Be In Perfect Peace

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is your mind steadfast are you worried one day and then you know well you go to church and you get a little encouragement you get up a little bit and then the next day the devil starts talking to you and you listen to him you pay attention that's not going to get it you're gonna have to stay up on the Word of God I know [Music] welcome to the believers voice of victory join Gloria Copeland today as she encourages you to keep the Word of God going into your heart let the word dominate your thoughts and live in the abundance of joy now here's Gloria hello everybody welcome to the believers voice of victory I'm all excited I've been preaching and teaching on the fruit of the Spirit and I'm now to peace I said this yesterday about joy but I'm going to say it again with the peace teaching if let's see if it won't resurrect don't worry about it so you got it you've got to take authority over worry and doubt and unbelief just dump it just if you're in if you're in a situation and you don't know how you're going to get out of it pray in the spirit get Scripture stand on them but refuse to be afraid don't let fear in you cannot walk in fear and faith at the same time fear brings things to you but they're bad things faith brings things to you but they're good things so we stand we go for the joy of the Lord it says go and enjoy choice food sweet drinks and send some to those who have nothing prepared this day is sacred to our Lord they're celebrating do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength you can't be down and depressed and believe at the same time if it won't I like this if it won't resurrect don't worry about it glory to God this is right before peace I'm going to talk about peace today thou has put gladness in my heart Psalm 4 7 if you're if you're sad if you're down and even if you're happy that's a great scripture thou has put gladness in my heart delight yourself in the Lord he'll give you the desires of your heart the scripture says glory to God so today we're going to talk about peace peace ah the fruit of peace here's the definition of peace a state of rest quietness and calmness an absence of strife and tranquility this is where you and I are supposed to live is that great it generally denotes a perfect well-being I mean everything is right that's the blessing that's the result of the blessing includes harmonious relationships between God and men men and men nations and families Jesus as you know is the Prince of Peace and he gives peace to those who call upon him for salvation that's from the Strong's definition glory to God peace is to bind together that which has been separated peace comes from being joined to God in that great Webster says peace is an undisturbed state of mind well that's true in your mind it is if you're worried about something you don't have peace and it's not the will of God for you to be worried so worried is a trap worry is a thief worry is the opposite of faith and it will steal your blessing right out from under you even though it belongs to you you can't be worried what do you have to do you have to be in faith you if you're believing God you can't worry if worry tries to come on you I don't mean you can't worry I mean you shouldn't worry if worry tries to come on you you rebuke it and you say no no no what is the Bible word for worry well for one thing it's unbelief unbelief brings worry when you start to believe God say let's say you're believing for healing and you believe you receive it you've act on it acting on it and then first thing you know you're worried what's going to happen to me how am I going to get out of this what's going to be the end of this what if I die young now that's worried you you can't receive the blessed of God by worry you receive the blessing of God by believing you receive when you pray that's faith you take it when you pray now a Webster says that peace is an undisturbed state of mine I it is a the another the people that know what they're talking about say it's a state of rest quietness and calmness an absence of strife and tranquillity glory to God Webster says an undisturbed state of mind tranquility of mind based on the consciousness of a right relation to God that's what we says about peace tranquility peace of mind you won't not be worried about anything peace of mind based on a consciousness of a right relation with God denoting absence peace is denoting absence or end of strife a state of untroubled undisturbed well-being how do you like that a state of undisturbed untroubled undisturbed well-being peace belongs to peace is the third fruit of the spirit love joy peace nothing missing nothing broken hallelujah so a peace is not just freedom from trouble but everything that makes pieces everything that makes for men's heist good glory to God peace means wholeness proverbs 4 30 in the NIV says a heart at peace gives life to the body and we know that worry causes sickness and disease why because you let your guard down you're believing the worst about the situation instead of believing the best you're not releasing your faith you're not releasing the life of God into the situation if you believed you received it you can't let worry in or it will steal your joy and carry away your goods so a heart at peace gives life to the body the NIV says in Proverbs 1430 the object of divine and saving promise and is brought about by God's mercy granting deliverance and freedom from all distresses that are experienced as a result of sin so everything under the curse in other words Jesus redeemed us from the curse that would be everything bad you can think of like sickness