Lich Ascension Playthrough Final Episode | Pathfinder: WotR

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder wrath of the righteous and finally finally finally we are at the last episode thank you so much to everyone who has been following this series watching all the videos we are at a hundred plus of them at this point i know it's been a very long road but i have absolutely had a ton of fun with the journey and i hope all of you have as well let's go ahead and get right into it this is where it happened it was here that i conducted the ritual sowing my soul and the essence of the abyss together feeling the world change around me as every stitch brought glorion closer to the abyss and it was here that even though you have no memory of it i did the same to your soul a researcher must not have any personal feelings for the subjects of their experiments and yet i find myself unable to remain completely detached from the world wound i created it i allowed it to be it holds a place in my heart even if i'm slowly paying for it with my life a researcher must be particularly resilient in the face of mistakes incorrect hypotheses and failed experiments you are my failed experiment i think i'll feel some regret or ending your current life but you can rest assured that such sentiments will not stop me knowledge arcana check passed i can tell you've been preparing this place for battle but there's more to it am i right i sense barrier spells waiting to be activated and there's something else something deadly you're so adept at magic of course i've been preparing for our meeting and hopefully i've prepared well you've done all of this just to save your child yes no even if i could have brought back my son i wouldn't have stopped at that i wouldn't have been satisfied not after what i'd gone through not after the things i'd learned i wanted to become stronger and i wished the same for my child i didn't want to be afraid of anything it wasn't the dogs of threshold or even sarcorus itself that threatened us it was the laws of a world governed by death weakness and separation that is why i needed the power of the nahendrian crystals i did not wish to merely stave off the agony of the wound i wanted to tear my son from the grasp of everything that makes us weak and mortal you have seen a goddess you have been face to face with demon lords were you awed by their greatness do you enjoy living in a world where your entire life cycle has been predetermined where everything from your birth to what will happen to your soul after you die has been decided for you or do you find now that you have experienced the mythic power coursing through your blood that you prefer to live in a world that you can change a world that offers you a chance to be anything you want oh yes this power is magnificent i would choose no other fate oh strange you are a kindred spirit we are so alike perhaps the experiment wasn't such a failure in the end but no no why did you call me your failed experiment when i poured what was left of my son's soul into your soul i was expecting it to bring him back they say death and the judgment of harassment purges the soul of everything it once was in life but this cannot be true i have researched this subject meticulously and have collected enough evidence to prove that supernatural beings born from mortal souls can recall their past sometimes partially sometimes fully i watched you day and night waiting for it to happen for your memory to awaken or or your instincts at least for anything familiar something i could immediately recognize i tested you i asked you questions and nothing nothing you merged the remnants of your son's soul with mine so why do you want to harm me if a hypothesis is proven wrong it needs to be rejected but the research process does not stop there that is all i can tell you right now you've been carrying the wound in your soul for a long time does that mean you will die soon it will kill me eventually but i still have some time left years or decades perhaps but it doesn't matter one of us will die today what will happen if one of us steps into the wound the tearing of the soul followed by a cruel and terrible death but it will likely be quick a relu responds nonchalantly i have no more questions and it's finally time to end all this stop the womb may be killing our souls but we can find a way to solve this without bloodshed asking me to stop is like asking the river not to flow or a volcano not to erupt death is not the end i have spent a hundred years trying to prove it and i will not stop now this experiment was unsuccessful but that just means i need to adjust the initial conditions and try again i am still alive i still have time you the current team will have to die but only to surrender the soul you share with my son i will start over this time i will do everything differently i will work with even greater precision i will turn the world upside down if i must i promise all right and we'll go with it maximized and powered that did a very very nice bit of damage and actually we'll go for it again why not excellent oh oh wow she's right in the middle of us interesting ah the skeletal marksman does what the skeletal marksman does but castiglia's right here oh yeah oh yeah i'm a fan sorry i appreciate that all right and then she will put that on oh come on delamere don't do that to me and then you need to just go ahead oh wait no we already have a stop oh we do okay um this is not gonna work but i just want to try it anyway uh she's immune to stagger oh but um her spell resistance was overcome oh that's a nice development all right starting vane he gets uh for oh i forgot to is this a swift action it is there we go look at starting being the one to close it out i never thought that i would be responsible for the creation of my most powerful enemy perception check passed i can see you searcher show yourself i've been waiting for you to get distracted so i can stab you in the back stop listen to me you called me a failed experiment but what if you're wrong i would be overjoyed to discover that i am wrong i tried to hope even though