4 Tips For More Realistic Renders in Daz3d

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hello and welcome to another daz studio tutorial um in this one i'm going to be talking about four ways that you can get more realistic renders this is one of the most common questions that i get is how to make my renders look more lifelike or more photo real so i'm going to show you four ways that you can do that the first one is to be sure that you select the correct models first and foremost you want to use the highest qualities models that you can find unfortunately high quality models can tend to be a little on the expensive side but generally speaking you get what you pay for so the more expensive models will be will be a little bit higher quality most of the time that being said there are some cheaper models that you can get that are still pretty high quality another thing to do when selecting your models is to be sure you select a model that's set for lifelike design for instance if i go to my figures folder i'm going to go to people and female and i've got three uh folders under there fantasy sci-fi real world and stylized so if i go to stylized most of these are going to be like cartoon or anime kind of characters some of them you can get realistic textures on but most of them are going to be very smooth and plasticky and for lack of a better word perfect and in order to in order to make your models look real perfection isn't going to work that's going to make them look very artificial but you want to use models that have blemishes and imperfections and those are the things that are going to make your models look more real so if i go to real world now these are models of varying quality some very high quality some not so high quality but all of them are made for realism so i'm gonna go to one that i've used before that i know is a very high quality model and that is bridget eight so i'm gonna drop her into my scene and get her customized real quick so when i zoom in really close on this figure you can see one of the reasons that i like her so much is because her skin has imperfections she has freckles and blemishes and other things that serve to add to the realism of her of her skin texture the next thing to do is to be sure that you use the correct textures and shaders so if i double click on my bridget and go to materials i'm going to go to ira be sure you go to ira and then feminine and then i'm going to find her folder bridget 8 and you can apply all of these different materials that are also going to make her customize her some of her some of them are going to make her look better some of them just different um she should come with all of her maps loaded but just in case they don't i like to go ahead and double click that at the very beginning just to make sure that i've got a good base to work with and after that it's just a matter of choosing the things that you want to add you can change eye color for most of them she's got several different makeup options lip gloss normal maps i normally turn on some of them you can tell a difference but some of them you can it just depends upon the model and i need to research that more but i think that that is more for if you're exporting your model for use in other software i think that that has some of some benefits to it some of them also have translucency settings generally speaking a low translucency is going to make your figure look a little bit more pale whereas a medium or darker translucency is going to make them look more tan so if i go to low translucency then you'll be able to see she's a lot fairer skinned still has the same kind of blemishes and imperfections on her skin and then i can go to medium translucency and she's just a little bit darker very subtle effect and then the default translucency is where she began where she's more dark complected a little bit more tin and that was just a matter of personal preference but customizing your character that way will also make them look a lot more lifelike and realistic some of them will also have other maps in addition to the normal maps one of them to look for is called a bump map and a bump map can make things look rough textured like you can see like tiny bumps on the skin which again just adds to the realism by creating little tiny imperfections that make your characters look a little bit more human and i'll show you one more thing that you can do with textures also is that you don't even have to use the textures that belong for that character in particular so to illustrate that i'm going to delete my bridget and i'm going to load in another character a character that i really really like but she's a little bit a little bit lower quality of model give me just one moment to load that in all right now this character is kana from renderocity.com um also i'm going to put links to all of the products that i use in the description below so please check those out um particularly the ones from renderosity i am an affiliate with them so if you click one of the links below and buy anything from them i get a small commission off of that so if you wouldn't mind doing that that'll help support my channel and i would greatly greatly appreciate it um so for her she has um a few fewer options than um than our bridget did but still some great ones so i'm going to go ahead and customize her but as i'm doing that you can already see that her skin is a lot more smooth and a little bit artificial looking so i can kind of cover some of that up by customizing her makeup option so i'm going to go ahead and do that and that will add to her realism a little bit so as you can see she has bump maps so she has one for close distance and one for far distance so i'm not sure if hers is applied by default but i'm going to turn on that bump map real quick and see if we can see a difference so as that's loading in i can't really see a huge difference with the bump map loaded in but if i if i render this at a very high resolution and zoomed in or did an extreme close up i might be able to tell but the main thing that i wanted to illustrate with this character is how you can apply materials from a different character in order to get a more realistic look so i'm going to go back into my tier materials like i did before let's make sure kana is selected and just like we did before i'm going to go to irae feminine and i'm going to go to bridget again and this time i'm going to select bridgette all maps so now i know that bridget maps aren't loaded in by default because this is an entirely different character preset so i'm going to select bridgette all maps and that's going to apply bridget's skin maps to this character so now you can see she still has the same facial structure that she did before but she's got the same freckles blemishes and imperfections that bridget had which is giving her a lot more realistic look so when doing this your mileage may vary a little bit um some materials work very well with other models and some work less well so if you ever get one that looks a little weird it's okay it might just