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I was trying to find heaven for you on the Navy station so you can go visit him oh you need saw a little girl huh hi guys so today we are going to be watching grown-ups and then straight after we are going to be watching grown-ups too as well hopefully they make a further one so we can watch that we are massive fans of grown-ups but we we've watched the second one so many times but we haven't actually watched the first one that many times so I obviously remember the film a lot it's only you probably but not like bit by bit I don't yeah but the second one we haven't seen this channel was supposed to be as the films that we haven't seen but for some reason we've just gone back to films that we haven't seen for ages whatever yeah yeah let's uh let's get rocking I need stop saying that don't put that in it's going let's get let's get rocking 2010 oh my God how funny 2010 heart copyright because that sounds so good I don't remember any of it really I can remember he's like the guy the swim hello ladies remember he's this now yeah I saw that on his um Adam his Instagram you're really laggy maybe I'm too far away from the micer of life goes off you have no reg it must be really cute having friends like that you've GN for so long but like a group of you yeah for a long time but like yeah but like a whole basketball Club yeah I know yeah thank you a oh come on boys I always forget he's in this film when it really upsets me I it upsets me so sad sad I know it is really is Young looks I sorry that's you hold M hot chocolate right now oh I need one right now actually oh but I remember his character in this oh I'm addicted to Hot Chocolate but the boys in this they're really stuck up aren't they they're little [ __ ] yeah they're like you don't drink Vass water this isn't what what are you trying to poison me um go back to texting I I don't ever want to hear that out loud again that's [ __ ] funny I was trying to find heaven for you on the Navy station so you can go visit him oh you need saw a little girl huh Christ she didn't saw heaven saw heaven my God trying to find oh that's sad is it that is sad this part is so funny are you so fun little China and M looks young as we saw Rachel R seasons of Summer it's awful mom but she looks the same you how talk to me I just thinking even though she's so young I feel like she just maybe has always had a grown-up face but she looks the same I love her is she still hot you know he just r with hot chick tell me I'm [Music] beautiful I can never get hot rocks no oh painful a benefit yeah oh well there's got to be a a benefit I just want to relax prob but withes oh she so pretty yeah she is God so really quickly how long have they not seen each other for yes they don't really see so Adam son and his family don't really see any of the other lot but the other lot will see each other oh right okay okay that makes sense because he got rich he didn't turn to snob but I think he was gone explains all but yeah but in the second one obviously they're all at best mes because then he second one he moves back to the hometown and they're all there yeah yeah yeah and that's when yes it's weird isn't it watching it because yeah we always watch the second one yeah yeah it's true I don't know when I last watched this film honestly no I can't remember beautiful with your pregnancy remember little bits of it what the hell are you talking about a I couldn't be around that the Ed the [Music] time to get their funeral on I'm sorry death makes me weird what's up McKenzie me and you death makes me weird they bought that door that you on me man you a beup now hey your healing process I'm cool with it a that's nice nice are you cool with a finger in yes hey and this must be your mother my wife I'm sorry go she just get set up left right and Center no wonder she don't want to [ __ ] be friends of him it literally makes sense no oh that was a long long two lizards liards like it right over there oh lord it's your money his money it's my money all our cash and pile and split it nice how to bring out the death in the room that's what all our cash in a pile and split if that's not you Jing I am him I am gonna be him when Robert knew that his time was short he told me there was one specific man he wanted to say a few words to memorialize him i' like to ask Lenny fader to come up now if you're the other man would you be like why why not me why he to cut Maybe did he know he had to do a speech did did he know that or was it just oh yeah I don't know actually was he told or was it just like yeah on the spot if that was me yeah if that was me and they said right Danny I can't make ACH about the [ __ ] I be like Our Father who are in heaven H be their name just say the whole only surely must ever had he must have know like somebody has to learn how to pass the Kentucky fr I'm kidding I'm kidding saying goodbye to a big part of our Lives all of us you you affected [ __ ] funny have no regrets when the life's final buzzer sounds oh I'm tired I'm not even tired sounds like Domino [Music] look at him now so mad there this F just makes you like want to get of your friends and piss around I was just thinking that this film is just one big him [ __ ] about with his friends it just Mak you want to get your friends piss around then it it's is so [ __ ] funny no literally no no no I'm good I'm good I mean I thank you that's cool you to voluntarily want to give me coffee if you were him though you'd be like look but don't Nanny the kids