LFC#143 - New Ryzen 2600x build with no POST

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[Music] hello interwebs welcome to let's fix computers I've got a custom build here the client brought it in this morning they finished building it last week I think it was an it didn't post and they're at a loss so let's see if we can get this thing running for them I believe it's I think this is an existing computer that's just been upgraded we've got a rising to where it's a Verizon 520 600 I think he said it was so right into basically so this could be tricky cuz I don't have any rise in the pass but we'll see what we can do there's gonna be nice case I haven't seen one of these cooler masters shame about the crappy window on it when I first saw the case I was like oh nice tempered glass but it's not it looks it's a tempered glass style full-width thing but it's just plastic scratches to help it's pity right so let's start getting a baseline for what this thing does when we power it up that looks like 1060 in there and yes 1060 so nice nice ish looking at asus motherboard yeah it all looks fairly sane to me can't see any major issues with the way is wired up doesn't seem to be a lot plugged in but then I guess you don't actually need very much so yeah sure no problem cool let's plug in a masking keyboard put some power on the back and we'll see what it does now interesting the motherboard is doing rainbow without even turning it on switch over to the crane and see that in the bottom right there that looks pretty I took Mia I do like the look of some of the Asus boards I just don't like them as a brand I've just seen I didn't I know bad past alright so nothing out to the monitor no hard drive light activity so it doesn't look like it's trying to boot now the information I do have from the customer he reckons it's a problem with the way the CPU is fitted so that's where we're going to be looking first so we'll take it apart or take the CPU cooler off this isn't the Wraith cooler it's similar to it though and we'll see if we can see any problems under the CPU yeah okay let's switch that off power at the back and that's yeah take that cooler off you we've got some thermal paste stuck in some of the pins here let's go for the close-up you can see where we've got some thermal paste on the Pens it might be enough to upset it never really done specific test to see how fussy CPUs are about this kind of thing but we'll clean that up and we'll see if that makes a difference first let's see if it's that simple and the sake itself again is a little bit of a little bit of smudging there so we'll use the we'll use the alcohol just to clean this all up a little bit and we'll see what fortune that brings us you I'm aware that loo roll is not the ideal tissue to be using for this but it's all I've got at the moment because I haven't gotten any more kitchen roll it's fine we'll make sure we brush all the fibers off all right now we'll just squirt a little bit of IPA over that grab my toothbrush now we'll just gently give that some brushy brushy it'll be a little bit careful not to bend any pins here so we're just just wiping them down the alcohol will dissolve the thermal paste and so we literally just have to just brush it off you don't have to scrub anything now go ice all that's needed that looks nicer now we'll just keep the same treatment to the CPU socket they're just quite a bit of alcohol in there and just wipe off this excess bit harder to get the toothbrush into that you okay all right let's try that let's drop that guy straight back in there I can see which way around it goes give it a bit of a wiggle there we go and just for posterity that is indeed a rise in 2600 X and we'll just purge the cooler on salt you're not gonna bother screwing it down so we've got to rescue that back back play again but we'll just post that on top just so it doesn't burn up immediately not sure how much heat these rise in this kick-out yet I haven't really spent much time with one unfortunately I won't have time to do any good testing with this one this is a semi rush job rip denied still nothing okay right so we've gone for the low-hanging fruit which was the customer the customer theory let's start getting systematic now right power off bear boot let's take out the graphics card I'm hoping that I can use the motherboards HDMI connector I know that some of these rows and chips don't have onboard graphics which is really really dumb but I'm not sure which ones no I just quickly googled it and know the the Roizen x-series do not have integrated graphics which is super annoying I wish they would just put on like just some peasant on board stuff just so you can post with no GPU because like there is a legitimate reason why you want a big fat CPU without the graphics and having integrated graphics on the Intel CPUs is just so helpful especially when troubleshooting but yeah I like rising but I just can't bring myself to recommend it yet I want it to be really good really I do I want AMD to make a big comeback I've always liked them but no but looks like a no-go to me so we'll try swapping out the RAM next again we've got the one side clamp RAM slots on this motherboard not a fan of these if you have problems with your RAM seating this is the kind of motherboard where that's gonna happen it's not you need to h to see that msi got a bad habit of using these sometimes and I actively try to avoid them when I'm picking motherboards I mean they're not it's not a it's not a showstopper they just seem to be more prone to issues right and we got any guide now there we go a 1 B 1 so according to the motherboard there's our motherboard dim flop order so it's possible that these so-dimm modules are in the wrong place so I'm going to shift them all up by one and