I Was NOT Prepared for *Me, Myself & Irene*

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everyone and welcome back to the channel I'm  going to be doing another solo movie reaction   today and this is for Me Myself and Irene so for  the longest time I literally thought this movie   was the same as There's Something About Mary the  one with Cameron Diaz I literally thought this was   that movie and I just found out this is indeed a  completely different movie and one I have never   seen before I have seen something about Mary I  have not seen this one I know this is one of if   not the only or one of the very few R-rated movies  that Jim Carrey was actually ever in and from what   I understand this is more of a raunchier comedy  I don't know if it's like a raunchy comedy but I   think it's definitely more like it's it's more up  there than some of the other ones especially the   other ones that I have seen so far so we'll see  what that fully entails is it weird that I cannot   imagine Jim Carrey in an actual raunchy comedy I  don't know about that one but I do love Jim Carrey   I love his humor I feel like he steals the show  every time he's on screen and I cannot wait to see   him in this one Me Myself and Irene I also know  Renee Zellweger is here which I actually really   like Bridget Jones diary and I love her in that  so I'm excited to see her in this one too foreign of the greatest law enforcement agency in  the land the Rhode Island state police wow   Layla just like the melody Charlie they're wearing  shirts of each other his mustache it was presided   over by father Ken gumbert half of the Rhode  Island state police force was in attendance see   this already feels like a very different movie  you know like he's not going as all out in the   comedy at least not yet but I'm digging it like  just like I said I loved him in Eternal Sunshine   to the Spotless Mind which is a serious role so  I like seeing his range of acting because he's a   really great actor all around not just for comedy  excuse me do you people take checks say that again   would you say you people I tell you what I'll  make it real easy for you why don't you just   pay me in Cotton oh my gosh no come on now settle  down this cat don't believe I know how to catch   a check ain't that bottle [ __ ] Charlie I  don't want to ever hear you use the n-word   in this house oh my goodness rolling racist oh  so it's a little people thing now oh no oh no   just push me around well come on my friend  let's book it no oh he's ready to throw down hey look at him they're both hitting each  other I just don't have a patient for   people who judge books by their  company I mean who does he think   he's talking to I'm a tenure Professor  molecular genetics all that brown and   I'm head of the Boston chapter of me you  are then why are you working at this job oh wait why is she even the face Charlie  thought life couldn't get any sweeter oh my [Applause] work Wow Wow on their wedding day  too is when they met how awful [Applause] there's another one and  y'all didn't know how do we not know   this we didn't do an ultrasound or nothing  so much oh and so he went on wait triplets   wow dang my great grandmother's  half Italian half Italian   oh but he loved them and raised them anyway and to  think this all started on a big misunderstanding   actually you know what no because the wife  did it anyway probably she would have done   it anyway I love her like no other but part of  me suspects that she may be having an affair   you suspect you haven't confirmed you just have  it fully confirmed hey you eventually Charlie's   worst fears were realized oh no sorry Charlie  why are you okay I'll wear each other's shirts do this I found my soul mate honey you found   your soulmate like years ago I  thought it was your soul mate come on legs oh my gosh freaking  Shantae Mr Steal Your Girl oh my gosh this girl you know  what you're better off without her it's funny how a man reacts oh  she left her kids oh my goodness wait are you just leaving them here by  themselves so they don't have like a babysitter this movie feels so different but I'm already  really liking it but not his first wife oh   not her but all the other aspects of  it oh my gosh they're making a plane well maybe you should have left them  with a babysitter not by themselves the years passed he just was like  let it slide they came into their own [Music]   Ed Holly well that's annoying pick up your dog's  poop but the wife's got it in the [ __ ] wow   so people really don't really respect him well  could you much at least this guy when she's done stop being a pushover stop being a pushover  that's his problem probably hindenburg's huh   a lot of humanity come on guys take it  easy she's a mom oh he's just