this is a free trip for you I would just tell her look I'll be honest just make up you're not a [ __ ] Nanny please yeah be she wouldn't care she'll still get paid for not being in Honey BR that's why you always tell the truth oh oh honey that's such a big go you're GNA get bit old isn't it come on now 48 months that's four oh swee you got teeth and everything teeth and everything [Laughter] oh God today we're going to do the backstroke tonight I want to go swimming with you guys tonight we're not really going swimming what I meant was oh no that's okay she doesn't Rob would you like to take us on a tour did she call him Rob is his real name not Rob Schneider Rob Schneider is the Nickelodeon man isn't it that's Dan Schneider oh yeah yeah right yeah oh no don't bother oh a [ __ ] I've gone back too far oh [ __ ] my affected area is pretty big oh mama Toby Bryan over here Stepping Over The Line woman with the boob thing is the kid a little old he's going to be rubbing her boob with his beard soon going to get a t on his bike the mom's going to be in the basket like he's laughing his on kid game rined why are they inside right no more video games no more as a kid though that's annoying when you just want to sit and play your games I know just let be come outside and play you don't um erase reboot okay look look a [Music] rope on a tree baby you know what that means we get to hang ourselves a you want to [Music] go I'd cry if I saw that happen so would I I think he's dead and then I'd laugh oh hey did you really land on that bird man um I'm not sure I I did hear a chirp and then crunch like noise but that could have been anything and how's going know landed on yeah twist I want to get chocolate wasted no you don't need to get wasted it's so cute all right everybody you know what let me make this easy uh 17 what are you going to the electric chair what what oh cookies and mil mil oh thank you so much take ity Tu it away and I take a flat water what you know V or Fiji if you don't have us lowy you'd be like you know my kids are so healthy they could have milkshake Coke they're having water yeah in it it's true it's not really Kitty is it that's to show that they're a bit grown up and there yeah true I think it is yeah Rich yeah rich rich rich you got toe you got toe back you got the rest of the fugly five over there huh fugly five do you remember him from the second one he's the ice cre man oh yeah and they like wack you from the top boobies on Italian TV I'm going to Italy I mean no no we all I didn't tell you guys we were probably gonna go to Italy is a for surprise it's not going be the same it's a it's not poor so awkward for her they're like whaty and she's like she wouldn't want to turn down Italy no but then she should think I should do it for my husband but it's her Fashion Week fashion line he died recently it's not her fault but she should say to him you then again she's obviously gone to so many fash shows because the kid knew exactly where they're staying I've been there so many times yeah no that's true I see what you do with it I know maybe you're right the original tortilla challenge me to make your egg white for Tata Mr feder H oh I mean is is that why is the nanny being so annoying like I'm not horrible but like I know that's what I do but like what would you say I can make you like you know that that bar him yeah but she's not from the same country she obviously doesn't get his social cues because I was thinking that as well language barrier yeah yeah would you like me to make your egges he's like imagine having your own I would love to have a personal shf I'd love it can I have fresh tomato and cheese seed but I feel so I don't know I'd feel so up myself yeah like imagine we go down in the kitchen be like oh can you make this I'd like be like oh please oh thank you oh even do that be like oh that fresh ice cream hot oh I would love it so much I don't wear pants at my house I'm not wearing them at your house sorry I bet I've got kids that was a man's ass four years ago homie all I oh my God he's so much older now in a second film a lot older is it wow he's the one that get the ice cream job I always forget yeah the one that fancies that really pretty girl I see the year the difference in years actually this is 2010 and that's 2013 only three years only three years but you think about they are young you but when you're that age three is a huge difference that's true like from 1 look at me from look how much I changed 13 to 16 that's yeah that's true yeah that very true rob it was Rob was it yeah what's his name real life then did Rob Google it yeah he's called Rob and then it's Rob yeah Rob Schneider even though I didn't even have any I wonder sorry really random I wonder how many of um this film is like just made up stuff on the spot cuz a lot of the times when they're laugh it looks like it looks like they like don't no but it looks like they're actually I know actually laughing actually looks like they don't know it's coming yeah yeah but isn't a lot of Adam s films that made up in the spot yeah isn't it good on ABB ad something yeah when it's just like spontaneous especially because they're all friends as well um well they know it makes it fun yeah that's true funny I got about eight seconds for fighting total left in my life I'm saving that in case I get mugged or you know someone cuts in front of me a Burger King or something why have I got as a as I yeah has he not got a family that's Point more yeah he's been 30 years that's true that's quite sad