Adjusting Pivot Points on Objects in Daz Studio

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let's take a look how we can move the pivot point or the origin point on an object in Dash Studio everyone I'm Jay and on this channel we're helping you become better 3D artists with Das studio today I want to talk about pivot Points or origin points those are the red green and blue gizmos that show up at the point on pretty much every object in their Studio or in any 3D application from which you can move and rotate an object here on my trusty assistant Minerva we can see it at the bottom of the figure how you're doing the lever good to see you good to see you this is the little gizmo from which I can rotate her or move around but not just human figures have this every object has that so if I select something else on her like the hair for example then even though the hair is selected it is also at the bottom and if you want to make adjustments that is not always in the position that you wanted it to be so this was a question by stuby stuby said hey can we move it and yes you can with the joint editor tool let me go remove Minerva here and show you how this works on a primitive so I'll go and create myself perhaps a sphere right here there we go if I go and select that sphere it's not actually at the bottom it's in the center of the sphere and that might not be where I wanted it to be so I can move that by switching over to this little icon which is the joint editor tool you can also get that if you don't see this icon on the toolbar you can head over to tools and then you switch into the joint editor tool and then you see that your manipulator is split into two parts you've got a red piece and a green piece and the one that determines the location of the manipulator Gadget the origin point is in fact the green piece so you can go and left click and drag that into any position that you want to make that super accurate I recommend that you switch from the perspective view into one of the orthographic views so let's say from the front and I can go and move this directly to the bottom so that'll help me do that if you do this in the perspective view your placement might not be as accurate as you wanted it to be so right now that's what that looks like if I go switch back to my 3D Universal manipulator I can see that my Pivot Point has changed that's kind of neat so now the sphere or any object will rotate from that point and not from the point where it was previously it also works on groups so let me go and just move this kind of over here and then I'll perhaps make a duplicate of that and then that duplicate that's like sphere number two let me go and move that over here and then with both of these spheres selected I can go and create a group parent the selected objects like so and then you'll see that the manipulator is kind of in the median position between these two objects you can also move that same thing switch over to the little join editor tool and then use the green arrow to move it around so perhaps we're going to look from the right and we'll say hey this wants to perhaps be one of the Spheres is and then you can switch this over and then that has changed and now lo and behold if I switch back to the universal manipulator it looks like we're in the right place but if I go and look from the perspective view it looks like it's not in the right place so that's why I was saying hey don't use the perspective you to line this up use the orthographic views to like this up so we need to make one additional adjustment here once again and move just the position of that so that it works for both spheres they don't use the right one yes I did perfect so now it's actually in the center of that so yeah also graphic viewports now it works really well now I can rotate both of these from one origin point let me go and delete this group and go back to my trusty assistant Minerva and I'll show you something else that you might not know and that has to do with fitted figure so Minerva is currently not wearing a necklace but if we make that happen then I can show you a little trick that lets you move the origin point of the fitted figure so let's say I'll use the KC dress here that comes with a necklace that is made for Genesis 8. this is a Genesis 9 figure so I'll just go and auto fit that on her takes only a second and now Minerva is wearing a necklace you can just about see that here but if I go and select that necklace you will see that the origin point of it is at the bottom and that might not be where you wanted it if you wanted to adjust it so there's two problems and I'll show you the solution to both of these so first of all since the casing necklace is fitted to the figure it's not a loose accessory that can be moved around I could go and left click and drag the Y translation and I'll see that the necklace isn't actually moving in fact let me go and zoom into the necklace and use my translation slider here for that if I go and use y translate up or down the Nexus isn't moving even though my manipulator clearly is see that that is moving but the necklace isn't so that is problem number one and we can fix that by heading over with the necklace selected to the parameters and then under constraints up here there's an option that says fit to mode we're currently using the redirect transforms which is the default and fitted figures but if we go and change that to the auto follow transforms and go back to our translation then we can see that as I play with my y rotation the necklace is actually moving it's now just a matter of adjusting the origin point so that it is at the position of the necklace so that I can make a meaningful adjustment in situ and that works the same way switch it to the Joint editor then very carefully move the Green Arrow up to the position of where you wanted it to be Ctrl F zooms into the selected object and here it's kind of debatable where it needs to be maybe I'll put it into the position of the dangly bit at the bottom so perhaps that is here is it look from all sides just so that you know that it is in fact in the correct position I think it is and now I can go and switch this back to the universal manipulator and then I can move the necklace from here and I can go and rotate it if I wanted to or I can just move it up or down now be mindful that when you make this adjustment do this in an unpaused position of your character make sure the character is in a center position like an a pause or t-pose because if you don't do that you'll see that while you move the manipulator the actual object will move if you have a pose applied or something so that is not what you want to do so yes the joint editor tool is your friend to move the pivot or origin points of any object in that studio hope this was helpful and I hope I'll see you next time take care
Channel: Daz 3D
Views: 11,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz3d, Daz Studio, Daz 3d, 3dArt, 3dSoftware, FreeSoftware
Id: m_48mxCYPsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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