so nice your car is gonna have to be moved yeah  sure see nobody takes him seriously   wow he really does not get any respect all  right all right I lost the law he's not gonna   do anything I'll get up behind the grocery store  oh my gosh don't do it Charlie yeah no what what   I'm sorry first of all go get a shovel throw the  poop onto the other person's yard throw the keys   back stop taking this dangerous you want to move  it up onto the sidewalk away from the traffic   my dad says you're says you're a joke and  I don't have to listen to you oh my gosh   that's sad I'm an officer of the  law and uh by All rights I could uh   you should oh my gosh mind if I get ahead  of you I'm in a wicked Rush is that okay oh   oh my gosh everybody literally everybody  I'm getting annoyed for him Stay With Me he's gonna snap he is going to SN  something's gonna happen to him   okay here we're going we're getting some of Jim  Carrey Jim Carrey's moment is coming out I can   tell by the face I know it's happening something's  happening there's no take on this price check on   veggie clean aisle five you're acting like a  different person what the heck what happened we're down here with a philanth Fallopian fungus  oh my God I love the bread and I think it's   something he like is a new another  person is it like another personality spicy dang well you know what you  push people to their what is going okay you know I was just thinking  like a Stern talking to I don't   know about waterboarding a literal child oh  my goodness okay Hank so it is like another   personality then isn't oh gosh the mother  the freaking mother leave the mom alone [Music]   oh my God [Music] why are you just letting that happen I'm like  hello oh no not the milk mustache [Music] I parked it for you by the way okay this movie  went from zero to 100 real fast oh my goodness   oh he's gonna I mean I just said to scoop it over but he's  actually going oh that looks like ice cream oh it   is ice cream doctors have diagnosed you as having  a split personality that's good so that's not   what a schizo is right who's that today oh Renee  Zellweger shouldn't even be a stitch to be the   District of Rhode Island whatever you said can you  take these goddamn things off please is she Irene   there's an Irene and I know it's not the ex-wife  oh her name is Waters Irene Pete Irene well I   think I might remember that that is ridiculous  I've never been in an accident not in my whole   life no don't tell me you have another personality  too I have one of our Troopers escort you   it's gonna be him it's over Dicky it's over so  please just stop messing with me that means she's   probably gonna be single right so are they gonna  have a thing her and hopefully Charlie hopefully   not Hanks well I don't know about that we're  growing up now I mean at least two [ __ ] can   do the shopping I'll do the cooking man you do the  cooking man you the one who thought you got [ __ ]   beat from a toofy blow job man you know Junior  down under a goddamn 400 pounds do they cut so   much because of the shows they used to watch  all together I think I just put that together they're going on a motorcycle they couldn't  take a car that seems impractical well I mean   that he's become a pretty big liability I  have to let him go oh no so you made him   go do another job and then what if he messed  up on this job that doesn't make any sense   well that looks kind of nice it's like a  nice peaceful motorcycle ride oh that gross   hahaha see there's like bits of his of his his  true humor his signature style thrown in there   but I do like kind of the different tone here  too oh a cow we're gonna be able to move her   but we should try um really yeah I feel like you  should have just called somebody right probably   just called somebody push as hard as you can okay  oh it's gonna oh it's alive it's freaking alive oh   it ain't always easy doing Mother Nature's  work what what wait how did that not work what oh my God oh my God this is wild oh yeah its mouth is open can they not breathe through their mouths oh  it's just this stupid thing I have to take   a pill every six hours or I feel funny he's  gonna miss his pill at some point I will if   there's anything at all like I literally hear Jim  Carrey in the background oh my gosh there he goes drink water it's right behind you oh now he's good a lot of spiders good luck  I hope everything works out great for you   well this can't be the end right they're gonna  still see each other somehow somewhere it's Me   Myself and Irene obviously me probably Charlie  myself probably Hank and Irene whoa what the heck   is this from the ex-boyfriends  I don't know organization they're coming for Irene she go out the  window ah Irene where are we paying to the   oh