+100 Photoshop Tips &Tricks You (Probably) Don't Know! Pt. 2 | PTH #11

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everybody welcome back to another fantastic episode of the photoshop training hour i am your host jesus ramirez how's it going so great to see everyone in the chat i see a lot of familiar faces already so thank you so much for joining me today before we get started let me know in the chat if you can hear me okay just say i can hear you or give me a thumbs up i want to make sure that i have good audio before we get started also i would like to thank our sponsors msi for sponsoring today's episode of the photoshop training hour this is going to be a continuation of our previous episode 100 photoshop tips that you probably don't know i couldn't finish all 100 before on the previous stream but i'm going to finish them today so it was a very popular stream i think that by now we're close to 40 000 views so thank you so much for the support thank you so much for watching and hopefully the second part is as useful to you as the first one if you haven't seen the first part look below in the description for the link to that video and i can see a lot of people are replying saying that the sound is good good to see you everybody we have people watching from slovenia belarus fantastic i'm in the san francisco bay area in beautiful san ramon california it's a sunny afternoon let me know where you're watching from it's always great to see people tuning in from all over the world um like i said this episode of the photoshop training now we're sponsored by msi and i quickly just want to show you one thing we're going to talk about msi a little later on but msi has the store b h has the msi computers in holiday savings right now there's a sale going on so there's a link to it below in the description just in case you're interested if not the amazon link is also there but at least at the moment b h does have a sale on the msi computers if you're not familiar with msi you can read the article on the pc reader the pc magazines reader choice 2021 as you can see they are tied with apple in overall satisfaction and i'm using the let me lift it up so you can see i'm using the z16 laptop as my primary laptop so that's what i have with me today you know what i could have used the desk and let me switch over so you can see oops sorry about that wrong button but i have this desk that goes up and you can probably see the laptop at some point there it is but that's way too high so i'm just going to bring it back down let me know in the chat if you have one of these desks they're standing that desks are super cool so i can lift it all the way up or bring it back down i want to leave it down for a moment but that's what i have with me today um but yeah let me see if there's any questions cool awesome yeah we have people from the uk hey stefan how's it going good to see you brooklyn new york belgium poland san antonio pakistan uh claude from the uk matthew from nigeria roger from belgium i'm sorry if i'm not saying everybody's names there's a lot of places coming up in the chat so i can't possibly read them all but why don't we get started with the first tip for the day and like i said i had a i wrote about 100 tips on the last episode and i really didn't um [Music] i didn't have a chance to get through all of them so now i'm going to try to finish that for you today and then show you more because usually as i'm working i think of more tips to show you so the first tip that i want to show you now is a compositing tip and this is um a very simple composite i have this background and this woman in front and a lot of times when you're working in photoshop you may want to add a little bit of rim lighting to make the effect more realistic you can press ctrl alt g on windows command option g on the mac to clip the layer tool to clip the layer to the layers below and you can paint in a rim light you know and that looks okay and sure i can add a little bit of color and i can spend more time fine-tuning the rim light but something that i recommend instead of painting in rim night rim light you can actually composite in rim light so i have a photo here with this fitness couple and notice that the rim lighting on her looks fantastic so i can actually take that and place that rim light on my composite to make it look more realistic so i'll select the lasso tool and i'll click and drag and just make a selection out of that area of her arm i don't have to be precise at all i can copy ctrl c on windows command c on the mac and i can close this and paste that there you can see that there ctrl t to transform command t on the mac and i can move the arm into position notice this checkbox here i'm going to have that enabled and that is for the pivot point the transformation handle or the reference point as photoshop calls it and you can click and drag it and move it into position or you can hold the alt on windows option on the mac and click and that becomes a hinge so when i rotate the arm it will rotate from that point and it will also scale from that point so i'm going to reduce the opacity and i'm going to try to match it into position and then scale it up by holding alt on windows option on the mac and clicking and dragging on that corner handle to scale from that reference point and i'm going to place it as best as i can into position i'll rotate it some more if i need to i can right click and select warp add these splits here to just you know fine tune it even more i'm not going to spend too much fine tuning in this example but obviously you can spend the time fine tuning in your composites and actually i want to do a decent job so that the final result doesn't look too bad so let me just click and drag a bit more just so i can i can get a good result but anyway anyway we'll call that good so obviously that doesn't look good at all yet but here's another useful keyboard shortcut for you if you press ctrl um ctrl shift u command shift u on the mac you'll desaturate the image that's the same thing as going into image adjustment and desaturate you can see the keyboard shortcut there what i'm going to what i'm going to do now is press ctrl alt g on windows command option g on the mac to clip it to the layers below and i'm going to change the blending mode to mult uh to screen sorry about that to screen then i can go into image adjustment levels and and just crunch the darker pixels so that the only pixels showing are the bright pixels see that see how that's looking much more realistic and much better than me painting it in by hand and i can press ok create a layer mask and just paint away the areas that don't work for my design you know something like this again i'm not going to spend too much time fine tuning the small details and you can just repeat that process on