Pathfinder: WotR - Ascension Trickster Ending Slides (Five Crystals)

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[Music] greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder wrath of the righteous this time i wanted to give you the ending slides that you get if you are able to ascend as a trickster unfortunately i'm only going to be able to give you the five crystal ending not the six crystal ending there was a bug in the game at the time that i was ending my playthrough and it prevented me from being able to get the six crystal winning if that bug is finally fixed i will definitely circle back and give you the full six slot six crystal slides ending six crystal ending slides but for now uh i'll only be able to give you the five crystal one so i figure this is something a lot of you haven't seen anyway so hopefully it'll still be good content and with that let's go ahead and dive right in life and death destiny and great deeds answers to mysteries the search for one's true path the mind can comprehend all of these and then such concepts can be written down as a sequence of formulas a series of lines a chain of thought still a moment always comes when it is time to wrap up to reach a conclusion to put a period at the end of the last sentence on the day of the great battle at the threshold fortress a new name joined the divine pantheon of delorean contrary to the laws of creation and the limitations imposed upon mortal kind the individual once known as the commander of the fifth crusade attained greatness power and immortality this new power was likewise assumed by the commander's loyal companions the might they gained was comparable to that of the heralds of demigods like a fire taking hold contrary to all laws of nature and the deaths of a roiling cauldron when the commander assumed control of the former realms of baphomet and discari the new realm astonished even long time denizens of the abyss it was mayhem beyond the imaginings of the plane of chaos an anomaly amidst the unthinkable a lie fed to liars and a joke played on jokers the commander's story became legend one that was spread far and wide in the songs of bards the tale fell upon the ears of many those eager to convert to the new faith and those who nursed ambitions of replicating the commander's achievement it is no exaggeration then to declare that the commander's ascension on that day changed the world forevermore the council of semi-divine entities continued to convene on a regular basis the wise council members argued endlessly trying to answer the perennial question what is to be done about the world wound the energetic quaint king thurberdyne reigned over the married city of dresden for many years he was hailed as the finest monarch in the history of galorean as he never interfered in the affairs of the city but simply hosted one festival after another and the people say that he brought luck to any who raised a glass to his majesty's health the church of caden kyleen revered him as a saint although the commander became the symbol of the fifth crusade there were still those among the crusaders who were dissatisfied with his decisions years later their word served as the basis for many alternate versions of the history of the struggle against the world wound with the conclusion of the war dresden the heroic fortress of the crusaders began to wane in importance the memories of the gruesome battles faded the deeds of the brave were forgotten a mere century later dresden had once again become just another northern garrison and the legacy of the fifth crusade began to slip into obscurity queen galfrey returned to neuroscience with the intent to rule mendez before but as it turned out mendevian society was hungry for change but war ravaged nation desired new leadership but the queen would not countenance yielding her authority to anyone else she believed her duty to her homeland had not yet been fulfilled the chain of ward stones and the angels imprisoned inside them men maintained their vigil at the borders of the world wound it would be a long time before those warriors of heaven would finally find peace after suffering defeat at the commander's hands nakticula disappeared into the shadows and lay low intuition told her that the world had changed which meant that it was time for her to change as well if a mortal could rise and claim the power of a demon lord could a demonic ruler ascend and become a deity [Music] bathumet was too cunning for his own good and died his final death rumors say that upon hearing of baphomet's demise asmodeus permitted himself a satisfied chuckle that shook the halls of hell the demon lord daskari died his final death and his cult perished with him his followers and demonic minions entered the service of discari pazuzu whether pazuzu's terrifying rage stemmed from his offspring's demise or from his failure none can tell for time the whereabouts of noor dindawar were completely unknown but then the river kingdom saw the publication of her shocking book to the abyss and back the crusade through the eyes of a former cultist the book was banned in several countries and a bounty was placed on nura's head but the elusive writer always escaped the clutches of the inquisitors having rediscovered his own story the storyteller rejected the goddess's proposal he was celebrated as a great historian and rightfully held the position of dean of the history faculty at the atkana mariam the most renowned academy in amsalon another 40 years passed before his age caught up with him and it was his turn to appear before the lady of graves ascension enhanced sealer's power but did not change her character their repressible warrior is frequently seen in the company of good gods from caden colleen to childera zuzara star rumor has it that i am a day herself often honors her with heart-to-heart conversations and joint training sessions the goddess enjoys reminiscing about her mortal days most importantly sila never stops thinking or caring about the common folk in need of help not for a moment camellia's euphoria gaining semi-divine power quickly passed giving way to irritability murder had once filled her with tremulous excitement whereas now it brought her nothing but boredom given that she was never in any danger unable to come to terms with her new status she left her best friend and disappeared losing herself among the planes of the multiverse after horgus's death an unknown half-health woman laid claim to his fortune she introduced herself as horgas's daughter and presented his will as proof however having received the fortune the young woman transferred it to mendez treasury under a single condition she insisted that the name of the guarm family should be forever remembered in mendez chronicles as one of the state's greatest benefactors having inquired semi-divine power windual offered her patronage to bloody warrior cults whose