulker i actually i don't think you're a baby but you look like a baby's butt yes he's moving in come on a couple more hits as soon as he opens up he's going to die yes no no no no don't let it hit him stop it stop it stop it oh he teleported boom he's down uh uh werewolf body oh yes he teleported back down perfect let's go ahead and grab the next round which is round pro baby in this round we have one of each mutant creatures what in the name of what what is this did you turn into a fire werewolf yo that is the coolest thing ever hold on let's see if you have fire powers oh my gosh he went straight in snout first and everything new and snow golem you should run for your life really oh oh my gosh this is so sick our werewolf has evolved to become even bigger has a brand new fire evolution and sets everything around him to flames look at him go okay we have two mutants in here now our fire werewolf only has 60 health but it looks like he regens pretty quickly now let's see what happens if he also gets hit into the fire i think he should have some resistance come on move in buddy looks like they're super low yes he hit the creeper into the fire creeper's going down i don't know can he survive the creeper explosion though he's gonna pull everything in i need to stay away let's see it oh he did and it exploded the skeleton that was sick next up we have the mutant zombie which i think this fire werewolf will do so well against because he literally sets a zombie on fire and zombies hate fire oh no he's getting smashed no no i think he might actually die no way no way no why why did you do that why would you do that you killed firewolf no firework buddy get up whoa did he hear me wait does he have invincibility powers no way this is not only a werewolf this is not only a fire werewolf this is a super fire werewolf of amazingness look at that he just got eated again does he have nine lives is he a cat oh no i'm definitely not a cat though i'm gonna die he got straight back up he's moving right back into battle he does not care look at him go he is demolishing this mutant zombie and because he's on fire he'll go straight down or maybe not he got back up that is not fair technically fire werewolf has been doing the same thing so i guess they're pretty even finish them all fire werewolf come on only a few more hits should do the trick okay he's down he's on fire he's probably going to get back up fire werewolf is back to full 60 health though meanwhile i might as well go ahead and spawn in the last mutant of round pro baby the mutant enderman they are all surrounding fire werewolf i can't tell oh gosh the zombie just spawned in so many minions fire werewolf is in the mix though he is so tiny whoa he jumped up after the mutant enderman that was so cool wait a second are they teaming up together it looks like it and down he goes again i'm honestly getting a little bit worried that fire werewolf is going to die so many times today that he's just not going to get back up one time after this round if we are going by the last rounds he should evolve again now i'm hoping that he has more room for evolution it seems like he is getting stronger and stronger by the minute look at him go dude he is chasing this teleporting mutant around floofster you could do it little floofy fluff him up fluff him float him get him oh he got him it worked back up do not let him explode you all right well you didn't listen to me did you somehow he's surviving the ginormous explosion of the mutant enderman and just like that we're on two round boinky babies in this round we have velociraptors we have the sun chief we have dread beasts we have nagas tyrannosaurus rex and a frost maul this is going to be insanely difficult he evolved again he has become a mega werewolf wait a second i just realized he's no longer standing on all four legs he is massive look at him stand next to me he's huge all right big boy let's see how you do against the velociraptor oh gosh wait did he just did you guys see that is he shooting out flaming balls of fire and he's also pouncing with fire fang abilities uh this is insane this is unheard of the velociraptor doesn't even know what to do boom down it goes let's try out the sun chief and see how he does gunja ganja gunja okay i think i maybe insulted him in his own language ganja gunjuganjap maybe you don't like my mega werewolf do you make a werewolf go go go get him go go get him run mega werewolf get in there you're just accepting this he is just absorbing the hits look at it i don't know if he's using it as power because technically all of these hits are coming from the sun i honestly don't know he is attacking the minions though which is definitely promising but he's still not attacking the main guy baracko and every time we get close we get flung back look at it he almost likes it i can't tell this is so weird the attention has been taken off mega werewolf whoa wait a second he's somebody in another fire werewolf how did you do that we spawned in a werewolf too what why why you did not tell me mega werewolf that you could spawn in more tinier werewolves whatever you guys do do not team up on me this is the most insane wolf pack army i have ever seen other than maybe the one that i have where are they communicating together let's see how they do against a dread beast oh my gosh they're all moving in together that is so sick they're communicating and attacking as a group i wonder how many different werewolf pets our mega werewolf pet can spawn in let's try out a naga boss this thing flies so i'm not entirely sure how they're going to attack it maybe like that they're they're they're jumping all over it mega werewolf