Waking Up in a Storm & Trying to Shoot In It | Photography Roadtrip Scotland

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today's video is sponsored by squarespace if you need a website called squarespace.com forward slash heaton [Music] this is me tom a photographer on a road trip in the northwest of scotland i've never been a morning person today is day three and what a day it is and if you haven't seen day one and two i'll link to them in the description below if you enjoyed today's video do me a favor and subscribe to my channel oh i'm assuming you can hear what's going on outside it's it's it's horrendous the wind has been rocking the van all night at one point i thought we were gonna get tipped over the rain has been battering it down but i've gotta say it's fun it's cozy storm camping in a van it's fantastic so i don't know if you've seen my previous videos but i'm out with adam gibbs and and paul thompson and they're in a t5 camper they're both sleeping in this in this van and it's got a pop top when i was in bed last night the wind was rocking this van i thought it was going to blow over i genuinely did and i couldn't help but think how those guys were getting on with a pop top which is essentially a tent on the roof of the van obviously it was pitch black i couldn't you know i couldn't see anything but um i've just looked now and the roof's down so adam and paul oh bless them they must have had to get up in the middle of the night move all the bedding downstairs close the roof and then snuggle up together in a bed probably top and tail but uh honestly it's it's not nice in this weather but yeah that tickled me a little bit so you might have noticed around the van i have these various suction cups attached to the windows and they're really cool i wanna i may as well tell you about this while we're trapped in the van but when i'm filming sequences of me driving or me talking to the camera like now or anything um it's really difficult to do it on a tripod in such a small van so i've got these i've got three suction cups these are these are actually made by the same company that make my tripod this is not a sponsored video so i've got these big suction cups and what you do is you stick these to the window using a pump action and they are solid these will not come off absolutely not but what's great about these is you can place them in strategic parts around the van right or your car or anything and you can just leave them there and it's all quick release so you get these these little little nubbin things here so you would attach these to for example this is my osmo action so i'll attach you know one of these to this like so um i have one of those attached to a tripod head just here um and you know various different things and then just bear with me you get these magic arms which are absolutely solid so essentially i've got these placed around the van and then i've got different cameras attached to this and what you do is if i want to quickly change a camera angle whilst driving all i've got to do is hook on the magic arm like so and then drop in a camera like so just like that and it just makes it makes filming in a small space like a van so easy and it's it's all just modular so you just pop off an arm drop in a tripod head and these are absolutely solid and will hold a heavy camera no problem so these would you know yeah just like that stick to the back window whack a camera on and i can get a rear view shot of me driving down the road there we go i thought i'd tell you all about how i film when driving and when in the van without a big tripod sprawled out everywhere yeah i wonder what else i could talk about whilst we wait in the van for four hours so let me tell you my thoughts for the day what i think is gonna happen i'm hoping at 12 o'clock noon the storm is gonna peak it should be some well possibly lightning thunder heavy heavy rain um i i don't think we'll be able to get out in it but then after that it passes and what we're left with is rain showers and sunshine so the showers blowing through so it's those gaps between the showers where you get true moments of magic that's kind of what i'm hoping for so we're gonna wait out for the morning and then keep our fingers crossed for this afternoon all right i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go and see how the guys are getting on oh oh god oh god oh god let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in so you survived oh yeah i was great i was nice and comfy but paul he uh he had to put the top down because it was so windy the whole top was gonna fall like cave in it was so windy last night so he was huddled in the front seat i felt quite bad for him last night like this is that how you slept oh my rest of the night i had to pull this down because why didn't you top and tail we could have i offered you know a bit of spooning but now keep us nice and warm [Music] oh man [Music] oh so it's still raining it's so wet i've got to wear my waterproofs in the van now we've come to a spot a spot that is high up and gives us advantage of the turret and hills beautiful spot and according to the weather forecast now all of this torrential rain that we've had now should just start to blow through so we'll we'll probably see it turn into showers so you know 10 15 minute bouts of rain just like we have now and then it'll stop for 10 or 15 minutes and then the next wave will come in so we're