actually that means the coach never had kids or a wife or anyone I think you're right because why they what would he want him to make the speech at the funeral yeah I think he had no one that's sad he must because these were like young kids at school and after school they think continue basketball yeah is it and also they're young they're not even like secondary school age they're like primary school age yeah like weird age what the [ __ ] such a good point oh this is so funny CRA car she's so tall I mean I can't speak but but yeah she's I think she's got massive heels on as well her legs are like someone's literally F sorry he looks so dwarfy next to her like he looks tiny yeah know like she looks normal sized and he looks short so weird and shift I thought it was switch not shift what it's switch and shift what is going on effect why we just we just thick as [ __ ] yes you are probably I thought it was switch as well not shift never has it been [ __ ] shift no I'm not having that must do it again say switch why would it be shift it's switch they're taking in sh yeah true actually I'm not that this oh this is so funny I'll be running as soon as that leav to that I couldn't we prob get copyright for [Music] this or oh the pain oh could you be sow oh him up yeah and Dad Arrow I I think we got to pull the rest way through get some alcohol on this [ __ ] you should know plenty about that you were bored during a Prohibition that was nasty she was trying to be nice that was a really what a nasty no need to be are you just going to sit there or are you going to help me no Mr said big final no wonder why the kids are rude [ __ ] that's the mom what a rude entitled [ __ ] that's so mean shut up my screen yeah who the [ __ ] you think you're speaking to wonder where the kids are how they are [ __ ] know yeah look who they influenc by is it can you hear me can you hear me oh [Music] yeah so relieved what do you mean really should we try it imagine your no imagine your kids being like so like that and then suddenly they're actually doing kids stuff and mixing with other kids you be like oh they are normal and they are likeable oh they're gonna have a great life they are fun oh look he's putting them in every adult room [Music] should we try it one night yeah when you're next yeah we'll try and make cup things you go in your room I'll go in Mom's room whis we can hear I could probably hear you by for the woles so it's such a full house like yes it's working it's actually just because we're so close you can just hear me we're going on mil tomorrow right long PL wow you must be so sad no he's got to go to Milan I know I'd cry but my friends how could you pull your kids away if it was you you'd go by yourself wouldn't you you'd just be like look you stay here can't call I'm not coming you come done it m times fu yeah true oh it depends I don't know it depends it does I mean I've just go myself and let the kids stay here yeah I think I would too get a break from the kids yeah yeah sounds good why would you want to see models when you can see this go to a water then what are we waiting for seriously let's water I love water parks I actually do I do I did until Co but water parks are fun yeah but I feel like oh no like I don't like tunnel ones but I and I'm not the one to like I don't want to go on every single ride but I just think it's the vibe of it I was about to say the vibe of it is it you're in the sun yeah I'm happily going with like all my friends and them going stuff and me just being by the pool like sitting in a magazine eating like drinking the whole look at all those [ __ ] kids yeah but I feel like it is just for like one day you know yeah no that's true for one day that look don't give any G right now kid here's a buck run along run along run along drink milk out I don't know if Mommy will want me to just drink it okay shut up you know what's so funny about me and you right H it's like what we've been saying like um like the kids were like oh like this this and that like oh like we' never let our kids be four years old in breastfeed whatever like we're so like you feel like we' be such strict parents right I don't care but with our animals we're such little like [ __ ] oh Peach don't go to the window yeah pray like but when it comes to kids just how can we be like that when we like that about animals it just makes me laugh literally true oh animals are our kids yeah a picture of my kid no put peaches that's so cute I look if I CLI my camera should do actually look a [ __ ] sake you should have done that I should have done that got great bu there maybe you should hold my hand you take my little hand no get it away from me than it I'm scared I'm scared hey what's up ladies oh you from around these parts just you piss yourselfers you must your toilet ex that's [ __ ] funny her definitely she's f just like you hey she's fug me that's too funny oh here he is the guy that gets his arms [ __ ] crushed or whatever obiously gu I let go too soon and crashed onto the pavement really there should be no pavement there should be just only water it it's dangerous isn't it You' never get that in second place no oh no I can't get my f that's horrible that's [ __ ] funny all right I did everybody's first shot for him now you do the second one I did everybody's first shot for him sorry it must be so boring to be on a trip like that if all your friends have kids have wives you got no one and you want to drink and they're like n I've got kids like I'm I'm muted that yeah true yeah true through