Elden Ring EASY MODE! Strongest Endgame Build EARLY (Under Two Hours)

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do you want the best build to melted ring do you even know what it is well why don't I tell you Karma deserved as you can see absolutely melts all end game bosses and the funny thing is you can actually get this build the entire setup within two hours of starting a brand new game as I'll show you so for your starting class there's only two classes that are actually worth using to start out is the astrologer class for ranged builds which we should be using or the samurai class for melee builds as you can see it has the best spread of melee stats and has an incredible weapon start up the game but you could use either of these because we barely need to level up for this build you only need 36 intelligence to use this setup and we'll be using the astrologer though and what I would recommend is for the Keepsake use either stone sword key or golden seed moment you start the game you just want to grab the tarnished wise and finger and then run straight through the prologue area it's pretty quick you just want to cross that bridge get into the fight and then I mean feel free to try your best against this big guy but more than likely he'll rip you apart so skip the next few cutscenes or watch them as you see fit down there is the tutorial area you can hop down otherwise just run on through those yellow things on the ground are uh it's called sites of lost Grace they're your checkpoints either way head up the elevator this is the starting area of the game main area activate that because we'll be coming back and then you just want to run straight over to the church or the ruins of a church and then once you come on inside you want to activate this grace next up you want to head to that Mark on the map in order to pick up a better map and then you'll just want to go to the left of sorts you can feel free to grab this grace before you pick up the map so you don't have to deal with the enemies either way rest at it talk to her and then you get you grab the spectral Steed whistle equip it feel free to use your consumable slots but I find it better to use your pouch equip it in there and then you can activate it by holding the select button and then pushing on the d-pad then you want to teleport to the Church of Allah because you can now grab little minions known to Spirit ashes you want to equip those in your pouch as well um once you've done that you want to teleport back to the gate front and then just follow the path you just want to go all the way no need to fight any of these enemies because there's not really much use or items you get from it whenever you see those little trees you want to pick up the item at the bottom it's another golden seed you can use it to increase your healing up here you want to grab stone sword key feel free to talk to the woman in the shack and grab the gray site otherwise just follow up The Path and what you want to do is you want to stay to the left of the path because there's a Ballista at the end and it may one shot you as you can see here that's the Ballista but you want to run in here grab this gray site if you continue further you can fight the first boss but he's a little too tough for us at the moment but he won't be tough in like an hour either way you just want to come out follow this left path of sorts and then you'll come across this bridge I just want to go across the bridge and there's like a drop down you can reach yeah right here essentially just go into this like Canyon or whatever this little path on the side make sure you don't accidentally fall off the edge well you have a decent chunk of room so just be careful and you're free to go it's a little long and obviously ignore the wolves because they're not worth your time right outside is another gray site activate this one because we'll be coming back here as well and then you want to take a left in order to go into this ruined Church grab this item and then we'll actually be coming back here once we get a certain item so anyways you just want to drop down here and then there's an enemy camp right about there and you want to Target the map because we'll be going right around there so go around the enemy camp so you don't get attacked and then you could grab another gray side but once you get to the map there's like three enemies that could one shot used to be very careful either kill them all or lure them out of the way after that you just want to sort of go straight eventually you'll come across these ruins feel free to grab that gray site and then from that gray site you want to head to this little Tower of sorts and then activate this teleporter and then activate this gray site and then you just want to come out and then you'll hop on to that rock of sorts because we still need to grab a few things right outside of this area so you want to be following this wall with the wall on the right side keep a little bit of distance and So eventually you'll get a little icon to appear on the left side of your screen that little Cemetery or like little gravestone icon right about here so by this Dragon you just want to grab that one item and then you just want to bolt out of there because that one that Dragon may be able to one shot you probably will shot you once you get to that gray sort of fog door you want to just come straight out there's another gray site we'll be coming back here as well hmm feel free to talk to melon at this point because whenever you rest at a gray side you'll have to talk to her feel free to go to the round table hold but I'm not gonna do that right now anyways we'll head there on the map so go straight eventually oh