Lies of P - BEST Skills and Abilities - Full P-Organ Guide

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lies of p is a souls-like game set in the Pinocchio world but it has some really unique features that unlock as you progress through the game and one of these is the P organ this is a full Progressive skill tree with unlockables skills and abilities and you're going to need a ton of a currency called quartz to unlock all these different things I've unlocked the whole of the pjorgan skill tree now and I've reset it a couple of times and I've tried a lot of different perks and skills and I just want to go over the ones that I found to be the best and that have helped me the most and that should give you the best chance so let's go over them they're rumored to be 29 total courts in a game so you should be able to get all of these and more okay so let's go over the pure again let's go over every single skill ability that I'd suggest I've reset it so that we can go through it all together from the start but this I've got 20 quarts at the moment out of I think the max is 29 that have been found in the game and that will take us all the way into phase five so we can go over everything and I'll talk through the sort of um the best abilities and skills that I've tried and the ones I definitely suggest as you go through so let's start in Phase One the first thing would be the pull cell so this increases your max pull cells I think if you go through all of this and take all of them you get 10 maximum maybe there's more somewhere else but I think the max with the skills and abilities comes out to 10 total pulse cells which is obviously huge and they'll heal for more so with the poor sales you need to pick two attachments for them okay so on these attachments the first one I would go for was would be enhance the Stagger attack of charges so as you progress further in the game staggers are really important in getting the enemy down buying you some time to heal find you some time to repair your weapon so I think stagger is quite a big one to take obviously dodging and blocking are important but stagger feels really important to get the Stagger build up the next one I would go for so you can only take one of each so if you take something from the attack type you can't take a second attack dive same as any other option but the second one I'd go for would be increases Ergo upon eliminating an enemy one so I would go for this as your second one that will get you your first block and obviously you've got to climb all the way up to phase two before you can unlock the phase two abilities so this is one I'd say would be like mandatory for everybody I think everybody should go for this and I think link Dodge is incredibly important so some of the big enemies do like multiple attack chains so it'd be attack and then they'd like spin into a second one being able to dodge into another Dodge is really helpful and then the slots once you've got the one those two there it's really not that important I'd say go for the ones that better help your build so for me in a DEX Build lower damage while dodging is huge because I'm going to be dodging mostly attacks rather than trying to block them so I take that and then it's it's never bad to go into stagger duration because someone can get staggered and then be in the middle of a combo and you can't get in there so stagger duration can be really helpful I'd go for that one as well and that unlocks phase two so on to phase two you've got retain guard you've got amulet slot pull cells and Rising Dodge I think these three are some of the best on the whole thing and again there's some like that I would say were mandatory for all builds in here and then some that are more Niche which we'll talk about as well so phase two the number one thing I'd go for is amulet slots this is huge you're gonna realize amulets have incredible power later on you get things like plus four motivity rings plus four uh amulets plus four uh technique amulets which give pure damage plus Max HP um plus item equipment carry limit so they're really really important so I'd go for this first and I'd be going for first in survival enhanced pull cell recovery so this will make your pull cells heal for more which is huge as your max health bar goes up the pulse cells will feel weaker and weaker this keeps it more in line and keeps you alive longer 100 take that first and then in the second one I would go for uh item type and special grindstone increased effect duration so when you unlock the grindstone it's a way to set your weapon on fire or corrode it or give it some sort of effect electric things like that this increases saturation and it can be incredibly powerful starting a boss fight and setting that boss on fire or using an element it's week two so I'd get that then I'd head up here and get the pool cells an extra pulse out you know these keep you alive and now I'd say it's build specific again I'd say this is again you take stuff for your build if you are doing a lot of perfect guards and a lot of blocking this is really good enhanced guard destruction really really useful and then again if you're dodging there's really good things for Dodgers so I would go for Ability here and I'm gonna take stamina consumption from Dash reduced because I'm playing a DEX dodgy build um so I'm gonna be taking that one and then for the next one you want to take another thing that benefits your build there's guard regain for blocks which is really really good I mean even Dex characters should be blocking I would probably go for here enhanced weapon attack or weapon attack when discharged because you're gonna run out of you're gonna run out of the healing and you're gonna find yourself constantly having to recharge your