Why Did I Wait So Long to Watch *Meet the Parents*

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hey everyone and welcome back to the channel  I'm doing another movie reaction today this   is Meet the Parents so I know that this  is one of Ben Stiller's kind of claim to   fame movies one of his earlier ones I  have heard of Meet the Fockers before   I might have seen it as a child like kind of  in passing but I don't know what it's about   nor do I remember anything really about  it at all and I didn't even realize that   it was connected to this movie which  I guess I'm gonna find out how [Music] thank you [Music] not only the person  I love you're also my best friend   and I want to spend the rest of my life with  you are you a nurse my doctor will you marry me   yes oh what do you think that sounds  good no you're rehearsing it no   oh sometimes these catheters can pinch  a little bit Ben Stiller looks so yeah able to say no actually I'm a nurse doctor  will be right in never mind he's a nurse my first   guess was correct okay it's time for our problem  of the week I want you to pick out your problem   that's been bothering you all week is this the  girl he's gonna fall in love with or is already   in love with that he's trying to propose to now  I want you to scare your problems away [Music]   is it all right you guys are great very good I  will see you guys after lunch what does he do oh   he's still practicing I thought maybe you want to  go get a bite to eat or something oh that's very   sweet what a nice surprise her hairstyle the  claw clip is back in back in with a vengeance um nothing I just love you so much these  last 10 months that's cute that he got   them to do it too good honey look your kids  they're trying to tell you something look   oh hold on oh no no no no no no time  for the phone oh what awkward timing   married in two weeks it's a little soon isn't  it just flipper around oh Dad was okay with this   wow that was very thoughtful of him I can't  believe he knew to ask dad's permission oh   yeah oh no so now he didn't ask permission did  he so what like he had to ask his permission or   no I didn't have to Bob just understood that Dad  appreciates that kind of thing you know anyway   Deb said that that's crazy about him maybe like  Bob bought him like the perfect gift that just   won him over so now you're gonna have to do that  too aren't you I got an engagement ring for my   girlfriend in the bag so I can't really open it  here hey foul if it ain't fitting true to frame   you ain't carrying it on the flame wait wait  excuse me don't worry pal hopefully they don't   lose it I feel like they're gonna lose it this  seems like a movie that everything that can go   wrong will go wrong yes oh my gosh isn't that  like everyone's worst nightmares like your bag   doesn't come through we're not living together I  thought you said no oh yeah it seems like they're   gonna be very difficult to please and she's  gonna be like a daddy's little girl and he's   not gonna be good enough for her interesting  color you picking oh no the guy at the counter   why well they say genius is Big Green oh  well that's a good start oh oh never mind   you have a very unique last name how do  you pronounce it oh just like it's spelled   f-o-c-k-e-r so he's focker  what an unfortunate last name you're just one letter away one letter bam I  didn't know you had a cat yeah I left him here   when I moved to Chicago your daddy's found his new  best friend he won't believe it he even taught him   to use the potty like literally use the toilet  I've seen videos of cats using the toilet it   seems actually kind of good right like you don't  have to clean the litter box I had to move all my   potted plants off the floor plus you got another  guy around the house to leave the seat up hmm he can't lift the seat oh I don't like humor which is already suspicious  like who doesn't like humor I don't hate cats   I just happen to be more of a dog lover yeah  yeah well that's okay if you hate cats no I   don't I don't hate cats at all that's okay just be  honest about it oh my gosh oh all right Hey listen   be nice to this one okay kind  of like him okay I'll try oh my goodness I feel like he's not  gonna do the opposite the antithesis   the guy said uh with regular watering  it should bloom in about six months so   well we'll look forward to  that Greg well he doesn't seem like to you it looks like a teddy bear   smile you're a nanny camera oh Nanny camp  oh yeah yeah wait he made that take a look oh my gosh oh where's the other camera right  here in this decorative artifact oh wow now like   everybody has those in their house couldn't this  maybe be construed as illegal you know invasion   of privacy or trust me Greg when you start having  Little Fockers running around you'll understand   the need for this protection oh my gosh why are  you pointing it there I just want you to know how   much Pam means to me the time that we have spent  together has been really incredible but I how come   you don't like cats oh my gosh it all started with  the cats I don't not like cats I I just I just   prefer dogs I mean I'm just  more of a dog kind of you know   it's okay I'm a dog person too nothing  against cats or you need that Assurance do you   prefer an emotionally shallow animal oh how  could you see Greg when you yell at a dog   this tail will go