there was no hope left but wait why do you care why are you trying to change my mind i want to know i want to follow the truth no matter where it leads that thirst for truth and knowledge that is so familiar but what makes you think i will listen to your arguments i have gone too far to turn back i must walk the path i have chosen i know you are not as mad or as fixated on your gold as you'd like others to believe or for that matter as you'd like to believe i know that you care for the searcher your ridiculous minion means something to you you were concerned about them says you mumble's a searcher glancing over at his mistress hesitantly you think i'm wrong about you why we are not talking about numbers equations and magical reactions this is about the soul about whether or not you have what i lost remember when you sent the searcher to give me the crossbow loaded with the midnight bolt in canterbury's i knew nothing of your plans yet i already felt instinctively that the weapon was meant to be mine yes i remember i wanted to check to see for certain if it would awaken your instincts i was so full of hope that day arelu runs her hand over her face you came to me disguised as yannion and asked me difficult questions but i know that i answered them correctly the way you had hoped yes i was disguised as janil this was our first conversation face to face i was desperate i needed to know who you were to understand what you were i wanted to find out if there was anything about you i recognized and nowticulous palace you offered me power but i was more interested in discovering the truth you hungered for knowledge you desired the truth more than anything else as you are talking something changes almost imperceptibly in our religious gaze and posture she listens to you more attentively sometimes with a slight frown and at other times with an expression that could almost be mistaken for curiosity when we spoke together in the secret part of your laboratory you asked me quite a few questions it was like you were testing me so did i pass yes i wanted to see if something would stir within you when you met my son's murderer and when you encountered the one who betrayed me but it doesn't matter i asked questions you answered them and i thought i could hear the echoes of the past in your voice number three seems like something the lich would definitely go ahead and say i have reached the heights of my mythic power i am the living embodiment of your plans and aspirations you did not merely accept the power that was given to you you mastered it you passed every trial i i am so proud of you it's true that's enough i i can see now it was naive of me to think i could just revive my son the way he was before his death but there is so much of him in you so much of me i can't think of you as anything but my child i have wandered in the dark for so long but now i finally see clearly i know how my path must end the wound still erodes your soul as it does mine let me put an end to my creation let me step into the flames and perish so that i can heal you i'm sure there's another answer just hear me out if we work together we might be able to find another way to close the wound by the way the lich is doing this not because he feels the same uh family attachment that a relu feels but because he understands he has this power because of her and therefore she might be the key to unlocking more power or at the very least she would be a very very useful ally that would probably be more loyal to him than some of the other living allies he might grow to have and therefore he sees it at to his advantage to go ahead and secure this alliance all these years i've been playing a game with mortals and forces beyond mortal comprehension but now i am a pawn in your game i do not know your next move i can't even imagine what plan you have in mind so explain it to me one step at a time i have deciphered your notes in the lexicon of paradox and know that this mythic power is supposed to protect both of us from death but the power has its limits do you think we've already reached them i see i was right to leave the lexicon in a place where you could find it yes that is correct we've reached the limits of our power i did so long ago and you've realized your full potential only recently mythic power cannot be made any stronger at least i have not been able to do so successfully that means we are now living on borrowed time counting down the days until we die from the womb's influence we received our mythic power from the injured crystals but the crystals mined in the depths of the midnight isles are not the only ones that exist the freshly shed blood of a demon lord wounded by a midnight boat will also form into a crystal have you tried extracting mythic power from the crystals created in that way no i have not i haven't had the chance it was in cannabis that i had my first chance to test the improved version of the midnight popes against the demon lord discari the crystal dagger you found in canaabrus was the first mahindrian crystal that was procured in such a fashion i gather that you know more about them than i do i've studied the notes and papers that i found hidden in the secret part of your laboratory you believe that the war wound works both ways that has the same impact on the adjacent areas of the abyss as it does on the lands of galorian yes i am sure that is the case i have evidence from my experiments the wound affects the material plane poisoning it with the corruption of the abyss but it also affects the abyss bringing in a small amount of order and harmony from the material plane the only reason it is not as apparent in the abyss is the presence of the demon lords they hold near infinite power over their realms and their existence staves off the wounds influence the sword of valor changed when it came to contact with me and i believe that's a sign the same relic changed under ioma day's influence when she was on the path to godhood it's as if the sword could foresee her ascension yes indeed the sword of valor was ioma day's banner before she passed the test of the star stone and