the different parts of her body to get a more realistic rim light around your composite instead of just painting it in it just looks much more realistic when you use a real photo and this is what it looks like with a little bit of a little bit more work you can see that i took some of the rin light on the face of the model i'll bring her back so you can see she had a little bit of light here that i just copied and pasted over onto her face the other side of her arm under her arm and that looks much much better than if i were to try to do it by hand let me see if there's any questions or comments in the chat cool the latest version of photoshop now is 23 i believe let me go see if you go into help and go into about photoshop yeah 23.02 is the latest version version 23 really vers uh photoshop 2022. um we have people from arizona canada mississippi india netherlands greece pakistan thank you so much mustafa kerry stealthy john unique graphics christian paul thank you so much for your comments yes stefan that was ten tips for one to one that's a whole yeah so i'm i probably went over 100 already because i just think of new tips as i'm working and i have a list of a hundred so definitely more than a hundred cool and by the way do me a big favor if i show you something that you like make sure that you click on that like button it really helps me out it helps up the youtube channel with the youtube algorithm um so if you see something you like just do me a favor hit the like button and leave a comment let me know what that was i really really appreciate all your support also since i'm taking this quick break to thank you guys i also want to give you another round of things the last time i made a comment about the recent medical emergency that i had i had a stroke as i've talked about in a couple videos and i was flooded again with incredible messages of support from everybody watching so again thank you so much for all that support i really appreciate it and it means a lot to me that you take the time out of your day to write me all the sweet and kind messages so thank you again so much anyway let's move on into the next um tip so let me see what i have on my list here okay so why don't we just talk about a few keyboard shortcuts i'll get them out of the way um so with um layer mask and with filling so we'll talk about layer mask and fills so you probably know that if you create a new layer it doesn't matter you can fill with the foreground color by pressing alt and backspace right alt and backspace files with the foreground color that's option delete on the mac and with control backspace which is command delete on the mac you fill with the background color see that my foreground color was white and my background color was uh black you probably knew that already but that you know that you can also use the keyboard those keyboard shortcuts for filling a text layer so if i were to make my foreground color red i have a text layer if i press alt and backspace to fill with the foreground color which is red my text layer will become red so you can use the fill keyboard shortcuts to fill in your text so you don't have to you know select your text layer go into the properties panel and then select your foreground color you can just fill with the foreground color even better yet just select the color from the foreground color picker and you can fill with it by using the appropriate keyboard shortcuts since we're talking about the foreground and background colors you can press the x key on the keyboard to swap so the foreground color will become the background color and the background color will become the foreground color you can press the d key to make those into your default foreground and background colors which for a layer is black and white but for a layer mask is the other way around the default are white and black so if i were to make this one gray for example and i press d you'll see that it will become white so still the same colors but swapped around for a layer it's black and white and for a layer mask is white and black also if you are working with a pixel layer and let me just paint with red the color really doesn't matter i just want you to see that i have a pixel layer right on its own layer there you go so you can actually um use those same keyboard shortcuts to fill right so let me just make it blue so if i were to just hold alt and backspace it'll fill the entire canvas right but watch what happens when i undo that and instead i hold the shift key and then do that keyboard shortcut so if i hold shift alt and backspace it will fail but it will only fill the active aura paid pixels it will not fill in the transparent pixels does that make sense i'll do that again in this case i'll do with the background color you can hold shift and then back control and backspace command delete on the mac and i'll fill with the background color but only on opaque pixels that means pixels that are showing so it will not affect pixels that are transparent really really cool stuff while we're talking about feeling uh pixels that are transparent or not transparent the brush tool has two blending modes that the layers don't have behind and clear with clear you can paint on uh you can delete pixels you're essentially erasing it's basically the eraser tool but it's using the same brush that you had before with behind you will only paint on transparent pixels so you will not affect opaque pixels so those are the two extra blending modes that the brush tool has that the layers don't have cool let me see if there's any questions awesome yeah no good no questions just everybody saying you know thumbs up and all of that and uh thank you uh medicine man uh you said cc 23.2 um yeah so that is the latest version of photoshop or it was the 22 point it was 23 point something i forget um so you can really watch the video but it's definitely version 23 and then there's you know like a update um cool awesome let me see if there's any other um questions it looks like there's not let me see what i have for you next i'll show you something new so here's another thing that i was um wanted to show you guys um you probably don't know or maybe you do know there's a new version of photoshop it's photoshop for the web so you can actually open up photoshop from your web browser at the moment it's embedded release so it's not a full release so don't expect it to compete with other web editors just yet the goal for the future is for photoshop on the web to be as close as to the quote unquote real photoshop as possible but the beta releases available you can go into photoshop.adobe.com new photoshop.adobe.com new and that will bring you to this page you do need to be logged in to your creative cloud account and this is the page you can create a new document from here or you can click on