Liar Liar - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by Factor America's number one ready to eat meal kit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to I don't know because I'm a Jim Carrey kick for some reason [Music] released in 1997. player liar really was the perfect premise with the perfect people at the perfect time a comedy about a lawyer who can't lie for a day with Jim Carrey and the director of the night Professor right after the disappointment of the Cable Guy now I've gone on record saying I think the reaction to the cable guy was a little odd when it came out I think people have opened up to it after the internet has shown there's a lot of people like this out there and for some reason people thought this one underperforming movie yet underperformed didn't even bomb was the end of Jim Carrey's career it was a little strange but with that said Liar Liar put Carrie back on top the film was Universal's second biggest three-day opening causing Carrie who was presenting at the Oscars that week to open up by asking and how was your weekend foreign is a funny one it could have gotten really old really fast but a very well written script mixed with Carrie's Boundless Energy gave the film the perfect mix of surprises laughs and even a bit of art so let's go back and see why this film was such a favorite then and continues to be a favorite now this is Liar Liar it's not a subtle movie as the credits roll we opened this 90s PG-13 comedy about a broken family the way every 90s PG-13 comedy about a broken family opens after Mrs Doubtfire the goofy father having a clear problem resulting in a divorce with his kid Still Loving Him and way too Whimsical music accompanying the whole thing [Applause] did somebody just free a fairy why was every comedy scored like somebody got accepted into Hogwarts Jim Carrey plays Fletcher Reed a great name for a lawyer or a detective turning into a used car salesman and as you'd imagine he doesn't have time for his son Max played by Justin Cooper to the dismay of his ex-wife Audrey played by Maura Tierney but when he does make time he does make Max happy everything can stop it does the music think the claw is the main character were wrapping up his story I'm already waiting for the end credits to run with the score I ran out of gas rough neighborhood too might have had to pull out my nine and bust a cap with my mind no more money on my mind in a year when movies were battling to be the whitest that might have been the whitest moment nope spoke too soon Carrie always plays Audrey's current love interest Jerry who's a perfect innocent foil to Fletcher maybe we can stop at the park on the way home and play catch hey great gift Dad thanks son as much as I've made fun of the British accent always can't quite cover up I feel like it really adds to the innocently naive attitude this character has I feel like any second he's gonna lead a Mormon Boy Scout troop in Neverland hi honey [Music] wow nice image come there's Carrie's performance overactor yes obviously that's one of the reasons we all go to see him we want to see him react big when he can't lie and he does all that great and we want to believe this is a guy who not only could be a lawyer but would also have the personality that lends itself to breakdowns like this and that works about half the time he certainly has the cynical Joy of being good at what he does no matter who it hurts and it's believable he would pass on that joy and silliness when playing with his son but sometimes he is just Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey you guys aren't you know I think the Comedy Works better when I believe him as a character and that would involve holding back a touch on some of these reactions not too much again we want to buy him as an energetic sleazeball getting his comeuppance but Saul Gilman is a silly lawyer who feels like he's making jokes for himself this is a silly lawyer who feels like he's making jokes for the audience and that can be a little distracting but like I said though I do think it works about half the time before he gets the curse he varies it enough that a lot of his little quips do get some big laughs one two three four five and one for good luck he struck the child did you see that I also like they don't make Jerry the villain maybe another borrowed element from Mrs Doubtfire where they held back making brosna the villain hell am I a bad three for one deal when the game is a cylinder with that said The Supporting Cast does good giving Carrie the grounded support he needs while still being memorable nobody feels out of place or forgettable in this even Max is always on the cusp of being too blandly cute but he pulls off just enough believability to feel like a real kid sitting too close to the TV set make me go blind not in a million years aha I knew blue light glasses were just a way for the government to get microchips inside our butts I don't know I'm not good conspiracy theories on that note Fletcher lets things go too far when he has to cancel two meetups with Max one of them being his birthday party he takes the time instead to sleep with his business partner Miranda played by Amanda Donahoe as you'd imagine Max makes a wish that for one day Fletcher can't tell a lie and it instantly comes true is it good for you I've had better