hit this Grace site right about here and then you'll find the Nikon for the map so you just grab the map and then you wanna hop off of this elevated area to the right wanna sort of go down into the right and then you want to essentially hug this left wall or the canyon whatever and then the moment you start seeing hands you'll know you're in the right place and especially when it gets dark you can see this little little sort of elevated area you grab that item and then just let these guys kill you because we have nothing worth getting and make sure you don't accidentally step on that guy before you grab the item either way we're just gonna come straight back that's where we were to grab the intelligence item and we want to come right about there with these red jellyfish you'll know them when you see them you want to sort of rush through that little carriage and then you can grab the jellyfish Shield feel free to grab that site of Grace and then you'll just be keep going straight eventually you can grab another side of Grace but you'll want to come around to this Tower of sorts and then there's another side of Grace and then you're going to want to do a little bit of platforming just get up onto this fence of sorts get a little far until you reach this like door and then you just want to climb up the stairs and open that you grab the memory Stone and then you want to teleport back to the gray site right here for the railataria Academy feel free to activate that and then head up the elevator straight through this path at the end is two enemies you want to be swerving out the way so you don't get hit you can maybe survive one or two hits but not much more than that so be careful take a left and another left activate this gray side in case you die and you're gonna be coming back here later on as well so just follow this path avoid the blue skeletons because they're able to grab you but if you just keep running they won't be able to touch you so once you get a little far right about to that torch you want to roll off grab the armor and then off equip the armor because it's it looks a lot better and it's a lot more effective you can't equip the jellyfish Shield yet effectively but don't worry you'll be able to soon enough now you want to teleport back to the first step side of Grace and then you want to sort of be going all the way to the left side right about here on the map and then you want to just hop off to these sort of tornado looking things I don't really know how else to describe and so you're able to hop off them from what would normally kill you from Fall damage and then you're able to hop to very high heights either way now we'll be heading over here so you just want to sort of make your way down and then it's a straight shot eventually you'll want to grab the sight of Grace and then we'll be heading pretty much straight across the path not that way the other way so follow this path and then feel free to jump on this uh spirit spring I think it's called before I jump on it once you get around here you can feel free to summon your dogs in order to avoid the ballista but once the first shot's been fired you can just skip right past and then just essentially follow the path you'll eventually come to the sort of broken down Carriage you want to grab that item notice the morning star and then let the dog kill you so now once you're back you want to go a little bit up on a path you can feel free to go the gate front and then sort of follow this path right about to where I've marked on here and then you'll eventually come to the Third Church of America feel free to activate the grave site but you don't really need to and then make sure you grab that item as well as that item and then if you're free to use them the sacred tears increase the amount that can be healed with your healing flasks and golden seeds increase how many times you can heal right here for the flask of wondrous physic you wanna mix that up so that you can use our intelligence item which gives you plus 10 intelligence for three minutes which is a significant amount of time so and significant boost so behind the church you want to come to this portal and then you want to open this door activate the sight of Grace and then once you're outside you essentially just want to go straight eventually you'll come across another little tree with a golden seed make sure you pick that up on that feel free to grab the gray site otherwise we'll just be running straight across this Bridge don't worry too much about the dragon you could go under his legs or jump around but that's kind of risky what I did you're pretty much always safe if you just go under his legs he won't be able to hit you as long as you're not as long as you decide not to like stop or something let's keep going you could grab these items they give you some rooms in order to level up a bit but we'll be leveling up significantly in a minute or two so hop up here use the memory stone or grab the memory Stone and then you just want to hop back down using that Spirit spring and then hop back up to the elevated area and then we're going to want to come about here you can see that big tree so we just want to go behind this big tree and now there's a gray site right by this big Fort of sorts oh activate the gray side and then you wanna go straight through here be careful the enemies here because they're able to one shot you as well but essentially just climb up the ladder feel free to open that Treasure Chest has a pretty rare and important item but I'm not using it anyways come through here hop through these wooden planks and then you want to hug the left side because that big rat is able to one shot you the little rat you can almost