disease poverty he redeemed us from the curse so when we take our freedom and we believe we make Jesus the Lord of our lives and we believe we receive deliverance from all this curse it belongs to us and it's manifest and that's called salvation not just the new birth but salvation being made sound in every area of your life the message of salvation is the gospel of peace brother McLaren says the gospel of peace is the message of salvation peace to all men peace toward men peace with men McLaren also says this true peace comes from the absence of trouble no true peace comes not from the absence of trouble that's not enough but from the presence of God we get that we can have the absence of trouble and the presence of God and we'll be deep and passing all understanding in the exact measure in which we live in and partake of the love of God so peace is available nothing missing nothing broken everything right and sometimes it takes a while you know I remember when we got born again and even begin to learn the Word of God we were so in debt we didn't have peace but when we begin to find out that the Lord met our needs and Stendhal financial scriptures in the word we got out of debt many died ADEs ago and we've stayed out why because of the word of God because of the peace and the blessing of God nothing missing nothing broken peace is built upon love and joy love joy peace are issued out of your spirit as a result of fellowship with God of course pieces of fruit of the Spirit love and joy are fruits of the Spirit and it comes out in with as you spend time with the Lord in his word in prayer peace if you'll yield to the spirit and you'll yield to the Word of God peace will take you over and envelop you is it easy to lose your peace yeah it is all you got to do is listen to the news or and believe it I believe a bad report or believe it when you know when the doctors say you're not going to live out the full number of your days yeah you lose your peace if you don't stand in faith what do we have to do when we get a bad report we have to go to the scripture you know say there's an epidemic a terrible disease epidemic what do we do well we go to the word we stand on the word we we take our deliverance from every sickness and every disease we go over there to the curse and when we see sickness and diseases under the curse we say we're not having it because Jesus Galatians says Jesus redeemed me from the curse and I stand my ground I'll not take the flu I'll not take this I'll not take that and that's how you act on the word I mean when the newspapers say and the news says you know there's going to be a terrible depression well you know what I say well I'm not going to be in it in Jesus name I'm at either I'm a sower and I believe God to meet all my needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus and that's a good time to get on your prosperity scriptures and begin to say them again you know you ought to stay in really close contact with the prosperity scriptures because you're always going to need to prosper just for you but the people around you need to prosper thus says your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit if you're in a business and you're not making any profit here's your scripture Isaiah 48 17 through 18 I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit it is God's will for us to profit and to increase that's what the Scriptures saying who lead you in the way that you should go he'll tell you what to do you can be in a kenning up years ago been in financial bonds and even in not too many years ago we had like a million dollar television bill to pay but you know what we acted on the Word of God and it came to pass every bill is paid in Jesus name and it stayed paid hallelujah we believe God and you should believe God you're going to need your faith in prosperity you're going to need your faith and healing you and need your faith with your family so what I recommend I recommend you stay in the Word of God and you keep listening and obeying and putting it in your eyes and your ears believing you receive it and you take it in the name of Jesus here's what the Lord says thus says the Lord your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit who leads you in the way that you should go oh that you had hearkened to my Commandments see that's what we have to do to increase is just do what he says then if we have hearkened to the commandments if they have hearkened to the commandments then your peace and prosperity would have been like a flowing river and your righteousness like the abundant waves of the sea look at that peace nothing missing nothing broken and prosperity increase would have been like a flowing river it's God's will for prosperity to flow to you flow through you to you through you to your family and then the scripture that's isaiah 40:8 17 and 18 in Isaiah 26:3 it says thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you whose mind is stayed sustained supported on thee because he trusts in the glory to God the NIV says whose mind is steadfast we have to keep in time you know there's always trouble in the world and we have to keep in tact with the Word of God we have to realize that we're in him and he's in us and we've been blessed and we can't be cursed if you're born again you've been blessed and the only way that you can be cursed is to let it come on you you resist it you resist sickness and disease you resist lack and poverty a curse everything you see in the curse and Deuteronomy 28 you've been delivered from why because Jesus himself bore the curse for you and me and by stripes we were healed so it's a done deal but if we let the devil make us sick if we let