she pretended well that was smart whoa  what the heck you guys are a mug shot oh [Applause] that's really awkward he has those guys in his back  what that's why I came to you   oh hey serious [ __ ] even  like the Rhode Island police yeah his medicine oh yeah Peter's Not Gonna Take It he's  gonna be Hank Hanks coming out and   we're along the line they can just get  this idea that the cops are the bad guys okay that's gonna make Hank come out every  time I say Hank I think I'm breaking bad   why the hell would you run back to  this oh it's happening it's happening why do I feel like she's gonna like Hank  this is like feels like a rom-com but like   she's probably gonna like Hank cigarettes get  in the car it's not a car it's a motorcycle   oh wait oh the actual car oh never mind my bad how can people do that can you  all do that wait let me try it   I can't do it the big games on  the line he's busy riding the pain hey wait wait can you just she's gonna  like Hank because he has like Bad Boy   energy and obviously she was with Dickie  before I try this mess I'll cut you into   the maze Hank brings the spice Charlie  brings the safety Charlie is a schizo it's good so wrong like am I wrong in  saying that like I feel like this is a   different disorder this is like more like did  even though the way they explained it was kind   of weird and probably not very medically  accurate but you know what I mean okay   sound good candy pants candy pants man  how the hell can they carpool what planet are y'all in high school or college so how  old are we oh man in them goddamn Pentagon   Falls man ding he can hack into the Pentagon  you need to do your goddamn stuck in if he can   hack into the Pentagon he does not need to be  studying [ __ ] you'd be lucky to get accepted   to do getting the 14 30 on your sat [ __ ] you  know I had the flu I like the brothers dynamic litterer Litter with smugness the worst kind of when I start throwing it around  I could leave one hell of a mess [Music] whoa here he goes but also side note  aren't you not supposed to make a fist like   this because you can break your thumb it's  not a thing like it's supposed to be out I   don't know any fighters in the comments let  me know wait look at him go hey oh he got   tased oh no also aren't you supposed to be  a cop well maybe Hank doesn't have training   but also Charlie was a pushover so who knows I  thought I was bad you guys some serious problems it did save our lives so I told y'all she likes  Hank she's gonna like them both equally and she's   gonna be conflicted she's gonna accept him for  who he both is find another department tell them   the whole story not smart Charlie we don't know  how far Dickey's reach goes Charlie Loki you need   to find not the department you need to find a  psychiatrist probably I think that would be the   best you have some unresolved issues they're the  ones that almost got me killed in the first place   okay okay not going to the police seems   not very smart in the grand scheme of things  like we couldn't try anything else any other   police like we're just gonna have to deal with  this on our own I mean technically he's a cop but   well he had a point what oh that's it that's all  he got whoa I thought that was a sausage my daddy   ain't Killed Nobody and he's shooting and kidnap  no skinny ass [ __ ] that's some sort of breakdown   that's what we understand look the important thing  is we find him okay you know what I don't want to   hear because y'all knew he had a mental disorder  and you sent him on a job like what where was the   logic where was the logic so he does have  a problem when she don't he'd been taking   pills to get rid of it anyway left his Bill's in  the hotel room that's where he left his sanity   seen it firsthand the guy's nuttier than  squirrel turds one thing I don't you know   I hear I there's a whole lot of blaming a whole  lot of blaming for something that shouldn't have   happened he shouldn't have been set on the job  that's ridiculous especially when he was just   diagnosed and just knew on his medication  why am I getting so like defensive over   Charlie oh my gosh Advanced illusionary  schizophrenia with involuntary narcissism yes he does I'm just gonna lube it up ease  it in there inch by inch oh Hank   Okay you were losing me Hank I liked  you and now I'm going back and forth   wait you didn't care about the other thing you  didn't care at all she was like no I'm talking   about the other thing like you didn't want  to put any thought to the to the first thing wait you left something in there oh what oh my God Hank stop  that stop that right now yeah me too see what did I tell  y'all I told y'all oh my gosh all right Hank I'm telling you  Hank like I start to like you   and then you say