didn't even have to do anything his minions did it all how about a tyrannosaurus rex let's see how they do oh my gosh so mega werewolf is shooting projectiles meanwhile his other two minion werewolves are surrounding it and why is it still coming after me get it away stop it stop it i am not lunch oh they hit him into the lava pool it is game over for this ginormous beast down he goes this entire wolf army is legendary let's try out the last challenge which is a frost ball oh my gosh the little tiny fire werewolf is already moving in this dude over here is looking directly at the wall oh never mind they're in battle oh why did i get frozen why does he not go for the three werewolves that are biting all of his fingers really again really luckily it seems like they are taking care of business he is already down to half health dude you gotta stop freezing me why is he hitting me you're gonna die if you keep trying to freeze me and not freeze the werewolves that are biting you consistently you will die i honestly don't care anymore we have our mega werewolf we have the werewolf minions life is great now the only thing i am curious about because we have one more round left is if our mega werewolf can evolve any more times the frost ball is down let's go see what we have for the final round which is just called death for the final battle we have what are you how did you get so big oh get it away get it away get away from me i don't know if that thing is my pet or what but get it away from me ladies and gentlemen what is this look at it wait it says firefang king of the werewolves all right mr firefang let's see if you have reached your final form with an armored giant oh how many fireballs did you just shoot out dude look at him go he can just sit back and shoot massive fireballs that do tons of damage dude dude that is so cool let's try out a naga boss let's see how they do ladies and gentlemen i cannot imagine if fire fang and wolfie the cookie god teamed up together that would be the best combination ever if you guys do want to see that go ahead and leave a comment down below that says hashtag cookies and leave a like if we can hit 25 000 likes i'll definitely do it they immediately tore through that naga let's try an alpha yeti they have such a great tactic the little tiny minion werewolves move in they literally absorb every single hit meanwhile firefang could just summon it more or he could just shoot them with ginormous explosive fireballs let's see what happens if we spawn a guy near firefang while he's fighting oh he's getting stomped on oh oh he did not like that do not like that one bit i just realized firefang is almost as tall as this ginormous 15 block tall cyclops and he annihilated it so fast uh i guess let's try out at a hydra next i honestly don't think there's anything that can take all of our wolf army down we have fire werewolf moving in he is just pecking him with his ginormous teeth we have our werewolf over here who is pouncing up at the red and then there is a fire fang shooting fireballs right back at the hydra and then there's me doing pretty much absolutely nothing they are destroying this guy though for whatever reason the hydra boss is focused on me meanwhile there are two tiny wolves jumping all over his body while firefang shoots him point blank with super explosive fireballs this is just a dream come true just to spice it up i'm gonna go ahead and spawn in a fire dragon that is super stylish on an actual big fire dragon and a big ice dragon just to see the chaos that happens don't eat me stop trying to eat me please stop trying to eat me i'm just a little kid i don't even taste that good i'm half rotten fire fang buddy you look very confused i need you to attack whoa fire fang was just frozen for a second the ice dragon has gone down there still is the tiny ice dragon i don't think it stands a chance though and somehow our little werewolves have stayed alive this entire time the hydro boss is almost down five health left boom it dropped down it looks like fire fang is stuck over here in ice spikes it does not matter though he's shooting out ginormous fireballs at this final fire dragon and boom down it goes ladies and gentlemen our werewolf army is incredible ladies and gentlemen i think that is going to wrap it up we have officially fully trained our little tiny baby werewolf to become one of the scariest creatures ever firefang the king of werewolves he is extremely powerful he could summon him minions he could shoot out fireballs he is literally resistant to any sort of fire damage this guy plus his minions plus wolfie the cookie god might be the most insane combo ever if you guys do want to see a video with all of them together go ahead and leave a like subscribe so you guys do not miss out on that video when it comes out and comment some bosses that you think they should go up against that is going to wrap it up there ladies and gentlemen my name is backpro werewolf master jack and i will hopefully see you guys all back again here very soon for a brand new video peace out dudes [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,323,909
Rating: 4.9427829 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, pet werewolf, minecraft werewolf, minecraft werewolves, minecraft werewolf mod, how to spawn a werewolf in minecraft, minecraft wolf, werewolf minecraft, wolf, werewolf, werewolf vs, wolf mod, minecraft strongest pet, pet, biggest minecraft pet, biggest wolf, biggest wolf ever, biggest wolf minecraft, minecraft biggest wolf, minecraft wolf armor, beckbrojack
Id: x-3AjRvrdgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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