Werewolf vs Vampire CRAZY Minecraft Battle!

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today dudes we're gonna be answering the angel question which is better vampires or werewolves be sure to comment down below which one you think is stronger the werewolves or the vampires also if you guys do want to see another episode where we do witches versus wizards drop a like once its hits 13333 likes will do one also it turns out that 75% of the people that watch my videos are not subscribed subscribe the channel if you're not already so you never miss out on a brand new video thanks I hope you guys enjoyed today's video always and girls I have been dreaming about the moment where we figured out if I'm better than Alec well because you're a werewolf and it could be unfair stop why are you in there um well I don't know I slipped bro i boy let's go but yeah ladies and gentlemen you guys have been asking for this you wanted to see if the werewolves were stronger or the vampires this reminds me a lot of the Twilight series I don't know life do they I mean it's been a while since I watched that but did they ever fight and if so who won cuz I literally a bill I've been spoiling guys if you wanna spoil it comment down below oh yeah well actually please comment down below spoil it because I'd want to know yeah if you will follow me over here we need to do some warm-up challenges to see just how powerful you are as a maxed out vampire and myself as maxed out where wolf okay I am down so I guess kill these guys so good luck okay you did you everybody for helping brown one ladies drive with my mind that was amazing alright round number one can you do it I want to say yes I think that you can you ain't old strong green all-white brittle okay that's not necessary I have feelings too I have feelings too okay all right here we go but I have those things what walking up to you the power bill I don't know I just give you that one let me scratch this guy the face let's bike this guy look like that guy let's bite you oh I was hoping if these guys were like surprise you but I guess there's there's like yeah why are they all going so slow uh I'm gonna pick one up oh my god you're literally trolling them no way none and there's like a million of them now what is going on are they just multiplying oh I guess so dude I don't know no no no damage whatsoever I have collected a fair share of vampire fangs I literally go like blight I don't know why you're literally just steamrolling it doesn't even look like you're punching you're running with a vampire on your head I can also trap my ram ability reckon they'll just run at them wait I just realized this sucks because these are all vampires that you're destroy no what does that mean when we fight these guys oh man this could be really bad there we go this guy 290 help anything to be this is not good come on kid at all this could be a Code Red let's see this guy looks like has 200 elf this guy oh my head how much does he have another 200 health or he's my rash well at least it's taking you a little while to kill them at least like I know that they're not very much damage to you but I'm in no rush today it looks like every single lick or bite or smack that I do does it is totally damaged yeah that's actually kind of scary cuz that is a ton these guys I need to get all my blog bottles I can brew at them did I get them all and more vampire friends of yours um no I think I think that's it congratulations you be around one if there is a slight echo I'm sorry I moved my entire setup I apologize what if there's a tremendous echo what about that scale one to bed um nice you sound what you sound what wonderful you sound wonderful but we're in some dire times the world is in I know we all understand it's sorry I'm a werewolf I can survive that is true that's a good point okay so I think it's time for my around and when birds 1 both round 1 and round 2 wow I just saw one okay okay ready ah I think so okay one get your fangs ready get your bloody nose away and get ready sniff it up do it wolf it's just the water it's okay just a suck his blood and soon I don't all right bloodshot what's up boy oh oh it's just one shot that looks good scary why are the wolves looking at me weird okay oh my god correct bro okay so I'm having trouble like fighting them but my blood shot seems to just one shot every blood shadow what you're putting on that but it is a lot of sauce I miss completely me what shot see you dirty dirty dirty okay you did it that was it Oh Oh Shia mango good blood job boy oh it hit multiple things at once and I froze them all if they move all right I'm gonna tell you what vampire rage and regeneration get another blood shot in there get blood dude 30 Radian 30 Dame oh my god dude they do so much damage to me hey baby wanted o 17 health this is like kind of scary a little bit okay I'm gonna get some more regen going I feel like I'm having a little bit more of a hard time than you were and round number one kinda yeah well I was taking my sweet old time and also didn't take any damage whatsoever because I'm the best werewolf in the entire universe okay well I guess we'll see about that one thing though that I have to keep in mind is I always have to make sure that my blood is like all the way through the roof in order for me to be regen against don't worry Betsy put so much blood over here that is true I could always don't ask where we got it I will not do that last one oh yeah iced over the round or another another like mini round okay zip 5 levels 5 oh come on fella where else get in there everybody Claus face oh oh I just like punch that was in oh there was a blank row all right again watch this I'm not even gonna bloodshot not even a blood shot this newfound ability I've been in the gym a lot bro oh I've been working on my jaw and blood bottles yeah that is true I'm gay and it was a lot of protein in that so you know I think we're good to fight weight yourself to be your number two no no that's for your round wait what fine fine I'll tear out - well you just absolutely destroyed round number one so you should be fine for now no minutes fast here's one of these things wanna go hull we have wise dude James the hunter look at me it's possible they may be vampire hunters oh man okay this guy's a Burt Baskin I don't know why you're fighting pilgrim Fett seems to be really unfair well I don't know they're holding paddles in there trying to spank me it's very disrespectful and what if I do this and then well who's that who's that these guys have silver swords that's little about one weakness I remember to respond to every single thing in so good luck bad I know you could do it luckily these guys are all the biggest pieces of garbage I've ever seen in my entire life in there absolute trash they're literally not even moving it's like you're invisible or something I'd done pretty quick and I just okay okay I'm actually once looking at me funny so I'm gonna shoot her right in the face so hit me with the paddle why you really just wiped everyone I got Lauren you took it we've got to finish it they're all dead I kill all the vampire hunters you're welcome that was really good dude really really good are your turn oh okay before we fight Oh No a werewolf hood messy die are you