not work with that character it's probably not anything that you did you could just pick another one and move on from there so just like we did before we can adjust the translucency if we want to we can even do the makeup options there we go and that one now with that applied she looks a lot more realistic than she did before in addition to the built-in textures you can also use third-party shaders i've had varying luck with these i've only got a couple of shaders right now and the ones that i use i tend to use the more artificial shaders i like the ones that give like a cartoony look or kind of a comic book look but there are some realistic shaders i'm going to post a link below or you can click on the screen here now to check out one of my other videos on applying shaders i'm not going to go into huge depth on that in this video since i've already done a couple of videos on it but i will show you some of the end results real quick i did some some test renders earlier and i'll show you what they look like all right so here's a close-up render that i did of the same model this is kana with her default textures applied and if i go to the next one so this is one using a third party shader in my opinion this one isn't necessarily better or worse but just different i kind of like her original shader better if i go back to that one but it's a little bit darker a little bit more flush i i kind of like it better and then this is another shader that i have and this one's a little bit more artificial looking a little glossier and it's a little bit too artificial for my taste i would probably use one of the other two if i were going to uh to actually use this in a in a render and then this is a close-up with the uh bridget uh skin applied the one that i did just a moment ago and then i've got one more from a different model uh named seniso which is one of my very very favorite daz models and again because of the imperfections she's got a couple of scratches and scars again that just really add to the realism of that figure all right and the third thing that you can do to improve the look of your renders is to use adequate lighting this is probably the biggest mistake that i people see people make as not using good lighting and if you have a really really dimly lit scene then your models aren't going to look as good you're not going to be able to see the textures you're not going to be able to see the imperfections and you you're going to get also noise like white noise in your renders which is going to make them look way way way worse so be sure to check out one of my lighting tutorials i've done several on those on how to do good lighting but that is probably the biggest thing that you can do to improve the quality of your renders especially if you're already using high quality models all right and the fourth and final tip that i'm going to give you is to use a quality rendering engine so daz comes with a few different uh a couple of different rendering rendering engines uh pre-loaded uh one of them is 3d delight or 3d light um i'm not sure how you say that um but uh the other one is irae so if you use one of the included engines use irae 100 percent of the time um irate is a very very quality rendering engine uh we're really fortunate that they include that one for free it's amazing all of these renders that i've done have been done in ira but if you want to try something different there are some third-party rendering engines that you can use the two that i know of are octane render and reality um i've played around a little bit with both of those um on the demo modes they are in my opinion extremely difficult to use at least getting started with them i never could come up with a quality product with with the reality demo and i've got the free version of octane render which has most of the features and even comes with some included textures and shaders that you can use with your models but i've had varying degrees of success and it takes a long time a lot of effort to get up and running even more so than just using the the built-in um daz rendering engines but i did do a render earlier today let me pull that one up real quick this is actually the only time i've been able to get a decent render with octane render and it's still not 100 this is the render that i did with octane earlier this is arcana model again um i had a little bit of a mishap with her eyes that i couldn't fix that's why it'll look really dark because she has no eye textures right now and i can't really zoom in more than this without losing a lot of quality since i'm using the free version i'm locked to a resolution of i think it's 720x480 um i can try to zoom that in but again it's going to start to look really pixely and rough and you get a lot of noise in there so it really looks a little bit better when it's further off but again i've seen some people come up with some incredible looking renders very very realistic and very lifelike by using one of those two rendering engines so if you really want the highest quality renders then you might want to you know spend the bucks to get those they aren't that expensive um i think the reality is a fifty dollar flat fee one time and it works as a plug-in with daz studio um octane render uh i think that you have to you have to pay for it again there is a free version um but you're locked in with so uh you're locked out of some of the the the more advanced features and you're locked into a lower resolution with it um and that one i believe that you pay monthly last time i checked i think it was either was like 30 or 40 dollars per month u.s but look into that and download the free version you might like it like i said it gets a lot it takes a long time to get up and running but they have really good lighting presets and some really good materials that you can use and again if you put the time in it you can get some very very realistic renders with those but that'll be about all for this video if you're new here don't forget to subscribe um hit the like button of course and hit the notification bell so you never miss one of my new videos and also i'll put links to all of the products that i used in the description below and if you use any of the products from renderosity that's a great way to support my channel i get a small commission from every uh from every purchase somebody makes when they follow one of those links um and i'm going to start trying to do content again about on a weekly basis so check back and i should have some more content for you next week and that will do us for this one goodbye
Channel: Steven David
Views: 34,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daz, daz3d, daz studio, how to I get more realistic renders, realistic renders, more realistic renders, cg, computer graphics, graphics, graphic design, tutorial, daz tutorial, daz3d tutorial, daz studio tutorial, how to, realistic, realism, photorealism, photorealistic, shaders, textures
Id: vMeNpqy2MJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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