some weird crap like that yeah I didn't I said you left something I saw it I  saw it you've left it let me guess everybody   in town told you you're easy on the eyes he  decided to become a supermodel when I got   to the Big Apple they treated you like the worm  so you packed down a few pounds started calling   yourself an actress uh no no none of that's  true definitely not after a while the only brand   less so the ones that you know oh my gosh  you're watching where is this coming from   hanging around the Upper East Side looking for  a rich old man with a bum ticker that's my aim I   never went to New York City she definitely  never had a boob job and then I became a God or online I mean is it not  obvious that that was messed up   dang okay well you have a mental disorder  but we're not making fun of you all right   googly I want to make a fingernail Love tabs  you know those guys better look at my face I just kicked you right see Charlie  is too much of a pushover especially   distort my perceptions to make my  reality more palatable oh like you   only hear what you want to hear thanks I  mean who doesn't sometimes to be honest   what wait okay never mind okay maybe not that  much you're a very special girl Irene look at   you you're just so down to earth I mean look  at your hair it's like you don't give a damn   you know oh natural you just let it hang out  blemishes and all oh no a Charlie Charlie stop I have to say Jim Carrey's acting  in this is like topped here the way   he's able to play two characters super super good well aren't you gonna get there what the heck Charlie turn into Hank bring out Hank honestly  like we need it what is it happening oh my gosh   Charlie Charlie oh you could have probably taken  the ladder in a way right aren't you supposed to   roll like isn't that a thing like if you jump  off something you roll I don't know if that   would work let me ask you something man is your  old lady happy yeah man because if your [ __ ]   is anything like your police work you can hit the  G-Spot on a 12 pound [ __ ] watch yourself whoa Start Me Up Just open the choke oh my gosh what is your problem pal yeah thank you but somebody's a child Hank oh my gosh hey you can't say that to  Children think I presume why don't you   just send Charlie back out here things were  finally becoming civilized you know in a way   Hank is protecting Charlie he goes overboard  but he's protecting him like Jesus in heaven   Johnny Q-tip you're being rude carefully appeal that's it hey hey hold  on there cheese tits did I miss something and defend it yeah hey you need to learn a  little empathy hey mookie were you offended   Anyway by our social interaction here you  yeah actually I was actually I was pretty   much offended by everything that you said are we  gonna have a learning moment is he gonna apologize truly sorry wait are you really maybe he  just doesn't know yet right he's learning   are you okay maybe he doesn't  mean to hurt people's feelings   like spending all those years trapped you  had a wall of politeness oh so he was he was   in there the whole time he just couldn't  come out if you were such a big part of   the personality then she left you too oh hey  wait okay why am I really liking Hank again gosh you know what it is too Hank is able to to process   these emotions whereas Charlie just  blocks them out completely awesome don't say circus geek though but yes  you know the notion's right but don't   say that what are you gonna say don't say anything did he get beat up by who  the guy in the restaurant that happened oh you got plastic you didn't get beat up you  got plastic surgery whoa what do you get on your   chin like a chin implant you're gonna look like  handsome Squidward or the Chad guy you know the   Chad meme how'd you pay for it I loaned them  wait who the hell are you in the group now   it's me milky oh he Embraces being milky yeah  oh if we're gonna be taking you with us we   can't very well be calling you milky what's your  real name but my friends call me Whitey oh Casper so cute and fun [Music] oh what the  heck [Music] oh Hank came out [Music]   oh my gosh Hank Hank you like jumped the gun on that one Charlie what is that oh no what is it is it a bug wait why is there a spider where's that guy why  does it look like a spider that's from like the   jungle why is it here or in the car in Rhode  Island or wherever y'all I don't even know   where they are honestly what uh happened to  your family killed them what I'm sorry what   that's 15 I hacked them up with a hammer while  they were sleeping Mom are you being serious   awake my sis are you okay what's your regret  wow okay all righty then wait I tried to do   Jim Carrey it didn't work he just told me  that he brutally murdered his entire