my life again they play this on family gu [Music] this is where are the kids I guess when Nanny's actually being a nanny yeah that's that's good handy hav't I really youing why is it so funny what are you doing up J when you watch this back and you edit it you're going to watch me get my &em and cuz I dropped it I it picks it up if it does i' have to keep it in the video really oh it's [ __ ] funny to you he reminds me of this is the end when he's like [Music] oh I had no sorry that was your friend that's [ __ ] funny that is funny is it I'm gonna be that friend though that is gonna be me it's gonna be there for the Vibes that's [ __ ] funny doesn't get it he's not in a committed relationship just mad because all shaking the bed theed I don't know I just know wet in the bed I don't know I just know wet in the bed that's a good point that must be from crocodiles like it's America like Lakes lakes in America always have crocodiles don't they uh not all parts of America I don't know what part of America they meant to be in I don't know much about all the states and stuff no neither do I I can name 30 States there's no way you can name 30 States there's only 52 isn't there yeah Arizona i' got say I'll tell you to listen but I don't know if you're right North Dakota South Dakota DAV alab [Music] Arizona California wi Wisconsin Detroit Alaska it's Detroit not City see this why I don't this is why I get confused Texas is that state yeah New York Vegas La don't know there see Vegas isn't a state but it's in the state of Nevada I think [ __ ] I don't know I don't know the difference between the states and the non-states all we then and the cities I think we've done well to be honest I don't think we got any letting the knowledge down we got to do some learning what happened to your head when I was changing into my I'm sorry he just said that he canel the flight to Milan Milan M how the [ __ ] you say it before changed her mind before yeah he must she's going to change her mind yeah true hope so we got a nanny we got so she is a n no no no no no she's not a nanny she's more of course she's a nanny when does the stop it stops right after this she's more of an opair okay not really when you're always working and when you come home you're just you're just tired all the time I'm working cuz you don't have a job she it a I'll keep my money to myself sorry also how embarrassing I would never have this conversation in front of my friends [ __ ] talk about this later yeah I'm not because my P I never live I don't know how the tune go that SP carp s that's not the right words is it you saw it all all before we ready forg it no don't I forgot it now please [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm going toit I'm really a man I'm just kidding I'm just kidding really a little hurt believe it I know it's not my place but umun after all I he resembles an elder gay Jonas brother sorry Adam son's real wife hasn't been in it yet has she is she in it she any of the grownups is she going out yeah she in the second one she's married to the one with the funny eye no not the man with the eye the man that Wass the ice cream oh she might be at the end then yeah m oh yeah have a look I don't remember this bit at all I don't do you want me to get something off the top shelf heard that one a lot yeah me too man me too you remember you remember that time me as Tesco this little lady was trying to Top Chef and I past it and I grabbed it for her she's like oh thank you so much I okay so that's happen so many times though yeah I just remember like one instant she's like you're so tall I come she couldn't reach and you were Lally just like I literally found such a [ __ ] bloke honestly that's my little [Laughter] sister just thinking that oh yeah that's the kid did you see him no hang on see his wife M K baby oh that's so cute hell is AD have two young children and produce a whole fil right and know it crazy oh look there they are oh it's his wife did you seriously just take your daughter's canoli yeah [Music] you so cute not my baby that's my boob oh I like to feel those [Laughter] too Weir I would not be letting him win on purpose no way whole film oh that's why he did it why so his son was like oh we're practice for next year a [ __ ] that never loseing that all right everybody fck I [ __ ] myself I find that so scary oh I'd be so scared no we win again [Music] no be SC you too we're gonna be together forever it is happening that's so funny oh my God what a great film what a feel-good movie you know that is a Feelgood film so fun yes well thank you so much for watching um we love that film hope you guys enjoyed it too um we are GNA go and watch the second one now but that will be in a different video anyway um but if you like video then please give it a thumbs up and please comment we always any recommendations give you a thumbs up over there um and let us know if there's anything else that you want us to watch or anything like that to be honest yeah see what else there is yes yes anyway thank you so much for watching have a lovely day and peace out by bye bye
Channel: The Cindys React
Views: 1,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, reactions, reaction, watch with us, commentary, netflix, throwback, 00s, y2k, funny, comedy, rewatch, grown ups, grown ups 2, adam sandler, sandler, chris rock, kevin james, david spade, rob schneider, maya rudolph, selma hayek
Id: DQT0nu_CdYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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