EVGA has created the Ultimate AMD Motherboard?!?!

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HE did a video basically repeating EVGA marketing. I'll wait until Actually Hardcore Overclocking does his breakdown to see how good this board is compared to the other OC boards.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Edkindernyc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the guy who tests EVGA GPU temps in a 640x480 Heaven window.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/azardak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

No, Jay. No.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/souldrone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Answer: no, unless you're only doing extreme OC

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dr_CSS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stopped at JayzTeoCents.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ewallye πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

THIS is not EVGA first ever AMD motherboard (first EVGA Ryzen board yes, but not first AMD board)

has everyone completely forgotten EVGA Nforce boards? like the K7 (socket 754) and K8 (socket 939) even the AM / AM2 boards. ??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MikepTech πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
you want to know how you kind of disrupted the market a little bit especially when you're amd you get a company like evga to build an amd product bring your entire setup together with iq from corsair customize lighting effects by choosing from a vast selection of presets or create your own using custom lighting features allowing you to synchronize your battle station to your own taste and style icue also allows for full system monitoring and control including fan speeds lighting and more all from a single interface to see all the iq from corsair has to offer follow the sponsored link in the description below so what we've got right here is evga's x570 dark if you guys aren't aware of like the the level of which evga sort of names their products dark is at the top like this this is also kind of like kingpin's deal anything dark means it had kingpin's input and design kingpin and tint uh their design and their philosophy built into a product so we're gonna do today we're gonna open up we're gonna kind of take a first look we're gonna boot it up and look at the bios because i'm most curious as to what sorts of options we get in the bios because one of the things too that the dark boards have been all about whether it's the x299 boards or because remember our xoc stuff was usually done on either a um z590 dark or x299 dark now potentially an x570 dark the philosophy there is unlocked you can turn off all the checks and balances there and if you want to blow your stuff up go right ahead we'll let you do it and that's also how you typically get the best scores is you just kind of go for broke and you bite your thumbnails and your fingernails and you hope you didn't screw it up in some way so right on the top we're greeted with a little envelope what's in here installation quick guide the presentation's already nice check this out accessory kit so yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna rewind here for a second we were made aware of this board early as most influencers and and those in the tech space are and it was a few months ago and when i was told like hey keep this on the download but here's what we're working on you know my exact response was don't it up because asus and gigabyte and msi gigabyte slash auris and and asrock and all of them they've been making uh motherboards for amd all along and i've showed you guys in the past especially with the fx boards how the difference in quality between an intel product and an amd product always showed chintziness or or cheapness of materials when it comes to amd stuff and the the other thing that always bothered me about amd not amd itself but the motherboard manufacturers is is the is the wonkiness it's the weirdness of like usb disconnects and and the bios just kind of being crap or having uh constant bios releases because they're fixing bugs that are implemented by the manufacturer itself like asus is an amazing brand when it comes to the aesthetics and the design and it looks pretty but we've had so many weird problems on any of our amd systems here which are all running amd uh asus motherboards to where i went this could be great or it could be terrible and i don't want this to be like when evga first went into motherboards back in like the z67 era and the and all that where they actually like wiped the entire motherboard design team hired all new engineers and staff and rebuilt the product stack from the bottom up evga motherboards in my opinion especially on the intel side i don't know about the amd side yet we're gonna find out which is not something i ever thought in my in my entire life i would say an amd evga motherboard i don't think you should get excited about evga amd gpus i don't think that'll ever happen but then again i said this would never happen they they have an opportunity here to make it great and i don't want this to be a repeat of what happened with the old motherboards on the intel side of stuff so ted talk over accessory kit here's what you get this is where you're going to have all your holy antennas holy and the hannah montana look at that antenna that is a really stiff cable okay look it's even the ebj logo oh wow uh oh you do get the the motherboard standoff thing so all dark boards do come with a test bench standoff motherboard thing you can like mount it down on these are screws it even says right there screw pro bit cable yeah so all dark motherboards shut up phil so all dark motherboards do come with this uh this attachment here that attaches to the motherboard it gives you an easy spot to use your multimeter to check for voltages and stuff going to different aspects of the motherboard so you can't trust software voltage control or voltage readouts if you are if you're trying to get down to the nitty-gritty of xoc or extreme overclocking you need something like this where you can use hardware based monitoring in terms of voltage to see what's