family   go to sleep oh my God he was a juvenile they  just let him out yeah that's insane what the heck why did you take this Halloween no just messing  around the house you seem like a really good dad   Charlie oh he is a good dad he is a very good  dad once we keep that one no Charlie that's   yours you can I have tons of them at home  no no I got a bunch come on you do yeah okay oh oh okay it's like your mouth go get a  soda that's not going to hydrate you properly let's put twice who are even you and  why like why are you laughing like who   even Are you rude for nothing oh Hank's  coming out no no no but that's just it   see just when I was starting to feel those old  familiar feelings I just took a deep breath   counted backwards from ten excuse me sir but your  laughter is not helping me right now whoa I didn't   mean to make fun but is that what actually  happened I feel like that's not what happens hmm oh well oh my God oh my God why did you use the paint of the picture what oh my goodness wow like I was up all night having sex oh my gosh  well it seems old Hank had pulled a fast one   that wasn't bad enough there was more trouble  so that was Hank the whole time oh my gosh well look who joined the  party guys did you have fun so I guess old hanky-panky wasn't  enough for you huh it wasn't for me we'll be right there I got 10 bucks here I can squeeze a chicken egg up  his ass without a break no it can be done yo I'll   take that bet rental no oh my God when we checked  in yes 60 bucks but it's white East yeah well   bad things happen to people who killed  their family with a hammer [Applause]   oh gosh is it gonna have an  egg oh my goodness gracious oh why did they do the chicken I thought we  were just doing the egg don't turn this   around on me okay you're the one  that can't keep your legs closed   Charlie's is getting a little spunk lately  look I don't know the first thing about   running up being a model oh hey got it right  what the heck God I made so many mistakes   you didn't know what Dickey was up to I maybe I  did but I'm not a crook oh are they gonna kiss oh oh whoa okay well that worked gonna chewed  up the greens that badly get away from me   he hasn't played the course in a long  time okay it was Charlie was putting   we never wanted to sleep with you Hank  Okay you treat me it was deceitful just   disgusting and Despicable try to look at it  from my side I was horny what's your sign   don't okay don't be mad my little  [ __ ] fart why would you say that warning me about what what oh it's Charlie  again oh my gosh man you're scaring me come here I'm not through with you Buster I'm not  throwing with you I mean couldn't you just like   stop at a doctor and get prescribed medication  again and take it again he trips himself all right oh my gosh I really love when  Jim Carrey goes all out well   don't talk about your Weasel oh my  goodness gracious don't thrust ers had enough abuse oh it feels gross okay no I can't go oh but Hank's gonna motivate him oh Hank's coming out come on then was he   dang Jesus Jim Carrey like is an amazing  actor to be able to do this wow oh [ __ ]   don't worry about it oh like they're  just symbiotic they're working together oh my gosh why is the door open oh oh what  hey why are we doing this while we're driving yes was that Charlie that was Charlie  she pretty much screwed come on   come on we're doing this wait so Hank was  just ready to just be done with it [Music] go Charlie go whoa did he have like a little breakthrough  breakthrough did he overcome something   oh my gosh wait what happened there  okay we didn't make the jump come on nice and easy that's kidnapping and the salt you know that oh  my God oh wait an arrow what the heck hey why why the Suns see this is why family is  everything listen I just wanted to tell   you that I really appreciate everything  you did for me and I owe you a huge one   and I'm truly sorry that you had to kill again maybe it's time to come off let's see your new  chin hold on this long he's gonna be handsome   Squidward hey Daddy we just wanted to say that you  oh he's the Chad meme literally the Chad meme oh   so is that it what are we doing are  we like dating what's going on here   Queen Bella Health yeah just another well-rounded  individual you back on medication really happy   I hope if you're ever you know oh is that it  we're not gonna keep in touch nothing after   everything Irene everything Rhode Island  seems like a cool place right maybe I   should visit there one day I never really  thought about it before it looks pretty found you sitting on a suitcase so is that it  like she just we're just going our separate   ways like after everything like come on y'all  had chemistry Irene you better turn around like   what you guys