again theoretically shouldn't matter over whoops and theoretically shouldn't matter most motherboards worth their salt will will boot with memory and whatever configuration you dropped it in there and the configuration is just optimizing however now and then you get a fussy one so all right it's give that well see if we get anything from it we need to see the new power again will reroute these cables somewhere else when we've got this thing working again because this isn't a good place for it to go just trailing across the top like this nope that is not a post all right let's try a swapping the ran out flat as luck would have it I happen to have some alternative Ram that is standing by spoiler alert this is going into my new computer that I'm buying the parts for at the moment hehehe excite excite now if I had to guess I would say that the memory was in the right place the first time round which is to say a 2 and B 2 populated first so I'm gonna go for a 2 because despite the numbering and going to and for counting away from the motherboard is the typical correct ordering all right let's give that a whirl power on no still nothing - or else I'm gonna check I'm just gonna check these front panel wise over on my drive LED reset switch power and power switch yeah those dudes are all fine just making sure the recess which wasn't shorted to ground or anything like that and holding the computer in a reset state and yeah this guy's all keyed so it can't be plugged in incorrectly ok right we've got to try another power supply just in case I don't think it's going to be the power supply I think it's going to be a CPU or motherboard issue at this point so probably gonna be having a second look at that but we'll try the motherboard just to confirm the word sorry we'll try the power supply just to confirm the batsman nauseate we'll leave the testing round in there at the moment just because we can and let's go and get the big antic 1000 watts of overkill just because I don't think I've told you guys this story before and I'm not a fan of big ass power supplies I could do a whole video talking about it but suffice to say I think anything over 600 is silly and so the REE and so my friends often say Graham if you think over 600 is silly then why do you own a kilowatt power supply and I say because this power supply my antec kilowatt power supply is so silly that I will never be tempted to flog it off to a customer who needs a new power supply because they think about running a computer shop is it's very easy to get into the bad habit of selling your testing carts and then when you need to test people's computer you don't have any pass to test with so the trick is is to make sure that all of your testing parts are crack in some way so either they're just really nap ass that you wouldn't want to sell to someone like this graphics card which is just right well it looks very pretty but it just is old and you can't you know you can't run Minecraft on that or this power supply because oh my god one earth would I put a thousand watt power supply in someone's computer so yeah the reason the other thing as well is that obviously now and then you will encounter a computer that requires an obnoxious amount of power like for example in old AMD FX 9 with a you know Radian to ATX 290 X in it or something like that where there are one two extremely rare occasions where you will need more power than a small star so yeah now and then it comes up okay right power on we've got power to the CPU power to the motherboard and we've got our dancing light down there let's let's give this a whirl go and now it ain't the power supply either well okay I guess that CPUs coming back out then only if there's any heat on that can I have a quick look power off Chris that off now that CPU is stone-cold which doesn't sound promising either nice stone cold that feels like he's not even turning on hmm time for a coffee and a think hmm so I was just thinking to myself huh I should probably take the motherboard out now and just bench test the whole thing see if it works outside the case and then I thought I wonder I wonder I wonder and I started looking along the back and I saw this schoolboy era schoolboy era gotta be really careful when fitting your motherboard to stop that happening but you got to check every time you put it in I wonder if it's that simple so let's back the motherboard out and we'll just straighten out that little indiscretion and see if that will sort us out I mean we're Kippy yeah sure on the USB port you're more than capable of causing no post I'm not sure if there are any pins on the top part of the port there where is actually shorted though so I might be wrong but we're gonna check it you right and I'm just going to be lazy and stick in one screw just to hold everything in place while we test plug in the original power supply now at this stage we have no reason to believe there's any issue with a power supply guarantee that you need the test graphics card all right let's give it a whirl but it looks like we've still got no post now okay well I'm going to move the RAM one more time just as some kind of last-ditch you never know and I think it looks like the motherboards coming out from this thing after all which might tell us more information because you know if you find one well that's one scruffy bit on the build but it doesn't mean that there's mistakes everywhere else as well I tell you what else I've forgotten to do BIOS reset I'm Way too far into this repair video to have not done this always pop the battery and also just a friendly reminder that the reset jumper or resetting to factory defaults not good enough take the battery out it's the only true reset nad app okay cool all right let's try I'm gonna try moving the graphics card down slot just