shooting your fellow went like he's your easier cousin or something we snuck away he'll kill you get away see ya don't worry Bessie's really good at reviving any animal that dies that is true that is true there we go number two the thing is though is I was taking so much damage in the first round I think I hit like a truck but I'm pretty sure I'm like a glass cat and you might be able to just tear through me okay I like I'm ready to find out why I didn't see you take any damage that whole time so I feel like you could be a really really strong all right boys comment down below who you thinks gonna win the where boy core the vampire child this is it point is the moment of truth we've been making a lot of videos on both of these ma this is like The Clash of the Titans so I'm really excited to see how after watching you well yeah I'm ready all right count it down I don't know where you are you know telling you I can see I have to be stuck on blood yeah thank you okay well I don't know what you are so I feel like it's unfair so what I'm gonna do is eat ha ha what's up boy all right 3 2 1 go are you battery now no you let's see you up there get up wait are you oh my god you're done there okay okay we know where you are what's up frozen the sky where did you go I can't bro I can't move I'm Louie floating how did you die dude yes you bit me once it did like a hundred hot I'd like to arts left after your first bite and then I just sweep out those you guys again here's one shot me bro you literally one shot at me okay but when you just see if it was a fluke okay yeah I needed a rematch bro I need a rematch this is not okay is that okay okay more confident now oh boy why didn't you I you my blood shot and I don't know how much it's in it's a cold all right let's run it back you I'm so ready let's go amazing Oh are we pose just literally that overpowered I think so did I think so we literally cannot handle one another it's just insane look okay let's run it back again you have one I have one this is it Chris is basically whoever can hit who first thing is though I have an ability that can freeze you so they can freeze you I think it could be geez geez dude okay I'm ready definitely not a bad why should I have a plan I have blood as a bat yeah I froze you as a bat and then I transfer back into like a normal vampire and then I bent your neck and ripped it out boy that's crazy I can't tell which one's better though we're literally so overpowered to the point where we could take down anything I think so too like this is actually insane wait I have a really really good test okay we have a were the boss right whoever can take it down faster is better uh okay okay calm down go let's do it here is your wither boss thank you thank you all right go ahead I go to okay okay and I'm gonna let you bike the wither boss a couple times okay should I something to here like is this okay or should we no dude look somebody do my house would you at us that's why I asked that's why you're back here must a a nice safe distance away all right I'm doing it there this all right three two one hey uh maybe maybe try yeah try eating it and have you tried um 360 eating it hmm have you tried the 180 okay 180 oh okay okay you ate you have a timer or like over just over just eyeballing it okay timer is set as soon as he gets to 300 I'll start it yep as soon as she does the explosion okay one wolf boy come down here oh I have to go back for my figure back form I'm so weak when I'm in bad form bite him I don't know if I can fight this is not cool man I'm gonna have to plug projectile I don't think if my fries ability works on him which is a problem because I need him not this problem and go rage mode we're gonna try the blood projectile but he gets away I need him to fight me like a man no no no I got this I'm not really sure about the one aspect of this okay are you stuck in a tree yup this is my moment this is one minute 12 seconds that was pretty impressive yeah and I died trying to run all the way back to so if I did die really really quick boys here we go this is the moment of truth are werewolves better than vampires I don't think we'll ever know truly but this is a pretty good indicator yeah absolutely I think you might have a little bit of a hard time here though because I'm not sure if you have any projectile moves really highs so that will probably be very helpful alright let me go back and grab all this is all be wither stuff alright ladies and gents we got it let's do it okay I had to do the 180 right that was the only way that this work for me yeah it's a work for me so 180 I 360 did it wrong yeah it's got it has to be the 180 man okay the only way in three two one eighty it didn't work I said it work for me dude I don't know if it'll work for you maybe you have to come up with their own special technique okay let's do 70 it's all right but the timer's on though so times a-ticking you have public opinion whatever didn't fly straight up oh no I have so much accuracy my existence is crazy Oh gets up with a tray big head no big once you get a job you get a bit of a la mode it's over for him I be straight yeah that's the only advantage to be that higher up there's like wait - I always coming down there's your chance this way slide the lag is too high there we go there we go there we go but once you get him in melee mode you got this dude I'll block away from my hitbox me so far there is no lag you pretended like three seconds goes that dynamite boys it is a struggle out here Corona is killing everything including our server including our server it displaced our homes it's making me sick but I did it we pulled through as we're all some vampires yes as YouTube as YouTube so yeah I'm not really sure we came to a conclusion here it seems like werewolves have way more resistance while vampires are pretty much glass cannons they do tons of damage but a couple good hits and out.you while they're dead yeah I will say I've played us both and they are both very very fun to play ass I hope that we can continue using these guys in the future for for more yes who these guys drop a leg if you guys do want to see any other challenges I was thinking we can do witches versus wizards as another challenge episode let me know if you guys do want to see that by dropping a comment down below yeah do it but anyways ladies gentlemen that's gonna wrap it up my name is back bro werewolf and my name is thyroid Batman and we will see you all the next one lay the guys peace out [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 496,824
Rating: 4.9417276 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, best minecraft mods, minecraft map, beckbrojack, beckbro, mini game, mod, map, crazy, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, maps, secret, traps, trolling, glitch, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, minigame, troll, beckbrojack minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft werewolf, minecraft werewolves, minecraft werewolf mod, how to spawn a werewolf in minecraft, minecraft wolf, werewolf minecraft, wolf, werewolf, werewolf vs, wolf mod, vampire, minecraft vampire, vampire minecraft
Id: 2u2zN_nW5k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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