Pathfinder: WotR - Devil Mythic Path Ending Slides

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life and death destiny and great deeds answers to mysteries the search for one's true path the mind can comprehend all of these and then such concepts can be written down as a sequence of formulas a series of lines a chain of thought still a moment always comes when it is time to wrap up to reach a conclusion to put a period at the end of the last sentence the impossible rift the bleeding wound that had tormented all of galorean for a hundred years was finally healed the great deed demanded a great sacrifice the life of the one known as the commander of the fifth crusade his cause and his death shook minds and souls not just on galorean and in the abyss but on other planes as well and even in the halls of the gods the commander never appeared before pharasma for mephistopheles had already laid clean to his soul the commander was reborn in hell and became asmodeus's loyal lieutenant a relentless warrior of hell and the standard against which all future generations of hell knights would measure themselves after the victory over the war wound the former wasteland was soon transformed under the devil's influence the roads were swiftly turned into wide trade routes throughout the region small settlements appeared where one could purchase anything and everything and like clockwork the revenues raised via taxation were sent to line the coffers of hell those who refused to pay taxes were sent to receive the devil's justice one could however avoid court altogether by paying an official fine or a less official bribe despite numerous exhortations from queen abergail the region never became a protectorate of celiacs the firm hand of mephistopheles himself could be felt in all the laws and decisions made in the region and even though he rarely appeared in public his unseen presence weighed heavily on many although the commander became the symbol of the fifth crusade there were still those among the crusaders who were dissatisfied with his decisions years later their words served as the basis for many alternate versions of the history of the struggle against the world wound many believe that dresden would have a bright future as an independent political power but the city never established strong diplomatic ties remaining in the eyes of the world no more than a willful province of mendez with the war concluded most of this defenders hastily left dressing the memory of the terrible sacrifices made in the battles for the city was too hard to bear within a century dresden had become a dilapidated insignificant backwater queen galfrey returned to nerosian with the intent to rule mendev as before but as it turned out mendevian society was hungry for change the war ravaged nation desired new leadership but the queen would not countenance yielding her authority to anyone else she believed her duty to her homeland had not yet been fulfilled the wardstones from the chain that once guarded the borders of mendez were carefully disassembled one by one the angels that had been trapped inside returned to heaven to heal their wounded spirits and prepare for new battles against evil the victory over the war wound changed many things not just on galorean but in the midnight isles as well now ticular spend many days pondering the words of a certain young and fearless prophet before long the lady in shadow openly renounced her realm and named herself the redeemer queen this revolt against her own demonic nature transformed the tikula severed her ties to the abyss and brought her to ellusium there upon creating a realm named midnight's pilot the redeemer queen attained divine power and became the patroness of exiles the now vacant throne was instantly seized by chamira the art and dream however her power could not compare to the might of the lady in shadow the midnight isles which had become a tempting prize for many demons were plunged into chaos the demon lord baphomet suffered a defeat the war wound was closed and the convenient passage to delorean was sealed along with it baphomet shifted his attention to the realms of the other demon lords a cell of the templars of the ivory labyrinth was soon discovered in alan shinra the demon lord daskari suffered a defeat he abided his time continuing to plan his invasion of galorian and after that of heaven itself the cultists that remained on galorian went mad one after another tortured by the nightmarish dreams their lord sent to them the tyrabades were adamant about retiring for military service leaving it all behind and escaping together but urgent eagle watch business forced them to stay for a week then for a month then for many years even as anivia cursed their lot however her eyes would shine with pride for she was always the first to admit that arabeth was not the kind of person who could just up and retire shortly after the war against the war wound either stein was struck by a series of frightening events a magical storm woven from the four elements obliterated an entire city in verisia then a horrible pestilence came to the lands of the linorm kings and after that irison reported an outbreak of madness in their lands the lunatics were all repeating the same ominous warning word for word the slaves have forgotten the hand of their master but alderpash rune lord of wrath has returned to remind them just how firm his grip is the storyteller as old as the tales he collected continued his travels across galorean and occasionally beyond he knew that out there somewhere there was one story he would never find his own the blade smith did some good work on finnian after getting him back from the commander the former pathfinder became a fearsome weapon that constantly hungered for blood the wounds dealt by the weapon would refuse to heal completely [Music] once again selah heard the call of the open road even a valiant paladin can be prone to self-doubt and after everything that had happened to her selah wanted to sort out her conflicting thoughts and emotions on her own having properly fulfilled his duty to the mongrels and to his surprise avoided