from this point on Carrie does almost every take perfectly he has to go from being shocked why the hell he can't lie to trying to stop and failing miserably to try to find ways around it to just accepting that his life is over because of it it's a perfect excuse for him to go as big as he normally does the weirdly this might be one of times where a trailer does a joke a little funnier in the elevator he keeps talking about this woman's breasts again unable to stop himself and even though I'm not the biggest fan of censorship the cut in the trailer I think works better everybody's been real nice that's because you have big jugs I mean your boobs are huge mama everybody's been real nice well that's because you have big and I get it you have to see the movie to see what he says that's one of the reasons you go see it but I think imagining what he said is a little funnier and I'm sorry that's an amazing added well [Music] who knows maybe wicker man would have been funnier if they edited out that big punch what it's wrong sister yeah maybe not Jennifer Tilly plays the divorcee you're trying to take her ex for all he's worth on Fletcher's advice and Jason Bernard plays the judge trying to make sense of the oncoming Insanity Swoozie Kurtz is also great at the ex's attorney sometimes her facial reactions are just as good as Carrie's on that note I do think a lot of this scene depends on your threshold of silliness what's your case look I think that's pretty funny that's pretty stupid that's really funny [Music] that's really stupid but all balances out when it gives a look like he just made the best argument ever that's how a lot of this first courtroom scene works it's a little hit and miss and I think he's jumping too big a little too quickly it's 130 Sharp but then the little touch is like him hinting at the court reporter not to type what he mutters is pure gold the honorable Judge Marshall Stephen seeing a lot of that at the Trump trials when he gets to his office it gets crazy funny crazy fast as he tries to tell the simple lie of saying the pen is blue when it's red the color of this pen is when he demands his hand to ride it his hand actually turns on him and literally spells the truth all over his face I have no problem believing that hand is alive and pissed at Carrie and I love wondering how this curse Works where his hand is given a mind of its own I know that hand doesn't have eyes but it has eyes King he tries to talk to Audrey only to discover Jerry has asked her to move to Boston with him and they're leaving that night yeah did I mention a lot happens in this 24 hours you can't move the Boston and I'll never see Max then you have pretty much the same relationship you have with him now won't you most of the movie has a good Tempo from this point on it's very rare a joke doesn't work Carrie gives just the right reactions going absolutely insane while having to answer absolutely any question asked of him even if it's rhetorical what's your problem even the music I was kind of mocking earlier adds a playful energy that elevates the more hyper moments oh also I feel like this moment sums up wait there's a lot of big lawsuits in America but not quite as many small lawsuits as you would think by taking a small claims court it'll just drain eight hours out of my life and you probably won't show up and if I finally got the Judgment you just stiff me anyway but God help you if I find a faded kabuki mask under a bridge the heartfelt scenes also really work when Fletcher explains his absence realizing he's incapable of making up any more excuses he tells the truth to himself as well as to Audrey I'm a bad father I mean I mean that's not a bad little bit of dramatic acting it doesn't have to be over explained it's all gotten across with just the emotion on his face it would have been so easy for Carrie to Majestic get up and play that bigger but he finds just the right balance there enough to make up for this weird line when he promises to show up tonight or her and Max are going to Boston if I don't show up I'll pack you myself I will lovingly wrap your knickknacks with bubble paper I hope so wait which part that light really should have been reworked before she goes she reveals what Max wished for causing Fletcher to finally put two and two together oh my God that's it claims court won't work so I'll have to go after the government that's what celebrity is what I'm used to doing oh yeah it's that time of year when we look at fall all kind of creepily obsessed with the busy fall season already in swing you might be looking for wholesome convenient meals for jam-packed days and when I say jam I mean apple spice jam oh apples what do you do to me around The Fall season luckily Factor America's number one ready to eat meal kit can help you fuel up fast with prepared dietitian approved ready to eat meals delivered straight to your door you'll save time eat well and stay on track with your healthy lifestyle not like the unhealthy way you look at fall look at that foliage it's stripping down to the floor oh my goodness goodness too busy this fall to cook but want to make sure you're eating well well with factors give the extra trip to the grocery store and The Chopping prepping and cleaning up too well you're still getting the flavor and nutritional quality you need oh those leaves