this icon and go into open and open a new document from your creative cloud or from your computer what i'll do now is i'll just create a new document and i'll click on just the create button and this will create my new document again this is all in the web i'm not using the desktop version of photoshop and from here you'll see the toolbars on the left hand side the color chips and the layers panel here on the right and then we also have the properties panel the comments panel which allows you to comment ask questions or just leave any notes you want to people you're collaborating with and also an info panel that just gives you information about the particular file that you have on hand so i like to work with both the layers panel and the properties panel enabled one thing i need to mention the appearance panel or the appearance tab i should say contains the blend mode and the opacity in the regular version of photoshop that is in the layers panel so that's not the case here and what you can do is you can bring in a photo you can bring in a photo from the import image window here and i can select this couch and actually let me cancel that yeah i knew it wasn't going to it wasn't going to work i gotta open it for my computer so click on my computer open up the couch and there you go i have this couch here and i can scale it by clicking on and dragging on these icons here on these corner handles like so and move it up into position i can click on done to place that in there notice that i have a move tool which allows me to move my layer i a lot of the keyboard shortcuts that are in the desktop version of photoshop are also in for the version here for the web if you want to see what the keyboard shortcuts are you can click on this question mark icon and go into the view keyboard shortcut list and you can see the list of all the shortcuts available in photoshop for the web and i'll quickly go through the tools they're not that many and a lot of them you probably already know we have the transformation tool which allows you to transform or scale your image and of course rotate it as well there's an undo button here i'll cancel that then we have the selection tools so i have the lasso tool quick selection tool magic 1 rectangular marquee elliptical marquee and then the actions like i have the select subject so i'll click on that this will use artificial intelligence known as adobe sensei to analyze the image and make a selection around the main subject in this case the couch and just like with regular versions of photoshop i can create a layer mask from that selection or i can apply an adjustment layer you can see the adjustment layers are here see that adjustment layer layer mask clipping mask trash can so i can apply for example a hue and saturation adjustment layer and from the properties panel i can adjust the hue so i can make the couch green and maybe adjust the saturation a bit and again from the selection tools i can use the quick selection tool and just click and drag around the main subject but make sure that you either either have all sample layers selected in the options bar here or select the couch either or so i'm going to do that again i'm going to deselect and i can deselect by clicking on these icons see this icon is on here this is a deselect button right here i'll click on that and then now i can make a selection out of the blanket and the pillow and photoshop does a pretty good job you know what i don't know if it's me but i feel like this quick selection tool works better than the quick selection in the desktop version i don't i don't know if it's a different algorithm or how it works but at least in my it it feels like it works better so try it out let me know what you think but anyway with the selection active i can always go into the human saturation adjustment layer layer mask and i can use the same keyboard shortcut we were just talking about the fill keyboard shortcut notice my foreground color chip is black so i can press alt and backspace to fill with black black hides on a layer mask so i'm hiding the effect of the hue and saturation adjustment layer bringing the original color back so as you can see it does a pretty good job i have an eraser tool a bucket tool which is basically what we were just doing filling the bucket tool fills so i use the keyboard shortcut so i never use the bucket tool but you can use the bucket tool if you want we have the spot healing brush tool which also has the healing brush and the clone stamp tool and of course this is used to remove distractions so i can come in here and remove the buttons from the couch as you can see there there you go see no no more buttons on that couch a crop tool and a text type tool so i can click on here and i can just call this couch from my properties panel i can select a different font if i want to a different color and all that stuff notice that the font didn't change that's because i didn't have it highlighted but once i highlight it i can select a different font and you know make it bold or whatever i want to do to it you know change the color if need be click on done and there is my my text and of course i can move that text layer anywhere or transform it any way that i want so i'm just going to make it larger and maybe rotate it a bit something like this and the reason that you're getting this cool effect is because layer stacking order matters right this is below the hue and saturation adjustment layer but if i were to drag it up then you can see that it's no longer affected by that adjustment layer so photoshop for the web is here you can try it out now once again you can go into photoshop.adobe.com new photoshop.adobe.com new let me know in the comments what you think about it do you like it do not like it click on that like button now if you do enjoy it so let me know what you think let me see if there's any any questions in the chat what is the best way of removing background from transparent objects i don't have files for that and it really depends on on your you know file on your image i have a really good video on my youtube channel so if you look it up just type that up like transparent background removal or something and it'll come up i use the bottle as an example and it's like a 15 20 minute video where i go into great detail much better detail than i would go about it now without a file to show you so check that out medicine man i do not teach illustrator or image ready i'm not that good on those applications i'm good enough to use them for you know personal projects and some client work but not as good as i am with photoshop definitely not as good to teach it cool let me see awesome all right so let me move on into the next uh technique let me see what i have for you guys here on my list let me you know what i have a file here that i'm going