ascended to heaven i've never studied the sword of valor perhaps i should have it is a truly fascinating artifact and the way it interacts with you is incredible could it have picked up the early signs of your nascent divinity i do not know now let's put it all together it's fair to assume that mythic power has a limit but there is always a way to push the boundaries of what's possible and we have a way to do that through the power of an a hindrance crystal but it can't just be any nahindran crystal it must be a crystal created from the blood of a recently slain demon lord and that demon lords realm needs to be in contact with the world wound it's unpredictable and dangerous but all bold plans carry risk what you propose might work whoever absorbs the power of a newly killed demon lord will inherit their realm in the abyss if we throw in a connection to the wound we will end up with something unique you will have the power of a demigod and an abyssal realm that changes at your whim yes your plan might work i see no reason we shouldn't at least try but how there are only three demon lords whose realms are tied to the wound baphomet discari and nocticula i doubt we'd be able to carry out a cunning murder of the lady of cunning and murder as for baphomet and iscari after the lessons you've taught them they will never risk another engagement they'll engage in clever maneuvers they'll hide but they won't base you in battle i learned a secret from hebsomer the arch priest of a demon lord can summon their master in a moment of danger and they are bound to appear we could lure out bothament and discari they are bound to appear i didn't know that no wonder demon lords are so careful about choosing arch priests the echo of dascari is dead you are one second to him within the hierarchy that means you are now the arch priestess of discari correct and the locust lord still hasn't deprived me of his favor he should have done that a long long time ago you were second to have samira but now she is dead that makes you the new arch priestess of baphomet yes it is true baphomet outsmarted himself when he granted me power and patronage behind iskari's back both bothament and dascari were killed recently they returned to life but now they are in their mortal forms if we can fight them and kill them again their realms will no longer be under their power and influence and i could summon them no it's still too much of a risk the world wound is more than a rift it has a life of its own to accomplish the plan you have conceived we would need to channel an immense current of power through it all the way to the realms of the demon lords it would be a hundred times more difficult than simply closing the wound i've studied the records kept by the stargazers of polar and i know that there are certain days when the influence of the wound is at its strongest it's remarkable that the worshipers of pollura were able to discern this yes you are correct such days do exist but they occur very rarely only once or twice a century at most today is one such day i made sure to arrive at threshold at precisely the right time i can't run the full calculations right now but i think you're right this is the day when the wound is most malleable we could shape it as easily as a master potter mold soft clay so what are you waiting for summon both a man and discard the time has come for mortals to challenge the lords of the abyss and we will surpass them in every way i have one final question for you do you have a new nahindran crystal in your possession without one this whole plan is doomed unless of course you happen to have a midnight if so we can procure a crystal right now i have a nahindran crystal that was created recently then let us begin i do love interesting challenges discovery lord of the locust host or relu borlesh calls to you as i once called before from within these very walls i am the first of your servants and i summon you come baphomet lord of beasts and labyrinths heed the voice of arilu the witch you accepted me into the ranks of your servants and i summon you now as the first among them come come come come oh curious the gnats have decided to set a trap for me you have spun out your betrayal like an intricate web but it will take more than that to bring down the hunger of the abyss first my failed me and now my chosen mortal favorite does the same arilu do you not see that this alliance with your mortal creation will give you nothing you could have served the greatest of masters yet you chose to be the puppet of your own creation enough baphomet you are wasting your time on words when the time for words has a long pass we shall fight those who have challenged us and obliterate them the story has spoken yo that interaction to me is hilarious every time i see it both of that is is completely delusional and whimpering like a little and the scar is like do you understand what's happening right now they're gonna they're gonna kill us if we don't get our heads in the game shut up bufferman absolutely amazing both of you pose a threat to gelarian and therefore you must die actually no the lich doesn't care about gloria you are stepping stones on my path to greatness you are destined to die you have come far mortal but not far enough to overpower two lords of the abyss you believe yourselves to be our masters you think you will be our doom but you've never been anything more than a source of power we will drain this source to the last drop all right here we go hey lich goes first but let's just not have enough room to actually do anything do we need any healing we do not um oh you know what this is a great time for some teleportation that i think about it let's uh where is teleportation four now three five did i get rid of teleportation no i didn't mean to do that ah crap right when i could really use it oh well um you know what no i'm not satisfied by that don't i have a scroll for that here we go i do mass i assume i can use this i can use this so we shall [Music] get as close as we possibly can i will come from this side why not oh but he's oh and they're not gonna they don't let you