him come on us and tie up our money now we've been in money situations I mean we were millions of dollars in debt through television bills at one time I believe it was multiple millions it was at least a million and what did we do we believe God oh my yell because we know we're not in debt we didn't borrow any money but the television broadcast you know it every month how many thousands of dollars it is it just added up we weren't able to do it in the natural so we believe God and we took our deliverance and we believe that extra in and that's what you can do but you can't do it without giving God time you have to spend time in the word can not spend time in the word we've been in the word for years and years and years and we're not letting up we know what the word says but we know we have to keep putting it in our eyes and our ears to keep our faith strong just knowing what it says won't work it'll it's better than being ignorant but it won't take hold when you need a million dollars say or when you have some big deal come up that you don't have an absolutely impossible in the natural so what do you do you get on the word you stay there you don't relent you you if you're believing for your healing you feed on the healing scriptures every day go over the healing scriptures and say I believe I receive it I'm healed by His stripes by His stripes I was here Isaiah 26 I think I read this I'll read again that will keep him in perfect peace you know what that means that means everything everything right everything blessed everything done that will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed sustained supported on thee because he trusts in thee if you're if your minds not in peace I don't think ever taught this before but it's true if you're not in perfect peace that means your mind is not being stayed on him you're thinking about the bills or you're thinking about the the sickness or the disease or you think about your children and how they're living no you got to get in faith and how you know that you're in faith is you trust him your minds at peace the NIV says whose mind is steadfast is your mind steadfast are you worried one day and then you know well you go to church and you get a little encouragement you get up a little bit and then the next day the devil starts talking to you and you listen to him you pay attention that's not going to get it you're going to have to stay up on the Word of God you must have a steadfast mind our mind trusts in him hallelujah Jeremiah calls it thoughts of peace and not of bad things but of peace hallelujah the Lord gives strength to his people the Lord blesses his people with peace that's a psalm 29:11 in the NIV peace I leave with you the scripture says I give unto you not as the world gives give unto you let not now listen get this it's the last thing I'm going to have time to say to you get it let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid let not your heart be too is that talking to you pastor pastor don't let my heart be troubled no it's talking to you you let not your heart be troubled you need to get that scripture and keep it down let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid you stop at the first thought of fear trying to come in your life about your finances about your children about your husband your wife or any other thing the first thought of fear you say no you don't devil what's he trying to do he's trying to sell you something he's trying to make you think you're in trouble and he's got you he doesn't have you Jesus have you has you if you've made him the Lord of your life and if you never made Jesus the Lord of your life just do it right now say Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior take my life and do something glory to God Jesus is Lord I'll be right back [Music] I am Michael Godley this is my wife Michelle and Godley we're actually in Tulsa Oklahoma and we've been partners with KCM since about 1999 long long ago when we first started watching Kenneth and Gloria on the believers voice of victory well that whole event just changed our lives completely It was as if they moved into our living room and we're best friends and as they spoke the word it became alive to us Michael and Michelle godly were Canadian citizens both successfully employed in the financial industry when they were introduced to KCM this young family of four with one on the way attended the southwest believers convention in 1999 and at that meeting a fire was kindled in their hearts to change their lives completely Bible school to us was like a foreign concept you don't go to Bible School were in the financial industry and you know that's our career that's where we're going to stay but God had other plans and we knew that God was calling us to go to America to the United States of America from Canada because that is where he wanted us to be that was going to be our land of milk and honey our plan was come down for two years graduate and go home that was it actually before we could even sign up to be students at Rhema Michelle had a medical emergency I began to hemorrhage I'd had my last baby just six months previous and it just wouldn't stop I got to a place where I kept getting weaker and weaker and lost more and more blood and I hollered from the room so he grabbed me just before I hit the ground and he realized at that point he needed to get me to the emergency room so the only scripture that came to mind was that she will live and not die declare the works of the law cat saying that I kept speaking that over the situation and I'd lay hands upon myself saying I'm laying hands on Michelle as one flesh in the spirit and I spoke to my flesh that my flesh