*Liar Liar* is Funny Funny!

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everyone and welcome back to the channel I'm watching another movie today this is liar liar so this is a Jim Carrey movie I have actually only seen Dumb and Dumber The Truman Show and The Mask which I'm pretty sure I saw as a kid but honestly I don't really remember it but I I definitely saw it as a kid at one point in my childhood and I also really liked him in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind but that was definitely not a comedic role for him that was a more serious role but I thought he did great in that movie but apparently there is a ton of other Jim Carrey movies that I have not seen I was actually just talking about this with Anthony we were like going through all these movies and he was like have you seen this and I was like no music have you seen this and I was like no so I haven't seen this one I haven't seen Ace Ventura and I haven't seen the cable guy so maybe those can be ones I watch next as well I'm kind of coming to the realization that there is so many movies I have not seen that I probably should have by this point in my life I don't know what happened I didn't watch a lot of movies growing up I'm I mean I watched you know movies but I guess I just didn't watch the amount that most people do I don't know but you know what we're catching up now and that's what matters foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a liar where's the shooting ghost card intoxic player okay hey Fletcher how's it going there Justin oh so he's the dad oh yeah it's becoming a clock that's like Jim Carrey his humor well they would never hurt you Fletcher you're their lawyer oh that was below the belt try to keep the gloves up Mom dad's taking me to see wrestling so I'm assuming they're divorced or separated that's your pleasure to see you hi honey oh wow that's awkward deleted oh you're an angel boxes yeah remember I told you a few weeks ago Jerry's moving to Boston on Friday all right the job the thing but is she gonna try to move too boxes are in my car oh those can wait I made this young man a promise didn't I got time to throw a few yeah come on then he's probably gonna feel weird about that I'm sorry I hated him a lot less than your other boyfriends wasn't serious was it oh my God am I serious yes you guys aren't you know what is that supposed to mean I've been dating him for seven months what do you think really oh almost opened up to being married to me you'd have no more strength left oh my god when we were married I wasn't having sex nearly as often as you were oh my gosh I will represent Mrs Cole aggressively and ethically but Miranda I won't lie oh then we'll just have to find someone who knew oh and they're gonna find him you know it seems like he's kind of telling little like little lies oh I mean that's that's a thing nowadays right well he said it would accent my facial features well that's what it does she looks like Cynthia from Rugrats wow I am sure that your Daddy has got you something wonderful yeah yeah you bet no no doesn't look like he's got something maybe you can send a fax to one of your girlfriends damn it a complete forgot oh it was surprised oh wow oh but that's sad though that she had to do it and he didn't do it for his own son Mr McKinley phone to confirm your meeting tomorrow strep throat no sometimes Oh see it's he keeps kind of like coming up with these little things that why it's called liar liar he's having a lot of little lying moments lately the whole time oh and he's supposed to be with the sun because he's working no poor kid three times action yeah yeah I knew it but is she ready for that I know I'm moving I'm moving on with me oh let's see I thought about this earlier turn the beer keg cancel dancing girl oh my gosh I don't know what I'm gonna do you don't even know what that means kid you shouldn't at least just open it stop but weren't they supposed to go to the game right after your party tonight we'll do it you and me well hopefully you stick to it no aside from like the Workaholics workaholism is that what you call it the workaholic aspect he seems like he'd be a really fun dad with his humor but he just you know constantly working constantly you know making promises he can't keep hey great gift Dad thanks son I'm so glad my gift could bring those two together I plan to phase myself out is almost complete some things come up and we need to oh and now he's she's gonna tell him oh that is an awkward situation out of here Jerry enjoy my wife oh my gosh well I did offer to give him joint custody of the kids he is after all a wonderful father and how does he repay you by dragging you through a painful litigation process oh gosh the way he spun this you know what you're right Mr Reed I am tired of getting kicked around good for you oh and this is why they chose him for the case grateful journey I can oh my gosh and this is why you had seven indiscretions oh how to make a partner right now oh no oh my oh my gosh what the heck have you uh have you thought about you know what we talked to have uh yeah oh she didn't give an answer lecture Fletcher where are you we're waiting for you Maxwell and Cut the Cake until you get here um oh my gosh and he's doing this oh sorry but I just I just can't make it the boss is that's so messed up dude you're riding me oh my God your own son's birthday I I'll make it up to him I promise I'll pick him up from school tomorrow okay it's always something it's always something else yeah happy birthday dear but you know what though the other guy he's not his father like his biological father but he's there for him I know but he he promises that he's gonna see you tomorrow okay oh and he always promises right and it doesn't always doesn't always deliver and kids don't really understand not that there's really much to understand anyway I mean he is he's promising and then not being there and not really even for good reasons either like you could have done it later one day Dad couldn't tell a lie oh wow is it gonna come true for one day it's probably gonna come true right incredible messed up messed up you missed your son's birthday I've had better [Music] oh my gosh oh I didn't expect that so