Blender Tutorial - Turn Any 2D Image to 3D Model - Quick & Easy

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how can we converge any image type into 3D mesh without modeling it in blender alright so first what I'd like to do is to add a plane so I'm going to select everything X and delete and let's shift a we need to add also start with the plane you can zoom in here a little bit I'd like to press n and go to the item so these are the dimensions of our plane 2 meters by 2 meters so our first step is going to be to match the same dimensions that we got in our reference image so this is our reference image I'm going to type or right click and let's go to the properties and let me check the dimensions so we have we're having 1280 multiplied by 744 so let's go ahead and do the same proportions that we got so here let's set it to 12.80 and here 7.44 there we go so now it has the same dimensions of our plane awesome so the next step is going to be to subdivide our plane so on the edit mode I want you to press Ctrl e and let's go to subdivide you will have this pop-up menu on the bottom so click on it and I want you to increase the number of cards to the max which is 100. so let's double click the tab so that we can reset the subdivisions and we can type again Ctrl e and let's divide it one more time so the more subdivisions you have the more clear you can have your final model so I'd like to increase the number of Loops so for example 2 or even three three is going to be fine all right so you can see we're having plenty of vertices here which is awesome all right so for step number three we need to add the displays modifier so with this plane selected let's go to the modifier properties and we need to add this place modifier this one so click on it so basically for this modifier to work we need to add a texture to it so if we scroll a little bit down here you're gonna find this texture properties so I want you to click on it and let's add a new texture so if you scroll again you're gonna find this new and open I'd like to open a new image texture and I want you to pick your reference image so double click on it and Bam as you can see we got that reference image apply to our plane so this is how it works so basically blender is gonna take the black surfaces and push them down like this and the white surfaces are going to be popping up up just like this so we can reverse the Extrusion up so let me just go back to the displace modifier and for the strength let's give it minus 0.25 to have it pop up in the reverse way something like this okay so the next step is going to be to optimize this mesh so what I'd like to do first is to apply this displace modifier so let's go here and we can click on apply so next I want you to press actually so that we can go to the right orthographic view on the edit mode press Z switch to the wireframe and you can click and drag let me just zoom in a little bit you can click and select the bottom part X delete those faces alright so now all we have is just the top which is awesome also we're having some kind of we need to make it flat so what we can do is to press s z and press zero to flatten that surface all right so all the vertices right now are on the same level which is great so you can go ahead right now and just extrude this one up so again press e z and go up like this but as you can see this is not the perfect we converted our image successfully but if we zoom in you're gonna find it not that good the quality is really bad so what we can do is to smooth this mesh out so to do that let me just show you the way so I'm going to press alt a to deselect everything so I'm going to go to the top select and select sharp edges so basically all we need is just these edges so I'm going to press three again and Z switch again to the wireframe B to box select and shift so that you can deselect at the bottom all we care about is just the top so shift d can you can try to move this one outside here Press B separate selection right also we can change the center of origin to the center here so let's go to object set origin origin to the 3D cursor excellent so now we can select it from here so let's go ahead and add the smooth modifier so that you can smooth our mesh so let me just zoom in here let's Zoom for example here check this line so let's go to the modifiers and let's add the smooth modifier and we could increase the number of repetitions let's increase that to something like 30. so as you can see now we're having some pretty much smooth lines so all you have to do is to just apply this smooth modifier all right so our next step is going to be and subdivide our plane our mesh so that we can have fewer vertices so it makes no sense to have this density of vertices here so let's select everything and we can type Ctrl e and choose this subdivide and subdivide so as you can see we're having fewer details here we can also increase that number of iterations for example three or even four is going to be fine I think three is going to be fine yeah let's just go back all right so with that being done so you can do some optimization to these edges just so that you can have the bevel working just fine we can select this point press M merge at the center and let's do the same thing to all those areas press M merge at the center so just keep doing the same step to all these corners all right so it's working perfectly so what you can do right now is to just fill these phases so let's press L to select this part we can press F to fill it let me just go back to the solid and let's do the same thing here so I'm going to press alt shift alt to select both of those so if you press F we're going to be filling everything so we don't want that so instead what we need to do is to bridge Edge Loops these two lines so Ctrl e and let's choose this bridge Edge loops all right so there we go we got our mesh so all you have to do right now is to add the solidifier modifier again so let's add it you can increase the thickness up so it might run into this weird problem so it has to do with the normals so let's select everything and type shift n and we can click on this inside so now our normals are oriented in the same directions which is awesome all right so as a last move what we need to do let's right click shade Auto smooth perfect and we need to add the bevel modifier so let's add it just so that you can smooth out a little bit these edges so right click shade artist mode and basically that's it so we converted our image into a 3D mesh in blender so if you have any questions feel free to shoot them down below so thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in future projects take care
Channel: Reality Fakers
Views: 283,035
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Id: BcjPCjxsCZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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