LIEs load FASTER in Daz Studio 4.21 - Introduction to the Layered Image Editor

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let's take a look at a new feature in regards to layered images in their Studio 4.21 and also let's take a brief look at how lies actually work hello everyone I'm Jay and on this channel we're helping you become better 3D artists with Das studio today I want to talk about lies the layered image editor and more specifically a new feature that's been introduced in Dash Studio 4.21 that handles how lies are processed under the hood in that studio in fact let me start with that before I talk about how lies work so the new feature is over here under edit preferences and then under interface you'll find it at the bottom of the dialog here under the miscellaneous section it says layered textures and you have a slider now that you can set between compression and speed and size now those of you who know how lies work they will appreciate what this might mean for those of you who don't let me quickly explain how allies are handled under the hood lies are essentially textures that can be applied on our object surfaces here I have a basic sphere that I've made in blender and if I head over here to my materials tab on my surfaces tab I have one material that's called aptly called material and under base I've applied a single texture and it looks a bit like a mouth but if I go here and apply maybe another one maybe eyes then you know I can change this to eyes and now I've got eyes on it but my mouth is gone so if I don't want to use an image editor to combine those that studio has an option to do this for me and that is the layered image editor it comes up literally by hovering over any of these squares and then applying a texture but rather than browsing to the texture or using the image editor we can use the layered image editor here so if I select that a dialog comes up that lets me preview what my current texture looks like but I also have options that let me make changes to either this texture or layer other textures on top of this so in my case I have the eyes here but if I click this little plus icon on the bottom here I can add something else for example another image layer so let me do that browse to my mouth texture open that and then I have the mouth sadly the mouth is now above the eyes and the eyes have transparency the mouth does not so I can just go and grab my mouth and drag it below my eye so just left click and drag and then drop it and then now the eyes are on top of that so now I have two images layered on top of one another how he's in the mouth and if I hit accept down here then that studio is going to apply both these textures to my object or so it seems so really what's happening there under the hood is that if I look closely at my file name that is now applied if I just hover over the texture here that isn't either my ice texture or my mouth texture that is a new file that that studio has generated under the hood in a temporary directory you can see the full path here app data roaming and then it's an attempt directory and it's called 106 underscore eyes dot PNG so that's neither of my files so really what that studio has done it's loaded both files into memory combined them saved them out and then swap them out the texture we didn't really see that that was a speed problem because my textures are only 1K and they're really not that large but you can imagine how this can add up if you had an lie that is made out of 4K textures and it's like seven layers that all need to be loaded in Combined saved out and reapplied maybe on multiple parts of your body that can take quite some time and this is where this new Improvement may come in handy that I've just shown you under edit preferences interface traditionally this slider was set to the left so when all images are loaded and then saved out again that's due would add some compression to that so that the file size of the image on your hard drive remains smaller but since we now have extremely fast CPUs and we usually have hard drives that are there and two drives are ssds they're much much faster than they used to be so by removing the file compression in this process there's less computational power to make that happen needed so that's a little bit of time saving there but also if while Size Doesn't Really Matter so much with fast drive so we can get by with fast drives and therefore if we set this to the right our images may be loaded faster when we apply lies and this is something that we hadn't seen before so I do recommend that if you do work with lies for tattoos or makeups or scars or all those types of things have a play with this and see what setting of the slider gives the fastest results on your system so it is very much system dependent on what yields the best results here multi-threading leave that on unless you have issues multi-threading means that if your computer has multiple cores available all of those can be used to combine the images rather than only a single core so if you have issues disable that if not do leave it on and play with the position of the slider do to do some tests and take a stopwatch and see what applies your allies to the fastest so I'm going to leave it here on the right hand side on size and that yields the best results on my system here a few other things I can show you about the layered image editor this is also available in the regular image editor the changes that we can make with it because it's kind of cool to see this on a really simple image like this if I go back here to my layout image editor that's where all these bits and pieces are imagine I want my eyes to look a little bit different I could go and change the position of the eyes the X position and the Y position but I can also change the scale a little bit so if you ever have textures that you know need a bit of adjustment you can do some stuff directly inside that studio so if I wanted to make the eyes a little bit narrower maybe I'll go and take down the X scale like so now they go over to the left too much so I can go and move the X position and put them back here perhaps also on my mouth I want that to be slightly further down so that the lips don't intersect with the eyes here so that would be the Y position turn that down a little and perhaps I'm going to put the Eyes slightly further up how about that so maybe the Y position of the eye so put that up a little bit like so hit accept and boom so I have a slightly different facial expression there and I haven't really changed any Textures in an external application let me go and do this again here under layered image editor and I'm going to go and make maybe the mouth a little bit wider let me do that some mouth and I'll go and X scale like so and then also X position further over here see what my funny little sphere man looks like now there we go it's got a very broad smile look at that fantastic so another thing that you can do is use colors just do really basic color correction and if you're familiar with the blending modes of layers in Photoshop this is something you can do here so once again head over to the layout image editor and now we're going to go on apply maybe just as a top layer we're going to go and add a color layer to it that has full opacity so it's going to be completely white maybe I'll go and turn this into something I don't know maybe yellow for now and now if I disable this I can see my textures but I can't see my color effect if I enable that it just kind of drowns out everything else so we can change the blending mode which is here the blend mode Source over is literally what Photoshop would call normal but you can do something like multiply down here so you see that on the list then long list multiply and then we can see that the light values are added to the other light values here you also have an opacity slider that you can turn down so that increases or decreases how much that top layer is being Blended in so if I'm going to do this Maybe by 50 then we get a little or maybe like 70 80 then we get some yellow eyes here hit accept and then that studio applies that if I'm not happy with that I can go and maybe change that to Blue for example just messing around really blue there we go Blue Eyes much much better maybe that's too much turn down the opacity a little bit so we got a little bit of a blue tinge there so it's good for minimal color correction so add a color layer and then turn the blend mode here to multiply and play around with many of the other things so this is very similar to what Photoshop or other image editing programs have to offer so some of them you won't actually see an effect but others might yield some really cool results here like you know soft Light Heart like that sort of thing you can also apply masks here either color masks or image masks if you wanted to get rid of certain items that are part of a texture you can just go and paint over them and kind of get rid of that but that studio doesn't really offer an option to do that internally you can apply a mask onto it but you can't really paint the mask yourself as far as I know but play around with this is kind of an interesting little feature and yes with that studio 4.21 we've got this new way of how lies are handled under the hood in their studio and I wanted to give you this as a little introduction because in the next episode we're going to talk more about another lie product that applies makeups to your Genesis 9 figures stay tuned for that
Channel: Daz 3D
Views: 7,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz3d, Daz Studio, Daz 3d, 3dArt, 3dSoftware, FreeSoftware
Id: NMaUgCirnG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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