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in today's video we're checking out ten pet dragons that minecraft needs to add like a flamingo fire dragons galore actually make a tiny little enclosure for it whoa it worked it worked we could just go back down the cave we'll health check on our cookie face this is crazy i don't know how he's hitting him around so i really need to buy some dragon toenail flippers today i'm going to have bessie go ahead and put our electric blue lightning dragon and the black lightning dragon in the incubator so that in the future i can actually hatch them last episode you guys got a little sneak peek right at the end of how powerful a stage 5 lightning dragon is but the thing is she actually is not even fully upgraded yet that is why today i had bessie set up four different rounds of challenges and after she completes each and every round she will unlock better armor so we have silver in there we have gold we have diamond and last but not least we have the lightning dragon steel armor which is going to look so sick so be sure to stick until the end of the video to see that for the new brown we have a couple pretty easy mops first things first bessie thank you so much we need it to be nighttime because if you guys did not notice our ultraviolet lightning dragon sleeps pretty much all day long but at night is when she gets up and that's when she normally flies around and eats absolutely everything in sight all right let's go ahead and make sure ultraviolet is escorting me why is she standing like a flamingo well that's okay there we go round number one we have a creeper how did how did you do that can you do it again but is she just killing it with her mind by the way let's try a creeper right behind her let's see oh my gosh she just bit it i have a feeling the new brown is basically going to be the easiest round i have ever seen a dragon go up against normally the dragons get somewhat damaged but at this point i think ultraviolet is the strongest dragon i have ever owned i'm just going to go ahead and spawn in all of them there we go everybody there you go little creepies do not explode that was actually that's probably a better idea go ahead ultraviolet here you go i guess i'll punch it wait don't turn them into charge scrapers please i actually don't think it matters because the electrocution is way too powerful for the creepers to turn to even charge creepers next up we have eight evokers these things are super powerful they will spawn in a ton of vex minions but i honestly do not think it will be a problem for ultra violet she can just electrocute everything this isn't even fair now it seems like you're kind of taking your time so i'm just gonna go ahead and hop on your back and let's just start electrocuting yep let's get you like sh you whoa how am i dying bro i got played by the swarm of x's wait a second bestie what'd you say oh oh oh my bad bessie told me that i probably shouldn't do these here but at the same time i think it would be way better to do this here oh my gosh this dude just got heated oh no oh no my armor is not ready to be swarmed by vexes ultraviolet i need you to do this a little bit quicker dude she is getting swarmed by the vexes they're literally like little tiny flies and she's just too big and slow to even make contact hey where are you going oh my gosh dude she just flung herself up and yeted herself forward towards inevoke her i really want to check her health hold on hold on everybody stay still i just wanted a vindicator i am so dumb i need to make sure to keep on feeding ultraviolet she has no armor whatsoever other than her dragon skills which is probably honestly the best armor out there let's see can i check her hunger and also status she has lost zero health me on the other hand i've died about six times already i've only showed you guys a few of the times because i feel honestly like a ginormous noob can you kill us yeah there we go tail whipped the vindicator electrocute the vexes let's keep this going i need to get ultra violet her first piece of armor because honestly will match after that this might take a little bit longer than i thought i'm honestly surprised that the vexes are even able to move ultraviolet let's go get a little health check hey no no do not go in the water that's probably the worst idea possible lightning does not go super well with water let's go check back over here i think the majority of the evokers got absolutely destroyed the next challenge we have are vindicators i'm just gonna put them down i'm gonna punch put them down punch put him down punch put him put put it put it up punch just keep punching jack just don't stop punching i see you punch you punched you in the stomach he punched me straight back in this plane that's honestly okay because i think he is about to be electrocuted and or eaten up yup he just got eaten we still have a couple more ultraviolet i need you to turn that ginormous dragon skull around and maybe electrocute the rest of these dudes or just don't listen to me we're gonna need to have a nice stern talking to um or actually never mind i'm a little bit scared of you ultraviolet hey i got stuck in a hole can can you maybe can you pick me up very gently and pull me out or you can just eat that vindicator i guess that's better boom there we go we have all the vindicators down and now bessie wants ultraviolet to go up against ravagers these things do a ton of damage too bessie are you insane i'm running out of food to give ultraviolet to she legit eats all of my cookies and i have ran out and all these dudes are chasing me down oh i'm so gonna die no never mind oh electrocution is coming in hot and heavy whatever you do do not like shoe me i think i may be getting electrocuted just a little bit whoa dude the area of effect on that is legendary she was able to electrocute all of them in a group now there are still a couple left but it seems like honestly they are are gonna die i was gonna say they were gonna die and it kind of just happened the best part is i think at this point ultraviolet has roared which means that i have extra strength and also resistance what you doing no bad idea terrible idea that was the worst thing you probably could have done ultraviolet ultraviolet over here never mind the last challenge we have in the new brown is a arachnon what are you and why do you look like a spider is it dead did we kill it we did not kill it we definitely did not kill it dude this is like mike wazowski what a spider mr wazowski spider dude i would honestly probably run the other way ultraviolet i need you to kill it actually i'm gonna go hop on your back let's go see if we're able to just electrocute this thing is it working did we do it oh oh yep it's dead somehow i electrocuted this block so much that it turned into ice i honestly did not know that that was possible but you know what that means ladies and gentlemen that officially means that ultraviolet has unlocked her first pieces of upgraded armor let's go see how this looks okay so we have the head which honestly that alone looks sick let's try the tail we have the body and the neck yo i'm not gonna even lie this is so cool now this is just the lowest tier form of dragon armor we're eventually gonna work our way up to the lightning dragon steel armor which i think will honestly make ultraviolet practically invincible just in case round number two gets a little bit out of hand let's take ultraviolet back behind my house there's a ton of ducks there's a ton of chickens there's a ton of sheep that ultraviolet could eat when she gets hungry she could also eat me i guess but i definitely do not taste good round number two consists of all of the mutants together oh one mutant is gone second mutant we have is a mutant skeleton oh my gosh as soon as the armor went on ultraviolet she seems like she loves electrocution and a lightning strike over here or maybe bite it or maybe a little tail whip or just do something please i would not please stop it please stop shooting me oh it's jumping up oh it's shot ultra violet bad idea mr scally really bad idea for whatever reason he keeps shooting him oh i think he picked them up oh my gosh it jumped up and i don't even know what happened i think it might have gotten hit with a ball of lightning and exploded into a million pieces our next challenge we have is a mutant zombie this thing might actually be somewhat of a problem the real problem is that they all try to kill me when i have a ginormous dragon over here that they should probably go for like look it's like oh oh there we go we have the ball of electrocution it's actually going for massive hulk smashes against my dragon oh down it goes that thing is normally super powerful and extremely difficult to defeat oh my goodness so it looks like the zombie was taken down but it got immediately back up and it get it well it's down again so we'll see what happens ultraviolet is also now uh stuck in a tree it just keeps getting electrocuted and it does not care look at it oh down it goes again that is like the 17th time that it has gone down and it's getting back up bro this guy is absolutely psycho in the head dude do you have like a walnut for a brain because you probably should have ran away by now oh oh down it goes and boom that time the electricity absolutely annihilated it the next challenge we have for ultraviolet is a mutant creeper and also a mutant enderman oh my gosh they just got exploded i'm gonna go ahead and bring them just a little bit close they're over here there you guys you guys probably should not fight each other hold up no no no no no no no this is dragon training day hey i need you to get down from the tree i i can't reach you up there you seriously just had to go in the tree didn't you okay boom there we go oh oh okay we're hovering slowly let's go try electrocution it