death lamb was suddenly faced with a choice what to do with his life now that it wasn't going to end anytime soon his hesitation did not last long and just a few months later he went on a sea voice to see the world he had saved after the war the huntress left the commander's service and having cobbled together a band of ruthless mercenaries out of veteran crusaders went to the river kingdoms to conquer one of them for herself for a handful of years she ruled over a dozen villages until the local lords joined forces to put an end to her reign after the victory embers simply sat for a long time staring at the tongues of flame dancing in her hands her new powers frightened her the all struck redeemed were ready to hang on her every word and that frightened her even more she left without saying goodbye to anyone and continued her endless wayfaring along the roads of galorean helping the distressed and punishing evildoers many worshiped her as a saint but she would always respond with please i'm just an ordinary girl soon after the war the tireless researcher of all things researchable embarked on a new journey she had a sudden urge to know how long it would take to visit every nation on galorean the only evidence of the events that happened to her during the fifth crusade is a short article in the encyclopedia gala rinaka recounting the end of the plain merging of experiment of the great aruluvorlesh to his own surprise wolds of gepho became a war hero esteem and fame was shortly followed by great wealth the thiefling did not let his newfound fortune turn his head but chose to invest the money in several profitable ventures and one charity for street urchins within a few years his signature style came to include a top hat a cane and a bit of a belly after the victory so sail returned home together with his brother now a famed crusader hero he humbly officiated at a temple of shelling painted grew sweet-smelling fruits and made the best wine in the region his kindly smile faded only when people asked him to recount his experiences in the war he would not deny them but he would speak without embellishment so that not a single listener would feel tempted to pick up a sword and leave in search of a hero's glory when he returned home trevor restored the shield of shelling to its place in the church and swore never to pick up a weapon again he tried to rediscover his wood carving skills but his wounded hands betrayed him no longer willing to create beauty the tormented fighter lived a quiet peaceful life helping his brother with his vineyard all the while trying in vain to forget the horrors of the abyss regional deranged wrote a treaty on waging war against the demons both a practical manual and a philosophical exportation and once that was done he succumbed to the bleaching completely he was posthumously reinstated in his order and buried with honors in the officer's cemetery his treaty was used in all future wars against the abyss by mortals angels and devils alike some say that the part about devils was no coincidence and that the night's service continued even after his death since one of the devils closest to the commander was the spitting image of reggie after the war graber went off on his personal conquest he traveled to allen shinra and killed four candidates for the position of the head of the assassins guild whereupon he rightfully took the position himself and became a preeminent figure in the midnight isles under his leadership the guild prospered and the denizens of many planes would shudder whenever they heard the innocent phrase sweet dreams and what of me the writer of these words the half-demon witch known as the architect of the world wound i was defeated and fell at the hand of the one i had tried to transform my experiment ended in failure and my life ended along with it i have recounted the story of my life for you for asthma lady of graves not only of my life but of the commanders also i believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would peak even a goddess's curiosity now you know everything i await your verdict goddess silence hangs over the bone yard the lady of graves is weighing her decision and it seems the entire universe is holding its breath awaiting her pronouncement who would dare to break a silence so absolute intervene your consciousness coalesces into one whole rejecting the oblivion of death your mythic powers are not entirely gone and they entitle you to a say in this trial diplomacy i appeal to your sense of justice great evil deserves a commensurate punishment your words ring out in the silence they are heard considered and given their due weight the laws of the universe have existed for millennia they are incontrovertible but even they allow the decider of fate some degree of influence over the verdict you wrought great evil you killed countless souls and put existence itself under threat your soul is dark and incapable of atonement even the abyss would be a reward for you rather than a punishment there is no place in the universe for one such as you so be it now you the mortal who has risen so high as to stand boldly in the presence of the goddess of fate you have done the impossible and you will be remembered as long as this universe exists you have earned your peace all right those were the end scenes if you end the game as a devil hope you all enjoyed it if you did enjoy this video please leave me a like down below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 10,864
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Keywords: owlcat, owlcat games, owlcat pathfinder, pathfinder, pathfinder wotr, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wrath of the righteous, devil pathfinder wrath of the righteous, devil pathfinder wotr, devil pathfinder 2e, pathfinder devil mythic, pathfinder wrath devil path, becoming a devil pathfinder, melies pathfinder wrath of the righteous, melies pathfinder wrath, mephistopheles pathfinder wrath of the righteous, mephistopheles pathfinder wotr, regill
Id: PTc77SXKyjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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