to open and we are going to move on to the next thing so i love talking about blendiff blendiff in my opinion is one of the best tools in photoshop so that you could mix and blend layers together i'll briefly talk about it i have videos on my youtube channel where i talk about this but i just wanted to show you a couple blend of tips and tricks that you probably don't know so i'm not going to do a deep dive but i'm going to give you a general overview of it and i'll show you a couple tips so blendiff what is blended well i have two layers right i have this angle gradient and this linear gradient if i were to double click to the side of the layer it will bring up the layer style window and from the blending options here i have the blend if and we have two sliders this layer and underlying layer if i were to click on the this this layer slider on the black notice how the black areas of that circle start disappearing see that so this basically means that when you drag this black slider to the right it'll hide the pixels and you can see a number value see the number value here it says 98 so that 98 represents this shade of gray zero is black and 255 is white so that means that anything that is a shade of 98 which is this shade of gray here or darker all the way to a shade of zero anywhere in between will be invisible and i can adjust that see that pretty cool i can do that same thing on the other side this says that anything that is a shade of 169 this bright gray all the way to white at 255 anywhere in between there it will be invisible that's what we see here if you hold alt on windows option on the mac and click you can split those in half and what that does is it creates a smooth transition between visible and invisible pixels so anything between 178 and 255 will be completely invisible this is why we don't see white but once we get to this shade of gray 123 all the way here or 178 sorry all the way to 123 that will be a smooth transition between invisible and visible pixels so after 123 all these pixels will be opaque that's what that means and you can do the same thing for the other side see that super cool and underlying layers almost the same thing instead of hiding pixels you're revealing pixels so those pixels will come up from the layer below to the layer above so with this slider watch what happens see that see how i'm just bringing those pixels forward see that that just means that the pixels that are this shade of gray 146 or brighter will just pop right to the top and you can hold alt on windows option on the mac and make a smooth transition transition this is something that some people don't know you can obviously click and drag this over to the right see that and then i get rid of all the pixels that are dark and at the mid tones i start showing them but what i can do is i can actually flip this uh see there how they're all disappearing but if i flip them now i'm getting rid of the mid tones and only keeping the darkest and brightest pixels so you could use this to create some really interesting shadows and highlights because you're hiding all the mid-tones but only keeping the darkest and brightest uh pixels let me know in the chat if you know that if you knew that you could flip this uh v if you could flip oh my god i can't talk today let me know in the chat if you knew that you could flip these sliders to create that effect so it's a really really cool thing also something else that i want to show you that again a lot of people don't know is that when you create this effect you're not really creating transparency you're creating an illusion of transparency because if we adjust the layer let me just create a levels adjustment layer clip it to the layer below and just adjust adjust the brightness notice that the blend changes that's because we're adjusting the brightness and look at the layer thumbnail see the layer thumbnail here on the bottom right well that right there is also you know not transparent you can see the checkerboard background around the circle but the circle itself is still showing so that means that the pixels are only being blended they're not really transparent if you wanted to create actual transparency you can right click on the layer and convert it into smart a smart object now look at the layer thumbnail now the circle is no longer there and you can only see this pie shape and now if i create a levels adjustment layer clip it to a layer below i can adjust it as much as i want see that and that blend won't really change obviously i'm changing the contents because i'm adjusting its brightness but the blend will not change so that's how you would create actual transparency from a blendif slider so again i talk about more about blend if in my youtube channel you can look it up i have blended videos where i talk about all the different sliders the drop downs and what they all do but i think that for this example this is good enough let me know if you have any questions in the chat um the question from photo 911 is do you ever use blendiff with any of the colors offered i'm assuming that you mean let me press f12 another keyboard shortcut for you f12 will revert the document you're working with that means it'll it will take the document back to what it was like when it was last saved or first open if you haven't saved it so i can just get rid of everything that i did so let me answer your question photo 911 do i ever use the colors well the colors are very interesting because the colors are basically channels you see in the channels panel you have the red the green and the blue and notice that these channels are black and white see that black and white and if you go into panel options not panel options where am i oh there's uh oh man i put myself in a spot here let me see press ctrl k command k on the mac to bring up the preferences panel so from here and i don't remember is it under tools somebody let me know in the chat please there is an option where the channels will show uh color as opposed to black and white and oh here we go show channels and colors under interface interface show channels and color make sure that this is disabled because the channels will show red green or blue if this is enabled so i'll see that see here in the inside how they change colors so make sure that you have that off so that you can see what i'm working with but anyway so rgb red green and blue so the bright area is the color of the channel and the dark area is the opposite color so in the red we have red on top and cyan at the bottom see that in the green well green is going to be here and then the opposite which is magenta is here see that green magenta the next one is blue so blue is here that will be bright and the opposite is yellow that will be dark see that so that's basically what that means when you open up the