is this the day you can't tell his lie or can't tell a lie but he's been real nice well that's because you have big jugs I mean your boobs are huge I mean oh my I'm gonna squeeze them just stop talking mama oh my gosh oh and he's in oh my gosh he's in court oh and he can't lie or at least even like stretch the truth you know to fit and you Mr Green I'm a little upset about a bad sexual episode I had last night oh my gosh oh no I realize that's your honor but I would really really really like a continuance I have to hear good calls Council what's the problem what are you gonna say you can't make up an excuse like with your mom is there any chance of settlement in this case I don't think so your honor my client is already offered Mrs Cole 2.4 million dollars but Mr a lot of money for cheating on him seven times knew we have a settlement no no no how did your hair do that Tyler commence 130 Sharp better pull it together oh no can't you just not speak just close your mouth do you have to talk [Music] it's like the pen is possessed or something [Music] oh it's like it's a mind of its own ex-wife called she wants you when you're coming to pick up your son oh I'm such a oh hey well you know what maybe this will be good for you in the long run right and how is that now I'm telling the truth no well what were you doing sex oh no oh no with someone very special no see that's a thing I don't even like her but she's a partner and I thought I could help my career by making her squeal oh oh I wish that's just one day Dad could tell a lie that's so sad this kid well something else is about to happen to you Fletcher Max and I are moving to Boston what Jerry has asked me to marry him and Max and I are going over this weekend to look at some house and he's gonna say how he really feels which Lane's without signaling while running a red light and speeding is that all no I have unpaid parking tickets oh oh no I can't tell you how much this means to me I can 1 654. how do you sleep at night I mean you didn't pay your tickets and you clearly make money no I divorced you because I was mad Audrey wait I want to talk about this really what do you want to say is this guy right for you I mean he just so not me yes that's one of his best qualities maybe that's what she was looking for I don't care that's the magic of divorce but it matters to Max everything you do matters to Max and everything you don't all right now let me tell you something I'm a bad father oh he up and said Pottery starting out with me wow this is like the sincerest moment he's had this is the mother of all promises what time six ten to six all right well let's hope that you're actually there that book on his face that heartbreaking look if I don't show up I'll pack you myself I will lovingly now I'm nervous that something's gonna happen and he's not gonna be able to show up one day his father couldn't help and that's what happened to you did that make me go blind not in a million years we'll get stuck that way in fact some people make a good living now I'm still like him right beautiful you're glowing I thought I told mommy she looked like a cow would have hurt her feelings you understand my teacher tells me real Beauties on the inside it's just something ugly people say oh no I didn't I don't think it's gonna work [Music] you couldn't just test by trying to say oh this is a blue hat you didn't have to go up to somebody I have to lie everybody lies mommy lies even the wonderful Jerry lies but you're the only one that makes me feel bad oh oh gosh what it's skull he knocked over another ATM this time at night point he needs your illegal advice what are you gonna say stop breaking the Lord you know what that's good advice that's true or did you just not want to Pony up the dough [Music] oh Greta I'll give you the raise here's your raise [Music] soon my friend and because of guys like you he won six thousand dollars is that Justice no I'd have got him 10. oh really how delightful this way pardon me for interrupting your meeting oh no and she's gonna have him say it all what do you think of him oh no oh no he's a pedantic pontificating pretentious bastard a belligerent old fart a worthless steaming pile of cow dung oh no so embarrassing so awkward is he gonna laugh oh he left he left well okay that's good right challenge is all I've been out of the game years maybe because they're all lawyers these are his people you met her at the Christmas parties she's the one that gets all bastard cause I'm a he's gonna go too far at some point he's gonna go too too far oh well degenerate oh I guess he did not go too far [Applause] we'll see you later dick head oh my gosh well that went well under the terms of the prenuptial agreement if Mrs Cole commits adultery she is entitled to nothing with your permission we'd like to play the following tape recording oh oh you're a win well Mr Reed you may proceed well to Win It by telling you okay somebody take a little break okay are we oh like he's gonna hit but then what are you gonna say happened [Music] on the toilet I hate toilets what the hell are you doing kicking my ass oh I found him like this in the bathroom your honor somebody beat the hell out of him who did this the madman your honor A desperate fool at the end of his pitiful Road he didn't lie oh no he asked him yes we'll take a short recess so that you can compose yourself and then we'll get started [Music] I feel like that was somebody actually got beat up in the bathroom during the case or during the court Mr Falk do you know my client Samantha Cole yes isn't it true that your relationship with my client is entirely platonic I object your honor uh oh would I be accurate if I described your relationship with Mrs Cole as totally professional I object your other whoa whoa badgering the witness that's his witness you stopped her like a Thanksgiving turkey [Applause] I want my money I am not going to end up as 31 year old divorce say on welfare because my scumbag attorney had a sudden attack of conscience oh is he gonna find some loophole now let's see wait 105. yeah in your bra you're honor object you would I changed it so I could get married [Applause] who's gonna come around and somehow win the case and in the great state of California