happening so that's what this is that's that's on every dark motherboard a bunch of extra screws here which are going to be m.2 thermal pads m.2 screws um looks like another m.2 screw hole down right there your evga badge which is metal i love that their badges are metal that's if you're into putting badges on your case and then we've got our 180s and 90 degree sata cables right there so the accessory stuff pretty standard for evga all the same stuff that you would see in any uh other dark motherboard but obviously this isn't why you're here this oh my goodness okay if weight is an indicator of quality then that's a quality thing right there so here's the board uh what i love about this the standoffs that they give you because the idea here is xoc right you're not going to put it in a case you are going to just you're going to set it on a test bench or something i love this because it's actually a pcb it's the same like pcb material they'd make it out of and it's all printed like exactly what's what and what also makes this awesome is the fact that it's labeled so if you needed to go in here and solder something or repair something a lot of xoc guys are also very good solders and they'll go and repair their own caps or chokes or something that can die they'll actually go in here and replace it themselves so this not only works as a standoff it's also a schematic this this right here this is why you're here never thought in my life i would be holding an evga amd product and it's pretty look at that you might notice right away the weird orientation of the cpu and the ram and the reason for that and this is something they actually started with i believe the z490 maybe z390 they found that getting all the power together 24 pin and your 2 8 pin eps right there allows for a cleaner uh and shorter power delivery system to the cpu it's like why stick power way up here in the corner and then have to route it past all these other smds and things on the surface of the motherboard that could that could give you some bleed over some sort of crosstalk between uh emf why not put them all together and have the shortest run possible to the cpu and by doing that they had to turn the cpu to have a short run so that's why you see the cpu angled and the ram in this weird spot at the top in terms of the phase setup i'm not even entirely sure of what the the face setup is on this i have to look but i can tell you right now whatever it is it's got gotta handle a pretty serious amount of uh of core count because this will support obviously up to a 5950x which is a 16 core 32 thread cpu this amount of mainstream courage i really screwed that tara [Laughter] it's just oh here's the little pool tab it's on this side if we take a look at the power delivery it's beefy not only is the is the power delivery beefy look at the heat sink on that guy i mean that that's like that's probably more cooling in the power delivery system of like many box coolers that come for cpus these days and that's the thing people don't realize that when you go xoc or or any sort of overclocking or heck not even just overclocking just standard usage of something that has that many cores and that many threads uh means that you've got to have a power delivery system that's beefy and having a beefy power delivery system also means you have to cool it you'll notice there's only two sticks of ram or two dim slots and the reason for that we've talked about this in the past is when it comes to memory controllers especially with memory controllers that are on cpus now because both ryzen and intel the memory controllers are on chip not on the motherboard that uh having single dimm per channel is the way you get the most stable memory and the fastest speeds if you're not having to split that data between two different dimms on the same channel you're able to get uh lower latency when it comes to the memory response especially when it comes to memory timings which means that having one stick per channel is how you're going to get the best amount of uh speed and latency out of your ramp now if you're building this system and trying to get the most ram possible because you're just a lover of evga in the dark series and you're doing things like content creation where you need to have the most ram possible minimum 32 gigabytes so many instances then you're gonna have to go with 16 gigabyte sticks in here i don't know if this would support 232 gigabyte sticks um it's possible but that's the downside about going with anything branded for xoc and design for xoc is you're going to have a limited capacity of ram because of the limited amount of sticks obviously if you're going full content creation you want to go amd we would recommend thread ripper because of the fact that it's quad channel and then you can have up to eight sticks of ram in that however i don't know if i would necessarily buy threadripper right now because a little birdie tells me threadripper 5000 series is probably only a short time away so in terms of connectivity we've got one two three four five six usb 3.0 four of them are the uh 10 gigabit we've actually got a usb c three point gen three two three three point whatever usb 3.2 gen two type c we actually got a ps2 port which is nice i know that doesn't stand for playstation 2 2 uh 2.5 gigabit ethernet ports so no 10 gigabit but two 2.5 which is kind of nice and then your standard spdif and your outputs here for audio look at the beefiness of that chipset cooler look at that that sucker is beefy so in terms of pcie 2 we've got two slots this is obviously going to support sli because dark is all about xoc and 3090 is do sli and if you look at the leaderboards on any of the uh the time spy and port royal and all that sort of stuff sli is obviously on there including our score it's still there and you got one 4x down here which could be for like a capture card sound card nick card uh maybe a m.2 card something so you got one of those not a whole lot of connectivity when it comes to the pcie and all that but that's because again this board designed for extreme overclocking we've got on the bottom here two usb 2.0 which is nice i've seen a lot of motherboards actually omit usb 2.0 and that's just because of the fact that they