between his legs and cover  his genitals his ears will go down a dog is   very easy to break but that's because they're  sweet sensitive babies who talks bad about dogs   are you a pothead [ __ ] no no what no no  no no no no Jack no I'm I'm not I I pass   on grass all the time oh my gosh so you get  offered it who are you hanging around with what is this Dad into and I bet nobody got the Tom Collins mix [Music] passports huh watch it be like something that's not  actually that serious or something   [ __ ] hey Jack ready to go well been ready yeah  they ran out of college mix but he just saw it you   must have had vegetables fresher than that growing  up on a farm Greg that um Greg grew up in Detroit   oh my gosh oh no the house that we grew up in  was originally erected in the early Dutch Farm   Colonial oh my gosh so that plus we had a lot of  pets this whole like movie is already feeling so   awkward which one did you milk then Dad oh  my gosh honey he said he pumped milk cat oh that's the best thing you came up with you  want to hear a story and there was this one   little runt this little sweet little you know  wanted to get up there and couldn't really get   access to the to the teat oh my gosh this  is the most awkward dinner I've ever seen oh stop doing it stop doing the motion don't  say saucer then took the saucer and fed it to   Geppetto that's what I named him  Geppetto oh my God I had no idea   you could milk a cat oh yeah you  can milk anything with nipples could you milk me [Music]   it's great let me guess Jack is that one of your  little secret cameras too oh is that like an urn great okay oh my gosh so awkward he like can't do  anything right Kevin was Pam's fiancee oh oh my God my God it could have happened  oh no oh no p jinxy no oh my god oh Greg sweetie how you doing oh just fine  considering I desecrated your grandma how   did you not know you had a fiance before that  that's kind of a weird thing that you wouldn't   have shared do we do we have to know everything  about each other's past I mean you know you never   told me about your cat milking days in Motown that  was a long time ago Pam yeah okay well so was that   I mean a former Beyonce it's kind of a big deal  Greg I just want to say don't worry about what oh well that was nice well it was a horrible thing  oh okay maybe not so nice but let's just put all   that behind us and enjoy our weekend together can  you just like sweep it up and put it in another   one well Debbie will be sleeping here tomorrow  so this way you'll have more privacy you'll have   your own bathroom we're just trying not to flush  the toilet okay it's always a little quirky okay   don't flush the toilet what are you supposed to  do but under our roof s my way on the Long Island   Expressway understood oh of course yeah good keep  your snake in its cage for 72 that's so awkward I really love their cat Owen Wilson was a fiance that's  funny how come movies when Owen   Wilson and Ben Stiller in are to get  oh my gosh the cat's using the toilet okay this is just something about him but  yeah Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller and movies   together is like amazing thinks he might  be he said that she said those exact words   you know I didn't tape recorder jacket that's  the impression ah he can hear them geez I just   realized something what Panda's middle  name Martha family [ __ ] oh my God oh what is that secret passageway that  looks too scary to go down I would   not have I would just close that door  and pretend that never existed [Music] oh he has like a secret little  basement room this is whatever he's   doing a little shady little sketchy  is he in the military what the heck were you like a Fed so was the florist thing just like a  front looking for something Greg oh   it's an antique polygraph machine is that what  that is is he gonna do it to him I never saw one   actually up close you know what he's gonna do it  to him the lie detector I don't know where some   of my answers from the polygraph test your dad  just gave me oh no I didn't yeah he did you lie to   him no I mean well he asked me if we were living  together on it oh Greg my father was never in the   rare flower business all right it's just his cover  he was in the CIA for 34 years this makes more   sense and he's obviously still doing stuff out  there it's just weird oh but you're doing fine I oh the dad's gonna find out where are you hi hello that cat has the  most beautiful eyes oh is this a sister hey look who's up all right it must be great  hello that must be awkward to be like the last   person to walk in still in your pajamas  you know Greg's in medicine too Larry oh   really yeah what feeling uh nursing oh  they laughed at him what field nursing hey thank you thanks hey nurses are important too go  take a shower get dressed and come back down get   dressed in what uh borrow some more oh yeah he  has no clothes no I don't come on why not honey   can you not go to like a Target or something you  want me to go and wake up your brother who I never   met and ask if I could have some of his clothes  where's Danny's room stop the stairs turn red I mean I feel like the nice thing  for her to do would have been to   just ask him yourself because he's your  brother and he like doesn't know him and   he's like a guest in this house but  you know it's just me okay whatever has he been here