one shot you but still survive the attack after you've died you want to come by this big dragon equip the Morning Star equip the radagon source seal we just picked up and then you want to two hand the weapon by holding the select button and then holding the attack button feel free to summon your dogs but I think they're kind of useless I just did it for fun and then you're going to want to be hitting this Dragon for a good five minutes I think but it's definitely worth it because it'll make the game super easy for us now once the enemy has a low enough amount of Health which you'll quickly see if you want to pop the golden pickled foul foot and then just keep whacking the enemy after a while it'll finally die and then you'll get I believe 95 675 rooms not exactly a hundred thousand runes but definitely a significant amount so keep that in mind and of course you'll definitely want the Morning Star because it's able to Chip Away massive amounts of the boss's Health as opposed to just very tiny amounts of damage normally either way you're able to level up a lot like 30 times or so what you want to do is get your intelligence till at 36 and then dump everything else into health so you can survive attacks next up you'll want to come around here on the map this is a pretty complex area so I'll show you exactly how to get there what you want to do is you want to come by this sort of giant skull right there you want to sort of loop around the giant skull and there will be a spirit spring sort of right underneath you want to hit it and then you want to jump from it once again in order to sort of skip the like running you would have had to do normally so avoid that Boulder it may one shot you or may do significant damage right about here you want to activate this gray side because there's a great staff you can get here but I'm not going to show you how to do that um not now anyway feel free to grab the golden seed that was at that tree I kind of forgot and also feel free to grab this gray site um either way you just want to go towards that marker eventually you'll get the gray side right here from here you just want to take a hard left and you'll get to this ruin or the set of ruins right in there you'll get the meteorite staff I accidentally grabbed it already and then from there it's just a straight shot to these sort of larger ruins you want to run to the bottom and then grab this The Rock sling spell now we're ready to take on the first boss known as Marquita fell you want to equip the spell as well as allocate your flask so that you have plenty of Cerulean tears make sure you equip the staff make sure you equip the rock sling ability summon your dogs and then essentially just keep spamming the spell and he'll go down very quickly The Rock sling spell is great because it'll literally knock down enemies which lets you get several free hits in and then the meteorite staff is the strongest staff in the game without being upgraded all other staffs essentially you have to run around all over the place to upgrade it so very annoying dude this one strongest without upgrading and it's valid for a good portal on the game so level up maybe once or twice and then I mean obviously pop the runes if you haven't already but level up want to come through here talk to this guy and then getting to the next boss is very quick you want to just tell him no I'll use the main gate um and you get to feel like a badass by doing this but essentially just run through the main gate to get to the boss what you want to do is get up to this corner and heal up once you've gotten here you can essentially skip past all the ballistas and then you want to take a hard right come through here and then you want to activate the gray site that's right here we'll be coming back here later as well just come straight out take another hard right here is a few more ballistas so be careful of that but you're able to tank a few shots so don't really worry these enemies are kind of annoying to dodge you just want to dodge like right at the last second so to speak it's kind of hard to figure out the good timing but you can take their hits either way you have plenty of help now either way you just want to come up here activate this gray side feel free to let them kill you just to keep things quick and then right through here there's these Hawks I'd recommend you kill them because they're very annoying you could just use Rock sling or Glenstone pebble there's only two Hawks and then just grab a golden seed run through these enemies the giant doesn't really do anything either way you want to take a right activate the side of Grace and then use your golden seeds to pop an extra flask right through here you want to activate the flask of wondrous physic I forgot to do that for the Marquette fight um and summon your dogs and then just keep spamming the spell try to avoid that attack but like I said you can tank all these hits and he's dead essentially you knock him down and they just keep spamming the spell once you get them to around half Health he's kind of difficult to damage um because he's sort of in an animation to get the second phase but either way he goes down very quickly and your dogs will distract him for the most part so once you're done with this essentially just activate the gray side if you feel like it well we're not going to be coming back here obviously because it's just a boss area level up all we really need is just Health at this point I wanted some extra endurance here just to make it 10 for an even number so now though we're going to be coming back to the Third Church of America and coming straight down on the map because I accidentally grabbed the map here already but essentially you