blendiff here so we have red green and blue so if i select blue for example blue is here right remember how blue was is is here and that's bright well bright is the white slider so i can hide the pixels on that side and black is the opposite the opposite of blue is yellow so black will be here see that so that's that's how that works and you know depending on the image that you have and what you're working with you may use that to your advantage one of the things that you can do is do a sky replacement so if you go into the channels panel notice how the blue channel has basically white for the sky and different shades of gray for everything else so what you could do is let me show you what the under underlying layer is what you can do is double click to the side of the layer and tell photoshop to use the blue channel as a as a blend mask and then on the this layer hide all the bright pixels because in that blue channel if you recall the sky was mostly bright mostly white so we can use that to hide those pixels see that then i can press alt on windows option on the mac and click and create a smooth transition between visible and invisible pixels then i can select the sky layer below and i can move this around and place it into position see that so that's one way that i would use the blendiff with colors so i hope that answers your question i believe your screen name was photo911 cool uh janna is there a file for this in order to practice so the answer is yeah and oh you're going to excuse me i don't remember exactly which of the videos um i showed this on my youtube channel but if you look up blendef on my youtube channel you should be able to find this and there should be a file there for downloading if not just send me a message and i can email you but it should be there on the blendiff tutorial that i did cool maya's saying that she knew this from a previous tutorial maya i think you might be talking about the tutorial i was just talking about or you can download the file i'm glad that you um learned that technique all right jim it's sim it seems that it's too late wherever you are i am in california so probably a little late i'm guessing you're in probably europe maybe i don't know but thanks for watching jim i it's i hear it's a little late there uh cool so james has a question it'll be difficult james to answer your question without the files but i'll answer it um you know as best as i can without looking at the files suppose i have photographed several portraits in front of a background and the background came out a little different in every photo how can i get the background exactly the same in each photo well there's a couple issues right so the background is different in every photo so i'm assuming the lighting change so if your foreground elements also change then you can probably try a couple things you can try going into image um adjustments and match color and then maybe do you know select the source as the image that you like and then pressing okay that may work depending on the photos you can also try doing some sort of you know like curves adjustment to to to get the photos to to match that may also work it really depends on the photos and what the issue is so at least try those two things and hopefully that'll get you on the right track cool all right all right so let's move on to the next step let me see what i have here on my list um something i didn't now that we're talking about channels and all that i have a couple keyboard shortcuts for you so one of the keyboard shortcuts is you can press ctrl alt and the number two to load channels as uh to load the luminosity as a selection so if i were to create a levels adjustment now for example the adjustment here will only affect the brighter areas of the image so these adjustments are only affecting the brightest areas of the image with that layer mass selected i can press ctrl i on windows command i on the mac so now i'm only affecting the shadows so i can come in here and just affect the shadows of this image so that's something that you can do also if you know if you remember the keyboard shortcut ctrl alt in the number two that's command option in the number two on a mac on the channels panel look at this here it is ctrl 2. so if you add an alt to these keyboard shortcuts you'll load those channels as a selection so what i really did is i loaded the rgb composite which will load the luminosity the brightness but i can load the right channel by pressing ctrl alt and the number three see that red channel control alt and the number four the green channel control alt and the number five the blue channel the cool thing about all this is that maybe you're working on a project and i don't like this image let me see what else i have here um i guess we'll use this image it is what it is so we'll use this image and you know maybe i'm working on a project where i have my barn selected so i'm going to use the quick selection tool if it'll let me quick selection tool and i'm just going to select the bar so i have my bar and it doesn't need to be a perfect selection for this right so here you go barn barn is selected great and i know that i'm going to need to use this selection for different things so i can save a selection there's several ways that you can save a selection you can go into the select menu and click on save selection and i can give the selection a new name i can just call it barn right there it is press ok my selection is saved if i want to bring it back i can go into layer i'm sorry select and click on load selection and there it is barn see that and i can press ok and it loads it that's the long way of doing it i wouldn't do it that way the way that i would do it is with the selection active i would go into the channels panel and just create a new channel and fill with white and there it is same thing and i can rename it and i can call it barn number two it's exactly the same thing notice that right above i have barn the original one so you can do it by that other method going under the select menu or you can just come into the channels panel and just do what i just did create a channel fill it with white to me that's much faster it's much more intuitive so i would rather do that but the reason that i'm showing you this is notice that these also have keyboard shortcuts so six and seven i'll make them different just so you can see the difference so i'm just gonna paint with white here and that's the same thing as the selection so if i press ctrl six it'll select that channel latch control six right there you go select it but if i press ctrl alt and the number six that's command option in the in the number six on a mac it'll load it as a selection so when you're working on your images you know you might be creating adjustment layers layer masks and you know making all these