is definitely super effective especially against the creeper the creeper is now dead it is legit just exploding and also the mutant enderman is exploding too that was so easy oh well hello there how are you today nope don't do it round number two the pro round has been taken down ultraviolet hey i have new armor for you where are you going why did you just eat a tree trees are not for eating they are for crafting i'm pretty sure and also chopping down not eating um guys what is going on why is ultraviolet running all the way over here by herself i think she honestly just likes being inside of the trees okay whatever we have the silver armor coming off next up we have the full gold-plated dragon armor which looks even better i honestly didn't think it could look better but it does purple and gold is so cool oh my gosh flying around on ultraviolet's back i look so shiny but also so deadly no no no do not she stepped on my favorite tree whatever you do just do not step on my favorite house this is really kind of my only house so please do not destroy it coming up next we have the hacker round which is filled with different elemental dragon types let's go ahead and spawn in the first three whoa dude this thing just picked me up ultraviolet please ultraviolet i need you to legit just tail whip this thing into the next century or electrocution i actually i think i like that better and the tailwind too i also just realized that look at the tail on ultraviolet it is so spiky that thing has to do so much damage i'm just gonna hide under your belly because i'm getting a little bit scared of these creatures the next one we have is called a zoatar oh that thing is gonna give me nightmares tonight yup electrocute lightning attack perfect that's exactly what i needed right about now we have so many of these things okay i'm spawning them all in i think one of them might actually have lightning abilities i'm gonna need my golden apple are you kidding me i wanted to save that for the final round oh this is bad this is honestly the worst thing that could be happening right now there are too many and they're overwhelming ultraviolet even though she's super upgraded she just doesn't know who to attack do not fly away what is she doing she's doing like a sidewinder attack oh this thing picked me up dude it's literally trying to take me and fly away i managed to get on ultraviolet's back honestly i think together we are way more effective let's go electricity come on yeah let's target all of them together we are doing so much damage it is crazy the best part is that every single dragon we have fought so far is super tiny they are super powerful though so i cannot underestimate the next couple of mobs a little bit of lightning for you a little bit for you don't worry i did not forget you are they dead did i do it no there's still one more over here and we're not even close with being done the round the next one we have is an ignobus oh that is one big boy oh no it is setting everything on fire too ultraviolet doesn't even seem interested anymore bro i think she might honestly be tired oh my gosh never mind she just bit it in the tail let's see at this point she has barely lost any health i've been trying to feed her so that she can continually gain health back and it seems to be working plus the armor is making her super resistant oh no she's on fire this is terrible no no no i need to get you out of the fire okay boom there we go electricity time that's right you little cabbage patch kid get your butt over here that's right we can both flap together now you are shooting out fire i on the other hand am shooting out so much lightning i honestly don't know how you're surviving this this guy honestly has to have so much health i have been shooting it and electrocuting it and trying to bite it but it does nothing oh my gosh it's right in my face get me out of here this is absolutely fantastic i cannot see a darn thing and this thing apparently can fly through trees yo finally we took it down that was the hardest thing we have faced yet there's only one more challenge this is a dragon called a remobra oh well these things are very tiny oh all right cool well that made that very easy all right ultraviolet let's go head back and see if also we have any extra food you should have unlocked the next set of armor but honestly i've run out of food to feed you hey best you got any food nothing nothing hey rodney you got any cookies let's see oh my gosh you have so much cooked fish and it says fish for violet that is the nicest thing rodney has ever done i really hope it's not poisoned hey ultraviolet i got a present for you let's take off this really bad gold armor and let's go ahead and upgrade it to ultra diamond armor look how happy she is now let's make sure you're all fed up too boom there's some fishies for you for the final god round it looks like we have so many mobs first up right off the bat bessie wants ultraviolet to try and defeat three wither bosses that is honestly insane let's see how just one goes one two three hello nice to meet you my name jack that's ultraviolet she's going to eat you today nothing personal honestly so just go ahead do your thing explode boom there we go oh wow the wither boss is immediately dead okay three withers is actually going to be way easier than i thought ultraviolet is kind of getting heated back just a little bit but it seems like she's doing so much damage to the wither and just like that it's gone oh my gosh ultraviolet looks like she is just getting stronger and stronger but also matter by the second let's see what happens when i summon in two of their bosses at the same time oh we got one we got two let's see it oh my gosh that scared me oh okay they're both already moving in straight towards ultraviolet they didn't even care about me i probably should have checked her health before spawning them in but it seems like she is electrocuting them to their grave that is the fastest wither fight ever i'm not entirely sure if i've seen these next mob before this is called a dread glitch whoa dude what the heck it has blue eyes and it's summoning in undead zombies and skeletons bro this is the weirdest thing ever it looks like ultraviolet still attacks though which is good you also have dread knights as well whoa right nope nope nope nope i did not sign up for this brothers undead spiders ow ow yeah this this uh this really hurts luckily i have a golden apple and it seems like they don't do a lot of damage towards undead zombies such as myself but at the same time ultraviolet is currently leaving me so i guess that that that's it that this was a lot of fun seriously what are you doing ultraviolet get down from there okay let's use our dragon flute i think that should call her back down it did not i need this to stop let me on your back oh my gosh they're everywhere electrocute cool yes it's working it's working i am making a wall of lightning right now and they are all getting flung bag there we go oh we stopped spiders spiders be gone i do not like spiders and just like that oh dead this is way too easy the next challenge i'm a little bit scared for bessie wants me to spawn in 16 cyclops everybody get in here you want odd poop sniffing creatures of a weirdness they're all following ultraviolet like baby ducks following their mother duck seems like they're all extremely confused guys no this is not your mother this is my dragon ultraviolet dude she's getting absolutely destroyed right now i'm getting a little bit worried i need to make sure to keep feeding her there we go actually never mind she is at 500 health they just look way more deadly than they are i think she's already defeated half of them oh this one's coming for me do not let it stomp on me please please don't stop me please i will shoot you in the belly button i will shoot you in the eyeball oh okay i i did warn him and there's the eyeball that's disgusting oh lightning bolt and i think ultraviolet just stepped on him and then ate him nice let's go take care of the other ginormous one odd horn dudes the electrocution lightning attack is so effective just because it causes an entire area of effect like i can literally just hold it in one spot if there's a group of mobs and they will all get annihilated and then if they get too close i should just be able to bite them just like that one last guy over here [Laughter] he's really trying to come towards me and let's go ahead and just bite him boop he just got absolutely demolished well ladies and gentlemen we have officially reached the final challenge of the day but before i do that we need to no i sorry sorry i did not mean to hit you we need to go ahead and put on the lightning dragon steel armor this is the most powerful armor that a lightning dragon can have and let me tell you it looks so cool now it obviously doesn't have the same accent as the other colors but it blends in so well and if you could tell there is definitely extra armor and it looks a little bit darker and it almost looks like chainmail on a dragon this should be super useful for the last challenges we have which are fire dragons galore so many fire dragons literally i'm spawning in eight fire dragons all different sizes i honestly think that my computer will turn on fire with all the different fire dragons that i've spawned in look at that they're flying around legit trying to defeat me immediately i can't even do anything but do not worry because over here ultraviolet i know will help me from getting eaten alive at least i really hope so because this is absolute chaos bro i don't even know what's happening is it working dude i literally i cannot see anything leave me alone let me know i'm gonna go hide over here in this little cave haha you can't get me oh one gobby little one got in there this is absolutely insane one is just eating me would you stop pro did your