this whole time okay don't just like take his underwear without  talking to him tell anybody I wasn't here   no no they think you're asleep you scare me what you do in your free time like  what you've done with the crib oh little Kim she's fat what fat with  a pH is that what that was oh yes don't worry about the little uh covert op all  right keep it on the low down down low No Doubt   it's funny because he was trying to be hip  but like this is all old slang now to me   hey Daniel let me break your jacket okay whatever wow look at that top hat House of trucks fit what's that oh it's a  sculpture I found in Greg's jacket oh oh you   blamed him isn't a sculpture Danny that's because  you were not being slick enough to put it away   oh my gosh Danny I thought you were gonna be  chill but now you're a snitch and snitches   get stitches even though it's you that you  snitched on yourself you lied you're a liar   then is there something you want to didn't we  have a discussion yesterday in the car about   this oh yes you mean yes you mean me and  Pam yes I would love to talk to you about   it we're not talking about Pam break you  know for someone who's so obsessed with   lying and telling the truth you raised a whole  bunch of liars in your family just say it wow maybe he loses marijuana for medicinal purposes  oh my gosh Kevin is Bob's best man this is his   place Kevin your ex Beyonce oh my gosh I don't  understand how to say no box oh and they're super   cool I was really lucky I was able to salvage  this wood from an old Siemens chaplain Nantucket   I love Owen Wilson so much he's like one of  my favorite actors sun is out the gorilla's   hot and the pool is Luke so if I can interest  you in a swim and a little BBQ just follow me   when I found out Luke Wilson was his brother  my mind was literally blown I had no idea oh my gosh she still has some  pictures that's a red flag [Music]   I'm still not over the fact that  she did not tell him about this   that's a red flag I'm gonna head to the pool  but why don't you show Greg and Pam a gift made a gift great now I just put a Fresh coat  of lacquer on this this morning so bear with me   with the fumes what oh is that like the Archer  [Applause] sweet setup ice man nice one nurse this is what we gotta do we're getting cream people oh Florence Nightingale  over here oh they're taking it so seriously   doing great Danny take the Deep shots okay Greg  nobody's expecting much out of you so if I set   you up with the ball you think you can jump up  and Spike it no no yeah somebody was like no oh my God oh dang you bled that much [Applause]   I mean able was just like a hit in the face  Yep this family is too much they're so extra   Pam help your sister please oh my gosh what you  can totally see how does your nose bleed though I   didn't realize it was that bad thing Top Gun was  a very popular movie when Kevin and I dated all   right that's it hey Iceman I have no problem still  never seen Top Gun do you want to be Maverick is   that what this is this is about can't be Maverick  I feel like I'm getting spoiled can you be good   dies in the end okay I just got swelled on Top Gun dang well that kind of sucks they literally  said Goose dies in the end oh my God not my own Den what are you two doing in here  I'd say rounding second base did you flush this   toilet you know what maybe Jinx flushed it who has  a toilet that you can't flush what's the point of   that might as well just be like a unusable toilet  Jack I told I told you it wasn't me it was Jinx   [ __ ] I'm not gonna tell you again Jinx cannot  flush the toilet he's a cat for Christ's sake it's over by the tree right [Music] no no no oh no oh my gosh why would you keep going [Applause]   heck like are you even gonna propose at this point okay no I know that's what I said I  wanted because that's what I wanted   because it is a black Samsung suitcase  okay is it not your luggage [Music] but it's not gonna be his bag and you're gonna see  something weird and you're gonna think it's his oh what is it what is it oh it's sexual it's something sexual like what in the dominatrix oh my God that could have been like the  worst possible bag you got oh no   this is poor guy it's like literally everything  that could go wrong went wrong for him okay let   me talk to you supervisor I feel like you're not  supposed to let Jinx outside he gets back oh oh   gosh if the cat dies I'm gonna be sad [Music]  oh let it poor little baby Jinx back oh no no no no Jinx [ __ ] Greg did an Ace's med school board  he never even took the goddamn mcats oh oh so he   was doing a lot of lying too though what this poor  boy did on some test scores I bet he doesn't even   have a real Nursing degree a lot of these Hospital  workers are just pill poppers looking for easy   access to loots oh my gosh I mean I'm pretty  sure he probably does have his Nursing degree I mean I talked a lot about the family but there  is no doubt he's been a liar too this movie's a   full of a bunch of liars I don't care what your  information says Dad Greg took the mcats okay did you not get the cat ever you just gave up jinx oh no you didn't put it out [Music] oh my gosh she really made a mess of things  Greg you really really did it this time oh geez   this movie is making me stressed I  can't I can't handle it how come oh dude   I better land on your feet okay they always land on