um use teleportation here yeah this is not gonna work yeah got dug it all right we'll just have to chill i guess we'll start with discari [Music] except he's coming all the way out around from the other side but whatever oh wow detectives attack me interesting hey delamire take a midnight boat all right and oh yeah put on slayer and this and and there we go there's a crystal okay and yep we'll start with discarding and she will do haze [Music] looks like that was the starting vane i would prefer to have starting in there who's more important yeah i guess we'll do custody all right and then he can charge up over here nope you can't actually um yeah light r is what i prefer on this shield and then he'll come all the way up here excellent start in vain we'll come over here as well do it faster did she get you in the no she's going to have to casting again oh well what the heck where's buffa man oh bother me came right up here okay interesting well uh maximize boom boom pull 288 yep yep okay and this will go this way and do it again oh yeah that did very nice very very nice very good work this oh you're all the way over there um here [Music] oh what happened night what did nightmare do oh well um she can go ahead and try to take out the scary [Music] excellent caster clear you're gonna have to take a hit but go ahead and get that at before the patch at least you had to loot these crystals during the fight it wouldn't automatically loop them once you finished it i don't know if that's been changed though and i don't want to take a chance so we're just gonna go ahead and do it here all right she's gonna cast ace again to make absolutely sure that she's getting everybody all right now char uh we already got a crystal from i should have had dellamera shoot uh baffle man i didn't even think about that but we'll go after discari excellent excellent excellent yep and now starting vain oh you weren't close enough to do a full attack okay unholy blight okay um can't do anything with discard because we haven't gotten a crystal from them yet so i guess we'll focus on bathroom um i'm sorry can't do anything with bafflement because we haven't gotten crystal from them so we'll focus on piscari that's one and we'll go ahead and quicken another empire one all right he's down for the count [Music] and a relu does her thing that's cool all right now do we should have done last time put this on him he does that and then get this crystal by the bufferman and there goes another one excellent uh delamare i cannot take a chance that you are going to um uh kill but kill uh buffalo you know what you'll come over and get this get this crystal there we go six crystals and you can go ahead and put slayer on bufferman and there we go now do you get you don't get six and you can't charge them can you nope so we'll just have to settle for one all right not bad huh uh you'll just do a little shot it's fine yeah yeah yeah i never did figure out how to make you um a better combatant but we're not worried about it now oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah let's do it the temporary deaths of the abyssal lords were nothing compared to this final defeat the last moments of dascario and baphomet seem to shake the world around you a surge of power causes the ground to quake and the chasm leading to the abyssal realm creaks and groans it is done the road to greatness lies ahead all that remains is for you to use a crystal i authorized some studies to be conducted on the nehemian crystals the research showed that newly created enhancing crystals can interact with one another if you have five of them you can merge them together into one immensely powerful crystal what do you think would happen if i used a crystal like that i can only guess the regular crystals allowed you to impart some of your power to your followers those whose souls were closely tied to yours it is likely that an improved crystal would let you endow your companions with a small amount of the demigod-like power you are about to receive i've managed to acquire six crystals i will share them with my companions and give the last one to you a relu all of us will venture to eternity together so like i said before he sees her as a particularly valuable ally and even though he's given her this power the lynch feels very confident that if she turns on him he will absolutely be able to destroy her so no concern whatsoever about this decision ascend together and live without fear of gods or demons exploring the infinite world you truly want this i can't believe it but i will grant you your wish with a wave of her hand a relu makes a string of nahindran crystals levitate before her another gesture and several of them burst into a swirling whirlwind of pure power their essence merge into a single vortex that flows toward you into you infusing you with power for just a moment you feel as though you are something more than what you are you are no longer a single person you are the rift between the worlds you are the order of the material plane and the chaos of the abyss you are the beginning and the end of a century-long tangle of destinies and great deeds you are power but you are more than just power all right ladies and gentlemen i've actually never seen these slides before so this should be very very interesting life and death destiny and great deeds answers to mysteries the search for one's true path the mind can comprehend all of these and then such concepts can be written down as a sequence of formulas a series of lines a chain of thought still a moment always comes when it is time to wrap up to reach a conclusion to put a period at the end of the last sentence on the day of the great battle at the threshold fortress a new name joined the divine pantheon of golorian contrary to the laws of creation and the limitations imposed upon mortal kind the individual once known as the commander the fifth crusade attained greatness power and immortality this new power was likewise assumed by both the commander's loyal companions and the writer of these words we all received might comparable to that of the heralds of demigods