How to Speed up Iray Renders in DAZ Studio ~ Tutorial

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel this is solomon jaguar and so as promised i am back with a a new tutorial showing you how to speed up your renders in dar studio so some of you and a number of you have sent in requests and also so when i shared this video if you did i i think it was a few days ago uh let me play this so you can see [Music] so a number of you asked me you know how are you able to get you know clean renders like this in does studio and how long does it take you to render in this ira you know did you use another renderer outside so the question the to answer that question is that yes this is ira and i rendered this inside of a daz studio so i'm gonna walk you through how i was able to do this so the first thing that you do is make sure you first turn on nvidia i re and this one before you do the final render make sure you turn it off so that the system is working without it in the viewport you are enabled so that's the first thing we're going to do is enable nvidia it might take a few seconds or a few minutes depending on how fast your machine is and at the bottom down here on the status bar you'll be able to see the progress of what's happening and uh give it time so that it can go through the process and it could be that you know for those of you who have had experiences where it does takes a long time to render that this is what you notice sometimes it hangs and sometimes it does you know certain things but you have to go through the process and you have to give it a chance to process whatever it's doing in the background and then when it's ready it's gonna show the render in the viewport with the real-time display so as you can tell you can see the noise on the glass for example and for the video that i rendered on this one so i i removed the helmet because it was protruding inside the glass for this particular specific mockup file so in some cases it might actually be it might take less time to render because of uh there's no calculation with a with a glass so for here i'm just gonna add the glass and the calculation so you get a better sense of how long this uh takes to render okay so and it's still processing because we right now if you go to the progressive render the number that is set is by default is 5000 samples that is gonna take a long time and if you are a daz studio user and this is what you're using by default and you're waiting for it to complete it's going to take a long time so make sure you adjust this setting and the one that i use is usually i set it to five to between 100 samples and 300 samples 300 on the higher end when i want to to get more detail in the face and when i need to do like a quick preview i can even set it to 50 samples so that i can see what the the end animation is going to because you don't want to do the final render and then it turns out that the the frames that are not working properly in in the animation so always just take it to maybe like five to ten samples here and then change it to the higher number that you want to use for the final render and so the key again is under the the filtering this is what is helping me speed up the renders that you see so the first thing that i do is i make sure i turn on turn on post denoiser available okay so it will come on and make sure i also enable post denoiser enabled here and you can see already it's working so right now it's processing the denoiser is working in tandem with the detailing so as i i'm gonna zoom in a little bit closer so as the denoiser is working you can see how it's kick it's gonna kick in right now so it has kicked in and if you watch the screen you can see the details starting to appear and the more samples you give it the more detail that you're gonna get so right now uh if we go to fil rather go back to progressive rendering we have it at five thousand so it's going to take a long time to render if you leave it at that so i'm gonna put it at a hundred press enter and we're gonna give it a chance to refresh and so that it has kicked in but you know you notice the noise is already gone so it's much closer already to the detail that you see in here so that's how i was able to get the smooth renders that you see in the studio because i've enabled the first of all i've put the samples to 100 and under filtering i've enabled post denoiser available and also post denoiser enabled so those two have to be checked and another uh rather item that you have taken to construction is what size that you're rendering at so i'm using uh out not not ultra hd i'm using full hd 1080 and whenever you change these settings by the way make sure that you also re-enter the name of the file because if you're gonna do an image series you need to give it a file and i've already set a folder where it's gonna go so i'm just gonna do space uh we just do space for now i usually add an underscore to give the that separation between the numbers and the file name and then press enter so that's where the file is going to be saved and it's going to be rendering at a [Music] full hd 1080 p and also under the render mode i have it at photoreal it's important to do that and under the progressive render the samples maximum samples is 100 so wait let's set to 100 and see how long each frame takes to render so i've done tests in the past but i wanted you to see in real time how long that takes okay so clearly this is not how i'm gonna render so i usually have another camera that i've enabled this is the final a frame that is framed properly for my final animation and what i do is i tend not to include the environment in here because it's much faster for me to composite uh once these frames are rendered as png sequences that have an alpha channel on them so what you see in this scene is this is rendered alone the environment is rendered separately as well and then composited in after effects that's how you're able to get something as fast first of all it's going to render much quicker when it's the character separated from the environment