last pull cell so I think this is really good so I'm gonna go for this one and I think you're gonna you're gonna see that a lot where there's there's a choice between something that's really good and mandatory and what I think every build should have and then something that depends more on your build and as we get into phase three that becomes even more important because personally I think a lot of these are bad I don't use the cube I don't think the cube is great I don't use it that much I don't really engage in the whole like gold fruit tree thing so I don't take that and then again for the you know more golden fruit tree I personally don't take that either and add belt slots I I don't go through many consumables so I don't either need to have more than you know a couple of you know the potions maybe a a charge and maybe a cure disease maybe that's enough I don't I don't see the point have another one if you do great but what matters is what you add to it so for me I go for the enhanceable cell recovery 2 that gives our pull cells huge healing with the the addition we had down here so this one is going to vary a lot depending on what you want to do if you go in the items you'll see a lot of things down here reduce prices Legion magazine effect uh increase Max gold coin for if you like all this stuff then I'm not gonna tell you not to use it but for me I don't so what I go for is increase Ergo and eliminate enemy you're gonna level up faster more Ergo you know more damage in the long run more survivability so I would 100 take that then I would go into survival and I would go down here increase pool sales three this is an additional pull cell so you see we're really building up the amount of helium you can do so I'd go for that one and then the final slot I would probably take something in attack again if you're into all that stuff go for it I would go for something in Attack the perfect guard is really good if you're doing a lot of blocking I like again the charge stagger more stagger is is really powerful so I'd go for that one so now we get controversial because I don't like these three so I step it back and I would take a third one from phase two if you take so I guess it's not clear on here it looks like you need to take a phase three to get into phase four you don't so you can step it back if you don't like those three and take Rising Dodge which I think ryzen Dodge is a hundred times better than any of this so I would take ryzen Dodge and you get two slots to choose from but you can choose from the rank threes even though he didn't take a rank 3 up here you can take a rank 3 attachment to put it into a rank phase two ability right so I think I think for me what works really really well and you know a lot of people don't want to go into defensives because you know you just want to watch everything there's some rough bosses there's bosses that are gonna put constant fire damage on you they're gonna freeze you they're gonna electrocute you they're gonna do something called Shock which reduces your stamina recovery they're gonna do a lot of stuff that really messes Decay which removes the durability on your weapon I think attribute resistance is huge so I would probably take attribute resistance or special resistance I think both of these are really really good if you can fit them in a build in an area where you know you've taken the best stuff and now you're not sure what else to take I think it's really good so I would take attribute resistance here now when when you're looking at the attacks and everything you can take one thing I really like and I mean these are good like the guards are really good if you're doing a strength you know motivity type build I like to go I like going all the way back at the top and taking fatal Attack One More fatal attack damage I I think that's really really good so I I take that here really weird combination here but it unlocks phase four so it works into phase four there are three which I think are amazing so you've got uh ambulance slots two uh Fable slots two rhinestone uses increased and guards cause stiffness so I think think amulet slots are the number one thing I would take this every time of every other thing on the game so and you can pick from the rank 4 stuff so straight into item type you can go down here and you can see this is mostly just itemy stuff throwing consumables gold coin fruit so you can ignore all that unless you're into it unless you're specifically trying to do stuff with that now phase Four's got some flops uh but it's got some really really good ones so the ones I think really really really good increased pulse sales and extra pulse sell I'm gonna keep telling you take this because it's just going to keep you alive longer so that'd be number one then I would go into attack and I would get down to here and I would go for lowers natural recovery when weapon attacks so that means as you deal damage to the enemy they don't recover you're gonna find so many of these in the game where you chip away at them and they keep all of that Health as a pale Red Bar and they're gonna start regaining that Health when you back off and you're gonna have to back off on some fights so I think that's really good for just being able to keep the pressure on an enemy I personally don't really like much of the the phase four stuff in here I think there's multiple really good survival and attack ones the ability in item I think are kind of weak so I'd go back up to to here to phase one uh abilities and I would get lowest charge attack stamina consumption I think that's really really good so you can use less stamina when you attack then you've got a choice you can do a lot of perfect guards there's this one there's the increased grindstone uses I think is