in case that's a real long shot but you never know and then after that we're going to take the motherboard out and test it outside of the case we're definitely up to the point of bad motherboard or bad CPU here and I'm not sure which it's gonna be because as you guys know my rule here is it's never the CPU except what it is however on this particular Rison I have had I have heard through friends cases of bad rising CPUs there happens so you know I'm not throwing that idea out the window power on power on now boards coming out you right and signs of problems on the back of the motherboard I see no issues there wasn't expecting to see any but you never know we always do the look and in terms of that USB port as you can see all the contacts are on the bottom of the blue tab and on top there's not actually anything there so I don't think having that metal tab sticking into that port was actually causing any issues would have blocked him from being able to plug anything in there but I don't think that was shorting anything out so mmm let's rig it back up and we'll see if we can get anything out of it on the bench okay right we're set up on bench we've got a beep speaker plugged in as well that's some over here behind the no signal let's see if anything happens power on and I'm just shorting the power the power button pins there we go what's it gonna do this thing's dead right it's time for a new motherboard I'm gonna go with the motherboard because it's never the CPU except when it is but it's never the CPU except when it is ok so I went off to Amazon yesterday to buy a new motherboard to replace this one and I was just looking at the listings thinking hmm do I need the x3 70 or the x4 17 chipset and I thought ah I need an X for 70 because this is a 2000 series rising it's arisin 2 and you'll notice that we have an x3 70 here right now this is a brand new motherboard and that the customer bought however they got the old chipset probably because it was about 40 quid cheaper I would imagine and that's why their new CPU doesn't work this thing needs a BIOS update to support that CPU so we've been barking up the wrong tree been a compatibility issue the whole time so I jumped on eBay I bought an APU this is an 8 9600 which should work in the ex 370 board so I can plug this guy into it do a BIOS update and then swap back out to the rising so that is what we're gonna do now so let's pop this guy back out again now what I'll do is I will repeat this say so I have a spare CPU to test with because because I'm in a local computer shop obviously it's very very convenient to have test equipment on hand and to be honest the 40 pounds that I paid for this CPU especially being an APU so this one's got the built-in graphics as well it's not a it's not a king's ransom for for these kinds of paths and I would buy quite why will quite happily pay 40 pounds to know if it's the CPU or the motherboard in advance right he's got brand new it looks like someone just ordered it in error perhaps they bought it and then thought wait I didn't want epoxy lit or a a I wanted a full fat rising okay right and it goes and let's hook all of this back up again so I can plug into the motherboards HDMI now we don't need the graphics card we just means that we can take another bit out of the equation and let's plug the power supply back in and we'll just pop out heatsink on top just to make sure that we don't blow up any brand-new chips all right that should be good to go and we'll get the keyboard and mouse went up as well because there is a very very very very strong chance that this is going to post now I'll be very sad if this doesn't post I'm going to be livid if this doesn't post because I would have spent 40 quid on the CPU that I can't stand back so I bought it on ebay right power fancy lights gain capture and turn on yeah boys I just had a beep there we go f2 to enter setup or f1 now schedule beautiful okay now we're getting somewhere okay right so I'm gonna go into BIOS now let's switch to the capture okay let's do f1 wow this is a fancy BIOS nice that's pretty cool they can do so much in UEFI now it's pretty it's pretty impressive right okay so what I care about is the BIOS version where's the BIOS version other it is past version BIOS version that's 3203 okay right let's find out what the latest is though I Austin firmware okay there we go right BIOS version 40 11 beautiful that's what we want what else we got legs down interests sealed downloads so we were on 3203 so yeah it's been quite a few bars updates this there we go version 32 3203 update for new upcoming processes oh that's interesting that kind of suggests that this thing was already supposed to support it let's check the compatibility list I'm gonna try doing this anyway but let's let's find out right what did we have it was a risin 5 at 2600 X 2600 X 3803 no it does need a BIOS yeah so what the hell was the 3203 upcoming CPUs maybe it was like a second wave of the first gen or something like that I don't know anyway let's get that latest bias problem solved okay all right let's get that flash drive plugged into the back we don't have any USB to ports on this if I if I could I plug it into a USB 2 port however I'm guessing it will be able to read from USB 3 anyway let's see now can I the question is can I go straight into this now into the BIOS left over that I'm to reboot right let me see oh we're gonna want F Advanced Mode for a BIOS update so let's scroll down there Advanced Mode which is in the bottom right just behind where my camera is okay boot tool easy flash utility 3 asus cool let's have that move our internet nice there's very few boards that have this I really like this where you can just download it from the internet we'll do it by storage devices because we've already got that