mother not teach you manners i need to keep feeding ultraviolet i know she's taking so much damage right now oh my gosh they are getting electrocuted she just went full on god mode there is one more ginormous green fire dragon left everything else has been absolutely demolished i need to get ultraviolet out of this super powerful dragon fire she just doesn't understand that she has to get out let's go ahead and unleash lightning power on this final fire dragon there we go and down it goes here's a little snack ultraviolet i know you've been doing absolutely amazing work here the final challenge we have should honestly be super simple we have eight ice dragons which i honestly think ultraviolet should be even more effective against through this final fight i'm honestly just going to go creative mode just so i don't get absolutely demolished and so that i can actually see what's happening without being eaten alive oh my gosh we have one dragon moving in dude ultraviolet isn't even moving she's just spinning around and electrocuting her oh my gosh i don't even know how she's doing that let's do a little electrocution over here that is honestly way too overpowered i can spam it too just because she is such a big stage five lightning dragon her lightning ability basically never runs out and just like that ladies and gentlemen every challenge today has been defeated and ultraviolet is now the maxed out most powerful lightning dragon in existence oh according to my map back project this is it i think all right i don't need the attitude i'm just trying to make sure that you know professor dragonfire's over here betsy gave us the chords well she gave you the chords i don't know why she doesn't really trust me nope this is it we're getting hot we're getting on spicy we're getting real hot oh there's a hold on wait the paper yeah my map my maps just blew up it it erupted on fire wait really we were so hot yeah we were i had to drop it it got too hot i get lost wait if i was a professor i would probably be in a laboratory i don't see a laboratory or or potentially maybe in a library oh the library do you think he's reading hey where's the library well you see this guy right here he looks really handsome and he has blue eyes he has like white hair oh my god it's a flying turd that is disgusting what the heck i thought it was just a myth i don't know professor dragonfire dad what is happening why is there giant flying turds hello he said ah yes i have been waiting for you young travelers unless you told me you were coming for a visit so you're interested in taming your very own dragons well it just so happens i've been collecting them for my studies for some time now i've been hiding most my recent discoveries in a secret cave near the village the wild dragons aren't too fond of me stealing their eggs so i had to hide them feel free to go and take three dragon eggs each to start your journey oh my god wait this guy is way too nice he doesn't even know who we are and he's letting us take his dragons well he said that's he said yeah he's like friends with bessie and bessie's cool with everybody so she probably paid him that's true bessie really is a man she's she's the hookup no she's she's the girl oh uh yeah totally all right now what we have to find a cave oh it looks like there's a cave over here no it has to be an underground cave at silly no no no yeah look see there's a little cave right here i think this could be oh my god look at that dragon by the way do you see that thing oh professor dragonfire he kept saying that the dragons don't really like him because he stole a bunch of their dragon eggs don't say they don't like us either apparently they probably don't like any humans oh my gosh yo i'm going this way wait is it even possible to like domesticate these things definitely i mean i have a ton of dragons so i would assume that you can these don't look like mine though they look a little bit different yeah they also shoot really cool fireballs that are green out of their mouth so that's pretty cool yeah i would love to have that type of dragon professor dragonfire didn't really say what kind of dragons he stole well he stole eggs right yeah exactly but like what kind i don't know what to hatch him either he didn't even say the hatchimal what are we supposed to do probably just have to sit on them for a little bit oh like like yeast that's the keystone right that's what yeah like anything that has an egg don't you just sit on it for a while oh giant flying turd giant flying another one dude yeah another one another one they're actually pretty cool all right um let's hold up dude this looks like a cave okay and there's a skeleton guarding it this must be it bro it's wait he has to be friends with professor dragonfire hello oh wait we did it looking at you now pick out three times whoa well oh my god cookies too let's go did you get him he is down and out for the count okay there's a sign here that says do not enter hold on wait time out did you get cookies uh i did i got 64. holy cow can i have him i'll trade you what what are you gonna trade me uh i i'll get um dollars take off your leather pants you can have this okay all right that's a deal there you go where's my cookies oh i dropped them bro do they not i swear i dropped them you're lying to me i don't have them anymore i swear i don't have them anymore i [Laughter] if i die in here i'm going to be really really mad dude it says do not enter i'm kind of scared i feel like professor yo are you oh my god there's so many yeah i think so oh there's a dragon head over there there's one two three four five six seven eight nine different dragons dude yo some of the eggs look so cool there's like a purple one this one looks like a ball i think that we're kind of not really noticing all the skeleton heads in here though for the skulls do you think professor dragonfire is like a psychopath yeah maybe he's probably said a bunch of other people in this mission before okay let's just not go back to that village ever again kind of scared to be honest i don't know i'm gonna put out some of the fire i'd much rather not die today okay so so far so good i feel like something's gonna jump out of nowhere though and just destroy us no we're okay maybe spiders there's a lot of spider webs it looks like it took a couple poops all right so should we do this like a draft order you go first i go second and then yes wait does this mean that like you're my rival oh no no no no we're buddies we're we're we're good friends i just don't think one of us should pick three before the other you know i really want to pick the one in the middle it's shiny uh yeah go okay you can have first pick then go ahead i'm really scared that something's gonna pop out oh i took it sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry i didn't mean to i didn't mean to i didn't okay so i am going to go with since dragons you know are fire breathing i feel like the red one would make a lot of sense here boom it kind of looks orange to me well it's the most red that there is okay it kind of looks ginger a little bit can you stop okay just pick your next one okay they'll make fun of mine next up number two i really like the bowling ball oh that does look like a bowling ball it's a night fury oh my gosh wait how do you know oh does it say it says it i got a skrill and a night fury nice i got a monstrous nightmare egg yo that sounds so scary oh my god terrifying i'm gonna go with this silver one i think this is actual like silver boom okay look shiny all right so the second egg that i picked is called the cerebus egg yo isn't that like a three-headed dog isn't that what i'm saying cerebrus i forget how to pronounce it i thought it was sarah oh it's a rebrush oh yeah there's an extra r in there yeah so i think that's a three-headed demonic dog if i'm not mistaken i have no idea but that's like hades dog it does sound pretty cool okay let's see awesome so what is going to be your last pick of the 2020 dragon draft five i kind of want to take all of them but i feel like the uh professor's probably gonna kill us if we take more than three so i'm gonna stick with just the normal ones uh i like this green one oh stop stealing them sorry all right sorry sorry sorry here you go here you go here's your egg there you go what do you think that does not happen again so for my third dragon i got a sea shocker very shocking stuff it sounds really cool it's probably electricity yeah an electric sea dragon yeah that could be pretty cool that sounds awesome all right i'm gonna go with the spiky one i feel like this spiky one is gonna have actual spikes but it's bored which is gonna be awesome so boom and oh it's called the myth dragon ooh okay i'm actually really happy with at least the names of my dragons hmm so there's three more dragons left uh no you didn't say that we're not going to go back to the professor right dude i kind of want to take one more okay uh all right i won't say anything if you won't i'll never tell anybody ever guys nobody comment anything to bessie or professor dragonfire please i want this purple one oh okay i'm gonna go with uh i'll take this one and then i'll also take this one thank you all right let's get out of here i don't want to become one of the skeleton skulls oh oh wait there's a fence wait parkour go go go yes oh so far you do it dude you can do it come on i can't do it you got to break this bro they're going to see us hurry ah it doesn't work yes go go go where do we go where do we go what do we do what are we going to just run bro just run get out of here before they catch us okay well the house is like 50 miles away so we're kind of trapped out here what should we do i really don't even know we need to book it okay these eggs obviously need to be warm i don't want to sit on it so we need to figure out a way to make a fire yeah i have