just want to Target the map icon that appears and then the dungeon we'll be going to is directly next to the map so it's this big sort of building right here you just want to go down the elevator it's a very long elevator don't try to hop off too early or whatnot because you may die and have to redo the elevator so just take your time on that elevator either way it's another sort of straight shot to get through this set of ruins and then another elevator and then another straight shot try to hug the right wall because you don't want to get hit by the crab that's on the left side right here I recommend you activate this Grace site um because there's like a few annoying things in here avoid those blue uh those blue Ghost looking things or whatever you call them because they can explode and deal significant damage to you otherwise you just want to go straight around to where those wooden planks are um and then right about where this broken pillar is you want to hop on top of the broken pillar straight past this guy and then enter this teleporter right through here you just wanna come straight avoid that enemy for the next few seconds but we're gonna be killing him as well grab that you want to equip it it gives you plus three to all your magic stats you want to summon your dogs pop your flask and then refill your FP the moment you start the fight you get at least like four three or four maybe even five hits you want to Target his main body you don't want to Target his legs Target his body so you get as many hits as possible as you can see you're just absolutely melt most of his health um the moment he starts coming at you though make sure um you obviously get away from him make sure he's targeting your dogs then once that's done you can level up and then I forgot to go to the round table hold so I'll do that now because with that extra set of runes especially at this point in the game we don't really need to level up because we can actually instead just grab Rune arcs for four thousand a pop obviously grab the memory Stone to equip some more spells later on but then once you're done you want to just teleport to the limb grave Tower you got a straight shot there's these Giants along the way but you're able to take their hits pretty well obviously you want to try and Dodge their attacks but you probably will get hit a few times the one with the bow you want to sort of hide behind these pillars because the Bowman I feel like is the most dangerous because he can hit you from wherever but he's also easy to avoid if you just hide by the pillars once you get to the end activate that portal and then just straight shot into the Divine Tower of limber I've opened the gates and then head up the elevator and then at the end you'll come across a sort of set of fingers and from those fingers you'll just want to grab the rune now we're able to go to Rye lucaria library or Academy whatever run straight through now most of these enemies can barely deal any damage to you so keep that in mind either way it's a straight shot there's nowhere else to go really let's come through here and then you want to head to this sort of elevator you can just hop straight down you won't die you may take a tiny bit of fall damage if you fall to maximum amount but you definitely won't die so Hop Off try to kill the dogs or try to just make sure the dogs don't get on there because you don't want to fall off from the elevator either way this next boss is very easy you just want to keep taking a right and then just avoid those enemies with their projectiles after that you just want to whack this empty bookshelf um grab the stone sword key and comment comet is basically a supercharged version of Glenstone Pebble to keep that in mind activate your flask of Wonders physic some of your wolves and so now it's Wolves against wolves this boss is very easy though like way easier than marquisite even the boss is fast but as you can see it takes like what the forecasts of the spell to absolutely demolish this boss and you get another memory Stone keep that in mind so activate this level up yeah I want some endurance so yeah level up then right out here you want to take a left and you want to hop up that sort of rubble and then you'll probably get hit a few times but you can take it just try not to die um and then just hop off you want to pop your flask right about here because it's able to heal and give you that extra 10 intelligence so feel free to use either Glenstone Pebble or uh Rock sling Glenstone Pebbles more cost effective I think I just love rocksling either way right here you can feel free to pick off those gargoyles of sorts as well as that guy but they're not worth your time try not to fall off here but you want to jump onto this building next building next next then pick off that guy but you don't really have to because you'll just be hopping off again you want to come off here grab that imbued sword key because you can definitely use that later on to optimize this build so keep that in mind right about here you could grab that and then you want to sort of inch your way to hop onto the chandelier right here is the Glenstone Academy key I will be giving that to someone later try to make sure you don't get followed in by those enemies out there but if you do you can just rip them apart with rock sling either way you want to kill that crab you want to equip it because this thing gives you six intelligence so it's like you know six level UPS right there um if you want to come back up here there's not really much to get but you can activate that in order to come back up here at any time from this gray side Church of the cuckoo either way you want to teleport to the schoolhouse classroom and