going to get ourselves to a high vantage point where it's going to be cold windy arduous and miserable but hopefully should result in some dramatic photography if we can bear it i've got my waterproofs on there's not much more i can do other than well two choices sit in the van all day or get out there and just throw yourself into the elements and see what you can get so that's what we're gonna do so there we go that's our window of opportunity that is our break oh it's so windy this is it you know what i uh i'm not taking the tripod i think it's i think it's utterly pointless image stabilization long lens move fast work fast that's how we capture the drama well is for sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa easy it's windy oh dmv whilst it's still dry i uh i'm gonna try and fire off a shot here just just give myself a chance of getting something handheld picking out the light exposing for the highlights so basically not being concerned with the shadows i've just done auto exposure here oh the wind is blowing me around like no man's business at 550th of a second the light is just shafting through the clouds and it's hitting this tarn in the distance beautiful town in the distance hills it's catching the hillside now oh it is it is hard work it truly is ah i love it i i don't i absolutely love it i say that i won't be saying that when it's raining [Music] we've got this unbelievable unbelievable landscape in front of me dark dark clouds lovely golden light on the foreground it's full of drama it's just it's all here in front of me all here in front of me the difficulty is you know piecing it together moving around you know getting rid of distractions anything that pulls the eye away from what's important which in this case is sandstone and a little peak in the distance just working the scene basically it's weather like this forces you to work the scene because it's changing always changing every minute it's changing and it's just great fun i don't know what else to say it's bloody fantastic ah what a dream man what a dream [Music] oh yes we'll have this we'll have this [Music] the wind and the rain is now it's coming from nowhere man oh this is brutal the something like the size of golf balls oh yes oh come on yeah oh yes this is content for you oh this is content over and out man over and out [Music] so in the spirit of this video we are just reacting spontaneously handheld we have light i don't know if i'm being shot i don't think i'm in shock hello am i in sure how are you enjoying this video it's not the easiest to film in these situations ah the light's gone now buddy oh no no there goes the hat that just sums up today that sums up today in a nutshell where's it gone all right it's time to christy unveil it's absolutely hammering it down i think we might have got one quick shot there it's so hard so hard to tell i know we're getting hammered how you doing adam not good he's not talking ah okay i think we need to get to the van and find a park up because this is brutal [Music] [Applause] oh so we've uh finally made it to a park up i don't know if you can see but got my awning out um it's just relentless rain and the need to sort stuff out i need to get organized and when it's raining and you can't even step out the side doors of the van it's oh you know it's miserable put the awning out it's all right the way that i've got it is um you know i'm in the corner of this little parking area there's no space for any vehicles anyway so i'm not taking up any room there's not even any other vehicles here and it'll be gone in the morning so it's just a bit of a luxury but yeah right parker we're near a beautiful valley with a river running through it lots of autumn colours so we're hoping that's what we're going to shoot tomorrow i had a quick scout quick uh quick go with the old phone just before um i'll show you i'll show you what i what i got and what i'm hoping to get tomorrow but i have no idea if it's going to work you know you can't tell unless there's any light let's have a look so this is one of the compositions that i found when just having a quick scout nice pine tree silhouetted against the mountains there but i don't know what's going to happen with the light in the morning or even if there is going to be any light and then there's another nice group of trees with a nice mountainous backdrop but that's just two examples it's uh it's a big big long gorge essentially with tons of waterfalls trees mountains so yeah that's tomorrow morning so i think what i'll do is i'll just uh i'll call it for the night and um see you in the morning which for you will be about three and a half seconds all right let's hope for a better day tomorrow a calmer day tomorrow than we had today [Music] [Music] well good morning everybody i have man i slept well last night i was i was in bed by about 7 30 and i pretty much slept through till about 7 a.m so that's really good um it's a bit miserable outside still raining on and off windy and cold i'm just making a coffee and a porridge and then [Music] i'll meet up with adam and paul who were just in the van uh next door oh yes and we're gonna go and explore this uh this beautiful um gorge yeah and hopefully we'll uh we'll get an image or two we'll see [Music] did you guys sleep last night yeah way better way better last night than the night before [Music] so we finally dragged ourselves away from paul's van where it was nice and warm