no Miner can enter into any legal contract without parental consent including oh my goodness he did it I can't believe that standard community property applies and she is entitled half of the marital assets or 11.395 million dollars Jordan pays back swoosh wow that is crazy in light of this new evidence the court must rule in favor of Mrs Cole She is hereby awarded half oh my gosh that's crazy what what I get sole custody of the kids that's another 10 grand in child support payments oh it's all about money for you I'm the victim here you said it yourself and I'm gonna get him where it hurts that's messed up to use your kids like that he was he was hell so that's important are you not going to want to do this anymore like be this kind of lawyer oh my gosh foreign [Music] they're not just yours you pay come on oh my gosh well you should not get full custody you just showed it in front of everybody in the court I love children they give you so much leverage in a case like this you did it incredible job partner wow but it's not what you want after all is it you three and I'll hold you in contempt I hold myself in contempt why should you be any different Heather take him away oh he's really going to contempt all right oh no he's gonna miss oh he's gonna miss his son get up oh and he's gonna oh again Mr Reed you made bail oh she did it have you been sexually molested yet because I could Circle the block oh my gosh Greta that was messed up Greta oh man I gotta get my car Audrey's on her way to the airport I'm gonna lose Max forever I can't let that happen I love him how is she able to just up and move just like in the day wouldn't you have to you know plan it out pack and everything hey he's giving money take everything he is a changed man it's not gonna make you happy no there you are hi just in time oh this is the happiest moment of my entire life oh well with me oh you do not feel the same way you should not be moving to live with him oh watch yourself it's the call oh he's doing the club but it's not gonna be the same people you're scared of the claw you can't do the claw like his dad number 123 but you'll never make it but it's already bought it takes more than a half hour to get through security oh oh do you like anything to drink before take off yes anything with alcohol please oh Audrey you're stressed you shouldn't be going to Boston Audrey foreign [Music] oh that's the plane what are you gonna do oh [Music] he's gonna be driving with it isn't he on the stairs why do those stairs look like they'd be fun to drive oh this seems so dangerous I love you oh thank you oh she said thank you sorry it's just too fast it was too fast wasn't it no it's it's chemistry whatever it is we can work on it no no no he seems like a nice guy too but it just it wasn't gonna work it's literally him no oh what are you gonna do talk to the pilot what was here look like a shoe pull over one nine some idiot is high-tech the flight of stairs we're gonna stop this plane [Music] oh well you need to stop the stairs no no okay well the luggage broke his fall [Applause] look at his face I'm getting kind of upset are you all right yeah I'm hurting here though no and he did all this for you Max not today yeah cause he can't lie I made a wish nothing that says he has to be the truth relax at 850 . um but you didn't lie right now I on the other hand do have to hospital around that's an open-ended ticket if you ever change your mind you know Jerry is kind of a real one this whole time [Music] like he overcompensated a little bit but I don't think it was with ill intention like I said he seemed like he was a good guy happy birthday what's your wish gonna be this year and your dad was here for your birthday dad oh oh was it for them to get back together relax did you wish for your mom and I to get back together again no oh so it just happened naturally I loved him but I have this horrible pain in my arm oh the claw [Music] oh well that was a cute little ending or he's heading to work oh oh wait these are bloopers oh it's bloopers oh I didn't expect that foreign [Laughter] I bet they had a fun time with him on set filming [Music] Goodbye Mr reach no wait I ended up literally watch oh why oh my gosh like how could they keep a straight face while he was doing all this in your bra you're on a high object you would oh [Laughter] I just got it overactor I totally didn't even get it overactor that's hilarious oh my gosh that was fun I really like this movie it was fun it had a good message it had a heart too it was funny and I just had a really good time watching this movie and I enjoyed it a lot I like kind of like the family aspect too the like the father-son aspect and then him growing as a person as well but it was in such a comedic way and Jim Carrey just has this way of just being so like boisterous with his movements I guess but that's so him you know like that's his comedic style and it just works so well like he does it so well like there's not many people who can pull off what he does in the way he does it and still just like sell it and just make it such a natural part of his acting and his comedy it's just really really impressive to watch Jim Carrey act I'm definitely looking forward to watching Ace Ventura now and then probably some of his other ones too I did I guess I just didn't realize because it had been so long since I'd seen any of his other movies I just forgot how fun they were and like especially these types here so I'm definitely looking forward to watching more alright well thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Dos Cavazos
Views: 60,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liar liar, jim carrey, liar liar clip, liar liar firs, liar liar first time reaction, liar liar first time watching, liar liar first court scene, movie reaction, comedy, comedy movie reation, first time watching reaction, first time watching reaction movie, movie commentary channels, movie commentary, movie commentary reaction, movie review, movie review channels, jim carrey comedy, first time watching, reaction, review, movie reaction first time, movie recap, movie, react
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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