Lich Ascension Ending Slides (6 Crystals; Zacharius Befriended) | Pathfinder: WotR

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[Music] all right ladies and gentlemen i've actually never seen these slides before so they should be very very interesting life and death destiny and great deeds answers to mysteries the search for one's true path the mind can comprehend all of these and then such concepts can be written down as a sequence of formulas a series of lines a chain of thought still a moment always comes when it is time to wrap up to reach a conclusion to put a period at the end of the last sentence on the day of the great battle at the threshold fortress a new name joined the divine pantheon of golorian contrary to the laws of creation and the limitations imposed upon mortal kind the individual once known as the commander the fifth crusade attained greatness power and immortality this new power was likewise assumed by both the commander's loyal companions and the writer of these words we all received might comparable to that of the heralds of demigods like blots of rust the abyss was disfigured by the growing borders of the land of death and decay as the former realms of bathum and discari became the commander's realm the commander's story became legend one that was spread far and wide in the songs of bards the tale fell upon the ears of many those eager to convert to the new faith and those who nursed ambitions of replicating the commander's achievement it is no exaggeration then to declare that the commander's ascension on that day changed the world forevermore the former lands of the world wound became a realm of death the dark towers of dresden entice many who yearn for taste of forbidden knowledge undead legion safeguarded the necromancers who spat on ferasmus taboo as they delved into the mysteries of death each of them sought to follow in the commander's footsteps to throw out the chains of mortality and find eternal undeath the memory of tar bafan and his deeds faded and the shadow of a new far more terrifying evil fell upon avaston when the commander butchered the defying crusaders in dresden it did not go unnoticed the knights of azer called upon every galarian nation to join them in a shining crusade against the new threat but few rulers answered the summons memories of that horrific massacre was still too fresh in their minds the short lynch zakarus did not depart drison as he intended his respect for the commander compelled him to change his plans and the crusade leader's former mentor took on the task of instructing the novices who were flocking to the fortress his training produced a great many talented mages almost as many as he killed for insufficient diligence in their studies as the leader of the crusaders the commander won their loyalty and obedience even in the crusades darkest hours the commander found ways to restore the army supply lines his military acumen was beyond question under his leadership the divided poorly trained crusader forces were reforged into an invincible army with the war concluded most of his defenders hastily left dresden what i'm maxed out military what is the problem ah that's not true okay whatever with the war concluded most of this defenders hastily left dresden the memory of the terrible sacrifices made in the battles for the city were too hard to bear within a century dresden had become a dilapidated insignificant backwater after the battle of threshold queen galfried vanished some claimed that they had seen her in the waste around his while others told stories about her being held against her will in the dungeons of dresden the ward stones from the chains that once guarded the borders of mendev were carefully disassembled one by one the angels that had been trapped inside returned to heaven to heal their wounded spirits and prepare for new battles against evil the lady in shadow found a way to benefit from the situation by magnanimously accepting the warriors from the destroyed armies of bathumeta discari he significantly bolstered the might of the midnight isles few realized that the commander had effectively foiled nakticula's plans with his decision to keep the passage between the abyss and gallorion open the lady in shadow began preparing her defenses in secret she knew that sooner or later invaders would appear in her realm and it mattered not whether they would be demons or mortals bathumet was too cunning for his own good and died his final death rumors say that upon hearing of baphomet's demise asmodeus permitted himself a satisfied chuckle that shook the halls of hell the demon lord taskari died his final death and his cult perished with him his followers and demonic minions entered the service of discouraged sire pazuzu whether pazuzu's terrifying rage stemmed from his offspring's demise or from his failure none can tell shortly after the war against the war wound avaston was struck by a series of frightening events a magical storm woven from the four elements obliterated an entire city in varisia then a horrible pestilence came to the lands of the lenorm kings and after that irison reported an outbreak of madness in their lands the lunatics were all repeating the same ominous warning word for word the slaves have forgotten the hand of their master but alderpash rune lord of wrath has returned to remind them just how firm his grip is having rediscovered his own story the storyteller rejected the goddess's proposal he was celebrated as a great historian and rightfully held the position of dean of the history faculty at the arkanemerian the most renowned academy in absalom another 40 years passed before his age caught up with him and it was his turn to appear before the lady of graves camellia's euphoria gaining semi-divine power quickly passed giving way to irritability murder had once filled her with tremulous excitement whereas now brought her nothing but boredom given that she was never in any danger unable to come to terms with her new status she left her best friend and disappeared losing herself among the planes of the multiverse after horgus's death an unknown half of woman laid claim to his fortune she introduced herself as horgas's daughter and presented his will as proof however having received the fortune the young woman transferred into mendez treasury under a single condition she insisted that the name of the gorham family should be forever remembered