are as orangey hot as a pumpkin latte on fire is that nutmeg caressing my senses no it's cinnamon nutmeg ah factors fresh and ever frozen meals are ready in just two minutes all you have to do is heat and enjoy then get back to crushing your goals like crushing those crispy leaves with your feet that just make you go with Factory you can rest assured you're making a sustainable choice we offset 100 of our delivery emissions Source 100 renewable electricity for our production sites and offices and features sustainably sourced Seafood in our meals oh that's so responsible if you like fall in a creepy way or just a normal way head to nostalgia50 and use the code Nostalgia 50 to get 50 off that's code Nostalgia 50 at nostalgia50 to get 50 off do I smell kitchen house decor no no it's quite coincidence though [Music] Doug plays God of War for the first time every Friday on Twitch we also have content five days a week hope to see you there Fletcher visits Max in school shouldn't he be horrified but road to All by this point or is that like the only book not banned now and he admits to Max his wish came true and he can't lie if I keep making the space we'll get stuck that way in fact some people make a good living that way see what you did there I love even when he's trying to teach Max the importance of lying he still comes across as a dick some of these fast throwaway lines are really funny when your mommy was pregnant with you she gained a good 40 pounds Daddy was scared my teacher tells me real Beauties on the inside that's just something ugly people say I do miss 90s writing sometimes in an honestly clever move Fletcher tries to recreate the wish with a birthday cake and everything trying to make Max and do His Wish by the way what is Carrie doing here yeah I just need a test nope my nipples still don't produce milk one day science will catch up to my fetish the wish doesn't work though because Max admits he didn't mean it as when his dad lies it always makes him feel bad realizing he's not getting anywhere Fletcher goes back to the office sure shriveled and always to the left I'll stop reading Miranda's Yelp review of you and Haney plays his assistant Greta bringing the same charm she does to basically any role she's in ask me something you think I would normally lie about remember a couple of months ago when I wanted a race forget it I don't want to do this she goes from supporting Fletcher to leaving him after she learns the truth about his raise and every step feels believable because of how well she plays it also I think this is the funniest line delivery out of Carrie you bought me this antique silver frame from Tiffany's to Tiffany's garage sale 650 mark down from 10. he looks like James Dean out Mickey Mouse I love it Miranda here's a Fletcher's inability to lie and brings him to a board meeting with the boss he knows he hates he's a pedantic pontificating pretentious bastard but of course the boss loves his insults because the scene is unbelievably forced tap on this damn thing all right I've ever agreed yeah I personally don't think it's that funny you could cut this character out of the film and really miss nothing important the only bit I like is Fletcher laughing in Miranda's face and him passing out though I don't know watching more stuff about higher ups maybe this reaction Isn't So far-fetched it gets back to the great stuff though when Fletcher has to defend a woman who's had an affair seven times and one of them is caught on tape I swear Tilly's voice literally becomes a goose at one point you get the Rocks off for Boris from Balto man Fletcher ass for a short bathroom break where he thinks of a plan to beat the out of himself this leads to one of the cleverest non-lies of the film who did this man bad man your honor A desperate fool at the end of his pitiful Rope A Man Who Thought Penguins was a good career choice when the judge asks if he can continue though he of course has to say yes and the trial is back on when the man the tape is called in as a witness Fletcher realizes he can't complete the question if he knows the answer is going to be false so all we're going to do is lie that sounds simple enough doesn't it it's as easy as not making a cartoon out of my movies which at the time was trickier than it sounds he takes the stand and things immediately start to go wrong isn't it true that your relationship with my client is entirely platonic I object your honor ah glad we got Amber heard's defense team on the case this whole scene is comedy gold from all the different ways Fletcher describes sex yeah stating the obvious but still hilarious he's badgering the witness his witness it does say the garage sale line was Carrie's funniest moment then this facial reaction when he gets the witness to destroy his case is a photo finish I hooked their brains out there now you're happy it's that little smirk he has for a moment like even he realizes how funny this all is but gets dragged back to reality when he puts together his career is over also Jason Bernard's line read here is so perfect do I dare ask you to call your next witness I should believe this movie wouldn't have worked of work did if The Supporting Cast wasn't as top-notch as it is I am not going to end up as 31 year old divorce say on welfare because my scumbag attorney had a sudden attack of