a spiky one i don't want to sit on the spiky one that would be uh there'll be like needles in the butt and that'd just be weird kind of painful just a little bit actually wait all of mine would look kind of spiky yeah when you put them down though that's when they get all colorful exactly okay so out of all of my dragons definitely my favorite is the night fury it just looks amazing that thing but oh look at that dragon it's just a bird you think maybe a plane that's kind of awesome maybe it's your mom i don't know hey don't talk about my mom like that dude if that was your mom i would that would be pretty cool oh right above us right above us big turd i don't know if the dragons are friendly the one tried to shoot us earlier so i don't know how i feel about that some are probably friendly and then others are really mean so i don't know i wonder what they eat as well they probably eat these cows they either eat cows or people i really don't want to stick around to find out okay so the game plan should probably be to get near some lava or fire and find a cave that was easy oh okay well we don't have lava but we have a cave so that's pretty good is there any water source around that we can just kind of lower ourselves down so we can eventually hatch these eggs there is one over deep in there but we'll probably just have to build our way down okay i'm gonna gather some materials work our way down there hopefully we can find some lava all right jack i made a pathway you can come down now you don't have to keep punching trees okay i have a lot of wood i also made a stone pickaxe which is pretty cool nice i think there might be a lava source back yep yeah that's definitely lava yeah they have to die they have to get out of here see you that was a close one i don't see any other ones hopefully our baby dragons will eat that meat as well that'd be cool honestly yeah depends i don't really know what they eat if i'm a dragon i'll probably want to eat like fish or meat or maybe cookies or possibly maybe stone blocks yeah stone blocks definitely they're probably all right but if we if we go a little bit deeper into this cave that's so dark it's very very dark i'm scared there's gonna be a dragon that just pops out of nowhere bro but i'm just gonna go for it yeah i feel like the bigger the dragons are the deeper they probably hide underground and like their own dragon layers the cave does seem to end right here and they're just a bunch of lava okay this is perfect yeah it's pretty much perfect we could use this to keep our dragons warm so we don't need to sit on them okay i'm just carving out a little area right here that'll be your side this will be my side we'll hatch our dragons how long do you think it takes like six to eight days i have no idea well they were probably sitting there for a while already so they might be like almost ready to hatch honestly yeah i don't know i would go ask professor dragonfire but no probably not a good idea not a good idea he's definitely found out by now that we kind of scammed him all right i'm gonna start plopping some of mine down here we go the myth egg boob it looks so good bro now we have a silver egg and we have a cerebus egg and we have the monstrous nightmare yeah all next to each other you're crazy well how are you doing what if one of them hatches and crushes one of the eggs you know what you're a good mom you're good i know i told you i've raised dragons before there's a proper way that's probably true that's right you're still young i'm a novice actually you are older than me okay but stop okay you have more experience you have to make fun of me i am way cooler debatable all right there we go all of my eggs are down and ready to go okay i'm gonna place mine in the order that i like them the most so first one over here i don't really like it's a skrill it sounds cool but i know what squirrels look like not too big they're basic honestly if i had to say oh any sort of words i would i would never make fun of one of my dragons to say they're basic so oh well they can't hear us yet they're still in the eggs i don't know people can talk to babies is it's a close tie between thunder drum and sea shocker it's probably sea shocker and then thunder drum and then the night fury do you even know like what thunder drum or c-shocker even look like not yeah that's why i had them tied in the middle okay but you're just assuming that they're not cooler than the night fury they're definitely not cooler the night fairy's the coolest one ever obviously guys comment down below if you agree all right all right that might be true all right so now what should we just leave and let them go i heard they they hatch faster if you just stare at them okay so that's what we're gonna do i'm gonna i suppose i'm gonna stare at them for a couple hours you can do whatever you want i'll stare at yours too if you really need me to it's like watching paint dry it's a lot of fun it didn't work is it that difficult to look i'm just holding my eyes open okay this is really boring all right we'll see you guys in like three to six days four to six days later oh my gosh dude you see do you wait did your dragons hatch how am i supposed to know we haven't been back in there in the top left hand of my screen they literally just popped up oh yeah i have four of them there literally wasn't there before get out of my way get out of my way oh yo me first bro a dragon yo oh i don't even care okay let's see oh good defensive song where are mine no you might escape wait yours are all sleeping oh hi fresh oh maybe yours could all fly and like they all flew out i don't know i wouldn't have proved that i think mine would have hatched early because i already have a dragon level two and i don't know how that would have happened that is pretty epic all right guys wake up wake up oh no it says they're all starving oh you might want to feed them now feed them asap oh my gosh i don't have those oh wait a second okay if i hold down this i can manage my dragons let's see skrill can i summon him oh we got a problem why what happened it's saying one of my dragons died dude did you mess up the defenses it burned let me try a different one let's try my thunder drum has come to your call wait where is he oh my gosh this guy is sick i'm just trying to wake up on my dragon magical food for everyone it's ecstatic this is the best day ever i haven't gotten a new dragon in literally weeks maybe even months hey i'm happy for you are you happy for me uh well like i haven't seen your dragons yet so i don't know if they're ugly or not okay so i think i'm actually feeding my dragons and they seem to be eating which is good okay i'm gonna call my next one sea shocker this guy's tiny but it has two heads all right i'm gonna i'm trying to let all of my dragons out wait what you can do is dismiss them and then when you get out here re-summon them so that they don't die i don't know how to dismiss them uh if you go up to them and hold your dragon command key uh there should be a dismiss button let me try and do my night fury as well by the way guys i'm gonna need a ton of names for each one of my dragons so drop a ton of comments down below night fury night fury night night fury it's so cute this is sick so let's see the night fury wants to eat uh people but also okay it's i can't really tell knight fury likes to eat fish oh we got a big turd in this guy hopefully doesn't attack our guys actually that could be pretty bad looks like it's great for a fart yeah it hasn't farted yet oh i'm gonna summon all my dragons right now right with yours maybe they'd be a good threat i hope so i really hope they don't fight that'd be bad yeah that would be really bad actually i mean obviously mine would win but you're shy oh one of my dragons is level two actually wait i just realized i had five eggs and i only have four dragons so you lost one i think one of them didn't make it yeah that's that's not good you're right we don't talk about it we don't talk about those i mean you still have four just like me now we're even look at how cool this dragon is now look at this myth bro i don't know coolest dragon you've ever seen well the knight fiery is easily the coolest dragon i've ever seen but this guy's pretty cool look yeah but look at him he looks so cool look at his chest bro yeah i don't know what that is that is heart i have no idea but it's awesome that is kind of sick okay where's my other wait let me look at your dragons actually what is this i got a big boy i know he's so bad he's like a big kind of like thunder gronckle he looks awesome he looks like a big frog whoa and this is like a oh it has two heads this is just two heads this guy's pretty cool he looks like a fish with two heads almost like a stingray yeah it's like a two-headed stingray that is sweet now most of my dragons if not all of them eat fish which is amazing i just don't have any fish oh dude my this dragon has three heads you please dragon oh hey don't jump off oh i got my last guy my skrill oh he's pretty cool look at him he's got a million teeth bro i actually i i think the cerebrus or cerebrus whatever is my favorite the three-headed dragon can it even fly does it have wings well i don't know not yet but it's getting there maybe when they grow up they're only level one right now so we're gonna need to train them up we're gonna need to battle other dragons it's gonna be a lot of work but i feel like it could be fun oh absolutely this is like it's like an adventure with a bunch of new little babe honestly look at this guy he's got a big old head he's like charizard he's pretty cool hello little baby dragons oh you are not a baby anymore oh my gosh this enchanted dragon is massive now i don't think alec knows about this so whatever you guys do do not tell him that i'm gonna steal one of his dragons this one is honestly a little bit cooler uh