like blots of rust the abyss was disfigured by the growing borders of the land of death and decay as the former realms of baatham and discari became the commander's realm the commander's story became legend one that was spread far and wide in the songs of bards the tale fell upon the ears of many those eager to convert to the new faith and those who nursed ambitions of replicating the commander's achievement it is no exaggeration then to declare that the commander's ascension on that day changed the world forevermore the former lands of the world wound became a realm of death the dark towers of dresden entice many who yearned for taste of forbidden knowledge undead legion safeguarded the necromancers who spat on for erasmus taboo as they delved into the mysteries of death each of them sought to follow in the commander's footsteps to throw out the chains of mortality and find eternal undeath the memory of tar bafan and his deeds faded and the shadow of a new far more terrifying evil fell upon avaston when the commander butchered the defying crusaders in dresden it did not go unnoticed the knights of azim called upon every galarian nation to join them in a shining crusade against the new threat but few rulers answered the summons memories of that horrific massacre were still too fresh in their minds the short-tempered lynch zakarus did not depart drison as he intended his respect for the commander compelled him to change his plans and the crusade leader's former mentor took on the task of instructing the novices who were flocking to the fortress his training produced a great many talented mages almost as many as he killed for insufficient diligence in their studies as the leader of the crusaders the commander won their loyalty and obedience even in the crusade's darkest hours the commander found ways to restore the army's supply lines his military acumen was beyond question under his leadership the divided poorly trained crusader forces were reforged into an invincible army with the war concluded most of his defenders hastily left dresden what i maxed out military what is the problem ah that's not true okay whatever with the war concluded most of this defenders hastily left dresden the memory of the terrible sacrifices made in the battles for the city were too hard to bear within a century dresden had become a dilapidated insignificant backwater after the battle of threshold queen galfrey vanished some claimed that they had seen her in the waste around his while others told stories about her being held against her will in the dungeons of dresden the wardstones from the chains that once guarded the borders of mendev were carefully disassembled one by one the angels that had been trapped inside returned to heaven to heal their wounded spirits and prepare for new battles against evil the lady in shadow found a way to benefit from the situation by magnanimously accepting the warriors from the destroyed armies of bathumeta discari she significantly bolstered the might of the midnight isles few realized that the commander had effectively foiled nakticula's plans with his decision to keep the passage between the abyss and gallary and open the lady in shadow began preparing her defenses in secret she knew that sooner or later invaders would appear in her realm and it mattered not whether they would be demons or mortals bathamed was too cunning for his own good and died his final death rumors say that upon hearing of baphomet's demise asmodeus permitted himself a satisfied chuckle that shook the halls of hell the demon lord taskari died his final death and his cult pairs with him his followers and demonic minions entered the service of discouraged sire pazuzu whether pazuzu's terrifying rage stemmed from his offspring's demise or from his failure none can tell shortly after the war against the war wound avaston was struck by a series of frightening events a magical storm woven from the four elements obliterated an entire city in varisia then a horrible pestilence came to the lands of the linorm kings and after that irisin reported an outbreak of madness in their lands the lunatics were all repeating the same ominous warning word for word the slaves have forgotten the hand of their master but alderpasch rune lord of wrath has returned to remind them just how firm his grip is having rediscovered his own story the storyteller rejected the goddess's proposal he was celebrated as a great historian and rightfully held the position of dean of the history faculty at the archanemerian the most renowned academy in absalom another 40 years passed before his age caught up with him and it was his turn to appear before the lady of graves camellia's euphoria gaining semi-divine power quickly passed giving way to irritability murder had once filled her with tremulous excitement whereas now brought her nothing but boredom given that she was never in any danger unable to come to terms with her new status she left her best friend and disappeared losing herself among the planes of the multiverse after horgas's death an unknown half of woman laid claim to his fortune she introduced herself as horgas's daughter and presented his will as proof however having received the fortune the young woman transferred into mendez treasury under a single condition she insisted that the name of the gorham family should be forever remembered in mendez chronicles as one of the state's greatest benefactors land's ascension left him perplexed he had intended to die in the war against the demons but instead he was suddenly granted eternal life and he had no idea what to do with it after getting some advice on the commander he made a to-do list go on a sea voyage learn to read and write well and of course defeat a few hundred more demons just for old times sake wendell refused to ascend with the commander she was to walk her path alone for solitude brings strength after the war the huntress left the commander service and having cobbled together a band of ruthless mercenaries out of veteran crusaders went to the river kingdoms to conquer one of them for herself for a handful of years she ruled over a dozen