that is a a well-known approach in the filmmaking world and so if you're making a short film that is an approach that you could take and be able to still get really nice crisp renders so let's press render let me just go through real quick uh the environment i have the draw dom is off because i don't want it to render the environment i want to to get that alpha channel and so this this part is pretty much set the environment is set as as it it should be and then and turn mapping i mean you can adjust the exposure here if you want uh this is like a color grading before you get to after effects or whatever you know possible production environment that you use in filtering i make sure that uh denoiser personalizes enabled in that post denoiser is available and enabled okay and optimization this one i don't touch really for now and alpha that one i don't touch for progressive render of again maximum samples is set to 100 some people use the seconds i prefer to use the maximum samples because then i know exactly where it's going to stop and everything else stays the same and under render mode photo real and then under general i've picked each note full hd 1080p 16 by 9 okay it's 1920 by 1080 and make sure that you select image series and then put the number of frames that you want to render for now i'm just going to leave it like that so that we can see how long it takes okay all right guys so for you who have been struggling with uh studio and rendering i think you're about to see the value of these settings adjusted and you're gonna see how fast it takes so we're gonna press render and so whatever happens beyond this and it might hang a little bit you know sometimes it might say not responding but be patient because once it starts then you'll be able to see the results and this folder right here is what we're going to be monitoring to see how fast you know the files are coming in the frames are coming in okay so let's go ahead and press render and i also have cpu and my two gpus enabled so what you're gonna what you're seeing is that the computer is using my two graphics cards in this machine that i'm working on right now uh is it has a 10 70 gtx 1070 and an rtx 2070 so those are the two graphics cards that i'm using in on this machine i have another machine that i use specifically for rendering that has 2 20 80 eyes and that one the the renders are much quicker for sure so we're going to see here so if you have a single gpu these render times might be different because you're only using one gpu card but if you have multiple gpus you're going to also reduce that render time depending on the type of graphics card that you have but clearly you can see that so it's been 48 seconds so far and it's already rendering frame two so right now at least we have an idea that uh let's go to this folder and monitor it so already it has rendered two frames and this is a 1080 and uh so one frame was rendered at 51 251 this one is 1252 1252 so that means i'm getting at least two frames per minute and that will translate to 30 seconds per frame okay so and that's how you speed it up because if in the past you had 5000 samples and that's you never touch those render settings over here that could be the problem is why your renders are taking so long so right now it actually i have three frames uh rendered in one minute so 52 50 to 52 i have one two and three rendered i want to see how far it goes down and again depending on how close you are depending on how close the character is to the camera that will uh that will uh kind of affect the amount of time that it takes to render because when the glass is so close to you and fill up filling up the entire space that's going to be require more calculations for for example the refractions reflections and all those things that you may have in the in this environment so for now because it's an hdr image it's uh it's not taking so long because i don't have anything else enabled in the scene so guys that's how you speed up your renders in dar studio using ire and as you can see here we're getting at least three frames to two frames per minute which is averages out to about 30 frames per second to about 25 25 to 30 seconds per frame 25 to 35 seconds per frame 25 to 30 seconds per frame yes so again depending on your machine but for my setup that was that's what i was about to get so i'm hoping that this helps you and that is how i was able to get this so please take a minute to uh subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and uh click that notification bell so you may be alerted when i post a new video and thank you so much to everyone that has uh subscribed for all the comments and the feedback uh please keep asking uh for if you have questions as if you have suggestions of tutorials you'd like to see me do i'm gonna always do my best to encourage you to dare to dream big and also to pursue that storytelling dream of yours and i'm on a quest to tell my story and my stories and also to create short films because it's so much fun to be able to get those ideas out of your brain and onto the screen but uh it's always been a pain rendering things on the computer so it's good actually to see that this free program can actually render some reasonable you know frames and videos that then you can transform into a short film thank you so much and i'll see you next time [Music] bye you
Channel: Solomon Jagwe
Views: 33,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, DAZ3d, DAZ studio, dazstudio, daz animation, daz facial animation, performance capture, mocap, motion capture, acting, napoleon, faceware, live face, facial animation, 3D short, short film, iray, daz iray, iclone, iphone X, iphone facial mocap, iphone plugin, facecap, facecap mocap, tegasaki, Perception neuron, unreal, vr, virtual character, Facemotion, facemojo, face mojo, disney, windlifter, heyoka, lakota, daz mocap, iclone mocap, daz render, speed up daz renders, Iray, Daz Iray
Id: X84bri19aA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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