hello hi nice to meet you my name's jack i am master and chief of dragons i will be a better owner than alec ever would be now let's see it says this dragon has been locked by the owner am i able to maybe use an amulet on the dragon hell out can i please pick you up mr or mrs dragon how about if i use an iron chain oh okay i've officially latched on to alex dragon and i'm actually a little pull it no way hold away can i whatever you guys do ladies and gentlemen do not tell alec that i have one of his dragons oh no wait it latched or did it i honestly do not know where i should keep this thing for now i'm going to go up to this island all the way up in the sky where we found other baby dragon eggs and see if maybe i can keep it up there this thing is so heavy uh wait hold up little problem i think i might have lost the dragon this is not happening okay all right keep it together jack do not panic oh wait a second no okay i still have it come on up here nice and slow and steady okay looks like it's not going to follow me all the way up there so i think plan b is to frame adam that is at the very least until i can figure out exactly how i can put this thing in an amulet or potentially make a tiny little enclosure for it that alec will never find in the meantime though ladies and gentlemen bessie told me she has something super important in the magic mailbox it looks like there is a book called the dragon in the sky to secure your place as chief of dragons you must tame every type of dragon the cookie loving people of the internet wanted to see you get an either dragon travel to the aether defeat the dungeons and get the egg love bessie wait a second so the aether dragon is real the other day if you guys missed it i actually took my two baby dragons to the other dimension in order to train them now while i was there i thought that there was maybe an either dragon but i guess in the comment section you guys commented that there actually is one that i can find and tame it sounds like i might need to actually take out every single dungeon here though first things first i need to find a pig hello little porkers how you doing you guys were commenting that i should be able to use a saddle on the pig use the carrot on the stick to actually control a flying pig this is sick this is how you travel if you're in the either dimension uh buddy i need you to flap your wings a little bit more we are we are slowly sinking oh gosh okay i don't know if these things can actually fly or if they just glide around porkers parkers we're not gonna make it oh flip dude we're going back down houston we have a problem uh my spaceship pig is slowly descending into nothingness i'm really sorry parker how do i get off i need to get off of you porkers porkers no porkers well that did not really go as planned let's go ahead and stick to my normal minecraft wings which obviously are 10 times better than any flying pig but it looks like there are three different dungeons i need to defeat in order to unlock the aetherdragon egg the first one is all the way over here in the distance it is called giant turd rock boy interesting hello john turd rock ball you down here boy hell up and by home yep we definitely found it giant turd rock boy well it's definitely a lot of rocks you in here rock boy you are you this rock are you that rock i don't think giant turd rock boy is actually a rock let's take it nice and slow so last time i was here i believe i did fight one of the dungeons we have a giant rock over there and what was that hell out did somebody drop a giant rock turd on me let's go see can we find anything over here we have shards we have enchanted darts what about in here i'm looking for no no no not you what are you oh are you giant turd rock boy i have heard lots of good things about you i just need to get rid of this chest that wants to eat my toenails hello little dude how you doing what can i not hit rock boy oh no never mind i can is this the guy that i'm looking for hold on let's see let's throw pickarang at him uh pickering come on why are you going so high wait am i not able to hit him hello sir how you doing is this a sir or is it a chest i don't know if you guys can tell but it appears on the stone there might be an eyeball when i try to hit it it says hmm perhaps i need to attack it with a pickaxe what about a piccarang bicarang does not work last time i was here i did get my hands on some zanite which maybe will work this is from the either dimension so let's try it out in three two one we stabbed it whoa is that ball opened no no no no where'd the door go where the door i don't wanna i don't wanna be here anymore mr eyeball stone turd boy apparently his name is actually paul giberlin the slider well he's definitely sliding around can you slide up here oh gosh okay so can i hit him with only the pickaxe what happens if i use this on you no it literally bounces straight off his eyeball this guy is looking into my soul can i use pickering pickering is not effective no way how about if i use uh cat freeze you yo i can actually freeze it it still moves around though what about laser vision laser vision literally lights them on fire but it's ineffective i need to stick with the pickaxe ladies and gentlemen luckily i do have the power of superman so i should not have to worry about dying come on come on there we go i will mind your eyeball to death he does not seem to be enjoying this as much as i am poke the eyeball just keep poking poke just keep poking the eyeball i apologize sir i would make this way faster if i could hit you with anything other than this stinking little pickaxe i found oh his eyeball turned red i think he has pink eye we can talk this out buddy we're literally playing uh the ring around the rosie i really hope this is the hardest bus because if so the other bosses will be so easy um uh hello sir what nobody's home didn't mind no i'm invinci uh i'm not here he's not buying it luckily this should be pretty quick especially with my infinity attack damage bow stay down do not get back up nobody listens to me you will die okay let's make sure we burn him now you should go away do not come back mr mutant zombie no don't stop over here it seems like giant turd rock boy dropped the bronze key that should hopefully unlock the bronze treasure chest where we have sentry boots more century boots we have a valkyrie lance a phoenix bow an agility cape and also 12 nest blocks now i'm hoping i can use these nest blocks for my aether dragon egg when i get it after defeating the other two dungeons we might as well also go put on the agility cape this thing looks so cool well hello black boy you really don't wanna no you probably shouldn't have done that next up let's see what we have oh excuse me there mr whirlwind the next challenge of the day is called lady that wants to kill me let's go see if i can change her mind oh no wait a second it's this lady i don't know if you guys missed it but in the last episode i came in here and there was a ton of ladies that did not like me hello ladies nice to see you again uh it's me jack listen no hard feelings right right everybody we're we're cool you see the thing is i may we have to kill you but it's nothing personal so somewhere in this labyrinth there should be a ginormous opening where there is the queen valkyrie aka the lady that wants me dead if we can find that room we should be able to get an exact number of how many of her minions i need to destroy in order to battle her hello lady how you doing you remember me so i wish to fight you but i don't really want to she said very well bring me 10 medals from my subordinates to prove your worth then we'll see ya all right i will do it take my time now this will be quick boom roasted nope sorry i will just i'm going to just hit you with my fist one metal down hello ladies hey hi yeah i i apologize i might have the power of superman so this is gonna be pretty quick hey ladies i just i want to take you guys out on a date hi you want to go to applebee's no okay i didn't think so what about tgi fri friday yup got it hey lady are you from tennessee because you are the only person uh never mind she did do you have a band-aid because i just scraped my knee falling for you i should really stop killing them i'm a terrible human being ladies and gentlemen but i need the dragon let's see we are at eight we only need two more i apologize this is not what i wanted your queen master valkyr lady said i have to do it hello lady i may have accidentally killed 10 of your subordinates i wish to fight you let's see i am ready i have the medals right here do your worst this is going to fit extremely fast just because i have the superman powers in my bloody veins i am able to basically destroy anything i'm really sorry yeah you probably thought you stood more of a chance but uh yeah no you do not and just like that miss valkyr lady you have been annihilated that does mean however i unlock the silver chest let's see inside we have some blue gummies which give you so much food we also have the holy sword we have a valkyrie pickaxe which is definitely better than the zanite pick we have neptune gloves and also an aether dragon sword this thing looks so cool i think you actually need either dragon scales in order to even craft this but ladies and gentlemen that means we only need to defeat one more dungeon until we unlock the aether dragon and the last one is called fire fire boom man i wonder why they call him fire fire boom man your presence annoys me do you not fear my burning aura not really uh leave in peace what if i smack you ow ow okay he set me on fire he said perhaps you are ignorant do you wish to know who i am i don't know because i am slowly dying this is bad this is definitely bad i have never been damaged that much yet just take it easy on me firefighter boom man as long as i am alive the sun will