now however if I'd spotted that before I'd have gone for that right let's do this now right there it is 4011 cap do you want to read this file yes please all right past information Prine X 370 pro version 440 is 70 cool do it processing all right off it goes let's leave that to run you all right I heard a beep it's rebooting its rebooting again okay let's delete cool blah blah blah f12 run set up with someone n alright there we go so we've got BIOS version 40 11 in the top left now so now if we switch over the CPUs it should now boot with the with the rising 2600 X in it so let's turn off the power and I swap out that CPU alright out comes the a8 and in goes the Rison do a quick test fire this and if it's all hunky-dory we'll put on some nice fresh thermal paste and we'll bolt it all in properly okay power and moment of truth it's taking its time it's taking too long oh there it goes it beat memory error oh we've got no graphics card needs a graphics card there's no onboard TPU on the Rison let's go round again baby with turn back the hands of time okay there we go that's more like it that wasn't much faster post B and we got a picture again and let's have a delete to set up and in that top left ladies and gentlemen we have an AMD rise in 520 600 X or some nice okay right we are done now we just got to rebuild this thing so I'm gonna go get some lunch and then we're going to put this computer back together you there we go that's our new CTU we'll mount it up nice sturdy cable let's drop the other course they're around module in while we're here as well and I'm gonna remove the cellophane because I'm a hater of cellophane it's all got to come off right so here's our case I've given it a quick blast out I mean the fans at the front are a little bit grassy but I'm not getting paid enough to go to town on those deaf fine he can go over them with a toothbrush if you really want to however I am going to do a little bit of rearranging of the cables in here we can probably do a little bit better on these the fan cables I'm not too worried about but I do want to reroute this CPU power cable cuz this is coming up over here at the moment which brings that over the top of the motherboard which is just really a terrible room for it so we're gonna reroute this up the back of the case behind the motherboard tray and that will just vanish this completely and we can also just check sanity check the other cables around the back of the case just to make sure there's nothing out of order there it's there probably one deep because you know this was a young machine but we'll just make good on that all right that's that hmm these cables aren't amazing but they'll do to be honest there's nothing there that's particularly horrifying so that's fine let's go with that we may end up shuffling some of them about while we build anyway so I'm not going to get crazy with them right now okay so now we've got our CPU cable up there that's fine that's fine that will be fine we'll talk outside afterwards right these guys let's see if we can remove these a little bit better go all right that's those coming out of there now and will tide you all that up once everything's plugged in front panel stuff yeah that's fine I'll talk about later audio that Matt can probably belong to the next hole and what is that oh that's a PCIe power that's fine I can float that out as well good right okay I think we are all ready for a motherboard to go into this thing and then we can store all these plugs out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah we've also got usb3 here I think the USB 3 header on the motherboard is damaged but you didn't look broken to me so we'll plug that bad boy in and hopefully it'll work remember to pull all those back as well son tie this bit and just sort that out there we go I think that'll do that let's flip that over and just make good on the USB 3 cable these USB 3 cables can be particularly tricky to make good with I'm just gonna sort of do a bit of that so it's bending sideways slightly just to take the slack out of the cable this is a particularly awkward place to put the USB 3 header though and it's got no it should have one of these around it to help me guide the the plug in as well you're like I'm going to bend these pins alright and I'm actually going to zip tie back to the bottom of the case just to take the tension out of it or rather to take the tension off of the broken connector there we go and gives them USB 3 at the front again and let's just do something about these guys good right affix card and we'll just stick a zip tie around that guy just to hold the extra two pins to the side so doesn't it like that's flapping in the breeze and this cable has got a big huge loop on it but I'm not too fussed about that to be honest actually can we do anything about that let's flip that over again we bring that back to that little loop that's better that looks a bit more controlled now all right there we go let's stick some side panels on that and make sure it works and now that looks an awful lot tighter than it did before sweet there we go that thing has successfully booted up well it's posted anyway windows this windows installers come across from another computer so Windows 10 is having a hissy fit but we'll give it ten minutes to read it all the devices in the new motherboard and that'll be straight back onto the desktop again so past that we're all finished thank you very much for watching everyone I'll see you all next time bye for now you
Channel: Adamant IT
Views: 87,452
Rating: 4.864069 out of 5
Keywords: adamant it, adamantit, computer, repair, shop, custom, gaming, modding, asus, ryzen, post, boot
Id: wlJ-k1Vdxbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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