then we're going to be dying to a certain enemy so what I'd recommend is obviously try not to have too many runes on you maybe level up once if you can to get two as few runes as possible and then you want to unequip your armor so this enemy is able to kill you a lot easier and then equip a shield um because you want the enemy to kill you with a specific move um which is its grab attack as you can see here sometimes it'll charge at you and deal damage that way before it does its grab attack that's why you want your Shield up uh keep your Shield up all the time because the grab attack goes through your Shield so nothing to worry about once that's happened though you'll teleport in here just run through um feel free to pick off the enemies with Glenn Stone Pebble but Rock sling isn't very optimal because it's a cave and rock single probably just hit the walls for the most part but go in stone Pebble definitely feel free to pick off these enemies otherwise just hop onto each of these platforms make sure you reach the platforms because if you fall on accident you'll die but uh don't worry if you die in here you're kind of stuck here until you grab this gray site and you also gotta rest at the grace site if you want to teleport out for whatever reason but either way just want to run through here I know it's dark but essentially just run straight um activate that Pitfall don't worry you won't die from that pop the flask up through here summon your wolves this ax enemy is very dangerous he's going to always throw that ax at you so you want to dodge out of the way and then essentially you just want to kill him as fast as possible ignore the other one this one with axes is very dangerous his ax attack where he throws it is the only attack you need to watch out for uh when he does that you may want to pull up your Shield or the best way is to dodge out of the way if you can but this one just keeps spamming rocksling and it goes down can't even touch you so as usual feel free to level up um all you need obviously is just Vigor because you just want to be able to survive equipped a great Rune now because I forgot about it and then after you equip a great room you gotta use a rune Arc and then this great Rune gives you plus five to all stats so very powerful then from here you want to teleport back to the debate parlor because there's somewhere else we can go you want to sort of hop on here and then once you get up here you want to hop to the next sort of platform in order to avoid the Boulder and then you want to stop a decent bit away from the entrance because you don't want the boulder to fall on you right as it's coming out but decent bit away and then the boulder will roll and then activate that teleporter you'll end up at this gray site here on the map and so what you're going to want to do is put some markers to make sure you know you're going the right way and then you want to come to that tree sort of so you can hop on torrent now and then go to each of the markers so once you're right about here you also want to be very careful because there's enemies that'll try to snipe you so keep that in mind and they probably will hit you a decent amount of time so make sure you're healing up as you go especially right here as we're like two or three of them will hit you so be very careful but as soon as you can just hop off feel free to activate the side of Grace but there's another one very close by and then now you don't need to even worry about taking damage because there's just that thing uh one or two of them um what I'd recommend is stay away from their feet because they could do that jump attack and you don't want to get caught underneath it either way though another gray site right up here as you can see and then before we get any further we want to come back here in order to give the Glenstone key that we found a short while ago to the local homeless man so you can gain access to the homeless shelter so we also want to give them some runes I mean it's obviously very little amount of runes he probably needs more I wish he asked for more because I know kind of feel bad either way you just want to talk to him talk about the key and then give him the key and then you get the EUR Edition gesture you want to equip it after that um come back to the mausoleum compound and then we'll be coming through here we're gonna also fight a boss here but very weak boss so pop the flask and I'd recommend you have comment just so that you can one shot these boss or these enemies just common mobs feel free to use your jellyfish shield now that you have the added uh strength from the you know plus five stats from dodrick's rune which allows us to use the shield either way summon your dogs and then just keep spamming the spell to start out this boss his attacks are very easy to read you may get hit once or twice but then very soon you'll knock them down and then obviously he becomes more dangerous once you've knocked his health down like halfway as with any boss in this game but he'll be dead so fast that like it won't be a bother to you at all so also from that fight we got the magic shroud and Crystal tier you want to equip that as soon as possible gives you plus 20 percent magic damage Oh either way you want to hop up here and then hop onto this sort of Rock area and we'll be heading to that Tower in the distance for an incredible spell that we'll need for one boss if I hit support I mean it's one boss fight but we kind of need the spell so use the EUR Edition gesture wait a few seconds and then the seal will open then you just want to loop around up head up the ladder or I mean head up the elevator open the chest and now you've gotten the gavel of Hyma that's what we need