never set on this world you are an ex i'm no exception this is your final warning leave now or prepare to burn i am definitely prepared to burn oh my gosh i'm not prepared to open the door open the flipping door this is bad this is terrible okay how much damage can i do with the aether sword oh it looks like he has ores around him that i have to defeat first let's try and use the bow dude they're literally bouncing off the walls like crazy what happens if i put out your fires yeah get rekt nerd what if i well can i freeze him i cannot freeze him why did i think i could freeze him i'm so dumb whoa he actually has ice crystals too let's see if i can freeze his crystals or maybe i just have to use fire on fire action just let me hit you dude what about a pickaxe pickarang do your worst now let's see every time he spawns in a fire crystal he also spawns in an ice crystal am i able to hit the ice crystal into him let's see i completely missed that head dude can you spawn in another ice crystal pretty pleased with lemons on top there we go another ice crystal i need to line this up perfectly no it hit myself with a forehead okay we have another one right here let's hit it right into him yo i got him yes i don't think he liked that he spawned in minions we have another ice crystal time it up just perfectly no no no no come on right over here towards me hit it no it completely missed this is so difficult hey i will give you 12 cookies if you just let me have the dragon i will let you live i don't think you like that deal come on come on come on hit it no dude what did that hit you have another one oh my gosh it is literally so difficult to line it up perfectly hit it yes i got another hit in we have him down to just below half health it is just so difficult lining up these shots every single time i just missed literally like 95 of every single shot i take here we go cannot miss this one no i'm so bad at this no we did it we actually took him out looks like he dropped a sun altar and also the final golden key now if what bessie said is true inside this chest there will be an aether dragon moan of truth let's use the key and let's see we have a life shard two life shards we have phoenix gloves an iron bubble and most importantly we actually got the aether dragon egg let's go i'm not entirely sure what the other items do okay the life shard just literally gave me extra hearts that is sweet let's make sure we most importantly take home the dragon i should just be able to fly directly down back into the overworld and just like that ladies and gentlemen we are back home sweet home now since this is indeed an aether dragon i feel like i should spawn it as far up in the sky as possible let's make a little nest on top of my cookie tree house and in the middle we can place down the aether dragon egg now this could take a while so while we're waiting if you guys have not already be sure to leave a like on today's video also go eat a cookie if you have not already subscribe if you are new and turn on all notifications supposedly only 27 of you guys watching are actually subscribed whoa oh it worked it worked it barely took any time at all i need any fishies i need lots of fishies oh baby this is the coolest looking dragon ever let's go make sure to get it inside of my amulet just so it does not jump off the roof of my building jack why and how are you back inside the tree of cookies well i did a lot of work and i managed to get enough items to craft the tree of cookies spawn not exactly in the perfect spot but i think it looks good obviously the rest of the village has become absolutely demolished that's okay we're gonna be demolishing it even more today by training viserion the eater of cookies the other day i was poking around alex's channel and saw that he uploaded a video of himself basically training his dragon to be max level obviously me being the master of dragons and everything on this server i could not let that happen that is why today i need to craft some special items in order to make sure my dragon is bigger stronger and meaner than his dragon first thing we need to do is craft ourselves some sticks go over to a crafting bench plop these two down and put on the dragon skull which will give us access to the dragon command staff this thing is going to be super useful especially for controlling our dragon when it gets bigger and bigger right now alec has no way of controlling his dragon so if he lets it go it could actually get lost forever which is a little bit concerning but as you can see with my dragon command staff i can actually command the dragon to stay i could also set a home position for it i can have it escort me too so that it will fly around and also walk around and kill anything that comes close to me but for right now let's make viserion the eater of cookies stay right there behind my house bessie has set up three levels of challenges level one level 50 and level 100 after each challenge i'll unlock dragon meal which will make my dragon grow extremely massive this is amazing mysterious flying around we might as well go ahead and start challenge number one all right we have zombo zombo is on fire make it more on fire uh viscerion okay i can't tell if she is burning the zombie or if the zombie is just getting burnt like a crisp pancake and the zombie's dead uh did you do anything how about a little baby cave spider okay this thing is currently eating my toes uh viserion please do something why are you still flying you got stuck in a tree we're gonna need a lot of training today ladies and gentlemen but do not worry by the end viserion will be an absolutely massive dragon that destroys anything let's try a simple challenge skeleton kill the scouts attack the skeleton what if i hit it with the command staff yes wait a second i think it's getting burned go ahead bike the skeleton yes she actually did it next up magma cuba ooh this thing seems deadly it's bopping around it's bouncing okay i punched in the face ow ow yeah why doesn't myself do anything do you like polar bear we need to start killing things and she's flying away just great so far ladies and gentlemen viseriot is being a giant nub if i go ahead and shift right click on her you'll see that she is only stage two normally stage three is when they start to get extremely powerful so i may need to help her get there okay we have zombo somebody killed his darby pikmin and it better not be me really you're trying to fly away really you're how my did my changer snap how is this even possible hey uh so this isn't gonna work because i'm currently getting chased by three very very hungry zombie pigmen who want to eat me well it's looking like i'm probably gonna have to take out the entirety of stage one guess that's fine we only have a few more to get through viserion are you taking notes okay you see when there's a bad mob you go and you kill it like these little guys right here boom roasted let's get you and let's get last one right here see he did see ready watch evoker kill the evoker no why command staff boom okay the dragon is now escorting me please kill annihilate eat the evoker oh it's doing it let's go yes this is sick no no don't fly away please do okay yeah go down yes it's the wheel flying attack i never thought i would see the day ladies and gentlemen this is amazing go ahead come on yes yes you're so close to tail lifted that was amazing let's go now we do have these little tiny vexes who are hitting me like a truck excuse me i don't appreciate it okay i'm gonna die while we're on a roll we might as well spawn in the next guy which is aghast oh my goodness massarion now is the time to fly up and eat its eyeball right now you're currently just absorbing it no we're gonna get destroyed by the cast hey you giant flying cat creature stop it this ariana's going up let's see please no no why would you fly into the tree again and now you're in that tree just perfect exactly what i wanted pickering that didn't work pickering it looks like the ghast has flown into outer space so i think for the time being we will call that a victory the last guy from stage one is an elder guardian let's see if maybe viserion will stop flying in circles and getting stuck in trees and maybe we'll come down and help me stop it stop it you one-eyed creighton oh it's trying to kiss my face yes it looks like viseria landed right over there uh she's not doing anything though hey we are under the water and my armor is about to get eated yes when she's in the water come on we're so close please just use your toenails or something oh okay looks like i did it myself but ladies and gentlemen that means that our dragon can now officially eat the five dragon meal here you go you crazy dragon let's do one two three four five oh my gosh she just got so big let's shift right click and see she is still only stage two which is a little bit of a problem it should be okay though for the next stage which looks like we have evolved spiders zombies skeletons a foliath and we finish it off with a giant one-eyed cyclops stage two starts off with three evolved spiders that viserion obviously is best friends with apparently because they won't attack ah let's try three evolve zombies and we got a baby of course i love baby i do not appreciate you being a little time baby and going crazy i just need to get vasarian into stage three that's when things will change finally we also have some evolved skelly's okay all right fine you can just jump shoot me in the face it's fine it's not like it hurts or anything don't think i didn't forget you little spidey let's try out a dread beast what that just came out of the ground oh wait they are fighting let's go oh my gosh dude this ariane's going insane whoa oh my gosh you just pooped on that thing let's go let's try out a mere mech soldier go ahead go ahead kill no i didn't mean to hit you i swear no stop