MY PC DIED | How to fix a PC that will not post

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what's going on guys Ricky Arnold here ready to bring you another video here I'm a little bit upset about this video though because this computer right here my main computer has decided to just die on me I'm not really sure why but we're gonna go ahead and take a couple steps to try to figure out why that may be so let's roll that intro and get right into it let's go [Music] okay so before we get started in everything like that I'll give you a little bit of a backstory on it so I was plugging in one of my USB devices and all of a sudden the computer just turned off on me so I have a USB C port back here on my motherboard and I was plugging in my USB C SSD that I have that I transferred my video files on a lot of times all of a sudden I made contact with the USB C port and the entire computer just shut off on me I have no idea why it did that but upon trying to turn it back on I noticed that I was not getting any big video signal to my computer I was or to my monitors I was only getting all of the power to the computer I was getting all the fans spinning and everything like that everything was good but I was not getting any video signal and I have no idea why that is so I've taken a couple different steps to try to remedy this so what I've done so far is I have taken out the video card reseated it that did not work I have taken the power out of the video card ivory put that in that did not work I have actually tried a bunch of different configurations with the actual power supply itself I plugged it into different wall outlets in my house I've tried a power strip just for fun I have actually plugged in just single monitors one at a time to different ports that did not work I still haven't gotten a signal with that and I have actually taken my RAM modules I have switched them and I have actually tried to boot with just one now that worked and that actually cleared my CMOS battery twice and neither of those attempts worked either so right now I'm kind of at a loss for ideas so at this point in the video if you guys already know what the problem is leave it in the comments below let me know and dummy but right now I kind of went through all the steps that I usually do if my computer's having a problem booting and then so right now I think we're gonna have to do is actually unassembled the entire computer and then we're gonna have to reassemble it outside of the case to see if maybe there's a short somewhere or if actually one of my components in my computer is defective so this is kind of my process of what I would do here if you guys actually have this kind of problem as well I would take everything out of the case just like I'm about to do and kind of assemble it one by one again and see if something maybe either came loose or there's some kind of short width in your case so we're gonna go ahead and start taking all the parts out and we're gonna assemble it right here on the table here and see if we can find what the problem is [Music] all right guys now we have the main components out of the computer we can act you just hook up the necessary ports here just to see if we can try to diagnose what's actually wrong with it okay guys so now I've gotten all the parts kind of just put on and the essential things I needed to test out all on here so we got the memory in we got everything slotted in there with CPU and the motherboard power all slotted in where it should be and the VGA power both in there and I have a monitor right here that I'm gonna go ahead and connect to my graphics card here I'm gonna use the HDMI port now my test Bowl HDMI and DisplayPort to see if they both work because I was using DisplayPort on both my monitors before and that's what was not working so it could be maybe a problem with a display poor else on this graphics card so if that's the problem then you know that's what we need to fix so let's go ahead and plug in our power supply real quick that make sure our power is on just going to the wall yep it's good power switches on and let's go ahead and where is our reset button should be right here all right we're trying again I switch the HDMI to a different port and on a different signal on my monitor to see if that did it and select HDMI to it looks like we are still not getting a signal my fans are spinning on my Radeon seven but I am not getting any power signal for any video signals so that is not good so this may be a graphics card issue 810 okay guys so it's the next day yes you can want to see my hands right now but these are all the parts that are still laid out so last night I did something I didn't film it because it was weighted night my girlfriend was sleeping and she had to get up early for work this morning so I called my buddy Tom you guys remember Tom Wright from the video I just did there you tell me yeah so I called him he was gracious enough to let me use the graphics card of that build that I built for him so I know that graphics card works just fine his PC isn't running awesome so get let me take that graphics card out and try it in this one and I tried it in both PCIe 16 votes lots right here nothing nothing came up on the screen I tried with that card I still tried all the different configurations I tried to hook up different leads on my power supply to see if maybe one was faulty I hooked the VGA stuff up to different ones and still nothing I'm still getting the same thing I'm getting everything turning on and I'm not getting any signal out of the computer I'm not the computer but the monitor and occasionally on my debug LEDs right here I will get the CPU is not initializing all right they believe it's going on manuals right here it indicates that the CPU is not detected or fail so I looked that up on Google and ran through a whole bunch of different things that people say that you should do when that comes up and still no avail to that so my next option here is to take off my CPU cooler and actually clean off my CPU reapply thermal pay actually take the CPU out receipt it and then actually reapply thermal paste put my CPU cooler back on and then see if that fixes it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay now that we have everything plugged in let's go ahead and try this real quick flip that on everything's good let's go ahead and check the power signal here he's plugged in monitors ready let's see what it says on the monitor if it gets nothing I'll flick it on and I'll show you and hopefully you guys can see it from this angle but yep the CPU light is now not on though I'm not getting that debug LED anymore so