so now we head back to the crystalline Woods equip the devil of Hyma that's all you really need you don't even need Rock slang or anything maybe Glenstone Pebble uh if you want it but I mean if you're able to equip things you might as well but gavelopham is all we're going to use we're gonna need two stone sword Keys which we already picked up then just head right in activate the side of Grace as soon as you can use the magic trotting tier and then try to have as much uh FPS Cerulean tears as you can because you may need it especially if you decide to pick off the enemies in here ahead of time but to keep things quick you want to be able to run past all the enemies if POS if at all possible you want to run past them and then right over here you want to pop your flask of Wonders physic because these enemies obviously don't want to waste time killing them once you get in here hide behind this pillar um to avoid any magic attacks and then you want to take on the spear guy first so what you want to do is strategy is to wait for the enemy to get back up and then knock them down with the apple of Hima so get back up knock them down they can't exactly get knocked down if they're already down as you could probably understand so wait for him to get back up knock him down and especially with our amount of Mana or FP rather we can just get rid of each of them and sort of one hit at first we barely deal any damage but once you get that sort of noise and they get knocked down that shows that uh you're able to deal normal damage in a way so I accidentally died one time but it's very easy if you separate them and whatnot so now we got Terra Magica which puts a magic circle on the ground which while we're in the circle casting spells we get plus 35 magic damage which is a significant amount and Jellyfish Shield gives you plus 20 magic damage so it's also another great uh item so definitely use jellyfish Shield as long as you can right around here you just want to be hugging this left wall grab this and then just keep hugging the left wall you'll be going at decent distance just always pick the left side eventually we'll grab this grave site right about here on the map and then same strategy just hug the left side it'll eventually come to this magma don't worry about it won't really hurt you obviously make sure you're on top of torrent and just keep going eventually you'll get around here to the demi-human queen um and that dude over there is uh primeval sorcerer Reserve that's also the name of the site of Grace we'll be coming back in order to grab the common desert spell from it but we can't use it yet because it requires 60 intelligence I mean we can use it but we also want to uh kill a certain boss in order to properly utilize the build right here you just want to hop off torrent and then head up the ladder it's a pretty long ladder but first letter second letter and then feel free to buy something from that guy so third letter hop down here run across the ladder or I mean the uh the what's in the bridge yeah run across the bridge hop up here head on down feel free to grab the golden seed because you just want to grab as many as you can they're pretty valuable you want as many healing as you can avoid the hands in the ground um but either way right about here you don't want to immediately grab the map because that handmade rip you apart so just wait for him to sort of come out you want to sort of lure him in and then you can loop around him to grab the map so utilize your flasks make sure you got sort of even spread of healing and FP you want plenty of healing because this boss does a decent chunk of damage either way though once you get the little icon to summon you just want to pop your flask don't even bother summoning because this boss is just going to rip apart your summons within seconds so keep that in mind and so with this boss you're able to use these sort of uh sticks that have impaled whatever those creatures are by the little torches and whatnot you can use that to block his path once you get him to around what 55 in health he'll do his explosion attack then either way you just wanna keep a good amount of distance and then this cast I recommend always cast Rock slang when you're not facing him because if you're facing him and he's coming towards you you're only going to be able to dodge sort of towards him which is kind of dangerous but if you're sideways the spell will have better way of hitting him so it'll be straight have better chance of hitting him and on top of that it'll uh make it safer for you to dodge so once you can equip the Cerulean tier which gives you infinite FP usage for 15 seconds I believe which allows us to use the spell for 15 seconds which is amazing and you'll see why so you're gonna need to unequip a few spells to use Commissary because it takes three slots and now to show you the build in action cast Terra Magica for 35 percent shield for 20 extra damage glass and then you just blast absolutely destroys bosses and you can use this in the middle of a boss fight too especially with your uh minions distracting the boss you could just use it at any time in a boss fight so definitely keep that in mind all right well that's about it from me I hope you enjoyed like subscribe or whatever I'll have more content in the future so definitely check that out and wait let's see how long did this how long was I playing wow less than two hours okay yeah you can definitely do this in less than two hours see ya
Channel: PracticAliTV
Views: 12,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5Share, ShareFactoryStudio
Id: kEhYLhXs0Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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