i've got to say there has been a notable notable a notable drop in temperature it's icy cold today it feels like the wind's coming from the north so it's it's bitter um but that's okay we're all wrapped up gonna walk along this river valley and explore these woodlands and maybe check out those compositions which i showed you last night in the van which i photographed on my phone uh yeah hopefully get a couple of nice images so um yeah i'm gonna say it's a lot drier than it has been um for the past couple of days so yeah we'll see we'll see what we see so this little group of trees a little group of trees you can see just in shot here i thought this might work if these trees get light on them so we'll give it a go i'm not they're not the most attractive group of trees but they do have a certain quality to them and uh well worth shooting definitely so get the camera out and uh see what we can do so i've got my competition framed up it's uh it's pretty straightforward to be honest with you going for a square competition trees in the middle mountain in the background a nice bit of space around the trees that's really important you don't want to hem your subject in you want to give it room to breathe the light is unbelievably changeable because of the clouds and the showers rolling through so there's currently light on the trees looks fantastic the mountain is in shadow so we've got contrast and yeah i guess the only thing i don't quite like is the blue sky above the mountain we're gonna hang around here for i'm not gonna give it too long maybe see what happens over the course of 20 minutes okay we have light oh my very very brief window of light i can't tell you how how much the clouds have been teasing us and then just giving us this this is a hit record this has been the light has been on these trees for no more than 20 seconds and we have beautiful clouds above the mountain in the background i can see all of the cloud behind you let me tell you there's not much blue sky so this light isn't going to last more than perhaps a minute or two ah but we're all right we've got it it looks like we have that beautiful combination of weather on the mountain light on the subject now we just need to see how that light changes and already it's gone well that's it that's it it's no longer directly let me see there no longer directly on the subject big cloud now blocking the sun but that's okay we got the shot we got the shot and i think it worked out quite well [Music] so i've just been walking around up on this plateau um i found another composition uh quite different yet quite similar to the last shot um far more trees a lot cleaner of a composition and everything i said about the last image applies to this image it needs light drama above the mountains and a bit of patience because at the minute it's windy and raining [Music] so the rain's getting heavier and heavier now but i am optimistic we're gonna get our window of light so uh paul is just down in the valley and he's just told me he's got the shot of the effing trip so we'll see oh he's coming up now he'll get to see it i'll i'll tell him to send me a copy oh this is beautiful the light's soft but we've got rain blowing through you can see it there you can see the rain blowing in front of the mountain soft light on these trees yeah this is nice this is nice all right mate yeah i heard you shout something before didn't you say you got the shot of the century shot on the trip massive double rainbow oh man can i put this on camera can i put this image in this video of course you can this just puts everything we've shot on this trip to shame ladies and gentlemen paul thompson i thank you well what a way to make the most of these incredible conditions paul was in the right place at the right time and captured this amazing image for his portfolio and i have to say i'm quite jealous it's far better than my shot of the pine trees set against the moody mountainous backdrop [Music] okay so that is me done if you have enjoyed these videos make sure you give them a like and a thumbs up and if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing because we're always out doing this type of content and i guess finally i'll end this video with a message from today's sponsor which is squarespace if you don't know who squarespace are they're an all-in-one website building platform where you log on and you build your own website using their drag and drop system so it's quite simple straightforward and you can do all kinds of things you have a gallery you can have an online store you can register your own domain they've got 24 7 customer help so if you get stuck building it you can give them a call so if you fancy giving that a go get yourself a nice website go to squarespace.com and give it a free try and if you like free trial use the offer code heaton for 10 off your first purchase there we go thanks guys and i will see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Thomas Heaton
Views: 98,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, outdoor photography, landscape photography tutorial, landscape photography in the field, photography tips, best photo locations, how to landscape photography, hiking, outdoors, camper van, vanlife, mitsubishi delica, delica van conversion, fujifilm, gfx 50r, medium format photography
Id: 3_g--AbSHJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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