think everyone's going usb 3 but if you've got your aios or you've got your lighting controllers and stuff usually they need a standard 2.0 port header so you got two of those right there we've got supplemental six pin pci express power down here that's because if you're running like two overclocked 3090s we've shown with our keenpin cards when you're running xoc they'll be like 600 watts or more per card you need to have supplemental power here that way you don't overload the pci express 75 watt power delivery so it can supplement a pull from there not through the traces in the motherboard which is all about stability and obviously not burning out the headers usb 3.0 uh one of them right here i thought there was a second one somewhere but there's not real time qr readout or q code readout up here so this is really this really helps with diagnosing any sort of a no post or no boot issue it'll pause on a number and you can look that up in the manual and find out exactly what it's pausing on and this is also really cool right here too the has a bios flashback utility but it's on the motherboard itself it's not in the back so if you need to do a bios flashback evga does have that functionality as well and it's right here on the top this is where you plug in your sd card or your flash memory or thumb drive or whatever one two three four rgb headers two 12 volt two five volt addressable which is something that evga hasn't had on their boards in the past they had some lighting built onto their board but they didn't have any sort of headers to control third-party uh lighting devices now you do and they're all together at the bottom down here which could may or may not be the best routing but you know they're there and then of course we've got fan headers galore one of the things that evga has never skimped on when it comes to their motherboards is the amount of fan headers they give you because a lot of heat requires a lot of cooling and as such you have a lot of options here for that one two three there's a three bios motherboard so you can have different bio setups uh saved based on configurations so you can have one two and three we also have the evga slow mode switch down here which really helps with cold boots if you have to do it so here when you bring the temps down really really low on xoc and you have things that are starting to get frozen on the board you have a limited amount of time to do things and if you have to do a restart sometimes the system will not boot if it's too cold that actually helps it boot uh when it's already down into its freezing temps let's boot it up let's take a look inside the bios i am most curious about what controls we get in the bios so we got a little setup going here which is looks very evj inspired obviously with our evga power supply and our evga graphics card they didn't this isn't a paid for video or anything i just figured why not match the brands because you can stock cooler on there we are running a 3950x this board is actually supports 3000 and 5000 series i have a 5600x and my 5900x and my 5950x are uh currently being utilized in our systems and then my 5800x went into a build that was actually for someone else so i figured we'll just go to the 3950x because it's supported and it's also a high core count cpu but what all we care about is what are the options that we're going to see inside of the bios so i'm going to go ahead and turn this on one thing you might notice right away is that the x570 dark logo isn't dark this is the first dark motherboard i think that has any sort of lighting built into it all right here we go so this is typical cmos check some air cpu memory have changed you want to enter setup yes so far this looks exactly the same as we've seen with uh any of the previous boards in the past so roma default system settings enter setup gamer mode set a conservative overclock and evga oc robot the oc robot right now what that's going to do is it's going to run a series of checks at certain frequencies certain voltages and check for temperature and then what will happen over time is it will then just continue to push see it just pushed it up now 100 megahertz see here's the problem a lot of motherboards will say hey we've tested 100 cpus or 300 cpus i think some of the brands have said they test as much as 300 to 500 different cpus of the same sku to find where those like median here's where every cpu was able to go and then they'll do that this one actually tests each one individually like this so you see it keeps bumping the frequency bumps the voltage and then it keeps an eye on cpu it will go as far as where the cpu uh headroom and voltage is considered safe to give you your overclock so right now it's actually overclocking on the wraith cooler which by the way i didn't if i had an aio or something set up to this or a water cooler this would be a lot lower which will allow that to go higher which will allow that to go higher look it's just uh 70 done right now in oc tuning you see a little progress bar right here let's just see where it lands and then we'll check out where the uh what kind of settings we get oh i thought i put the 3950x in there one of two things happened i wanted to see if there was anything you know maybe that's available on 5000 series that's not on 3000 series or i'm just stupid both are highly probable press apply fine let's apply that okay so it's going to reboot evga's bios in my opinion is amongst the simplest strips out most of the garbage you just don't need or care about which makes it the the just the best overclocking experience because of the fact that so much of it handles itself plus they don't don't bore you with the settings you just don't need this all looks identical this looks exactly as i'm expecting it to look it shows you exactly what's connected to your pcie lanes so you can see we have one pci express 16x three point gen three device set up that's our graphics card here's our memory size so apparently those are 16 gigabyte sticks right there holy cow you don't even know any of the parts in this computer i just grabbed them from the shelf it's going down the way everyone thinks it happens all right so let's see we've got for overclocking here overclocking we have