When Jim Carrey Goes Totally Off Script!

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they took off on us what one more one and you'll be a light bulb [Music] what everyone knows that Carrie and improv go together like lamb and tuna fish so it's not surprising to find out that one or two lines from his films came from the top of his head the most annoying sound scene in Dumb and Dumber is one of the comedy Classic's funniest scenes and it was entirely improvised by Jim Carrey guys guys guys you can actually see Jeff Daniels start to crack up right before the cut and hats off to the actor in the middle for not breaking character because of him this stayed in the script guys guys Carrie adli a ton of the funniest lines in Dumb and Dumber for example he didn't originally have a line when he was leaving the hotel bar but he improvised by looking at the framed 1969 newspaper and saying no way we landed on the moon revisiting his role in Lemony snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events Carrie shines once again in the scene where clouse States our parents just died Carrie refuses to break character and asks if he can take the line again our parents just died how very very awful wait let me do that one more time give me the line again quickly well it's fresh in my mind the cameras never stopped rolling because of car's natural ability to embody his characters entirely the line in the scene feels totally seamless and therefore it was kept in the Final Cut of the film wait let me do that one more time give me the line again quickly well it's freshen my mind our parents just died during a scene from How The Grinch Stole Christmas where Jim Carrey rips the tablecloth off the table all of these plates and dishes were supposed to fly off the table as well but Jim Carrey accidentally succeeded in physics and perfectly removed the cloth without damaging anything so him going back to the table and knocking everything over was completely improvised Jim car's entire Vibe revolves around keeping the audience on their toes as demonstrated in scenes like the one in the mask where Carrie is being chased by gangsters and pulls out a wet condom out of one of his pockets and says sorry wrong pocket this line was actually improvised on the spot and the director decided to include it in the Final Cut sorry wrong pocket in another scene from Dumb and Dumber Jim Carrey improvised The Awkward Moment outside the gas station to mess with two random men who weren't even paid extras they just happened to be outside the 7-Eleven where they were shooting the scene oh big golfs huh all right well see you later according to the screenwriter everyone on set liked it so much that they kept it in the Final Cut of the film oh big golfs huh all right well see you later thanks to Jim car's remarkable improvisational skills any of his movies could easily secure a place on this list while there isn't a single standout moment but the whole vibe of Liar Liar Just screams that Carrie might be the funniest dude alive in your your classic line flubs but there are also these awesome moments when Carrie goes totally Off Script leaving his co-stars in total shock if I was a as they say in Show Business you should never work with animals or children this statement seems to have rung true for the makers of the Mask since it turns out that Milo the dog wasn't exactly the perfectly behaved Pooch they hoped he'd be we can't in one scene where Carrie tries to shovel money into a closet using a frisbee it wasn't meant to have Milo grabbing onto the Frisbee at all luckily Jim Carrey is such a talented improviser that he went along with whatever Milo was doing it turns out that this take was the one they used in the Final Cut of the movie no no no stop it this time it was a gesture and not a line of dialogue that Carrie improvised on set in The Truman Show while in the bathroom Truman uses a bar of soap to draw on the mirror and turn himself into an astronaut exploring a planet that he dubs true Mania I here BR Proclaim this planet Trum Mania Carrie completely improvised this moment he also did another take where he instead Drew long curly hair and a dress but it was the Trum Mania take that made the final cut a good decision that better fit Truman's character that one's for free see he's nuts Bruce Almighty was one of Jim car's funniest movies at least in the early 2000s Carrie got to do a lot of his over-the-top mannerisms in the movie but the film's Final Cut portrayed him as a slightly more straight-laced character the scenes that did get cut however were way less grounded and saw Carrie go to his signature wacky place a lot and that's the way the cookie crumbles oh are you eating that I'm sorry despite not being Jim carre's best movie The Cable Guy has earned a cult following since its release but it does feature one of his best unscripted moments hello Clarice it's good to see you again this scene was a reference to Anthony Hopkins iconic Hannibal lecor in the Silence of the Lambs even Matthew brck cracks with laughter at this improvisation here's a fun fact Hannibal Lecter never actually says that line in the movie hello Clarice it's good to see you again bang bangyang bangy bang bang one of the most memorable scenes in when Nature s occurs when Ace Ventura begins randomly singing the theme song to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang while on route to the consulate for the first timey bang bangyang banges Uso this scene was a result of Carrie completely forgetting his lines for the day and began ad libing the Musical theme on the spot since both actors in the scene remained in character without laughing the director loved the scene so much that he kept it in the Final Cut
Channel: TheLaughPlanet
Views: 3,287,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jim Carrey, jim carrey improvised moments, jim carrey unscripted moments, jim carrey bloopers, jim carrey funny moments, jim carrey unscripted scenes, jim carrey, jim carrey most annoying sound in the world, breaking character
Id: 5cT0Z3oY5Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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