adjustments to your image and you might remember oh yeah i need to adjust the barn well ctrl alt and the number six and it loads it as a selection so you can just remember that that channel that you saved and you can load it as you need to and then you know use it accordingly now i can create a curves adjustment layer and then you know just maybe brighten the barn to make it stand out i don't know whatever you want to do the point is that if you remember what slot the selection is that you saved you can just always bring it up by using that keyboard shortcuts to control um alt and the number six for the barn ctrl alt and the number seven from the barn and that extra white that i painted on see that see how it just loaded this selection and again you can now come in here and create another adjustment layer and adjust that accordingly see that so very useful just remember those keyboard shortcuts by going into the channels panel and here you are also if you are sometimes you know when you're working in photoshop you might be you know doing something with the with the layer mask you know erasing or making the effect show whatever it is that you're doing and then sometimes you may need to go into the channels and make an adjustment but if you need to go back onto the layer mask what you can do is you can press ctrl and the backslash key which is the key that's next to the bracket keys in north american keyboard so you'll see the letter p the two bracket keys and then the keyboard shortcut here which is the backslash key the bash backlash key by itself just shows you an overlay showing you the things that are hidden so it's easier to see so when you're painting you know your mask you can better see that see because i'm painting here you really can't see what i'm doing i'm painting with black to hide but if i play if i tap on that backslash key you can you know better see what i'm doing right the point is that if you have this other option selected you know you'll still see that overlay because i have because i'm on that same layer but i have the curves adjustment properties enabled as my focus but if i just hold hold control and that keyboard shortcut so control backslash command backslash on the mac the focus will change to the mask and you can continue painting on the mask so i'm making my adjustments and instead of just coming down and clicking on here to paint with the mask you can make your adjustments and just press ctrl in the backslash key and automatically takes you into that view and it's selected the mask as you can see and then you can continue painting something that you can do just to work a little faster totally up to you oh and if you want to go back into the view here into the properties panel so that you can continue working on the on the layer on the so the focus changes to the layer thumbnail just press ctrl and the number two that's command and the number two on the mac so control two changes the focus back into the actual layer not the layer mask sometimes you need to do that depending on what you're working on cool how do you add a slight blur to the edge of a selection uh so in order to make it look a little okay so basically the question is how do you make something look better a selection look better there's a couple things that you can do um let me just open up a like an image with like a person here so we'll just go with this so [Music] something that you can do is let me show you my my selection process so usually what i like to do is i like to go into select the mask you know whatever it may be and click on select subject to make my selection using artificial intelligence i can also use a quick selection tool it really doesn't matter as long as you get the selection that you want right so the question was about making it blurry well before i make it blurry i like to smooth it and create contrast so that i have sharper edges if i click on the black and white view you can see now what that looks like there so without smoothing with smoothing i like to smooth it so that things look more natural contrast just makes those edges sharper and you can just press ok at this point right so once you have that you can do a couple things let me create a solid color just so you can see what i'm doing here so you can do a couple things well the first thing i will do here is try to remove some of that fringing some of that white outline and you would do that by going into filter other minimum the minimum filter is a filter that allows you to contract a mask make sure that you select roundness squares squaredness only lets you work in whole numbers so like one two three four so on and so forth roundness gives you the ability to work with uh decimals so i can do like 1.5 for example so gives you better control so i would just increase the radius until these white outlines are gone right so we'll just say it's 2.9 press ok and now if i wanted to i could do one of two things i could simply go into the properties panel and increase the feather that's the blur of the edge see that see how i'm see that that's like extremely blurry that wouldn't work right but maybe just a tiny little bit here and that will work or with the layer mask selected sometimes it's a really good idea to simply just use the blur tool because i don't know if this is the best example of it but in some cases you might notice that maybe like her feet will not be in focus so you can blur the edges of her feet you know just to match the focus of the mask in that section but then you know like her face will definitely be in focus so you wouldn't blur this area so you would just selectively blur parts of the mask to match the depth of field in of the photo so not everything will be in in focus and actually i just thought of an example let me see um [Music] this dog for for example right if you notice this dog here this dog is in focus or on his face but not his tail and the back of his body right so we were to do a background removal from the properties panel here we would get a mask with sharp edges of course so let me show you what i mean so there we go see the edges are sharp here and they're the equal sharpness on the other side right so what i'm recommending that you do is to make it more realistic is select the blur tool and then just blur the edges here in the back so that the edges in the back are also blurry and you can selectively do this see that i'm just blurring the edges back here like so and i guess i can create another background so that you can see what i'm doing and this is you know now i have the problem with fringing so maybe i should have done the um minimum filter so i'll do that now it's all right minimum filter there it is but i can continue blurring the edges see that so i'm blurring the edges so that the mask looks more natural now because this edge