that's good but it was doing that before - it was intermittent it wasn't doing the whole CPU debug LED light every single time you only do it every it was like almost every other time actually that it would do that so now yep let's turn this monitor on just select our input here and you guys will see here you should pop up and say no signal here yep that's the no signal screen so it's still getting no signal right now my next option pretty much is like what I said I'm gonna go ahead and have to probably get a new power supply and some different rams and try that and see if one of those is the culprit if not it's down to the CPU or the motherboard that either one of those is the problem so I don't believe it's the CPU I think my CPU is just fine I think it's gonna come down to the motherboard to be totally honest guys we're gonna go in the future so let's go a couple hours in the future right now okay guys so we're back from Best Buy it is now in the future a couple hours so what I picked up the best of all was some new memory I got some Corsair Vengeance that focus yep it's I'm focused got some Corsair Vengeance RGB Ram got 32 gigs because that's what I have currently in the system and find them keeping this I want to make sure that I have the same capacity that I had before and I actually got the faster speed it's rated up to 32 hundred megahertz on this one so we'll see if this works and if this is the problem then there you go I'll keep this and I figured I'm gonna get a new memory and might as well get some cool looking memory and this will actually sync with all the rest of my Corsair stuff yeah I called me a corsair fanboy whatever i have a bunch of their products just randomly because i keep buying them and are they all sing together so why not so i got that and then another thing from Corsair i got was the 800 or the 850 X the RM 850 X power supplied just to test this out in case this is actually the problem so we got that to test as well so I think the first thing I'm gonna do is actually test the memory so we're gonna take that out because that's like that's honestly the first thing I think that might be the issue because when that light comes on for the the CPU light sometimes it says that it could be the CPU or the RAM so we kind of did this test and figured out that there's nothing like physically wrong with my CPUs so it doesn't look like anything's wrong with it and now the light is actually going off so I'm gonna go ahead and remove these RAM sticks put these new ones in and see if that changed anything everything's connected monitors ready let's go ahead and do this and see if that was the problem all right and we're getting look at that some beautiful RGB right there I already liked that I might actually just keep this stuff even if it's not the problem cuz if it looks really cool then you go ahead and make sure the input is responding and still no signal guys let's go ahead and get this thing connected and find out if this is the problem let's go ahead and click this guy on see if everything spins here we're gonna power to the card so that means I think that configuration works and will we get anything on our screen here a fan spun on there like it's supposed to but it will stop because it says unload demand it will stop spinning so that's normal okay see we got here nothing popped up initially so that's not exactly good select our HDMI input and no signal again okay guys so welcome back to what I'm just calling the mess right now sorry this video is just like so messenger stuff everywhere all over the place I usually don't ever shoot like that but this is just the nature of the beast today so so what I've done is I've actually been able to secure a new motherboard so we got the ROG Strix b3 of the F gaming motherboard this is actually one of the ones that I wanted when I first did my build anyway so we're gonna go ahead and put all of our components into this motherboard and we're gonna see if everything boots and if it does then oh my god conclusion to this video will know I had a brick motherboard let's go ahead and get everything put onto this motherboard and we'll see what happens [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so finally we got everything installed on the motherboard we have all of our required plugs put in I double-checked them all they're all in there everything's seated correctly we got to do here just go ahead and turn yep there you go turn our power supply on yep we got a power light right there that's cool and then let's see if I can first try good look at that okay well I've got some more RGB on this motherboard now - that's fun I think I'm gonna end up keeping this Ram guys this stuff looks really good so these LED lights was it telling me we did yep usual - starts then lights are off oh no way no what oh my god that was that you guys I had a dead motherboard that was it everything else is here new CPU installed please enter setup two figures system okay well I am seriously happy right now because I figured it out it looks like Mike I can get my computer back up and working and I got a different motherboard now that works oh man you guys I am so happy that I figured this out and this finally works so in conclusion to this video you guys what had happened was what had happened was uh it looks like this motherboard is faulty something happened so that's it man I got a bricks motherboard but now I have a new one that works and we're back in business so that's the end of this video guys please please leave a like on this video if you guys enjoy this kind of content really helps me out and I really appreciate it leave me some comments down below let me know what you guys think about this video and stuff like this and then of course make sure you subscribe to my channel put those notifications on so you can see more videos like this one and all the other kind of stuff that I do on this channel but until then guys I'm going to go ahead and put my computer back together and I will see you guys in the next video later [Music]
Channel: RA Visuals
Views: 322,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc will not post no beeps, pc will not post with graphics card installed, pc no post no display, pc no post troubleshooting, pc no post beep on boot, pc no post screen, new pc no post, pc troubleshooting no post diagnosis, pc won't post no beeps, no post pc fix, pc troubleshooting no post, pc troubleshooting process, pc troubleshooting and repair, pc troubleshooting problems and solutions, pc troubleshooting no display
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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