in mendez chronicles as one of the state's greatest benefactors land's ascension left him perplexed he had intended to die in the war against the demons but instead he was suddenly granted eternal life and he had no idea what to do with it after getting some advice on the commander he made a to-do list go on a sea voyage learn to read and write well and of course defeat a few hundred more demons just for old time's sake wendell refused to ascend with the commander she was to walk her path alone for solitude brings strength after the war the huntress left the commander service and having cobbled together a band of ruthless mercenaries out of veteran crusaders went to the river kingdoms to conquer one of them for herself for a handful of years she ruled over a dozen villages until the local lords joined forces to put an end to her reign ascension was a true challenge for ember for years she had rebuked the good gods for doing so little to help mortals but now she finally understood the burden of divinity realizing that even her new powers were not enough to save all who suffered she went to heaven to her grandma the imperial lord and the letter and asked to be her apprentice but she continued to visit the mortal world to aid the defenseless or to convince a villain to change their ways ascension opened up fascinating opportunities for nanio now she could discover if a high priest of iom a day could convert pneumonia barbarians if he happened to be teleported into their midst he couldn't discover how many women in absalom screamed at the sight of a dead mouse on their pillow approximately 34 percent and see what two armies would do if all their weapons disappeared the night before the battle they would make peace darren orende who would always despise piety in all forms suddenly became an object of worship himself among followers of the rapidly growing church of the commander the count was the most popular associate of the new deity he was the one most often pictured at the commander's side in religious paintings and released possibly because artists found the handsome asamar to be the most appealing subject as for darren himself he solemnly swore never to answer a single prayer and it seems he duly kept his promise walter's chapter gladly accepted his semi-divine powers since as he told anyone who would listen he deserved them when he had to he followed his chief everywhere and whenever he had a spare minute he descended took helorian to steal whatever caught his eye free a random tiefling from prison or hide stolen property in one of his many stashes throughout gallaudet acquiring incredible power did not change regina range in any way he had already been working on a 500-year plan for the fight against chaos and smoothly switched to devising a plan to definitively solve the problem of the abyss even devils respected his insidiousness regial in return found the discipline in the ranks of hell to be somewhat lacking upon gaming senate divine powers grayboy lost an interest in the assassin's craft there were too few opponents worthy of this skill he became the patron of mortals who respected and honored the law of the streets the cult known as the backstreet wardens formed under his patronage and consisted of thieves bandits murderers and other dregs of society but they all shared an understanding a code on occasion grabor himself enjoyed a nighttime stroll through the city in the guise of an ordinary mortal just to remind the lowlifes that reputation carries more weight than coin for the longest time the ascendant succubus cannot bring herself to set foot in illusium she felt as though she would defile it with her presence arusha lay must have the courage to appear before desna only after the goddess sent her a prophetic dream no one knows what the former demon discussed with the goddess but after that meeting arusha would also descend to the material plane where as an unseen angel she would keep watch over mortals helping those who are gone astray to find redemption and what of me the writer of these words the half-demon witch known as the architect of the world wound i gained more than i could have hoped i achieved my purpose i've vanquished death untold might and all eternity lie ahead how should i spend that eternity i have not yet decided but i know from experience i know that every moment is priceless if it is spent with the one who matters most to you i have recounted the story of my life for you for asthma lady of graves not only of my life but of the commanders also i believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would pique even a goddess's curiosity i have come here to say that he and i are no longer in your power this is the last most significant result of my transformation experiment he is no longer within my power this is true divinity has given him the right to decide his own fate but you you entered my boneyard to bring me these tidings and it is within my power to unmake you destroy you and erase you from the cosmos i wonder did he anticipate such an outcome did he purposefully choose you to be his emissary and this is why i wanted six crystals so if we just had five crystals this conversation will go the way it usually does but because we have six crystals we get to be a lich a master of the undead who does a direct intervention with ferasma i don't know what happens here but i'm hoping it's something unique intervene you have no right to decide our fates for asthma i have relayed my message farewell lady of graves we will not meet again their combined power has grown immensely enough to almost rival my own so be it ah how does she not feel disrespected at this lit defiling her homeworld oh well i only get so much in one playthrough
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 13,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhampir lich, dhampir pathfinder, lich mythic, lich mythic path, pathfinder, pathfinder neutral evil, pathfinder playthrough, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wotr playthrough, wrath of the righteous mythic path, ascension ending wrath of the righteous, ascension ending pathfinder, ascension ending wotr, LICH ASCENSION, lich ending wrath of the righteous, lich ending pathfinder, ascension ending slides, lich ascension ending slides
Id: f4zPiLHZ0Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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