their feet well now  you gotta deal with this fire this is   what happens when you smoke this is kids don't  smoke don't even bake not even once oh oh gosh I feel like at this point you would take  it as a sign like maybe you shouldn't be   marrying into this family like maybe God's trying  to tell you something oh my God [Applause] oh no   wow I would just disappear off the face of  the Earth be like you know what leave a note   and disappear we checked every yard every car  on the street nobody's seen him but he's not   up in any of the trees Jack yeah we checked  all the bedrooms to jinx isn't up here yeah   none of the neighbors have seen him either you  tried to milk him didn't you you six foreign that cat's been like a brother to you  we're supposed to let him wander the   streets without food water or toilet I  mean don't cats come back isn't that a   thing they brought in a Himalayan a little  while ago there he is is that the right one   [ __ ] that's Jinx wait that's it I  mean that looks like the cat right just like him almost except for that tail is he gonna like say it's Jinx anyway [Music]   oh my gosh she's gonna know [Music]  Brad gave us a little scare huh [Music] all right well okay that worked none  but what about real jinx he's just wandering   the street alone honey where is Greg anyway I  was in the restroom yes I tried there I've tried   every shelter in the North Shore okay brown and  black Himalayan oh so he's still looking for jinx   I had to pay a little visit to the urinal Fair yeah great nice work with the cat  today oh thanks Jack so you earned   favor but wait till they find out it's not the cat uh oh the cat's getting into manyas   oh no one's eating nicotine gum what happens  when a cat does that oh my gosh I feel so bad   for the sister like she's just trying to have her  wedding she's not involved I feel like I would go   bridezilla if something like that happened if  several things happened in a row hey Jackie oh my gosh you want to play like a race  [Music] [Applause] [Music]   and he beat him oh [Music] okay honey yeah  just trying to make good time when I used   to have a Mustang in high school a lot  of people would like pull up next to me   and try to race me and I would always be  like why like I'm not doing that [Music]   I still feel like they're gonna get through  this oh he took a back way yes Jack just   turned you were supposed to make that left  at the light oh no you missed the turn where does he think he's going home I feel like there's no point to this little race   because you were still gonna  get there around the same time of the dress oh my gosh the cat did  all that God damn it oh I would be   horrified Hank mcatee called me a couple  of hours ago and told me you found jinxy   took his collar and put it on an imposter then  please tell me that's not true Greg oh my gosh   that's it was just yeah until I could find the  real jinx oh my gosh nothing like that I'm sorry   yeah what are you gonna tell me next  that you said Kevin's altar on fire oh he did that oh my gosh well it wasn't  intentional I was I was chasing Jinx up onto the   roof I had to smoke and I and I think I might have  yeah see that's what happens when you just keep on   lying they catch up with you eventually all I ask  for is honesty oh honesty you want to talk about   truth and honesty Jack okay let's talk a little  truth oh operation custom we talking about that   yeah that's that's weird because I thought there  weren't any secrets inside the circle of trust   Jack oh I'm sorry man but you're dead it's not  retired I still very much in this wow it all comes   out eventually I am planning a secret operation  the day after the wedding a surprise honeymoon   for Deb and Bob you stupid son of a [ __ ] oh what  oh no that guy I was meeting in the parking lot   is Thor Spencer my travel agent he was giving me  their visas oh my gosh oh no wow Thailand thanks   a lot JB that's some so mention it I just oh  my gosh that's so embarrassing thanks Greg well that's really awkward  and cringy and yeah foreign like is that it though or is  he gonna get back with her   Gaylord m focker oh finally I thought  your name was Greg it is that's not what   it says I know it's my legal name nobody's  called me by it since I was in third grade   so that means that the test the test it really was  under his name you just looked at the wrong name it's not a normal name I feel like they have to get back  together because if the next movies   Meet the Fockers unless he finds somebody  else and it's like about somebody else   or it's like his parents oh is the next  movie about his parents that could be cool oh his scores because it was his name oh he didn't  lie about that you know I have a lot of sympathy   for him I know he lied about a lot of things  but he didn't it didn't feel malicious you know   I mean they lied to but it was also kind of  not malicious either there's just a lot of   really unfortunate events that happened he  almost destroyed the wedding because he lied   that'd be a real jerk sometimes oh so what if he  took the mcats he's still not good enough for Pam   who is Jack yeah are you gonna  think anybody's good enough Marty listen I need a commercial  flight ID scan interstate from   New York LaGuardia to Chicago oh  here he goes using his resources   but to get him back oh I'm sorry we're only  Rose nine