are beautiful like why don't  we just skip the trial get right to it you   can lock me up and keep me here forever whoa  whoa whoa wait why is this so romantic and cute   a [ __ ] yo wait what are they in the  [ __ ] oh that was the cutest thing I've   ever seen okay that was hyperbole  obviously but that was so cute oh how cute you know it didn't make sense for  her to just drive away after everything they   had been through no together and lived as one  big happy in their little house their little   cottage guys even that nice albino fell  off Whitey why do you live there too oh oh oh they broke the fourth wall  oh I like that y'all I like that the cow lived okay wow that's surprising  Anthony told me there's an after credit scene so   we're waiting the following actors were  cut from the movie wait is this for real I mean if that's true that was actually  really nice to them to add them in at   the end you know like give them  credit even though they were cut [Music]   gonna be wait but like some of these were like in   some scenes right they were just kind  of like randos like in the background are these just like the okay these are like the  extras some of them weren't cut they were just   witch y'all I wasn't extra in Friday Night  Lights as a child and I was in the bleachers   so you know I'll be accepting my  oscar anytime I think I found it what   okay whoa that fish what the heck false  alarm oh damn buddy wait I don't get it okay so that was Me Myself and Irene definitely  very different from the other Jim Carrey movies   I've seen both of the ace Venturas and also  liar liar I really did enjoy this one though   it definitely had some raunchier elements I  will say like I understand why people call   this a raunchy comedy but also I will say this  is definitely not like the raunchiest comedy   I've ever seen I've seen some pretty raunchy  comedies and like mind you I'm not that big of   a fan of like really raunchy stuff in general  but this one like it did have a good blend of   like wholesomeness surrounding it which I always  enjoy I like that this one did have its moments   that were a little bit more deeper sentimental  like you know kind of just him coming to terms   with his emotions and himself both of his selves  and both of his personalities I did like that   aspect of it that it was deeper than just those  jokes when it comes to Jim Carrey I really do   like seeing him be exuberant his like you know  just his full on self when he goes all out like   in Liar Liar Ace Ventura that kind of acting but  I also really love seeing him be kind of more of   like a like a serious traditional actor if that  makes sense I don't know if that makes sense but   like in this role like he had some moments where  it came out where he just like really went all out   but he had a lot of other moments where he was  just like acting like just like traditionally   acting you know what I mean and I like seeing  him do that because I just feel like it really   does show his range as an actor and I mentioned  it during the movie but I really love the movie   Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and I feel  like he did incredible in that which is a very   serious movie if you haven't seen that go watch  it but that was a very serious movie and he just   did so well in that role so I like seeing him do  roles that are a little bit more serious and not   just so extra so this was a good blend of both and  I really enjoyed it but I mean I always loved Jim   Carrey like I love watching him and all the things  he does he just has a great range and it's really   amazing to see him act and also to be able to  play two characters like that is Talent right   there like to be he was able to there was like  that one scene where he was switching between the   both of them and wow amazing he is such a talented  individual but yeah I really enjoyed this movie   thank you all for everybody who recommended it  down in the comments I've really enjoyed it I   liked it a lot all right well thank you so much  for watching and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dos Cavazos
Views: 77,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jim carrey, rene zellweger, me myself & irene full movie, me myself & irene, me myself & irene trailer, kris meyer, bradley thomas, marc s fischer, clem franek, me myself and irene, me myself and irene reaction, me myself and irene review, me myself and irene renee zellweger, first time watching, jim carrey impressions, jim carrey funny moments, renee zellweger, comedy, comedy reaction, movie reaction, movie commentary channels, movie commentary, movie commentary monday
Id: fSlzvALdg1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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