members were just as merciless in themselves as to others after a while windual returned to hunting but this time her quarry was the monsters that dwelt at the fringes of the multiverse unknown and nameless after each hunt she would come back wounded barely alive and a little stronger than before after each battle when dua would hurry to seek out the commander to boast of yet another victory naturally she was still the same devious cruel savage that could not be trusted perhaps it was because of this constant sense of danger that the passion between the commander and windual always remained ardent ascension was a true challenge for ember for years she had rebuked the good gods for doing so little to help mortals but now she finally understood the burden of divinity realizing that even her new powers were not enough to save all who suffered she went to heaven to her grandma the imperial lord and a letter and asked to be her apprentice but she continued to visit the mortal world to aid the defenseless or to convince a villain to change their ways nanio turned down the chance to ascend in the commander's wake after all the encyclopedia gala renika was not yet finished darren orende who would always despise piety in all forms suddenly became an object of worship himself among followers of the rapidly growing church of the commander the count was the most popular associate of the new deity he was the one most often pictured at the commander's side in religious paintings and release possibly because artists found the hands of asamar to be the most appealing subject as for darren himself he solemnly swore never to answer a single prayer and it seems he duly kept his promise wojth jeffto gladly accepted his semi-divine powers since as he told anyone who would listen he deserved them when he had to he followed his chief everywhere and whenever he had a spare minute he descended to delorean to steal whatever caught his eye free a random tiefling from prison or hide stolen property in one of his many stashes throughout galorean after the ascension society went to nirvana to appear before sheldon in person but he did not stay long just as when he was a mere mortal the servant of the goddess of beauty could not enjoy the peace of her friggin gardens when blood was still being spilled elsewhere the soldier's angel as was his new moniker would eagerly answer prayers and appear on the battlefield to heal the wounded or carry them to safety away from the front lines many warriors more medallions engraved with his image for good luck acquiring incredible power did not change regional derange in any way he had already been working to a 500 year plan for the fight against chaos and smoothly switched to devising a plan to definitively solve the problem of the abyss even devils respected his assiduousness regil in return found the discipline in the ranks of hell to be somewhat lacking upon gaining semi-divine powers grayboy lost interest in the assassin's craft there were too few opponents worthy of his skill he became the patron of mortals who respected and honored the law of the streets the cult known as the backstreet wardens formed under his patronage and consisted of thieves bandits murderers and other dregs of society but they all shared an understanding a code on occasion grebor himself enjoyed a nighttime stroll to the city and the guise of an ordinary mortal just to remind the low lights that reputation carries more weight than coin upon gaining semi-divine powers the succubus went on a spree she reveled in every kind of pleasure throwing feasts orgies and massacres both in the mortal world and the abyss drunk with power she fancied herself the new nocticula and attempted to kill the commander to claim his strength it was a fatal mistake her fall was just as swift as her ascension [Music] and what of me the writer of these words the half-demon witch known as the architect of the world wound i was defeated the victor spared my life in a gesture that was not quite a boon not quite charity i was left without hope without a chance of finding a purpose again i lived out my remaining days in an isolated cottage far from everyone needed by none discovered by none i have recounted the story of my life for you for asthma lady of graves not only of my life but of the commanders also i believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would peak even a goddess's curiosity now you know everything i await your verdict goddess silence hangs over the boneyard the lady of grey's is weighing her decision and it seems the entire universe is holding its breath awaiting her pronouncement who would dare to break a silence so absolute intervene though you are no longer here your mythic powers entitled you to a say in this trial i appeal to your mercy the planes have suffered enough do not add to the evil already wrought with yet another act of evil your words ring out in the silence they are heard considered and given their due weight the laws of the universe have existed for millennia they are incontrovertible but even they allow the decider of fate some degree of influence over the verdict you brought great evil while it stemmed from the evil that was done to you your actions far exceeded it your soul is dark and there is only one place for you in the universe and yet the one whom you harmed most of all now appeals to me on your behalf i shall send you to the maelstrom the plane on the edge of the world a place to which the gods gazers do not stray there you will find yourself or you will perish in the whirlwind of chaos that is your soul so be it now you the mortal who has risen so high as to stand boldly in the presence of the goddess of fate you have done the impossible and you will be remembered as long as this universe exists go live out the rest of your life i look forward to tales of your future deeds and that is the ending slides if you ascend as trickster with just five crystals again unfortunately i didn't have the six so i couldn't take arulu with me uh but best believe i will have a play through where i have all six and when i do you all will be able to see those slides until then hope all of you enjoyed this video if you did please leave me a like down below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 10,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trickster mythic path, trickster pathfinder, trickster pathfinder wrath of the righteous, trickster path pathfinder, trickster pathfinder mythic, trickster path, trickster path wotr, wotr ending, pathfinder ending, ending pathfinder wrath of the righteous, trickster ending pathfinder, camellia ending pathfinder, ascension pathfinder wrath of the righteous, ascension pathfinder wrath, pathfinder wrath of the righteous ascension ending, pathfinder wotr ascension ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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