is out of focus but the edges up here are in focus so that looks much much better so i wouldn't recommend a single method for blurring your edges i would just use the method that best works for what you have on hand whether it's global and using the blur tool it's totally up to you and the image that you have cool um let's see so i'm seeing one of the comments here and by and i'm sorry uh look looklishplace i think is how you pronounce and i'm sorry if i mispronounced your name you could also use the the smudge so that's correct as much tool is this one here and it's basically like finger painting i'm going to exaggerate it obviously so you can see what that does but i have the layer mask selected i'm going to click and drag and you can see what that does see that's how i'm just merging that in and something that you can do is um for fine-tuning details especially like on this photo of like a dog you can just come with a smudge tool and then just smudge in the mask and you can make it look like fur you know and obviously i'm going quickly here and you know don't have the right brush size and all that but i think you get the idea see that you can use that on the mask if you wanted to so smudge tool blur tool whatever works for you cool let me see what else i have for you guys here i have a couple things and oh my you know what we may even have to do a part three for this because i'm still not all the way up to the hundreds so let me know in the chat if you want me to do a part three on all these tips and tricks um i can do one next week and also if you've seen something that you enjoyed make sure to click on that like button it really helps me out it helps out the youtube channel so please please everybody just hit that like button now if you've seen something that you've enjoyed but let me see we don't have a lot of time so i want to see what i have here that i could show you that i think will blow your mind um i have a couple things let's try let's try something different i made a video on this a while ago so maybe you've already seen it but if you haven't i think you really really would like it so let me just close all these files go to file and open and i have a photo that i took of the louvre museum there's one and there's another and as you can see there's people walking around i took these photos with my cell phone this is about three four years ago and what you can do in photoshop is you can actually take um what is known as a stack and apply a stack mode and what a stack mode does is it takes all the layers that you put in this stack mode and essentially applies something like a blending mode it's not really a blending mode but it's the same same idea so mathematical equation just blends things together and something that you can do is take all your images and apply a stack mode that says to hide pixels that are not constant so if you have a photo and there's people cars and distractions walking through they're moving they're not constant but the buildings are constant they're not moving so they'll stay and this is a great way of removing tourists from your photos ideally you want to use a camera and a tripod i didn't have it neither i just had my phone and no tripod so i stood very very still and took all these photos and you'll see how i'm going to remove the people from the background so let's do that next and what you want to do is go into filter scripts statistics i know it's very intuitive not really and from here you can select either files or folder i'm going to select the folder because i have all my louvre museum photos here in this folder called lube museum i'll press ok and you'll see all those photos loading remember that i said that i did not have a tripod so i'm going to tell photoshop to try to align these images because although i was holding very very still i was still breathing i was still moving a little bit there was some wind so it's impossible for me to hold super still so that there is no difference between the 16 or so photos 14 photos that i have here so tell photoshop to attempt to automatically align source images and then you're going to choose a stack mode the stack mode that does what i just said that will keep the constant pixels and will hide anything in between is called median so from this drop down select median and press ok photoshop will take a moment it will open up the 14 images it then will place them into a smart object and then it will apply that stack mode so we'll give it a moment here and while photoshop is doing that i will see if there's any questions in the chat um the question in the chat now is how often do i have a live on this channel so i was supposed to do it once a week the photoshop training hour uh was supposed to be once a week but as i mentioned earlier in other videos um i had a you know stroke a medical emergency so that kept me off uh youtube for a while even though i was posting videos those videos were already recorded but i couldn't do live streams um so i'm now back with a live stream i think my last stream was the first one since my stroke and hopefully going forward i could do at least one a week cool so as you can see people have disappeared because we use that stack mode if you click on the drop down here on this smart object you'll see the stack mode is median you can go into layer smart objects and stack mode and you can see that there it is and if you make a mistake if you accidentally selected a minimum for example now you have a huge crowd of people that's not what you want so you can go back into layer smart objects and select median you don't have to redo the whole process and from here you know it's just regular retouching now at this point if you zoom in you'll see that there's somebody's arm or leg or something there so you can create a new layer and then just use the old spot healing brush tool with content aware and you can just paint that away and that didn't work why didn't it work well i made a mistake sample all layers was not selected so make sure that you select sample all layers and then you can paint that away and just find any area where there's people's you know limbs remaining from from that removal when you're done you should have something that looks like that here's another issue for those of you that are really really paying attention notice that the clouds look really really weird that's because clouds were moving if i double click on this smart object i can open that up and you can see how the clouds are moving right so clearly they're not in one place so they're going to create that ghosting effect so if you have trees water clouds flags things like that expect to see some problems but it's really easy to fix all i need to do is create a selection here on top go into edit copy merge close this i don't need to save it and press ctrl