would live and next thing I knew I was standing while floating above my body I had left my body and I was hovering over it looking down and I was very happy and I felt nothing I don't ever remember it's like slipping out of a glove I don't remember any feeling or anything I was simply one minute I was in my body the next second there I was hovering over it and looking down I was thrilled I knew I was going home I heard the angels singing and when I heard them I began to sing with them because I recognized the song because Kenneth admit singing that in my house and one of my favorite songs has always been song 3 that he sings the glory and the lifter of my head thou o Lord are the shield for me well he was a shield for me that day and he also lifted my head because he raised me up again i woke up actually with the nurse shaking me quite violently at the shoulder she was shaking me and she was shouting my name and she kept saying come back Michelle are you there you know and I opened my eyes and I thought oh please I'm having such a wonderful time thank God thanked him profusely because nothing else I could have done it was all God the Godley's later learned that the treatment to stop Michelle's internal bleeding had been delayed until her blood type could be confirmed knowing that she had been returned to her life and family Michelle recovered quickly though they had missed the deadline to register for Bible school a new master plan began to unfold God found a job for me about four days later I found a position two miles from our house so we had an income and eventually God directed our path to victory so we knew that God had brought us through Rhema to victory and at that point time we called victory home we have gone through almost a full year Bible School through their missions training program their victory we call it our home church as well as being plugged into K Siam's covenant partners you know the thing of it is when you go through the valley of the shadow of death the key is not to stop and camp but you got to keep going we all listen to that believers voice of victory at home whether on TV or online and we just we're so grateful to them for being an example to the body of Christ my heart so full I'm so grateful because they've shown us how to live how to be victorious how to stand how to have a life that is worth living in Christ I'd have a life that's worth living in these days what a great testimony Michael and Michelle trusted God with their lives how could you trust anybody else except God with your life but he takes it and does something with it they stayed focused on God's Word and his outcome until the manifestation of healing came what a marvelous testimony this victory took their face to new heights to believe God for even greater things what a powerful testimony the word works hallelujah that healing is marvelous and blessed and we're going to receive the offering today and I'm going to pray for your finances so you determine what you're going to do and I'm going to pray over it father in the name of Jesus we thank you for every person today that participates in this offering I'm believing with them to have every bill paid I'm believing with them for abundance to have more than enough and I'm believing for them for their family to be blessed with a perfect home in automobiles and whatever else is needed by that family I'm believing with them Lord you are everything to us all the blessed comes to us through you and we thank you for it we thank you that we're prosperous we're healed we're blessed in Jesus name and I pray over your gift today and I believe I receive abundance in your family and in your life take your abundance you don't have to just barely get by be us Tyler a sower and you can be a reaper Thank You partners for staying with us all these years and being our heart faithful partners to help us go to church this weekend this is Gloria Copeland reminding you that Jesus is Lord learn who you are in Christ and how to begin your new life in victory request your free salvation package today at KCMG org Jesus did it all for you receive his love and experience the good life God has for you for additional teaching and free information on salvation go to KCMO org continue to grow in God's Word with this week's believers voice of victory available at KCMG org for purchase streaming or download let God's grace abound toward you and live in the blessing for God so loved the world and He gave His only begotten Son whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting glory to God I remember when I when that dawned on me that I was part of that world he didn't love me after I got saved he loved me before I was ever born come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event the 2013 Venezuela victory campaign Kenneth Copeland will be in Maracaibo Venezuela August 30th through 31st hello everybody Kenneth and Gloria Copeland Kelley and I personally invite you to the Living victory East Coast faith encounter September 13th and 14th in Atlanta Georgia please come and be refreshed by the word and build your faith for victory word explosion October 10th through 12th with Kenneth Copeland bill Winston and chaplain al downing in Columbia South Carolina [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 13,151
Rating: 4.8206897 out of 5
Keywords: kenneth copeland ministries, process2, 2627413893001, thoughts, life & work, spiritual growth, gloria copeland, god's word, bvov_daily, kenneth copeland, joy, christian walk, ken copeland, bvov-youtube, youtube, daily, word of god
Id: lKwR-wsHrYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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