getting so close to me all right kill this little book squish the bug stop on its head burn it with fire maybe this thing is doing so much damage looks like we're gonna have to take it out ourselves let's do it this thing is so creepy dude i hate things with more than two legs except dogs i like dogs and cats too let's see how vasarion does against a giant chicken lizard giant chicken lesser please stop it i will give you so many little tiny chickens it's not taking the bait ladies and gentlemen it looks like we might have a problem on our heads oh my gosh just literally packing out my eyeballs oh wait a second it got stuck this is my chance let's go chop it chop chop chop why can't i hit it anymore there we go i took it out good job vasarian everybody give it up for my dragon who basically does nothing i think i maybe just had a brain blast ladies and gentlemen i decided to take viserion under alex house where there's a giant area where it cannot fly away and it has to fight i don't know why i didn't do this from the start but i'm just glad i figured it out now our next challenge is a stiff alien bird hello little birdie i can't even see it dude viscerion is literally just following me around everywhere oh never mind they're going at it whoa this thing shoots out porcupine quills i completely forgot now we need to make sure viserion doesn't get too damaged oh never mind it absolutely killed it we also have the feliat which honestly should be super easy look at it it just goes and bites everything and it just got stomped on by our dragon the last challenge of level 50 is a giant cyclops go ahead viserion come on take it out yes it's setting it on fire let's go this is an insane battle i can't even check for saryan's health it's getting posted up in a quarter but it's doing so much damage oh my gosh i have no idea who's gonna win this is crazy you can do this okay nope don't get hit out of there because then you're probably gonna fly away now the cyclops is constantly on fire and viserion's taking zero fire damage and basically just getting kicked in the face a bunch of times hello mr zombie i do not appreciate it i'm trying to watch my dragon the cyclops has to be close to dead right oh my gosh this is dude i don't even know what is going on right now but the cyclops is coming for me are you joking go ahead come on viserion the cyclops literally has to have like three health it just keeps biting its kneecaps and setting it on fire i don't know how the cyclops has lasted this long hope and never mind down it goes round number two is complete was there really a creeper right there let's go ahead and give viserion the five dragon mill and let's see she is now stage three and also has 230 health hold up wait stop breaking blocks i believe now i should be able to give her a saddle which means yes i can ride on her back this is so cool all right dragon i'm gonna go ahead and make you stay down here while i go grab the final and last level so for the final and last level before we can max level visery on our dragon they need to take down four of the different mutants the first one we have is the american zombie oh wait it's still steady oh guys it's terrible let's see oh my gosh it's getting smashed but it has officially set it on fire and the battle has started i believe the mutant zombie only has around 100 health viserion on the other hand has 230 so i feel like this should be a pretty quick battle and yep there we go zombie is dead zombie next up we have the real skeleton oh my gosh it just sucked me in the face i forgot to make sure vasarian is nice and fed and i also remember we can hop on our back yes breathe fire go ahead okay no we need to get out of the corner yes breathe fireballs baby let's go we can also do a wing attack this is insane okay i'm gonna hop off go over saryan destroy this kelly this is beautiful whoa it just jumped on my head come on it has to be closed then yes just like that the mutant skeleton exploded next up we have the mutant enderman this guy is absolutely super powerful and when it does eventually die it will explode and suck everything in now i honestly think that vasarion shouldn't have much of a problem it honestly might just try and teleport away look at it it's just teleporting around left and right it can also summon in minions seems like vasarion's doing a pretty good job of tracking it down oh my gosh she just clapped all its hands and shot viserion right up in the sky oh look if sorry i found some mores for me oh there we go we have the minions coming around our dragon looks a little bit confused but i'm not worried whatsoever uh yep hey hey no please no we can't go up there because that's where my house is and i really don't want to see my house burn down again everybody if we could just go back down in the cave that would be very much appreciated oh there it is it's back this thing has to be close to dying right let's see if maybe i can get a couple hits off oh yep there it goes oh it's sucking me in somehow our dragon has not been sucked in though which is crazy nip nip this is painful this yeah this hurts every part of my body let's go ahead and keep moving and grooving our last one we have is a mutant creeper this thing is going berserk it's funny in little tiny bomby minions that are exploding everything but it's okay viserion has extremely powerful thick reptile skin and also armor as well and i think she already won she just had to survive the explosion and she did it this officially means ladies and gentlemen that we can max level our dragon this is the moment i've been waiting for let's do this mysterion let's get bigger and bigger and bigger no way stage four we're going for stage five i think that's it stage five maybe she's still eating oh my gosh there we go that is everything that i had i'm actually oh my gosh look how big facerion is if i just go over to my house you will see that i'm pretty sure our dragon is bigger than my house well this is only a tad bit terrifying i'm gonna go hop down and make sure that you're sitting look at this giant beast all right beautiful messi and rodney wherever he's hiding today we are taking this little cute three-headed four-wing dragon and we're going to turn it into the giant king which we actually had to kill in episode one bessie said that you guys gave her some new information so let's check out this chest and here we have a book called the cookie prince the cookie loving people of the internet told me that the prince dragon can evolve using diamond blocks have cookie monster to fight some challenges in order to prepare him for an upgrade love bessie wait a second we got cookies buster cooked up cookies let's go cookie monster cookies for me cookies for you there we go all right here we go so all manny cookies thank you bessie i love you all right cookie monster let's see how many do you want to eat all right cookie monster you're stop stop eating seriously i understand you're a growing little young child he ate all my cookies i'm starting to not like you now it looks like bessie did give us 18 blocks of diamonds but whenever i go ahead and right click it doesn't seem to work now we also have some ice blocks and fire charges in here which apparently you guys told bessie if i right click on the cookie monster the fireballs will be extinguished now if i right click with the fireball fireballs will activate again now over in this chest we have a ton of challenges it seems like and every single challenge has a diamond block after the cookie monster defeats it come here cookie monster look cookies yes very yummy cookies yes they say the cookies let's make sure his fireballs are indeed activated for this challenge stop flying away stop stop i need to right click you with this flint still why are you killing birds the birds are nice okay fireballs are lit and prepared this guy is ready to destroy anything any cookies he reminds me a lot of myself a first challenge is a simple fully loaded zombie pigman hey what's up dude okay wow he seems very focused on that stone block what the stop no don't give it okay attack boom kill attack annihilate destroy i still haven't figured out how the cookie monster little dragon operates maybe i need to give him another mob that's bigger and juicier such as this giant turd monster oh he's killed it yes let's go oh no no we got shot oh gosh okay stop it stop it you little noggin face dude wow that was a lot of fireball action i get it you have cool sunglasses but you're no match for my little cookie monster beast oh god okay the cookie monster left me wait no he's right here he gets me every time dudes he just hides inside blocks we took down the one oh my gosh she's shooting fireballs left and right oh he bit that thing's toes off peacock cats where i know you're not allowed to eat my cookies scram they always think they could eat my cookies careful it's just a little butterfly i guess it likes to eat butterflies too this guy's a little bit strange we also have a psycho stay steve with a chainsaw oh he doesn't even care he's moving straight in he's getting chained solid it only looks like it's doing one damage let's go there you go psycho steve you're not as much of a psycho as my cookie monster little three-headed dragon i don't think he realizes it oh my gosh dude let's see i can't tell how much health it has it has zero health that was insane and i unlocked a chainsaw come here stinky cookie's stealing peacock ass worry we only have three more bosses until we can upgrade cookie monster into a savage cookie monster this guy looked pretty buff but honestly wasn't strong at all how about that dub what's up what'd it do how would be my name jack i like cookies oh wow all right well you do not like cookies oh we have assassins well the assassins got immediately annihilated by my security detail named cookie monster oh maybe not this guy