huge so I think this is most important for for me if you're into those two go for it but let's talk about the ability slots you can now get another survival and attack which are the main ones here you go down to survival Auto charge pull cells when discharged this is absolutely huge this is good as well if you're doing perfect guards but this is crazy this means that when you run out of full sales when you hit like zero and you you know you've got nothing left in the tank it will start coming back naturally as you deal damage it comes back as well so I think this is amazing I've won so many boss fights from having this so I definitely take that and then I take an attack I'd go down to the attacks if you're if you're gonna be out of pull cells a lot I think this one is it's really really good again there's loads of fable stuff here but I never find myself having much Fable and I I prefer the consistent things and that's gonna save save my life a lot so I take that and then the last one I think is really good is as we're here we're getting a second use of the grindstone which means during a fight we can grindstone special grindstone twice so you can take your sword on fire twice and then if you combine this with this special grindstone durability recover when you set your sword on fire you're also going to repair it so this is massive and you can do it twice in a five so you don't need to worry about that awkward moment you're in a fight where you've got to stay back and repair your weapon so I take that and that unlocks rank 5. now once you get here you are going to have about nine quarts left so you see here I've got one because I still need to get a few more that are like hidden around the map but you're gonna have nine left for phase five if you've done it the same way as me if you've taken an extra one here you're gonna have eight left for this final one to be able to take who um but yeah so let's let's go through them you've got the extra Legion arm which is huge if you're using the legion arm and even good if you're not so you'll get multiple uses out of two weapons rather than just one increase Cube uses I think that's terrible I don't use it and then increase guard regain amazing if you're doing a big blocking build and then staggerable window which I think is the the winner here I think this is the main one so I'd for my build I'm gonna take this one and probably this one so let's start here by looking at them I've not got this stuff to buy them right now but let's look at them so if we go down to the bottom if we go down to the bottom of the the phase five abilities you're gonna see it's not great unless you're specifically going into coin through and you're taking all that stuff unless you're really going in on Fable you've got Fable stuff here Ergo loss on death I don't think is important this game really doesn't punish you that much you can easily get your ergo back in most situations so I don't think the items are that good but we do have some amazing attacks amazing survival and amazing ability there they really bring it out in Phase five unfortunately how I'm gonna run this is I'm gonna take uh survival and I'm gonna take lowest damage while dodging I'm gonna take increased pulse cells and I'm gonna take inability I'm going to take lowest charge tax stamina consumption and in attacks I'm gonna be taking stagger duration and fatal attack two that's gonna be the best ones for me obviously once you get into this final one it really depends on you I mean you might find yourself really heavy on the defense and you know you might take the fence you might go up here and you might take perfect guard stiffness you know you might go here and get guardrary again one and fully fully agree their amazing abilities and you should take them I I if you're taking a strength build if you're really good at blocking that's the way to go but yeah I just wanted to make something that kind of It kind of breaks down what the full skill tree looks like how you should plan ahead your build some of the things you you you should definitely be taking and then somewhere it's more your choice I think there's definitely some things which are I mean I mean everybody wants extra pulse sales right everybody wants these extra postal recovery things like that but then there's stuff that's build Reliant and you know you might never ever want to use this grindstone you might never want to set your sword on fire so don't take it but yeah this is how I think it works really well I think this is a good balanced build but for most builds but yeah let me know you think in the comments if I've missed something major here that you take and you know is is amazing I haven't tried every single thing on every build but if you've taken something and it works really really well if you've got all that on blocking and you feel like a God let me know down below that's the video this is a brief overview with a deep dive into the skill tree you know the P organ but yeah I hope it's helped I hope you're enjoying lies of p take care and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Medieval Marty
Views: 109,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lies of p, lies of p guide, lies of p p organ, lies of p p organ guide, lies of p skills, lies of p abilities, lies of p p-organ, p-organ lies of p, lies of p best skills, lies of p best abilities, lies of p best build, lies of p gameplay, soulslike, lies of p beginners guide, lies of p tips, lies of p game, lies of p build, lies of p best stats, lies of p skill tree, lies of p quartz, lies of p op skills, lies of p best skill tree, lies of p skill tree guide
Id: JlcQiH-yaRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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