multiplier control all core or per ccx f clock frequency so that's our fabric clock that's set to auto that's usually going to be half the rate of whatever the memory is set to and then the clock divider mode um b clock frequency so that's like base clock extreme voltage in la2 mode those unlock when you have proper cooling on there so you would disable those that way you can undo any of the limitations when it comes to voltage it just allows you to push things a lot higher because our vcor setting cpu soc vddp all this stuff you would play with if you were doing extreme overclocking none of it really matters for us but i love the fact that they break memory out from a separate tab so we can actually go in here and enable the 3200 megahertz profile it tightens the timings it tells you what your current timings are in an easy to see spot so you can see it would be tightening up the tcl by two clock speeds those are the same same same and then it really tightens up the the reference clock right here uh or the t-ras smt that simultaneous multi-threading you could turn off hyper threading if you wanted core control one per ccx two three four five per ccx this is awesome so this is the kind of stuff that i was hoping to see where we can actually break it all out individually so precision boost overdrive that is the uh auto overclocking built into amd so we could set the pvo limits of precision boost overdrive the scalar the max boost clock override now other motherboards give us a max of 200 what's this one going to give us a max of 200. so that's just kind of what's built into pbo uh platform thermal throttle limit auto or manual you could set the temperature throttle how will it let us go okay 200 it will let you go to 200c i don't recommend you go to 200c i really really don't recommend that you go to 200c no your processors are turning into a neutron stars say 85 is fine so not a whole lot to talk about here because nothing has actually changed that i can find which is awesome they've just broken it down simple to see simple to understand menu to make everything as simple as possible now extras check this out stress test you want to see how hot it's going to get that's the same thing like you just saw us do only what this does now is instead of going through and trying to overclock it it's going to run it at max voltage max frequency so that you can see over time what happens to the temperatures so i love this because if you want to know if your settings are going to be too hot under load for and this is a different kind of load obviously it's not like an avx instruction type of type of load but it is a load nonetheless before ever leaving the bios after you've applied your settings you can check for test for one stability and temperatures so we could play around with our overclocks without ever leaving the bios which gets you a good starting point without going okay oh good posted we're in operating system oh blue screen so you can find a spot here at which you're comfortable and then go and test it in your real world application can this cpu dare do a 5-0 all core overclock at stock voltage now remember this is just a good starting point for your overclocks and your stress testing it's not recommended to be like oh this is stable this is just yeah see it just locked up right there this is designed to see what can you get away with before you ever go to the operating system the evga x570 dark it's pricey it's extremely pricey it's over 600 so is every other dark board that's ever existed so that shouldn't be surprising to anyone that's familiar with the dark motherboard and is i'm going to go back to ebg oc robot to undo what i did but if you're familiar with the dark and what it's meant to do what it stands for the price shouldn't surprise you but what also might surprise you this is not the most expensive amd motherboard on the market that uh x570 godlike from msi that we took a look at was over 700 so things are getting pricey but that's the price you pay if you want the absolute top tier best that you can get on the market so would i pair a 5600 x with this motherboard no 5900x 5950x for sure 58 maybe but i would rather spend less on the motherboard and get a higher tier cpu if it i could only afford a 5600x after spending this much on a motherboard but evga knows who their clientele is with this board that clientele is going to buy it if anything there's already concerns about stock shortages on this as it is and by that it's just the amount of people are going to buy this up going oh my god evj made an amd motherboard i have to have it that sounds fanboyish but it's happening so anyway sound off in the comments down below what you guys think about the evga x570 dark i'm surprised it has leds and led control on it but that just shows people want it therefore they implemented it i know someone would be like it's expensive because they put rgbs in there it probably cost them a few extra dollars to implement that and i bet you that had no bearing on the price of the board whatsoever the multi-layer pcb design all of the power delivery design on this the way the cpu is turned in the new trace is designed for the power delivery and its xoc capability triple bios all the features on the motherboard itself all the headers all that sort of stuff is why this board is expensive as it is thanks guys sound off down below if you would even consider buying an evga amd product or if you're going to wait and see how this motherboard is received over long-term user reports because this is after all evga's first time building an amd motherboard they've got a lot of motherboard building experience with intel but it doesn't always all translate over to the other brand so sound off down below what you guys think about this board and as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 560,815
Rating: 4.9419789 out of 5
Keywords: evga, amd, evga amd motherboard, did evga switch to amd, amd motherboard, x570, x570 dark, evga x570 dark, best amd motherboard, best motherboard for amd, best ryzen motherboard, amd ryzen, amd 5600x, 5600x, 5700x, 5800x, 5900x, 5950x
Id: t3AsuL1CEkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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