teleported away but he's still getting wrecked big juicy cookies for your little cookie monster hey stop flying away look cookie there you go our last challenge ladies and gentlemen is dictator dave hey dave how's it going that's my dragon name cookie monster if you shoot him you're gonna make him super duper angry dave i don't know if you have ear balls or what i'm also not entirely sure what an earball is i guess that's how you hear it seems like he doesn't have ears or elbows because this guy cannot see that this dragon is absolutely eating his face this isn't even a battle cookie monster barely takes any damage oh my gosh she got fireball cookie monster got a little bit excited this does officially mean though that we unlocked the first diamond block of the day now i've never done this before so i'm very curious what cookie monster is going to turn into be sure to comment down below if you do know let's see in three two one cookie monster has turned into a cookie beast yo is massive that is crazy because he's so big now i actually think i may be able to ride on its back which would be sick he is destroying everything i love it hey cookies cookies yes he really loves cookies i love it let's see if i can hop on it's back i can no way i can control the fireballs annihilate everything kill the butterfly actually don't kill butterflies butterflies or gentle i'm gonna need you to take a chill pill for just a second if i hit him with an ice block his fireballs will be extinguished so i don't have to worry about him uh blowing up my house in order to unlock the next diamond block upgrade we have six more challenges be sure to leave a like if you think cookie beast can defeat every single one of them i'm going to give you guys a hint there is a 1 000 chance that he can let's see though the first one always scares the poop out of me it's a criminal he escaped from jail annihilate destroy this thing oh my gosh it's getting flung around yes oh dude i feel so bad for this little fatty i'm really sorry i know you really want to steal all of my cookies don't you not today i think he killed him with his toenail cookies we got cookies for you he's getting very very very confused here look come on cookie he's going insane he's way too big for his own good i just realized now that he's massive i'm gonna need to feed him like 10 times as many cookies now oh hey you want cookies i i actually i ran out of cookies it it's super weird i know all right guys don't tell him that i actually have a big stack of cookies in my house let's see how it does get a giant brutal fly uh okay dude we have two flying mobs going at it hey hey he's killing me whoa dude he does 34 attack damage every single hit that is crazy there's also a small squadron of giant never mind one single kick with a toenail and this don't absolutely pokes on them let's try out a robo warrior somebody who's a little bit tankier oh i got this gun sweet i don't want to accidentally hit cookie beast i don't think it would matter too much to be honest the robo warrior can only do three damage every time our cookie beast gets close to it i also don't know entirely how much health cookie beast has but i'm gonna guess it's probably around a thousand i'm starting to get super nervous for this next upgrade because once our cookie beast takes out everything there will be one more diamond block evolution now he's already pretty big and if he gets any bigger i think he may be the size of my house he also took zero damage from that fight and he really wants cookies okay i am officially out of cookies no more cookies cookie beast let's try out a caterpillar plus a mantis if it could take down two and one single time that would be legendary it's going crazy i think the mantis is about to die it's one toenail hit away the caterpillar is also getting flung around and i'm pretty sure this thing weighs at least five thousand pounds students left and right let's back it up back it up from the house i also just realized i don't think i re-enabled our cookie b's fireballs would you stop going next to bessie in my house my house is sacred all right everything's getting destroyed it's getting out of hand and he's not even the max level i'm so nervous to upgrade him again and also reactivate his fireballs if he does get close i'm gonna have to do it best say watch out there's a giant caterpillar let's get a little health check on our cookie face this is crazy i don't know how he's hitting him around so hard look at it just one single kick or one whack at the tail and he goes flying only a few more hits we're getting down to it literally just one more toenail kick to the spleen and boom just like that wait it turns into the brutal fly i forgot but that was the fastest fight ever the cookie base destroyed it and that was without fireballs enabled now fireballs are lit he is ready to demolish any beast that comes across there's only one more fight left the nasty asaurus wait i want to get on your back place let me i want to ride you i want to ride on your back like a pony place i know it sounds a little bit weird but i need to do it so i don't die okay i kind of regret turning my fireballs i really regret turning on fireballs ladies and gentlemen this was a terrible idea my entire house is gonna get on fire i know it now it also looks like the cookie beast has a special attack where it spawns in ice and traps mobs in place while it spits fireballs out of its other heads you're starting to scare me a little bit it's okay i have some steak i'm out i'm out of cookies i i hope that's okay please don't eat me this does mean that we're on the final tier upgrade we're just gonna take cookie beast over here where he can't hurt me myself or my house it's officially time now cookie b stop with the fireballs we've talked about this once he gets close i'm gonna right click and he will turn into the young adult cookie prince i think we're gonna have to name this guy cookie savage maybe even cookiezilla i'm not 100 sure if there is another upgrade after this if there is and you guys do want to see a part three let me know by dropping a like once it hits 10 000 i'll be sure to try it out again before the rest of this episode let's see how it does against some of the strongest bosses cookie savage is absolutely savagely and he's just going around killing bob's left and right the robo pounder normally does so much damage but i don't think he had a chance to even do anything against the cookie savage who keeps getting really close to me looking for cookies let's try out mothra oh my gosh 68 damage what 68 if this guy turns against me i am d-e-a-d that spells dead i think so let's try out a mantis we also might as well spawn in the emperor scorpio along with it the fireballs are lit the mantis just got tail whipped this dude is going crazy oh he's doing a toenail flip i really need to buy some dragon toenail clippers emperor scorpion is normally a pretty powerful a formidable foe but i honestly don't see it doing any damage to my giant cookie savage dragon i also completely forgot to test if i'm able to get on its back i am yo this is insane let's go oh oh my gosh this is unreal i can destroy anything now i have too much power ladies and gentlemen luckily i have bessie in place because if i do go power hungry uh yeah she'll immediately smite me down and destroy me whoa this guy's a little bit difficult to control but it seems like when i get near mobs he absolutely goes berserk the emperor scorpion is right at the tip of these three giant dragon cookie hungry heads i may have told our cookie savage that the emperor scorpion poops out cookies so it really wants to kill it there we go couple more hits to do the trick how is it still alive i mean the emperor scorpion is extremely powerful probably one of the most powerful or spawn bosses but still i am riding on one of if not the most powerful pet in the mud i'm gonna go hop up and see just how much health this thing has hella emperor oh wow yeah you got absolutely toasted and just like that the emperor scorpion got heated there's only a few more challenges we have a t-rex a hercules beetle and the most powerful robot jeffrey hey jeffrey nice to see you again how's the wife not too good okay he didn't have to punch me in the face these three mobs together are easily some of these strongest mobs if i wanted to fight them myself i would need crazy overpowered armor but the cookie savage has turned into one of the most powerful pets i think i own look at him go jeffrey is already down to almost half health the mantis over here is getting destroyed i don't even know if the cookie savage beast has taken any damage whatsoever that is it i think the hercules beetle is one hit away from dying that is it hercules beetle down jeffrey is literally only on a third of his health this guy is nuts i'm loving every second of this ladies and gentlemen this is beautiful to watch i remember first getting my hands on the prince it was so tiny it was like this big but now after just a few hours of training several diamond blocks and 1 000 cookies later we have this giant dragon [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,140,364
Rating: 4.8936005 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dragon, minecraft dragon, dragon minecraft mod, dragon breeds, dragon breeding, minecraft dragon egg, minecraft baby dragon, baby dragon, baby dragon egg, dragon mounts, hatch ender draogn egg, how to train your dragon, adopted baby dragons in minecraft, Minecraft baby dragons, baby dragon mod in minecraft, dragons, training pet dragons, pet dragons, ice dragon, fire dragon, dragon eggs, lightning dragon, minecraft lightning dragon, beckbrojack
Id: JTA97bF_EvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 58sec (4498 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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