shift v command shift b on the mac to paste why the shift if i just press ctrl v it places the sky right in the center but if i press ctrl shift v it pastes in place it's basically the same thing as going into edit paste and paste in place see that shift ctrl v that shift command v on the mac so pasting in place so i'm pasting in place and there it is we have a seam here on the pyramid that's totally okay i can you know decide to remove it by creating a layer mask and just painting it away like so that works pretty good and what i can do now is treat this like a regular um image by putting everything into a smart object see that and at this point to be honest if i wanted to i could even do a sky replacement edit sky replacement i wasn't thinking about doing this but i figured i might as well show you this and you know i don't know which one should we do this is one of these spectacular ones maybe i don't know something like this we'll do that spectacular sky and we can adjust you know spend all day fine tuning this to get better results but just for the sake of doing this quickly and we'll call that we'll call that good right there and again i can put everything into a smart object again if i wanted to like so filter camera raw filter and i can now treat this as a single image so you know i can sharpen it i can go into the basic panel add a little bit of contrast maybe brighten up the shadows a little bit darken the highlights add a little bit of texture just to make the image pop i think that'll work why not just make it pop make it super stylize at this point i think we can get away with being stylized uh maybe add a little bit of vibrance something like that and press okay we still have the problem on the edges where the image was not um you know what the images did not align remember i was talking about the alignment issues that was photoshopped just rotating and scaling the images so that they align but at this point you know i can just create a crop with the crop tool and you know crop it accordingly you know totally up to you how you crop the image no no real right or wrong answer i just want the tip of the pyramid here on this third and oh you know what i forgot to do one thing i forgot to rotate it so i can just rotate it by by eye or i can use the strain tool and click and drag on one of the horizontal lines to straighten it and click on the check mark to commit the changes and that is my final result let me know what you think in the chat awesome let's see your pc may die here yeah unfortunately it does take some processing power to do some of these things oh very good question artisan so artisan asks how much time did you take between photos to stack them so i usually say wait about 15 or so seconds just wait for people to move but also keep an eye out just because you know if i tell you 20 seconds you don't have to take the photo at 20 seconds you can take it sooner or a difference because the l not moving so keep an eye out but usually if people are just walking by every 15 or so seconds that's enough time for people to move if they're walking by so you know make your own judgment but you know 15 to 20 seconds is what i waited in this particular case i definitely will pull up do this on my youtube channel again i've actually done it in the past but maybe this time i'll include it using this version of photoshop so this same the same thing i just showed you is on my youtube channel but i did that like three years ago when i first took these photos so maybe it's time for an update using the new tools and maybe showing you a couple of different tricks that i didn't use in that technique oh phillip oh my god colin's gonna kill me i did not know that philip is saying that you know that your hour is running at the same time as colin smith colin smith is a good friend of mine i've had him on this show once i've been on his show i didn't know that it was running at the same time today usually i don't i try not to do it when my other friends are streaming but sorry colin i'll have to apologize check out photoshop cafe um if you want to know more about colin smith and his awesome youtube channel also i want to mention one more time msi msi is today's sponsor and remember if you're looking for a new laptop i'm currently using the msi creator z16 this is the laptop right here and i guess i can lift up the the desk now these tests are super cool let me know if you have one at home but you can see the laptop there i hope anyway so the msi creator z16 is the laptop that i'm currently using it's a fantastic machine i was just letting you guys know that at the moment at the time of this recording b h photo and video is having a holiday cell on the laptop if you want to check it out link is in the description also the msi creator z16 is on amazon this is where you can usually get it again you can compare prices and see what's better when you're watching this things may change by the time you watch the recording if you're not familiar with msi msi was rated um 9.1 with overall satisfaction just like apple so if you're a pc user i highly recommend msi is a fantastic computer their computers are also created to work well the creator series actually be more specific are created to work well with your adobe applications like photoshop premiere and all the others so make sure that you check it out and something that i always want to mention and that i forget is that you should follow me on linkedin so i'm trying to grow my linkedin profile if you want to connect with me on linkedin you can link in the description so just add me on linkedin and i'll add you right back but yeah msi thank you so much for sponsoring us and thank you again for being part of another episode of the photoshop training hour let me know in the chat i think i will do another part because i didn't finish with my 100 tips and i still have a lot more to show you so unfortunately these are only an hour long but i could probably do like a nine hour session on like all those 100 tips but thank you so much and keep an eye out because i will be posting a new video on my youtube channel soon i think by tomorrow i should be ready i'm going to post a video on the photoshop for the web which we talked about in this stream well everybody thank you so much for watching i look forward to talking to you again very very soon and don't forget to like on click on that like button thank you so much and i'll talk to you soon
Channel: Photoshop Training Channel
Views: 38,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop, Photoshop Tutorial, Photoshop Tips and Tricks, Photoshop Techniques, Photoshop for Beginners
Id: 9uxwCqYn3I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 54sec (3474 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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