villages until the local lords joined forces to put an end to her reign ascension was a true challenge for ember for years she had rebuked the good gods for doing so little to help mortals but now she finally understood the burden of divinity realizing that even her new powers were not enough to save all who suffered she went to heaven to her grandma the imperial lord and the letter and asked to be her apprentice but she continued to visit the mortal world to aid the defenseless or to convince a villain to change their ways ascension opened up fascinating opportunities for nanio now she could discover if a high priest of iom a day could convert pneumonia barbarians if he happened to be teleported into their midst he couldn't discover how many women in absalom screamed at the sight of a dead mouse on their pillow approximately 34 percent and see what two armies would do if all their weapons disappeared the night before the battle they would make peace darren orende who would always despise piety in all forms suddenly became an object of worship himself among followers of the rapidly growing church of the commander the count was the most popular associate of the new deity he was the one most often pictured at the commander's side in religious paintings and release possibly because artists found the handsome asamar to be the most appealing subject as for darren himself he solemnly swore never to answer a single prayer and it seems he duly kept his promise walter's japa gladly accepted his semi-divine powers since as he told anyone who would listen he deserved them when he had to he followed his chief everywhere and whenever he had a spare minute he descended ticalorian to steal whatever caught his eye free a random tiefling from prison or hide stolen property in one of his many stashes through alcolaria acquiring incredible power did not change register range in any way he had already been working on a 500-year plan for the fight against chaos and smoothly switched to devising a plan to definitively solve the problem of the abyss even devils respected his assiduousness rachel in return found the discipline in the ranks of hell to be somewhat lacking upon gaming sendai divine powers brayboy lost an interest in the assassin's creed there were too few opponents worthy of this skill he became the patron of mortals who respected and honored the law of the streets the cult known as the backstreet wardens formed under his patronage and consisted of thieves bandits murderers and other dregs of society but they all shared an understanding a code on occasion grabor himself enjoyed a nighttime stroll through the city in the guise of an ordinary mortal just to remind the lowlifes that reputation carries more weight than coin for the longest time the ascended succubus could not bring herself to set foot in illusion she felt as though she would defile it with her presence arusha lay most of the courage to appear before desna only after the god has sent her a prophetic dream no one knows what the former demon discussed with the goddess but after that meeting arushalay would also descend to the material plane where as an unseen angel she would keep watch over mortals helping those who had gone astray to find redemption and what of me the writer of these words the half-demon witch known as the architect of the world wound i gained more than i could have hoped i achieved my purpose i've vanquished death untold might and all eternity lie ahead how should i spend that eternity i have not yet decided but i know from experience i know that every moment is priceless if it is spent with the one who matters most to you i have recounted the story of my life for you for asthma lady of graves not only of my life but of the commanders also i believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would pique even a goddess's curiosity i have come here to say that he and i are no longer in your power this is the last most significant result of my transformation experiment he is no longer within my power this is true divinity has given him the right to decide his own fate but you you entered my boneyard to bring me these tidings and it is within my power to unmake you destroy you and erase you from the cosmos i wonder did he anticipate such an outcome did he purposefully choose you to be his emissary and this is why i wanted six crystals so if we just had five crystals this conversation will go the way it usually does but because we have six crystals we get to be a lich a master of the undead who does a direct intervention with ferasma i don't know what happens here but i'm hoping it's something unique intervene you have no right to decide our fates for asthma i have relayed my message farewell lady of graves we will not meet again their combined power has grown immensely enough to almost rival my own so be it ah how does she not feel disrespected at this lit defiling her homeworld oh well i only get so much in one playthrough and that ladies and gentlemen is officially the end again thank you so much for everyone who went down this road with me this is the first playthrough full playthrough really that i've ever done on the channel had a lot of fun learned a lot i appreciate all the feedback on what i could do better with the next playthrough and i hope you all will join me for mass effect 2. hope all of you enjoyed this video if you did please leave me a like down below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 2,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cruoromancer, dhampir lich, dhampir pathfinder, lich build, lich mythic, lich mythic path, lich pathfinder build, pathfinder, pathfinder full playthrough, pathfinder neutral evil, pathfinder playthrough, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wotr playthrough, wrath of the righteous mythic path, threshold pathfinder, threshold wotr, areelu vorlesh, areelu vorlesh fight, ascension ending wrath of the righteous, ascension ending pathfinder, ascension ending wotr, LICH ASCENSION
Id: zBYspxT-BnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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