conscience when Fletcher discovers his client's real age though it turns out she lied about it to get married which made her a minor she was only 17 when she got married and in the great state of California no Miner can enter into any legal contract without parental consent that makes the Affairs irrelevant and technically the ex-husband it's best not to think too hard about it I didn't know she was underage the case is a success but Fletcher's client wants custody of the kids too despite the ex-husband clearly being the better parent does this Inspire by what Fletcher said earlier he loads are mine don't you have some chance to write get kind of funny in a movie that tries to give every happy ending possible this family is basically destroyed because of Fletcher another one Hannah like not everything is wrapped up in a perfect package but it almost is so this does feel a little out of place this made us a good father and children are not leveraged Fletcher makes a big scene out of what he's done resulting in him getting thrown in jail once again missing his meet up with Max also am I crazy or is that the guy you broke out in the opening did you buy the trailer I think he had a bigger role in this Greta have you been sexually molested yet because I could Circle the block this is easier than I remember she bails him out after hearing about his change of heart and he rushes to stop his family from going to Boston I love myself [Music] Merry Christmas Mr Potter merry bear actually a financially crippled America 's exact scene I'll do 12 years later ooh just in time for my favorite carry away scene in the movie I have something for you young man oh you're scared of the claw you're scared of the claw maybe not even my favorite L we've seen in the movie maybe just my favorite of all time Fletcher sneaks his way through pre-911 security in the moment that everyone has no really how did he fit in that bag and I think the answer is he can just do that and he finds the plane with his son on board God it's Fletcher no no this has nothing to do with Fletcher the family flying from Camp Chippewa I had a similar experience he distracts the pilot stopping the plane does I think every channeling was ammo impression from the past and despite going to prison it looks like he finally convinced his family he loves them he's telling the truth mom she's not allowed to lie it's 8 45 no it was the truth I like he tells them after the curse wears off so they have to trust he's changed just by his word and cut to a mere one year later no really how isn't he in prison after all this showing up on time to his son's birthday late at night okay with his friends all gone you sure he didn't show up late to this too Let's Make A Wish ah our son might be the Antichrist we should probably sit down some ground rules Audrey and Fletcher immediately get back together clearly not a holdover from Mrs Doubtfire and Max admits he didn't wish for that but rather for rollerblades oh another dorkably cheesy ending [Applause] and that was Liar Liar at times corny and over the top but I think it's what most of us were looking for had it just been big reactions in family sitcom moments the movie wouldn't have worked but the writing is incredibly funny with a lot of great one-liners and the acting is all memorable and on point any moments that don't work don't really ruin anything which is impressive for a film that's trying to go so over the top yet also be so sentimental Kerry's energy stops what should be a one note joke from getting old and the inventum isn't the different problems he encounters as well as the solutions he comes up with result in a pretty decent comedy it's a lot of fun with a lot of laughs and just the right amount of 90s cheese insert and that's no lie joke to hear with Family Matters closing credits [Music] I'm a nostalgia remember so you don't know you're scared of the claw you're scared of the claw this month for cameos for charity we're doing Red Cross we've been seeing a lot of disasters in nature recently and Red Cross specializes in trying to help any way they can whether it's providing blood sending in volunteers helping near or far with disasters big or small Red Cross provides a number of different ways to save lives so if you want a cameo of me saying happy birthday or good luck or whatever click on the link below and be giving to a good cause or if you're like screw you I can't even look at you well consider giving to this organization anyway you can give money give blood or even volunteer they're amazing people that literally save lives and you can help them out click on the link and see if this is a cause you can give to thank you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 309,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, liar liar, liar liar movie, liar liar movie reaction, liar liar reaction, doug walker, nostalgia critic liar liar, jim carrey, movie, film, reaction, review, liar liar review, liar liar movie review, movie reaction, movie review, nostalgia critic jim carrey, best jim carrey movies, liar liar court scene, nostalgic, nostalgia, 90s movies, first time watching, liar liar movie clips, liar liar nostalgia critic, nostalgia critic reaction
Id: 4U6hwcOqWWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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