above right now you'll have to wait   I'm in row eight it's just one road don't you  think it's okay but oh you wrote momentarily oh [Music] is he gonna make it in time no I'm sorry that bag  won't fit no no I'm not hey I'm not checking my   bag okay okay there's no need to raise your voice  sir I'm not raising my voice this would be raising   my voice to you oh my gosh sir we have a policy  on this airline that a bag is this large okay you   know what hey pictures oh okay it's not like I  have a bomb in here it's not like I want to blow   up the plane oh my gosh don't say that the only  way that I would ever let go in my bag would be   if you came over here right now and tried to pry  it from my dead lifeless fingers okay oh my gosh   can you come and have it okay otherwise step  off [ __ ] oh wow as he gets escorted out and would you look at that the timing  was impeccable I've got a plan oh wow   you threatened that stewardess I was not  threatening oh my God I was just trying   to get my bag and he's gonna come in and save  him no no I didn't have a bomb you said bomb I   said it's not like I have a bomb you said Mom  on an airplane never say ball on the airplane you're gonna arrest me you assaulted  an airplane in the military and I was   a bombardier oh my gosh did you spray paint  the tail of a cat to pass him off as Mr jinx   yes and did you do that because you desperately  were seeking my approval yes because you love my   daughter Pam yes oh here we go we're getting  to the bottom of it do you want to marry her I did oh until I met you oh oh I love your  daughter Jack I love her more than anything   but frankly sir I'm a little terrified of being  your son-in-law this whole weekend has given me   a lot of doubts about whether or not I could even  survive in your family and the truth comes out   would you let me and Pam live our lives and not  interfere all the time I promise not to interfere   in your lives all the time just some of the time  will you devote yourself entirely to her for the   rest of your life of course Gaylord [ __ ]  no will you be my son-in-law oh that was cute   that was really cute you my dad  worked out a lot of your issues   yeah first he gave me his little human  lie detector thing and he proposed [Music]   one has the bow oh it's the ring of it has  a little circle of trust Pam will you marry me yes I had a Boy Crank that  Circle of trust thing that's mine looks like   I got another wedding to plan yep just gotta do  one more thing what's that I meet his parents so that's meet the [ __ ] so they're  gonna meet them probably oh that sounds   fun now I want to watch that one comment if  I should watch that one next Meet the Fockers   let's just see if you really  can't flush the toilet jinxy was it really him that went and flushed the toilet no he didn't oh my goodness he did it oh you like my little  gift what the Jerusalem what why I can't hear   Jerusalem to the [ __ ] what what oh you don't  know [ __ ] about flowers what's that you want   me to watch one question for you it's can you deal  with that all right Meet the Parents so that was a   really fun movie I laughed a lot in that movie  it was literally just A Series of Unfortunate   Events after Unfortunate Events and everything  that could go wrong ended up going wrong but it   all worked out in the end and there was a lot  of lies going on but ultimately the truth came   out in the end and it worked out for the better  I really loved the late 90s 2000s era comedies   there's just like something about them that has  such a distinct kind of style they're just so   fun to watch and this movie is really making me  want to go watch Meet the Fockers even though I   mentioned in the beginning it I think I kind of  saw it before as a kid or like it was on in the   background but like I don't really remember what  it was about and now I realize that it's probably   about meeting his parents and that sounds so fun  like to see his parents probably interact with   her parents I feel like that's going to make  for a really fun movie and I really want to   watch that one I really love Ben Stiller movies I  feel like he has some really really great movies   and I'm surprised that I had never seen this one  before honestly because I've seen so many of his   movies and now I really want to look up and see  if there's any other ones that I haven't seen yet   even though I feel like I've seen so many of them  but I just feel like it'd be fun to go down like   a Ben Stiller role too every time I watch a movie  I see like the actor and I'm like oh I want to go   watch all of their movies alright well thank you  so much for watching and I will see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Dos Cavazos
Views: 45,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meet the parents, ben stiller, jay roach, robert de niro, meet the parents part 1, meet the parents clip, romantic comedies, shauna robertson, movie clips, owen wilson, meet the parents bloopers, gaylord greg focker, meet the parents airport scene, meet the parents ending, meet the parents milk the cat, meet the parents reaction, meet the parents scene, meet the parents dinner scene, ben stiller meme, movie reaction, comedy movie reaction, comedy, movie, laughing reaction
Id: 9reGrMg2lrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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